TO :: Volume #6

#559: The numerous plan the emperor

The one breath pays 30 trillion jades, that really has a fracture. 一口气支付三十万亿琅,那真的是伤筋动骨。 The bonus is Anunnaki is filthy rich, the business proliferates over a thousand open stars, spends so much money unable to endure one time. 饶是阿努纳奇财大气粗,生意遍布上千个开放星,一次性拿出这么多钱也着实吃不消。 But this must divide the time, can sometimes spend money the problem solve, that gained even. 但这也要分时候,有的时候能用钱把问题解决,那就算是赚了。 The crape myrtle has been clear is the Anunnaki enemy, Myriad Flowers Mirror at heart, had sentenced the death penalty to this organization, but is actually not the most important enemy of urgent matter, can say in the future. 紫薇已经明确是阿努纳奇的敌人,万华镜心里,已经给这个组织判了死刑,但却不是当务之急的首要敌人,可以日后再说。 So, naturally is happy to money, is thinking, extinguished the crape myrtle, again losing seizes. 如此,自然是开开心心的给钱,想着以后灭了紫薇,再把失去的夺回来。 Has the shed to have, the shed of today, to come to day, is the normal strategic choices. 有舍有得,今日之舍,为来日之得,是再正常不过的战略取舍。 Only pitifully, who Anunnaki made a mistake is truly the most dangerous opponent. 只可惜,阿努纳奇搞错了谁是真正最危险的对手。 Shadow Dragon, you come along with me.” 影龙,你随我来。” After Poisonous Mist invited Huang Ji joined the Heaven Collapsing plan, it drags into an extremely private conference channel. 毒岚邀请黄极加入天崩计划后,将其拉入一个极为私密的会议频道。 Sees only two people to place oneself in a beautiful virtual star, to look into the distance passes, the group peak is steep, the world is boundless. 只见两人置身于一颗美丽的虚拟星球,远望过去,群峰陡峭,天地苍茫。 Rivers and streams lake Sichuan, is thousand peak ten thousand ravine, is filling the torrential fog sea. 无论是江河湖川,还是千峰万壑,都弥漫着滔滔雾海。 descent gets down, the surroundings are blustery, everywhere is the sad and shrill pale huge lightning, crosses several hundred kilometers, illuminates the hills. 降临下去,周围风起云涌,到处是凄厉惨白的巨大闪电,横贯数百公里,照亮群山。 In the high point of palatial hills, sits one hangingly all over the body like the diamond glittering and translucent carving lifeform, cloud Siwu the temple, the physique is graceful, in transparent lanky body, but also has the fluorescent circulation. 在巍峨群山的最高峰,悬空坐着一名通体如钻石般晶莹剔透的生物,云丝雾鬓,体态雍容,透明的瘦长身躯中,还有着荧光流转。 Nearby has the throne in the clouds, is sitting well ten aura powerful lifeform, surrounds and protects that diamond lifeform. 附近的云中有王座,端坐着十名气息强大的生物,拱卫那钻石生物。 Each is the mixed base bodies, little twofold, to four heavily! 各个都是混基体,少则两重,多则四重! It is not the crane potential dragonfly shape, is the swan first bird surface. It is not the spirited 300 meters, is the wingspan 900 chi (0.33 m). 一个个不是鹤势螂形,就是鹄首鸟面。不是昂扬三百米,就是翼展九百尺。 Full of vigor and vitality, either cold formidable, the impressive and dignified manner is mostly serious, obviously is the Anunnaki core members. 或朝气蓬勃,或凛凛可畏,大多威仪甚重,显然都是阿努纳奇的核心成员。 Huang Ji knows that seems like the weakest lanky diamond person, is Myriad Flowers Mirror. 黄极知道,那看起来最弱的瘦长钻石人,正是万华镜 Specifically, is Myriad Flowers Mirror vivid one, often is used to meet. 准确地说,是万华镜的形象之一,常用来开会。 Boss, Shadow Dragon is good to think you.” The Huang Ji surface is saying originally ripe, and very voluntarily in torrential fog sea, both hands overlapping, gave the hand signal. “老板,影龙好想你。”黄极面自来熟地说着,并很自觉地在滔滔雾海中,双手交叉,做了手势。 Sits.” Myriad Flowers Mirror smiles gently beautifully, makes the clear sound. “坐吧。”万华镜柔美一笑,发出清脆的声音。 Huang Ji shows a posture calmly, seems like the summon jurisdiction, the next second of cloud fog into the sea|nautical mile, separating a flake is empty, appears a prodigious skill magnificent seat. 黄极又从容地摆出一个姿势,似乎是个召唤权限,下一秒云涛雾海里,分开一小片空荡,浮现一张鬼斧神工般华丽的座椅。 This is the custom, if after coming, chooses a position to sit down casually, that revealed the secret. 这是规矩,如果过来后,随便选个位置坐下,那就露馅了。 Must summons with the hand imprint or the posture, then the system random seating order, does not have the division of primary and secondary position, all random. 必须用手印或姿势召唤,然后系统随机座次,没有主次位之分,一切随机。 This is the conference custom of Myriad Flowers Mirror formulation, like other company, does not study Wonderful Venerable Wisdom King Buddha completely, meets to do ultra greatly to project anything. 这是万华镜制定的会议风俗,完全不像别的公司,都学妙尊智王佛,开会搞个超巨大投影什么的。 Huang Ji sits the own position silently, Poisonous Mist also similarly so, but he was just stochastic to Myriad Flowers Mirror side. 黄极默默地坐上自己的位置,毒岚也同样如此,只不过他刚好随机到了万华镜身边。 Shadow Dragon! Can complete.” Gavin also, him treated for seven days in the prison of crape myrtle, this was just emitted, sat by Huang Ji. 影龙!做得好。”迦文也在,他在紫薇的牢狱里待了七天,这算是刚放出,就坐在黄极旁边。 On before his face did not have, self-confident spirited imposing manner, appears low-key dispirited. 他脸上没了之前自信昂扬的气势,显得低调颓丧。 Gavin rebukes oneself to give the company to incur the heavy loss, then the result of stop-loss, is Shadow Dragon strives vigorously, therefore he nods to Shadow Dragon layer on layer/heavily, is full of the appreciation. 迦文自责给公司带来巨大损失,而后止损的结果,是影龙极力争取来的,因此他对影龙重重地点了点头,充满欣赏。 Huang Ji also to/clashes him to smile, returns to the covered passageway: Where where, I will also make persistent efforts!” 黄极也冲他微笑,回复道:“哪里哪里,我还会再接再厉的!” Un!” Gavin acclaimed the nod, later one side looks hates the sound said: Oh, this disastrous defeat, is my mistake. But I refuse to accept! That Huang Ji is proud proudly, I had the opportunity to kill his.” “嗯!”迦文赞叹点头,随后看着一旁恨声道:“唉,这次惨败,是我过错。可我不服!那黄极骄傲自负,我本有机会杀死他的。” Snort, next time will meet, I will not be negligent.” “哼,下次见面,我不会再大意。” In the field, a huge shaving cutter praying mantis carapace lifeform, shakes the purple head of triangle to say but actually: Ok, this matter passed. Waits for Heaven Collapsing to plan successfully, controlled the shacha empire, we extinguished the crape myrtle directly are.” 场中,一名巨大剃刀螳螂般的甲壳生物,晃着倒三角的紫色脑袋说道:“行了,这事过去了。等天崩计划成功,掌控了沙茶帝国,我们直接灭了紫薇就是。” He opens mouth, is the astonishing remark. 他一张嘴,就是惊人之语。 Huang Ji does intentionally with amazement, had not asked. 黄极故作骇然,却没有多问。 Others see that very satisfied, Shadow Dragon this person does an inside job the ability to be very good, the rumor is also very tight, and knows the weight, has the acting, overall perception. 其他人见状很满意,影龙这个人卧底能力很好,口风也很紧,并且知轻重,有担当,还有大局观。 Works wholeheartedly for the company, does one's best, offers the word to offer advice, was bold in sacrificing, were the essential gentlemen several times, what a pity ran into the pig teammate each time...... 为公司呕心沥血,尽心尽力,献言献策,勇于牺牲,几次都是关键先生,可惜每次都遇到猪队友…… The people sat a while, three people join the conference one after another. 众人坐了一会儿,陆续又有三人加入会议。 These three people are the appearances of shacha person, actually gives the hand signal familiar and easy, salutes upon meeting to Myriad Flowers Mirror, shouted a boss, then takes a seat. 这三人都是沙茶人的模样,却轻车熟路地摆出手势,向万华镜见礼,喊了声老板,然后入座。 Hence, audience altogether 16 people. 至此,全场一共十六人。 Myriad Flowers Mirror said gracefully: Person has arrived in full, I first said two.” 万华镜雍容道:“人已到齐,那我先说两句。” Being promoted to Shadow Dragon is the regiment great general, and promotes the Heaven Collapsing plan, this matter we have discussed that does not need to discuss again, immediately becomes effective.” “升任影龙为军团大将,并提拔进天崩计划,这件事我们早已商量过了,不必再论,即刻生效。” The surrounding Anunnaki big shot, in abundance is the Huang Ji congratulations. 周围阿努纳奇大佬,纷纷为黄极庆贺。 Thanks the boss!” Huang Ji receives the stance of making good use of finally. “谢谢老板!”黄极一副终于受到重用的姿态。 The Myriad Flowers Mirror body leans forward, said with the tone of appreciation: You are eminent, this is you earns, Shadow Dragon, you are I look to grow up, I have anticipated very much you grow to this step.” 万华镜身体前倾,用欣赏的语气说道:“你居功至伟,这是你应得的,影龙,你是我看着长大的,我一直都很期待你成长到这一步。” Huang Ji said loudly: Matter that I do, is I should do, is what merit. However the boss makes a good use of me, I naturally cannot shirk, no matter this plan is Heaven Collapsing or the cracks in the earth, I conscientiously will certainly complete the own matter!” 黄极大声说道:“我所做的事,都是我应该做的,算什么功劳。不过老板重用我,我自然不会推卸,不管这计划是天崩还是地裂,我一定会认认真真地做好自己的事!” Un, haven't you known the Heaven Collapsing plan the content? Let Poisonous Mist give you to explain.” The Myriad Flowers Mirror surface motionless look is saying. “嗯,你还不知道天崩计划的内容吧?让毒岚给你解释吧。”万华镜表面不动神色地说着。 Actually, his heart is satisfied, he most liked this staff! 实则,他内心非常满意,他最喜欢这种员工了! Free from arrogance and rashness, serious straightforward. 不骄不躁,严肃耿直。 Actually everyone like Shadow Dragon, completed the own official duty was good, but treated as the merit the achievement of labor of duty, was actually the vulgar customs of most companies, now Anunnaki also unavoidably so. 其实每个人像影龙这样,把自己的本职做好就行了,而把本职工作的成果当做功劳,却是大多数公司的陋习,如今阿努纳奇也不免如此。 Although this issue, Myriad Flowers Mirror had not said that also had not reorganized, but sees like Shadow Dragon steadfast reliable the staff, Myriad Flowers Mirror is extremely happy, he likes promoting this person. 虽然这个问题,万华镜一直没有说过,也一直没有整顿,但见到像影龙这样踏实可靠的员工,万华镜还是极为开心的,他就喜欢提拔这种人。 Huang Ji looks to Poisonous Mist, about the Heaven Collapsing plan, he had actually had long known, but is the appearance that earnestly listens attentively. 黄极看向毒岚,关于天崩计划,他其实早就知道了,但还是一副认真倾听的模样。 The Heaven Collapsing plan is very simple, in secret usurping the throne big Civilization ruler! Usurp state power! 天崩计划很简单,暗中篡位大文明的统治者!窃国! Naturally, as a company, wants to steal established Civilization, dream of a fool, difficult such as to ascend to heaven simply. 当然,作为一个公司,想窃取老牌文明,简直痴人说梦,难如登天。 Now the most ideal object, is shacha Civilization! 如今最理想的对象,是沙茶文明 This Civilization, so long as is a royal family, can campaign for the position of crown prince! 这个文明,只要是个王室,就可以竞选储君之位! Other plutocrat is props up and invests some royal family, but Anunnaki Corporation is foreign clan, wants to invest being able to stand in line team. 别的财阀都是扶植、投资某个王室,可是阿努纳奇公司是外族,想投资都排不上队。 High position pays no attention to them, the investment of low position also useless. 高顺位的不理他们,低顺位的投资了也没用。 However, Anunnaki mastered a even shacha Civilization no technology: Top grade gene camouflage. 但是,阿努纳奇掌握了一项连沙茶文明都没有的技术:特级基因伪装。 Can camouflage another person a person perfectly, even analyzes the inspection, cannot check! 可以把一个人完美地伪装成另一个人,即便是化验检查,都查不出来! This biological technology, taking a broad view at Milky Way is very unusual, over five influences do not have. And all concealed existence of this technology as if by prior agreement, subsequently many Civilization, even does not know that in the world also has the gene camouflage that any instrument cannot examine. 这项生物技术,放眼银河都很稀奇,不超过五个势力拥有。并且全都不约而同地隐瞒了这项技术的存在,继而很多文明,甚至都不知道世界上还有任何仪器都检测不出来的基因伪装。 Shadow Dragon, so fearful technology, had is the first-rate influence, for example galaxy bank, for example Heaven's Will Civilization, for example truth society, for example Wonderful Venerable Wisdom King Buddha.” 影龙,如此可怕的技术,拥有的无不是顶尖势力,比如星河银行,比如天心文明,比如真理社,比如妙尊智王佛。” But no one knows, Milky Way's fifth masters this technology, is our Anunnaki!” “但没有人知道,银河第五个掌握这项技术的,是我们阿努纳奇!” At this point, Poisonous Mist is quite proud, has a look at another four is anything exists fearfully, is the influence of unified force rank! But Anunnaki as one opens star Corporation to be able unexpectedly in one technically, are treated equally with them, the nature is proud! 说到这里,毒岚极为自豪,看看另外四家都是什么可怕存在吧,无不是统一力级别的势力!而阿努纳奇身为一家开放星公司竟然能在一项技术上,与他们平起平坐,自然值得骄傲! All these sum up Boss in! The talent of boss, unprecedented, latter does not have the future! Eternal does not have two!” The people worship Myriad Flowers Mirror, obviously Anunnaki has today, Myriad Flowers Mirror does not know that showed many time is mysterious. “这一切都归结于老板啊!老板之才,前无古人,后无来者!万古无二!”众人都非常崇拜万华镜,显然阿努纳奇有今天,万华镜不知道展现过多少次神奇了。 Various technologies, various formulas, six entirely succeed is he studies, 90% are his guidance studies. 各种技术,各种配方,六成都是他研究出来的,九成都是他指导性研究出来的。 Myriad Flowers Mirror as the boss, is in itself also the Anunnaki strongest researcher, strongest...... doctor! 万华镜作为老板,本身也是阿努纳奇最强的研究员,最强的……医生! These trusted aides, even thinks that their bosses, should be Milky Way biggest medicine talent. 这些心腹手下们,甚至认为他们的老板,应该是银河最大的医学天才。 Ok, Poisonous Mist, continued downward......” Myriad Flowers Mirror beckoned with the hand, the expression was somewhat weary, in the look disclosed that lazy, seemed cannot raise the spirit. “好了,毒岚,继续往下说……”万华镜摆摆手,表情有些疲倦,眼神中透露出一丝慵懒,好似提不起精神。 Poisonous Mist said excitedly: Boss! When you control shacha Civilization, extinguishes the crape myrtle again evenly, a puppet Great Emperor in the hand, by your shocking talent, will certainly the dominate(d) Milky Way, become the Star Alliance sixth overlord in the future!” 毒岚兴奋道:“老板!待您掌控沙茶文明,再平灭紫薇,傀儡一名大帝在手,以您惊世的才华,未来必将制霸银河,成为星盟第六席霸主啊!” Myriad Flowers Mirror giggle smiles, separated the blank reluctantly a forehead of Poisonous Mist, said: I am make you continue to give Shadow Dragon to explain, does not make you continue to flatter me......” 万华镜咯咯一笑,无奈地隔空弹了一下毒岚的脑门,说道:“我是让你继续给影龙解释,不是让你继续吹捧我……” The people all smile, Poisonous Mist acknowledged again and again, after reorganizing a train of thought that said to Huang Ji: I think that you also guessed correctly, after our unremitting efforts, has replaced three imperial princes now successfully, but shacha Civilization knows nothing!” 众人皆笑,毒岚连连应诺,整顿了一下思绪后,冲黄极说道:“我想你也猜到了,经过我们不懈的努力,如今已经成功替换了三名皇子,而沙茶文明一无所知!” This plan continued the millenniums, that three imperial princes, now are the hot successors. Ranks ninth, first ranks 17, ranks 44.” “这个计划持续了千年,那三名皇子,如今都是炙手可热的继承者。一个排名第九,一个排名十七,还有一个排名四十四。” Is first 50 big popular!” “都是前五十名的大热门啊!” Huang Ji asked something already known: Therefore our following key points, hold that ninth? But we can hold him ninth, is not necessarily able to hold first, the first that position, is a crown prince! Do our background, suffice?” 黄极明知故问道:“所以我们接下来的重点,就是捧那位第九名?可是我们能把他捧到第九,未必能捧到第一啊,第一那个位置,是储君!我们的底蕴,够吗?” The Poisonous Mist smile said: Naturally insufficiently, in fact, this ninth, is not we holds, but is his original supporter! Yes! Arshaz.” 毒岚微笑道:“当然不够,事实上,这第九名,也不是我们捧上去的,而是他本来的支持者!是吧!阿尔沙兹。” A correct manners discipline clear expensive/noble shacha person, rocked to draw the snail shell of crazing slightly, the dignity said completely: I am Arshaz, is shadow killing regiment forever shadow bone.” 一名仪容清贵的沙茶人,微微晃动绘满了银纹的蜗牛壳,威严道:“我是阿尔沙兹,亦是影杀军团永远的‘影骨’。” Poisonous Mist is a Huang Ji introduced: This is the shadow bone, you should hear his name, but you have not definitely seen him, when you enter shadow killing regiment, he has replaced sovereign great-great-grandson Arshaz.” 毒岚黄极介绍道:“这位就是影骨,你应该听说过他的名字,不过你肯定没见过他,因为你进影杀军团时,他已经替换了皇玄孙阿尔沙兹。” „When he replaces, Arshaz more than 1000. Even so, we also abandoned the big vigor successfully to replace, after all a position higher successor, protection was bigger.” “他替换时,阿尔沙兹才一千多名。但即便如此,我们也是废了好大劲才成功替换的,毕竟顺位越高的继承人,身边的保护越大。” Shadow Dragon, we regard as important Arshaz , because the Arshaz ranking of grandfather and father is very high, but Arshaz is in the same seniority in relationships displays excellent one.” 影龙,我们之所以看重阿尔沙兹,是因为阿尔沙兹的祖父和父亲的排名都很高,而阿尔沙兹是同辈份里表现极好的一个。” We analyzed, waits 1,000-2,000 years, his grandfather and father, may give up campaigning, then the drainage, entire family supports Arshaz.” “我们判断,等个1,000-2,000年,他祖父和父亲,可能都会放弃竞选,转而引流,全家支持阿尔沙兹。” Sure enough, we bet right! Arshaz had their family/home complete support, all ballots centralized on him, all related plutocrats full power support him, made him rush to ninth!” “果不其然,我们赌对了!阿尔沙兹得到了他们家全部的支持,所有的选票都集中在他身上,所有相关的财阀都全力支持他,以至于让他冲到了第九名!” As everyone knows, was placed the great expectations by them, holds Arshaz of heaven, before 1000, was our people!” “殊不知,被他们寄予厚望,捧上天的阿尔沙兹,早在一千年前,就是我们的人了!” Huang Ji nods, another two are also the same situations, but does not have the Arshaz effect so good. 黄极点点头,另外两个也是一样的情况,只不过没有阿尔沙兹效果这么好。 Top grade gene transforms, is so rare? Only has three?” Huang Ji feigns ignorance to say. “特级基因改造,就这么稀有吗?只有三个?”黄极故作不解道。 Poisonous Mist explained quickly: Rare actually rare, can produce one every ten years. We are also cast a net broadly, the fine choice, before turns over these three, setting successor.” 毒岚很快解释:“稀有倒是稀有,每十年才能出产一份。我们也是广撒网,精挑选,才倒腾出这三名前置位的继承者。” Besides the replace successor, we must replace his high-ranking court official one after another, with supporting his plutocrat president.” “除了替换继承者,我们还要陆续替换其身边的重臣,和支持他的财阀总裁。” In brief must the place that uses the top grade gene to camouflage, are many. Although our technology achieved, but the productive forces are serious, the sign on hand is beset with problems.” “总之要用上特级基因伪装的地方,多得是啊。我们技术虽然达到了,但生产力严重不足,手上的牌捉襟见肘啊。” „The present issue is, Arshaz rushes to ninth, is the limit. But we have the reliable information, the shacha emperor, is not quickly good, we did not have the time to accumulate the chip again slowly.” “现在的问题是,阿尔沙兹冲到第九名,已经是极限了。而我们有可靠消息,沙茶皇帝,快不行了,我们没有时间再慢慢积累筹码了。” Speaking of this, the people discuss spiritedly, obviously this is the critical moment of Heaven Collapsing plan. 说到这,众人都议论纷纷,显然这是天崩计划的关键时刻。 Once the emperor died, but in the crown prince is not Heaven Collapsing plans the person, they wasted the time. 一旦皇帝死了,而储君不是天崩计划里的人,那他们就白费功夫了。 Almost any emperor, will reign for a long time, when next new Monarch succeeds to the throne, range from several thousand years, long several tens of thousands of years! 几乎任何一名皇帝,都会在位极久,等到下一次新君继位,少则数千年,长则数万年! Everyone discussed, discussed that thinks many means that are actually not able to decide one. 大家商讨来,商讨去,想了很多办法,却始终无法敲定一个。 Huang Ji mixes in has not spoken, but is raising head to stare at Myriad Flowers Mirror, reads his information continuously. 黄极混在其中没有发言,只是仰着头盯着万华镜,源源不断读取他的信息 Myriad Flowers Mirror sees that asks: Shadow Dragon, said your idea. You thought how we should make Arshaz go a step further again, are first?” 万华镜见状,问道:“影龙,说说你的想法。你觉得我们该怎么再让阿尔沙兹更进一步,达到第一?” He tested Huang Ji suddenly. 他忽然考验了黄极一下。 After Huang Ji thinking moment, said: He, since can withdraw from the campaign by the family member, the drainage ballot, rushes to ninth from more than 1000.” 黄极思索片刻后说道:“他既然能靠亲人退出竞选,引流选票,从一千多名冲到第九名。” Why not old trick heavy, lets the successor who our company controls, confluence ballot?” “何不故技重施,让我们公司掌控的继承者,也合流选票?” Ninth, 17 th, 44 th. Their tickets gather, can exceed first?” “第九,第十七,第四十四。他们三人的票合起来,能超越第一吗?” Myriad Flowers Mirror shakes the head saying: Sure, in fact this is also one of means we think.” 万华镜摇头道:“当然可以,事实上这也是我们想到的办法之一。” „The idea is very just good, implementing is very difficult.” “只不过想法很好,实施起来却很难。” These three emperor's sons' voters who we control, is not community, does not have the class contradictions, has the idea to be contradictory. Forcefully three people of ticket confluence on a person, conversion rate less than 50%. Also insufficiently exceeded first.” “我们掌控的这三名皇子的选民,不是一个群体,不是有阶级矛盾,就是有理念矛盾。强行把三人的票合流在一个人身上,转化率将不足50%。也就不够超越第一名了。” Huang Ji said quickly: That replaces one again, new candidate who can be compatible their three voter!” 黄极很快说道:“那就再替换一个,可以兼容他们三者选民的新候选人!” This new candidate, does not need many supporters, only needs his social class, idea, the campaign slogan wait/etc, is that three imperial prince secret voter acceptable types, was good.” “这个新候选人,不需要多少支持者,只需要他的阶级、理念、竞选口号等等,是那三名皇子幕后选民可以接受的类型,就好了。” Moreover this person, but must be my impoverished family, life experience pure not many benefit disputes, so three big imperial prince secret plutocrats, can accept.” “另外这个人,还必须是个寒门,身世清白没有多少利益纠葛,如此三大皇子幕后的财阀,也可以接受。” „Our, being equivalent makes three popular successor of not possible cooperation, the cooperation numerous plan an emperor!” “我们这,相当于让三个本不可能合作的热门继承者,合作众筹出一名皇帝!” ...... ……
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