TPW :: Volume #10

#950: God Realm puppet

Shi Mu and Feng Li walk side-by-side, after hearing the behind disorderly sound of footsteps, looks at one mutually , to continue. 石牧冯离并肩而行,在听到身后杂乱的脚步声后,互望一眼,继续前行。 After the moment, at present presents azure Stone Gate, just like before, center the door also had a monkey shape scoop channel. 片刻后,眼前又出现了一道青色石门,与之前一样,门扉正中处同样有一处猴形凹槽。 The Fu Tuo guy vision looked at the moment in the scoop channel place, slightly one hesitant, walks up, turns the hand to take out a statue of covering mouth monkey, admitted in the scoop channel. 浮坨大汉目光在凹槽处看了片刻,略一犹豫,走上前去,翻手取出一个捂嘴猴的雕像,放进了凹槽之中。 Also is ka a sound. 又是“咔”的一声响。 In that azure Stone Gate, resounds rumble the sound of friction, hit toward the two sides. 那道青色石门内,响起“隆隆”的摩擦之声,向着两边打了开来。 After Stone Gate opens, reveals pitch-dark big hole, seems wanting to swallow the big mouth of people, spreads very fearsome aura faintly. 石门打开之后,露出一个黑漆漆的大洞,仿佛一张正欲吞噬众人的大口,从中隐隐传出一道道十分可怖的气息。 Had the experience of previous pass/test, gold/metal ape a clansman becomes more discrete, at this moment looks at the front door that opens wide, no one dares to go advanced. 有了上一关的经历,金猿一族人变得更加谨慎,此刻看着洞开的大门,谁也不敢先进去。 But after strength that seeing Shi Mu has displayed, they naturally do not dare to take Shi Mu to try the water again, must stand on one side, is waiting and seeing carefully. 而在见过石牧之前发挥的实力后,他们自然也不敢再拿石牧试水,只得站在一边,小心地观望着。 Shi Mu and Feng Li look at each other one, walked directly. 石牧冯离对视一眼,径直走了进去。 Since later, Shi Mu discovered, here space is also very big, on the wall of distant place is shining the glimmer, above seems to be also carving what chart mark, looks is not very clear. 进入之后,石牧就发现,此处的空间同样很大,远处的墙壁上亮着微光,上面似乎也雕刻着什么图纹,不过看的不是很真切。 Fu Tuo saw Shi Mu two people to go, stopped slightly a while, leads the clansman hastily with. 浮坨石牧两人进去了,略微停顿了一会儿,才连忙带着族人跟了进去。 He is not only feared to encounter the mishap early, and feared late, resulted in treasure by the Shi Mu two people. 他是既怕进去早了遭遇不测,又怕进去晚了,被石牧二人得了宝物 The gold/metal ape clansman since later, behind azure Stone Gate was completely same like before, closed. 金猿族人全部进入之后,身后的青色石门如同之前一样,重新闭合了起来。 Although in their hearts is prepared, but when Stone Gate closes that flickers, on the people face revealed the anxious color, for fear that presents what strange restrictions law formation again. 虽然他们心中对此都有准备,但当石门关上的那一瞬,众人脸上还是露出了不安之色,生怕再出现什么古怪的禁制法阵 However passed the moment, the surrounding peace, has not had what strange law formation to trigger, has no strange fluctuation to transmit. 然而过了片刻,周围一片安静,并未有什么古怪法阵触发,也没有什么奇异波动传来。 Has not imprisoned True Qi, this time can display completely strength.” The Fu Tuo guy relaxes secretly, said to Chiuta. “没有禁锢真气,这次可以发挥全部实力了。”浮坨大汉暗暗松了口气,对丘塔说道。 Does not have restrictions not necessarily is the good deed, only feared that this test will be more difficult.” Chiuta listens, on the face does not have the slight happy expression, the sinking sound said. “没有禁制未必是好事,只怕这次的考验会更加艰难。”丘塔听罢,脸上却没有丝毫喜色,沉声道。 At this moment, above side stone wall of distant place, exudes suddenly , the superficial rays of light writings, will illuminate all around translucently. 就在这时,远处的一面石壁之上,突然发出“噗”的一声,表面光芒大作,将周遭照得透亮。 People one startled, goes following the prestige in abundance. 众人一惊,纷纷循声望去。 The Shi Mu brow slightly wrinkle, looks on front stone wall are carving three human form reliefs. 石牧眉头微皱,望着前方石壁上雕刻着的三个人形浮雕。 Thing that it seems like that this then must cope with.” Shi Mu says. “看来这就是接下来要对付的东西了。”石牧开口说道。 His finishing speaking, a rays of light distortion on wall, the eye of that three human form reliefs transferred the revolutions suddenly, six arms search outward, three people worked loose from the wall simultaneously. 他的话音刚落,墙壁上的光芒一阵扭曲,那三个人形浮雕的眼睛忽然转了转,六只臂膀向外一探,三个人同时从墙壁上挣脱了出来。 After that three human form reliefs turn into the puppet mortal body, about each one moved a body, seeming like adapting to this body to be the same, seems somewhat strange. 那三个人形浮雕化成傀儡肉身之后,各自左右活动了一下身体,看起来就像是在适应这副躯体一般,显得有些诡异。 Left wears armor, the whole body is jet black, the body surroundings are floating like the ink long mark, seems like is not only similar to one black continuously ** air/Qi, and as if superficial black inflammations. 左边一个身穿铠甲,浑身漆黑,身体周围漂浮着一道道如同水墨般的长痕,看起来既如同一缕缕黑**气,又仿佛一道道浅淡黑炎。 The middle human form puppet, the body also puts on armor, but its outside the body is also covering a scarlet red long gown. 正中间的人形傀儡,身上同样穿着铠甲,不过其体外还罩着一件赤红色的长袍。 In its top of the head steadily a red hair, is similar to one group is burning the flame, stand erect, about is swaying. 在其头顶上长着的一头红发,就如同一团燃烧着的火焰,根根竖立,左右摇晃着。 But the right side human form puppet, except for the eyes position, all wraps from top to bottom in one set of shining armor, even in ray not really bright environment, as before sparking dazzling. 而右侧的人形傀儡,除了双眼的位置,浑身上下全都包裹在一套金灿灿的铠甲之中,即使在光线不甚明亮的环境中,依旧闪亮的刺眼。 After these three human form puppets move, a head revolution, will look at Shi Mu and the others. 这三个人形傀儡活动完毕之后,头颅一转,一齐将目光投向了石牧等人。 Meanwhile, on three human form puppets the imposing manner erupts instantaneously, swept across all of a sudden. 与此同时,三个人形傀儡身上气势瞬间爆发,一下子就席卷了过来。 Shi Mu and Feng Li stand shoulder to shoulder, bear the brunt. 石牧冯离并肩而立,首当其冲。 It only felt that as if gale sways, moves their clothing flap flap makes noise, does not have other influence again. 其只感到仿佛一阵大风吹拂而过,将他们的衣衫吹动得猎猎作响,却再无别的影响。 But the gold/metal ape clansman in its behind not far away, actually changes color in abundance. 而在其身后不远处的金猿族人,却是纷纷变色。 Besides Fu Tuo and other strength strong people, others cannot endure this pressure, staggers retreat several steps, fell on the ground. 除了浮坨等几个实力较强之人外,其余的人抵受不住这股威压,踉跄后退数步,跌坐了在了地上。 God...... God Realm puppet!” A gold/metal ape clansman called out alarmed and afraid. “神……神境傀儡!”一名金猿族人惊惧叫道。 Is three!” “还是三具!” How does this hit? Escapes quickly......” another gold/metal ape clansman, crawled to yell from the ground. “这怎么打?快逃吧……”另有一名金猿族人,从地上爬了起来大叫道。 Fu Tuo complexion also becomes very unattractive, the vision looked dignifiedly to the front. 浮坨脸色也变得很不好看,目光凝重地望向了前方。 However, his vision actually fell on Shi Mu and Feng Li, these two strength details made him worry more and more. 不过,他的目光却是落在了石牧冯离身上,这两人的实力底细令他越来越担忧了。 Brother Shi, this black armor puppet very to my appetite, I first selected.” The Feng Li vision falls on that black armor puppet, said with a smile. 石兄,这个黑甲傀儡挺对我胃口,我就先挑了。”冯离目光落在那黑甲傀儡身上,笑着说道。 Then, when he unexpectedly first step runs out, played toward the black armor puppet on own initiative. 说罢,他竟当先一步冲出,主动朝着黑甲傀儡打了过去。 Sees only him to jump in the sky, a fist bombardment, a huge black fist shadow then pounded to that black armor puppet. 只见其当空跃起,一拳轰击而出,一道巨大的黑色拳影便砸向了那黑甲傀儡。 The black armor puppet whole body is surrounding Demon Qi surging suddenly, then kept off the Feng Li black fist shadow. 黑甲傀儡周身环绕着的魔气忽的一涌动,便将冯离的黑色拳影挡了下来。 Feng Li Hehe smiled two, drew back toward one side. 冯离嘿嘿”笑了两声,朝着一侧退了开来。 A that black armor puppet direction revolution, the stride steps, then pursued toward Feng Li. 那黑甲傀儡方向一转,大步一跨,便朝着冯离追了过去。 Shi Mu saw Feng Li to make the black armor puppet, the vision fall on the body of that red armor rice puppet. 石牧冯离引走了黑甲傀儡,目光落在了那尊赤甲傀儡的身上。 Good, was you.” Shi Mu smiled was saying, the stride stepped forward , a fist, pounded toward the red armor rice puppet fiercely. “好,就是你了。”石牧微笑着说了一声,大步向前一跨,也是猛地一拳,朝着赤甲傀儡砸了过去。 These two people are really only Saint Rank cultivation base, how dares to meet the approaching enemy the God Realm puppet alone?” “这两个人真的只是圣阶修为吗,怎么敢独自迎击神境傀儡?” gold/metal ape a clan remaining clansman, looks at Shi Mu and Feng Li back, in the surface full is the surprised color. 金猿一族残余的族人,看着石牧冯离的背影,面上满是惊讶之色。 Chiuta complexion gloomy, the vision somewhat absent-minded looked at Shi Mu, in the heart already started somewhat to regret the beforehand approach. 丘塔面色阴沉,目光有些失神地看了一眼石牧,心中已经开始有些后悔之前的做法了。 At this moment, that Golden Armor puppet also moved, threw toward the gold/metal ape clansman. 就在这时,那金甲傀儡也动了起来,朝着金猿族人扑了过来。 Kills!” “杀!” In the Fu Tuo Hankou exudes one to angrily roar, moves forward to meet somebody toward the Golden Armor puppet. 浮坨大汉口中发出一声怒吼,朝着金甲傀儡迎了上去。 Be not gawking , helping Patriarch.” Chiuta calms down, shouted in a low voice. “都别愣着了,去帮族长。”丘塔定了定神,低声喝道。 Then, his body moves, is following Fu Tuo, moves forward to meet somebody toward the Golden Armor puppet. 说罢,其身子一动,追随着浮坨,朝着金甲傀儡迎了上去。 Other gold/metal Yuanzu people see, two puppet already direct by Shi Mu and Feng Li, oneself only need deal with this Golden Armor puppet, immediately had several points of courage, surpasses him to rush in abundance. 金猿族其他人见,两尊傀儡已经石牧冯离引走,自己只需应对这一个金甲傀儡,顿时又生出了几分勇气,也都纷纷超其冲了上去。 Shi Mu after that red armor rice puppet clashing number fist, the body flew high to withdraw, flew upside down. 石牧与那赤甲傀儡对撞数拳后,身子凌空后撤,倒飞了回来。 He discovered, although this red armor rice puppet build is less than the beforehand yellow turbans person of great strength, but its strange great strength actually by far former ten several times continue. 他发现,这赤甲傀儡体型虽然不及之前的黄巾力士,但其身上的古怪巨力却远胜前者十数倍不止。 Only at strength, Shi Mu, if non- incarnation Filling the Sky Giant Ape, is unable to have the big advantage. 单以力量而言,石牧若不化身弥天巨猿,无法占据多大优势。 However, this moment surroundings not Formation limit, Shi Mu naturally does not need the only flesh strength, comes to battle with the red armor rice puppet. 不过,此刻周围并无阵法限制,石牧自然也不需要单凭血肉力量,来与赤甲傀儡交战。 Sees only the Shi Mu right hand to search forward, above the arm red light flashes before immediately, the flame long column is similar to Wandering Dragon to be common together, following his arm winding on, covered his entire arm. 只见石牧右手向前一探,手臂之上立即红光闪现,一道火焰长柱便如同游龙一般,顺着他的臂膀缠绕而上,将他的整条胳膊都覆盖了起来。 This flame, in the surrounding space the temperature starts to rise fast. 这道火焰一出,周围的空间之中温度都开始快速上升起来。 A Shi Mu bow step, is gripping tightly forward the right fist rumbles suddenly from the waist bank. 石牧向前一弓步,紧握着的右拳从腰畔骤然轰出。 a sound. “呼”的一声响。 The flame long line, runs out from his arm together immediately suddenly, toward red armor rice puppet assault. 一道火焰长龙,立即从其手臂之上猛然冲出,朝着赤甲傀儡袭去。 In the flame long line, the open flame is steaming, middle is sparkling red rune that has the principle aura. 火焰长龙之中,明焰腾腾,当中闪耀着一道道带有法则气息的赤色符文 With Feng Li that the black armor puppet battles, induces in the aura to Shi Mu flame, a fist drove back the puppet, has turned head toward Shi Mu fiercely looks like, in the eye full is the surprised color. 正在与黑甲傀儡交战的冯离,感应到石牧火焰中的气息,一拳逼退了傀儡,猛地扭过头朝石牧这边看来,眼中满是惊讶之色。 Sees only in the red armor rice puppet eyes suddenly one bright, probably suddenly lightened two groups of bright flame. 只见赤甲傀儡眼中忽然一亮,像是突然闪出了两团明亮的火焰。 His big hand searches forward, the five fingers separate, in the palm red light flashes before, big flame spew out, is similar to a close flame big net, covers the Shi Mu flame long line, embezzled. 其大手向前一探,五指分开,掌心之中红光闪现,一大片火焰喷涌而出,就如同一张细密的火焰大网,将石牧的火焰长龙笼罩起来,吞没了进去。 Looks at own flame, fused in the flame of red armor rice puppet, Shi Mu felt slightly somewhat surprisedly, the brow also followed to select. 看着自己的火焰,融合进了赤甲傀儡的火焰中,石牧略微感到有些惊奇,眉头也跟着挑了起来。 This is......” Shi Mu has doubts to say secretly. “这是……”石牧暗自疑惑道。 In his flame has the silk threads principle aura, properly speaking should not be embezzled by other flame, only if the flame of opposite party also contains to have the strength of principle. 他的火焰之中已然带有了丝丝缕缕的法则气息,按理来说不应该会被别的火焰吞没,除非对方的火焰同样也蕴含有法则之力。 A little meaning.” In Shi Mu mouth light say/way, rushes toward the red armor rice puppet again. “有点意思。”石牧口中轻道一声,再度朝着赤甲傀儡冲了上去。 The toward previous one raises single-handed, the hand during technique secret art pinches, scarlet flame surge, shook in midair in a flash, was divided into three unexpectedly, turned into three Clear Sky Profound Fire Flag(s). 其单手朝上一扬,手中法诀掐动,一片赤红火焰涌动而出,在半空中晃了一晃,竟然一分为三,变成三面昊天玄火幡 Sees only three profound hot streamers to fly high to fly, falls from the red armor rice puppet, will become the confrontation among three forces certainly its surrounding in middle. 只见三面玄火幡凌空飞起,从赤甲傀儡周围落下,成三足鼎立之势将其包围在当中。 In the Shi Mu mouth the incantation recited silently, in the hand the law secret art made fast. 石牧口中咒语默默吟诵,手上法诀更是飞快打出。 Before the single-handed and aims, void. 其单手并指向前虚空一点。 hū lā a sound. 呼啦”一声响。 Three sturdy Clear Sky Sacred Flame spew out from the ancient streamer, like three rope burneds as mosquito repellent general, closely tied up the red armor rice puppet. 三道粗壮的昊天圣焰从古幡之上喷涌而出,如同三道火绳一般,紧紧地将赤甲傀儡捆缚在了其中。 Sees only flame steaming to raise, the fierce combustion, quick submerged the red armor rice puppet. 只见火焰“腾腾”升起,剧烈燃烧,很快就将赤甲傀儡淹没了进去。 By the flaming flame, Shi Mu saw, the body of that red armor rice puppet was similar to the magma to melt generally, unexpectedly little flowed following the ground. 透过熊熊火焰,石牧看到,那赤甲傀儡的身子就如同岩浆一般熔化了开来,竟一点点的顺着地面流淌了开来。 However a moment later, Shi Mu's complexion changed suddenly slightly. 然而片刻之后,石牧面色突然微微变了一下。 Sees only scarlet magma that in the ground flows, in to his foot near, sticks out suddenly quickly unexpectedly suddenly, finds out together the lava, rapid solidification in midair, changes to a scarlet red fist, pounds toward the Shi Mu surface gate. 只见地面上流淌开来的赤红岩浆,在快到其脚边之时,竟突然暴起,从中探出一道熔浆,在半空中迅速固化,化作一只赤红色的拳头,直朝石牧面门砸来。 Above that scarlet fist, but also is twining billowing Raging Flames, heat degree unexpectedly not compared with the Shi Mu Clear Sky Sacred Flame difference. 那赤红拳头之上,还缠绕着滚滚烈焰,热度竟丝毫不比石牧昊天圣焰差。 After that fist, the arm and half body of red armor rice puppet, condenses one after another. 在那拳头之后,赤甲傀儡的手臂和半边身子,也接连凝聚而成。 The Shi Mu figure like the electricity, removed backward half step, vision actually revolution of falling in the left chest place of red armor rice puppet. 石牧身形如电,向后撤开半步,目光却一转的落在了赤甲傀儡的左胸处。 Sees only there to blow up slightly, seems like has a hemisphere shape object to be outward raised, above can see some dark-red complicated patterns faintly. 只见那里微微鼓起,似乎是有一个半球状的物体向外凸着,上面隐隐能看到一些暗红色的繁复花纹。 Shi Mu right hand upward uphold suddenly, scoffing, piece of deep blue rays of light then gushes out from his palm. 石牧右手蓦的向上抬起,“嗤”,一片湛蓝色的光芒便从其掌心中喷薄而出。 That blue rays of light shape like the running water, looks very mild, but in that scarlet fist pounds the instance, actually suddenly becomes very wild, embezzled that entire only scarlet arm all of a sudden. 那蓝色光芒形如流水,看起来十分温润,但在那赤红拳头砸中的瞬间,却是突然变得十分狂暴,一下子就将那整只赤红臂膀吞没了进去。 Only listens to „” the sound to ring out, white mist ascend unceasingly. 只听“咝咝”之声大作,一道道白色雾气不断升腾。 The flame of winding on scarlet fist, the unexpectedly little earth-shaking transformation slightly weakened. 缠绕在赤红拳头上的火焰,竟然一点点地变小变弱了下去。 At this moment, above Shi Mu left hand scarlet flame winding, turning the fist into the palm, finds out suddenly, incomparably pricked in the left chest of red armor rice puppet accurate. 就在这时,石牧左手之上赤红火焰缠绕,化拳为掌,猛然探出,精准无比地刺入了赤甲傀儡的左胸之中。 Clang a sound. “锵”的一声响。 The Shi Mu left hand received from the chest of red armor rice puppet, in the palm were many a red sphere of fist size. 石牧左手从赤甲傀儡的胸口收了回来,掌心中却多了一个拳头大小的赤色圆球。 Just now rouses from its chest place, is this thing. 方才从其胸口处鼓出的,正是此物。
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