TFO :: Volume #9

#871: Mutual incite defection

In Ren Xiaosu sizes up to begin the small black itself/Ben, Pyro soldier just took a look at one to recognize, that explained that this black this has the precedent in Unit Pyro, he also asked: This black this besides opening access is useful?” 任小粟打量着手里的小黑本,身旁的火种士兵刚瞅一眼就认出来了,那说明这黑本在火种里是有先例的,他又问:“这黑本除了畅通无阻还有什么用?” Oh, the Pyro soldier thought that senior official small black this to you, unexpectedly without why telling it to use, was the senior official is possibly busy at having no free time saying that he explained: This is Chief p5 own document, sees the document such as to see the senior official, can say that you besides cannot direct the combat and so on important matters concerned, other things can be done.” 奥,火种士兵心想长官把小黑本都给你了,竟然没有告诉它是干什么用的吗,也可能是长官太忙了没空说吧,他解释道:“这是p5长官自己的证件,见证件如见长官,可以说你除了不能指挥作战之类的重要事宜以外,其他的事情都可以做。” Ren Xiaosu eye one bright, what P5092 said to him is applies specially, finally asked under suddenly discovered, was P5092 the document placed oneself here own Officer advanced temporarily. 任小粟眼睛一亮,p5092给他说的是专门申请来的,结果自己一问之下竟然发现,是p5092把自己的高级军官证件暂时放在了自己这里。 He was moved immediately, this P5092 treated the friend too to be simply sincere, this friend, having the opportunity must ask the opposite party to go to the northwest to be a guest is good, lets oneself completely duties of a host! 他顿时就感动了,这p5092对待朋友简直太真诚了,这种朋友,有机会一定要请对方去西北做客才行,让自己尽一下地主之谊! Actually P5092 does not want to make him know that from the start this small black some big powers, he has the goal, where thinks that the soldier will give Ren Xiaosu to explain. 其实p5092压根就没想让他知道这小黑本到底有多大的权力,他只是另有目的而已,哪想到士兵会给任小粟解释一番。 The soldiers also right, according to the idea of soldier were the senior official your document gave, the opposite party requested us to explain, we can explain? 士兵也没错,按照士兵的想法是长官你连证件都给了,对方要求我们解释,我们就得解释啊是不是? In Ren Xiaosu looks to begin the small book, repeatedly confirmed: Comes and goes out the freedom what, moreover makes to be good?” 任小粟看着手里的小本子,再次确认道:“真是出入自由而且做什么都行?” Is the senior official,” the Pyro soldier replied. “是的长官,”火种士兵回答道。 Ren Xiaosu pondered a while to say suddenly: You sang to me.” 任小粟沉思了一会儿忽然说道:“你给我唱首歌。” Pyro soldier: „???” 火种士兵:“???” Before also some people took this document to pass through in the army, but had the person of black card to request to sing, this special first time! 之前也有人拿过这本证件在部队里通行,但被持有黑证的人要求唱歌,这特么还是头一次! The Pyro soldier said difficultly: Senior official, I lack musical sense.” 火种士兵艰难道:“长官,我五音不全。” Is the black card is not easy-to-use?” The Ren Xiaosu doubts said. “难道是黑证不好用吗?”任小粟疑惑道。 „The sunset Xishan sunset glow turns over , the soldier shoots at the target battalion Gui, turns over to the camp......” “日落西山红霞归,战士打靶把营归,把营归……” Ren Xiaosu is listening to the military song of lacking musical sense, then joyful in looks to begin the black small book, immediately is very happy. 任小粟听着五音不全的军歌,然后欣喜的看着手里的黑色小本子,顿时喜上眉梢。 Previously the opposite party explained black card function time, Ren Xiaosu was half believing and half doubting, he really believes now, this black card role was enormous! 先前对方解释黑证作用的时候,任小粟还将信将疑,他现在是真的信了,这黑证作用极大啊! Good good did not need to sing,” Ren Xiaosu said: Your this does not lack musical sense, you do not have five sounds from the start the brothers. Come, this thing takes, in the battlefield wants is not the mortal wound, spreads to guarantee your life.” “行了行了不用唱了,”任小粟说道:“你这也不是五音不全,你是压根就没有五音啊兄弟。来,这玩意拿着,战场上只要不是致命伤,涂上保你一命。” Then, Ren Xiaosu gave this Pyro soldier stopper a small bottle enough to use black medicament quantity a time, his present mood is excellent, can't make others sing white/in vain? 说完,任小粟就给这名火种士兵塞了一小瓶足够用一次的黑药剂量,他现在心情极好,也不能让人家白唱歌是不是? However, in the Ren Xiaosu heart still had the anxiety, this P5092 comes out to greet itself suddenly, gave back to oneself such important document, how wants to think that is not quite a little right. 不过,任小粟心中仍有疑虑,这p5092突然出来迎接自己,还给了自己如此重要的证件,怎么想都觉得有点不太对劲。 What trap perhaps is this? But does side Pyro soldier possibly also coordinate P5092 to act in a play oneself here? 或许这是个什么陷阱?而身旁这火种士兵可能也就是配合着p5092在自己这里演戏? Because does not know that P5092 has what goal, therefore Ren Xiaosu also can only guess carelessly. 因为不知道p5092有什么目的,所以任小粟也只能胡乱猜测着。 The time in the evening in the military compound serving a meal arrived, Ren Xiaosu swaggering with lunch box one with the black card, he discovered impressively, so long as revealed that this proves black, the bringing something from the kitchen to the table regiment does not need to arrange . Moreover the soldiers of mess squad will also ask that he does need to order food...... 晚上军营里开饭的时间到了,任小粟大摇大摆的一手拿饭盒一手拿黑证,他赫然发现只要亮出这个黑证来,打饭连队都不用排,而且炊事班的士兵还会问他需不需要点菜…… To confirm the power of this black card again, Ren Xiaosu drew several people to inquire, finally after the confirmation, power of this black card in the third division was truly enormous! 为了再次验证这黑证的权力,任小粟又拉了好几个人询问,结果经过证实,这黑证在第三师里确实权力极大! That night, P5092 just completed the following combat plan, is rubbing the forehead exhaustedly. 当天晚上,p5092刚刚做完后续的作战计划,正疲惫的揉着眉心。 The adjutant enters his tent, P5092 looked that asked to him: Where does the boy go today?” 副官走进他的营帐,p5092看向他问道:“那小子今天都去了什么地方?” Besides bringing something from the kitchen to the table, has stayed in the field hospital, which has not gone,” adjutant replied: Why is only you must give him your p5 black card, I always feel this boy brain too normally a little not......” “除了打饭以外,一直都呆在野战医院里面,哪都没去过,”副官回答道:“只是您为什么要把您的p5黑证给他,我总感觉这小子脑子有点不太正常……” P5092 gawked: What happened? Did he take the black card to do?” p5092愣了一下:“发生什么事情了吗?他拿着黑证干什么了?” He used the black card to order some vegetables/dishes that side the mess squad,” adjutant said. “他利用黑证在炊事班那边点了一些菜,”副官说道。 P5092 does not know whether to laugh or cry: I give him the black card, does he actually only bring to order food?” p5092哭笑不得:“我给他黑证,他竟然只拿来点菜?” Also ordered food not only,” adjutant complexion was strange: He also draws the soldier to sing to him unexpectedly, several soldiers were requested to sing by him, the light sang the military song is not good, but must Singing Nursery Rhymes!” “也不光是点菜,”副官面色古怪起来:“他竟然还拉着士兵给他唱歌,好几个士兵都被他要求唱歌了,光唱军歌还不行,还得唱儿歌!” P5092: „???” p5092:“???” This reply, surprising people really a little...... 这个回答,让人着实有点意外了…… Actually the Ren Xiaosu of power of black card in third division is bigger , that knows is really opens access, wants to see P5092 to exempt to search and investigate the link, but can also come and go out the frontline position freely, even the ammunition dump can enter! 其实黑证在第三师里的权力比任小粟知道的还要大,那是真的畅通无阻,想要见p5092都可以免去搜身、核查环节,还能自由出入前线阵地,连军火仓库都能进! However important did such a document give that youngster, the opposite party actually ordered food to request a song? 然而这么重要的一个证件给了那少年,对方竟然点菜点歌? The adjutant has doubts saying: Why do you give him the black card?” 副官疑惑道:“您到底为什么把黑证给他啊?” P5092 shakes the head: I want to gather to enter Pyro him, while him in Pyro these days, if can give incite defection him, then regarding our third division, can be the enormous boost.” p5092摇摇头:“我想把他招揽进入火种,趁着他在火种的这段时间,如果能把他给策反了,那对于我们第三师来说,会是极大的助力。” The adjutant gawked: „Do you think incite defection he?” 副官愣了一下:“您想策反他?” incite defection this word uses has the view very much, which influence the opposite party is minimum the ownership, can use incite defection this word. However the adjutant cannot think through, for a doctor, worth makes P5092 so drag in lots of people? 策反这词用的很有说法,对方起码得归属于哪个势力,才能用上策反这个词吧。不过副官想不通,为了一个医生,值得让p5092如此兴师动众吗? P5092 explained: Some things have not been able to tell you, can only say that he is not simple, good you to go busily, my own discretion. Right, remembers increase in the city wall the value to defend the soldier, the message that the detection soldier gives must first notify to me, I must know that these barbarians are doing.” p5092解释道:“有些事情还不能告诉你,只能说他并没有那么简单,好了你去忙吧,我自有分寸。对了,记住增加城墙上值守士兵,侦查兵传递回来的消息必须第一时间向我通报,我要知道这些蛮子到底在干什么。” Good understanding,” adjutant left. “好的明白,”副官离开了。 P5092 looks that front document is pondering, does not know can oneself succeed incite defection that youngster? p5092看着面前的文件沉思着,也不知道自己到底能不能成功策反那少年? He thought aloud: Not can only save others, and is good at ambushing, if can him and his girlfriend incite defection, that third division own individual high-end strength of can also obtain some promotion together. At least has these two snipers, battlefield dominant strength.” 他自言自语道:“既能救人,又擅长狙击,如果能将他和他女朋友一起策反,那第三师自己的个体高端战力也能得到一些提升吧。起码有这两个狙击手在,战场的统治力会更强一些。” Perhaps however what P5092 has not thought that at this time Ren Xiaosu also in planning invitation he went to the northwest to be a guest...... 不过p5092恐怕也没想到的是,这个时候任小粟也在打算“邀请”他去西北做客来着…… P5092 and Ren Xiaosu this they, plan each other to hold the respective thoughts, pondered how then each other should be together. p5092任小粟这俩人,都打算彼此揣着各自的心思,去思考接下来彼此该如何相处。 As for the result how, no one said certainly. 至于结果如何,谁也说不准。 At this time the dim light of night arrives, Ren Xiaosu is grasping the black card, bringing Yang Xiaojin to step onto the city wall in this new Great Wall. 此时夜色降临,任小粟正手持黑证,带着杨小槿一路走上这新长城的城墙。 No one stops, no one inquired, after the Pyro soldier who all responsible values defended saw Ren Xiaosu, avoided subconsciously. 没人阻拦,也没人过问,所有负责值守的火种士兵见到任小粟后,都下意识的躲开了一些。 In the evening eats meal, in the third division grasped the matter that the black card requested a song to spread about Ren Xiaosu, now the Pyro soldiers do not even dare to have looking at each other with the Ren Xiaosu vision, for fear that opposite party sudden 0.1 small ducks...... 晚上吃饭的时候,第三师里关于任小粟手持黑证点歌的事情已经传开了,现在火种士兵们甚至都不敢和任小粟目光产生对视,生怕对方突然点一首小鸭子…… When this feeling lets the soldiers as if returned to be young all of a sudden in the classroom, that little while, the teacher prepared to mention by name to make the schoolmate reply issue time, everyone avoided the teacher vision...... 这种感觉让士兵们仿佛一下子回到了年少时的课堂上,那会儿,老师准备点名让同学回答问题的时候,大家就是这么回避老师目光的…… ...... …… Asked the monthly ticket to ask the monthly ticket 求月票呀求月票
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