TO :: Volume #6

#565: Three star god

Spirit boat regret constantly, but things have gotten to this point, does not have the means. 灵舟懊悔不迭,但事已至此,也没办法。 Sees only him to fly to chief prison warden, wants to take Spear of Lawful. 只见他飞向典狱长,想要去拿守序者之矛 Now star exploding war cloud, blots out the sky, the crisis of enormous and powerful capping, how long him could not have kept off, must use Spear of Lawful to be good. 如今星爆战云,铺天盖地,浩荡压顶的危机还在,他挡不了多久,得用上守序者之矛才行。 But the spirit boat just arrived at side Starbreaker, heard the Huang Ji sound. 可灵舟刚来到碎星者身边,就听到了黄极的声音。 Do not pass again, he has not died.” “别再过去了,他没死。” The spirit boat is pleasantly surprised saying: Hou! Frightens me to jump!” 灵舟又惊又喜道:“嚯!吓我一跳!” Is you have not died is right!” “是你没死才对!” You are......! Before what died is the false body?” “你这是……啊!之前死掉的是假身?” He realizes immediately, before was separated from mecha Huang Ji, was not a main body, but made exactly the same flesh and blood to act as the bait. 他立刻意识到,之前脱离机甲的‘黄极’,并非本尊,而是造了个一模一样的血肉之躯充当诱饵。 But the spirit boat thinks the non- channel: But is impossible, how can be so lifelike? I have not surveyed your control signal completely.” 可灵舟还是想不通道:“但不可能啊,怎么能如此逼真?我也完全没探测到你的操控信号。” At that time that situation, only if you control personally, why otherwise can evade repulsion fields continuously chasing down of four times?” “当时那种情况,除非你亲自操控,不然为何能连续躲过四次斥力场的追杀?” Huang Ji said with a smile pale: Does not need to control personally, how I the preinstall good to dodge ahead of time, sentenced him four to deal in advance again.” 黄极淡笑道:“不用亲自操控,我提前预设好了该如何闪躲,预判了他四重应对。” The dragon eye of spirit boat stares the eldest child, realized that Huang Ji heavy sentences with four that this moved unnecessarily in advance, lets destroy also the indifferent false body to hide the skill crazily. 灵舟的龙眼瞪得老大,意识到黄极用这多此一举的四重预判,让毁灭了也无所谓的假身狂躲技能。 Flesh false body that this action, the coordination seems real sufficiently, causing the bystanders to think that is the Huang Ji main body. 这种举动,配合足以乱真的血肉假身,导致外人都以为那就是黄极本尊。 Chief prison warden must kill is Huang Ji, therefore Huang Ji and mecha separate, so golden opportunity, how also to let off? 典狱长要杀的就是黄极,所以黄极机甲分开,如此大好机会,又岂会放过? Immediately shifts to the attack acute angle, chases down Huang Ji, as everyone knows lets truly have Huang Ji main body mecha, to seem the inertial movement to approach chief prison warden. 立刻就把攻击锐角转向,追杀黄极,殊不知却让真正有黄极本尊的机甲,以好似惯性运动般逼近了典狱长。 When the false body annihilation, chief prison warden has a low opinion of the enemy turns around, the third eye of Starbreaker, directly starts the thermal energy storage. 待假身湮灭,典狱长轻敌转身之际,碎星者的第三只眼,直接开始蓄能。 Round of world creation death ray, solution fight. 一发创世死光,解决战斗。 No, has not solved...... you saying that he hasn't died?” The spirit boat looks to chief prison warden. “不,还没有解决……你说他没死?”灵舟看向典狱长。 Sees the headless body that chief prison warden annihilates, stood, thump thump thump, three black balls make, lingering whole body. 就见典狱长湮灭的无头之躯,站了起来,咚咚咚,三颗黑球重新造出,萦绕周身。 The spirit boat complexion is ugly, the heart said that this fellow was feigning death. 灵舟脸色难看,心说这家伙原来在装死。 If he a moment ago came up the examination, wants to take away Spear of Lawful, now perhaps has been sneak attacked lethal. 他刚才若上去查看,想拿走守序者之矛,现在恐怕已经被偷袭致死了。 You know that I haven't died? This body, has lost the life characteristics obviously, the brain annihilated thoroughly.” Chief prison warden has the question. “你怎么会知道我没死?这具身体,明明已经失去生命特征了,大脑都彻底湮灭了。”典狱长发出疑问。 Huang Ji makes out of whole cloth saying: As the doctor, your limbs expression and look told me, this body was only the body puppet......” 黄极瞎编道:“作为医生,你的肢体表情和眼神告诉我,这具身体只是躯壳傀儡……” Your hand...... grasped tightly this lance, was the lance is grasping you seem like......” “你的手……把这根长矛握得太紧了,以至于倒像是长矛在握着你……” After chief prison warden silent moment, shocks saying: Really is the fearful power of observation, you are I see carefully such as send, the person of observation in every way possible.” 典狱长沉默片刻后震惊道:“真是可怕的观察力,你是我所见最心细如发,观察入微之人。” Even my thought energy body hides in Spear of Lawful, can look at...... obviously this is the secret function......” “连我的思维能量体藏身于守序者之矛,都能看出来……明明这是机密的功能……” The Huang Ji smile said: Was good, guards in not however, vigilant always not wrong.” 黄极微笑道:“还好了,防范于未然,警惕总没有错。” You, if feigns death again some time, perhaps I was swindled.” “你若再多装死一段时间,我兴许就上当了。” Chief prison warden snort/hum sound said: Drags again, the Star Alliance convoy guard came...... to fight a battle to force a quick decision.” 典狱长哼声道:“再拖下去,星盟护卫队就来了……得速战速决啊。” Nearby spirit boat, this is clear, why chief prison warden has not died. 一旁的灵舟,这才明白,为何典狱长没死。 Originally thought energy body, in Spear of Lawful, just like Huang Ji said, is not the person is grasping the lance, but is the lance is grasping the person! 原来思维能量体,在守序者之矛里面,正如黄极所说,不是人在握着矛,而是矛在握着人! Does not know this function, no matter what everybody will be swindled, he almost planted a moment ago. 不知道这功能,任谁都会上当啊,他刚才就差点栽了。 „Were Spear of Lawful, when many this function? How I do not know!” The spirit boat feeling is very awkward. 守序者之矛,什么时候多了这个功能?我怎么不知道!”灵舟感觉很尴尬。 He as the dragon race big shot, knows Spear of Lawful, understood very much. 他作为龙族大佬,是认识守序者之矛的,也很了解。 Huang Ji that finally in the end, he instead most does not understand, might as well is on site to analyze. 结果到头来,他反而是最不了解的一个,还不如临场分析的黄极 Chief prison warden cold sound said: Was that you know how many years ago information? The old thing, the weapon will renew, the time changes!” 典狱长冷声道:“你知道的那是多少年前的情报了?老东西,武器是会更新的,时代是会变的!” Huang Ji also said: Because your main body is a lance, therefore this body is unable to fuse mecha.” 黄极也说道:“正是因为你的本体是长矛,所以这具身体无法融合机甲。” You kill me, brought such fierce weapon, but also brought star exploding war cloud, how puts on one set of mecha to be able? But you actually only put on the attractive armor, instead Spear of Lawful, when the weapon uses, when against has with......” “你来杀我,带了这么厉害的武器,还带了星爆战云,多穿一套机甲又能怎样?可你却偏偏只穿了漂亮的铠甲,反把守序者之矛,又当武器用,又当防具用……” Chief prison warden is helpless, such flaw, Huang Ji can refer to unexpectedly. 典狱长无奈,这么点破绽,黄极竟然都能指出来。 From the power of observation to the analysis capability, this Purple Tenuity big imperial capital is a monster. 从观察力到分析能力,这个紫微大帝都是个怪物。 The spirit boat said very much awkwardly: Old, easy and comfortable was too long, the thought also stopped in the past......” 灵舟很尴尬道:“老了老了,安逸了太久,思维还停在过去……” Spear of Lawful, itself can also regard as one set of fusion mecha. 守序者之矛,本身也可以视为一套融合式机甲 Regarding big Civilization, thought energy body type of thing, many people have. 对于大文明而言,思维能量体这种东西,很多人都有。 So mecha does not need to fuse with the body again, mecha does not need to look like the lifeform. Throws the mortal body, unites with the weapon directly, how could it not be more convenient? 如此机甲没必要再与身体融合,机甲也不用长得像生物。抛去肉身,直接与武器合一,岂不更为方便? The weapon does not extinguish, then really spirit does not extinguish, simply does not have the strategic point. 武器不灭,则真灵不灭,根本没有要害可言。 This is the development ideal of shacha Civilization weapon, inside is revealing their cultural essence: Shrinks shell. 这就是沙茶文明武器的发展理念,里面流露着他们的文化内核:‘缩壳’。 In the ideological subconscious of shacha, thought that the shell is harder, is more indestructible, powerful is better! 沙茶的思想潜意识里,就觉得壳越硬,越坚不可摧,越强大就越好! The person who reveals, but is the immaterial thing that in the shell extends, destroyed destroyed, shell was the main body! 露出来的这个人,不过是壳里延伸出来的无关紧要的东西,毁了就毁了,‘壳’才是本体! Each Civilization technical tree is different, even if the dragon race weapon the technique content is equally high, without this function. 每个文明的科技树是不一样的,龙族的武器哪怕技术含量一样高,也没有这种功能。 Haha, good Purple Tenuity Great Emperor, to get rid of this domestic animal!” “哈哈,好一个紫微大帝,干掉这个畜生!” Wonderful wonderful, originally Spear of Lawful the renewal many new functions, have also done are like before, is quite sinister!” “妙哉妙哉,原来守序者之矛已经更新换代出很多新功能了,偏偏还做得跟以前一样,好阴险!” „Is this big Civilization? Does this hidden function, you look at that dragon race, is this. Really has the crack dragon bead of corpuscle time version, is long exactly the same that also and outside sells!” “这就是大文明吗?搞这种隐藏功能,你们看那龙族,也是这样。竟然有微子时代版的裂龙珠,长得也和外面卖的一模一样!” Waste waste, the technical steamroll, instead wiped out a life unexpectedly!” “废物废物,技术碾压,竟然反被打掉一条命!” Old standard, had not felt your such vegetable/dish before!” “老典,以前没觉得你这么菜呢!” To be honest, I looked to spit!” “说实话,我看吐了!” In the virtual channel kicked up a fuss the day, performance that some people exclaim in surprise Huang Ji, for its call. 虚拟频道里吵翻了天,有人惊叹黄极的表现,为其呐喊。 Also some people are discontented with chief prison warden performance, instigates him to hurry to kill Huang Ji. 也有人不满典狱长的表现,怂恿他赶紧弄死黄极 Chief prison warden cursed angrily: This Huang Ji consciousness to be strong the terrifying, added that I am weak? You die quickly!” 典狱长怒骂道:“这黄极意识强得恐怖,还说我弱?你们来死得更快!” He spurted directly with the fans, this was the last time public beams with joy in any case, later enjoyed happiness in the kings. 他直接和粉丝喷起来了,反正这是最后一次公众露脸,以后就在王都享福了。 Sees only his not too many idle talk, after venting one next, said indifferently: I must act seriously!” 只见他也没太多废话,发泄一下后,冷漠道:“我要动真格的了!” People terrified one startled, strict, Huang Ji was the extreme disadvantage, the equipment missed about three time as before, can unexpectedly, get rid of chief prison warden ‚a life, is very extraordinary. 众人悚然一惊,严格来说,黄极依旧是极端劣势,装备差了近三个时代,能出其不意,干掉典狱长‘一条命’,已经很了不得了。 Now chief prison warden actually says must act seriously, what good idea is also the plan shows? 如今典狱长竟然说要动真格的,又是打算展现什么高招? Sees the prison warden long face......, now did not have the face. 就见典狱长脸……呃,现在没有脸了。 That headless body, shivers slightly, in the hand the lance sends out the attraction wave channel: lawful! Opening trust fight! Goal! Huang Ji!” 那无头之躯,微微颤抖,手中长矛发出引力波道:“守序者!开启托管战斗!目标!黄极!” „......” “呃……” The people are speechless, among live broadcasts deathly stillness moment. 众人无语,直播间死寂了片刻。 The spirit boat governor also gawked, trust? What ghost! Was hit the trust? 灵舟总督也愣了,托管?什么鬼啊!被打托管了? In the virtual channel, scolded overturns the heavens. 虚拟频道里,骂翻了天。 „Is this acts seriously? Is your unique skill the trust?” “这就是动真格的嘛?你的绝招是托管?” What! Was hit the trust unexpectedly! You were said the trust of might as well own vegetable/dish?” “什么啊!竟然被打托管了!你是说自己菜的还不如托管吗?” „The intelligent program of this year is not useful! On that consciousness...... not, system basic on does not have any fight consciousness! I can win!” “这年头的智能程序有个屁用啊!就那意识……不,系统根本就没有什么战斗意识!我都能打赢好嘛!” Technology leads so many, the trust can win. The autogenous control, should be able to win!” “技术领先这么多,托管都能赢。自己控制,就更应该能赢啊!” Looked to me happily, led three time, was entrusted with unexpectedly...... ha!” “给我看乐了,领先三层时代,竟然托管了……哈哈哈!” Don't chaotic black, the Purple Tenuity Great Emperor also has the corpuscle equipment, strict only leads 2.5 time.” “别乱黑,紫微大帝也有微子装备,严格来说只领先2.5层时代。” You must be entrusted with be able to win, rather are dead! Really loses the face of shacha Civilization!” “你要托管才能赢,不如死了算了!真丢沙茶文明的脸!” Speechless, you shrink the shell simply!” “无语,你干脆缩壳去吧!” Tells the truth, he consciousness in Spear of Lawful, was equal to that a beginning is shrinks the shell condition......” “有一说一,他意识在守序者之矛中,等于一开场就是缩壳状态……” Regarding others' railing, chief prison warden does not manage. 对于别人的谩骂,典狱长根本不管。 The headless body, brandishes the lance, the surroundings space and time twists, three black balls mix unceasingly, such as the purgatory is ordinary. 无头之躯,挥舞长矛,周围时空扭曲,三颗黑球不断搅动,如炼狱一般。 Regarding this, Huang Ji actually sighs with emotion: Fierce, so understands what has to be done, this is decisive and steady, really strong.” 对此,黄极却感慨道:“厉害,如此识时务,这份果断与稳健,是真的强啊。” The spirit boat said fast: Trust is traceable, is unimaginative, is counterattacked by the expert very much easily. The consciousness pitot tube of this person stronger again is......” 灵舟快速说道:“托管是有迹可寻的,缺乏想象力,很容易被高手反制。此人的意识再怎么也比托管要强才是……” Huang Ji said with a smile: What you said is the same rank fights, actually the trust is also the fault-tolerant rate/lead highest fight method, I can win a moment ago, lies to control of his psychology.” 黄极笑道:“你说的是同级别战斗,其实托管也是容错率最高的战斗方法,我刚才能赢,在于对他心理的把控。” He ate to owe one time, realized instantaneously oneself could not win me, the decisive trust, this actually chose must win the law.” “他吃了一次亏,就瞬间意识到自己打不赢我,果断托管,这其实是选择了必胜法。” Science and technology leads so many, the intelligent program cannot lose.” “科技领先这么多,智能程序是输不了的。” The trust is the humiliation behavior, but chief prison warden actually does not care quite the same as. 托管是很屈辱的行为,但典狱长却浑然不在乎。 By the technology of corpuscle time prime season, Huang Ji of steamroll half corpuscle time, is won steadily. May be contrary to what expects finally, instead wiped out a life by Huang Ji. 以微子时代盛期的技术,碾压半步微子时代的黄极,本来是稳赢的。可结果事与愿违,反被黄极打掉一命。 This being able saying that great strength beyond description, chief prison warden realized sincerely. Others thought that is his vegetable/dish, he thought that my non- vegetable/dish, is Huang Ji is too abnormal. 这种说不出来,难以形容的强大,典狱长深切体会到了。别人觉得是他菜,他觉得‘我不菜,是黄极太变态’。 This is a self-confidence, is a sobriety. 这是一种自信,也是一种清醒。 Can so clearly realize, oneself and Huang Ji disparity, but with the trust, this actually instead showed the chief prison warden astonishing fight thought. 能如此清醒地意识到,自己与黄极的差距,而采用托管,这其实反而彰显了典狱长惊人的战斗思维。 His fight thought told itself, now is entrusted with is the best choice...... 他的战斗思维告诉自己,如今托管是最好的选择…… Therefore the Huang Ji feeling, this person is very strong! 所以黄极感慨,此人真的很强! In the past if Otis had this consciousness, is willing is so entrusted with neatly, the destiny was different. 当年帝斯若有这个意识,愿意如此干净利落地托管,命运就不一样了。 After chief prison warden is entrusted with, a snap ring point, a wave including a wave of intense attack, Huang Ji is tired out from the press, difficult resistance. 面对典狱长托管后,一环扣一环,一波连一波的密集打击,黄极疲于奔命,艰难抵抗。 Absolutely does not have the flaw, after the trust, did not strive for active, cherished only the hope of avoiding mistakes. In the situation of technical and in energy steamroll, this exactly is the tactical rules of most non-solution. 完全没有破绽,托管之后,不求有功,但求无过。在技术、能量碾压的情况下,这恰恰是最无解的战法。 Doing does not win to do does not win...... the computer to be fierce!” Although Huang Ji was being pressed hitting, but was happy. “搞不赢搞不赢……还是电脑厉害啊!”黄极虽然被压着打,但却乐了。 Gives you to you! Takes away!” The spirit boat understands the meaning of Huang Ji, busy the cracking dragon bead will not give him. “给你给你!都拿去!”灵舟听懂黄极的意思,忙不咧将裂龙珠交给他。 You have said that had my crack dragon bead, the winning percentage 90%!” “你说过,有了我的裂龙珠,胜率90%!” Huang Ji obtains the crack dragon bead, instantaneous proficiently utilizes, blocked the chief prison warden squally shower attack. 黄极得到裂龙珠,瞬间熟练运用起来,挡住了典狱长狂风骤雨般的攻击。 Now...... was ten tenths.” “现在……是十成了。” Huang Ji self-confident words, reverberation starry sky. 黄极自信的话语,回荡星空。 Sees 1 million crack dragon beads, suddenly toward flies in all directions, simultaneously is ordinary like the wiredrawing, pulls three-phase fields of force. 就见百万颗裂龙珠,忽然朝四面八方飞去,同时如同拉丝一般,牵出一道道三相力场。 In an instant, the unescapable net scene, presents in the outer space, and seal on star exploding war cloud! 刹那间,天罗地网般的场景,呈现在太空中,并印在了星爆战云上! After is so long, star exploding war cloud has filled nearby Gaia Star, this moment people cannot see the starry sky, raises head is interstellar dust that sees. 经过这么久,星爆战云已经弥漫到盖亚星附近了,此刻众人根本看不到星空,仰头看到的全是星际尘埃 The three-phase strength net, enters star exploding war cloud continually, makes it exude the beautiful blue brilliance instantaneously, seems incomparably mysterious. 三相之力网罗,连入星爆战云,瞬间使其泛着绮丽的蓝色光辉,显得无比神秘。 The crack dragon bead is the corpuscle crosses the threshold, the Spear of Lawful two time of backward corpuscle prime season. 裂龙珠是微子入门,落后微子盛期的守序者之矛两层时代。 In situation that the enemy is entrusted with, is still impossible to win. 在敌人托管的情况下,依旧不可能打赢。 May add on star exploding war cloud to be different, the crack dragon bead achieved the minimum requirement that controls star exploding war cloud, Huang Ji had controlled its strength sufficiently. 可加上星爆战云就不一样了,裂龙珠达到了控制星爆战云的最低要求,黄极有了足以操控它的力量。 Although Eight Trigrams (gossip) level star exploding war cloud lowered a time, but the energy abundance was higher than Spear of Lawful. 八卦级星爆战云虽然还是低了一个时代,但能源丰度却比守序者之矛高多了。 Can the energy that ten times of solar masses, a 90 meters lance stores up can it be that compare? Even the energy of lance transmits by star exploding war cloud continuously. 十倍太阳质量,岂是一根九十米长矛储存的能量可以比拟的?甚至于长矛的能量都是靠星爆战云源源不断传输的。 Captures star exploding war cloud, not only Huang Ji energy steamroll opposite party, but also instead broke opposite fuel supply! 夺取星爆战云,不光黄极能量碾压对方,还反而断了对面的能源供应! Star explodes armament!” “星爆武装!” The blue beautiful brilliance, winds like god meridians, passes through the trim nebula at the speed of light. 蓝色的绮丽光辉,如同神经脉络,以光速贯穿整片星云。 Soon, palatial such as the enormous and powerful giant of god, appeared in the Xuanyuan galaxy! 不多时,巍峨如神的浩荡巨人,出现在了轩辕星系! Bang!” “轰!” Dazzling whie light like flesh, beautiful blue light like meridians, Huang Ji in shuttles back and forth recklessly, arrives at the head the position, and gathers three Star! 耀眼的白光如肌肤,绮丽的蓝光如经脉,黄极在其中肆意穿梭,来到头部的位置,并汇聚出三颗恒星 Two golden Star, like both eyes, a blue giant star stand in the position of forehead. 两颗金色的恒星,如同双目,还有一颗蓝巨星立在额头的位置。 Looks from afar, looks like in boundless desert nebula dust, towers three star god. 远远看去,就像是无边沙漠般的星云尘埃中,耸立起一尊三眼星神 Gaia Star in its waist side, only just like a small beaded glass. 盖亚星在其腰侧,只犹如一颗小玻璃珠。 This is impossible! How will you know the control secret order?” “这不可能!你怎么会知道控制密令?” Moreover...... this is what technology! My star exploding war cloud simply does not have this function!” “而且……这是什么技术!我的星爆战云根本没这个功能!” Chief prison warden looked ignorant, the Huang Ji invasion controlled star exploding war cloud, this can understand. 典狱长看懵了,黄极入侵控制了星爆战云,这都能理解。 But can he also transform star exploding war cloud unexpectedly? Why this is! 可是他竟然还能改造星爆战云?这是凭什么啊! Theoretically star exploding war cloud can get forms this, conducts the innumerable slight local controls, achieves overall ever changing...... when the premise is the release designed this function! 理论上星爆战云是可以变形成这样,进行无数细微的局部控制,做到整体的千变万化……但前提是出厂时设计了这个功能啊! It seems the computer to run some procedure/program, achieves something. Under may since not have that procedure/program from the beginning! 就好像电脑可以运行某个程序,做到某件事。可打从一开始就没下那个程序啊! The principle of star exploding war cloud, engraves control way on the innumerable dust particles, enabling it the operation three-phase strength, subsequently turns into a vehicle entire nebula, a machine. 星爆战云的原理,是在无数微尘上镌刻‘控制路径’,使其能运作三相之力,继而将一整个星云变成一种载具,一种机器。 Every time adds one set of control model, needs to input the extremely huge data. 每加一套控制模型,就需要录入极其庞大的数据。 Huang Ji to star exploding war cloud, completed the load of new mold train unexpectedly instantaneously, data where he comes? 黄极竟然在瞬间给星爆战云,完成了新模组的加载,他哪来的数据? This unique data format, is secret, is only then the business knows that the industry of monopoly, what function the buyer must add, can only return to the factory, is it possible that can Huang Ji operate...... Purple Tenuity unexpectedly is actually the group of corpuscle time? Purple Tenuity do have the star exploding war cloud production technology? 这种独特的数据形式,是机密的,是只有商家知道的,垄断的行业,买家要加什么功能,都只能返厂,黄极竟然能自己操作……莫非紫微其实是个微子时代的集团?紫微自己就有星爆战云生产技术? Suddenly chief prison warden is utterly confused, he thinks oneself are the higher Civilization guest, is knowledgeable, although the Purple Tenuity Great Emperor wrestles very strongly, but is in itself the low Civilization lifeform. 一时间典狱长心乱如麻,他本以为自己是个高等文明来客,见识广博,紫微大帝虽然格斗很强,但本身是个低等文明生物。 Has not thought, Huang Ji understood are more than him! Others technology is not bad, but has not equipped. 可没想到,黄极懂得比他多!人家技术一点也不差,只是没装备而已。 The knowledge in brain, does not know that compared with his higher Civilization ordinary school record, where high. 脑子里的知识,不知道比他这个高等文明普通学历者,高到哪里去了。 „Is hick unexpectedly I?” “土包子竟是我自己?” Chief prison warden despairs, he has not resulted in hit, although the Spear of Lawful technique content is high a time, but does not have the sufficient energy, is empty talk! 典狱长绝望,他已经没得打了,虽然守序者之矛的技术含量还是高一个时代,但没有充足的能源,都是白扯 Huang Ji this wave, broke his logistics, hits is hitting, the Spear of Lawful energy exhausted...... 黄极这波,断了他的后勤,打着打着,守序者之矛的能量耗尽了…… Don't!” “别别别!” I was wrong!” “我错了!” Chief prison warden routs to lose, the body has annihilated completely, only leaves behind a lance, gloomily vicissitude in interstellar sea of clouds. 典狱长大败亏输,身躯已然湮灭殆尽,只留下一根长矛,黯淡无光地在星际云海中浮沉。 Three star god enormous and powerful superhuman hands, like the boundless mainland, are lifting the small lance, arrives in front of Huang Ji. 三眼星神的浩荡巨掌,如同无边大陆,托举着小小的长矛,来到黄极面前。 Huang Ji stretches out the palm of Starbreaker, grips it, is swinging the begging for mercy sound of chief prison warden on hearing inside biography. 黄极又伸出碎星者的手掌,将其握住,就听得里面传荡着典狱长的求饶声。 Put me, the Great Emperor, I am muddled for a while, was instigated by the fans......” “放了我吧,大帝,我只是一时糊涂,被粉丝怂恿……” „Do you also say to the present?” Huang Ji said. “你到现在还这么说吗?”黄极说道。 Chief prison warden stagnates, he cannot betray own Civilization, dying is not good. 典狱长一滞,他不能出卖自己的文明,死也不行。 However to maintain a livelihood, crime that he can compile clear: „The Great Emperor, I made a mistake, that fans are actually I look! The hundred years ago matters are ficticious, I do not know you hundred years ago which, makes out of whole cloth you casually in some primitive protectorate......” 不过为了活命,他可以澄清编造的罪行:“大帝,我错了,那粉丝其实是我找的!百年前的事子虚乌有,我也不知道你百年前在哪,就随便瞎编你在某个原始保护区……” Gives me an opportunity, Great Emperor.” “给我个机会吧,大帝。” Huang Ji tranquil say/way: Gives you opportunity, who gives me the opportunity?” 黄极平静道:“给你机会,谁给我机会?” Chief prison warden then remembers, before Huang Ji asked him repeatedly, can forgive itself. 典狱长这才想起,之前黄极多次问他,能不能饶过自己。 He thinks that is Huang Ji is begging for mercy, has not actually thought that now instead begs for mercy to Huang Ji. 他本以为是黄极在求饶,却没想到现在反而向黄极求饶。 These words, he himself said. 这句话,正是他自己说的。 Do not kill me...... the Great Emperor, you kind, the good fortune ten thousand sides, everyone said that your thick virtue grace Milky Way......” chief prison warden cannot withstand in a panic, he knows that said these uselessly, but he also can only choose. “别杀我……大帝,你宅心仁厚,福泽万方,人人都说你厚德惠泽银河……”典狱长仓皇不堪,他知道说这些没用,可他也只能这么选择。 Compared to put the aggressive statement, he instead hopes certain rumors real. 相比起放狠话,他反而希望某些传言是真的。 I will not kill you.” Huang Ji said. “我不会杀你。”黄极说道。 Chief prison warden in great surprise, immediately great happiness. 典狱长大惊,随即大喜。 Afterward saw Huang Ji to pull out his thought energy body, and used the star exploding war cloud material to manufacture a body of shacha person in the one side. 随后就见黄极把他的思维能量体抽了出来,并在一旁用星爆战云的物质制作了一具沙茶人的身体。 After chief prison warden consciousness will fuse, Huang Ji threw it to the spirit boat. 将典狱长的意识融合进去后,黄极将其扔给了灵舟。 Gave Star Alliance, governor Sir, you do not tell me unable to sentence......” Huang Ji to say with a smile. “交给星盟了,总督大人,你可别告诉我判不了……”黄极笑道。 Spirit boat dragon eye stares saying: This killed my face, couldn't I have governed him? A your Great Emperor, my governor, this credibility simply has not resulted in debates.” 灵舟龙目一瞪道:“这都杀我脸上来了,我还治不了他?你一个大帝,我一个总督,这公信力根本没得辩。” After his hesitation a while, said: I suggested that you get rid of him now, in retaining boundary, you have the right to get rid of him. If gives Star Alliance, with all due respect, only depending on made, his crime...... does not detain until death at most indefinitely in the hell.” 他沉吟一会儿后又说道:“不过我建议你现在把他干掉吧,在保留地境内,你有权干掉他。而如果交给星盟,恕我直言,仅凭过来闹了一场,他罪不至死……顶多无限期关押在地狱里。” The Huang Ji smile said: Good, closes him and crown prince Leji in the same place.” 黄极微笑道:“挺好的,就把他和乐基世子关在一块吧。” The spirit boat said at a loss: crown prince Leji? Who?” 灵舟茫然道:“乐基世子?谁啊?” He did not know, but chief prison warden response is actually enormous. 他不认识,但典狱长的反应却是极大。 no no! I do not close to him in the same place!” Chief prison warden struggles crazily, actually cannot escape from the claw of spirit boat, can only jump to shout on the claw fiercely. 不不不!我不要跟他关在一起!”典狱长疯狂挣扎,却逃脱不出灵舟的爪子,只能在爪子上剧烈地蹦跳嘶吼。 The spirit boat saw that to smile, said: Yo, personal enemy? Ok, that decided!” 灵舟见状笑了,说道:“呦,仇人啊?行,那就这么定了吧!” Hell that place chaotic very much, among the inmates slaughters frequently mutually, the prison guards also look cold and indifferent. 地狱那地方乱的很,狱友之间经常相互厮杀,狱卒们也是爱答不理的。 Chief prison warden managed a stretch of area of jurisdiction before, becomes famous by the prisoner abuse, crown prince Leji is some shacha royal family, was been oppressive by him ruthlessly one. 典狱长以前是管了一片辖区,以虐囚出名的,乐基世子乃是沙茶某王室,是被他虐得最狠的之一。 Now the prison warden grew into the captive, but also with its pass/test same place, in area of jurisdiction when he managed in the past years, this might as well died. 现在典狱长成了阶下囚,还跟其关一块,待在当年他管的辖区里,这还不如死了呢。 No! Huang Ji! Huang Ji! You cannot like this!” “别啊!黄极黄极!你不能这样!” Especially do you know Leji? How you will know him!” “特么的难道你认识乐基?你怎么会认识他呢!” Chief prison warden wept and wailed crazily, fear to trembling. 典狱长疯狂哭喊,恐惧到发抖。 Soon, the Star Alliance convoy guard rushes, spirit boat its transmission, and careful commission. 不多时,星盟护卫队赶到,灵舟将其转交,并细细嘱托。 Lets loose me! I do not go! Lets loose me! I know the shacha royal family, I am very ripe with shacha cabinet minister Saguara!” Chief prison warden struggles fiercely, minister Saguara in his mouth, is actually the person who appoints him to come, but he cannot speak frankly. “放开我!我不去!放开我!我认识沙茶王室,我还跟沙茶内阁大臣撒瓜拉很熟!”典狱长剧烈挣扎,他口中的大臣撒瓜拉,其实是指派他来的人,但他不能直说。 The spirit boat governor said indifferently: Quarrelled, the cabinet ministers I knew were many, did he arrange several old?” 灵舟总督无所谓道:“吵死了,内阁大臣我认识的多了,他排老几?” ...... ……
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