TGR :: Volume #16

#1552: None

Chapter 1541 第1541章 The spring scenery is bright, after sexual intercourse. 春光灿烂,云雨过后。 Luo Li that flood the snow white tender body of fragrant perspiration, lying gently on the body of Mu Chen, that lazy appearance, is sending out the meaning of attracting difficult was describing, the slender eyelash winked slightly, tender timid moving. 洛璃那泛着点点香汗的雪白娇躯,轻轻的趴在牧尘的身上,那副慵懒的模样,散发着难以形容的魅惑之意,修长的睫毛微微眨动,娇怯动人。 Mu Chen looks at the girl in bosom, the palm is caressing that smooth tender and delicate jade back lightly, feels her dependence to own that being outspoken, in the heart is also being has the boundless tender feelings to surge. 牧尘望着怀中的女孩,手掌轻抚着那光滑娇嫩的玉背,感受着她对自己的那种毫无保留的依恋,心中也是有着无边的柔情在涌动。 Luo Li in bosom, the eyelash winks lightly, beautiful eyes lazy opening, then glass-like(Liuli) the pupil then to have the cordiality of not being able to melt, obviously shy is staring at Mu Chen. 怀中的洛璃,睫毛轻眨,美目慵懒的睁开,然后琉璃般的眸子便是带着化不开的情意,微显羞涩的盯着牧尘 Bastard, reached an agreement must after the big marriage...” Luo Li white teeth bites the red lip lightly, cannot bear has twisted Mu Chen. “坏蛋,说好了要在大婚之后的...”洛璃贝齿轻咬红唇,忍不住的拧了牧尘一把。 Mu Chen hearing this, then can only reveal the hollow laugh, the arm embraced the girl in bosom tightly. 牧尘闻言,则是只能露出干笑,手臂是将怀中的女孩揽得更紧了。 Luo Li also buries the cheeks on the chest of Mu Chen, then the white hands have caressed the bright and clean tight lower abdomen gently, is looking at Mu Chen by an extremely rare tender gruff stance, suddenly said: „Do you like the boy or the girl?” 洛璃也是将脸颊埋在牧尘的胸膛上,然后玉手轻轻抚过光洁紧绷的小腹,以一种极为罕见的娇憨姿态望着牧尘,忽然道:“你喜欢男孩还是女孩?” Mu Chen is startled, at once corner of the mouth is also flood the gentle happy expression: Likes the girl, because the association president must and her mother is equally attractive.” 牧尘一怔,旋即唇角也是泛起温柔的笑意:“喜欢女孩,因为会长得跟她娘亲一样漂亮。” Luo Li corner of the mouth curled upwards, stretches out the slender white delicate arms, the link lived in the neck of Mu Chen, smiling [say / way]: „Does the girl name?” 洛璃唇角微翘,伸出修长的玉臂,环住了牧尘的脖子,笑盈盈的道:“那女孩叫什么名?” Mu Chen thinks, is the interest is big, said with a smile: „Does a person take a character?” 牧尘想了想,也是兴致大起,笑道:“一人取一个字?” In my name the belt dust, such as the dust is tiny, wants to come in the past the father mother, must be wants me to be common like the dust, so may the calm and steady life.” Mu Chen shows a faint smile, stretches out the palm, caresses Luo Li that to tie tight not slightly the lower abdomen of excrescence gently, said: If my Mu Chen daughter, my naturally Hopefully her able is indistinct, keeps aloof, such as that cloud, therefore, I then take Yun Word.” “我名中带尘,如尘埃渺小,想来当年老爹娘亲,应当是想要我如尘埃般不起眼,如此可安稳一生。”牧尘微微一笑,伸出手掌,轻轻抚着洛璃那紧绷得没有丝毫赘肉的小腹,道:“不过若是我牧尘的女儿,那我自然希望能够缥缈自在,高高在上,就如那云彩,所以,我便取一个云字吧。” Luo Li smiles, slightly the leaning head, said: My Hopefully this Great Thousand World, Fiend Tribe draws back the powder dark, the sunlight is near again, therefore, if later had the girl, that takes a bright character to her.” 洛璃浅浅一笑,微微偏头,道:“我希望大千世界,邪族黑暗退散,阳光再临,所以,若是以后生了女孩,那就给她取一个熙字。” Bright, light. 熙,光也。 Mu Chen nods with a smile, said: Such being the case, after that we had the daughter, called her... Mu Yunxi, as for son, then on Mu Tu, Mu Shi casually with.” 牧尘笑着点点头,道:“既然如此,那以后咱们有了女儿,就叫她...牧云熙,至于儿子嘛,那就牧土,牧石随便用用吧。” Where has your such heavy female light male!” Luo Li could not bear has hacked Mu Chen one that rebuked, ill-humored [say / way]. “哪有你这样重女轻男的!”洛璃忍不住嗔怪的剐了牧尘一眼,没好气的道。 But, Mu Yunxi, actually good...” “不过,牧云熙,倒是不错...” Luo Li beautiful eyes blooms the glimmer, white teeth is nipping the red lip, the cheeks are revealed unexpectedly anticipation glory, that appears especially attractive. 洛璃美目绽放着微光,贝齿咬着红唇,脸颊竟是显露出期待的光辉,那一幕,显得格外的诱人。 Mu Chen is looking at eyeful anticipation Luo Li, in the heart the tender feelings are more abundant, his five fingers grasping slowly gathers together, this so happy, that in the future, will be will make the person anticipate. 牧尘望着满眼期待的洛璃,心中柔情更盛,他五指缓缓的握拢,这一幕如此的美好,那未来,更是让人期待。 If that Heavenly Fiend God wanted to give to destroy all these, that... 如果那天邪神想要将这一切都给毁了,那么... In the Mu Chen eye, passed over gently and swiftly suddenly wipes the vicious tendencies, his only energy, that Heavenly Fiend God destroying! 牧尘的眼中,陡然掠过一抹戾气,那他就只能,将那天邪神给毁了! But in the Mu Chen heart thought in the flash that surges, in that remote Northern Desolate Hill earth deep place, above two lotus thrones, two both eyes shuts tightly many years of silhouette, seemed also inspired, then in this time opening slowly. 而就在牧尘心中念头涌动的这一瞬间,在那遥远的北荒之丘大地深处,两座莲台之上,两道双目紧闭多年的身影,仿佛也是受到了引动,然后在此时缓缓的睁开。 When they open that moment of both eyes, in their behind, whether there is to perform Spiritual Light to bloom suddenly, Spiritual Light fills the air, is almost covers to enter entire Northern Desolate Hill. 当他们睁开双目的那一刻,在他们的身后,忽有无尽灵光绽放出来,灵光弥漫,几乎是将整个北荒之丘都是笼罩而进。 But in that Spiritual Light deep place, visibles faintly, two ancient light are partly visible, are sending out boundless mysterious and ancient Qi. 而在那灵光的深处,隐约可见,两道古老的光影若隐若现,散发着无边神秘古老之气 light image, the bright ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), the light beam institute, does not have to destroy, moreover together, is sending out boundless endless vast Spiritual Energy, will never dry up. 道光影,光明万丈,光芒所及,无可摧毁,另外一道,则是散发着无边无尽的浩瀚灵力,永不枯竭。 These two light image, impressively are Endless Light Body as well as Exalted Spirit Saint Body. 这两道光影,赫然便是无尽光明体以及太灵圣体 The self-torture for several years, these two original Body Skill, build finally. 苦修数年,这两座原始法身,终是修成。 At the same time, Mu Chen in Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy, has induced in this time, the length of then feeling relieved aspirated. 同一时刻,北苍灵院中的牧尘,也是在此时有所感应,然后如释重负的长吐了一口气。 Finally... Perfection.” “终于...圆满了。” However, in Mu Chen immerses when the feeling of that Perfection, suddenly, his pupil fierce shrinks, turns the head suddenly, the swift and fierce vision, looked to that Great Thousand World, direction that Demon Territory was. 不过,就在牧尘沉浸在那种圆满之感时,忽然间,他的瞳孔猛的一缩,陡然转头,凌厉的目光,看向了那大千世界之外,魔域所在的方向。 Mu Chen, how?” Luo Li was also the earliest possible time realizes the change of Mu Chen. 牧尘,怎么了?”洛璃也是第一时间察觉到了牧尘的变化。 Heavenly Fiend God... appeared.” 天邪神...出现了。” During the Mu Chen sound, is low and deep, contain strong killing intent. 牧尘的声音,低沉之中,蕴含着浓烈的杀意 Meanwhile, that behind Great Thousand World boundary line just likes in the fortress city, sits cross-legged Flame Emperor above stage, Martial Ancestor, in this moment, has opened both eyes slowly. 与此同时,在大千世界边界线后方的那座犹如堡垒般的城市中,盘坐于高台之上的炎帝,武祖,也是在这一刻,缓缓的睁开了双目。 In their eyes, is flowing the flame as well as vast Spiritual Energy, looks at each other one, killing intent, slowly spreads from their within the body. 他们的眼中,流淌着火焰以及浩瀚的灵力,对视一眼,一股杀意,缓缓的从他们体内扩散出来。 That killing intent, sending out, then has covered slightly the entire city, immediately in the city innumerable powerhouse complexion change, raise one's head, looked suddenly to Flame Emperor, the direction that Martial Ancestor was. 那股杀意,稍稍散发,便是笼罩了整座城市,顿时城市中无数强者面色都是一变,陡然抬头,望向了炎帝,武祖所在的方向。 Rustling! 唰! Xiao Xun'er, Cai Lin, Yin Huanhuan, Ling Qingzhu four Endless Fire Territory as well as the Martial Realm mistresses, appeared in this time in Flame Emperor, Martial Ancestor behind. 萧薰儿,彩鳞,应欢欢,绫清竹四位无尽火域以及武境的主母,都是在此时出现在了炎帝,武祖身后 Had an accident?” Their sinking sound asked. “出什么事了?”她们沉声问道。 Flame Emperor, Martial Ancestor complexion cold Su, then has the sinking sound, reverberates in this city in the ears of innumerable powerhouse. 炎帝,武祖面色冷肃,然后有着沉声,回荡在这座城市中无数强者的耳中。 Heavenly Fiend God appeared, transmitted orders, the highest alert, the front front stops attacking.” 天邪神已出现,传令下去,最高戒备,前方战线停止进攻。” Such remarks, the innumerable powerhouse hearts shake, look unceasing is fluctuating, has the anger, there is a fear as well as feels relieved... 此言一出,无数强者心头都是一震,眼神不断的变幻着,有愤怒,也有恐惧以及如释重负... Since the five years, Heavenly Fiend God thorough going into hiding, but, other people although vanished, the fear that but that creates, covers in the heads of Great Thousand World all lives as before. 这五年以来,天邪神彻底的销声匿迹,不过,他人虽然消失了,但那所造成的恐惧,依旧是笼罩在大千世界所有生灵的头上。 Now, this lingers in the heart fear, finally appeared once again, this instead lets an innumerable powerhouse heart loosen. 如今,这个萦绕在心头的恐惧,终于是再度出现了,这反而让得无数强者心头一松。 At least, later again the time reminder will not hang the alert of balls Heavenly Fiend God in any nonchalant time, suddenly arrives. 至少,以后不会再时刻提醒吊胆的戒备着天邪神会在什么不经意的时间,突然降临。 In any case, nothing but is a dying war. 反正,无非就是一场死战。 Flame Emperor, Martial Ancestor raise one's head is staring at beside remote void, their vision, as if penetrated the hindrance of space, saw that dark end. 炎帝,武祖抬头凝视着遥远的虚无之外,他们的目光,仿佛是穿透了空间的阻碍,看见了那黑暗的尽头 In there, the darkness surges, boundless Demonic Qi changes into the billowing dark clouds. 在那里,黑暗涌动,无边的魔气化为滚滚黑云。 But above that dark clouds, white robe silhouette, crosses the hands behind the back to stand, his appearance like the jade, just like student same, the whole body is sending out feeling of the strange mercy unexpectedly. 而在那黑云之上,一名白袍身影,负手而立,他面目如玉,宛如书生一般,周身竟是散发着一种诡异的慈悲之感。 His forehead, three condition of setting upright the item exhibits opens, its coming under a spell light overflows, some moment, the vision moves. 他的眉心,三只竖目呈现睁开的状态,其中邪光流溢,某一刻,眼光一动。 He is also slightly raise one's head, gaining ground of faint smile, the vision seems at remote beside Flame Emperor with that Martial Ancestor hit in one. 他也是微微抬头,似笑非笑的抬起头来,目光仿佛与那处在遥远之外的炎帝,武祖撞在了一起。 Three vision collide, void is shakes, the invisible constriction rolling fills the air, covers in ten millions. 三道目光碰撞,虚无都是震荡起来,无形的压迫感滚滚弥漫,笼罩千万里。 Two, indeed does not see for a long time...” “两位,真是好久不见...” Heavenly Fiend God talked to oneself in a soft voice that he even is at once slender like the jade finger, distant to them, faint smile gently a point. 天邪神轻声自语,旋即他甚至修长如玉般的手指,遥遥的对着两人,似笑非笑的轻轻一点。 When the date of my arrival, was your Great Thousand World, when destruction.” That finger falls, the world is dark, in this moment, has shielded Flame Emperor directly, Martial Ancestor sensation. “待我降临之日,便是你大千世界,毁灭之时。”那一指落下,天地黑暗,也是在这一刻,直接是屏蔽了炎帝,武祖的感知。 Flame Emperor, Spiritual Light in Martial Ancestor eye diverges, their static is looking at void, look gradually becomes must be cold. 炎帝,武祖眼中的灵光散去,他们静静的望着虚无,眼神则是渐渐的变得冷冽起来。 „, Heavenly Fiend God will arrive on the 1st.” “还有一日,天邪神即会降临。” Hears Flame Emperor, Martial Ancestor this words, rear four mistress charming face are also becomes extreme serious: The day of... Finally came.” 听到炎帝,武祖此话,后方四位主母俏脸也是变得极为的凝重:“这一天...终于来了。” Mu Chen there how?” Xiao Xun'er slim eyebrows micro pressed, asked in a soft voice. 牧尘那里如何了?”萧薰儿柳眉微蹙,轻声问道。 Flame Emperor Martial Ancestor hearing this, is somewhat gratified smiling, said: He not lets people down actually.” 炎帝武祖闻言,则是有些欣慰的笑了笑,道:“他倒是不负众望。” In the beforehand that moment, their same is felt that a fluctuation of Perfection, has formed in Great Thousand World, that belongs to Mu Chen obviously. 在之前的那一刻,他们同样是感觉到了一股圆满的波动,在大千世界中成形,那显然是属于牧尘 Four principal wife's tight charming face, is slightly the relax relaxed, if Mu Chen succeeded, their Great Thousand World, poured absolutely does not have strength of the war. 四位主母紧绷的俏脸,也是微微松缓,牧尘若是成功了的话,那他们大千世界,倒也并非是完全没有一战之力。 Then... Makes us try, in peak condition of this nine eyes Fiend God, actually able strong to what level.” Flame Emperor, Martial Ancestor raise one's head, the sound tranquil hearsay, does not fear does not fear, instead hidden anticipation. “接下来...就让我们来试一试,这九目邪神的巅峰状态,究竟能够强到何种层次吧。”炎帝,武祖抬头,声音平静传闻,不畏不惧,反而隐有一丝期待。 Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy. 北苍灵院 Mu Chen also stands up, is stretching out the palm to Luo Li, said: We should also walk, tomorrow, should be determines the Great Thousand World destiny the time.” 牧尘也是站起身来,对着洛璃伸出手掌,道:“我们也该走了,明日,就该是决定大千世界命运的时候了。” Luo Li charming face is also piece of serious, gently nod. 洛璃俏脸也是一片凝重,轻轻点头。 The Mu Chen sleeve robe wields, Spirit Mist dissipation that gradually fills, he is drawing Luo Li, figure lift-off gradually. 牧尘袖袍挥动,弥漫的灵雾渐渐的消散,他拉着洛璃,身形渐渐的升空。 In Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy, the innumerable students as if are also realized that anything, had all gained ground, then serious stoops to hold the fist in the other hand, immature sound, deafening resounding through in world. 北苍灵院中,无数学员仿佛也是察觉到了什么,皆是抬起头来,然后郑重的弯身抱拳,稚嫩的声音,震耳欲聋的响彻在天地之间。 Looks at Senior, returns in triumph!” “望学长,得胜归来!” Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy one, Shen Cangsheng, Li Xuantong, Wen Qingxuan, Tang Qian'er they are raise one's head are looking in the sky Mu Chen silhouette, then slowly stoops to hold the fist in the other hand. 北苍灵院一处,沈苍生,李玄通,温清璇,唐芊儿他们都是抬头望着天空上牧尘身影,然后缓缓的弯身抱拳。 Mu Chen, I and others here, warm up wine to wait, look at you to return in triumph.” 牧尘,我等在此,温酒等候,望你得胜归来。” They understand that Mu Chen this goes, is fights for Great Thousand World. 他们都明白,牧尘此去,乃是为了大千世界而战。 In the sky, Mu Chen heard on that day within the resonant sound, showed a faint smile, his leaning head, was saying to Luo Li in a soft voice: For you, is called Mu Yunxi for future that „” kid... ” 天空上,牧尘听得那天地间嘹亮的声音,也是微微一笑,他偏头,对着洛璃轻声道:“为了你,也为了未来那个叫做“牧云熙”的小家伙...” This war, I, will not lose.” “这一战,我,不会输。”
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