TGR :: Volume #15

#1402: Powerful suppression

Chapter 1392 第1392章 Above distant horizon, when that black white two silhouette appear in the Mu Chen both sides, in world innumerable [say / way] lines of sight, certainly coagulated in this time panic-stricken desire. 遥遥天际之上,当那一黑一白两道身影出现在牧尘两侧时,天地间无数道视线,都是在此时惊骇欲绝的凝固了下来。 Because they are realize that on the body of that two Avatar, same was erupts with the Heavenly Sovereign fluctuation that the Mu Chen main body was exactly the same. 因为他们都是察觉到,那两道化身的身体上,同样是爆发出了与牧尘本体如出一辙的天至尊波动。 In that distant place, Purple Cloud and the others dumbfounded is looking at this, after long time, then maliciously has held breath cold air, on face how unable to conceal with amazement. 在那远处,紫云尊者等人目瞪口呆的望着这一幕,半晌后,便是狠狠的倒吸了一口凉气,脸庞上的骇然怎么都掩饰不住。 Regarding Mu Chen these two Avatar, actually they and isn't unfamiliar, because before , they once with it fighting, but they have never thought that after Mu Chen steps into Heavenly Sovereign, these two Avatar strength also will be exactly the same... 对于牧尘这两道化身,其实他们并不陌生,因为之前他们就曾经与之交过手,但他们从未想过,当牧尘踏入天至尊后,这两道化身实力也是会一模一样... That is Heavenly Sovereign, even if strong Avatar, can have some limits? But from the present situation, Divine Ability that Mu Chen grasps, surmounted that limit. 那可是天至尊啊,就算是再强的化身,也总该有着一些限制吧?但从眼前的情况来看,牧尘所掌握的神通,跨越了那种限制。 Words then, that Mu Palace has was not simple Heavenly Sovereign, but was three! 如此一来的话,那牧府拥有的就不是简单的一位天至尊了,而是三位! Must know, even if behind them the super influence, only respectively is having Heavenly Sovereign! 要知道,就算是他们背后的超级势力,也不过只是各自拥有着一位天至尊而已! Is having three Heavenly Sovereign Mu Palace, showed disdain for entire Heavenly Luo Continent absolutely sufficiently. 拥有着三位天至尊牧府,绝对足以傲视整个天罗大陆了。 In the entire world, is silent, Purple Cloud and the others shocked incessantly loses one's voice, on Heavenly Luo Continent these same focus the line of sight in this's all influence, in this time panic-strickenly. 整个天地间,寂静无声,不止紫云尊者等人震撼失声,天罗大陆上那些同样将视线聚焦在此的各方势力,都是在此时惊骇不已。 Obviously, Mu Chen these two same step into Heavenly Sovereign Avatar, thorough their shocking. 显然,牧尘这两道同样踏入天至尊化身,彻底的将他们的给震撼到了。 Has not thought of Palace Master Avatar, really to this...” Liu Tiandao and other Mu Palace powerhouses, after shocking long time, finally recovers, then said after a sigh. “没想到府主化身,果然是到了这一步...”柳天道牧府的强者,在震撼了半晌后,终于是回过神来,然后感叹道。 Regarding Mu Chen Avatar, they naturally also knew, but is the same to Purple Cloud them, they never have also thought that after the Mu Chen promote entered Heavenly Sovereign, these two Avatar, was able along with it getting stronger . 对于牧尘化身,他们自然也是有所知晓,但与紫云尊者他们一样,他们也从未想过,在牧尘晋入天至尊后,这两道化身,也是能够随之变强 But at once, Mu Palace, will then be bursts into the deafening cheers, originally because of Old Ancestor Xuan Tian this nearly a half year of suppression, but aggrieved morale, in this time thorough eruption. 而旋即,牧府这边,便是爆发出震耳欲聋般的欢呼声,原本因为玄天老祖这将近半年的压制而憋屈的士气,在此时彻彻底底的爆发出来。 This tone, was spits too crisply. 这口气,真的是吐得太爽了。 Worthily is technique of the Divine Ability 36 Peerless Divine Abilities.” Datura and Ling Xi look at each other one, sees to wipe the sigh to grid in that some of their regarding this actually early expectations, but it is expected that turns over to the expectation, when three Heavenly Sovereign simultaneously appear, that shocks, lets the person unable immunity as before. “不愧是名列三十六道绝世神通之一的神通之术。”曼陀罗灵溪对视一眼,都是看出对方眼中的那抹感叹,她们对此其实早有预料,但预料归预料,当三位天至尊同时出现时,那股震撼,依旧让人无法免疫。 Above upper air. 高空之上。 Old Ancestor Xuan Tian stubbornly is looking at side Mu Chen two Avatar, for a long time, just now has the hoarse sound, collapsed from that gaps between teeth: Qi Becomes Three Purities?!” 玄天老祖死死的望着牧尘身旁的两道化身,许久后,方才有着嘶哑的声音,从那牙缝之间崩了出来:“一气化三清?!” able becomes Heavenly Sovereign, the Old Ancestor Xuan Tian experience naturally is uncommon, therefore has recognized the Mu Chen this Divine Ability origin, after all in entire Great Thousand World, able makes Avatar have with main body exactly the same strength the technique of Divine Ability, besides that Qi Becomes Three Purities, will not have again other. 能够成为天至尊,玄天老祖的见识自然是不凡,所以一眼就认出了牧尘这番神通的来历,毕竟整个大千世界中,能够让得化身拥有着与本体一模一样实力神通之术,除了那一气化三清之外,不会再有其他的了。 Is facing the indifferent gazes of two Avatar, at this moment, even if Old Ancestor Xuan Tian, in the heart surged the faint trace regret, originally has thought that these time was held, was almost easy, after all by his Spirit Level Heavenly Sovereign strength, no matter the Mu Chen method were many, could not escape from his control decidedly. 面对着两道化身的漠然注视,此时此刻,即便是玄天老祖,心中都是涌起了丝丝悔意,原本以为这一次受人所托,几乎是手到擒来,毕竟以他灵品天至尊实力,不管牧尘手段再多,也决然逃不出他的手心。 When he when receiving to hold, simply did not have many hesitant then to accept, but to this time, other source was clear, this outcome stupid. 所以当他在接到所托时,根本没有多少犹豫便是应承了下来,但到了此时,他方才明白,他这一次究竟是有多愚蠢。 Present Mu Chen, so the year facilely has stepped into Heavenly Sovereign Stage, such talent, makes people feel simply shocking, the may imagination, his achievement will not limit Spirit Level Heavenly Sovereign in the future surely, could not say that in future Great Thousand World, Saint Level Heavenly Sovereign. 眼前的牧尘,如此年轻便是踏入了天至尊境,此等天赋,简直让人感到震惊,可以想象,日后他的成就必定不会局限灵品天至尊,说不得,未来的大千世界中,又将会多出一位圣品天至尊 That is in entire Great Thousand World existence of most peak. 那是整个大千世界中最为巅峰的存在。 This time, he may kicks the sheet iron really! 这一次,他可真的是踢到铁板了! Old Ancestor Xuan Tian complexion is invariable, in the heart is complaining of hardship secretly, he this time above Mu Palace, has humiliated six months, making the Mu Palace face countenance greatly lose, was thorough offended Mu Chen, but by latter's temper, this grudge, perhaps did not have is so easy to uncover. 玄天老祖面色不变,心中却是在暗暗叫苦起来,他此次在牧府之上,欺凌了半年时间,令得牧府颜面大失,算是彻底的得罪了牧尘,而以后者的性子,这场恩怨,恐怕没那么容易揭过。 However how to think regarding the Old Ancestor Xuan Tian heart in that Mu Chen has not actually paid attention, his jet black pupil, is gazing at the former profoundly, in the eye passed over gently and swiftly wipes the swift and fierce color. 不过对于玄天老祖心中如何想,牧尘却是并未理会,他那漆黑眸子,幽深的注视着前者,眼中掠过一抹凌厉之色。 This Old Ancestor Xuan Tian although is Heavenly Sovereign, but these time does the face countenance greatly to lose Mu Palace, almost dissipates on the real morale, irrelevant shattered. 玄天老祖虽然天至尊,但这一次将牧府搞得颜面大失,差点就真的士气消散,支离破碎了。 Moreover this old fogy does this matter publicity, if today his easily lets off it, perhaps instead made the bystander take lightly his Mu Palace, later who wants to step on, did not need to consider consequence that must take. 而且这个老家伙将此事搞得人尽皆知,若是今日他轻易的将其放过,恐怕反而让外人看轻了他牧府,以后谁想来踩,都不用考虑所要承担的后果。 This point, is Mu Chen will not permit decidedly. 这一点,是牧尘决然不会允许的。 Therefore, he turns the head, to black and white Mu Chen slightly nod, the look is cold. 因此,他转头,对着黑白牧尘微微点头,眼神冷冽。 Buzz! 嗡! Black and white Mu Chen within the body, has vast Spiritual Light to surge immediately, sees only their body, changes into radiant spirit body, is sending out terrifying power. 黑白牧尘体内,顿时有着浩瀚灵光涌动,只见得他们的身躯,也是化为璀璨的灵体,散发着恐怖威能 Rustling! 唰! Two light image violently shoots, are carrying enormous and powerful power, directly is fierce and tough incomparable is shooting to go to the Old Ancestor Xuan Tian illness. 道光影暴射而出,携带着浩荡威能,直接是凶悍无匹的对着玄天老祖疾射而去。 But this time, is facing collaborations of two Heavenly Sovereign Avatar, that Old Ancestor Xuan Tian also changed the complexion, formerly he was relying on cultivation stronger Heavenly Sovereign spirit body, this reluctantly occupies a winning side, but at present these two Avatar strength and Mu Chen are exactly the same, two dozens under one, he will inevitably not be a match. 而这一次,面对着两道天至尊化身的联手,那玄天老祖也是变了脸色,先前他不过是凭借着修炼得更强的天尊灵体,这才勉强占得一点上风,但眼下这两道化身实力牧尘如出一辙,二打一之下,他必然不会是对手。 Damn!” “该死!” Old Ancestor Xuan Tian criticizes one, does not dare only to rely on Heavenly Sovereign spirit body to resist hardly, both hands tie seal suddenly, sees only above its body, the sidereal revolution stars that these inscribe bloom suddenly the eye-catching gloss, among these stars, as if has star light sending out, forms stellar lines, each other connection, in his body surface, has formed a starry sky light chart finally unexpectedly. 玄天老祖暗骂一声,再不敢只凭借天尊灵体硬抗,双手陡然结印,只见得其身躯之上,那些铭刻的周天星辰忽然绽放出夺目光泽,那些星辰之间,似乎是有着星光散发,形成一条条的星线,彼此连接,最后竟是在他的身体表面,形成了一副星空光图。 Sidereal revolution stars chart!” “周天星辰图!” Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! Two Avatar bully the body, but, starts to be relentless, spirit body is sending out the radiant light, the fist wind like the thunder, brought innumerable afterimage, the overwhelming bang above Old Ancestor Xuan Tian body. 两道化身欺身而至,下手毫不留情,灵体散发着璀璨之光,拳风如雷,带起无数残影,铺天盖地的轰在了玄天老祖身躯之上。 Thump! 咚咚! The sky shakes, the space this and other under the wild offensive the avalanche in two Avatar gets down, but that Old Ancestor Xuan Tian although prevents strongly, but as before by numerous fist shade bang on body. 天空震荡,空间都是在两道化身这等狂暴攻势下崩塌下来,而那玄天老祖虽然竭力阻挡,但依旧是被众多拳影轰在身躯上。 However at this time, the stars chart of his body surface starts to revolve, protects his body unexpectedly, but that contain the fist shade of strength of destruction is falling on above, actually only shakes flood the fierce ripples that stars chart. 不过此时,他身躯表面的星辰图开始运转,竟是护住他的身躯,而那蕴含毁灭之力的拳影落在上面,却只是将那星辰图震得泛起剧烈的涟漪。 „The powerful defensive power, is this that Heavenly Sovereign spirit body wondrous use?” Distant place Mu Chen this sovereign / True Body flies high to stand, he looks at this, the vision cannot help but is dodging, Old Ancestor Xuan Tian whole body that stars chart obviously is by its Heavenly Sovereign spirit body activate, the defensive power is much stronger. 好强的防御力,这就是那天尊灵体的妙用吗?”远处牧尘本尊凌空而立,他望着这一幕,目光不由得一闪,玄天老祖周身那星辰图显然是由其天尊灵体催动,防御力强得惊人。 So looks like, this Heavenly Sovereign spirit body power, pours also indeed is quite uncommon... 如此看来,这天尊灵体威能,倒还的确是相当不凡... However, the strong defense, is facing the crazy fierce bombardments of two Heavenly Sovereign Body Skill, perhaps is unable is also lasting. 不过,再强的防御,面对着两道天至尊法身的狂猛轰击,恐怕也是无法持久。 Just like the aspect also Mu Chen expects, although drew support from the formidable defense of that stars chart, Old Ancestor Xuan Tian was coming to a stop reluctantly with the foot, but along with continuing of time, that stars chart was to also start to creaky, soon will jump broken. 局面也正如牧尘所料,虽然借助着那星辰图的强大防御,玄天老祖勉强站稳了跟脚,但随着时间的持续,那星辰图也是开始摇摇欲坠,即将蹦碎。 By strength of oneself, contends with two Heavenly Sovereign Avatar, obviously he has not imagined is so easy. 一己之力,抗衡两道天至尊化身,显然并没有他想象中的那么容易。 Bang! 轰! In the sky, two Avatar just like the ghosts and demons appearance around Old Ancestor Xuan Tian, the fist wind like the thunder, brings heaven startling moves the bellow, next one flickers, numerous bang in the stars chart. 天空上,两道化身犹如鬼魅般的出现在玄天老祖前后,拳风如雷,带起惊天动地般的轰鸣声,下一瞬,重重的轰在星辰图上。 ! 咔嚓! This time, that stars chart has finally reached the limit, above has the crack to reappear, finally the crack spreads, loudly disruption. 这一次,那星辰图终于是达到了极限,其上有着裂纹浮现出来,最后裂纹蔓延开来,轰然碎裂。 The instance of stars chart disruption, Old Ancestor Xuan Tian under foot Spiritual Light dodges, but its silhouette vanishes in former place, the distressed appearance in not far away, has avoided two Avatar around converging attack. 星辰图碎裂的瞬间,玄天老祖脚下灵光一闪,而其身影则是消失在原地,狼狈的出现在了不远处,避开了两道化身的前后夹击。 But aspect to this step, no matter what everyone is coming out that looks, this Old Ancestor Xuan Tian is thorough fell leeward. 但局面到了这一步,任谁都是看的出来,这玄天老祖已是彻底的落入了下风。 Rustling! 唰! However his although is in an extremely difficult situation, but two Heavenly Sovereign Body Skill have not actually let off his meaning, figure moves, then closely associated same comes, continuous offensive, covering of overwhelming . 然而他虽然狼狈不堪,但两道天至尊法身却是并没有放过他的意思,身形一动,便是如影随形一般呼啸而来,连绵攻势,铺天盖地的笼罩而来。 Is facing this aspect, Old Ancestor Xuan Tian is becomes is also surrounded by perils, distressed. 面对着这种局面,玄天老祖也是变得险象环生,狼狈至极。 Mu Chen, do not go too far!” Distressed, Old Ancestor Xuan Tian also gets angry the sound track. 牧尘,你不要欺人太甚!”狼狈之间,玄天老祖也是怒声道。 But regarding his roaring, Mu Chen actually does not pay attention, two Heavenly Sovereign Avatar offensive, swift and fierce. 但对于他的怒吼,牧尘却是丝毫不理会,两道天至尊化身的攻势,更为的凌厉。 Feels the even more swift and fierce offensive, Old Ancestor Xuan Tian cannot be enduring patiently again, a anger eats delicacies, vast Spiritual Energy sweeps across, sees only hundreds of thousands of zhang (3.33 m) huge silhouette, from its behind condenses suddenly, but presently. 感受着愈发凌厉的攻势,玄天老祖也是再也忍耐不住,一声怒啸,浩瀚灵力席卷开来,只见得一座数十万丈巨大的身影,陡然自其身后凝聚而现。 that silhouette, is sending out radiant Spiritual Light, including brilliant sun under its light beam dim, among his turnovers, just likes blows the violent storm in the world, looks from afar that just likes is a god, arrives in society. 那道身影,散发着璀璨灵光,连耀日都是在其光芒下黯淡,他吞吐之间,犹如是在天地间刮起狂风暴雨,远远看去,犹如是一尊神祗,降临世间。 This is Heavenly Sovereign Sovereign Technique Manifestation...” “这是天至尊至尊法相...” In the world, the innumerable powerhouses look at that to present in colossal in world, is the heart shocks, this Old Ancestor Xuan Tian was compelled to appear unexpectedly directly Sovereign Technique Manifestation, thus it can be seen already distressed. 天地间,无数强者望着那出现在天地间的庞然大物,都是心头震撼,这玄天老祖竟然直接被逼得现出了至尊法相,由此可见已是有多狼狈。 Roar! 吼! A that Sovereign Technique Manifestation appearance, is roars to make noise, above the horizon, seems has the endless stars to crash, changes into the light beam, overwhelming to two Avatar bombardments is going, rumbles unceasing retreat them. 至尊法相一出现,便是咆哮出声,天际之上,仿佛是有着无尽星辰坠落,化为光束,铺天盖地的对着两道化身轰击而去,将他们轰得不断的后退 Obviously, to this moment, Old Ancestor Xuan Tian does not dare to retain, the battle efficiency will display extreme . 显然,到了这一刻,玄天老祖也是再也不敢有所保留,将战斗力发挥到了极致 Mu Chen boy, you when really Old Ancestor I do fear you to be inadequate? To fight, Old Ancestor accompanies!” In the Sovereign Technique Manifestation standing proudly world, Old Ancestor Xuan Tian appears on his shoulder, the violent shouted to clear the way. 牧尘小子,你真当老祖我惧你不成?想要斗,老祖就奉陪到底!”至尊法相傲立天地间,玄天老祖出现在其肩膀上,暴喝道。 Mu Chen hearing this, then gained ground, face on outstanding ability, has wipes the cold color to reappear. 牧尘闻言,则是抬起头来,俊逸的脸庞上,有着一抹冷冽之色浮现。 Right?” “是吗?” Hears Mu Chen this ice-cold sound, Old Ancestor Xuan Tian has a feeling suddenly, fierce raise one's head, then is sight with amazement, above the upper air, Crystalline Pagoda that is huge unable to describe appears suddenly, finally falls loudly, is suppressing to him directly under. 听到牧尘这冰冷之声,玄天老祖忽有所感,猛的抬头,然后便是骇然的见到,高空之上,一座巨大得无法形容的水晶塔忽然出现,最后轰然而落,直接是对着他镇压而下。 Bang! 轰! Old Ancestor Xuan Tian startles greatly, hurried activate Sovereign Technique Manifestation, erupts the endless mighty force, unexpectedly is forcibly withstands Crystalline Pagoda that suppresses, but this obviously only expedient measure, because that Crystalline Pagoda slow and firm falling, must its income. 玄天老祖大骇,急忙催动至尊法相,爆发出无尽伟力,竟是硬生生的将那镇压下来的水晶塔顶住,不过这显然只是权宜之计,因为那水晶塔正在缓慢而坚定的落下,要将其收入其中。 Creaking. 嘎吱。 Huge Sovereign Technique Manifestation, in the sound of creaking sending out to be unable to withstand the load, that Old Ancestor Xuan Tian face is red, after long time, finally is realized that somewhat can not resist, takes a deep breath, the sound of calling out, resounds through the horizon immediately. 巨大的至尊法相,都是在发出不堪重负的嘎吱之声,那玄天老祖脸庞通红,半晌后,终于是察觉到有些无法抵御,当即深吸一口气,暴喝之声,响彻天际。 Enlightened Being Zi Qi, Venerable Lei, Great Emperor Long Diao, you , if not get rid, this Northern Realm did not have the place that you meddled!” 紫气真人,雷尊者,龙雕大帝,你们若是不出手,这北界就没你们插手的地了!” In Old Ancestor Xuan Tian violent voice loudly shouted resounds through world, in remote void was quiet counting breaths, finally suddenly has three vast beam penetration spaces to arrive, the bang to suppressed slowly, but below Crystalline Pagoda. 就在玄天老祖喝声响彻天地间时,遥远的虚空中似是沉寂了数息,最后忽然有着三道浩瀚匹练穿透空间降临,轰向缓缓压制而下的水晶塔 Meanwhile, has three great sounds, seems bringing heavenly power, drops from the clouds. 与此同时,有着三道宏大之声,仿佛带着天威,从天而降。 Mu Palace's Master, under keeps the person!” 牧府之主,手下留人!” ... ... ...( To be continued.) ...(未完待续。)
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