TO :: Volume #5

#403: Leaves the Solar System

The Kunlun base, Huang Ji used 15 days of teaching material that wrote first even/including Tao. 昆仑基地,黄极用了十五天写了一连套的教材。 From math, chemistry to theoretical physics, astronomy physics and life sciences...... again to binding energy force field and gravity wave communication, as well as using the giant building mechanics and nano-meter in engineering and picometre level engineering aspect. 从数学、化学到理论物理、天文物理、生命科学……再到聚能力场、引力波通讯,以及运用方面的巨型建筑力学、纳米级工程学、皮米级工程学。 The theory to the practice, macroscopic arrives microscopic, has the technology to have the project. 理论到实践,宏观到微观,有技术有工程。 Huang Ji this set of teaching material, in the solid stuff degree, endures compared with the nano time peak Civilization official course, only not too few many material object comparisons, image data and experimental data, cannot be abundant and elegant. 黄极这套教材,在干货程度上,堪比纳米时代巅峰文明的官方教程,只不过少了很多实物对照、影像资料和实验数据,不能图文并茂。 Although the nanotechnology is the minimum level in the starry sky, even Huang Ji oneself have exceeded this technical point. 虽然纳米技术在星空中属于最低层次,甚至黄极本人都已经超越了这个技术层面。 But to touches to nano time basic human reluctantly, this set of teaching material showed the future several hundred over a thousand years of paths simply. 但对只是勉强摸到纳米时代入门的人类而言,这套教材简直是指明了未来数百上千年的道路。 Star improvement project, outer space tall ladder, intercontinental tunnel, giant canal, core mining, underground city...... 星球改造工程,太空天梯,洲际隧道,巨型运河,地核采矿,地下城市…… Achievement so forth, had the foundation of realization. 诸如此类的成就,都有了实现的基础。 Naturally, these teaching material Huang Ji only gave headed by Sophia, Harris and Luo Yan the scientists of Kunlun ruins influence. 当然,这些教材黄极只交给了以索菲亚海里希罗言为首的昆仑墟势力的科学家们。 As for scientist who these do not separate the country status, then can only, participate in experiment and other ways obtaining benefits through the learn/study. 至于那些不割裂自己国家身份的科学家,则只能通过学习、参与实验等方式获益。 Also passed half a month, Huang Ji made a model of single nucleus negative pressure propeller finally. 又过了半个月,黄极终于制造好了一款单核负压推进器。 This is he himself designs purely , only then in a situation of negative energy vacuum ball, Huang Ji has achieved well. 这纯粹是他自己设计的,在只有一颗负能真空球的情况下,黄极已经做到了最好。 This thing load to Kunlun on, can let it in the wormhole navigation, every time spans the parsec, only takes 1 hour. 此物加载到昆仑号上,可以让它在虫洞航行中,每跨越一秒差距,只需要一个小时。 This speed compared with the Omarzo freighter, quick about three times! 这速度比奥玛佐的货船,都还快了将近三倍! However the energy consumption is very huge, particularly the situation of Kunlun nuclear power source and in color stone. 不过能源消耗特别巨大,尤其是昆仑号只有核能源与五彩石的情况下。 Naturally, through in wave of immersion supplies of Moon, the Huang Ji color stone has imitated can having five tons. 当然,通过在月球的一波浸泡补给,黄极的五彩石已经充能到有五吨重。 If this energy releases completely, is equivalent to total one ton pro and con material annihilation, energy that also or 142 tons hydrogen nuclear fusion, namely 42.8 million tons TNT explodes. 这能量如果全部释放,相当于共计一吨的正反物质湮灭,亦或者一百四十二吨氢核聚变,即四千两百八十万吨TNT爆炸的能量。 In the efficiency is the antimatter is definitely higher, may be insufficient in the technology, is resource-deficient, in the economical exhausted situation, the performance-to-price ratio of color stone is extremely high. 效率上肯定是反物质更高,可在技术不足,资源匮乏,经济困顿的情况下,五彩石的性价比极高。 Huang Ji placed in the high-energy material cloud to soak one month a number of color stones, was equivalent to white Zhuan 500 kilograms antimatter. 黄极只是把一批五彩石放在高能物质云里泡了一个月,就相当于白赚了五百公斤反物质。 This is because the pressure and radiation intensity of high-energy material cloud are not very high, if puts in Star, the speed of this planter color stone, but can also again quick several hundred over a thousand times. 这还是因为高能物质云的压力和辐射强度不够高,如果放到恒星里,这种植五彩石的速度,还能再快个几百上千倍。 What a pity Sun cannot bring to supply, a true extraterrestrial powerhouse assumes Moon, he also created ten little grey person, the fleet that in addition he brings, the Solar System was monitored stubbornly. 可惜太阳是不能拿来补给了,一名真正的外星强者坐镇月球,他还创造了十名小灰人,再加上他带来的船队,太阳系可谓被监控得死死的。 Huang Ji is honest, becomes Isis to leave counterfeit. 黄极只得老老实实,假冒成伊西丝离开。 I should walk.” “我该走了。” On August 17, in Earth Antarctica, Kunlun has been ready. 八月17日,在地球南极洲,昆仑号已经准备就绪。 Huang Ji Isis of incarnation Nome clan, six officers are fine, the skin is soft, if frozen, the fish tail skirt lower part of the body, the glistening twinkle, the small meat lantern before volume sends out the blurred dim light. 黄极已然化身诺母族的伊西丝,六官精致,皮肤柔软如果冻,鱼尾裙般的下身,莹莹闪烁,额前的小肉灯笼发出迷离的幽光。 The clothes inside lining is one set of life growth equipment, this is others Nome clan made. 衣服内衬是一套生命殖装,这本来就是人家诺母一族造的。 Outside is wrapping -and-a-half armor -type white clang metal battle suit, practices moral culture extremely soft, fighting the skirt is more than one meter to be long, almost contact ground, but is not spreads out from one side, but from spreads out. 外面套着一件半铠甲式的白色铿金属战衣,极其修身柔软,战裙有一米多长,几乎接触地面,但并不是从侧面开叉,而是从前后开叉。 This causes to fight the skirt, once moves high-speed, with the wind or will drag by the body with the water current elegantly, will just like the fish fin. 这使得战裙一旦高速移动,就会随风或随着水流在身体两侧飘逸摇曳,犹如鱼鳍。 The above trace is magnificent, is Huang Ji personally designs, but the etching comes up, has the style of Nome clan completely. 上面的纹路华丽,是黄极亲自设计而蚀刻上去的,完全具有诺母族的风格。 As for soft jellyfish hairstyle , is tying up many small triangular pyramid -type glasses, occasionally collides dingdong, the sunlight illuminates has also shown the rainbow. 至于柔软的水母发型上,则绑着许多小三棱锥式的玻璃,偶尔碰撞叮叮当当的,阳光照过还透出彩虹。 The glass is the accessory material that the Nome clan likes very much, although is very cheap, but the cultural practice of Nome clan is so. 玻璃是诺母族很喜欢的饰品材料,虽然很便宜,但诺母族的文化习俗就是如此。 Big brother, takes me.” Lin Li does not abandon said. “大哥,带上我吧。”林立不舍道。 Huang Ji is smiling, the mouth looks like a curved line, without talking, then makes such as the whale song elusive sound saying: I go to the starry sky to search to explore the way, you learn/study in Earth well, when I come back.” 黄极微笑着,嘴巴像一条弯弯的线条,也没动嘴皮子,便发出如鲸歌般空灵的声音道:“我去星空探探路,你们就在地球好好学习,等我回来。” The people have a heavy heart, everyone experienced so many life and death together, passed so many challenges, accumulates a cross space ship with great difficulty, actually must see off Huang Ji to step the interstellar battle path. 众人心情沉重,大家共同经历了这么多生死,度过了这么多挑战,才好不容易攒出一艘跨星际飞船,却要送别黄极踏上星际征途。 In their opinion, Huang Ji this goes to a narrow escape. 在他们看来,黄极此去九死一生。 Originally is ten dies not fresh, because he is Huang Ji, therefore respects, the people believe that a slim chance of survival. 本来是十死无生,但因为他是黄极,所以尊重一下,众人才相信有那一线生机。 Suddenly everyone anxious and annoying, did not abandon and worried, they want other means that but seems to have no other alternative. 一时间大家紧张、懊恼、不舍、担忧,他们很想有别的办法,但似乎别无他法。 Huang Ji is the success possibly highest person, originally they like mad, strove for one time finally are not the opportunity opportunities. 黄极是成功可能最高的人,原来他们拼死拼活,最后也只是争取到了一次不是机会的机会而已。 Evil Dragon was about to cry, Sasha is pressing his head, does not know how to comfort. 恶龙都快哭了,萨雅按着他的脑袋,也不知道怎么安慰。 Brando in Antarctic of the world of ice and snow, wears a vest, managed to be said by the cold wind dishevel golden hair: Huang Ji! If you died outside, after Kunlun ruins, was wielded by whom?” 布兰度在冰天雪地的南极,就穿着一件背心,理了理被寒风吹乱的金发说道:“黄极!如果你死在了外面,昆仑墟以后由谁执掌?” Huang Ji with the arrow of projection day, threw to Brando, the people were perplexed. 黄极拿出射日之箭,扔给了布兰度,众人不明所以。 Sees only Huang Ji to say with a smile: Relax, I will certainly be living.” 只见黄极笑道:“放心,我一定会活着回来。” Brando smiles, Lin Li also smiled, Huang Ji forever is that self-confident. 布兰度一笑,林立也笑了,黄极永远是那么自信。 Then Huang Ji was not artificial with the people, stepped Kunlun, changed into the rapid shadow, the direct impact has the atmosphere together. 接下来黄极也不和众人矫情,踏上了昆仑号,化为一道迅影,直冲出大气层。 A spaceship ran out of Earth, Moon first discovers. 一艘飞船冲出地球,月球第一时间就发现了。 However has not warned, because of Kunlun this, has to file...... 不过并没有警示,因为昆仑号这一回,是有备案的…… The Moon system passed through the hand of Huang Ji, how can also does not have any modification? 月球系统经过了黄极的手,又怎会没有什么改动? In the white list had been increased a series of false data by Huang Ji, then only needed to leave the Solar System according to the procedure/program to be good. 白名单中已经被黄极添加了一系列虚假数据,接下来只需要按照程序离开太阳系就好了。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Huang Ji selected the long-distance connection procedure/program, this was equivalent to pass APP, Huang Ji, although did not have the place to download, but Huang Ji knows that what it was, the direct hand hit such APP. 黄极点开了远程交接程序,这相当于一个通行证APP,黄极虽然没地方去下载,但是黄极知道它是什么样的,直接自己手打了一款这样的APP。 However, although Huang Ji has followed the normal procedure to complete the connection, Cabri on Moon was vigilant. 然而,尽管黄极已经遵循正常程序做好交接,月球上的卡布里还是警惕了一下。 „Does the registration that one month of base losing contact, does not have any tourist enters a country, this Nome person named Isis, when come?” Cabri asked. “基地失联的一个月,没有任何游客入境的登记,这个叫伊西丝诺母人,是什么时候来的?”卡布里问道。 Omarzo checks quickly: Yo! About in 9000 comes!” 奥玛佐很快查到:“呦!将近九千年前来的!” What?” Cabri with astonishment said: „Is this possible? All interstellar citizens were expelled were right!” “什么?”卡布里惊愕道:“这怎么可能?所有星际公民都被赶走了才对!” Omarzo explained hastily: What in her detention reason writes is the hibernation, she because of the body reason, has hibernated on sparks/Mars, in the near future will wake.” 奥玛佐连忙解释道:“她的滞留原因上写的是冬眠,她因为身体缘故,一直在火星上冬眠,近期才醒过来。” I checked, she is three months ago wants to walk, but discovered good that Earth develops, the buying a ticket sightseeing was detained some time.” “我查了一下,她是三个月前就想走了,但发现地球发展的不错,就买票观光又滞留了一段时间。” According to record, at that time I because happen to delivered goods just walked, was Otis to the sightseeing ticket that she handled.” “根据记录,那时候我正好因为送货刚走,是帝斯给她办理的观光票。” All these, are the record in the Moon system, by Huang Ji forge, making one unable to see the flaw. 这一切,都是记录在月球系统里的,由黄极伪造,让人看不出破绽。 However Cabri thought needs to pay attention, because he has been looking for that nature perturbation recently. 但是卡布里还是觉得需要注意一下,因为他最近一直在找那个自然扰动者。 According to the note for use of wormhole, no one used the wormhole to leave in this period radically, big probability perturbation also in the Solar System. 根据虫洞的使用记录,期间根本没人使用虫洞离开,大概率扰动者还在太阳系。 At this time suddenly had a tourist to leave country, even if all reasonable, Cabri also wants to question 12. 这时候突然有个游客要出境,哪怕一切合理,卡布里也想盘查一二。 Makes her descend Moon, handles personally, said that her procedure has the issue.” Cabri said. “让她降落月球,亲自来办理一下,就说她的手续有问题。”卡布里说道。 Omarzo so transmits, quick Huang Ji drives Kunlun to anchor in other side of the moon. 奥玛佐如此传达,很快黄极就驾驶着昆仑号停泊在月背。 Huang Ji took a step the spaceship, a step came, was calm. 黄极迈步下了飞船,款步而来,非常从容。 Cabri is a four-meter sunbird, what is different from Horus bird first person image, the true bird man, actually does not have the hand. 卡布里是一尊高达四米的太阳鸟,与荷鲁斯鸟首人身形象不同的是,真正的鸟人,其实没有手。 They are the birds bird bodies, is not only excellent stands, but like Godzilla, feather magnificent like long gown, each piece is also hanging the metal blade leaf, that was their clothes. 他们是鸟兽鸟身,只不过人立而起如哥斯拉,身上的羽毛华丽如长袍,每一片还都挂着金属刀叶,那就是他们的衣服了。 His wing is the foreleg, but the claw is extremely flexible, must suit the fine control compared with both hands of human. Moreover their birds gasp for breath have the strong magnetic force, can control the metal. 其羽翼就是前肢,而脚爪极其灵活,比人类的双手还要适合精细操控。不仅如此他们的鸟喙本身还具有强磁力,可以控制金属。 At this moment sees only Cabri to fly in the space, is sizing up Huang Ji this merpeople. 此刻只见卡布里飞在天上,打量着黄极这条人鱼。 But Huang Ji has not actually paid attention to him, look not only appreciation and admires looks at another spaceship in engine off platform. 黄极却没有关注他,眼神既欣赏又艳羡的看着停机平台上的另一架飞船。 Huge and smooth, shape such as long shuttle, does not have any extra external component and slit. 庞大而光滑,形如长梭,没有任何多余的外部配件和缝隙。 whie light sparkles, the surroundings are dense a tall and pleasing to the eye dim halo. 白光闪闪,周围还氤氲着一层美轮美奂的朦胧光晕。 Huang Ji is sizing up carefully, almost does not conceal oneself envying to this spaceship. 黄极仔细打量着,几乎毫不掩饰自己对这架飞船的羡慕。 Crown health/guard......” Huang Ji twittering said with the interstellar commonly used language suddenly, the sound exclamation is infatuated. “冕卫……”黄极突然用星际通用语呢喃道,声音惊叹而痴迷。 Cabri smiled, has been satisfied at heart enormously, mused that finally some people recognized the spaceship that oneself bought newly, Omarzo that fool could not see the interesting part of this spaceship completely. 卡布里笑了,心里得到极大满足,暗想终于有人认出自己新买的飞船了,奥玛佐那傻子完全看不出这飞船的妙处。 Right! Latest crown health/guard light shadow 12 rovers, the built-in facility comprehensive top matches, army grade intelligence driving, the sub-light speed jet braking, the automatic jump gravity wave communication, the nitrogen level medical service training cabin, the tip loads the molecular decomposition field, the dark energy tearing artillery, 800,000,000,000,000,000 energy shielding systems......” Cabri cannot bear show off to say. “没错!最新款的冕卫・光影12漫游者,内置设施全面顶配,军用级智能驾驶,亚光速反推,自动跃迁式引力波通讯,氮级医疗训练舱,尖端加载分子裂解场,还有暗能量撕裂炮,八十万兆介能量防护系统……”卡布里忍不住炫耀道。 Huang Ji does right after something else saying: I have read the advertisement, 36 nuclear negative pressure propellers, the wormhole instant navigation, set off achieve!” 黄极接茬道:“我看过广告,36核负压推进器,虫洞瞬时航行,出发即达到!” Cabri said with a smile: Tampers...... the job requirement, a good rover, essential.” 卡布里笑道:“夯夯夯……工作需要,一架好的漫游者,必不可少。” Huang Ji envies: Heard that takes 4 million jades.” 黄极羡慕道:“听说要四百万琅。” Tampers? Your that is the public price.” Cabri said with a smile: Does not use that expensively, I have the channel, only spent 3.2 million jades.” “夯?你那是公开价。”卡布里笑道:“也不用那么贵,我有渠道,只花了三百二十万琅。” Huang Ji exclaims: That is also quite expensive/noble, my private car manual design, so long as 6 million binding energy coins.” 黄极惊叹道:“那也好贵啊,我这座驾自己手工设计制作,只要六百万聚能币。” Jade is the common currency that the galaxy bank issues, but binding energy coin is Philosopher's Stone, Star Alliance has custom-made the standard nuclear fusion energy coin. ‘琅’是星河银行发行的统一货币,而‘聚能币’就是贤者之石,星盟定制标准的核聚变能量币。 The present value relationship, is about a jade can exchange 600 binding energy coins, namely is equivalent to eight kilograms antimatter the value. 现行的价值比例,大约是一琅可以兑换六百聚能币,即相当于八公斤反物质的价值。 Kunlun of Huang Ji that so-called 6 million binding energy coins, converts the jade, is 10,000 jades. 黄极那所谓六百万聚能币的昆仑号,换算成琅,也就是一万琅而已。 This is Huang Ji boasts, value of oneself personally design calculating, actually cost also on value more than 100 jades. 这还是黄极吹牛,把自己亲自设计的价值给算进去了,其实成本也就值一百多琅。 The value contrast of two people spaceship is extremely disparate, is equivalent to one 10,000 motorcycle, contrasts others 4 million Ferrari. 两人飞船的价值对比极其悬殊,相当于一辆一万块的‘摩托车’,对比人家四百万的法拉利。 Regarding this, Cabri smiles not to speak, he has paid attention to Huang Ji this Kunlun, a sign does not have, purchases various spare parts to assemble. 对此,卡布里笑而不语,他早就关注过黄极这艘昆仑号了,连个牌子都没有,就是采购各种零配件自己组装的。 Moreover the material and components are very cheap, obviously to economize purely, rather than the kludge of special demand. 而且材料和零件都很便宜,显然纯粹是为了省钱,而非特殊需求的组装机。 Is the riding instead of walking machine of unusual trash, reviews spaceship that his buys newly, light/only crown health/guard sign, on value 1 million jades. 属于非常垃圾的代步机,反观他这架新买的飞船,光冕卫这个牌子,就值一百万琅。 Is designed by the shacha Civilization top Grandmaster, can hit to run, but also is very graceful. Is sells now in Orion Arm explodes the funds half military high extravagant model. 是由沙茶文明的顶级大师设计的,能打能跑,还很帅。是如今在猎户旋臂卖得非常爆款的半军事高奢机型。 The only flaw was energy consumption Tete was high, the poor devil cannot add the antimatter. 唯一的缺陷是能耗太特么高了,穷鬼连反物质都加不起。 Good...... quite fierce, you are the great person......” Huang Ji lower certainly the head to say slightly. “好……好厉害,你一定是大人物吧……”黄极微微低头道。 Cabri shook the wing, tranquil say/way: Also no, works to Star Alliance.” 卡布里抖了抖翅膀,平静道:“也没什么,给星盟打工而已。” This saying said that he obviously is the person in Anunnaki Corporation, said oneself are works to Star Alliance, doing seems like Star Alliance official, this compelled the standard to come up all of a sudden. 这话说的,他明明就是阿努纳奇公司的人,偏偏说自己是给星盟打工,搞得好像自己是星盟官员似的,这逼格一下子上去了。 What issue does my immigration clearance have?” Huang Ji moe dull looks at Cabri. “我的出境手续有什么问题吗?”黄极呆萌地看着卡布里 Cabri said with ease: I have a look again, Isis...... was good, no issue.” 卡布里轻松道:“我再看看,唔,伊西丝……好了,没什么问题了。” Originally has no issue, Cabri oversensitively calls to come to see, looked felt no issue. 本来就没什么问题,卡布里只是多心把人叫来看看而已,一看就更觉得没什么问题了。 Cabri is knows that Nome clan, that is the low-rank race that becomes famous. 卡布里是知道诺母族的,那算是出了名的下位种族。 Huang Ji appearance at this moment, like the Nome clan in the coming out poor roaming, that opening up wasteland who or the open country lived in seclusion self-sufficiently. 黄极此刻的模样,像极了诺母族里出来穷游,或者野外自给自足隐居的那种开荒者。 Mainly had an accident recently, you on Earth, there is to see others?” Cabri asked. “主要是最近出了点事,你在地球上,有看到其他人吗?”卡布里问道。 He asked certainly is not other human, but refers in particular to other citizens. 他问得当然不是其他人类,而是特指其他公民。 Before Huang Ji volume , the small lantern said in a flash: Has! I saw that explodes extremely six generations of rovers, it lifts off from Earth, directly soars Moon to go, at the back of Moon has what me not to know that specifically, because my sweeping system told me front Ōutòu(high energy), making me do not approach.” 黄极额前小灯笼一晃一晃地说道:“有!我见到一架‘极爆・六代漫游者’,它从地球升空,直奔月球而去,月球背面具体发生什么我就不知道了,因为我的扫描系统告诉我‘前方欧透’,让我不要靠近。” Afterward I contacted Moon, discovers to have no response, I do not dare to examine......, therefore I have been detained in Antarctic, when dares to leave now......” “后来我联络月球,发现没有任何反应,我也不敢去查看……所以我一直滞留在南极,直等到现在才敢离开……” The Cabri look is dignified, explodes six generations extremely? This is in half military roaming spaceship best, paid great attention completely practical, the battle efficiency is extremely strong, is more expensive than the own crown health/guard. 卡布里神色凝重,极爆六代?这是半军事漫游飞船中最好的了,完全注重实用,战斗力极强,比自己的冕卫还贵。 This type of spaceship does their company few have personally, waits, a flamingo clan? 这种飞船他们公司都没几个人有,等一下,火鸟一族? Isn't he? Really has been bearing patiently?” Cabri ponders. “不会是他吧?果然一直在隐忍吗?”卡布里沉思起来。 Huang Ji tilts the head said: „Can I walk?” 黄极歪头道:“请问我能走了吗?” Cabri looked at Huang Ji one, without thinks, the situation that because Huang Ji said is fair, the race that becomes famous the Nome clan does not dare to stir up trouble, in addition does that poor devil kludge, why go to the manages to explode six generations of others 's business extremely? 卡布里看了黄极一眼,也没多想,因为黄极说的情况合情合理,诺母族本来就是出了名的不敢惹事的种族,再加上那穷鬼组装机,凭什么去管极爆六代的闲事? Knew that the system warned ‚after front Ōutòu(high energy), withdraws installs in the Earth upper garment blindly deaf, perfectly conforms to the Nome clan conduct criterion. 得知系统警告‘前方欧透’后,龟缩在地球上装瞎装聋,是非常符合诺母族行事准则的。 Ok, was all right, was right, we add a communication......” side Cabri to depart the rhombus small ball. “行了,没事了,哦对了,我们加个通讯……”卡布里身旁飞出菱形小球。 Huang Ji also controls the Isis computer to fly, two people exchange the contact way. 黄极也操控伊西丝的电脑飞过去,两人互换联络方式。 He did not fear that Cabri checks this status, because the Isis status has not cancelled. 他不怕卡布里去查这个身份,因为伊西丝的身份是没有注销的。 Star Alliance does not have the ability great distance innumerable light years to determine a life and death of person. In addition some people depend upon the medicines or other ways, living specially is long, therefore only took 50 years to renew status information on the line. 星盟并没有能力相隔无数光年判定一个人的生死。再加上有些人依靠药物或者其他方式,活得特别长,所以只需要五十年更新一下身份信息就行了。 Does not renew also good, but must fine. 不更新也行,但要累计罚款。 Huang Ji can also use this status, benefits from unrequited loving Isis Tot, has not gone to the Isis authentication death, even also the help pays the fine. 黄极还能用这个身份,得益于暗恋伊西丝透特,没有去给伊西丝认证死亡,甚至还帮忙缴罚款。 In 9000, Tot has become the custom, when throughout his goddess is also living. 九千年,透特已成习惯,始终当他的女神还活着。 ...... ……
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