TKA :: Volume #13

#1242: Signature picture album

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The Christmas Eve rhythm of Chen Guo plan had gotten rid thoroughly, after arriving at Fang Rui, Qiao Yifan, An Wenyi and the others came, Chen Guo to hint them to select the gift again on own initiative. The gift that finally in the end messed up matched to laugh, in the training room people laughing Le to become one group, that in Chen Guo original conscience fast did not dissipate quickly. Gives the gift for what? Isn't map one happy? Now made that everybody is so happy, what also there is unable? It seems like of random choice pleasantly surprised, but also truly is very interesting! 陈果原本计划的平安夜节奏已经被彻底抛弃了,再到方锐乔一帆安文逸等人过来后陈果已经主动示意他们去挑礼物了。结果到最后乱了套的礼物搭配成了一大笑点,训练室里众人嘻嘻哈哈乐成一团,陈果原本心中的那点不快也飞快消散了。送礼物是为了啥?不就是图一乐吗?现在弄得大家这么开心,又有什么不可以的呢?看来随机挑选的这个“惊喜”,还确实是挺有趣的呢! Not only gift of Chen Guo preparation also in view of the Team players. The online game department, the mechanical skill department, that is also the Happy important constituent, Chen Guo has per capita prepares the share of everyone, but the people of these departments not in training room work, but Chen Guo went to call their one simply on own initiative. 陈果准备的礼物也不只是针对战队的选手们。网游部门,技术部门,那也都是兴欣重要的组成部分,陈果有按人头准备每个人的份,不过这些部门的人又不在训练室办公,不过陈果索性去主动招呼了他们一声。 Wu Chen and the others came, took the gift, breaks a seal anything, unavoidably is a pleasure. Compared with feeling disappointed that was Guan Rongfei, was entrained to select the gift forcefully, that called a face did not prefer. Flushed hurriedly, entrained one to walk from Christmas tree, did not have ten seconds to vanish from the training room. 伍晨等人过来,拿了礼物,拆封什么的,难免又是一番乐子。比较扫兴的那就是关榕飞了,被强行拽过来挑礼物,那叫一脸的不情愿。风风火火冲了过来,从圣诞树上拽了一个就走,前后没十秒就从训练室里消失了。 in the end, all people select, is taking respective appropriate or the inappropriate gift ends noisily, the vision of people fell Chen Guo, as well as hung up on the final two gifts on Christmas tree. 到最后,所有人挑完,拿着各自合适或是不合适的礼物闹完,众人的目光落到了陈果,以及挂上圣诞树上的最后两件礼物上。 Well?” Some Chen Guo surprise. “咦?”陈果有些诧异。 Who hasn't come?” She was asking, the gift per capita counted, she was faultless, the final words should only remain a gift reasonably, was in the impression, the Happy member had come! Including only had ten seconds of Guan Rongfei, Chen Guo also clearly saw that he carried the thing to exit. “谁还没来吗?”她问着,礼物是按人头数好的,她还没挑,按理最后的话应该只剩一件礼物,可是印象里,兴欣的成员已经都来过了啊!包括只存在了十秒的关榕飞,陈果也清楚看到他是拎着东西出去的。 „If there is not resulted in finally selects, is very senseless?” Ye Xiu said. “如果最后没得挑的话,岂不是很无趣?”叶修说道。 „?” The Chen Guo hear some positive results, looked toward the Christmas tree on again, two gifts, looks familiar, without a doubt, she prepares one, another...... “哦?”陈果听出了些名堂,再朝圣诞树上一看,两件礼物,一件眼熟,毫无疑问,正是她所准备的之一,另一个…… „Do you put?” Chen Guo asked Ye Xiu. “你放上去的?”陈果叶修 Now chooses to you.” Ye Xiu said. “现在是到你挑选的时候了。”叶修说道。 Chen Guo has been startled being startled. She has not thought really in the end will have the small detail to leave itself like this. Must elect, naturally from that oneself did not know, but...... This is not Ye Xiu that fellow to collect the interest temporarily takes care? For example packs anything own half packet of smoke conveniently, this matter Chen Guo thought that Ye Xiu can do easily. 陈果怔了怔。她真没想到最后还会有这样的小细节留给自己。要选,当然是选自己不知道的那件了,但是……这个不会是叶修那家伙为了凑趣怎么临时张罗起来的吧?比如随手把自己的半包烟包装起来什么的,这种事陈果觉得叶修是可以轻易做出来的。 However...... Steps onto Chen Guo that goes to look, very strange gift of that to her, packing same careful, looks like does not take care conveniently, is the careful preparation? 不过……走上前去的陈果看了看,那一份对她而言很陌生的礼物,包装的同样细致,看起来绝不是随手张罗,也是精心准备的吧? Chen Guo was a little moved. She does not have to hesitate again, has taken off this from Christmas tree specially for the gift that she prepares. 陈果有点被感动。她没有再迟疑,从圣诞树上摘下了这件特意为她准备的礼物。 What is?” Chen Guo is wanted to look at the mood that does not dare to look at to wrap. “是什么?”陈果被想看又不敢看的心情包裹着。 Disassembled knows.” Ye Xiu smiles, is the thing that you want is coming.” “拆开就知道了。”叶修笑,“是你很想要的东西来着。” Thing that I want very much?” Chen Guo was vacant, suddenly she does not know one have the thing that anything wants very much, how not clear Ye Xiu knows. “我很想要的东西?”陈果茫然了,一时间她也不知道自己有什么很想要的东西,更不清楚叶修怎么会知道。 The gift is very light, Chen Guo takes down somewhat the suspicion is half package of smoke anything. But now hears Ye Xiu to say like this. Chen Guo thought that this should not be any practical joke. Disassembles the packing, puts out inside paper carton, opens looked that inside is hiding a card, the Christmas card. 礼物很轻,陈果取下来的时候真有点怀疑是半包烟什么的了。可是现在听到叶修这样说。陈果觉得这应该不会是什么恶作剧。拆开包装,拿出里面的纸盒,打开一看,里面藏着一张卡片,圣诞卡片。 Is this very much wants? 这就是自己很想要的? The Chen Guo doubts, in the moral nature also floated off slightly disappointed, she takes out the card, opens looks, not too attractive typeface. Writes above: You have wanted, such as you hope. 陈果疑惑,心底里也浮起了一丝小失望,她取出卡片,翻开一看,并不算太漂亮的字体。在上边写着:你一直都想要的,如你所愿。 Then, two signatures. 而后,两个签名。 Ye Qiu. 叶秋 Su Mucheng. 苏沐橙 Chen Guo is startled, the train of thought returned in an instant for several years ago, at that time she was only common fans, with many Excellent Era fans together, was supporting Excellent Era frantically, was liking Ye Qiu and Su Mucheng this two Gods. The Great God signature, naturally is the thing that they want. Again then. That snowy night. A stranger arrived at Happy Internet Cafe, has killed opponent in Arena with the Chen Guo account more than 40 seconds. Then invite(s) became Manager. 陈果怔住,思绪刹那间回到了几年以前,那时她只是个寻常的粉丝,和很多嘉世粉们一起,狂热地支持着嘉世,喜欢着叶秋苏沐橙两位大神大神们的签名,当然是他们都想要的东西。再然后。那个雪夜。一个陌生人来到了兴欣网吧,用陈果帐号40多秒干掉了一个竞技场中的对手。而后申请成为了一名网管 At that time Chen Guo thinks that this is one is eliminated to have no place to go the obscure individual by Team, she gave shelter to him, has encouraged her, after and joke was asking he returned to pro scene , helping to do Ye Qiu and Su Mucheng signature. 那时陈果以为这是一个被战队淘汰无处可去的无名之辈,她收留了他,鼓励了她,并玩笑着拜托他重返职业圈以后,帮忙搞到叶秋苏沐橙的签名。 This is only the joke, Chen Guo not earnest, however two years later, she actually received this Christmas present. 这只是玩笑话,陈果并没有认真,但是两年后,她却收到了这份圣诞礼物。 What signs itself not to represent, this time does Chen Guo want Ye Xiu or the Su Mucheng signature is also not the matter of a few words? But was this point reminded her exactly, present she, no longer is that can only support the idol in the far-end silently ordinary one. She and she once the person of affection stood in one, they are the friends, moreover shoulder to shoulder the struggle, this time she no longer is an observer, but is a participant. Team Happy, has Ye Xiu, has Su Mucheng, there are her, everybody. This, was these two signature covered significances, Chen Guo has understood instantaneously, she felt that her eye socket was somewhat wet, but, these many people look that cried is really loses face. 签名本身已经不代表什么,此时的陈果想要个叶修或是苏沐橙的签名还不是一句话的事?但恰恰就是这一点提醒了她,如今的她,已经不再是那个只能在远端默默支持偶像的普通一员。她和她曾经非常喜爱的人站在了一起,他们是朋友,而且并肩奋斗,这一次她不再是一个旁观者,而是一个参与者。兴欣战队,有叶修,有苏沐橙,也有她,还有大家。这,是这两个签名所涵盖的意义,陈果瞬间就理解了,她感觉到自己的眼眶已经有些湿了,但是,这么多人看着呢,哭出来真是太丢脸了。 Chen Guo fast carried the face to wipe, has restrained the mood maliciously, swung that card saying: This, really...... Really......” 陈果飞快地背过脸去抹了一把,狠狠地收敛了一下心情,摇了摇那卡片说:“这个,真是……真是……” Chen Guo wants to speak a joke, wants saying that this was really sends person, but she is not really able saying that because she understood the component of this paper card. She wants unable to pretend, but, actually does not give up. 陈果想说个玩笑话,想说“这个真是太打发人”了,但是她实在无法说出口,因为她明白这一纸卡片的份量。她想装作不懂,但是,却舍不得。 „, Two signatures, this deceived the person! Ultra shameless(ly)!” Finally, she had not said that was actually rushed to say. What is the gift? This is the everybody curious thing, other people honest made known, but where Wei Chen so will be serious, early gathered up to come to see. Looks at the above that words two signatures, he does not want to come out that many, immediately regards this is the practical joke of Ye Xiu flickering person, in the force condemnation. “靠,就两签名,这个太糊弄人了吧!超没下限啊!”结果,她没说,却被人抢着说了。礼物是什么?这本就是人人好奇的东西,其他人老实等揭晓,但魏琛哪会这么本分,早凑上来看了。一看上面那话两签名,他没想出来那么多,立刻就把这当成是叶修忽悠人的恶作剧,强力谴责上了。 You.” Wei Chen despised Ye Xiu to teach Su Mucheng, with Old Ye shameless(ly). Our Owner many are not easy, celebrates a Christmas with great difficulty, you sign two broken when the gift does send the person? Even if must do the signature, should everybody sign! Boss does not cry, comes, I also sign one to you.” “你也是的。”魏琛鄙视完叶修又训起了苏沐橙,“就跟着老叶没下限。咱老板多不容易啊,好不容易过个圣诞,你俩签俩破名就当礼物打发人呐?就算要搞签名,也应该大家都签啊!老板娘不哭,来来来,我也给你签一个。” Bamboo slip bamboo slip, everybody signs!” Chen Guo was calling, actually early that card filling, has returned to go to the Christmas tree to take down that decisively not to have the gift that the candidate arrived at finally. “签签签,大家都签!”陈果叫着,却早已经把那张卡片给塞起来了,果断返身去圣诞树上取下了那件最后无人选到的礼物。 On bamboo slip on this!” This abegging gift was disassembled, originally is a picture album. The gift is the Chen Guo preparation, which is any she looked that the packing basically have several at heart. This picture album is the periphery that Happy make, inside is asks the specialist to take the Character chart that the Character image plan of Team Happy becomes. In this, making everyone sign is really meaningful. “就签在这上吧!”这无人问津的礼物被拆开了,原来是一本画册。礼物都是陈果准备的,哪件是什么她一看包装心里就基本有数。这画册是兴欣自己做的周边,内里是请专人取兴欣战队角色形象绘制而成的角色图。在这个上,让每个人签个名真的再有意义不过了。 Well, did the picture album print?” After Wei Chen received, is reading. Happy must have such thing everybody naturally also to know, but does not know came out, therefore Chen Guo took one of the press run to treat as this time gift. “咦,画册印出来了?”魏琛接过后翻看着。兴欣要出这么个东西大家当然也都知道,只是不知道已经出来,所以陈果取了首印的一本当作这次的礼物。 Un.” Wei Chen turned his Windward Formation that page quickly, in that regarding the chart the Warlock image of incantation is quite satisfied. “嗯,还可以。”魏琛很快翻到了他的迎风布阵那页,对于图中那个正在施咒的术士形象比较满意。 Has a look at me, has a look at me.” Other Happy people have also collected, fellow who Mo Fan this does not get on well with others, at this time also some curious, left oneself seat, is actually leaving crowd two meters far, probably was still pondering must collect. “看看我,看看我。”兴欣其他人也都已经凑过来,就连莫凡这个不合群的家伙,此时也有一些好奇,离开了自己座位,却又离着人堆两米远,好像还在思考着要不要凑过来。 Ha, Mo Fan this is really, is quite dreadful, charm!” The result Lord has not come, everybody started the review on the Deception page, then looks for Mo Fan, sees him also in hesitant type two meters away. “哈哈哈,莫凡这个真是,相当猥琐啊,神韵呐!”结果正主还没来呢,大家已经在毁人不倦的页面上开始点评了,然后再找莫凡,看到他还在两米外的犹豫样。 Has a look.” Su Mucheng made noise to call one, after Mo Fan slightly one hesitated, finally walked up. “过来看看。”苏沐橙出声招呼了一声,莫凡略一犹豫后,终于还是走上前来。 In the picture, wears a mask Ninja to be soundless the Walk appearance, looks like truly a little does strangely. 画面上,一个蒙面忍者蹑手蹑脚行走的模样,看起来确实有点搞怪。 Is this one? 这是自己? Mo Fan did not think really one should be this appearance, but looks at the surrounding everybody, probably surpasses approval this chart. 莫凡真不觉得自己应该是这幅模样,可是看周围的大伙,好像都超认可这图。 Signs!” Chen Guo gives him the pen, prepares to make Mo Fan first write down the name in the picture album. “签个名吧!”陈果把笔递给他,准备让莫凡第一个在画册上写下名字。 Mo Fan took the pen, under surrounding of people, the hand of writing a little trembles unexpectedly, not much character, wrote immediately crookedly. 莫凡愣愣地接过笔,在众人的围观下,写字的手居然有点颤,本就不怎么样的字,顿时写得更歪斜了。 This character may be really not much!” Fang Rui said in side that makes you experience elder brother's golden right hand.” “这字可真不怎么样!”方锐在旁说道,“来让你们见识一下哥的黄金右手。” Then, took the pen from Mo Fan, turns to Qi Master Boundless Sea that page, has signed the Fang Rui two characters natural. 说完,从莫凡手里把笔接过,翻到气功师海无量那页,潇洒地签下了方锐两个字。 What kind, good 100 times?” Fang Rui even also intends to turn to Deception that page makes two names compare, stronger are truly many, lets want to help the person who Mo Fan spoke not have the means start to talk. “怎么样,好100倍吧?”方锐甚至还有意翻到毁人不倦那页让两个名字进行对比,确实要强很多,让想帮莫凡说话的人也没办法开口。 You write the third character to have a look again.” Ye Xiu spoke. “你再写第三个字看看。”叶修却说话了。 Rolling get lost.” Fang Rui fast has thrown the pen. The people are startled, immediately understands. How Fang Rui said that is also the Glory star rank, signs this matter not to be definitely strange, no matter there are has practiced desirably, signs were many, will be always ripe some to come attractively, but other characters excluding these two characters, that was worth discussing. “滚滚滚。”方锐已经飞快把笔扔了。众人一怔,顿时明白。方锐咋说也是荣耀明星级别,签名这种事肯定不陌生,不管有没有刻意练过,签的多了,总也会熟出些好看来,不过除这两字以外的其他字,那就值得商榷了。 The picture album continues to pass around, everyone signs the name in own Character's page, end has given Chen Guo, Chen Guo pages have read, after silent moment, said: „, Practices the signature!” 画册继续传下去,每个人在自己角色的页面签下名字,末了交给陈果,陈果一页页翻看了一遍,沉默了片刻后说:“有空的,还是都练练签名吧!” This signatures, except Fang Rui and Su Mucheng often bamboo slip, on Tang Rou also calculates quite pleasant. Other one have not been to take again amounts to something. Ye Xiu, Fang Rui took has looked at one to get down on falling: Added me, your third character is also not much!” 这一个个的签名,除方锐苏沐橙是常签签出来的,就唐柔的还算比较入眼。再其他的没一个是拿得上台面。就连叶修的,方锐拿过看了一眼就摔下了:“还说我呢,你的第三个字也不怎么样嘛!” Everybody is looking at Lord Grim that page, the Ye Xiu two characters, how sees irritably, to see how to separate. Chen Guo has gawked some little time, touched that card to come out to look that compared, responded. 大家望着君莫笑那页,叶修两个字,怎么看怎么别扭,怎么看怎么分离。陈果愣了好一会,又摸了那张卡片出来一看,一比,反应过来。 Ye Xiu, Ye Qiu two characters was to sign incomparably skillfully, although he openly did not make an appearance, but often will also sign some peripheral products in Team, was Su Mucheng and Fang Rui this type often signs the rank. However now, he changes Ye Xiu, this leaf like that appearance, but cultivating completely could not follow the rhythm, two characters collected toward in again, mixed Item(s) / Equipment that built to be uglier than Lord Grim on. 叶修,把“叶秋”两字是签得无比纯熟了,虽然他不公开露面,但在战队也会时常签一些周边产品,也是苏沐橙方锐这种常签级别。但是现在,他改签叶修,这“叶”还是那般模样,但“修”就完全跟不上节奏了,两字再往里一凑,比君莫笑身上混搭的装备还难看。 Ye Xiu cultivating, very regrettable is his third character. 叶修的“修”,很遗憾是他的第三个字。
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