TKA :: Volume #13

#1241: Christmas present

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Chapter 1241 Christmas present 第1241章圣诞礼物 Eight winning streaks, brings forth the Christmas day, up and down Happy brims with is the radiant atmosphere, Ye Xiu has not selected sweeps everybody to be popular this time, at least also waits for this holiday to remind everybody to want again discretely calm! 八连胜,又逢圣诞节,兴欣上下洋溢的都是喜洋洋的气氛,叶修也没有挑这个时间去扫大家兴,至少也等过完这个节日再提醒大家要谨慎冷静吧! The rough Christmas tree of that pure hand-planted again carried out by Chen Guo, but this time has not suspended the Internet Cafe hall to do Event again, but has moved to the Happy Internet Cafe training room, after placing to an corner/horn, carefully decorates. 9 那棵纯手工制作的粗糙圣诞树被陈果再一次搬出,不过这次没再摆去网吧大厅搞活动,而是搬到了兴欣网吧的训练室,摆放到一角后就细心地装点起来。9 Looks at this Christmas tree, Ye Xiu has also gawked staring. This is his third time sees this Christmas tree, the head returns to see, that is two years ago. At that time left from Excellent Era is less than one month, in an instant two years passed by, oneself this Internet Cafe group Team, returned the alliance unexpectedly, rushed to the points list fifth...... 看着这棵圣诞树,叶修也不由地愣了愣。这已经是他第三次看到这棵圣诞树了,头回见,那还是两年前。那时才从嘉世离开不到一个月,转眼两年过去了,自己居然真的在这间网吧组起了一支战队,杀回了联盟,冲到了积分榜第五…… Now turns head to come, Ye Xiu think somewhat inconceivable, this matter, achieves unexpectedly, moreover does also good. 如今回头想来,叶修自己都觉得有些不可思议,这种事情,居然真的做到,而且做得还挺不错。 „In a daze , helping!” Chen Guo sound of voices and noise Interrupt Ye Xiu train of thought. “发什么呆呢,过来帮帮忙啊!”陈果的吆喝声打断叶修的思绪。 Chen Guo is hanging the gift toward the Christmas tree on, these are she prepare for Happy everybody, each carefully was packed, cannot see inside from the gift box completely is anything. 陈果正在往圣诞树上挂着礼物,这些是她为兴欣的大家准备的,每一件都被细心地包装起来,从礼物盒上完全看不出里边是什么。 Which is my?” Ye Xiu helps her hang toward the Christmas tree on, while spoke thoughtlessly to ask. “哪个是我的?”叶修一边帮她往圣诞树上挂着,一边随口问道。 Does not know that everybody selects at the appointed time, which selects to is, this is interesting.” Chen Guo said. “不知道,大家到时自己挑吧,挑到哪个算哪个,这样才有趣。”陈果说道。 You?” Ye Xiu asked. “那你自己呢?”叶修问。 Naturally also had one.” Chen Guo said. “当然也有一份了。”陈果说。 „Do oneself give itself to prepare the gift to be so interesting?” Ye Xiu smiles. “自己给自己准备礼物这么有意思?”叶修笑。 What is gives itself! This is Happy gives the gift of Happy each member, amn't I Happy one?” Chen Guo was saying righteously. “什么叫自己给自己!这是兴欣送给兴欣每一位成员的礼物,我难道不是兴欣的一员吗?”陈果理直气壮地说着。 Naturally.” Ye Xiu nods hastily. “当然。”叶修连忙点头。 Is very good, this!” Chen Guo hangs up the last gift, confirmed carefully, after the determination, this satisfied slight nod. “很好,就这样吧!”陈果挂上最后一件礼物,又仔细确认了一遍,确定后,这才满意地点了点头 Except for pulling out gift, what interesting matter but also there is?” Ye Xiu asked. “除了抽礼物,还有什么有趣的事吗?”叶修问道。 To you, do whatever you want / casual hit dozen of Glory here is not the most interesting matter?” Chen Guo said. “对你们而言,在这里随便打打荣耀不就是最有趣的事了吗?”陈果说。 Ye Xiu has been startled being startled, has smiled bitterly under: Occasionally plays other did not mind.” 叶修怔了怔,苦笑了下:“偶尔玩玩其他的也不介意。” „?” Chen Guo thinks that online hits Milky Way to strive for hegemony?” Milky Way strives for hegemony is immediately the most popular real-time strategy game. “哦?”陈果想了想,“联机打银河争霸?”银河争霸是当下最流行的即时战略游戏。 It seems like you cannot think that besides playing beyond the game also had other any matters to do.” Ye Xiu said. “看来你也想不到除了打游戏以外还有什么其他事可做了。”叶修说。 Yes, is.” Chen Guo very bites also character heavily, she does not think that Ye Xiu will have any great idea, after all they are not first time on together the enmity date. “是啊,也是。”陈果把“也”字咬得挺重,她并不认为叶修会有什么好主意,毕竟他们已经不是第一次在一起过节日了。 Everybody came!” Ye Xiu sits to the sofa on. “等大家来吧!”叶修坐到沙发上。 Profits by opinions from various sources?” Chen Guo also sits. “集思广益吗?”陈果也坐过来。 two people like this sits, is looking at the ceiling together. One is Happy Captain, one is Happy Owner, person who at this matter, particularly does not have the idea, perhaps is because has crossed too many family members not in lonely day. 两人就这样坐着,一起望着天花板。一个是兴欣队长,一个是兴欣老板,在这种事上,却都是分外没主意的人,或许是因为都过过太多亲人不在身旁的孤单日子。 ! 哐! The gate of training room was shoved open, in Steamed Bun grabbed Steamed Bun to walk. 训练室的门被推开了,包子手里抓着包子走了进来。 Yo, Boss!” Steamed Bun is brandishing Steamed Bun and Ye Xiu greets, is preparing to send regards to Chen Guo again that actually saw the Christmas tree of room corner: Yo, Christmas tree!” Therefore greeting of next quarter Steamed Bun decisively jumped over Chen Guo, has given the Christmas tree. “哟,老大!”包子挥舞着包子叶修打招呼,正准备再向陈果问候,却看到了房间角落的圣诞树:“哟,圣诞树!”于是下一刻包子的招呼就果断跳过了陈果,送给了圣诞树。 Yes, Christmas tree.” Chen Guo had not minded that Steamed Bun gave to jump over her, regarding response of after Steamed Bun to seeing Christmas tree she was quite satisfied. “是啊,圣诞树。”陈果没介意包子把她给跳过了,对于包子对看到圣诞树后的反应她还是比较满意的。 What on tree hangs is gift, when the time comes a person selects one.” Chen Guo was introducing. “树上挂的是礼物,到时候一人挑一件。”陈果介绍着。 Good, thanks Owner.” Steamed Bun nods, then selected one to take down. “好的,谢谢老板。”包子点点头,然后挑了一件取了下来。 Where has probably is not right? Chen Guo is in a daze. 好像有什么地方不对?陈果发愣。 What is?” Steamed Bun actually started to open. “是什么呢?”包子却已经开始拆了。 Your this fellow! Is when the time comes, I said is when the time comes, haven't you heard?” Chen Guo jumped. “你这家伙!是到时候,我说了是到时候,你没听到吗?”陈果跳起来了。 When the time comes? To when?” Steamed Bun asked back. “到时候?到什么时候?”包子反问。 Christmas day time!” Chen Guo said. “圣诞节的时候!”陈果说。 Today isn't?” Steamed Bun doubts. “今天不就是?”包子疑惑。 Tomorrow is, today is 24 th, Christmas Eve, will Christmas Eve understand!” The Chen Guo anger said. “明天才是,今天是24号,圣诞前夕,平安夜懂吗!”陈果怒道。 „, I tomorrow will again open.” Steamed Bun slight nod, stopped opening the movement of gift finally. Chen Guo has a mind to go forward to recapture, but...... The hand of Steamed Bun has left behind the fingerprint on that packing, his hand just grasped true Steamed Bun to come. Chen Guo is quite depressed, this makes, packs again? Was pondering that also some people come , after coming , is also well one, has discovered the Christmas tree. “哦,那我明天再拆好了。”包子点了点头,终于停止了拆礼物的动作。陈果有心上前夺回,但是……包子的手已经在那包装上留下了指印,他的手刚刚抓过真正的包子来着。陈果好郁闷,这怎么弄,再重新包装一下吗?正思考呢,又有人进来,进来后也是“咦”一声,已经发现了圣诞树。 Is the Christmas tree.” Steamed Bun is attentive is giving to give to introduce, what above hangs is the gift, oneself select one, but cannot open immediately, must wait for tomorrow the Christmas day time.” Steamed Bun said that toward a Chen Guo face did not use politely Expression. “是圣诞树。”包子殷勤着给来给介绍着,“上边挂的是礼物,自己挑一件,但是不能马上拆哦,要等明天圣诞节的时候。”包子介绍完了,朝陈果一脸“不用客气”的表情 Ha, the child, which comes that many matters!” Comes the person is with long hurried strides, has not actually waited for Chen Guo to prevent, nearby has arrived, sorted a biggest packing box to take, 2-3 have torn. “哈哈哈,小孩子吗,哪来那么多事啊!”来人却是大步流星,根本没等陈果阻止,已经走到跟前,拣了一个最大的包装盒拿下来,三两下就已经扯开了。 I......” Chen Guo want to wail to cry loudly at this moment. “我……”陈果这一刻真想嚎啕大哭一场。 Look is any!” Wei Chen will actually have packed completely eradicates, this volume biggest gift, impressively is one...... The back cushion of laughing monkey. “看看是什么哈!”魏琛却已经将包装彻底铲除,这个体积最大的礼物,赫然是一个……嘻哈猴的靠枕。 The year has set up a face to sob Hu slag Wei Chen, takes this back cushion a little to be suddenly helpless, a face does not know appearance how completely should manipulate. 年过而立一脸唏嘘胡渣的魏琛,拿着这个靠枕一时间有点手足无措,一脸完全不知道该如何摆弄的模样。 Gives me?” Wei Chen a little does not know whether to laugh or cry, this gift, really does not build with him! “给我的吗?”魏琛有点哭笑不得,这礼物,和他真是一点都不搭啊! You elect.” The Chen Guo sound sounds quite indifferently. The gift said is optional, but she also has to prepare to prompt in fact little. Finally has not waited for her program to start, the person has elected to open, the Chen Guo heart broke to pieces. “你自己选的。”陈果声音听起来相当冷漠。礼物说是自选,但事实上她也有准备一点点提示的。结果还没等她节目开始,人就已经选完拆完了,陈果心都碎了。 This...... This...... Can separate by gravity?” Wei Chen lowers the head to have a look, packing is also not very rotten, Steamed Bun looks to make perfectly clear the gelatin to bring quickly, wraps.” “这个……这个……能重选吗?”魏琛低头看看,“包装还不是很烂,包子快去找点透明胶带来,重新包回去。” Yes, cannot open now, must wait for tomorrow, Christmas day!” Steamed Bun was saying, looked for the adhesive tape. “是的,现在不能拆,要等明天,圣诞节!”包子说着,真就去找胶带了。 No way, this was your!” Where Chen Guo is willing to tolerate them again, several steps go forward to take the back cushion maliciously to fill his arms from Wei Chen. Looks at the Wei Chen innocent uncle type, matches this laughing monkey again, Chen Guo is aerobic and funny. “门都没有,这个就是你的了!”陈果哪肯再纵容他们,几步上前从魏琛手里拿过靠枕又狠狠地塞到他怀里。看着魏琛一脸无辜的大叔样,再配这嘻哈猴,陈果是又好气又好笑。 Is this! Cannot trade again.” Therefore she maliciously and emphasized that this fellow has pounded own chaotic, makes him hug the laughing monkey to lose face! “就是这个!不许再换了。”于是她狠狠地又强调了一遍,这家伙捣了自己的乱,就让他抱着嘻哈猴丢脸去吧! But Chen Guo has underestimated the Wei Chen bearing capacity. 陈果到底还是低估了魏琛的承受能力。 Good!” Saw the firmness of Chen Guo, Wei Chen therefore also with ease kindly accepted, held this back cushion, probably Totta Li Tianwang resembled, walked slowly and aimlessly the sofa that side one to sit, the back cushion depended really to the back on Serbia. “好吧!”看到陈果的坚决,魏琛于是也就轻松地笑纳了,一手托了这靠枕,好像托塔李天王似的,踱到了沙发那边一坐,靠枕真就塞到背后靠起来了。 What your is?” Wei Chen asked nearby Ye Xiu. “你的是什么?”魏琛问一旁的叶修 Does not know, but also is faultless.” Ye Xiu said. “不知道,还没挑。”叶修说。 High character and integrity?” Wei Chen despised is saying. “高风亮节啊?”魏琛鄙夷地说着。 Ye Xiu is silent, he wants to smile, but Chen Guo is staring him maliciously. 叶修沉默,他本来想笑来着,但陈果正在狠狠地瞪着他。 Or, did I also first select?” Ye Xiu probe. “要不,我也先挑了?”叶修试探。 Selects selects!” Chen Guo is helpless, persisted in not having what meaning again probably. “挑吧挑吧!”陈果无奈,再坚持好像也没有什么意思了。 Therefore Ye Xiu also passes, has sorted one conveniently. 于是叶修也过去,随手拣了一个。 Look is anything.” Wei Chen was saying. “看看是什么。”魏琛说着。 Ye Xiu looked at Chen Guo, probably does not have anything murderous aura, despaired probably, therefore decisively has also opened the packing. That side Steamed Bun looked that Boss has opened, that must follow the rhythm! Also opens in oneself hand hastily. 叶修看了看陈果,好像没什么杀气,大概已经绝望了,于是也就果断拆了包装。那边包子一看,老大都拆了,那得跟上节奏啊!连忙也拆自己手中的。 At this time Su Mucheng and Tang Rou came to the training room together. Among the misses always are more intimate, prepared Christmas present matter, Wei Chen and Steamed Bun they did not know the circumstances of the matter, the misses actually in greasy learned about in the same place. At this time comes to look that Ye Xiu and Steamed Bun that has been busy opening the gift, this...... Probably is not quite same as the plan of Chen Guo! 这时苏沐橙唐柔一道来了训练室。姑娘们之间总是要亲密一些,准备了圣诞礼物这种事,魏琛包子他们不知情,姑娘们却早在腻在一起的时候知悉了。只是此时进来一看,叶修包子那都已经在忙着拆礼物了,这……好像和陈果的计划不太一样啊! „Is this?” two people has doubts. “这是?”两人都疑惑。 Not to mention, you have also selected!” Chen Guo is depressed. “别提了,你俩也去挑吧!”陈果郁闷。 At this time inside the Ye Xiu gift has disassembled, attains the thing, haha one happy: Haha, this can have.” 这时叶修的礼物已经拆开,拿到内里的东西,哈哈一乐:“哈哈,这个可以有。” Old man and you trade.” Wei Chen one second does not bring fast to say hesitant. “老夫和你换。”魏琛一秒钟都不带犹豫地飞快说道。 Hehe.” Ye Xiu rejects him with the laughter, what he opens is one hits lighter, on him and Wei Chen who nothing more Happy smokes, obviously this gift prepares in view of them, Ye Xiu pulls out just appropriately. “呵呵。”叶修拿笑声拒绝他,他拆到的是一个打火机,兴欣抽烟的就他和魏琛而已,显然这礼物就是针对他俩准备的,叶修抽得正合适。 „Did Old Wei pull out to what?” Su Mucheng and Tang Rou that just came asked curiously. 老魏抽到什么了?”刚来的苏沐橙唐柔好奇问道。 Wei Chen moved the body, was looked by him by the flat laughing monkey to two people behind that. 魏琛挪了挪身子,把身后那个被他靠扁的嘻哈猴给两人看。 Ha haha......” two people has smiled decisively, this gift, with Wei Chen, really does not smile the incorrect combination! “哈哈哈……”两人果断都笑了出来,这礼物,和魏琛,实在是不笑不行的组合啊! Will select really!” Su Mucheng was saying, sees Wei Chen to attain this, this matter left the control of Chen Guo, no wonder when comes saw that Chen Guo is somewhat depressed. However, delivers gift matter, heavy is this regard, Su Mucheng actually does not care about the process and result, what is important is only this atmosphere not? “真会挑啊!”苏沐橙说着,看到魏琛拿到这个,她就这事是出了陈果的控制,难怪来时看到陈果有些郁闷。不过,送礼物这种事,重的就是这份心意,苏沐橙倒是不太在意过程和结果,重要的只是这股气氛不是吗? Which later will walk is bringing it?” Su Mucheng asks Wei Chen. “以后会走哪都带着它吗?”苏沐橙笑着问魏琛 You select quickly, selects to hit lighter to come me and you again trades.” Wei Chen said. “你快去挑,再挑个打火机来我和你换。”魏琛说。 Do not think that selects anything not to trade with you.” Su Mucheng was saying, goes to Christmas tree to take down one, after disassembling, looks, Oh wow, how did I attain this?” “你可别想,挑到什么也不会和你换的。”苏沐橙说着,也去圣诞树上取下一件,拆开后一看,“哎呦,我怎么拿到这个了?” What is?” Wei Chen carried his laughing monkey back cushion to collect, was making the preparation of transaction at any time. “是什么?”魏琛拎着他的嘻哈猴靠枕就凑过来了,随时做着交易的准备。 This...... Should give that is right!” In the hand of Su Mucheng, impressively is a recording pen, but the place that this time look refers , the Mo Fan one person alone enters the training room. “这个……应该给那位才对嘛!”苏沐橙的手里,赫然是一个录音笔,而她此时眼神所指的地方,莫凡正孤身走进训练室。 Mo Fan that the recording pen, did not speak...... This is really a very exquisite combination. 录音笔,不说话的莫凡……这实在是一个挺精妙的组合。 Is good to be a pity that turned over to me.” Su Mucheng received the gift. “好可惜,归我了。”苏沐橙将礼物收了起来。 Wei Chen looks like to this recording pen have little interest. 魏琛看起来对这录音笔没多大兴趣。 What is Little Tang?” He has gathered that side Tang Rou. 小唐是什么?”他凑到了唐柔那边。 The packing disassembles, the gift that Tang Rou selects is quite the popularity, attractive musical box nothing more. 包装拆开,唐柔挑到的礼物算是比较大众化的,一个漂亮的音乐盒而已 „Has not compared a little thing of man?” Wei Chen was crying out. “有没有点比较爷们的东西?”魏琛呐喊着。 Says my this?” Steamed Bun has turned around, on the right hand wore Glove. The same as / in general person possibly suddenly cannot see any positive result, however these on the scene, actually sees this is in Glory Qi Master Glove weapon, is Glory peripheral. The intention of this gift is also very obvious, this gift to reforming Qi Master Fang Rui is meaningful, is only a pity now...... “是说我这个吗?”包子转过身来,右手上戴起了一只手套一般人可能一时间看不出什么名堂,但是在场的这些个,却一眼看出这是荣耀气功师手套武器,是一款荣耀周边。这件礼物的用意也很明显,对转型气功师方锐来说这礼物蛮有意义,只可惜现在…… Steamed Bun, did you wash the hands?” The Chen Guo calm face said.. 包子,你洗手了吗?”陈果沉着脸说道。。
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