TKA :: Volume #13

#1238: By other say|way also body

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Chapter 1238 第1238章 By other say|way also body 以彼之道还施彼身 Thunderclap two melee Class pressed in this moment, Xiao Shiqin was the eye winks does not wink is gazing. However Thunderclap offensive not, therefore weakens, Xiao Shiqin has not been negligent in the direction. 雷霆的两个近战职业在这一刻都压上了,肖时钦更是眼睛眨也不眨着注视着。但是雷霆的攻势并没有因此削弱,肖时钦也没有疏于指挥。 Perhaps Happy is mysterious, turns around their attention by this, reduces pressure, this possibility, Xiao Shiqin considers to go. Even if broken with the wind and ghosts and demons talent that presses, not only seeks for Lord Grim to be so simple, they are maintaining to the Happy Character's aggressivity. The Happy non- day has not reduced the pressure, because on the contrary Lord Grim vanished to need by four enemies five to increase the pressure quietly. 兴欣也许只是故弄玄虚,以此掉转他们的注意力,来减轻压力,这种可能性,肖时钦是考虑进去的。所以即便是压上的碎随风和鬼魅才,并不只是寻找君莫笑那么简单,他们保持着对兴欣角色的攻击性。兴欣非旦没有减轻压力,反倒因为君莫笑的悄然消失需要以四敌五而增加了压力。 Appearance! 出现吧! In the Xiao Shiqin heart is meditating, such aspect, Ye Xiu is impossible to play like this. 肖时钦心中默念着,这样的局面,叶修不可能一直这样玩下去。 2 o'clock.” The Thunderclap channel, Dai Yanqi called one suddenly, was saying must display magic spell(s) toward that side. “2点钟。”雷霆频道,戴妍琦突然叫了一声,说着就要朝那边施展一个法术 Does not want distractive, gives me!” Xiao Shiqin called out immediately, he fears is this situation, everybody shifts the attention to aim at the Ye Xiu Lord Grim words excessively, didn't the bureau that builds with great difficulty break? Saw that the Dai Yanqi luan lu news must recite via the angle of view toward here in that moment, Xiao Shiqin admires Ye Xiu really very much. “不要分散注意力,交给我!”肖时钦立即叫道,他怕的就是这种情况,大家过分转移注意力去针对叶修君莫笑的话,好容易营造起来的局不就破了吗?看到戴妍琦的鸾辂音尘在那一刻已经转过视角就要朝这边吟唱,肖时钦真的很佩服叶修 A small method, can actually make the big puzzle to the Tactic execution of Thunderclap, Ye Xiu too understands the psychology and response of player. At this time, suddenly discovered that perhaps anybody of Lord Grim trail, could first make the attack, as the matter stands, the Thunderclap Tactic rhythm may be chaotic. 只是一个小手段,却能给雷霆战术执行制造大困扰,叶修真的太了解选手的心理和反应。这种时候,突然发现君莫笑踪迹的任何人,恐怕都会第一时间做出攻击,这样一来,雷霆战术节奏可就乱了。 But was a pity very much that Ye Xiu opponent is Xiao Shiqin.” Saw instruction of Xiao Shiqin in Group channel, Li Yibo smilingly is saying. Person who the Lord Grim action, their these have God's perspective naturally is clearer than Xiao Shiqin, he also with Xiao Shiqin is the similar idea, just after seeing Xiao Shiqin sees through and is guarding completely, Li Yibo may be disinclined to admire Ye Xiu. “但是很可惜,叶修对手肖时钦。”看到肖时钦团队频道里的指示,李艺博笑眯眯地说着。君莫笑的举动,他们这些有上帝视角的人当然远比肖时钦要清楚,他也和肖时钦是同样的想法,只不过在看到肖时钦完全看穿并提防着后,李艺博可就懒得去佩服叶修了。 Un......” Pan Lin has also echoed one in side, his thoughts started to vacillate, this game, it seems like Happy was really not good! Can start is Thunderclap sings song of praise? “嗯……”潘林在旁也附和了一声,他的心思已经开始动摇了,这一局,看来兴欣真的是不行了呀!要不要开始为雷霆唱唱赞歌呢? Pan Lin still at hesitant, in the field aspect again changes. 潘林尚在犹豫,场上局面再变。 Exposes stature Lord Grim, suddenly starts movement. Dai Yanqi by Xiao Shiqin is prevented to attack that he must make, but he instead flushed toward Dai Yanqi at this time unexpectedly. 暴露身形君莫笑,突然开始移动戴妍琦向他要做的攻击被肖时钦阻止,但他此时竟然反朝戴妍琦冲了去。 Do not fluster, is Mechanical Tracer.” Xiao Shiqin called out. “别慌,是机械追踪。”肖时钦叫道。 Haha, was seen through.” Li Yibo said with a smile, Mechanical Tracer and Character's volume was different, when movement the trace nature that carried over was different, perhaps many people could not distinguish, but, Xiao Shiqin was Mechanic!” “哈哈,又被看穿了。”李艺博笑道,“机械追踪角色的体积大不一样,移动时带出的痕迹自然不同,很多人或许分辨不出,但是,肖时钦可是一个机械专家啊!” The small method, is once more useless, Ye Xiu looks like very helpless, Lord Grim runs out finally, actually returns to say toward Zhang Jiaxing Cleric. 小手段,再次没用,叶修看起来很无奈,君莫笑终于冲出,却是朝着张家兴牧师回云。 Attacks the enemy's rear in order to compel him to give up his own attack? 围魏救赵? Xiao Shiqin smiled, this possibility, oneself also early have the ponder! 肖时钦笑了笑,这种可能性,自己也早有思考啊! The Fang Xuecai Assassin ghosts and demons turn around Shining Cut then to clip in the Lord Grim movement direction, does not have this situation everybody not to think , after occurring, immediately discovered that in following continuously pathing situation that Team Thunderclap in the even/including launches the attack, quite echoing still does extremely good, this team of Tactic executions of are really accurate just like machinery same as / in general. 方学才刺客鬼魅才转身一个弧光闪便朝君莫笑移动的方向截去,不发生这种情况大家还真不觉得,一发生之后,顿时发现,雷霆战队在连继不断走位进行攻击的情况下,相当之间的呼应依然做得极好,这队的战术执行力真是精准的宛如机械一般 Zhang Jiaxing anything will not do, settles on the path that Lord Grim clashes, one group of Sacred Fire select quietly, bends down darkly under the thick patch of grass. 张家兴也不会什么也不做,看准君莫笑冲来的轨迹,一团神圣之火悄然点起,暗伏在草丛之下。 At meeting? 会中吗? Zhang Jiaxing without certainty, this opponent he was too at present familiar, fully realizes its fearfully, won't this small method, be mostly useful? 张家兴毫无把握,眼前这个对手他太熟悉了,深知其可怕,这种小手段,多半不会有用吧? Has not waited for him to end, he emits the Sacred Fire position, one group of white flame dodge suddenly. 还没等他想完呢,他放出神圣之火的位置,一团白色的火焰骤然一闪。 ! 中了! In the Fang Xuecai heart wild with joy, Fang Xuecai is not willing to miss this grade of Silence the Ability opportunity, the ghosts and demons has skiced Swift Run, kills to a flash, direct through thorn. 方学才心中一阵狂喜,方学才更是不肯错失这等封印技能的机会,鬼魅才疾行加疾跑,转瞬杀至,直接穿心刺。 Is this? 这是? Fang Xuecai is shocked, Goblin of green skin is waving the big stick, has knocked toward him. That stimulated condition, looked that has eaten Lash, otherwise possibly runs such quickly? 方学才愣住,一个绿皮肤的哥布林挥舞着大棒,朝他敲了过来。那亢奋的状态,一看就是吃了鞭挞的,否则怎可能跑得这么快? This is trap! 这是个圈套啊! Is Goblin!” Fang Xuecai delivers sent a message hastily, but where this most low status small Summoned Beast he will pay attention, several moves butcher neatly. “是哥布林!”方学才连忙送出消息,而这种最低等的小召唤兽他又哪会放在眼里,干净利落地几招宰掉。 Goblin! 哥布林 Xiao Shiqin is startled immediately. Does not attack the enemy's rear in order to compel him to give up his own attack, this is...... Use diversionary tactics! 肖时钦顿时一惊。不是围魏救赵,这是……声东击西! Xiao Shiqin that was just clear, saw thick patch of grass once more rapidly trembling, this time, Ye Xiu no longer has even hidden Lord Grim stature, had, because, his side was unable to prevent his person to exist. 刚明白过来的肖时钦,就见草丛再次急速颤抖,这一次,叶修甚至已经不再掩藏君莫笑身形,有因为,他的身边已经没有可以阻止他的人存在。 Slide Kick, Charge, Colliding Stab and Shining Cut...... 滑铲冲锋冲撞刺击弧光闪…… , Various occupations have the movement low-order technique to be displayed continuously by Lord Grim, depends upon the movement effect that these Ability bring, Lord Grim cannot compare Assassin in an instant movement speed, let alone is inferior to Assassin occupation Grappler? 连续的,各职业带移动的低阶技被君莫笑施展出来,依靠这些技能带来的移动效果,君莫笑在刹那间的移动速度刺客都比不了,更何况远不如刺客的职业柔道 journey Tai broken prevents with the wind without enough time, saw Lord Grim flushed before his target / goal body instantaneously. 程泰的碎随风来不及阻挡,眼看着君莫笑瞬间就已冲至他的目标身前。 Xiao does Captain, play very happily?” “肖队长,玩得很开心吗?” Lord Grim, make a move, Dragon Tooth! 君莫笑,出手,龙牙 After knowing that movement is Goblin, Xiao Shiqin had realized immediately he is target / goal that Ye Xiu must aim at truly, has been guarding, but Lord Grim comes too quickly, must make the Xiao Shiqin heart live the regret quickly: Lord Grim can lead by Ability movement so rapidly, really should not on working as of that Goblin. 在得知那移动哥布林后,肖时钦立即就意识到了自己才是叶修真正要针对的目标,已在防备,但是君莫笑来得太快,快得让肖时钦都心生懊悔:君莫笑是可以领靠技能移动得如此迅速的,实在不应该上那个哥布林的当。 Roll! 翻滚 Life Extinguisher get lost toward the side, evaded that the attack of this Dragon Tooth, the hand throws from Mechanical Box outward, Magnetic Coil Field was flung on the ground. 生灵灭朝侧一滚,避过这一龙牙的攻击,手从机械箱里往外一抛,一个磁场线圈被甩在了地上。 Bang! 轰! Magnetic Coil Field has not come and affects its magnetic force release, Lord Grim Battle Lance poked, direct explodes. Battle Lance jumps, dodged Life Extinguisher at present. 磁场线圈还没来及将它的磁力释放波及呢,君莫笑战矛已经戳到,直接扎爆。战矛跟着一跳,就又闪到了生灵灭的眼前。 Battle Lance utilize, is Ye Xiu is most skilled sharply accurate, these many year of Battle Mage One Autumn Leaf's professions are not Bai Guo. 战矛操作,到底是叶修最熟练最精准最犀利的,这么多年战斗法师一叶之秋的生涯不是白过的。 Xiao Shiqin can only make Life Extinguisher give way to traffic again, however present Lord Grim, is actually not pure Battle Mage. Distance that Battle Lance cannot attack...... Thousand Chance Umbrella turns into Gun Form, Anti-Tank Missile! 肖时钦只能再让生灵灭避让,但是现在的君莫笑,却不是单纯的战斗法师战矛攻击不到的距离……千机伞变成枪形态,反坦克炮轰来! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! The flame of explosion entire embezzles Life Extinguisher, however Xiao Shiqin still delivered sent a message in the channel at this time unexpectedly: Do not manage me, maintains the rhythm.” 爆炸的火光将生灵灭整个吞没进去,然而这时肖时钦居然还在频道里送出消息:“不要管我,保持节奏。” This waits to be shocked to the Thunderclap players of rescue, but they comprehend the Captain intention immediately. The storm of Ye Xiu to Xiao Shiqin, is he tries to break at present the aspect link, if the Thunderclap players swarm to rescue, the aspect that Happy is trapped in solves, even this thinks that the basic point comes a wave of counter-attack to have possibly. To put it bluntly, is bo the change use of Tactic, the Thunderclap player Tactic accomplishment is high, understood instantaneously. 本待冲上来救援的雷霆选手都愣住,但是他们随即领悟队长的意图。叶修肖时钦的强攻,也是他试图打破眼下局面的环节,如果雷霆选手们蜂拥来救,兴欣受困的局面顿解,甚至此以为基点来一波反击都不是没有可能的。说白了,也算是“bo”战术的变化使用,雷霆选手战术素养高,瞬间就明白过来了。 Maintains the rhythm, coordinates suitably.” In Thunderclap also some people spoke, was Fang Xuecai, many years of teammate of Xiao Shiqin when Thunderclap, Team Thunderclap Vice-Captain. He knows that Xiao Shiqin perhaps does not have too many energy to direct now, therefore has supplemented the Tactic plan. “保持节奏,适当策应。”雷霆中又有人说话,是方学才,肖时钦雷霆时多年的队友,雷霆战队副队长。他知道肖时钦现在恐怕没有太多的精力进行指挥,于是又补充了一下战术规划。 Cannot the strength of collection team rescue furiously, but, has no alternative but to rescue, maintains the rhythm, coordinates suitably, such strategy, wants also integrates the overall Tactic rhythm Lord Grim and Life Extinguisher, reasonable explaining of Tactic to bo. 不能集全队之力奋力去救,但是,也不能不救,保持节奏,适当策应,这样的打法,就是想将君莫笑生灵灭也纳入整体的战术节奏,正是对“bo”战术的合理破解。 However...... Effect of Xiao Shiqin on Thunderclap, not only a fight core, he is a director, particularly this to Happy strategy, the director who needs his high density adjusts Tactic and attack rhythm, forces Happy short board An Wenyi. However at this time, in Ye Xiu Unspecialized Lord Grim that can hit to explode under innumerable skilled person the offensive of brashly instantaneously...... 但是……肖时钦雷霆的作用,并不只是一个战斗核心,他还是一个指挥,尤其是本场对兴欣打法,需要他高密度的指挥来调整战术和攻击节奏,逼迫兴欣的短板安文逸。但是此时,在叶修散人君莫笑那可以瞬间打爆无数强手的骤雨般的攻势下…… What kind of? Also has the time typing?” Ye Xiu also pulls unexpectedly vacates to ask. “怎么样?还有没有时间打字啊?”叶修竟然还扯出空来问道。 The audience are silent, everybody does not know how should voice oneself feelings at this moment. 全场寂静,大家都不知该如何表达自己此刻的心情。 Xiao Shiqin...... Was this by the retribution? 肖时钦……这是遭报应了吧? With Blue Rain to war, bullies others Yu Wenzhou hand speed to be not enough to deal with change too many scenes, will direct Team the change of combat control to be extremely numerous intentionally, in the end will defeat Blue Rain. 蓝雨对战的时候,欺负人家喻文州手速不足以应对变化太多的场面,故意指挥战队将战斗指挥的变化极多,最终击败蓝雨 But at this time, Ye Xiu, this Glory Encyclopedia is Team Blue Rain that but after the game sighed took a class well, Xiao Shiqin the tossing about method, didn't have the means? 而此时,叶修,这个荣耀教科书算是给赛后无奈叹息的蓝雨战队好好上了一课,肖时钦的这种折腾法,就没办法了吗? Of course not, the means are very simple, An eye for an eye, replies in kind! 当然不是,办法很简单,以牙还牙,以其人之道还治其人之身! To toss about the complex change strategy, Xiao Shiqin also needs to depend upon the massive directions, his hand speed does not have the issue actually, when comes across this Blizzard storm brashly...... 想折腾出复杂变化的打法,肖时钦也需要依靠大量的指挥,他的手速倒是没问题,但是,当遇到这种暴风骤雨般的强攻时…… Can direct awfully?” “要命还是要指挥?” The inquiry of Ye Xiu, is the most difficult choice that Xiao Shiqin must face at this time. 叶修的提问,就是肖时钦此时要面对的最艰难的选择。 The Team Thunderclap players also rapidly felt, has lacked the Xiao Shiqin massive dispatch control posterity, their attack qualities slid large scale, Happy short board An Wenyi looked like has been able to strive to support. After all he also passes through Challenge Tournament with Happy, has played about half Season Happy key player, usually has not been negligent in any practice, perhaps the talent is limited, but after one -and-a-half years of growth, he is not the mediocre person. 雷霆战队的选手们也迅速感觉到了,缺少了肖时钦的大量调度指挥后人,他们的攻击质量大幅度下滑,兴欣的短板安文逸看起来已经可以勉力支撑了。毕竟他也是跟着兴欣走过挑战赛,又打了近半赛季兴欣主力选手,平日没有疏于任何练习,或许天赋有限,但经过一年半的成长,他也不是什么庸才。 Thunderclap Tactic, was broken! 雷霆战术,被破了! The audience responded at this time finally that the applause cheered resounds. When An Wenyi can support aspect, the rebound of Happy also came finally, by the player quality, Happy surpasses Thunderclap, this is the pre-game many people realizes. 现场观众此时终于反应过来,掌声欢呼响起。而当安文逸可以支撑住局面的时候,兴欣的反弹终于也来了,论选手质量,兴欣优于雷霆,这是赛前好多人就认识到的。 Must rescue Captain!” Dai Yanqi was saying in channel. “必须要救队长!”戴妍琦在频道里说着。 Other people are also intertwining, but they want to wait for the instruction of Xiao Shiqin, rescuing character, can hit finally! With the process of Ye Xiu entanglement, Xiao Shiqin occasionally has to find time to send out a director. 其他人也在纠结,但是他们又想等一等肖时钦的指示,一个“救”字,总算还是可以打出来的吧!和叶修纠缠的过程中,肖时钦还是偶有抽空送出一点指挥的。 Can direct awfully? Is difficult problem that Xiao Shiqin faces. 要命还是要指挥?是肖时钦面对的难题。 Rescues does not rescue? Is choice that the Thunderclap players need to make. 救还是不救?是雷霆选手们需要做出的选择。 However Ye Xiu, actually probably knows that Thunderclap at this time faced with crossroad of difficult choice, offensive full, the Lord Grim offensive fierce to letting the person thought that the Life Extinguisher negligence possibly really wanted killed off slightly. 但是叶修,却好像知道雷霆此时面临艰难抉择的路口,攻势全开,君莫笑的攻势猛到让人觉得生灵灭稍有一疏忽可能真就要挂掉了。 Arrived unexpectedly has typed a character opening(s) no situation? The Thunderclap player heart is startled. 难道,竟然到了打一个字的空当都没有的地步吗?雷霆选手心惊。 Wears, supports!” Finally, Fang Xuecai could not bear, instructed that Dai Yanqi gives the attack support, even if pulls opening(s), making Xiao Shiqin make a time director, sets the following direction to be also good! “戴,支援一下!”终于,方学才忍不住了,指示戴妍琦给予攻击支援,哪怕扯个空当,让肖时钦做出一次指挥,定下接下来的方向也好啊! Yes!” The Dai Yanqi luan slightly news changed. “明白!”戴妍琦的鸾略音尘转向了。 The audiences watch all, Xiao Shiqin was suppressed, Dai Yanqi must in the past the helper, this...... This has the scene that top expert Giants Team Team Match will has at times, the star drags two. 观众把一切看在眼里,肖时钦被压制,戴妍琦也要过去帮手,这……这是拥有顶尖高手豪门战队团队赛时时常会出现的场面,明星一拖二。 When this Ye Xiu, others have the star, he and others plays Tactic \; Others play Tactic time, do you and person play the star? 叶修,别人有明星时,他和人家玩战术\;别人玩战术的时候,你和人玩明星? =========================== =========================== Dawn, update came!( The automatic update time supposed mistakenly, silent......). 天亮了,更新来了!(自动更新时间设错了,默……)。
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