TPW :: Volume #12

#1108: The tribulation of flying upwards

Several days later, the place of Blue Sea Star Barbarian Tribe, White Horse Mountain rear valley. 数日之后,蓝海星蛮族之地,白马山后方山谷 White Horse Mountain scenery one day in the past, here changed other day, the Barbarian Tribe temple sent people this to examine, no discovery, then left quickly. 白马山的风景一日往昔,日前此处异动,蛮族圣殿派人来此查看了一番,没有什么发现,便又很快离开。 Sky over back side of the mountain valley void fluctuation, a person's shadow emerges out of thin air, is Shi Mu. 后山山谷上空虚空一阵波动,一个人影凭空出现,正是石牧 He stands in midair, looks that at present full mountain is verdant, on the face shows the smile of feeling relieved. 他站在半空,看着眼前满山青翠,脸上露出如释重负的笑容。 Although left on several th, but during this, goes through the life and death, as if left was ordinary for a long time. 虽然只是离开了几日,不过这期间几经生死,仿佛离开了许久一般。 Shi Mu stood a meeting in midair, the figure changed into together yellow glow, flew in the Eastern Continent peninsula direction. 石牧半空站立了一会,身形化为一道黄芒,朝着东洲半岛方向飞去。 He has not concealed oneself aura, just arrived at the halfway, gold/metal white two escaping light front surfaces fly to shoot. 他没有掩饰自己的气息,刚走到半途,一金一白两道遁光迎面飞射而来。 Shi Mu stopped the figure, looks at the present two escaping light with a smile. 石牧停下了身形,含笑看着眼前的两道遁光。 The gold/metal white two escaping light fall before its, appears Zhong Xiu and Ximen Xue form. 金白两道遁光在其身前落下,现出钟秀西门雪的身影。 Xiu Er, Xue'er, I came back.” Shi Mu sees the present two females, opened the arm. 秀儿,雪儿,我回来了。”石牧看着眼前的二女,张开了手臂。 In two female glittering the tears, were then jumping in the bosom of Shi Mu. 二女眼中闪烁着泪花,然后扑进了石牧的怀中。 ...... …… The time flies, in an instant is 300 years of hurriedly. 时光飞逝,转眼间又是三百年匆匆而过。 Blue Sea Star Eastern Sea enters the sea above a 30,000 li (0.5 km) ring-like island, around in the islands sky is covering plumbeous dark clouds, broad of surrounding area foot have several thousand li (500 km), middle has the bright to flash before faintly unceasingly. 蓝海星东海入海三万里的一座环形小岛之上,岛屿周围的天空上笼罩着一层铅色阴云,方圆足有数千里之广,当中隐隐有亮光不断闪现。 In ring-like islands, on a giant black reef, one male and three female relative and vertical, a female wears the azure gauze skirt, the elegant frown is tight, said to man: Husband, flies upwards the Heavenly Tribulation no small matter, ten million/countless be careful.” 环形岛屿中部,一块巨大的黑色礁石上,正一男三女相对而立,其中一女身着青色纱裙,秀美的双眉紧蹙,向身旁男子说道:“夫君,飞升天劫非同小可,千万当心。” Person of Zhong Xiu question, his strong man, naturally is Shi Mu, side is Ximen Xue, Jin Xiaochai stands in the distance slightly far place. 问话之人正是钟秀,其身旁健硕的男子,自然就是石牧,旁边是西门雪,金小钗站在距离稍远的地方。 Several people of miraculous glows are faint, the obvious 300 years pass by, cultivation base has a big progress. 几人身上灵光隐隐,显然三百年过去,修为都有不小进步。 Ximen Xue cultivation base already achieved God Realm Late Stage impressively, Zhong Xiu and Jin Xiaochai also had God Realm Middle Stage strength. 西门雪修为赫然已经达到了神境后期,钟秀金小钗也都有了神境中期实力 Only 300 years have the so big progress, are simply inconceivable, do not know that Shi Mu used what method. 区区三百年有这般大的进步,简直不可思议,也不知石牧用了什么手段。 Xiu Er, don't worry, body of already Completion my True Immortal, many other prepared, passed Heavenly Tribulation to have confidence.” The Shi Mu look is gentle, then the line of sight falls on Ximen Xue, said. 秀儿,不用担心,我的真仙之躯已经圆满,还有其他很多准备,度过天劫还是有把握的。”石牧眼神柔和,然后视线又落在西门雪身上,说道。 By strength of husband, passing Heavenly Tribulation ninety percent sure. Husband felt relieved, we will also try hard cultivation, strives some day also to be able the flying upwards upper boundary, reunites with husband, will never separate.” The gentle voice of Ximen Xue red lip slightly said. “以夫君的实力,度过天劫十拿九稳。夫君放心,我们也会努力修炼,争取有朝一日也能飞升上界,和夫君团聚,永不分离。”西门雪红唇微张的柔声说道。 Shi Mu visits two people so appearance, the arm embraces to encircle into the bosom two people, the wing of the nose shrugs, is smelling two people of body fragrances. 石牧看着两人这般模样,臂膀一揽将两人圈入了怀中,鼻翼耸动,嗅着两人身上的体香。 In the ground three people of shadows, already fuses together, is unable to separate again. 地面上三人的影子,已经融为一体,再也无法分开。 Bang a loud sound. “轰隆”一声巨响。 In the sky the first stuffy thunder, three people of attentive interruptions, Ximen Xue and Zhong Xiu will in tandem lift from the Shi Mu chest front, raises head to look at Shi Mu, said with one voice: Goes.” 天空中第一声闷雷,将三人的温存打断,西门雪钟秀一前一后将头从石牧胸前抬起,仰头望着石牧,异口同声道:“去吧。” Shi Mu stood the body, slightly one waves, blue red two shadows fly to flash from his body, fell by the Zhong Xiu three people. 石牧站直了身躯,微一挥手,一蓝一红两道影子从其身上飞闪而出,落在了钟秀三人身旁。 Cai'er, Shui Lingzi, before my transcends tribulation succeeds, your two people protect the law for me.” Shi Mu said to them. 彩儿,水灵子,在我渡劫成功之前,你二人就为我护法。”石牧对他们道。 Shi Tou (stone), you felt relieved that has me , ensure cannot have what mistake.” Cai'er wields the wing, is striking one's chest the guarantee to say. 石头,你就放心吧,有俺在,保证不会有什么差池。”彩儿一挥翅膀,拍着胸脯保证道。 Although nearby Shui Lingzi is the color of whole face despising, pours does not have two words, immediately said: Relax, all gave me.” 一旁的水灵子虽是满脸鄙夷之色,倒也没有二话,当即说道:“放心吧,一切交给我了。” Shui Lingzi cultivation base also achieved God Realm Late Stage impressively, moreover seemed like cultivation in God Realm Late Stage to extremely high Realm, achieved faintly Realm that started the body of concise True Immortal. 水灵子修为赫然也达到了神境后期,而且在神境后期也似乎修炼到了极高的境界,隐隐达到了开始凝练真仙之躯的境界 In comparison, Cai'er was then more inferior, is still God Realm Middle Stage Realm, but looked that the aura fluctuated, there is a big progress. 与之相比,彩儿便逊色了许多,仍然是神境中期境界,不过看起气息波动,也有不小进步。 The Shi Mu figure shoots up to the sky, stands in midair, the austere body stands, both eyes shuts. 石牧身形冲天而起,站在半空,肃身而立,双目微闭。 His aura gradually steady invisible, only then the extremely slight fluctuation ripples, actually changes to the naked eye obvious golden color trace, spreads to go to all around. 他身上气息逐渐平稳无形,只有极为细微的波动荡漾而出,却是化作肉眼可见的金色纹路,向四周蔓延而去。 Ximen Xue beautiful pupil one bright, the Shi Mu's whole body fluctuation trace, tallies with the scope that the sea water ripples unexpectedly completely, the whole person as if integrated in the sea water, if closes the eye, she cannot even feel existence of Shi Mu. 西门雪美眸一亮,石牧周身波动痕迹,竟然与海水荡漾的幅度完全吻合,整个人都仿佛融入了海水之中,若是闭上眼睛,她甚至感受不到石牧的存在。 At this moment, Shi Mu both eyes opens the eyes suddenly, the big sleeve wields, the whole person goes air-splitting, changes to stream of light to fly into the deep sea distant place, at the same time, together golden light is actually quickly his one, is circling in flight the shoots towards sea level. 就在这时,石牧突然双目一睁,大袖一挥,整个人破空而去,化作一道流光飞入深海远方,与此同时,一道金光却是快他一部,飞旋着射向海面。 whistling......” “呼呼呼……” Strong winds howl the sound resounds, that said that golden light rises rapidly in a big way in midair, immediately changes to thousand zhang (3.33 m) great peak general holds up a day of great column, pounded into the sea water, was Heaven Shattering Staff. 一阵狂风呼啸般的声音响起,那道金光半空中急速涨大,顿时化作千丈巨峰一般的擎天巨柱,砸入了海水之中,正是翻天棍 The Heaven Shattering Staff side falls in the water, has not actually ceased slightly , to continue to rise fast in a big way, suddenly soars from the sea level, in great island common reveal like a sea above sea level. 翻天棍方一落水,却是丝毫没有停息,继续快速涨大,眨眼间就从海面之下飞涨而出,如同一座海中巨岛一般露在了海面之上。 The Shi Mu form flies to fall, raises head to look at the day. 石牧的身影飞落而下,仰头望天。 Assembled the lead above ring-like islands saying that does not know when already flies to move to several hundred li (0.5 km), appeared in the Shi Mu top of the head. 原本围聚在环形岛屿上方的铅云,不知何时已经飞移数百里,出现在了石牧头顶。 Time points pasts, midair Tribulation Clouds even more hung down, making one almost not gasp for breath. 时间一点点过去,半空劫云越发低垂,让人几乎喘不过气来。 However Shi Mu as if no to feel general, among the facial expressions even has the smile. 不过石牧似乎没有感受到一般,神情间甚至带着笑容。 Only listens to rumble a loud sound, in the middle of the heavy/thick lead cloud white light beats, opens wide suddenly, reveals a giant cavity, inside gold/metal hands over to strike the sound to get up, the innumerable say/way iron grey giant wind blade sweeps across immediately fully. 只听轰隆隆一阵巨响,厚重的铅云当中白光跳动,豁然洞开,露出一个巨大的空洞,里面一阵金戈交击之声响起,无数道灰白色的巨型风刃立即铺天盖地般地席卷下来。 Heavenly Tribulation finally starts! 天劫终于开始! Wind tribulation......” some Shi Mu accidents/surprises talked to oneself, how also does not see him to act, under its on huge Heaven Shattering Staff golden light fluctuates, a huge golden stick shadow departs. “风劫……”石牧有些意外的自语了一句,也不见他如何动作,其身下巨大的翻天棍金光波动,一根巨大金色棍影从中飞出。 Meanwhile, several other color stick shades depart from his within the body, each other spreads across, constructs the hundred zhang (333 m) sky over his top of the head the great framework light shadow, kept off these giant wind edges all. 与此同时,数道其他颜色的棍影从他体内飞出,彼此纵横交错,在他头顶上空构筑出百丈之巨的四梁八柱光影,将那些巨型风刃尽数挡了下来。 Zheng clank......” “铮铮铮……” The sound of giant metal intersection resounds unceasingly, gray wind edges cut above the framework, was cracked all, is unable to fall on Shi Mu, but the framework light shadow shakes has not shaken, consolidates like the mountain. 巨大的金属相交之声不断响起,一道道灰色风刃砍在四梁八柱之上,尽数被崩裂开来,丝毫无法落在石牧身上,而四梁八柱的光影晃也没晃一下,稳固如山。 Shi Mu also holds the breath to stand, does not have slightly the unnecessary movement. 石牧也只是屏息站立,没有丝毫多余的动作。 This made a person earache sound sound, was entire one day, Shi Mu is then static throughout and vertical, moved has not moved. 这令人耳痛的声音一响,便是整整一天,石牧始终静静而立,动也没有动一下。 For 300 years, his strength also has the considerable progress, this grade of wind tribulation, had not been watched by him. 三百年来,他的实力又有长足的进步,这等风劫,还不被他看在眼里。 At this moment, in lead cavity in the clouds rays of light beats, gold/metal hands over the sound of striking gradually to disappear, actually resounds the sound of intermittent intensive beating a drum, blazing incomparable aura passed on. 就在这时,铅云中的空洞内光芒跳动,金戈交击之声逐渐消失,紧接着却响起阵阵密集的擂鼓之声,一股炽热无比的气息从中传了出来。 Shi Mu raises head to look at the day, sees in the cavity red light to be suddenly bright, piece by piece dense and numerous scarlet Red Rune from dances in the air, quick covers entirely the entire cavity, but after that innumerable rune is emitting in abundance. 石牧仰头望天,就见空洞之内红光骤亮,一片片密密麻麻的赤红色符文正从其中飞舞而出,很快就将整个空洞布满,而在其后,还有无数符文正在纷纷冒出。 „After the wind-caused disaster, is the hot tribulation? It seems like Thunder Tribulation of hearsay also after this.” Shi Mu muttered, both hands lifted, actually the fast knot printed. “风灾之后又是火劫吗?看来传闻的雷劫还在这之后呢。”石牧喃喃了一番,双手一抬,却是快速结印起来。 Remote separates above ring-like islands several hundred li (0.5 km) away, Zhong Xiu is gripping tightly a hand of Ximen Xue, expression is looking at that piece to become the fiery red cloud cluster anxiously. 遥隔数百里之外的环形岛屿之上,钟秀正紧紧握着西门雪的一只手,神色紧张地望着那片正在变得火红的云团。 Ximen Xue sees his frontal eminence to have the perspiration faintly, in the heart moves slightly, another hand patted the racket on the Zhong Xiu back of the hand gently, hinting her should not be too anxious. 西门雪见其额角隐隐有汗,心中微动,另一只手轻轻在钟秀手背上拍了拍,示意她不要太紧张。 Zhong Xiu then looks one with her, on the face shows a happy expression of comfort, has not said anything. 钟秀回头与她对望一眼,脸上露出一丝安慰的笑意,却没有多说什么。 You feel relieved, Heavenly Tribulation of this degree could not have threatened Shi Tou (stone).” Cai'er sees that says. “你们放心好啦,这点程度的天劫还威胁不到石头。”彩儿见状,开口说道。 Shui Lingzi has not paid attention to Zhong Xiu actually they, the vision closely is always staring at midair Thunder Tribulation, does not know that is thinking anything. 水灵子倒是没有理会钟秀她们,目光始终紧紧盯着半空雷劫,不知在想什么。 Rumbling the sounds of a series of stuffy thunder resound crowded, above the distant place sea area was covered by piece of red light immediately, the dense and numerous flame lava gust of wind sudden downpour pounded to fall generally. “轰轰轰”一连串闷雷之声密集响起,远处海域之上顿时被一片红光笼罩,密密麻麻的火焰熔岩疾风骤雨一般砸落了下来。 Although people to far, at this moment actually also the clear feeling roasted the friendly wave, is raiding rolling. 众人虽然离之极远,此刻却也清晰的感受到了一股炙热火浪,正在滚滚袭来。 With it relative, immediately becomes on the sea level that already surges up wild, the innumerable sea water well up but actually, changes to the Mí Tiān monstrous waves to throw toward the sky, has to counter-attack unexpectedly greatly on, irrigates the potential of fire fighting cloud. 与之相对,原本就已经波澜起伏的海面顿时变得狂暴不已,无数海水倒涌而起,化作弥天巨浪朝着天空扑去,竟大有反扑而上,浇灭火云之势。 Under the hot cloud, several giant long sticks circle to dance in the air. 火云之下,数根巨大长棍盘旋飞舞。 This time no longer is shadow, but is the entity, blocked inundated the Heavenly Fire flame lava. 这次不再是虚影,而是实体,挡住了漫天火焰熔岩。 ...... …… Several days later, in the sky a PL crack, ten thousand purple gold lances from giant five colors cloud clusters, the enfilade, shelled to go toward below sea area. 数日之后,天空之中一声“霹雳”炸响,万道紫金电矛从一片巨大的五色云团之中,纵射而下,朝着下方的海域之中轰击而去。 Roar......” “吼……” A giant roaring sound gets up, incarnation ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Giant Ape Shi Mu, about three have transferred continually, six arms wield together, hits toward the upper air, in its palm, the assorted light beam explodes to shoot, with this purple gold lance hedge one. 一声巨大咆哮声起,早已化身万丈巨猿石牧,三头左右连转,六臂齐齐挥动,朝着高空中打去,在其手心之中,各色光柱爆射而出,与这一片紫金电矛对冲一处。 But right above the Giant Ape body, two giant rings, is actually circling rapidly, the purple blue two color rays of light writings, are Yin-Yang governing thunder ring. 而在巨猿身躯正上方,两道巨型圆环,却正在飞速环转着,其中紫蓝两色光芒大作,正是阴阳御雷环。 The innumerable electricity lances by its hauling, were flooded into like the water snake generally, suddenly the most purple electricity will swallow a cleanness unexpectedly. 无数电矛受其牵引,如同游蛇一般涌入其中,一时间竟将大半紫电吞噬了个干净。 For several days, various Thunder Tribulation lower. 几天来,各种雷劫一波波降下。 Thunder Tribulation of might, went beyond the expectation of Shi Mu, at this moment seems like already to be very exhausted. 雷劫的威力之强,超出了石牧的预料,此刻看上去已经很是疲惫。 Rumbling the sound of fulmination has resounded through the vault of heaven, the assorted light beam in Giant Ape hand perishes together with the electricity lance most probably, still had is pierced by the electric light much, pounds to fall on Giant Ape. “轰轰轰”的爆鸣之声早已响彻天穹,巨猿手中的各色光柱大半都与电矛同归于尽,却仍有不少被电光洞穿,砸落在了巨猿身上。 Five colors light barrier that however on Giant Ape appears suddenly, is actually flashes, above is reappearing golden rune and ancient cauldron shadow, seems very uncommon, even if were hit by the these electric light, has not actually collapsed. 然而巨猿身上突然浮现的一层五色光幕,却是闪动不已,上面浮现着一道道金色符文和一个个古鼎虚影,显得很是不凡,即使被这些电光击中,却也没有崩溃开来。 At this moment, Zhong Xiu and the others the erect are in together in the azure red light curtain of half arc, expression looks at that sea area that the purple thunder is covering anxiously, that ring-like islands already under their body does not see early, displacing is actually a mountain peak of tall Yueshu hundred zhang (333 m). 此刻,钟秀等人正立身在一道半弧形的青红光幕之中,神色焦急地望着紫雷覆盖的那片海域,在他们身下的那座环形岛屿早已经不见,取而代之的却是一座高约数百丈的山峰。 This was not they left the original islands, but was affected by Shi Mu Heavenly Tribulation, not only original condition already of ring-like islands did not exist, the sea water was also evaporated one less than half, making the sea level of entire sea area drop the number hundred zhang (333 m). 这并非是他们离开了原来的岛屿,而是受石牧天劫波及,非但环形岛屿的原貌已经不复存在,就连海水也被蒸发了一小半,使得整个海域的海平面都下降了数百丈之多。 Probably, was about to end......” at this moment, Shui Lingzi said suddenly. “好像,快结束了……”就在这时,水灵子突然开口说道。 People hears sound, looks hastily toward that side. 众人闻声,连忙朝那边望去。 Sees only concentrates the solid incomparable giant purple gold thunder waterfall to fall from the cavity together suddenly, hit directly on the giant ring. 只见一道凝实无比的巨型紫金雷瀑从空洞之中骤然落下,径直打在了巨型圆环上。 Yin-Yang governing thunder ring vibrates immediately fiercely, appears is somewhat unable to withstand the load, appearance that a vice general must collapse. 阴阳御雷环立即剧烈振动起来,显得有些不堪重负,一副将要崩溃的样子。 Under governing thunder link, Giant Ape body half bow, a fearsome great strength by thunder Baoya on his body, even by the tenacity of his body, somewhat cannot endure gradually. 御雷环下,巨猿身体半躬,一股可怖巨力透过雷瀑压在了他的身上,即便以他的身体之坚韧,也渐渐有些吃不消。 Roar......” “吼……” Also is a great roar, the Filling the Sky Giant Ape body surface profound yellow light glow blooms, the body golden color hair vanishes instantaneously, on the face the facial features also changed the human form. 又是一声巨吼,弥天巨猿体表玄黄光芒绽放,身上金色毛发瞬间消失,脸上五官也变化回了人形。 His whole person changes into a Three-Headed and Six-Arms yellow and black giant, thunder Bao the pressure is unable to shake his slightest again. 他整个人化为一个三头六臂的玄黄巨人,雷瀑的压力再也无法撼动他分毫。 Shi Mu both eyes black white light glow glittering, spout the air/Qi of magnanimous Yin-Yang. 石牧双目白光闪烁,从中喷涌出海量的阴阳之气。 As the air/Qi of boundless Yin-Yang pours into gathers in thunder ring, the ring that seemingly creakied rises suddenly unexpectedly again, is swallowing purple gold thunder Bao crazily. 随着磅礴的阴阳之气灌入聚雷环中,原本看似摇摇欲坠的圆环竟然再度暴涨一圈,更加疯狂地吞噬着紫金雷瀑。 However purple gold thunder Bao drops from the clouds continuously, as if forever will not stop rests. 不过紫金雷瀑源源不断从天而降,似乎永无止歇。 Time points pasts, the purple gold thunder waterfall might was getting bigger and bigger , was getting more and more thick, gradually submerged Shi Mu in the purple thunder and lightning. 时间一点点过去,紫金雷瀑威力越来越大,也越来越粗,逐渐将石牧淹没在了紫色雷电中。 Even if Shi Mu displays True Immortal Body, complexion still gradually changed. 石牧即便施展出真仙之体,面色也渐渐变了。 ...... …… After half double-hour, bang a loud sound, purple thunder waterfall cuns (2.5 cm) vanish finally, on the Yin-Yang governing thunder link appears cracks, then immediately explodes, changes into the innumerable fragments. 半个时辰之后,“轰隆”一声巨响,紫色雷瀑终于寸寸消失,阴阳御雷环上面浮现出一道道裂纹,然后随即爆裂开来,化为无数碎片。 In the upper air five colors cloud cluster turns wells up, gradually becomes fuzzy, right in the middle white light actually gradually is greatly hold, shines upon translucently the trim sky, the giant fontanel that leaf of vague cloud Ju becomes appeared. 高空之中五色云团一阵翻涌,逐渐变得模糊起来,正当中处白光却是逐渐大盛,将整片天空映照得透亮起来,一扇若有若无的云聚而成的巨型天门从中浮现了出来。 Shi Mu this moment complexion is pale, a figure loosen, gets makes the hundred zhang (333 m) size suddenly, although has not removed the body of True Immortal, already did not have Three-Headed and Six-Arms. 石牧此刻面色苍白,身形一松,骤然变作百丈大小,虽未褪去真仙之躯,却也已经没有了三头六臂 He deeply inspires, the figure welcomed the fontanel to speed along to go, neared unceasingly, more to the near, felt like Mount Tai, being hard little advance. 他深吸一口气,身形迎着天门飞驰而去,不断抵近,越到近前,却觉得身如泰山,难以寸进。 Shi Mu angrily roars, the both arms pull, four Heaven Shattering Staff appear suddenly, changes to hold up a day of great column to pound toward the fontanel, in the mouth roared loudly: Opens to me!” 石牧怒吼,双臂一扯,四翻天棍骤然浮现,化作擎天巨柱朝着天门砸去,口中大声咆哮道:“给我开!” Rumble......” “轰隆隆……” An intermittent space fluctuation raids, in the upper air is visible, void fell toward Tianmen center unceasingly, the slit of light shines together, spreads the intermittent heavenly music singing in praise of the Buddha, the fontanel also opens wide suddenly. 一阵阵空间波动袭来,高空之中肉眼可见,虚空不断朝着天门正中陷了下去,一道光隙亮起,紧接着从中传出阵阵仙乐梵音,天门也随之豁然洞开。 Shi Tou (stone), became, became, hahahaha......” a joyful cry transmits. 石头,成了,成了,哈哈哈哈……”一阵欣喜叫声传来。 A Shi Mu figure reduction, changed into the human form again, sees nearby Cai'er and Shui Lingzi already speeds along, but, flew into on Shi Mu. 石牧身形再一缩小,重新化为了人形,就见一旁彩儿水灵子已经飞驰而了过来,飞入了石牧身上。 Both were Shi Mu Soul Pet, Shui Lingzi display one to steal a day of secret technique, covered up two's world of mortals aura, followed Shi Mu to fly upwards should not to have the issue together. 两者身为石牧灵宠,水灵子又施展了一门偷天秘术,遮掩二者的下界气息,跟随石牧一同飞升应无问题。 Husband......” Zhong Xiu and Ximen Xue also flew, the beautiful pupil does flicker is looking at Shi Mu. “夫君……”钟秀西门雪也飞了过来,美眸一瞬不瞬的望着石牧 Shi Mu turns the head to look toward the Ximen Xue two people, the opens the mouth wants saying that sees in the fontanel together under the milky white rays of light suddenly cover, covered him. 石牧转头朝着西门雪二人望去,张口欲言,就见天门之内一道乳白色光芒骤然罩下,将他笼罩了进去。 In the light beam, the body of Shi Mu flies slowly, flutters toward the great gate. 光柱中,石牧的身体缓缓飞起,朝着巨门飘去。 Innumerable White Rune gush out from the light beam, inside spreads an unusual incomparable spiritual power fluctuation, toward takes away as many things as possible in all directions. 无数白色符文从光柱中涌出,内里传出一股奇特无比的灵力波动,朝着四面八方席卷而去。 The Ximen Xue three people were swept by this fluctuation, first is the whole body stagnates, in the surface revealed surprised incomparable expression. 西门雪三人被这波动一扫而过,先是周身一滞,紧接着面上就露出了惊讶无比的神色 When three people are surprised, listens to sky over the fontanel to broadcast the Shi Mu sound: This is the strength of upper boundary principle, the intention comprehends......” 三人正惊疑之际,就听天门上空传来石牧的声音:“这是上界法则之力,用心参悟……” Finishes speaking, a huge suction shows from the great gate suddenly. 话音刚落,一股巨大吸力猛然从巨门中透出。 Shi Mu body one light, submerges the midair great gate instantaneously, vanishes without the trace. 石牧身体一轻,瞬间没入半空的巨门,消失无踪。 The golden fontanel fluctuates gently, integrates the horizon to vanish slowly void, but the strength of surroundings principle fluctuates has not stopped. 金色天门轻轻波动,缓缓融入天际虚空消失,不过周围法则之力波动并未停止。 The Jin Xiaochai great happiness, sits cross-legged to sit down hastily, senses the strength of this principle. 金小钗大喜,连忙盘膝坐下,感悟这股法则之力。 Zhong Xiu and Ximen Xue have not actually paid attention to the these principle to fluctuate, calmly is looking at the sky, as if crazy generally. 钟秀西门雪却没有理会这些法则波动,静静望着天空,仿佛痴了一般。 ( End) (完) ........................ …………………… 【The «Profound World Gate» official cartoon serializes fiery!】 Fellow Daoist , " Profound World Gate » official cartoon already gets online in Tencent animation App and Tencent animation homepage version officially, turns on the cell phone to click on Tencent animation search Profound World Gate then to enjoy a Eyes and Ears new two dimension Daoism new world smoothly: 【《玄界之门》官方漫画火热连载中!】各位道友,《玄界之门》官方漫画已在腾讯动漫App及腾讯动漫网页版正式上线,打开手机点击腾讯动漫搜索“玄界之门”即可畅享耳目一新的二次元玄门新世界:
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