TPW :: Volume #12

#1107: Cuts to kill, leaves, stem borer

Aura that this green great blade lends really fearsome, in him by the pagoda that above the framework transforms, it seems like it is Miao Kong trump card. 这绿色巨刃散发出的气息着实可怖,远在他以四梁八柱幻化的宝塔之上,看来是妙空杀手锏 x x In the Shi Mu look instantaneous rays of light flashes continually, suddenly the opens the mouth spouts a blood, submerges in the pagoda. 石牧眼神中瞬间光芒连闪,蓦然张口喷出一口鲜血,没入宝塔中。 The pagoda rays of light puts immediately greatly, changes, changes into a wide back great axe impressively, blooms eight types not to use color rays of light. 宝塔立刻光芒大放,摇身一变,赫然化为一柄宽背巨斧,绽放出八种不用颜色的光芒 Shi Mu has controlled the framework now thoroughly, achieves Realm that the shape at will changes. 石牧现在早已彻底掌控了四梁八柱,达到形随意变的境界 Goes!” Shi Mu makes a daoist magic secret art, the great axe flashes changes into a lightning, cuts loudly, chops to cut on the heads of nine gluttonies. “去!”石牧打出一道法诀,巨斧一闪化为一道闪电,轰然斩下,劈斩在九首饕餮的脑袋上。 The instance that the great axe chops, Shi Mu the sleeve wields simultaneously, more than ten groups of Magical Treasure rays of light fly to shoot, hits goes to nine gluttony heads. 巨斧劈下的瞬间,石牧同时袖子一挥,十几团法宝光芒飞射而出,打向九首饕餮脑袋而去。 These more than ten Magical Treasure are miraculous glow glittering, might enormous Spirit Treasure, that two previously just obtained yellow round bead Magical Treasure impressively also in inside. 这十几个法宝都是灵光闪烁,威力极大的灵宝,那两个先前刚刚得到了黄色圆珠法宝赫然也在里面。 Nine gluttony bodies still could not unable to move, see with own eyes this scenery, body surface white light glittering, white light on head fiercely one bright, the thickness was almost more than doubled. 九首饕餮此刻身体仍然动弹不得,眼见此景,体表白光一阵闪烁,脑袋上的白光猛地一亮,厚度几乎增加了一倍多。 Bang! 轰隆! The great axe stands on the white light shield ruthlessly, has a startled day loud sound. 巨斧狠狠站在白色光盾上,发出一声惊天巨响。 The light shield shivers immediately fiercely, rays of light gloomy many, but immediately great axe separating. 光盾立刻剧烈颤抖,光芒暗淡了不少,但是立刻将巨斧弹开。 Does not wait for nine gluttonies to be happy that more than ten Spirit Treasure fly to shoot, but. 不等九首饕餮高兴,那十几个灵宝飞射而至。 Explodes!” In the Shi Mu hand formed hand seals, more than ten Spirit Treasure have a loud sound suddenly, immediately changes into more than ten groups of dazzling incomparable light groups to rupture, submerged the heads of nine gluttonies in inside. “爆!”石牧手中掐诀,十几件灵宝陡然发出一声巨响,随即化为十几团耀眼无比的光团爆裂开来,将九首饕餮的脑袋淹没在了里面。 The Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering shock-wave high sea opens toward all around one volume. 惊天动地的冲击波怒涛般朝着四周一卷而开。 Although there is dazzling rays of light to block, but by Shi Mu and Miao Kong eyesight, can still see the situation in rays of light deep place clearly. 虽然有耀眼的光芒挡住,不过以石牧妙空的目力,仍然能清楚看到光芒深处的情况。 From exploding affects by more than ten Spirit Treasure continually, nine gluttony head white guard shields were again gloomier. 被十几个灵宝自爆连番波及,九首饕餮头上的白色护罩再次暗淡了许多。 Especially that two Earthly Yellow color sphere Spirit Treasure from exploding, the might is enormous, as if two groups extinguish the thunder of god, exploded white light dispersed. 尤其那两个土黄色圆球灵宝自爆,威力极大,仿佛两团灭神之雷,将白光炸散了许多。 Cuts!” In the Miao Kong eye golden light flashes, the right hand wields, the green great blade changes into together the green shadow, flashes to fall, cuts in the white light weakest place. “斩!”妙空眼中金光闪动,右手一挥,绿色巨刃化为一道绿影,一闪而落,斩在白光最为薄弱的地方。 The white light shield is wounded continually, finally somewhat cannot support. 白色光盾连番受创,终于有些支撑不住。 snap! 咔嚓 The light shield appears together the crack. 光盾浮现出一道裂纹。 The Miao Kong great happiness, the opens the mouth spouts golden blood, then changes into innumerable golden rune to submerge in the green great blade. 妙空大喜,张口喷出一口金色血液,然后化为无数金色符文没入绿色巨刃中。 Roar! 吼! radiance that the green great blade blooms hold, makes the sound that the wild animal roared immediately again greatly, and humming sound shivered, although was somewhat difficult, but continued to cut into the white light shield. 绿色巨刃绽放的光华立刻再次大盛,发出野兽咆哮的声音,并且嗡嗡颤抖不已,虽然有些艰难,不过还是继续斩入了白色光盾中。 Nine gluttony facial expression big changes, in the eye appear the panic-stricken color, will go all out to grasp the time principle that to pour into to the light shield on head, but still cannot prevent the green great blade. 九首饕餮神情大变,眼中浮现出惊恐之色,拼命将掌握的时间法则灌注到脑袋上的光盾中,不过仍然没能阻止绿色巨刃。 On the light shield the crack spreads rapidly, finally of bang explodes. 光盾上裂纹迅速蔓延,终于轰的一声爆裂开来。 However the green great blade as if also consumed all strengths, the build reduces fast, in an instant changes into several feet. 不过绿色巨刃似乎也消耗了所有的力量,体型飞快缩小,转眼间化为十几丈大小。 In the Miao Kong eye severe glow in a flash, the opens the mouth spouts golden blood, integrates in the green great blade. 妙空眼中厉芒一晃,张口又喷出一股金色血液,融入绿色巨刃中。 Two blood essence spout, Miao Kong complexion somewhat is also pale. 两口精血喷出,妙空脸色也有些苍白起来。 Bang! 轰! On the green great blade leaps the big piece green flame immediately, the flaming combustion, inside innumerable green rune tumble. 绿色巨刃上立刻腾起大片绿色火焰,熊熊燃烧,里面无数绿色符文翻滚。 Green hot blade flies to shoot fuzzily under. 绿色火刃一个模糊飞射而下。 No!” In nine gluttony hearts is unwilling completely, in the mouth sends out to bellow. “不!”九首饕餮心中满是不甘,口中发出大吼。 So long as crosses a meeting again, it then can compel within the body the strength of time temporarily, restores the action. 只要再过一会,它便能暂时逼住体内的时间之力,恢复行动力。 So long as resumed the action, Shi Mu and Miao Kong gave up any idea of that injures its slightest. 只要恢复了行动,石牧妙空就休想伤它分毫。 The green hot blade flashed pierced the skins of nine gluttonies, submerged his head. 绿色火刃一闪刺穿了九首饕餮的皮肤,没入其脑袋。 Nine gluttonies send out a startled day to bellow, but it cannot move at this moment, the whole body shake chaff shivers, the both eyes circle stares, shows scary rays of light. 九首饕餮发出一声惊天大吼,不过此刻其还是动弹不得,全身筛糠般颤抖,双目圆瞪,透出骇人的光芒 Miao Kong complexion changing suddenly, the ananda broken buddhist monk's knife and his relation cut off at this moment suddenly, does not know that nine gluttonies used what method. 妙空脸色陡变,阿难破戒刀和他的联系此刻突然断绝,不知九首饕餮施展了什么手段。 Do not do struggled senselessly, death!” A person's shadow emerges out of thin air in nine gluttony behind, impressively Shi Mu. “别做无谓挣扎了,死吧!”一个人影凭空出现在九首饕餮身后,赫然正是石牧 He drinks one lowly, an arm by gold/metal blue two color flame packages, and palm like blade, a ruthlessly thorn to the heads of nine gluttonies. 他低喝一声,一只手臂被金蓝两色火焰包裹,并掌如刀,一下狠狠刺向九首饕餮的脑袋。 The Giant Ape thick arm is easily accomplished, submerges in nine gluttony hard incomparable heads directly. 巨猿粗大的手臂摧枯拉朽一般,直接没入九首饕餮坚硬无比的脑袋中。 The sad and shrill pitiful yell spreads from the gluttony mouth. 凄厉的惨叫从饕餮口中传出。 Bang! 轰! The gold/metal blue flame hold, wrapped the heads of nine gluttonies simultaneously greatly, was extremely extremely hot and cold aura erupts suddenly. 金蓝火焰同时大盛,包裹住了九首饕餮的脑袋,一股极热和极寒的气息猛然爆发。 The golden flame turnover, all changed into the nihility instantaneously, including surrounding void. 金色火焰吞吐,一切瞬间化为了虚无,包括周围的虚空。 The place of blue ice flame aura covering, all were frozen instantaneously, then cuns (2.5 cm) disruption. 蓝色冰焰气息笼罩之处,一切瞬间被冻结,然后寸寸碎裂。 Shi Mu wields single-handed, several red and blue crystals fly to shoot, the water and fire immortal crystal, submerged in the gold/metal blue flame impressively. 石牧单手一挥,几块红蓝晶体飞射而出,赫然正是水火仙晶,没入了金蓝火焰中。 The gold/metal blue two types of flame leap several times immediately, then melts for a body, changes into a light white flame. 金蓝两种火焰立刻腾起数倍,然后融为了一体,化为一种淡淡的白色的火焰。 This white flame is seemingly common, but actually lends disappearing aura. 这白色火焰看似丝毫不起眼,不过却散发出一股泯灭的气息。 The heads of nine gluttonies by its package, the reduction, several breath vanished impressively fast thoroughly, inside Nascent Divinity soul has not departed then changed into the nihility. 九首饕餮的脑袋被其包裹,赫然飞快缩小,几个呼吸彻底消失,里面的元神魂魄还没有飞出便化为了虚无。 Only has a green buddhist monk's knife float there . 只有一柄绿色戒刀悬浮在那里,。 The headless remnant bodies of nine gluttonies shivered several, was motionless. 九首饕餮的无头残躯颤抖了几下,不动了。 Shi Mu is somewhat dumbfounded, nine Yuan ice hot immortal law might is so unexpectedly fierce, came as a surprise to his greatly. 石牧有些目瞪口呆,九元冰火仙法威力竟然如此厉害,大大出乎了他的预料。 In the Miao Kong eye also reveals the surprised color, immediately waved to return to the buddhist monk's knife summon, received within the body. 妙空眼中也露出惊讶之色,随即挥手将戒刀召唤而回,收入了体内。 Nine gluttony huge headless corpses recline in void, but did not have again is angry slightly. 九首饕餮庞大的无头尸体横卧在虚空,不过再无丝毫生气了。 On golden Giant Ape rays of light winds around, the huge body reduces fast, changes into the human form size, appears the Shi Mu form. 金色巨猿身上光芒缭绕,巨大身躯飞快缩小,化为人形大小,现出石牧的身影。 His moment complexion is pale, is almost wan. 他此刻脸色苍白无比,几乎毫无血色。 Shi Mu turns the hand to take out under two Medicine Pill clothing/taking, complexion was then more attractive. 石牧翻手取出两枚丹药服下,脸色这才好看了一些。 Miao Kong complexion is not quite attractive, takes out under a Medicine Pill clothing/taking. 妙空脸色也不太好看,取出一枚丹药服下。 Two people joyful looks one, but in the opposite party eyes saw that rejoiced. 两人欣喜的对望一眼,不过都在对方眼中看到一丝庆幸。 If not the water of time, they want to remove these nine gluttonies, perhaps is impossible. 若非光阴之水,他们想要除掉这九首饕餮,恐怕根本不可能。 Two people rested the moment, the Miao Kong flying arrived by nine gluttony corpses, the look sparkled to shine, waved the green buddhist monk's knife, cut giant blade glow. 两人休息了片刻,妙空飞身来到九首饕餮尸体旁,眼神闪闪发亮,一挥手中绿色戒刀,斩出一道巨大刀芒。 Scoffs! 嗤啦! Nine gluttonies died, spiritual power in within the body implication then vanishes immediately most probably, defense plummets, the corpse was easily cut two sections. 九首饕餮死去,体内蕴含的灵力立刻便消失了大半,防御大降,尸体被轻易斩成两截。 Miao Kong waves, sends out a suction. 妙空一挥手,发出一股吸力。 A moment later, two groups of white light depart from nine gluttony within the body, is the water of that time, but does not know why split two. 片刻之后,两团白光从九首饕餮体内飞出,正是那光阴之水,不过不知为何分裂成了两块。 Moreover the techniques of two groups of time add, compared with before, seemed to be smaller. 而且两团光阴之术加起来,比起之前,似乎还是小了很多。 Shi Mu also flew at this moment, sees the water of two groups of time, the look is one bright, immediately shot a look at Miao Kong one. 石牧此刻也飞了过来,看到两团光阴之水,眼神是一亮,随即瞥了妙空一眼。 Miao Kong also looked exactly at this moment, two people vision connection, the surroundings present inexplicable aura. 妙空恰好此刻也看了过来,两人目光交接,周围出现一股莫名的气息。 The water Yuan child reduced the body at this moment, changes into with Cai'er almost big or small, squats on the Shi Mu shoulder, looks to the water of time. 水元子此刻缩小了身体,化为和彩儿差不多大小,蹲在石牧肩膀上,也看向光阴之水。 Haha, since here has the water of two time, Shi Mu Fellow Daoist , your I do not need to fight , a person together.” Miao Kong suddenly haha said with a smile, waved to send out golden light, the cling water of time, before delivering to the Shi Mu body . “哈哈,既然这里有两块光阴之水,石牧道友,你我也不必争抢,一人一块吧。”妙空忽的哈哈笑道,挥手发出一股金光,卷住了一块光阴之水,送到了石牧身前。 The Shi Mu look moves, nods, sends out profound yellow light glow, covered the water of that time, pulled it side. 石牧眼神一动,点了点头,也发出一股玄黄光芒,笼罩住了那块光阴之水,将其拉扯到身旁。 The water of time divides into two, although this thing was still very heavy, but to Shi Mu, was actually not anything. 光阴之水一分为二,此物虽然仍是很重,不过对石牧来说,却不算什么。 Some here also good things.” Miao Kong waves to send out golden light again, submerges the gluttony remnant body. “这里还有些好东西。”妙空再次挥手发出一股金光,没入饕餮残躯。 A dull thumping sound, seems like anything to disrupt, golden light curled big bunch of things to fly. 一声闷响,似乎是什么东西碎裂开来,金光卷着一大堆东西飞了出来。 these most probably is some materials, nine Heavenly Immortal, slightly are impressively rude compared with the water and fire immortal crystal. 这些大半都是一些材料,赫然都九天仙品,比起水火仙晶也丝毫不逊。 Several Spirit Treasure, that five colors fight the spear/gun impressively in inside, other Spirit Treasure , is quite precious. 还有几件灵宝,那五色战枪赫然在里面,还有其他一些灵宝,也都极为珍贵。 Nine gluttony within the body breeding have the space, what a pity just water of time the strength of time, caused its within the body space also rebellion, the lots destroyed, is only left over a little.” Saying that Miao Kong somewhat regrets. “九首饕餮体内孕育有空间,可惜刚刚光阴之水的时间之力,使得其体内空间也随之暴动,很多东西都毁了,只剩下这么一点。”妙空有些惋惜的说道。 Immediately he waves to divide into two these thing, before half advanced the Shi Mu body . 随即他挥手将这些东西一分为二,一半推到了石牧身前。 Shi Mu naturally unrestrained/no trace of politeness receives. 石牧自然毫不客气的收起。 Shi Mu Fellow Daoist , is achieves your my goal jointly to this, this poor monk also has the important matter, first said goodbye. By Fellow Daoist strength, believes that soon then can the flying upwards upper boundary, your I perhaps have the day of meeting in the upper boundary.” Miao Kong hehe said with a smile. 石牧道友,你我联手的目标到此算是达成,贫僧还有要事,就先告辞了。以道友实力,相信用不了多久便能飞升上界,你我或许在上界还有相见之日。”妙空呵呵笑道。 Receives the Miao Kong Fellow Daoist auspicious words.” The Shi Mu nod said. “承妙空道友吉言。”石牧点头说道。 Has another chance to meet.” Miao Kong seems hurried, nods to Shi Mu, changes into together golden light, flies to shoot to go toward the distant place, vanishes in the distant place quickly. “后会有期。”妙空似乎很是匆忙,对石牧点了点头,化为一道金光,朝着远处飞射而去,很快消失在远处。 Shi Mu looks at Miao Kong to go far away, the look flashes, but shakes the head quickly, no longer thinks. 石牧看着妙空远去,眼神微闪,不过很快摇了摇头,不再多想。 Miao Kong request already finished, even if the opposite party also has other things, still had nothing to do with him. 妙空的委托已经结束,对方即便还有其他事情,也都和他无关了。 „The water of time! Cannot think that can also obtain this type of treasure in the world of mortals, haha!” Shui Lingzi and other Miao Kong left, immediately trades a facial expression, laughs, excited. “光阴之水!想不到在下界也能得到这种奇珍,哈哈!”水灵子妙空离开,立刻换了一副神情,哈哈大笑,兴奋之极。 „, Do you also long for this thing very much? Is the strength of inside time also useful to you?” Shi Mu, asked. “哦,你也很渴望此物?里面的时间之力对你也有用?”石牧哦的一声,问道。 His to this time water, although is curious, but not too big greedy idea. 他对这光阴之水虽然好奇,不过并无太大贪念 Regarding the time principle, his comprehension does not have, this thing to him, perhaps was a weak. 对于时间法则,他一点领悟也没有,此物对他来说,恐怕是个鸡肋了。 My crystal to this inside time has no interest, but this can breed the real water of strength of time to be enormous to my benefit. You later refine to melt the crystal of this thing inside time, oneself remain, this thing can delay the time that Heavenly Tribulation arrived, remembers that was good to me all real water.” The water Yuan child said. “我对这里面的时间之晶没兴趣,不过这能孕育时间之力的真水对我却裨益极大。你以后炼化了此物里面的时间之晶,自己留着,此物能够推迟天劫降临的时间,记得将所有真水给我就行了。”水元子说道。 „The crystal of time really has such wondrous use! Can postpone Heavenly Tribulation?” Shi Mu eye one bright. “时间之晶竟然有这样的妙用!可以推迟天劫?”石牧眼睛一亮。 During he is dark has the induction, period of already Heavenly Tribulation approaches, has worried for this reason. 他冥冥之中有感应,天劫之期已经逼近,一直为此犯愁。 If the crystal of time can delay Heavenly Tribulation to arrive, he comes to prepare, secondly can also accompany Zhong Xiu and Ximen Xue, satisfies both sides. 若是时间之晶能延缓天劫降临,他一来可以多做准备,二来也能多陪伴一下钟秀西门雪,两全其美。 Un, so long as you its refine into body then understood.” The water Yuan child said. “嗯,你只要将其炼化入体便知道了。”水元子说道。 The Shi Mu exciting repetitive nod, waves to make several yellow glow, covers water level of levels this group of time, protected solid. 石牧兴奋的连连点头,挥手打出数道黄芒,将这团光阴之水层层笼罩,护的严严实实。 His line of sight falls on the corpses of nine gluttonies, Divine Sense covers the remnant body, searched for carefully. 他的视线落在九首饕餮的尸体上,神识笼罩住残躯,仔细搜寻了一番。 in Shi Mu's eyes flashes through a wisp of disappointment, Divine Sense not on nine gluttonies found Blood Crystal and so on good thing. 石牧眼中闪过一缕失望,神识没有在九首饕餮身上找到血伢晶之类的好东西。 Although some body parts of this beast are the refining good materials, but he is not naturally interested. 此兽的一些身体部位虽然是炼器的好材料,不过他自然是丝毫不感兴趣的。 The corpse of this beast is too big, he also has no intention to take the trouble to process, turns around to fly to escape toward the distant place to go. 此兽的尸体太大,他也无意去费心处理掉,转身朝着远处飞遁而去。 However at this moment, the surrounding space trembled suddenly. 不过就在此刻,周围的空间突然震颤了起来。 It is not that type trembles because of the small range of fighting having, but is entire Asura's heart secret realm in rumble shivers, appears everywhere giant space cracks, as if entire secret realm must collapse general. 不是那种因为打斗而产生的小范围震颤,而是整个修罗之心秘境都在隆隆颤抖,到处浮现出一道道巨大的空间裂缝,似乎整个秘境都要崩溃一般。 Was bad, the water of that time is this Asura's heart secret realm core, you took it, lost the support, perhaps entire secret realm must collapse.” Shui Lingzi shouted. “糟了,那光阴之水是这个修罗之心秘境的核心,你们将它取走,失去了支撑,恐怕整个秘境都要崩溃。”水灵子喝道。 Shi Mu heard that said complexion changes, body yellow glow greatly hold, shot to go in the direction electricity toward Ancient Barbarian Race and Asura spider clan. 石牧闻言脸色微变,身上黄芒大盛,朝着古蛮族和修罗蛛族所在方向电射而去。 ...... …… Less than half in the future, in the Asura's space tunnel outside heart secret realm, one group of yellow glow fly to shoot from inside, fell on the nearby. 小半日后,修罗之心秘境外的空间隧道中,一团黄芒从里面飞射而出,落在了附近。 yellow glow flashes restraining, appears inside dozens person's shadows, is Shi Mu and ancient Man, the people of Asura spider two clan. 黄芒一闪收敛,现出里面数十个人影,正是石牧和古蛮,修罗蛛两族之人。 The space tunnel is quite not at this moment steady, inside rays of light glittering, depressed, but the great sound, often spreads from the space tunnel deep place. 空间隧道此刻极为不稳,里面光芒闪烁,沉闷但是宏大的声音,不时从空间隧道深处传出。 Each dull thumping sound, the void turbulent flow was shaken by it, a fluctuation. 每一次闷响,虚空乱流都被其撼动,一阵波动。 It seems like this Asura's heart secret realm soon will really collapse, oh!” Qiu Yuan Patriarch looks at the space tunnel, said with a sigh. “看来这修罗之心秘境真的即将崩溃,唉!”仇元族长看着空间隧道,叹息道。 Asura's innumerable resources in heart, will also vanish. 修罗之心内的无数资源,也将随之消失。 Luo Su Patriarch somewhat is also regrettable, but the quick facial expression restores, toward Shi Mu good a ritual, said: Was lucky Shi Mu Fellow Daoist helps one another, otherwise we are not necessarily able to escape from inside.” 罗素族长也有些遗憾,不过很快神情恢复,朝着石牧行了一礼,道:“多亏了石牧道友相助,否则我们未必能从里面逃出来。” Two clan other clansmen also together toward Shi Mu good a ritual. 两族其他族人也齐齐朝着石牧行了一礼。 Although the people of two clan at this moment injured many, but basically does not have many people to fall from the sky. 两族之人此刻虽然受伤的很多,但基本没有多少人陨落。 That two chief beasts of nine gluttonies, were besieged to cut to kill in secret realm by them, has not had the personnel casualty. 九首饕餮的那两头子兽,被他们在秘境中围攻斩杀,并未有人员伤亡。 Since initially led you to go, you also calculate that helped me a great deal, I naturally had the duty to lead you to come out.” Shi Mu tranquil saying. “当初既然带你们进去,你们也算助我良多,我自然有义务带你们出来。”石牧平静的说道。 We simply cannot help many be busy, was Shi Mu Fellow Daoist your two people cuts to kill nine gluttonies on the contrary, reported the big enmity for our two clans, really does not know how should thank you to be good.” Qiu Yuan sincere saying. “我们根本没能帮多少忙,反倒是石牧道友你们两人斩杀了九首饕餮,为我们两族报了大仇,真不知该如何感谢你们才好。”仇元诚恳的说道。 Two Patriarch do not need so, Shi to come to crusade against nine gluttonies, for own goal, but helps conveniently.” Shi Mu beckons with the hand. “两位族长不必如此,石某前来讨伐九首饕餮,也是为了自己的目的,不过是顺手相帮而已。”石牧摆了摆手。 This matter already settles, Shi also has the important matter again body, did not remain in this, said goodbye.” Saw with own eyes Qiu Yuan they have not given full expression collected, but must say anything, Shi Mu first bars the way immediately. “此事已经了结,石某也还有要事再身,就不在此多留了,就此告辞。”眼见仇元他们意犹未尽的凑了上来,还要说什么,石牧立刻抢先截道。 He is not good at facing this grade of scene very much. 他不是很擅长面对这等场面。 Said that this words, his slightly one cups one hand in the other across the chest, changes into together the yellow escaping light, goes toward the distant place, vanishes in the boundless space and time turbulent flow quickly. 说完此话,他微一拱手,化为一道黄色遁光,朝着远处而去,很快消失在茫茫时空乱流中。 Qiu Yuan and Luo Su look at each other one, sighed. 仇元罗素对视一眼,叹了口气。 Shi Mu strength is tyrannical, they also planned and his friendship, can become friends with such a big energy, absolutely is beneficial harmless, what a pity Shi Mu actually not with the meaning that they become friends with. 石牧实力强横无比,他们原本还打算和其拉一拉交情,能结交这么一位大能,绝对是有益无害的,可惜石牧却没有和他们结交的意思。 Qiu Yuan Patriarch, a deep dragon clan main force was extinguished, does not know that what Patriarch then does have to plan? Was inferior that your my two clans collaborate, destroy completely a deep dragon clan, divides equally the world.” The Luo Su look is frantic, said. 仇元族长,冥龙一族主力被灭,不知族长接下来有什么打算?不如你我两族联手,灭掉冥龙一族,平分天下。”罗素眼神狂热,说道。 This matter, said later.” Qiu Yuan silent, says. “此事,稍后再说吧。”仇元沉默了一下,开口说道。 Since the Heavenly Court already destruction, Qiu Yuan planned that leads the clansman to return to the native land, after all there is the Ancient Barbarian Race root. 既然天庭已经覆灭,仇元打算率领族人返回故土,毕竟那里才是古蛮族的根。 Regarding the Asura on-board battle, his already has no interest in participate. 对于修罗星上的争斗,他已经无心参与。 However if profitable, with a Asura spider clan jointly is not. 不过若是有利可图,和修罗蛛一族联手也不是不可以。 The people of two clan make the reorganization slightly, left here quickly. 两族之人稍作整顿,也很快离开了此处。 ...... …… In Asura's heart secret realm, the remnant bodies of nine gluttonies in void, as the strength of space shake flutters, as if no a duckweed. 修罗之心秘境中,九首饕餮的残躯在虚空中,随着空间震荡之力飘荡,仿佛无根浮萍。 Although the gluttony died, but its body is tenacious, the strength of space was unable to destroy it. 饕餮虽然死去,不过其身躯坚韧,空间之力还无法将其摧毁。 Void rumble shake, in Asura's heart secret realm 12, the ground mainland collapses, above organism was involved in the space and time turbulent flow, changes into the fragment powder. 虚空隆隆震荡,修罗之心秘境一二层内,地面大陆崩溃,上面的生物被卷入时空乱流,化为齑粉。 Surrounding area dozens li (0.5 km) land was involved in the space and time turbulent flow, wandered the nearby of nine gluttonies, the collapse of bang disrupted. 一块方圆数十里的土地卷入了时空乱流,漂流到了九首饕餮的附近,轰的一声崩溃碎裂。 However the hundred zhang (333 m) long shadow departed from inside together, falls on the incomplete corpses of nine gluttonies, was actually a different insect, the shape like the centipede, but the centipede was somewhat different. 不过一道百丈长的黑影从里面飞出,落在了九首饕餮的残缺尸体上,却是一只异虫,形如蜈蚣,不过又和蜈蚣有些不同。 If Luo Su or Qiu Yuan here, decide however can recognize in this insect Asura's heart secret realm to have strange insect who is called the stem borer. 若是罗素或是仇元在此,定然能认出此虫正是修罗之心秘境中存在一种被称为螟虫的奇虫。 However this insect seems like with the common stem borer is somewhat different, pitch-black shines all over the body, an extremely special feeling. 不过此虫看起来和寻常螟虫有些不同,通体乌黑发亮,给人一种极其特殊的感觉。 The black stem borer falls on the gluttony remnant body, the nose is smelling to the gluttony remnant body ruthlessly, immediately squeak squeak cheered two, the big mouth bites to nip the present good food fast, by speed that and his body differed so much as to be beyond comparison completely, swallowed the gluttony fast the remnant body, broke by biting quickly the skin of gluttony, drilled into. 黑色螟虫落在饕餮残躯上,鼻子对着饕餮残躯狠狠嗅着,随即吱吱欢呼了两声,大口飞快噬咬起了眼前的美食,以和其身体完全不成比例的速度,飞快吞噬饕餮的残躯,很快咬破了饕餮的皮肤,钻入了其中。 ...... …… The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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