TGR :: Volume #16

#1553: Has my name

Chapter 1542 第1542章 Great Thousand World and place of Demon Territory border, the earth is broken, the sky is dim, even presents the unstable stance the space, once for a while has the crack just likes spreads... 大千世界魔域交界之处,大地残破,天空昏暗,甚至连空间都是呈现不稳定的姿态,时不时的有着裂纹犹如蔓延开来... In half year time, both sides takes this place as the battlefield, does not know that invested many powerhouses, both sides innumerable powerhouse to die/to fall, are as for here earth, is presents the dark-red color, appears the incomparable frigidity. 在这半年的时间中,双方以此地为战场,不知道投入了多少强者,双方无数强者陨落,乃至于这里的大地,都是呈现暗红色彩,显得无比的惨烈。 This continent, is Great Thousand World and Foreign Fiends most important battlefield, therefore is called Spirit Demon Continent. 这座大陆,算是大千世界域外邪族的最重要的战场,所以被称为灵魔大陆 Above continent, has unable to see the end abyss able to move unhindered to spread, just likes evil demons great mouth same, in the abyss, mighty current to rush forth, dashes on the precipice, exudes the sound of deafening thundering. 大陆之上,有着看不见尽头的深渊纵横蔓延,犹如恶魔的巨嘴一般,深渊之中,洪流奔涌,冲撞在山岩上,发出震耳欲聋的轰鸣之声。 Spirit Demon Continent is Demon Territory, moreover while is Great Thousand World. 灵魔大陆的一边乃是魔域,另外一边便是大千世界 In before six months, the war on Spirit Demon Continent never subsided, however today, this by continent of blood invasion, was presented the rare tranquility unexpectedly strangely. 在之前长达半年的时间中,灵魔大陆上的战争从未平息,然而今日,这座被鲜血侵染的大陆,竟是诡异的出现了难得的平静。 Just, everyone knows, after this type is tranquil, is actually fermenting one to decide the Great Thousand World innumerable life destiny destruction storm... 只不过,谁都知晓,这种平静之后,却是在酝酿着一场决定着大千世界无数生灵命运的毁灭风暴... able, Great Thousand World henceforth has been possible to enjoy the peace, if not so, 10,000 trillion lives, degenerate into the slave since then, lets the person to slaughter, lives to might as well die. 能够挺过,大千世界从此可享太平,如若不然,10000000000000000生灵,从此沦为奴隶,任人宰杀,生不如死。 Therefore at this moment, innumerable secret method display, Spiritual Energy changes into the spirit mirror, then projects, the picture on Spirit Demon Continent, reflected Great Thousand World each corner. 所以这一刻,无数秘法施展,灵力化为灵镜,然后投射开来,将灵魔大陆上的景象,折射到了大千世界的每一个角落。 On this day, the Great Thousand World life is raise one's head, in each continent sky, has the Spiritual Light forming, forms the huge Spiritual Energy light microscope, in the light microscope, clear projection Spirit Demon Continent. 这一日,大千世界生灵皆是抬头,在每一座大陆的上空,都是有着灵光成形,形成巨大的灵力光镜,光镜中,清晰的投影着灵魔大陆 All lives, have put down all matters, the vision that shivers slightly, is looking at the huge Spiritual Energy light microscope on sky, unceasing exudes sound of the low pray. 所有的生灵,都是放下了所有的事情,微微颤抖的目光,望着天空上的巨大灵力光镜,不断的发出低低的祈祷之声。 Was praying Great Thousand World, able won. 祈祷着大千世界,能够获胜。 But their lines of sight, by the Spiritual Energy light microscope, able see, in that Spirit Demon Continent East, Spiritual Light clashes, fills the world, said innumerably silhouette spreads, until end of line of sight, even in that remote place, but also continuous has the light to catch up. 而他们的视线,透过灵力光镜,能够看见,在那灵魔大陆的东方,灵光冲荡,弥漫天地,无数道身影蔓延开来,直到视线的尽头,甚至在那遥远的地方,还源源不断的有着光影赶来。 Obviously, on this day, the Great Thousand World ten 78 powerhouses, were the gathering have approached Spirit Demon Continent. 显然,这一日,大千世界十之78的强者,都是汇聚向了灵魔大陆 But in the Spirit Demon Continent west, is Demonic Qi wreaks havoc, the sincere demon clouds overwhelming , the vision of faintly visible innumerable [say / way] ominous offense projected, just like Asura that crawled from the hell, must this in society all, all destruction. 而在灵魔大陆的西方,则是魔气肆虐,厚重的魔云铺天盖地,其中隐约可见无数道凶戾的目光投射出来,宛如是从地狱中爬出来的修罗,要将这世间一切,尽数的毁灭 ... ... The Spirit Demon Continent East, Spiritual Energy wells up, in that roof, Flame Emperor and Martial Ancestor crosses the hands behind the back to stand, behind that the innumerable Great Thousand World powerhouses is looking at these two silhouette, has some feelings of feeling at ease. 灵魔大陆的东方,灵力涌荡,在那最高处,炎帝武祖负手而立,在那后方,无数大千世界的强者望着这两道身影,都是生出一些心安之感。 In these years, assuming personal command of Flame Emperor and Martial Ancestor, making Foreign Fiends unable invade Great Thousand World slightly, regarding Great Thousand World, their two, without doubt is the leader who deserves. 在这些年间,炎帝武祖的坐镇,让得域外邪族无法入侵大千世界丝毫,对于大千世界,他们二位,无疑是当之无愧的领袖。 The Martial Realm four mistresses as well as Qin Tian, Undying Lord, Sword Saint Qing Shan, Five Great Ancient Clans Patriarch, Great Elder and other Great Thousand World the peak powerhouses, all are listed in Flame Emperor, Martial Ancestor behind them. 武境的四位主母以及秦天,不死之主,青衫剑圣,五大古族族长,大长老大千世界的巅峰强者,皆是列于炎帝,武祖两人后方。 Their appearance with deep veneration, looks is locating in remotely the Demon Territory vision, is flooding a tense meaning, Heavenly Fiend God that obviously, that has not come, lets their extreme wariness and restlessness. 他们面目肃然,望着遥远处魔域的目光中,也充斥着一丝紧张之意,显然,那至今未曾现身的天邪神,让得他们极为的忌惮与不安。 Compared with intense of other people, Flame Emperor, the Martial Ancestor two people want to be tranquiler without doubt, their looks are profound, just like are able pierce the void space. 与其他众人的紧张相比,炎帝,武祖二人无疑是要平静许多,他们的眼神深邃,犹如是能够洞穿虚无空间。 „When indeed does not need I, if has again, even if 30 years, I must then be able leave behind the complete real name on that Sky Ranking, at that time, no matter what this Heavenly Fiend God has all sort of methods, may its suppression.” Martial Ancestor stares void, at once sighs one, the [say / way] that somewhat regrets. 真是时不待我,若是再有哪怕30年的时间,我应当便是能够在那苍穹榜上留下完整真名,那时,任这天邪神有诸般手段,都可将其镇压。”武祖凝视虚空,旋即感叹一声,有些惋惜的道。 Flame Emperor hearing this, is approval lightly nodded, because he also has the same thoughts, only need ten years, be able to leave behind the complete real name on that Sky Ranking over and over. 炎帝闻言,也是赞同的点了点头,因为他也是有着相同的心思,只需再三十年,便可在那苍穹榜上留下完整真名。 At that time, naturally did not fear Heavenly Fiend God. 那个时候,自然不惧天邪神 Perhaps however this point, that Heavenly Fiend God is also able faintly has a sensation, therefore he will not give them absolutely the opportunity of this turning over. 不过这一点,恐怕那天邪神也是能够隐隐有所感知,所以他绝对不会给他们这个翻身的机会。 Read this, even if were Flame Emperor and Martial Ancestor, was the micro feeling is regrettable, that did not fear, only regrettable away that Great Perfection, was short one step. 一念到此,即便是炎帝武祖,都是微感遗憾,那并非是惧怕,只是遗憾距那大圆满,尚差一步。 Um?” “嗯?” However in they spoke, Flame Emperor Martial Ancestor two people of looks suddenly congealed, suddenly raise one's head, complexion cold looked to Western boundless Demonic Qi. 不过就在他们说话间,炎帝武祖二人眼神忽的一凝,陡然抬头,面色冷冽的看向了西方无边魔气中。 In its behind, Qin Tian, Sword Saint Qing Shan, Emperor true dragon and other Great Thousand World peak powerhouses also in this moment, felt that has let the demon prestige of person difficult breath, by a overwhelming stance, dropping from the clouds slowly, just likes covers the entire world. 在其身后,秦天,青衫剑圣,真龙帝等诸多大千世界巅峰强者也是在这一刻,感觉到了一股让人难以呼吸的魔威,以一种铺天盖地的姿态,缓缓的从天而降,犹如是笼罩整个世界。 Under that demon prestige, Qin Tian their this Saint Level Late Phase, feel the meaning of faint trace fear. 在那股魔威下,就连秦天他们这种圣品后期,都是感到丝丝恐惧之意。 The rear that innumerable Great Thousand World powerhouse army, is loses one's voice silent, on faces, glittering alarmed and afraid. 后方那无数大千世界的强者大军,更是寂静失声,一张张面庞上,闪烁着惊惧。 Welcomed my god!” “恭迎吾神!” But in that Foreign Fiends army place, actually burst into the deafening frantic cheers in this time, all Foreign Fiends worshipped on bended knees in this time, momentum all day. 而在那域外邪族大军处,却是在此时爆发出了震耳欲聋般的狂热欢呼声,所有的域外邪族都是在此时跪拜下来,声势整天。 That Saint Heavenly Demon Emperor and other Foreign Fiends in top powerhouses, kneels down in this time on one knee, was casting the sinister and ruthless self-satisfied vision to Great Thousand World. 圣天魔帝域外邪族中的顶尖强者,也是在此时单膝跪下,然后对着大千世界这边投来了阴毒得意的目光。 Because they know, when Heavenly Fiend God arrives, strength balance of both sides, by thorough break. 因为他们知晓,当天邪神降临时,双方实力平衡,就会被彻底的打破。 In that innumerable [say / way] frantic cheers, sees only the demon cloud to surge, retrogression layer upon layer, finally, the white clothes person's shadow, treads being bewitched to say together that just likes strolls same, appeared in the front line of Foreign Fiends army. 在那无数道狂热欢呼声中,只见得魔云涌动,层层的消退,最后,一道白衫人影,踏着魔云,犹如闲庭信步一般,出现在了域外邪族大军的最前方。 That said the white clothes person's shadow, the facial features were handsome, corner of the mouth was holding the temperate smiling face, the whole body has glistening light beam glittering, did not have least bit Foreign Fiends that sinister and ruthless air/Qi, instead under contrast of that smiling face, appeared has the unusual mercy feeling. 那道白衫人影,面容英俊,唇角噙着温和笑容,周身有着莹莹光芒闪烁,没有半点域外邪族的那种阴毒之气,反而是在那笑容的衬托下,显得有种异样的慈悲感。 However, his forehead three set upright the item, was makes him many strange air/Qi, both entirely different makings mixed in together, making him particularly surreptitious. 不过,他的眉心三只竖目,却又是令得他多了一丝诡异之气,两者截然不同的气质混合在一起,令得他分外的诡秘。 Heavenly Fiend God. 正是天邪神 The Heavenly Fiend God sleeve robe wields lightly, immediately that deafening cheers are silent, his be with smile on the face looking to Flame Emperor, the direction that Martial Ancestor is, said easely: Five years later, we met finally.” 天邪神袖袍轻挥,顿时那震耳欲聋般的欢呼声寂静下来,他面带笑容的望向炎帝,武祖所在的方向,悠然道:“五年之后,咱们终于又见面了。” His sound, is not resounding, when its sound falls, this Spirit Demon Continent is shivering, space in its front, along with sound wave, an avalanche piece by piece. 他的声音,并不响亮,然而当其音落时,这座灵魔大陆都是在为之颤抖,空间在其前方,随着音波,一片片的崩塌。 Flame Emperor and Martial Ancestor complexion is also condensing the cold color, they have not talked too much, the only look just likes a knife point, stares to Heavenly Fiend God. 炎帝武祖面色也是凝聚着冷冽之色,他们并未多言,只是眼神犹如刀锋,盯向天邪神 Your two people are the genuine shocking people, if is not I depends the reason of background, perhaps also indeed how you not to, therefore, if your two people are willing to be planted demon Divine Seal by me, I may put this Great Thousand World life means of livelihood.” Heavenly Fiend God is looking at Flame Emperor, Martial Ancestor, low and deep sound, resounding slowly. “你二人是真正的惊世之人,若非是我仗着底蕴之缘故,恐怕还真是奈何你们不得,所以,若是你二人愿意被我种下魔神印,我可放这大千世界生灵一条活路。”天邪神望着炎帝,武祖,低沉的声音,缓缓的响起。 „The mercy of enemy, I and others credibly.” Flame Emperor lightly smiled, said. “敌人的慈悲,我等可信不过。”炎帝淡笑一声,道。 Moreover, who loses who wins, but also cannot know especially!” “而且,谁输谁赢,还尤未可知呢!” Heavenly Fiend God hearing this, smiles indifferently, said: In the five years, your two people of indeed also getting stronger , but, I have said that when I restore to the nine eyes condition, this Great Thousand World, will not have the rival again.” 天邪神闻言,漠然一笑,道:“这五年里,你二人的确也变强了,不过,我说过,当我恢复到九目状态时,这大千世界,将再无敌手。” That flash when its sound falls, Heavenly Fiend God fierce goes forward one step, the time has a terrifying incomparable demon prestige to erupt, 1 million zhang (3.33 m) huge Demonic Qi light beam shoots up to the sky, light beam between world was swallowed all, fell into a darkness. 当其声落的那一瞬间,天邪神猛的上前一步,顿时间有着一股恐怖无比的魔威爆发开来,1000000丈巨大的魔气光柱冲天而起,天地间的光芒尽数被吞噬,陷入了一片黑暗之中。 In the darkness, the terrifying demon prestige just likes extinguishes the world the python winding to come, the command is popular to live the boundless fear. 黑暗中,恐怖的魔威犹如灭世之蟒般的缠绕而来,令得人心生无边的恐惧。 This side Great Thousand World, the innumerable powerhouses fall into darkness, immediately erupts the panic-stricken sound, this dark able corrosion will of the people, frightened spread, even if the Heavenly Sovereign mind shivers, difficult self-made, gets down to be surely crazy for a long time. 大千世界这一边,无数强者陷入黑暗,顿时爆发出惊恐的声音,这种黑暗能够侵蚀人心,恐惧蔓延,就算是天至尊都心神颤抖,难以自制,长久下去必定为之疯狂。 Flaming! 熊熊! But when Great Thousand World falls into confusion, suddenly has the huge hot flame combustion, finally changes into Fire Lotus, revolving slowly, is releasing light beam, is scattering the darkness. 而就在大千世界这边陷入混乱时,忽有巨大的火炎燃烧而起,最后化为一朵火莲,缓缓的旋转,释放着光芒,驱散着黑暗。 Above that Fire Lotus, the Flame Emperor long hair hangs loose, the full color is cold. 在那火莲之上,炎帝长发披散,满色冷冽。 Bang! 轰! The same time, eight ancient ancestor symbol revolving, change into ring of light, a giant aperture releases, is driving away the darkness. 同时间,八道古老的祖符旋转而起,化为光环,一波波巨大的光圈释放出来,也是驱赶着黑暗。 In the dark world, Fire Lotus and ancestor symbol ring of light is sending out light beam, occupies a side, is resisting the darkness. 黑暗天地间,火莲与祖符光环散发着光芒,占据一方,抵御着黑暗。 However, occupies the majority of world dark as before, and unceasing is nibbling light beam, wants to cover Great Thousand World in the darkness once again. 不过,黑暗依旧占据大部分的天地,并且不断的蚕食着光芒,欲要再度将大千世界笼罩在黑暗之中。 The both sides unceasing corrosion, light beam flickers. 双方不断的侵蚀,光芒忽明忽暗。 In Great Thousand World, innumerable [say / way] line of sight shivering is looking at this, was praying unceasingly, they knew, that Fire Lotus and ancestor symbol ring of light, was representing Great Thousand World final Hopefully. 大千世界中,无数道视线都是颤抖的望着这一幕,不断的祈祷着,他们都知晓,那火莲与祖符光环,代表着大千世界最后的希望 I have said that depending on your two people, could not block me.” Heavenly Fiend God indifferent looks at this, the sleeve robe is wielding, the boundless darkness surges, continuous filling the air goes. “我说过,凭你二人,已经拦不住我了。”天邪神漠然的望着这一幕,袖袍挥动间,无边的黑暗涌动,源源不断的弥漫而去。 Dark, gradually is nibbling Fire Lotus and ancestor symbol ring of light is at the bright region that. 黑暗,渐渐的蚕食着火莲与祖符光环所在的光明地带。 Looks at this, the Great Thousand World innumerable lives, are the heart hair are cold, this did Heavenly Fiend God, get the winning side? 瞧得这一幕,大千世界无数生灵,都是心头发寒,果然,这天邪神,占据了上风吗? However, that moment that desperately is starting to multiply, in the world, resembling has the different sound to get up, together the clear and bright laughter, was from far to near, finally is almost the reverberation in entire Great Thousand World. 然而,就在绝望开始滋生的那一刻,天地间,似是有着异声响起,紧接着,一道清朗笑声,便是由远至近,最后几乎是回荡在了整个大千世界 Since they are not good, that again adds one person...” “既然两人不行,那就再加一人吧...” In this sound resounds through, but the instance, countless people look at the rearward fiercely, they are then excited the discovery that the whole body shivers, there world, whether there is the side Spiritual Energy gathering, mysterious the strength of world drops from the clouds suddenly, formed one unable to see end mysterious light barrier gradually... 就在这道声音响彻而起的瞬间,无数人猛的看向后方,然后他们便是激动得浑身颤抖的发现,那里的天地间,忽有无边的灵力汇聚,神秘的世界之力从天而降,渐渐的形成了一副看不见尽头神秘光幕... Sky Ranking!” 苍穹榜!” Qin Tian, Qing Yanjing, Sword Saint Qing Shan and other peak powerhouses see that mysterious light barrier, immediately the excited hissing shouts. 秦天,清衍静,青衫剑圣等这些巅峰强者见到那神秘光幕,顿时激动的嘶声喊道。 Is Mu Chen!” “是牧尘!” He came finally! He has inspired Sky Ranking!” “他终于来了!他引动了苍穹榜!” He must leave a good name in the list!” “他要在榜上留名了!” They look excitedly to that mysterious light barrier, on there mountain, together the slender silhouette congealing present, familiar appearance slowly, impressively is Mu Chen. 他们激动的看向那神秘光幕之下,在那里的高山上,一道修长的身影缓缓的凝现,熟悉的模样,赫然便是牧尘 But this time Mu Chen, is distant looks like, at once his looking up, stares is appearing at present Sky Ranking, finally two fingers and tune, just like make the pen, falling slowly. 而此时的牧尘,也是遥遥的看来,旋即他仰起头,凝视着出现在眼前的“苍穹榜”,最后双指并曲,犹如作笔,缓缓的落下。 In this at the same time, has the loud and clear sound, resounds through the world. 在这同一时间,有着洪亮的声音,响彻天地。 today, on Sky Ranking, when there is the name of my Mu Chen.” 今日,苍穹榜上,当有我牧尘之名。” ... ... ... ... ( Shortcut <\;-) on a chapter | Returns to the table of contents | Joins the bookmark | Recommends this book | Returns to the page | Next chapter( shortcut ->\;) (快捷键←)上一章|返回目录|加入书签|推荐本书|返回书页|下一章(快捷键→)
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