TO :: Volume #6

#564: Lunatic tactic

How could the bystanders want to obtain, Huang Ji is only 18 years old. 外人岂能想得到,黄极才十八岁。 In their opinion, became the Great Emperor, lived for several hundred years? 在他们看来,都成为大帝了,怎么也活了几百年吧? They checked the Huang Ji citizen material, above records the age to have 666 years old. 他们查了黄极的公民资料,上面可是记录着年龄有666岁。 With a wish to incriminate!” The spirit boat disdains very much. “欲加之罪!”灵舟很是不屑。 Although he does not know that Huang Ji is big, but his actually very familiar shacha Civilization this operation, nothing but promotes the top package, making him find a revenging excuse casually, kills the Purple Tenuity Great Emperor. 他虽然不知道黄极多大,但他却很熟悉沙茶文明这种操作,无非是推出个顶包的,令其随便找个报仇的理由,来杀紫微大帝。 However for does not involve Civilization, qualitative becomes individual revenge behavior this matter, on cannot say that outwardly is the Civilization government pulls strings. 不过是为了不把文明牵扯进来,把此事定性成个人复仇行为,明面上就不能说是文明政府指使的而已。 Huang Ji regarding this, without the rebuttal, asked tirelessly third: „Do I have the opportunity?” 黄极对此,没有反驳,不厌其烦地问了第三遍:“我还有机会吗?” Chief prison warden not anti- say/way: I give you opportunity, who gives me the opportunity?” 典狱长不耐道:“我给你机会,谁给我机会?” Gathers!” “聚!” He no longer rubbish, a Spear of Lawful suddenly thorn. 他不再废话,守序者之矛猛然一刺。 The black ball that one group is emitting myriad irregular ripples, boils up from the lance peak. 一团放射着万千条不规则涟漪的黑球,从长矛顶端迸出。 The place visited, the space and time as if stagnated viscous, formed a visible fuzzy distortion road. 所过之处,时空都仿佛凝滞粘稠了,形成一条肉眼可见的模糊扭曲甬道。 By this distortion space and time, can see the background star light, becomes like not the clear picture, was enlarged several times of fuzzy patterns again. 透过这扭曲时空,可以看到背景的星光,都变得如同不清晰的照片,再被放大好几倍的模糊图样。 Sees with own eyes chief prison warden to act, the Huang Ji look is suddenly sharp! 眼见典狱长出手,黄极的眼神陡然锐利! Buzz humming sound!” “嗡嗡嗡!” Huang Ji slender big magnificent war armor, the image changes, by mildly not wonderful appearance, becomes withered suddenly callously. 黄极修长高大的华丽战甲,形象变动,由原本温润无奇的模样,眨眼间变得冷酷肃杀。 Before profound pitch-black the color of the outer space background fusing together, became has the gloss blazingly, spilled over the pale golden class/flow color. 之前深邃乌黑与太空背景融为一体的颜色,也变得炽烈而有光泽,泛出淡金色的流彩。 „-” The both eyes as well as third on Starbreaker mecha set upright the pupil, the circulation wipe the radiant star glow. “飒-”碎星者机甲上的双目以及第三只竖瞳,流转一抹璀璨星芒。 The next second, Huang Ji wields the golden palm, flies the black spherical sector, is circling goes far away. 下一秒,黄极挥出金色的手掌,将黑球扇飞,打着旋儿远去。 „? The three-phase strength......” chief prison warden slightly has surprised. “哦?三相之力……”典狱长略有惊讶。 This group of black ball might are astonishing, the place visited space and time will fall the concave lens, any object bumps into, will then collapse, extrudes in the black ball, in the nature actually and degenerate state bomb is similar. 这团黑球威力惊人,所过之处时空都会陷成凹透镜,任何物体碰上,便会坍缩进去,挤压在黑球中,性质上其实和简并态炸弹是差不多的。 But the degenerate state bomb is the flash, this black ball can actually exist for a long time, if throws into the planet center of the earth it, the entire star will collapse finally together the white dwarf material! Popular name gathers spatial ball. 但简并态炸弹乃一瞬间,此黑球却是能长期存在,若把它扔进行星地心,整个星球最终都会坍缩成一块白矮星物质!俗称‘聚空球’。 The possibility that the so fearful might, below the corpuscle time, simply has not resisted, only has unified force or the three-phase strength can control it. 如此可怕的威力,微子时代以下,根本没有抵挡的可能,唯有统一力或者三相之力才可以操控它。 Really is not simple, the Purple Tenuity Great Emperor, grasped the foundation strength of corpuscle time unexpectedly.” “果然不简单啊,紫微大帝,竟然掌握了微子时代的根基力量。” Gives you again the time, that must......” “再给你时间,那还得了……” Chief prison warden realized that Huang Ji this Starbreaker, seems like only the atomic peak, in fact the modules of many corpuscle time. 典狱长意识到黄极这身碎星者,看起来只是原子巅峰,实际上有很多微子时代的模块。 Careful scanning, really so, before the volume , the third eye, is actually no upper limit laser emitter. 仔细一扫描,果然如此,额前第三只眼,其实是无上限激光放射器。 The modules of some whole body also many three-phase strength, what a pity are protecting material Supreme Oneness, overall majority is normal the Starbreaker mecha material. 全身上下也有很多三相之力的组件,可惜就是护甲材料太一般,整体大部分还是正常碎星者机甲的材料。 Can calculate that changes justification half corpuscle time mecha. 姑且,可以算个改装版半步微子时代机甲 Hehe, you damn.” Chief prison warden brandishes the lance, the whole body emits three black balls! “嘿嘿,你更该死了。”典狱长挥舞长矛,周身噌噌噌冒出三颗黑球! Three black balls slide clever linger and protect in his side the body smooth, happen to blocks a Drill Bit spiral energy attack of spirit boat suddenly release. 三颗黑球乖溜溜地在他身边萦绕、护体,正好挡住灵舟忽然释放的一道钻头般的螺旋能量攻击。 This Drill Bit attack is also out of the ordinary, if did not look with own eyes, but analyzes from the data of gravity wave, people will think that has two big heavenly bodies to surround mutually, mixes the space and time. 钻头攻击也非同凡响,如果不亲眼看,但从引力波的数据上解析,人们会觉得有两大天体正在相互环绕,搅动时空呢。 However in fact and has no heavenly body, only then several tens of thousands of crack dragon beads, arrange Drill Bit, and drives the enormous and powerful red spiral energy, buzz humming sound explodes drills chief prison warden. 然而事实上并没有什么天体,只有数万颗裂龙珠,排列成钻头,并带动浩荡的红色螺旋能量,嗡嗡嗡地爆钻典狱长。 What a pity, weapons of both sides obviously are not a rank, the spirit boat must resist star exploding war cloud let alone, at this moment only used several tens of thousands of? 可惜,双方的武器显然不是一个级别的,更何况灵舟还要抵抗星爆战云,此刻只用了数万颗? Sees only the red spiral energy to be absorbed the black ball entirely, the remaining several tens of thousands of crack dragon beads, just like the fish and shrimp after sea water retreat, the spirit boat recalls it hastily. 只见红色螺旋能量统统被吸收进黑球,剩下数万颗裂龙珠,犹如海水退去后的鱼虾,灵舟连忙将其召回。 Attracts!” Chief prison warden flies upwards pursues several kilometers forward, the lance very punctures. “吸!”典狱长飞升向前追击数公里,长矛挺刺。 Several tens of thousands of crack dragon beads fall behind at the scene, was attracted by a great strength forcefully, pulls to chief prison warden side, slides to surround clever smooth. 数万颗裂龙珠当场掉队,被一股巨力强行吸引,扯到典狱长身旁,乖溜溜地环绕起来。 Spear of Lawful, nothing but is attracts, reprimands and gathers, powder. 守序者之矛,无非就是吸、斥、聚、散。 Chief prison warden by the equipment steamroll, only used one move to attract, attracted the attack of spirit boat, in addition brushed his weapon. 典狱长凭借装备碾压,只用了一招吸,就将灵舟的攻击吸掉,外加刷走了他的兵器。 Explodes!” “爆!” What!” “什么!” Suddenly, caught crack dragon bead, the explosion, blooms loudly the dazzling glare, embezzles chief prison warden instantaneously! 忽然之间,被捕获的裂龙珠,轰然爆炸,绽放耀眼的强光,瞬间把典狱长吞没! When the brilliance clears, chief prison warden is quite distressed, the body green body flows out the high-temperature thick liquid class/flow of melting everywhere, the overall breakage is frigid. 待光辉散尽,典狱长颇为狼狈,身上绿色的躯壳到处流出融化的高温浆流,整体破损惨烈。 Spirit boat governor, can it be that ordinary people? He has expected chief prison warden to catch the own weapon, therefore in inside preinstall from exploding procedure/program. 灵舟总督,岂是凡夫俗子?他早已料到典狱长会捕获自己的兵器,所以在里面预设了自爆程序。 Although technically by steamroll, but the fight experience and consciousness, actually far exceeds this so-called chief prison warden. 虽说技术上被碾压,可战斗经验与意识,却远超这所谓的典狱长。 If not for the Spear of Lawful force field is too powerful, this wave of explosion can a moment ago the second chief prison warden. What a pity, the most might of high-energy mighty current, cannot break through the fetter, was attracted to pull by the powerful. 若不是守序者之矛的力场太强大,刚才这波爆炸就能秒了典狱长。可惜了,高能洪流的绝大多数威力,还是没能突破束缚,就又被强力吸扯了回去。 Is governor Sir......” chief prison warden complexion is worthily ugly, simultaneously notices in the virtual channel a taunt. “不愧是总督大人……”典狱长脸色难看,同时注意到虚拟频道中一片嘲讽。 Kills the Great Emperor! Do you do!” “杀大帝啊!你干嘛呢!” Do not pester with the governor, kills the Purple Tenuity Great Emperor quickly!” “别跟总督纠缠了,快弄死紫微大帝!” Sediment, do you link our dragon race Helber to dare to hit greatly mostly? Court death! Do not let me catch you!” “渣滓,你连我们龙族亥伯大大都敢打?找死!别让我逮到你!” Domestic animal stops quickly, I had reported that Star Alliance convoy guard immediately!” “畜生快住手,我已经举报了,星盟护卫队马上就到!” They said anything leave alone, killed Huang Ji, your moves Milky Way!” “别管他们说什么,杀了黄极,你名动银河!” In the virtual channel what person has, has to rail, there is a support. 虚拟频道里什么样的人都有,有谩骂的,也有支持的。 Chief prison warden calms down, disregards the spirit boat, in the hand the force field of lance expands unceasingly, provokes the space and time, swings together the black negative pressure repulsion field. 典狱长定了定神,无视灵舟,手中长矛的力场不断扩大,拨弄时空,荡出一道黑色负压斥力场。 This like an invisible abyss vortex strength, pounces on Huang Ji. 这如同无形深渊旋涡般的一股力量,猛扑向黄极 This black repulsion field no small matter, all materials are one of them, will be separated by the powerful strength. 该黑色斥力场非同小可,所有的物质在其中,都会被强大的力量分开。 Just likes writes in the bungee, stretches the pinnacle the rubber again, that above character will disperse the innumerable black ink points. 犹如在橡皮筋上写字,再把橡皮拉伸到极致,那上面的字就会散开成无数个墨点。 The great strength of the strength, was known as that under strong nuclear potential material, does not have the thing not to decompose! 其力量之强大,号称强核力材料之下,无物不分解! Finally came!” Huang Ji smiles, the surroundings cover the huge three-phase force field, pale golden color, translucent. “终于来了!”黄极一笑,周围笼罩出庞大的三相之力场,淡金色,半透明。 Looking from the outside, three-phase strength of obvious right and wrong mainstream structure. 从外表来看,明显是非主流构造的三相之力。 Sees the Huang Ji whole person toward the rarefaction wave charge, like is not ordinary. Is going against the enormous and powerful golden force field, such as heavy/thick mountain, pressure on chief prison warden. 就见黄极整个人朝负压波冲锋,如同不要命一般。顶着浩荡金色力场,如厚重大山,压向典狱长。 Un? Do you do!” Spirit boat in great surprise. “嗯?你干什么!”灵舟大惊。 Chief prison warden also gawked, doesn't this court death? 典狱长也愣了,这不找死吗? Thinks that depends on this crude person mecha, then can resist the strong repulsion rarefaction wave? 以为就凭这身半吊子机甲,便能抵抗强斥力负压波? First aid ejection!” Huang Ji was separated from mecha suddenly, the true body from facing set, departed the attack range of repulsion field. “急救弹射!”黄极忽然脱离了机甲,真身从里面钻了出来,飞出了斥力场的攻击范围。 Ha!” Chief prison warden sees that suddenly, the heart said so that's how it is. “哈!”典狱长见状恍然,心说原来如此。 This wave of charge, is only the deceptive attack, the three-phase force field of consumption energy manufacture so powerful, but blustered. 这一波冲锋,只是佯攻,耗费能量制造如此强力的三相力场,不过是虚张声势。 By this attracts the attention at the same time, the true body is separated from mecha, escapes from the attack range. 以此吸引注意的同时,真身脱离机甲,逃出攻击范围。 Useless, you think the repulsion field that lets out is unstabilized?” Chief prison warden sneers, separates spatially wields. “没用的,你以为放出去的斥力场是不能控制的嘛?”典狱长冷笑,隔空一挥。 Sees that black repulsion fields, flies high to transfer, the baseball that probably sprints high-speed jumped one section suddenly upwardly! 就见那片黑色斥力场,凌空挪移,好像高速冲刺的棒球忽然向上跳了一截! Your this cannot hit a target my.” Huang Ji that is separated from is saying, the body as if has to estimate early flies high one horizontal, exquisite brushed past with the repulsion field! “你这样是射不中我的。”脱离出的黄极说着,身体似乎早有预计地凌空一横,精妙的与斥力场擦肩而过! Snort! Returns!” The chief prison warden thought moves, the repulsion field black glow of brushing past rolled, the acute angle shifted unexpectedly, reversion flight! “哼!回!”典狱长念头一动,擦肩而过的斥力场黑芒一滚,竟然锐角转向,逆向飞行! But Huang Ji keeps eyes open like behind, seemed previews returned ten million/countless, again out of the way! 可是黄极如同背后长眼,又好似预演了千万回般,再度躲开! Chief prison warden so gambles four rounds with it, cold snort/hum, the repulsion field expanded suddenly! 典狱长与其如此博弈四轮,冷哼一声,忽然斥力场扩大了! The increasing repulsion field, covers directly Huang Ji, does not give the space that he operates. 变大的斥力场,直接把黄极笼罩进去,不给他操作的空间。 „It is not good!” The spirit boat is startled scalp tingles, the Huang Ji dodging ability is indeed powerful, but the speed is so fast, before moved aside is the dependence gives up the figure after mecha being petite. “不好!”灵舟惊得头皮发麻,黄极的闪躲能力的确强大,但速度就那么快,之前躲闪不过是依靠放弃机甲后的身形娇小。 Now the repulsion field enlarges, the Huang Ji movement good also to be again useless! 如今斥力场放大,黄极身法再好也没用了! Scoffs!” “嗤!” Huang Ji like the flowers showered on the earth below by a goddess of the sky decomposition, the body disperses instantaneously every inchs in broken bits, not visible particle. 黄极瞬间如天女散花般裂解开,身上每一寸都散成细碎的,看不见的微粒。 The entire process, like person that the ashes cast, was blown off general by the gale. 整个过程,如同灰烬铸就的人儿,被大风吹散一般。 Huang Ji!” 黄极!” Mister!” “先生!” In the Kunlun palace the people have a big shock, the spirit boat in outer space is the regret constantly. 昆仑宫上众人大惊失色,太空中的灵舟更是懊悔不迭。 Did Huang Ji vanished in a puff of smoke? 黄极就这么灰飞烟灭了? Did this time has a Great Emperor with great difficulty, but also without two months, fall from the sky? 这个时代好不容易出个大帝,还没俩月,就陨落了? Ha! Fires off stops work for the day!” Chief prison warden smiles, blossoms at heart happily. “哈哈哈!打完收工!”典狱长笑咪咪,心里乐开了花。 The wealth position lovely wife succeeded in obtaining entirely, the remaining fights do not have the significance, he does not have the interest really to hit remnantly Nome Civilization, really perishes the Purple Tenuity country. 财富地位娇妻通通到手了,剩下的战斗已经没有意义了,他没有兴趣真的把诺母文明打残,真的把紫微国灭亡。 Huang Ji is the core objective, he dies, the ticket did not have, the illness/quick of these tinea, the turning over the palm may put down. 黄极才是核心目标,他一死,票也没了,这些不过癣疥之疾,覆手可平。 The Star Alliance convoy guard possibly rushes momentarily, chief prison warden does not dare to stay for a long time, turns the body to walk. 星盟护卫队随时可能赶到,典狱长不敢久留,扭身就要走。 The spirit boat is in an uncontrollable rage, when the heart regrets: I really this/should give him to defend self the crack dragon bead, if he has the corpuscle level weapon, is insufficient dead such quickly. Sentences the consciousness by that in advance, let alone crack dragon bead, even if several hundred thousand vacuum cut(ter), can insist a while. 灵舟怒不可遏,心中懊悔之际:我真该把裂龙珠给他防身,他若有微子级武器,怎么也不至于死得这么快。凭借那预判意识,别说裂龙珠,哪怕有几十万把真空切,也能多坚持一会儿啊。 Oh, now says......?” The spirit boat is startled suddenly. “唉,现在说……诶?”灵舟忽然一怔。 Sees forward charge Purple Tenuity Starbreaker mecha, has not stopped. 就见向前冲锋的紫微碎星者机甲,并没有停下。 Through time that Huang Ji won a moment ago, at this moment has approached chief prison warden unexpectedly less than ten kilometers. 通过刚才黄极争取的时间,此刻竟然已经逼近典狱长不足十公里。 Before the volume , the third eye, first is the ray blazing greatly, later becomes pitch-black profound! 额前第三只眼,先是光芒大炽,随后变得乌黑深邃! This is must release world creation death ray! 这是要释放创世死光 What!” Chief prison warden turns head suddenly, hears the system to warn: Front Ōutòu(high energy)!” “什么!”典狱长猛然回头,就听见系统警告:“前方欧透!” world creation death ray, is the strong nuclear potential material can annihilate continually. 创世死光,是连强核力材料都能湮灭的。 „!” The chief prison warden last flash realizes front Ōutòu(high energy), the next flash found that the own brain was pierced by the light beam! “啊!”典狱长上一刹那意识到前方欧透,下一刹那就发现自己的大脑被光柱洞穿! Too quickly! Too near! 太快!太近了! Even he thinks that killed Huang Ji, but plans to leave, without preparation. 更甚至他以为杀死了黄极,而都打算离开,没有心理准备。 At this moment faces this sudden world creation death ray again, simply has not moved aside with enough time. 此刻再面对这突然爆发的创世死光,根本没来得及躲闪。 Piece of radiant whie light, blocks the sky, covers the starry sky. 一片璀璨白光,遮天蔽日,掩盖星空。 The spirit boat vibration crack dragon bead, relaxed the white afterglow will scatter, looked at the motionless chief prison warden of float in the outer space, with Purple Tenuity Starbreaker that also stands and waits for a long time in the outer space, in the heart sighs woefully. 灵舟震动裂龙珠,轻松将白茫茫的余晖驱散,看了看漂浮在太空中不动的典狱长,与同样伫立在太空中不懂的紫微碎星者,心中哀叹。 „Was this...... perishes together?” “这是……同归于尽了?” Preinstall the attack game, took itself as the bait, creates the sure-kill opportunity......” “预设了攻击策略,以自身为诱饵,制造绝杀机会……” But this is not sick! You killed him, but yourself died!” “但这不是有病吗!你杀了他,但是你自己死了啊!” The spirit boat is covering the head, made the suicide fighting method that the opponent has a low opinion of the enemy entire be ignorant by Huang Ji this, was this insane? 灵舟捂着脑袋,被黄极这让对手轻敌的自杀式打法整懵了,这是疯了? ...... ……
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