TPIOSBHTC :: Volume #13

#1227: Everyone can bully the dark green deity

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Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… Fight complementary waves wreaking havoc dark green Son of Heaven ancient grave. 战斗余波肆虐苍天王古墓。 Ha haha...... ha haha...... happy, is really happy!” “哈哈哈……哈哈哈……痛快,真是痛快!” Kui grasps the inherited spiked club, under brandishes, opens greatly gathers greatly, likely war-god. 蛮奎手持祖传狼牙棒,挥舞之下,大开大合,像个战神。 The uncivilized nationalities then by the ethnic group that heaven and earth cares , the peak uncivilized nationalities are not the weak dragon clan terrifying exist. 蛮族本身便是受天地眷顾的族群,巅峰蛮族是不弱龙族的恐怖存在。 Now because although the quantity issue has the decline much, but once visited the peak eventually, leaves behind extremely the super ethnic group of bloodlines. 如今虽因为数量问题多有没落,但终究是曾踏足巅峰,留下绝顶血脉的超级族群。 Under Kui as the uncivilized nationalities strongest talent character, it acts now, ruthless spicy, presses the dark green deity to beat savagely unexpectedly suddenly, making the dark green deity not have the strength to hit back. 蛮奎作为蛮族当今最强天才人物,其出手之下,狠辣非常,竟一时间压着苍天神暴打,让苍天神毫无还手之力。 The dark green deity mentioned is also aggrieved. 苍天神说来也是憋屈。 His oneself obviously is extremely the evildoer/monstrous talent, even there is a peerless evildoer/monstrous talent elegant demeanor. 丫的自己明明是绝顶妖孽,甚至有绝世妖孽风采。 May in process that in this fights unceasingly, so long as if comes a person then to be able oneself to suppress, coming then to suppress oneself. 可在这不断战斗的过程中,似乎只要来一个人便是能够将自己压制,来一个便是能够将自己压制。 king Jidao the body of solemn legend level expert so cannot withstand unexpectedly, this makes him quite uncomfortable. 堂堂传说级强者的王级道身竟如此不堪,这让他相当不爽。 Go away!” “滚!” The dark green deity violent anger acts, dark green deity divine ray, has shelled above Kui fleshly body. 苍天神暴怒出手,苍天神神光所过,轰击在蛮奎肉身之上。 Kui big such as demon god body, was rumbled to fly at the scene. 蛮奎高大如魔神般的身躯,当场被轰飞出去。 Under tumbles, flies kilometer far, this stops the figure. 连滚带爬之下,飞出去千米之远,这才堪堪止住身形。 But what accidental/surprised is. 但让人意外的是。 This to can tear into shreds the void strength strongly, the vegetation has not caused any damage, void also firm like rock waste, does not have any damage. 这强劲到能够撕碎虚空的力量,并未对此地植被造成任何伤害,虚空也坚固如顽石,没有任何损伤。 Here all seem like completely not by the dark green deity and influence of Kui showdown. 这里的一切看上去完全不受苍天神与蛮奎对决的影响。 Ha haha...... ha haha......” “哈哈哈……哈哈哈……” Was rumbled barbarian Kui who flies to laugh, the whole person seems incomparably tyrannical. 被轰飞的蛮奎哈哈大笑,整个人显得无比暴虐。 Happy, happy, happy, I want is this happiness .” “痛快,痛快,痛快,我要的就是这种痛快,在来。” Kui is skin coarse meat is seriously thick, was just hit by so wild frontage in attack, the bystander is unexpectedly same. 蛮奎当真是皮糙肉厚,被刚刚如此狂暴的攻击正面击中,竟然没事人一样。 He grasps the inherited spiked club, dragon-like prancing and tiger-like pacing, casual, kills to the dark green deity. 他手持祖传狼牙棒,龙行虎步,大大咧咧,杀向苍天神。 That inherited spiked club was cut-throat, once had been battered to death the demigod, was absolutely terrifying great killing tool. 那祖传狼牙棒凶狠非常,曾砸死过半仙,乃是绝对恐怖的大杀器 Facing so attacks to kill, is the dark green deity must deal carefully. 面对如此攻杀,就是苍天神也需小心应对。 His thought moves, that broken dark green Heaven in appearance. 心念一动,那残破的苍天界在度出现。 Broken dark green Heaven belongs to dark green deity magical treasure, once was hit to explode by Zheng Tuo body Luo Immortal True Person, now was repaired by the dark green deity, at the scene. 残破苍天界属于苍天神的法宝,曾被郑拓道身落仙真人打爆,如今被苍天神修复,在度出现场中。 Has broken dark green Heaven to prevent, is blocks Kui to attack to kill strongly. 有残破苍天界阻挡,算是堪堪挡住蛮奎强势攻杀。 Dark green deity, has the skill to slaughter with me directly, does in these flowers the gaudy thing is what skill.” “苍天神,有本事与我正面厮杀,搞这些花里花哨的东西算什么本事。” Kui is not feeling well. 蛮奎不爽。 He likes slaughtering directly, showdown of meeting the tough head-on with toughness. 他喜欢正面厮杀,硬碰硬的对决。 Reviewing this broken world is very strange, has the inexplicable strength to prevent him, this makes him quite uncomfortable. 反观这残破世界十分诡异,带有莫名力量将他阻挡,这让他极为不爽。 In hand above inherited spiked club mark twinkle. 手中祖传狼牙棒之上蛮纹闪烁。 The domineering and overbearing barbarian mark surges, immediately vibrates really a broken dark green Heaven. 强势而霸道的蛮纹涌动,当即震动真个残破苍天界。 Buzz! 嗡! Kui acts completely, has not retained, under attacks to kill wild, broken dark green Heaven in welcomed does not know several destruction. 蛮奎全部出手,没有丝毫保留,狂暴攻杀之下,残破苍天界在度迎来不知道第几次的毁灭。 Big Kui this inherited spiked club also is really savage!” “大奎这祖传狼牙棒还真是凶残啊!” Heaven is glad to see a play. 苍天子乐得看戏。 His relations with the dark green deity is very complex, is far from for the personal enemy, is far from for the good friend, is far from for the relative. 他与苍天神的关系十分复杂,谈不上为仇人,也谈不上为好友,更谈不上为亲戚。 This complex relations, his heaven child oneself somewhat was hard a wisp of clear. 这种复杂的关系,就连他苍天子自己都有些难以缕清。 After all is uncivilized nationalities, in the past once fought with the dragon clan, robs the cultivation world first Confucian orthodoxy the powerful race, although now declines, but remaining prestige still.” “毕竟是蛮族,当年曾与龙族争锋,抢夺修仙界第一道统的强大种族,如今虽没落,但余威仍在。” willow Huanyue so opens the mouth. 柳浣月如此开口。 Then regarding Kui, before she for a long time is very very long, knew, the two are the good friends, therefore she has the understanding of Quito. 对于蛮奎,她很久很久以前便是认识,二者算是好友,所以她对蛮奎多有了解。 The two all have the extremely high rating to Kui, only has the chaos Great Emperor. 二者对蛮奎皆有极高评级,唯有混沌大帝。 His vision is profound, looks at the two to fight, does not know that is thinking anything. 他目光深邃,望着二者战斗,不知道在想些什么。 Outside world. 外界。 The heaven pavilion people and Jiang people stand outside the dark green Son of Heaven big grave. 苍天阁众人与姜家众人站立于苍天王大墓之外。 By their status, without the qualifications enters the dark green Son of Heaven big grave. 以他们的身份,没有资格进入苍天王大墓。 Even Grandpa Jiang existence of this rank, does not have the qualifications to enter, is more impossible to enter forcefully. 就算是姜太爷这种级别的存在,也没有资格进入,更不可能强行进入其中。 Does not know that is who dares to excel at breaking into my heaven pavilion restricted area!” “也不知道是谁敢擅闯我苍天阁禁地!” Gray expression many somewhat serious. 苍苍表情多有几分严肃。 The heaven pavilion restricted area, only has dark green deity one person to visit. 苍天阁禁地,唯有苍天神一人可以踏足。 This is not only the custom, is a deterrent. 这不仅仅是规矩,还是一种威慑。 They present this group of people, one is one, even to break this rule to enter, does not have the ability. 他们在场这群人,有一个算一个,就算想要破坏这种规矩进入其中,也是没有能力的。 Because in this restricted area has a strength to prevent their entries. 因为这禁地之中有一种力量会阻挡他们的进入。 Should be heaven that fellow comes back!” “应该是苍天子那个家伙回来了!” Dark green Huan said, immediately is guessed who entered in the restricted area. 苍桓如此说道,当即便是猜测出谁进入了禁地之中。 Yes! In this world, besides dark green deity Boss, is only then heaven that fellow is qualified for in the restricted area.” “是啊!在这个世界上,除了苍天神老大外,便是只有苍天子那个家伙有资格进入禁地之中。” The vault of heaven clenches jaws, looks extremely uncomfortable. 苍穹咬牙切齿,看上去极为不爽。 What! Heaven that fellow also dares to come back!” “什么!苍天子那个家伙还敢回来!” The dark green valuable day the violent walks immediately, the whole person is wild. 苍宝天当即暴走,整个人狂暴非常。 He is unable to visit the restricted area, perhaps this moment already enters, looks for heaven to do accounts. 要不是他无法踏足禁地,恐怕此刻已经杀入其中,找苍天子算账。 Heaven this bastard, how he has a face the heaven pavilion!” “苍天子这个混蛋,他怎么有脸回苍天阁!” The dark green valuable day cursed again and again. 苍宝天咒骂连连。 For the heaven queen person, my heaven pavilion pillar/backbone, actually the betrayal heaven pavilion, opposes with my heaven pavilion in the outside world obviously everywhere, how he has a face, how he dares to come back.” “明明为苍天王后人,我苍天阁支柱,却背叛苍天阁,在外界处处与我苍天阁作对,他怎么有脸,他怎么敢回来。” This is the aspirations of all heaven pavilion clansmen. 这是所有苍天阁族人的心声。 They regarding the heaven hatred, even the ratio is huge to Luo Immortal Sect. 他们对于苍天子的恨意,甚至比对落仙宗还要巨大。 Own peerless evildoer/monstrous talent did not help oneself also even, became friends with the strength unexpectedly everywhere, threatened the destruction heaven pavilion. 自家的绝世妖孽不帮助自己家也就算了,竟然还四处结交实力,扬言覆灭苍天阁。 Mentioned heaven, then made the heaven pavilion people have a fit of bad temper thoroughly. 提到苍天子,便彻底让苍天阁众人炸毛。 Heaven?” “苍天子吗?” The Jiang people hear are the heaven child returns, is one by one is curious. 姜家众人听闻是苍天子归来,也是一个个好奇非常。 After all the name of this cultivation world first protruding bones in the occipital region young, but not the weak that legend does not have the surface and taboo Luo Immortal True Person. 毕竟这修仙界第一反骨仔之名,可是不弱那传奇无面与禁忌落仙真人的。 I said that dark green valuable day, heaven is not the heaven queen person, your heaven your wife commands the sleeve, how actually to turn into you biggest personal enemy now, object who most resents.” “我说苍宝天,苍天子不是苍天王后人,你们苍天阁正统领袖,怎么如今却变成了你们最大的仇人,最愤恨的对象。” The ginger fights puzzled, inquired makes noise. 姜斗不解,询问出声。 This perhaps is not only Jiang, this is entire Eastern Territory, secret that everyone wants to know. 这恐怕不仅仅是姜家,这是整个东域,所有人都想知道的秘密。 Heaven is the heaven queen person, the heaven pavilion sole heir. 苍天子乃是苍天王后人,苍天阁唯一继承人。 Has heaven of heaven pavilion, actually why to betray the heaven pavilion, actually to have what kind of secret facts. 坐拥苍天阁的苍天子,究竟为何背叛苍天阁,其中究竟藏有怎样的隐情。 After all. 毕竟。 But heaven the heaven queen person, high of its position, endures compared with emperor Xuanyuan tyrant sovereign existence. 苍天子可是苍天王后人,其身份地位之高,堪比帝轩辕霸皇这种存在。 The betrayal of character, the heaven pavilion present reputation, has relates and guess in addition much. 如此人物的背叛,加上苍天阁如今的名声,让人多有联想与猜测。 In rumor, heaven thinks that the destruction heaven pavilion, builds the new heaven pavilion above the heaven pavilion ruins!” “传言中,苍天子想覆灭苍天阁,在苍天阁废墟之上重新建立新的苍天阁!” Jiang Yuan said some everyone's well-known information. 姜媛说出了一些大家众所周知的信息。 Some people all ponders, do not dare to talk too much. 众人皆有思考,并未敢多言。 If you are so the ideas, I can tell you, you looked down on this heaven. “如果你们是这般想法,那我可以告诉你们,你们太小瞧这苍天子了。 Heaven I have seen, this person of thoughts are meticulous, is quite intelligent, this person works, will not be inevitably simple. ” 苍天子我见过,此人心思缜密,极为聪慧,这种人做事,必然不会简单。” The ginger passes opens the mouth at this moment, looks to the back side of the mountain restricted area. 姜通此刻开口,望向后山禁地之中。 But in this moment restricted area, the dark green deity and Kui's fight is more intense. 而此刻禁地之中,苍天神与蛮奎的战斗越加激烈非常。这个主角明明很强却异常谨慎最新章节地址: : 这个主角明明很强却异常谨慎全文阅读地址: 这个主角明明很强却异常谨慎txt下载地址: 这个主角明明很强却异常谨慎手机阅读: ( Chapter 1227 who can bully dark green deity) 为了方便下次阅读,你可以点击下方的"收藏"记录本次(第1227章谁都能欺负一下的苍天神)阅读记录,下次打开书架即可看到! please( QQ, blog, WeChat and other ways) recommend this book to your friend, support thank you!!( 喜欢《这个主角明明很强却异常谨慎》请向你的朋友(QQ、博客、微信等方式)推荐本书,谢谢您的支持!!(
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