TODI :: Volume #4 一战封神

#313: Person god war

Chapter 313 person god war 第313章人神大战 Did to finish up runs really exciting. 搞完事就跑真刺激。 When situation when Western Plains that 12 gods fall from the sky by the Heavenly Palace discovery, Wu Wang has appeared north Central Mountain the boundary. 西野那十二神陨落的情形被天宫发现时,吴妄早已出现在中山北境。 He fires the ashes that black armor directly, will break the god spear/gun to squeeze in Yin-Yang ring most inner layer, restores own aura and say/way rhyme, making Yin-Yang Great Dao wrap itself. 他将那一身黑甲直接烧成灰烬,将断神枪塞入阴阳戒指最内层,又恢复自身的气息和道韵,让阴阳大道包裹自身。 Without the means that this ticket dry/does is too big, really has afraid that such a loses. 没办法,这票干的太大,确实有那么一丢丢的心虚。 Wu Wang looked for a rolling mountain, this place faces each other across the sea with the Northern Plains south boundary, but also self- hypnosis several: 吴妄找了一座连绵起伏的大山,此地与北野南部边界隔海相望,还自我催眠了几句: We just touched from Northern Plains.’ ‘咱是从北野刚刚摸过来的。’ Later, he also in Northern Plains clan grounds, making that puppet show the little flaws intentionally, makes situation that slides secretly. 稍后,他还会在北野族地,让那木偶故意露出少许破绽,做出一副偷溜出来的情形。 Makes a perfect alibi! 制造一个完美的不在场证明! Small before half of the day . 小半天前。 When Wu Wang comes digs the god nuclear of that 12 young god, the hand slightly shook several. 吴妄现身去挖那十二名小神的神核时,手略微抖了几下。 12 Innate God corpse, even if the unknown young god, is representing to the control of some Great Dao, at this moment actually arranged in order corpse before him. 十二具先天神尸身,哪怕是名不见经传的小神,也都代表着对某一条大道的掌控,此刻却将尸身列在了他面前。 At that moment, Wu Wang to the current world order, had many understanding. 那一刻,吴妄对当前天地秩序,有了更多的理解。 The order of Heavenly Palace formulation, is protecting these strength not too strong Innate God, letting them to be exempt from optional slaughtering of strong god. 天宫制定的秩序,保护着这些实力不算太强的先天神,让他们能免受强神的随意杀戮。 World order that Di Qun constructs, when livelihood changes and four order or sequence of the solar terms these natural rules. 帝夋所构筑的天地秩序,不只是日月更替、四时节序这些自然规则。 God courtyard, divine pond, Heavenly Palace god gauge, strong god and god step rank...... wait/etc, is the Di Qun dominant foundation. 神庭、神池、天宫神规、强神、神阶等级……等等,才是帝夋的统治基础。 Wu Wang then looks to Northern Plains. 吴妄回头看向北野 Mother already starts to look for a small clan and tribe in Northern Plains, there will gather Hundred Clans, the deduction world new order, seeks the seed of new order. 母亲已经开始在北野物色一个小部族,那里将会集合百族,推演天地新秩序,寻求新秩序的萌芽。 Experience that presently the Heavenly Palace order, can refer, but this new order must be better than Heavenly Palace, may launch in the world slowly. 当前天宫的秩序,就是可以参考的经验,但这个新秩序必须远胜过天宫,才有可能在天地间徐徐展开。 Wu Wang, you, and in this place cultivation.” 无妄,你且在此地修行。” Brother Yun Zhongjun's sound transmission resounds again, I make some follow-up arrangement, you lie low until something blows over.” 云中君老哥的传声再次响起,“我去做些后续布置,你避避风头。” Brother handles affairs must be careful surely, Heavenly Palace must trace this matter.” “老哥行事定要万般小心,天宫必然要追查此事到底。” Also was lucky Human Territory involves their vision, we go well quite with ease.” “也是多亏了人域牵扯他们目光,咱们得手颇为轻松。” Brother,” the Wu Wang sincere say/way, on my road thought for a long time, to stop to hunt for the matter of god temporarily.” “老哥,”吴妄正色道,“我路上想了许久,暂时停下猎神之事吧。” I also felt, Yun Zhongjun whispered, previously came a fervor, cannot receive to stop, directly did the matter was a little big.” “我也觉得,”云中君嘀咕道,“此前来了点激情,没能收住手,直接把事情搞的有点大。” Wu Wang sound transmission urged: „The status of that spirit, later is the secret of our Heavenly Dao, temporarily avoids the Heavenly Palace point.” 吴妄传声叮嘱:“那个幽灵的身份,以后就是咱们天道的机密,暂时避开天宫锋芒。” Ok , how then should do?” Yun Zhongjun inquired on own initiative. “行,中,接下来该如何做?”云中君主动问询。 The reply of Wu Wang is actually brief and to the point: Wu Wang enters Central Mountain.” 吴妄的回答却是言简意赅:“无妄子入中山。” Yun Zhongjun recited 12 lightly, immediately smiles the sound: Ok, knows how to do.” 云中君轻吟一二,立刻笑了声:“行了,知道怎么做了。” Immediately, that group of fog left Wu Wang around the body, sinks to the land, was separated from the Wu Wang perception area suddenly. 随即,那团云雾离了吴妄身周,沉入大地之中,瞬息间便脱离了吴妄感知范围。 Why does not know, Wu Wang at this moment not unnecessary worry. 不知为何,吴妄此刻并无多余的担忧。 Just like Yun Zhongjun previously said, he from falling the status, copes with these young gods, to become grasshopper on a rope with the Wu Wang bunch. 正如云中君此前所说,他自降身份、对付那些小神,就是为了与吴妄捆成一根绳上的蚂蚱。 Each other boarded each other pirate ship, tacit understanding soars! 彼此上了彼此的贼船,默契度直线飙升! Sounding Snake / Mingshe forwards immediately, looks vigilantly to all directions, to a Wu Wang three cuns (2.5 cm) distance. 鸣蛇立刻向前,警惕地看向四面八方,离吴妄不过三寸距离。 Master, institute of the hiding.” “主人,有一处隐蔽之所。” Do not use the universe magical powers, can fly to fly.” “不要动用乾坤神通,能飞就飞过去。” Yes!” “是!” Sounding Snake / Mingshe responds in a low voice, divine power the Wu Wang package, entrained Wu Wang to hurry to a crevice of cliff. 鸣蛇低声应着,一股神力吴妄包裹,拽着吴妄赶去了一处山崖的石缝。 Uses even more handy magical treasure person regarding this...... 对于这个使用起来越发得心应手的法宝人…… cough, bestows the god incantation regarding this because of Cang Xue, is completely gradually loyal to Wu Wang, and starts to think efficient subordinate who spans the master and mount pure relations, Wu Wang will not be parsimonious. ,对于这位因苍雪所赐神咒,渐渐对吴妄完全忠诚,且开始想着跨越主人与坐骑这种单纯关系的得力下属,吴妄自是不会吝啬。 He will be loaded with two young god divine power rings to give Sounding Snake / Mingshe, urged Sounding Snake / Mingshe, even if the strength had the promotion, must hide, maintained the previous level enough. 他将装有两名小神神力的戒指递给鸣蛇,叮嘱鸣蛇,就算实力有提升,也要隐藏起来,维持此前的水准就够了。 Master......” “主人……” When Sounding Snake / Mingshe received the ring, that pair cultivates the keeping eyes open pupil, swung the weak current ripple mark. 鸣蛇接过戒指时,那双修长眼眸,荡起了微弱的波痕。 Master, the subordinate is unworthy.” “主人,属下不值得。” Taking away is.” “拿去就是。” Wu Wang slow sound said: 吴妄缓声道: Your evil, although is big, cough, you at the crime that Human Territory annoys, I cannot put behind as Human Clan. “你的罪恶虽大,,你在人域惹下的罪,我作为人族自是不能忘却。 But you may still redeem oneself through good works from now on, rescue Human Clan and repayment crime. 但你今后仍可戴罪立功,救助人族、偿还罪过。 Also the cannot misunderstanding, how I do not make you transfer to help Human Territory, did not say, you will follow from now on I, must for the Human Territory potency. 莫要误会,我并非是让你转过去帮助人域如何,更不是说,你今后跟着我,就必须为人域效力。 You can have a bigger stage, can have manifests the value the opportunity, yes? ” 你可以有更大的舞台,也可以有更多体现价值的机会,明白吗?” Master, the subordinate understands.” “主人,属下明白。” Un, increases some strengths quickly.” “嗯,快增加些实力吧。” Wu Wang waves, Sounding Snake / Mingshe covers that ring before the body, retrocedes slowly several steps, went to the slightly outside position to sit in meditation. 吴妄挥挥手,鸣蛇将那枚戒指捂在身前,缓缓后退几步,去了稍微靠外的位置静坐。 Wu Wang ponders over, gripped the chest front necklace. 吴妄思前想后,还是握住了胸前的项链。 Mother.” 母亲。” Un?” “嗯?” So the god incantation, later does not use as far as possible,” the Wu Wang heart sighed lightly, obliterated its nature, complete obedience......” “这般神咒,以后尽量还是不用了吧,”吴妄心底轻叹,“磨灭其性,完全服从……” Cang Xue chuckle sound: 苍雪轻笑了声: You feel relieved are, can be suitable for so the god incantation, is some stronger unusual animals. “你放心就是,能适用这般神咒的,都是些实力较强的异兽。 They leave certain Great Dao is quite near, has not controlled Great Dao, therefore is unable to guard against this incantation. ” 他们只是离着某些大道比较近,并未掌控大道,故无法提防此咒。” That is good.” “那就好。” Wu Wang both eyes somewhat are slightly lost. 吴妄双目略有些出神。 The Cang Xue gentle voice asked: Felt, more than ten Innate God so fall from the sky, are some not quite real?” 苍雪柔声问:“可是觉得,十多个先天神就这般陨落,有些不太真实?” Yun Zhongjun copes with God that more than ten Heavenly Palace lowliest places cannot stand in line personally, has this result not to have nothing.” “云中君亲手对付十几个天宫末位都排不上的神灵,有这个结果没什么不真实的。” Wu Wang said with a smile: 吴妄笑道: Thought, these Innate God subordinates, among have various clan lives, perhaps they are not willing to take care of these Innate God, but actually wants, as these Innate God destruction. “只是想到了,那些先天神的手下,其内有各族生灵,他们或许并不是心甘情愿服侍那些先天神,但却要随着这些先天神覆灭。 The strong god wielded the sleeves, these lives then change to the flying ash, the least bit trace have not stayed behind. 强神挥了挥衣袖,那些生灵便化作飞灰,半点痕迹没有留下。 If this strength does not restrain, the order two characters are just the empty talk. ” 若是这股力量不加以约束,秩序二字只不过是空谈罢了。” Heavenly Palace did not have to restrain this strength,” Cang Xue is saying calm. 天宫本就没去约束这股力量,”苍雪淡定地说着。 Wu Wang said with a smile: Otherwise will not have ancient times oppression of Fire God to Human Clan, as well as counter-attack of Human Clan to ancient times Fire God.” 吴妄笑道:“不然也不会有远古火神人族的压迫,以及人族对远古火神的反击。” He thought deeply about one , to continue saying: 他思索了一阵,继续道: Presently in the world to the life also calculates quite relaxed environment, is the result of multi-player game, is not the Heavenly Palace God merit, is not pitying of Di Qun. “当前天地间对生灵还算较为宽松的环境,是多方博弈的结果,并非是天宫神灵的功劳,更不是帝夋的怜悯。 Di Qun actually flaunts itself in by this now, full mouth justice and humanity and making an affectation. 帝夋现在却在以此标榜自身,满口仁义、惺惺作态。 Heavenly Palace will be destroyed by the life finally, the Heavenly Dao must base on the life from now on. ” 天宫终将被生灵摧毁,天道今后必须立足于生灵。” Cang Xue supple sound said: Now the accumulation of life, but also is far from enough.” 苍雪柔声道:“如今生灵的积累,还远远不够哦。” „Aren't we promoting?” “我们不是在推动了吗?” In Wu Wang has delimited little spiritual light, feels divine power that in the necklace that almost must flood, said with a smile: 吴妄目中划过少许神光,感受着项链中那几乎要满溢出的神力,笑道: I am also the life.” “我也是生灵。” The Cang Xue chuckle did not speak. 苍雪轻笑不语。 In crevice quick quiet. 石缝中很快就沉静了下去。 Wu Wang covers this place by Yin-Yang Great Dao, the Yin-Yang balance and Eight Trigrams (gossip) rotates, almost fuses together with this place suddenly. 吴妄以阴阳大道覆盖此地,阴阳平衡、八卦轮转,几乎瞬息间与此地融为一体。 No matter what outside had the strong winds ; 任外面起了狂风; No matter what Four Seas raises the raging waves. 四海掀起狂涛。 Western Plains 12 Innate God the matter of slaughtering, at this moment in the Great Desolate Nine Plains insane biography. 西野十二名先天神惨遭屠戮之事,此刻正在大荒九野疯传。 Perhaps is 12 this numbers extremely shocks, or that starting spirit throughout of unknown origin, mystical, was hard to ponder over, caused in the world the enormous attention of all influence. 或许是十二这个数字太过震撼,又或是那个下手的‘幽灵’始终来历不明,神神秘秘、难以琢磨,引起了天地间各方势力的极大关注。 The news just passed to Northern Plains, Wu Wang was also alarmed, sharply sharply goes out. 消息刚传到北野,‘吴妄’也被惊动,急急出关。 Wu Wang stood in the world looked into the southern several double-hour, oneself aura rose unceasingly, obviously also made the breakthrough. 吴妄’站在天地间眺望了南方几个时辰,自身气息不断上涨,显然又有突破。 Then, he is in front of Human Territory numerous immortal soldier, faces south to go, the Sounding Snake / Mingshe aura follows from beginning to end in his around the body. 而后,他当着人域众仙兵的面,朝南而去,鸣蛇的气息自始至终伴随在他身周 Lin Suqing and Jing Wei were actually prevented by Cang Xue in secret, has not made them with coming up. 林素轻精卫却被苍雪暗中阻止,并未让她们跟上去。 Soon, Wu Wang child Northern Plains goes out, enters north Central Mountain boundary The news, passed on Heavenly Palace and Human Territory. 不多时,【无妄北野出关,直入中山北境】的消息,传去了天宫人域 This as if became a signal. 这似乎成了一个信号。 As Wu Wang enters Central Mountain the news travels, accompanies ancient God the recovery and spirit to seize god so the rumor, the Great Desolate present several big influences starts to act repeatedly. 随着‘无妄子进入中山’的消息传开,伴着‘古神复苏’、‘幽灵夺神’这般流言,大荒如今的几大势力开始频频动作。 Quite edge the place of Eastern Plains, large quantities of god health/guard depart the yang valley, rushes to Central Mountain most probably, is guarding Eastern Plains less than half southern and intersection point of southeastern territory. 较为边缘的东野之地,大批神卫飞出旸谷,大半赶赴中山,小半把守着东野南部与东南域的交界处。 The southeastern territory, the Human Territory all parties influence gathered large quantities of Cultivator. 东南域,人域各方势力集合了大批修士 Although their cultivation base does not have too expert high, but the population more than one, the momentum is also quite astonishing. 虽他们修为不高、也无太多高手,但人数一多,声势也颇为惊人。 They are unable to participate in the positive/direct war, tries the best in the side, involves the Heavenly Palace strength, is Human Territory and a Heavenly Palace war completely strength. 他们无法去参与正面战局,就在侧面尽自己所能的,牵扯住天宫的力量,为人域天宫的大战尽自己一份力。 Heavenly Palace. 天宫 Heavenly Emperor is furious, the gods regain consciousness. 天帝震怒,众神苏醒。 Heavenly Palace concludes with large army the defense line, blocked the Human Territory tripartite offensive ; Large quantities of Innate God charge into Western Plains, almost in the half-day time, turned Western Plains. 天宫缔结出重兵防线,挡住了人域的三方攻势;大批先天神冲向西野,几乎在半天时间内,就将西野翻了遍。 No trail, without the least bit trace. 没有任何踪迹,没有半点痕迹。 Without a trace that spirit vanishes, when it appears like that. 那个幽灵消失的无影无踪,正如它出现时那般。 The name that falls from the sky ancient God, spreads in Innate God unceasingly ; Their unceasing ratio, depending on these fuzzy forms that the Young Life Manager magical powers obtain, which ancient God trying to identify this is. 一个又一个陨落古神的名字,在先天神之中不断流传;他们不断比对着,凭少司命神通获得的那些模糊身影,试图辨认出这是哪一尊古神。 The gods exuded anxiously, they have not been able to sleep soundly under Heavenly Palace. 众神泛起了不安,他们已无法在天宫之下安眠。 But almost simultaneously, the world seal experienced the drastic fluctuation. 但几乎同时,天地封印出现了剧烈波动。 beyond heaven Candle Dragon God System, starts to attack the seal unexpectedly comprehensively, this made many Innate God have the anxious feeling. 天外烛龙神系,竟开始全面冲击封印,这让不少先天神有了焦虑之感。 ...... …… Central Mountain southern boundary, southwest region. 中山南境,西南区域。 Daisawa Edges from Human Territory long wall probably three thousand li (500 km), one after another Cultivator sits in the cloud, sits above the water surface, is deriving this place Daisawa's spiritual energy. 距离人域长墙大概三千里的一片大泽边缘,一名名修士坐在云上、坐在水面之上,汲取着此地大泽的灵气。 The Cultivator marching art seeks the spirit lineage/vein, to seek Daisawa, to seek the jungle, three's priority gradually reduces. 修士行军讲究寻灵脉、寻大泽、寻密林,三者的优先度逐渐降低。 The spirit lineage/vein contain massive spiritual energies, may excavate some spirit stone belts in body spare ; 灵脉蕴含着大量灵气,更可开凿一些灵石带在身上备用; Daisawa is also hiding the endless spiritual energy, although wields disperses is slow, but the water attribute spiritual energy is quite temperate, and is restoring the injury, to nourish the Nascent Spirit aspect, has the quite a lot advantage. 大泽也藏着无尽灵气,虽挥散较慢,但水属性灵气较为温和,且在恢复伤势、滋养元神方面,有颇多好处。 The jungle is the most inferior choice, the vitality is quite exuberant and easy to hide the whereabouts. 密林就是最次的选择,生机较为旺盛、容易隐藏行踪。 This place, is Human Territory captures the Central Mountain army, one of the 36 big camps. 此地,就是人域攻入中山的大军,三十六处大营之一。 Three years battled, prompted forward more than 3000 li (0.5 km), were never have such thoughts regarding the mortal, but regarding can flying in the sky and escaping into the earth Cultivator and Immortal, so the victory, seriously not be the victories. 三年激战,向前推进了三千多里,对于凡人而言自是想都不敢想,但对于可以飞天遁地修士仙人来说,这般战果,当真不算战果。 If in beyond the war, but can also see the overall situation, can discover that Human Territory that intense movement order, is avoiding the ordinary Cultivator casualty with every effort. 若是身在战局之外,还能看到全局,能发现人域那密集的调动命令,是在尽力避免普通修士死伤。 And, the Human Territory elite master did not have the present trace ; 且,人域的精锐之师一直没有现踪; expert of various general's families, hid in the position near the bottom. 各家将门的高手,也藏在了更靠后的位置。 Although Human Territory proactive attack......, but so attacks on own initiative, has is luring the snake from its hole to a great extent. 虽然人域主动进攻……但这般主动进攻,有很大程度上是在引蛇出洞。 So left Junfu in big camp commands, Heavenly Immortal Realm Xu Mu General said like that: 就如此地大营中的左军副统领,天仙境许木将军所说的那般: Relax, could not have hit temporarily, Heavenly Palace these Innate God one by one hide in behind does not dare to make an appearance. “放心吧,暂时还打不起来,天宫那些先天神一个个躲在后面不敢露面。 You have a look, when their which crop up, our Human Territory has many senior to rush, must badly beaten that they hit! ” 你看看,等他们哪个冒头,咱们人域有多少老前辈冲上去,非要将他们打的头破血流!” Hear Xu Mu so brave words the officers, only smile have not taken seriously. 听闻许木这般‘豪言壮语’的众将士,都只笑笑并未当真。 This is vice- commands is encouraging to them. 这是副统领在给他们鼓劲呢。 They projected on Central Mountain, how can not go to front of Heavenly Palace to capture, under looked at reverently the Heavenly Emperor Di Qun pretty boy? 他们都打到中山了,如何能不去天宫前面兜一圈,瞻仰下天帝帝夋的小白脸? permits Fu commands, can you hear? Western Plains had an accident.” “许副统领,你可听说了?西野出事了。” Has an accident? Has an accident?” “出事?出啥事?” 12 Innate God were butchered, divine power pulled out cleanly, it is said was some ancient God regained consciousness, must look for Heavenly Palace to do accounts.” “十二名先天神被宰了,神力都被抽干净了,据说是某个古神苏醒了,要找天宫算账。” Oh? this to us, that is the good deed.” 哦?这对咱们来说,那是好事啊。” Xu Mu smiled the sound, even body is wrapping battle armour, is still difficult to cover his body bookishness. 许木笑了声,就算身上套着战甲,依旧难掩他身上的书生气。 He lies down in the rocking chair slowly, by side parasol already somewhat worn-out, the wooden cup that the bamboo tube makes, among the icy cold fruit ferments...... 他慢悠悠地躺在摇椅中,侧旁的‘遮阳伞’已有些破旧,竹筒做成的木杯、其内冰凉的果酿…… These are he in the habit that Women's Country forms. 这些都是他在女子国养成的习惯。 He often mentioned, oneself and Wu Wang child have fought and ripped the clothes together, the surroundings people did not believe. 他时常跟人说起,自己与无妄子一同打过架、撕过衣,周围人都不怎么信。 At this moment, Xu Mu is resting the head on the arm, looks at the north sky, said with a smile: 此刻,许木枕着胳膊,看着北面的天空,笑道: But, ancient God and Heavenly Palace dispute, is the distressed quarrel and dog dog contends. “不过,古神和天宫的争执,就是狼狈反目、犬狗相争。 We cannot hold any daydream to the ancient gods, the Human Clan future must depend on the pointed weapons in our hand, strives by our Great Dao. ” 我们不能对古神抱有任何遐想,人族的未来要靠咱们手中的兵刃,靠咱们的大道去争取。” Nearby several young fellows compensated to smile respectively, find an excuse to sneak off rapidly. 一旁几名小将各自赔笑,找了个借口迅速开溜。 Started, Xu Mu General started. 开始了,许木将军又开始了。 I said you!” “我说你们!” Xu Mu somewhat shouted the sound reluctantly, that several young fellows lower the head smooth was quicker, running far is one laughs. 许木有些无奈地喊了声,那几个小将低头溜的更快了些,跑远了又是一阵大笑。 Your these young people, study do not progress!” “你们这几个年轻人,不学上进!” Xu Mu sighed the sound lightly, later a little looks reluctantly to the distant place. 许木轻叹了声,随后就有点无奈地看向远方。 He does not know, oneself is should thank thanks the relatives apprentice Ji Mo, should scold this fellow several. 他也不知,自己是该谢谢亲徒弟季默,还是该数落这家伙几句。 He makes Ji Family help, letting him to adjust the frontline, is thinking with the Heavenly Palace war, so does not lose cultivation. 他让季家帮忙,让他能调来前线,想着去与天宫大战,如此也不负修行一场。 But Ji Family looked after to his Xu Mu was somewhat excessive, gave him to arrange young master directly in the army, made vice- to command. 季家对他许木关照有些过头了,直接给他安排到了‘少爷’军中,做了个副统领。 Young Master what for army? 何为少爷军? That several young fellows, carried one to come out casually, was such and such juniors Menjia. 刚才的那几名小将,随便拎一个出来,都是某某将门家的子弟。 Naturally, this place are more, is some juniors in young fellow Menjia. 当然,此地更多的,还是一些小将门家的子弟。 Various Sirs the confrontation intense place, is Human Territory sacrifices the life to sprinkle hot blooded, the heir of these military officers, not only needs the military exploit to set up the bodies and various Sirs does not want to make them brave hardships and dangers is too deep, can group young master army so. 各家大人去交锋激烈之地,为人域抛头颅洒热血,这些将领的子嗣,既需军功立身、各家大人又不想让他们涉险太深,就会组一个这般的少爷军。 These young people who throw the army are the doggedly sincere, speed that but they prompt forward, throughout is other slow group of army one steps. 来投军的这些年轻人都是一腔热血,但他们向前推进的速度,始终是慢其它路大军一步。 Moreover enemy who faces, either is remnants roaming Yong, either strikes the inferior brand Hundred Clans allied armies that then bursts. 而且所面对的敌人,要么是残兵游勇,要么是一击便溃的杂牌百族联军。 Ji Mo arranged this place him, was a good intention. 季默将他安排到了此地,自是一番好心。 Xu Mu except when side Wu Wang is staying, the dao cultivation speed is also very rapid. 许木除却吴妄身旁呆着时,修道速度也是十分迅速。 After withdrawing from Four Seas Pavilion, Xu Mu reluctantly will be the Ji Family half family/home, taught that Ji Mo many years, Ji Family will not treat unjustly him. 退出四海阁后,许木勉强算是季家的半个家将,又教导季默多年,季家自不会亏待他。 Until now, Xu Mu does not want to understand...... 直到现在,许木都没想明白…… Why oneself stay when the Wu Wang side, the sensibility of heart transfers is transferring, couldn't think?’ ‘为啥自己呆在无妄身边时,心底的感悟转着转着,就想不起来了呢?’ Seriously obscure. 当真费解。 permits General.” “许将军。” Calls lightly in side transmits, the voice is chilly. 一声轻唤在旁传来,嗓音清清冷冷。 Xu Mu actually jumps immediately, turns head to look that to form that the side side lobe two old women were catching up with. 许木却是立刻跳了起来,扭头看向了侧旁带着两名老妪赶来的身影。 Xu Mu said with a smile: Fairy Maiden Ling, in may the custom in the army staying?” 许木笑道:“泠仙子,在军中呆的可习惯啊?” The Ling Xiaolan under foot is stepping on a lotus flower, in an instant to Xu Mu in front, had knit the brows: Whether to invite under permits General together the military order, adjusted in me other army?” 泠小岚脚下踩着朵朵莲花,转眼已是到了许木面前,皱眉道:“可否请许将军下一道军令,将我调去其它军中?” Oh? 哦? A Xu Mu intention revolution, has understood the Ling Xiaolan heart thinks. 许木心念一转,已是明白了泠小岚心底所想。 Heaven Overflowing Saintess also discovered that their armies have no tough battle to hit, wants to go to be able with Heavenly Palace to do the vanguard army. 天衍圣女也发现他们这支大军没什么硬仗能打,想去能跟天宫干架的先锋军。 Has not looked, behind are the Ling Xiaolan two old women, signaling with the eyes to him unceasingly? 没看,泠小岚背后的两名老妪,正不断给他使眼色? Fairy Maiden Ling, we also calculate the old knowledge, end will not be many are hiding the truth from you.” 泠仙子,咱俩也算旧识,末将也不多瞒着你。” Xu Mu slow sound said: Army who wants to exchange the ownership, needing Human Sovereign pavilion own decline made...... this violates the taboo.” 许木缓声道:“想要临阵调换归属的大军,需人皇阁亲下调令……这是犯忌讳的。” In Ling Xiaolan large and round eyes full is helpless. 泠小岚杏眼中满是无奈。 She looks down to the own short-sword, said in a soft voice: If after I live in contentment the army, I leave his body side, hurries back to Human Territory, chart what?” 她低头看向自己的短剑,轻声道:“若我只是安居后军,那我离开他身侧,赶回人域,又图个什么?” cough! This!” !这个!” The Xu Mu intention moves, says with a smile: 许木心念一动,笑道: Actually, we were also that Sir's order. “其实,我们也是得了那位大人的命令。 Does that Sir, how possibly make Fairy Maiden go to the frontline to slaughter? ” 那位大人,怎么可能让仙子去前线厮杀?” Ling Xiaolan delicate eyebrows light wrinkle: General may cannot deceive I.” 泠小岚秀眉轻皱:“将军莫要诓我。” My deceive anyone, cannot deceive Fairy Maiden not be,” Xu Mu both hands one, said with a smile, did not believe you to go to Ji Family to inquire.” “我诓谁,也不能诓仙子不是,”许木双手一摊,笑道,“不信你可去季家问询。” Ling Xiaolan purses the lips slightly, holds the fist in the other hand to salute to Xu Mu, raises the short-sword to turn around to go, has not said anything actually. 泠小岚微微抿嘴,对许木抱拳行礼,提着短剑转身而去,倒是并未多说什么。 That two old women gave Xu Mu to set upright the thumb in the sleeve, later then in a hurry with. 那两名老妪在袖中给许木竖了个大拇指,随后便匆匆跟了上去。 Xu Mu carries a shoulder-pole load the eyebrow, showed several points of smile safely. 许木挑挑眉,露出了几分安然的微笑。 That Sir...... 那位大人…… Oh, throughout was getting bigger and bigger with the Wu Wang disparity.’ ‘唉,始终是跟无妄差距越来越大了哟。’ At this time! 正此时! The Xu Mu smile has not restrained, the Ling Xiaolan form has not flown far, various military compound place tranquilities, Daisawa Edge whitecap washout. 许木笑容未收敛,泠小岚的身影未飞远,军营各处一片宁静,大泽边缘白浪冲刷。 The south sky, one group of flames ascend suddenly, melts the form of catching fire Blue Dragon suddenly, raises head to angrily roar to north. 南面天空,一团火光突然升腾而起,瞬息间化作火苍龙的身影,对北面仰头怒吼。 The Human Territory 36 army military compounds, innumerable many in the place and long wall later Cultivator Central Mountain, heard that old and dignified voice. 人域三十六处大军军营,数不清多少在中山之地、长墙之后的修士,听闻到了那苍老且威严的嗓音。 Divine Farmer Flame Emperor own command: 神农炎帝亲令: „ The Human Way vicissitudes, the world is peaceful. 人道沧桑,天地安宁。 Heavenly Palace humiliates Human Territory to be long, the dark turmoil wants to put off the Human Territory torch, massacres my same clan incalculably. 天宫欺凌人域久矣,前后黑暗动乱欲扑灭人域薪火,残杀吾同族无算。 Today, the soldier has Central Mountain, storm Heavenly Palace. 今日,兵起中山,强攻天宫 The war of person god, does not refuse stubbornly finally. ” 人神之战,不死不终。” The Xu Mu whole body trembles, only thought that one group of flame burn in the Nascent Spirit place, turning around is the hissing shouted: 许木浑身震颤,只觉得一团火焰在元神处燃烧,转身便是嘶声大喊: Beats a drum! Prepares army —— “擂鼓!备军—— Everyone rests earlier, next chapter of tomorrow 大家早点休息,下一章明天
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