TKA :: Volume #13

#1239: Had has no way to say painstakingly

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Dai Yanqi transfers fire Lord Grim, Fang Xuecai thinks as long-distance, transfers the fire to be quickly convenient, does not need near body, compared with the time-saving, facilitates two to take care. 戴妍琦转火君莫笑,方学才想得是作为一个远程,转火快捷方便,无需近身,比较节省时间,方便两头照应。 This thinks Farben not wrong, is most can consider the balanced procedure at present. But run back and force eventually compared with Focus at the same time weak trend some. This difference, rapid by Happy several catching. 这个想法本也没有错,也是目前最能照顾到平衡的做法。但两头跑终究会比专注一面弱势一些。这当中的差别,迅速就被兴欣的几位给捕捉到了。 Is player who Happy group war enters the stage today who? 兴欣今天团战出场的选手是谁? Ye Xiu, Su Mucheng, Fang Rui, Wei Chen and An Wenyi. 叶修苏沐橙方锐魏琛安文逸 Except for An Wenyi, is the generation of experience enriching, Thunderclap here trim falls, that three came toward being fleeting opening(s) competitively. 除了安文逸,全是经验丰富之辈,雷霆这边平衡度一降,那三位是争先恐后地朝着稍纵即逝的空当来了。 Thunderclap player immediately heart next one cool, the feeling of this flash, probably had caught the fish of full net, finally online presents a crack slightly, finally all fish went all out to drill toward this crack, the flash, the hole had only been supported greatly, at all not to the opportunity that they recover. 雷霆选手顿时心下一凉,这一瞬间的感觉,就好像原本已经捞了满满一网的鱼,结果网上稍稍出现一个破洞,结果所有鱼就拼了命地朝这破洞钻来,只一瞬间,洞就已被撑得更大,根本没给他们补救的时机。 Suppresses to press the letter!” Fang Xuecai Roar. “压住压信!”方学才吼叫着。 However the Thunderclap players have a mind to be incapable, the flaw has revealed that really cannot suppress. The angles of view of all people, transferred the revolutions toward their Captain that side as if by prior agreement, if the direction of Xiao Shiqin does not have, certainly will not be such situation. 但是雷霆选手们有心无力,破绽已露,实在是压制不住。所有人的视角,不约而同地都朝他们的队长那边转了转,如果肖时钦的指挥没断的话,一定不会是这样的情况。 Xiao Shiqin at heart in flood painstakingly. He is not does not want to direct, even if 1/1000 opportunities, he certainly will also instruct to the teammates. However does not have, he can only look helplessly they attack the situation completely perfectly, in lacking the situation of accurate dispatch and in adjustment bit by bit breaks down the powder. Too the essential link, Xiao Shiqin wants to make noise to raise repeatedly, but he cannot, because he discovered impressively, often presents this type of link time, the attack that Ye Xiu makes suddenly will be also urgent. 肖时钦心里何尝不是在泛苦。他不是不想指挥,哪怕有1的机会,他也一定会给队友们指示。但是没有,他只能眼睁睁地看着他们完全完美的攻击形势,在缺乏准确的调度和调整的情况下一点一点地垮散。太多次关键的环节,肖时钦想要出声提点的,但是他不能,因为他赫然发现,每每出现这种环节的时候,叶修做出的攻击也会骤然紧迫。 Ye Xiu...... Also and not only looks at present opponent, he is also staring at the overall situation, is making the adjustment of his offensive according to that side situation. If Xiao Shiqin typed to direct at this time, then waited for that he must strike the potential comprehensively. Under Unspecialized that tornado beating savagely quick attack, the non- strength to hit back will perhaps carry off. 叶修……也并不只是看着眼前的对手,他也在盯着全局,而后根据那边的局势进行着他个人攻势的调整。肖时钦若是真在这种时候打字去指挥,那么等待他得将是全面击势。在散人那旋风般的暴打快攻下,没准会再不还手之力被带走。 Living, at least also hopefully \; Died, that really any director could not do. 活着,至少还有希望\;死了,那就真的任何指挥都做不出来了。 This flash, the Xiao Shiqin also incomparable hatred alliance bans the rule of voice, that in Yu Wenzhou heart, but with the distress, he felt all. 这一瞬间,肖时钦也无比痛恨联盟禁语音的规则,喻文州心中的那份无奈和苦楚,他尽数感觉到了。 Fang Xuecai instructs the Dai Yanqi support, Xiao Shiqin to know that this resolution is not quite good. May be bad, but, does not have the means that continues to hit like this, same is bad, change. Always may also create anything. For example Dai Yanqi erupts suddenly greatly, does miraculous glow dodge multitasking actually still to look after completely? 方学才指示戴妍琦支援,肖时钦知道这个决断并不太好。有可能要糟,但是,没有办法,继续这样打下去,一样要糟,变化。总还有可能创造出些什么。比如戴妍琦突然大爆发,灵光一闪分心二用却依然照顾周全呢? Very regrettable, Dai Yanqi then just a revolution of fire, she will not have had the eruption not to reveal, that side Happy broke is inferior to treat has worked loose by the Thunderclap offensive, the player of Happy this presence, was too vicious, will not miss such good opportunity. 很遗憾,并没有,戴妍琦这才刚一转火,她是不是会有爆发都还没显露出来呢,兴欣那边就已经破不及待地挣脱了被雷霆的攻势,兴欣这阵出场的选手,真的都太老辣了,根本不会错失这样的良机。 Ended? 完了吗? No! 不! Did not have. 还没有。 The offensive was worked loose by Happy. Dai Yanqi hesitant has not actually paced back and forth, supports Xiao Shiqin on the contrary firmly. 攻势被兴欣挣脱。戴妍琦却没有犹豫彷徨,反倒是更加坚决地过来支援肖时钦了。 Does very well! 做得很好! Xiao Shiqin very gratified Dai Yanqi has such resolution. The Tactic choice, most abstains from is loathsome. Takes Tactic as Thunderclap of support, really does not have anybody is the indecisive temper. 肖时钦很欣慰戴妍琦拥有这样的决断。战术抉择,最忌讳的就是拖泥带水。以战术为支撑的雷霆,果然没有任何人是优柔寡断的性子。 Thunder and Lightning Piercer! 雷电贯穿 The electricity color break- , the attack falls together is the Lord Grim body previous point position, obviously what this prediction attack hugs is even if the non-hit you but must hinder your mentality, so long as blocking such one step, Xiao Shiqin at least can extricate from passive, the counter-attack issues anything to instruct. Will have opening(s). 一道电光闪至,攻击落位是君莫笑身前一点的位置,这一预判攻击显然抱的是即便不命中你但也要阻碍你的心态,只要拦上这么一步,肖时钦至少就能从被动里解脱,反击还是下达什么指示。都会有空当 However. Lord Grim actually stubbornly one step steps goes. 但是。君莫笑却顽固地一步踏上前去。 Tight very damage? stun that electric type damage creates is not weak, tight. Same will reveal opening(s). Finally before Lord Grim one step treads at the same time, Thousand Chance Umbrella flung a side, the time that Thunder and Lightning Piercer punctured, umbrella canopy whish one opened just in time. 紧挺伤害吗?电系伤害造成的僵直可不弱,紧挺。一样会露出空当。结果君莫笑一步踏前的同时,千机伞甩成了身侧,雷电贯穿刺到的时候,伞面正巧哗一下张开。 A zi sound, the electric light strikes on umbrella canopy, has not waited to flee in all directions to scatter in all directions, Thousand Chance Umbrella has withdrawn, or Thousand Chance Umbrella has not stopped. An attack that this continues to launch toward Life Extinguisher radically, but flings obsolete from the body side, umbrella canopy, passed by to record Thunder and Lightning Piercer blocking this, a wee bit has not interrupted to the Life Extinguisher offensive continually. 嗞一声响,电光击在伞面上,还没等流窜四散呢,千机伞已撤回,或者说,千机伞从来就没有停顿过。这根本就是朝生灵灭继续发动的一次攻击,只是从身侧甩过时,伞面一张,路过地就把这记雷电贯穿给拦下了,对生灵灭的攻势连丁点都没中断。 So precise utilize, Dai Yanqi suddenly unexpectedly was frightened, after preparing good, move of utilize not to get down unexpectedly. In dealing of Ye Xiu does not conform to her consciousness any cognition. 如此精确的操作,戴妍琦一时间竟然被吓到了,准备好的后招竟然都操作不下去了。叶修的应对根本就不符合她意识内的任何一种认知。 Until saw that Captain Life Extinguisher continues to move aside in ground Roll, Dai Yanqi recovers, utilize magic spell(s) attacks hastily again, but Ye Xiu this is not independent combat, Happy also early gave him to echo. Luan luo news magic spell(s), roar of guns gets up first, Su Mucheng utilize Dancing Rain was starting to coordinate here. Interrupt luan luo news recited did not say that the next artillery was secondary attack Ye Xiu, rumbled toward Life Extinguisher that side. 直至看到队长生灵灭继续在地上翻滚躲闪着,戴妍琦才回过神来,连忙再操作法术去攻击,但是叶修这也不是在单打独斗,兴欣这边也早给了他呼应。鸾珞音尘法术未出,炮声先起,苏沐橙操作沐雨橙风已经开始策应这边。打断鸾珞音尘的吟唱不说,下一炮更是助攻叶修,朝着生灵灭那边轰了去。 The Fang Xuecai Assassin ghosts and demons start running go forward, try to pester Dancing Rain, but Su Mucheng early saw him, Dancing Rain Aerial Cannon walks randomly, the Assassin speed is fast, is impossible to pursue in a short time can catch up. At this time also where has pursues the person who the time makes him be calm and composed even in press of work? He like Dancing Rain, the person is not Launcher, this side four downstreams walk, at the same time can also attack to coordinate the audience, this Assassin must attack to near body, was having the running words by Dancing Rain, was equal to becomes the air. 方学才刺客鬼魅才抢步上前,试图纠缠沐雨橙风,但苏沐橙早已经看到他,沐雨橙风飞炮游走,刺客速度再快,却也不可能短时间里追赶得上。此时又哪有时间让他好整以暇的去追人?他不像沐雨橙风,人是枪炮师,这一边四下游走,一边还可以攻击策应全场,他这刺客要攻击非得近身,被沐雨橙风这样带着跑的话,等于是成空气了。 Fang Xuecai is helpless, considered obstruction Su Mucheng, the angle of view on the scene within has walked randomly, in the end actually locked on Little Cold Hands. 方学才无奈,就当是干扰了一下苏沐橙,视角在场间游走,最终却是锁定在了小手冰凉身上。 Has opening(s)! 空当 Fang Xuecai keen discovery Happy was stranded probably constrains, at this time after working loose the suppression, specially bold wild, has neglected unexpectedly the protection to Heal(er), if can a wave band walk Happy Heal(er)...... 方学才敏锐的发现兴欣大概是被困得压抑,此时挣脱压制后,特别奔放狂野,竟然疏忽了对治疗的保护,如果自己能够一波带走兴欣治疗的话…… A wave band walks, naturally has this possibility, because the Fang Xuecai ghosts and demons are Assassin, he also meets Life-Risking Strike!, even if not crave like Void Li Xun in the use, which Assassin but will not have to get rid of Life-Risking Strike! completely. Existence of Life-Risking Strike!, is in itself frightening, when some specific, can bring to give it all. 一波带走,当然是有这个可能的,因为方学才的鬼魅才是刺客,他也会舍命一击,即使不像虚空李迅那样热衷于使用,但没有哪个刺客会完全抛弃舍命一击舍命一击的存在,本身就是一种震慑,而在一些特定的时候,也可以拿来放手一搏。 Now...... Was that time...... 现在……就是那个时刻了…… Fang Xuecai continues utilize the ghosts and demons to feign to pursue Dancing Rain, pathing of sudden oblique cutting, seems like before the pathing preparation of prediction Dancing Rain circles, finally when pathing more than half, the person's shadow dodges suddenly, has actually used Ninja Shadow Clone Technique. The true body fluttered to the Little Cold Hands direction, is Shining Cut, suddenly already to Little Cold Hands side. 方学才继续操作着鬼魅才佯装追赶沐雨橙风,突然一个斜插的走位,看似是在预判沐雨橙风走位准备绕前,结果走位过半时,人影突然一闪,却是用了一个忍者影分身术。真身已经飘向了小手冰凉的方向,紧接着便是一记弧光闪,骤然已至小手冰凉身旁。 Life-Risking Strike!! 舍命一击 Fang Xuecai opened this Ultimate Skill directly. Little Cold Hands HP is not full, before he was exerting pressure, the result of exerting pressure by the Thunderclap changeable offensive to him, naturally was Happy Character's HP is unable to maintain very safely, each Character, including Little Cold Hands, is consumed many HP in Heal(er) that An Wenyi was thrown into confusion. 方学才直接就开了这一大招小手冰凉生命并不饱满,之前他可是被雷霆变化多端的攻势就是在对他施压,施压的结果,当然就是兴欣角色的生命都无法维持得很安全,每一个角色,包括小手冰凉自己,在安文逸手忙脚乱的治疗中都被消耗了不少生命 Enough! 足够了! Fang Xuecai is considered as quite clearly, but this strikes, he also very much has confidence. The characteristics of An Wenyi this player they have studied quite clearly, his response and hand speed are not too splendid, oneself this sneak attack is so sudden, he must unable to deal with. 方学才算得相当清楚,而这一击,他也很有把握。安文逸这位选手的特点他们已经研究得相当清楚了,他的反应和手速都不算太出色,自己这一偷袭如此突然,他必须是应付不来的。 Dies! 去死吧! Under the Fang Xuecai heart was crying out, even if later sacrificed not to have anything, own Character, traded Happy Heal(er), how regardless of not to owe. 方学才心下呐喊着,之后即使自己牺牲掉也没什么,自己的角色,换走兴欣治疗,无论如何也是不亏的。 Finally in that flickers, Fang Xuecai that dagger is going to puncture suddenly discovered that Little Cold Hands Cleric Magic Robe must swing suddenly, curls toward him, is beating the air current bypassed from the Little Cold Hands body side, cuts in ghosts and demons waist. 结果就在匕首将要刺到的那一瞬,方学才突然发现,小手冰凉牧师法袍忽得荡起,朝他卷来,一股跳动着的气流从小手冰凉的身侧绕过,切在了鬼魅才的腰间。 Qi Edge! 气刃 This is Fang Xuecai preserves the last thought in field, has used the Life-Risking Strike! ghosts and demons talent, could not undergo any attack, Qi Edge, seized his HP sufficiently. 这是方学才留存在场上的最后一丝念头,用过舍命一击的鬼魅才,根本经受不了任何攻击,一记气刃,已经足以夺了他的生命 Unexpectedly makes shield with the body of Cleric, but also such just right, own intention radically already was seen through! However actually dares to pinch the last minute, this Qi Edge comes, even if the late slightest, oneself this blade inserted the chest of Little Cold Hands again! Ended, even if carried off by Qi Edge, can be what kind of? 居然用牧师的身体做掩护,还这么恰到好处,自己的意图根本早就被人看穿了啊!但是却敢掐着最后一刻,这一气刃来得哪怕再晚分毫,自己这一刀就已经插进小手冰凉的胸膛了啊!完了即便被气刃带走,又能怎样呢? This person...... Quite is really bold, is quite dreadful! 这人……真是好大胆,好猥琐啊! The ghosts and demons bring unwilling dropping down of Fang Xuecai, going well Fang Rui to clamor in Public chat box : Elder brother's golden right hand, on a character!” 鬼魅才带着方学才的不甘倒下,得手的方锐正在公共频道里叫嚣:“哥的黄金右手,准就一个字!” This small trick, does not know that wants to hide the truth from anyone, does this also calculate Tactic?” Wei Chen also in Provoke. “这点小花招,也不知道想瞒谁,这也算战术?”魏琛也在嘲讽着。 No one has thought that is only such in an instant, Thunderclap unexpectedly on killed off a person. Four dozens five, the situation stands changes, Thunderclap is unable to limit Happy again, Happy discovers the attack center of gravity immediately, the stance of all person collection fire Life Extinguisher, to kill, before Thunderclap 6th Member catches up supports, Xiao Shiqin has sent out the competition. The significance of Xiao Shiqin to Thunderclap, not only an entering the war player is so simple, he is not , the Thunderclap situation goes, Team Match has lost finally also to Happy. 谁都没有想到,只是这么一转眼,雷霆居然就挂掉了一人。四打五,形势立变,雷霆再无法限制兴欣,兴欣立即找出攻击重心,所有人集火生灵灭,以强杀的姿态,在雷霆第六人赶来支援之前,将肖时钦送出了比赛。肖时钦雷霆的意义并不只是一个参战选手那么简单,他不在,雷霆大势顿去,团队赛终于也败给了兴欣 9 : 1 , is a full victory, all people dumbfoundedly in such reverse, Pan Lin and Li Yibo have a lingering fear looked at one mutually. Especially Li Yibo, he had almost recognized that Thunderclap must win, has not said on the difference. But is this has not said that finally helped him pull the face. But Pan Lin, then the feelings of relaxing, his discretion received the repayment finally, this Happy did the monster moth finally. 9比1,又是一场酣畅淋漓的胜利,所有人目瞪口呆于这样的反转,潘林李艺博却是心有余悸地互看了一眼。尤其是李艺博,他几乎已经认定雷霆要胜,就差没说出口了。但就是这个没说出口,终于帮他挽住了面子。而潘林,则是有一种松了口气的感觉,他的谨慎终于收到了回报,这兴欣终于又搞出妖蛾子了。 Competition was very splendid......” Li Yibo saying that this time he had the feeling of being saved from death, suddenly unexpectedly could not organize any language to come the review. “比赛很精彩……”李艺博说着,此时的他有种死里逃生的感觉,一时间竟组织不出什么语言来点评。 Un, first half Thunderclap plays very splendidly, very well how demonstrated to Happy this Group to the people the start trouble.” “嗯,上半段雷霆打得很出色,向人们很好地示范了一下对兴欣这支团队可以怎样制造麻烦。” Dealing of Happy is also very splendid, um...... They...... How also demonstrated to limit Team Thunderclap splendid Tactic.” The Li Yibo then Pan Lin words said that middle many a little hesitates, when because of the method of Happy demonstration, is similar to previous Thunderclap defeats Blue Rain is the same, a little walks meaning of side door, should not be worth advocating. 兴欣的应对也很精彩,嗯……他们……也示范了一下如何可以限制雷霆战队的出色战术。”李艺博接着潘林的话说了下去,当中多少有点犹豫,因为兴欣示范的这个方法,就如同上次雷霆击败蓝雨时一样,有点走偏门的意味,应该是不值得提倡的。 After Team Blue Rain previous time loses, can denounce very much suffering from injustice bans the rule of voice. However Thunderclap? They from those with vested interests, turned into the victim suddenly, the mute have eaten the Chinese goldthread rhizome, had has no way to say painstakingly! 蓝雨战队上次输掉后,可以很委屈地去声讨禁语音的规则。但是雷霆呢?他们从既得利益者,突然就变成了受害人,哑巴吃黄连,有苦也没法说呀! ============================== ============================== Looks to choose an auspicious day, All Stars weekend approached! 看看日子,全明星周末临近了!
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