TO :: Volume #6

#556: Blue white war

The starry sky changes color, the black background became the white background, frightened cloud ghost ignorant. 星空变色,黑背景成了白背景,将云鬼们吓懵了。 However, they more are the immersion in this aesthetic sense, sparkle that this grandness, this command Universe changes color. 不过,它们更多是沉浸于这种美感,这种壮丽,这种令宇宙变色的闪耀。 This benefits from their ignorance...... they do not know after all from the start, the starry sky will not change color. 此得益于它们的无知……毕竟它们压根也不知道,星空是不会自己变色的。 Today the first time is cloud ghost saw the starry sky, before they saw that is such as myriad aurora theater curtains covers, like sea of scene chaos. 今日本来就是云鬼第一次见到星空,之前它们看到的,是如万千极光幕布遮盖的,如同混沌之海般场景。 Finally under the god war, the sea of chaos became spread like stars in the sky densely covered, this is a change. 结果在神战之下,混沌之海成了星罗密布,这就已经是一种变化了。 Now turns into the pure white space again, even life sea of clouds, whitening, cannot see the nearby person, like the entire white world , are common. 如今再变成纯白色空间,甚至把生活的云海,都给染白,看不到身边人,如同整个白色世界只有自己一般。 They also not scared, but also thinks the Universe itself/Ben can like this change...... is very just difficult. 它们也并没有恐慌,还以为宇宙本就是可以这样变的……只不过很难而已。 Only has the god, has some mighty force, can hit the world to change the color! 只有神,具有某种伟力,可以打得世界变颜色! „, You in?” “诸位,你们都在吗?” ghost firmament in the white world, loud call. 鬼霄在白茫茫一片的世界里,大声呐喊。 Quick periphery has innumerable cloud ghost to respond, everyone each other communicates with the sound, tried to find out one. 很快周围有无数云鬼响应,大家彼此用声音沟通,摸索到了一起。 But has not waited for them to be happy, in the environment broadcast the sound of Sun Divine Servant clan. 可是还没等它们高兴,环境中就传来了阳神氏族的声音。 Does not permit to run! You are the sacrificial offerings of Hao god!” “不准跑!你们都是昊神的祭品!” Blocks them quickly!” “快拦住它们!” They here, following my sound......! You dare to hit me!” “它们在这边,顺着我的声音……啊!你敢打我!” Revolted, sacrificial offering rebellion!” “造反了,祭品造反了!” Similarly by white afterglow influence, Sun Divine Servant clan. 同样受白色余晖影响的,还有阳神氏族。 Side is the sacrificial offering, side is a running dog, originally as incompatible as fire and water. 一边是祭品,一边是走狗,本就水火不容。 At this moment this with dark no pure white environment of difference, stimulated the contradiction all of a sudden. 此刻这与黑暗没啥区别的纯白环境,一下子激发了矛盾。 both sides in not being able to see each other situation, hit chaotic. 双方在看不到彼此的情况下,一通混乱地打了起来。 The ghost firmament clan and tribe wants to run, the Sun Divine Servant clan does not let, both sides fight groping, after trying to find out mutually, through the voice discernment is a person on one's own side. 鬼霄部族想跑,阳神氏族不让,双方‘摸黑’相斗,相互摸索到后,通过口音辨别是不是自己人。 Suddenly, all kinds of sounds have this other to kiss the ground to shout in confusion, hits is heavily engaged. 一时间,各种各样的声音起此彼伏地吵嚷着,噼里啪啦打得不可开交。 Because feared that the wound to the person on one's own side, the Sun Divine Servant clan does not dare to think the weapon that grants, the two sides basically fight hand-to-hand. 因为怕伤到自己人,阳神氏族也不敢用神赐予的武器,两边基本就是肉搏。 , whie light was gradually pale, after all the afterglow is impossible to continue. 渐渐的,白光淡了,毕竟余晖不可能一直持续。 After the cloud ghost vision restores, the discovery has been found in various places of tribe, 3322 separated dogfights. 云鬼们视觉恢复之后,才发现已经遍布部落的各处,三三两两的分开缠斗了。 „It is not good! Do not pester, everyone follows I to run!” “不好!不要纠缠,大家跟着我跑!” ghost firmament was crying out must lead everyone to evacuate, after it fully realizes restores the vision, one's own side possibly is not the opponent of Sun Divine Servant clan. 鬼霄呐喊着要带大家撤离,它深知恢复视力之后,己方不可能是阳神氏族的对手。 What dry ice, what hydrogen spit fire, this is the weapon that they could not resist. 什么干冰,什么氢气喷火,这都是它们对抗不了的兵器。 Especially Captain Sun God, wears the divine tool armor, that dark magnetic storm clouds, waves the flying iron, can attack to defend, but can also carry Sun God to hover and dash at the extremely fast speed. 尤其是阳神首领本身,更是身披神器般的铠甲,那黑暗磁暴云,舞动飞铁,能攻能守,还能载着阳神极快速度翱翔、冲撞。 Is invincible! 根本就不可战胜! This crowd of sacrificial offerings, takes to me!” Captain Sun God is roaring, batters, kills the four directions greatly, no one can keep off. “把这群祭品,都给我拿下!”阳神首领咆哮着,横冲直撞,大杀四方,无人能挡。 „!” cloud ghost of many ghost firmament tribes, made into the severe wound, paralyzes wails in the ground pain. “呃啊啊!”许多鬼霄部落的云鬼,被打成重伤,瘫痪在地上痛苦哀嚎。 ghost firmament looks that the flying comes, oneself will step on Sun God under body, the innermost feelings despair. 鬼霄看着飞身而来,将自己踩在身下的阳神,内心十分绝望。 Cannot escape, cannot escape. 跑不了,根本跑不了。 Two that even if Dong Hao and Xi Hao other were braved ‚the Kunlun ghosts and gods solution, only has Sun Divine Servant clan group of ordinary people, their ghost firmament tribe is not an opponent. 即便东昊西昊都被另外冒出来的两名‘昆仑鬼神’解决,只剩下阳神氏族这群凡夫俗子,它们鬼霄部落也不是对手啊。 That two Kunlun ghosts and gods, had departed the atmosphere, obviously has not meddled the plan of their world of mortals war. 那两位昆仑鬼神,已经飞出了大气层,显然没有插手它们凡间战争的打算。 Captain Sun Divine Servant said aggressively: Gives up revolting! You are impossible to defeat me! Under deity, I for invincible!” 阳神氏首领霸气道:“放弃反抗吧!你们不可能战胜我!天神之下,我为无敌!” Who said!” Suddenly, the distant place shouted "kill" heavenshaking. “谁说的!”忽然之间,远方喊杀震天。 Over a thousand cloud ghost, dragging the thunderstorm cloud to gallop. 上千名云鬼,拖着雷暴云奔腾而来。 Is the head, is in high spirits, wears the military might to fight armor, the broken wind dances in the air, comes. 为首的,更是神采飞扬,身披威武战甲,破风飞舞,呼啸而至。 The future blue fatty, it leads the same clan of scattering, attained the god to bend magnificence Kai, rushed promptly. 来者正是蓝胖子,它率领散落的同族,拿到了神弓华铠,及时赶到。 Compatriots, I save you!” The blue fatty is powerful. “同胞们,我来救你们啦!”蓝胖子气势如虹。 cloud ghost on the scene all looks at the transformed blue fatty surprisedly, the equipment that heaven Ommo measures all alone, makes them dazzling and intoxicating. 在场云鬼皆惊讶地看着已经蜕变的蓝胖子,光身上玄奥莫测的装备,就让它们目眩神迷。 What is this...... you how will have?” Sun Divine Servant looks the god who shocking blue fatty bends/bow magnificence Kai, feels high-level many...... “这是什么……你怎么会有?”阳神氏震惊地看着蓝胖子的神弓华铠,感觉比自己高级不少…… The blue fatty said proudly: Naturally is the great earth-mother bestows, the earth-mother is aiding us!” 蓝胖子骄傲道:“当然是伟大的地母所赐,地母在护佑着我们!” Earth-mother? How possibly, the earth-mother was stranded in the purgatory vortex, did you successfully pass through the invisible barrier?” Sun Divine Servant feels inconceivable. “地母?怎么可能,地母被困在炼狱旋涡中,你难道成功穿越了无形壁垒?”阳神氏感觉不可思议。 The blue fatty looks up to the vault of heaven, this moment white afterglow dissipation completely, the sky presents Huang Ji that familiar human form outline. 蓝胖子仰望苍穹,此刻白色余晖消散殆尽,上空呈现出黄极那熟悉的人形轮廓。 „The will of earth-mother is everywhere, look! It beyond day!” “地母的意志无处不在,看哪!它就在天外!” What! Are the Kunlun ghosts and gods an earth-mother?” Numerous cloud ghost look up to the vault of heaven panic-strickenly. “什么!昆仑鬼神就是地母?”众多云鬼惊骇地仰望天穹。 Sun Divine Servant hears this saying , the vibration, somewhat is quite vacant suddenly. 就连阳神氏听到这话,也极为震动,一时间有些茫然。 The core mother, is rooted in existence in their culture deep place, even if believed in sun god, the innermost feelings still have a position of earth-mother. 地核母亲,是根植于它们文化深处的存在,即便信奉太阳神了,内心也有着一份地母的位置。 The Kunlun ghosts and gods, are the earth-mother consciousness the incarnation. 没想到,昆仑鬼神,就是地母意识化身。 Moreover the sun god idea of them worshipping contradicts, fights beyond the day. 而且还与它们所崇拜的太阳神理念相悖,在天外大战。 This makes the Sun Divine Servant clan, the morale drop, many cloud ghost are vacant, felt can it be that were oneself wrong? 这让阳神氏族,士气跌落,许多云鬼茫然无措,感觉自己莫不是错了? Do not believe its nonsense! Snort, comes well, the sacrificial offering happen to lacked the number! Takes them to me!” The Sun Divine Servant will is firm, immediately stands firm the same clan of fluctuation. “不要信它的鬼话!哼,来得好,祭品正好缺了数呢!都给我拿下它们!”阳神氏意志坚定,立刻稳住浮动的同族。 Consanguineous routine obeys, after all blue fatty truly also verbal statements are no guarantee. 同族们习惯性听从,毕竟蓝胖子确实也空口无凭。 Suddenly, two big tribes confront in the clouds, body steam ebullition, surroundings thunder. 一时间,两大部落在云端对峙,身上蒸汽沸腾,周围电闪雷鸣。 Sun Divine Servant! You did not fear, you believe outside god, was defeated by the earth-mother? Surrender!” The blue fatty does not hope rivers of blood, immediately persuaded. 阳神氏!你就不怕,你信奉的外神,被地母击败吗?投降吧!”蓝胖子不希望血流成河,当即劝说。 However the Sun Divine Servant leader, said firmly: I feared certainly......, but if sun god were won, I will obtain the knowledge that they taught.” 然而阳神氏的首领,却坚定道:“我当然怕了……但如果太阳神系赢了,我将得到祂们所传授的知识。” That is the knowledge of gods, I will know, the essence of earth-mother, the origin of cloud ghost, the mystery of the world, the myriad things live the principle of extinguishing......” “那可是神明的知识啊,我将知晓,地母的本质,云鬼的起源,世界的奥秘,万物生灭的法则……” The blue fatty gets angry: Therefore uses our lives to trade?” 蓝胖子怒道:“所以就用我们的生命来换?” These that you said that I also want to obtain! But I will not trade with the life of compatriot. We will happen one day, meet to understand!” “你说的这些,我也想得到!但我不会拿同胞的命去换。我们终有一天,会自己参透的!” The Sun Divine Servant tone is indifferent: „...... You will not never possibly know these answers.” 阳神氏语气冷漠:“不……你永远不可能知道这些答案。” You do not know the mystery of the world profound, Hao god told me, day outward appearance our such races, many, many...... they tried hard the millenniums, ten thousand years, 100,000 years...... in Hao god eyes, were only the bubbles, were not meaningful.” “你根本不知道世界的奥秘的到底有多深邃,昊神告诉我,天外像我们这样的种族,还有很多,很多……它们努力了千年,万年,十万年……在昊神眼中,都只是泡沫,没有任何意义。” Few races, can become the god clan.” “只有极少数的种族,可以成为神族。” The blue fatty fog shape superconductor armor, multiplies lightnings, and carries it from the sky to hover, sends out to resound through the voice of audience: That why we not?” 蓝胖子身上的雾状超导体铠甲,滋生出一道道闪电,并载着它在空中翱翔,发出响彻全场的声音:“那为何我们就不可以呢?” Today we are dust under gods war, can only look up to them shock that brings to the world. But who knows, we 100,000 years later, won't become the god clan?” “今日我们是神明战争下的尘埃,只能仰望着祂们给世界带来的震撼。但谁又知道,我们十万年后,不会成为神族呢?” Sun Divine Servant raises indifferently ghost firmament, throws for acts as the hostage, also flies the high place saying: Could. But becomes the god clan, is not your I.” 阳神氏冷漠地将鬼霄提起来,扔给手下充作人质,也飞上高处说道:“或许可以吧。但成为神族的,不是你我。” The blue fatty is shocked, realizes the both sides idea the contradictory place. 蓝胖子愣住,意识到双方理念的矛盾处。 Sun Divine Servant continues saying: You think the own clan and tribe , will control the myriad things finally on the 1st. But yourself? Can you exactly by that time?” 阳神氏继续说道:“你认为自己的部族,终有一日,会掌控万物。可是你自己呢?难道你能活到那个时候吗?” Future cloud ghost to become God, with my what does/works? I...... the present...... think that...... knows the answer!” “未来的云鬼成神,与我何干?我……现在……就想……知道答案!” Its sound, brings the aggressive exaggeration. 它的声音,自带霸气的渲染。 The blue fatty was speechless, yes, regardless of how diligently, this generation of cloud ghost, not possible by oneself, solves the seen many riddles. 蓝胖子无话可说了,是的,无论怎么努力,这一代云鬼,绝不可能靠自己,解开所见到的诸多谜团。 The casual sea of clouds, many mysteries, lower the head casually look, is the boundless transparent barrier, with counts unknowable weird that cannot count. 随便一片云海,就有许多奥秘,随便低头一看,就是无边的透明壁垒,与其中数都数不过来的不可知的怪诞。 Starry sky that let alone, sees today. 更别说,今日所见的星空。 These back secrets, were the lifetime, was absolutely impossible to know. 这些背后的秘密,都是有生之年,绝无可能知晓的。 It exhausts diligently , can only begin. 它穷尽努力,也只能起个头。 If can exchange to obtain, sips the heart to self-examine, it also wants to trade. 如果可以交换得到,抿心自问,它也想换。 However experienced the blue fatty of Huang Ji direction, realized that found the knowledge from the prompt the pleasure. 然而经历了黄极指引的蓝胖子,体会到了从提示中自己找到知识的乐趣。 This makes it believe, the earth-mother has been directing it and all clansmen, if trades with outside god with the life of compatriot, perhaps will instead bring the disaster to the ethnic group. 这让它相信,地母会一直指引着它和所有族人,如果用同胞的性命与外神交易,或许反而会给族群带来灾难。 At this moment, is representing their Civilization earth-mother, beyond the day with the gods war, how could they to violate shelters the own mother? 此刻,代表着它们自己文明的地母,就在天外与神明大战,它们又岂能违背庇护自己的母亲呢? The blue fatty said loudly: You think not to have, why the god needs the sacrificial offering, whether their desires do exhaust?” 蓝胖子大声说道:“你想过没有,神为何需要祭品,祂们的欲望是否有穷尽?” Your desire...... whether exhausts?” “你的欲望……又是否有穷尽?” I am also tracking down many things the answers, but a matter that I can confirm only, are more, the issue that knows are more.” “我也在追寻许多事物的答案,而我唯一可以确认的一件事,就是知道的越多,问题就越多。” How many compatriots must want, can satisfy your desire?” “得要多少同胞,才能满足你的欲望?” Sun Divine Servant disdains saying: Snort, only needs 5000, this will be the last time transaction, I will get the answer that all my wants to know, but various God will not come again.” 阳神氏不屑道:“哼,只需五千个,这将是最后一次交易,我会得到我所有想知道的答案,而诸神不会再来。” The blue fatty smiles to make noise, disdains saying: Last time? I do not believe......” 蓝胖子笑出声,也不屑道:“最后一次吗?我不信……” Your I knew nothing, I thought that is steadfast quite well.” “你我本就一无所知,我觉得还是踏踏实实得比较好。” You really believe, you can get all answers? You really believe oneself become...... can be a god?” “你难道真的相信,自己可以得到所有的答案吗?你真的相信自己成为的……会是神吗?” Ha, I rather believe that the future compatriot, rather believes the will of earth-mother.” “哈,我宁可相信未来的同胞,宁可相信地母的意志。” Because they never need our sacrificial offerings!” “因为它们从来不需要我们的祭品!” Sun Divine Servant arbitrarily together the sparkle blazing whie light charged iron ball, such as meteor shoots towards blue fatty. 阳神氏蛮横地将一块闪耀炽烈白光的带电铁球,如流星般射向蓝胖子。 Is beyond control you to choose!” “由不得你选择!” This was traded for the last time, in any event, I will not let go this time to become God opportunity!” “这是最后一次交易了,无论如何,我也不会放弃这次成神的机会!” The blue fatty also refused to admit being inferior, jumps projects a blue arrow arrow, the bang broke to pieces the iron ball. 蓝胖子也不甘示弱,迸射出一道蓝色的箭矢,轰碎了铁球。 Bang! The blue white clash, blooms the brilliant color. 轰!蓝白相击,绽放绚烂的色彩。 both sides fight, are ready to be set off. 双方大战,一触即发。 The ghost firmament clan and tribe is the blue body, the Sun Divine Servant clan is the white, they strangle to death in the same place, the momentum is shocking. 鬼霄部族是蓝色的身体,阳神氏族则是白色的,它们绞杀在一起,声势震天。 The clouds of tumbling, the thunder of thundering, cuts the horizon the arrow arrow, the meteor that the ray puts greatly, is shining the war of space Kunlun ghosts and gods in the battlefield and sun god department. 翻滚的云霄,轰鸣的雷霆,划破天际的箭矢,光芒大放的流星,在战场上辉映着天上昆仑鬼神与太阳神系的大战。 The blue white two sides have a god to bestow armament respectively, from the sky hits the flame to scatter, the sound moves the highest heaven. 蓝白两边各有一件神赐武装,在空中打得火光四溅,声动九霄。 This war the god war compared with space, cloud ghost will always remember, because this is their own war. 这场战争将比天上的神战,更为云鬼所铭记,因为这是它们自己的战争。 And the infinite detail, will record in everyone's memory, spreads the eternity, sets in the future the cloud ghost cultural direction. 其中无穷的细节,将记录在所有人的记忆中,流传千古,奠定未来云鬼的文化方向。 ...... ……
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