TFO :: Volume #9

#870: Small black itself/Ben

Possibly is Liang Ce felt they develop was too quicker, therefore personally threw basin cold water for him and Meng Nan sentiment. 可能是梁策觉得俩人发展的太快了一些,所以亲手为他和孟楠的感情泼了一盆凉水。 The motorcade moved to the north swayingly, the Ren Xiaosu heart said oneself this time have not taught the Liang Ce anything move, the opposite party was a self-made person, talent different to report purely. 车队晃晃悠悠中驶向北方,任小粟心说自己这次可没教梁策什么招数,对方纯粹是自学成才、天赋异禀。 Passed by Mt. Dashi time, the huge motorcade made the recuperation here slightly. 路过大石山的时候,庞大的车队在这里稍作休整。 Pull-up in the camp, was P5092 laying an ambush made the barbarian raid the place of camp initially, Ren Xiaosu was familiar with here, but where the body of barbarian did not know. 休息所在的营地,就是当初p5092设伏让蛮子袭营的地方,任小粟对这里非常熟悉,只是蛮子的尸体不知道去了哪里。 After getting out, everyone also hears the Pyro soldier to smoke while is discussing: Heard that Chief p5 killed more than 100 barbarians in this, it is said the barbarian despaired at that time, never expected that Chief p5 has expected them to attack the camp unexpectedly.” 下车后,大家还听到火种的士兵一边抽烟一边讨论着:“听说那位p5长官就是在这杀了一百多个蛮子啊,据说蛮子当时都绝望了,没想到p5长官竟是早就料到他们会来袭营。” I want to know that actually that two snipers are long what appearance......” “我倒是更想知道那两名狙击手到底长什么样子……” Ren Xiaosu and the others sat on the vehicle has not gotten down, Qinghe students impatient landing, some students hear the discussion of Pyro actually, then said suddenly: Does not know where can undergo the training about sniper, I also want to become a sniper.” 任小粟等人坐在车上就没下去,倒是青禾学生们迫不及待的下车活动,有学生听到火种的讨论,便突然说道:“也不知道哪里能接受关于狙击手的训练,我也想成为一名狙击手啊。” Finally the Pyro soldier heard this saying then to smile: „To have that two sniper same levels, that is the God bestows food eats is good, is not you wants to work as can work as.” 结果火种士兵听到这话便笑了起来:“想拥有那两位狙击手一样的水平,那得是老天爷赏饭吃才行,可不是你想当就能当的。” Qinghe student some are not convinced: „The assiduousness of training was not good, I can also endure hardship!” 青禾学生有些不服气:“训练的刻苦一些不就行了,我也能吃苦!” You do not understand,” the Pyro soldier shook the head with a smile no longer explains anything. “你不懂,”火种士兵笑着摇摇头不再解释什么了。 Has gone to war truly, accepts the person of military training to understand, the light has the effort to be insufficient. 只有真正打过仗,接受过军事训练的人才能明白,光有努力是不够的。 That two snipers can control the battlefield, that was the talents in many aspect synthesizes in together, the opposite party was hits is not only simple, was only expects the position that the barbarian presented enough to make all Pyro soldier secretly hearts startled each time ahead of time, this was the true skill. 那两位狙击手之所以能掌控战场,那是很多方面的天赋综合在一起了,对方不光是打得准那么简单,光是每次都提前料到蛮子出现的位置就足够让所有火种士兵暗自心惊,这才是真正的本事。 Advanced base from frontline, be only more than 100 kilometers, after passing through a small section mountain road, was the express highway of Pyro construction, therefore motorcade day of time can arrive. 前进基地距离前线只有一百多公里,走过一小段山路之后,就是火种修建的快速公路了,所以车队一天时间就能抵达。 P3 gave Ren Xiaosu saying that they can arrive in the frontline in the afternoon. 出发的时候p3就给任小粟说过,他们当天下午就能抵达前线。 If that small section mountain road also fixes, perhaps is quicker, two hours can arrive. 如果那一小段山路也修好,说不定更快,两个小时就能到了。 Afternoon time, but also without and other solar western frontiers, Ren Xiaosu has seen the front palatial new Great Wall on the vehicle from afar. 下午的时候,还没等太阳西垂,任小粟在车上就已经远远看到前方巍峨的新长城。 The Great Wall that then winds to the thing direction in the horizon, where cannot see its end, that grand feeling makes one look that in a then heart has the heroic spirit. 那在地平线上向东西方向蜿蜒出去的长城,一眼都看不到它的尽头在哪里,那壮阔之感让人看一眼便心中顿生豪气。 In the Great Wall, becomes the sea military compound continually, the Pyro soldier goes through, but under the Great Wall is innumerable people husband is continue build this defense line. 在长城以内,是连成海洋般的军营,火种士兵穿行其中,而长城下则是数不清的“民夫”在继续修筑这条防线。 Tower cranes are standing in great numbers, reaches to the sky, the people husbands stand outside Great Wall that in these have not fixed on scaffold, just like fly up to the eaves and walls walks in the mountain wall. 一座座塔吊林立着,高耸入云,民夫们站在那些没修好的长城外脚手架上,宛如飞檐走壁般行走于山壁。 This grand scene is the Ren Xiaosu entire life only sees, he felt suddenly before oneself, has seen these miracle, pales by comparison with this frontline Great Wall and a military compound contrast. 这种壮阔景象是任小粟生平仅见,他忽然感觉自己以前所看到过的那些“奇迹”,跟这前线长城与军营一对比都相形见绌。 If not see with one's own eyes such a grand construction to rise straight from the ground, is very difficult to believe that this is Strength of human. 如果不是亲眼看到这么一座宏伟的建筑拔地而起,很难相信这是人类的力量 Actually there is no technique content, fortification that but prepares for the barbarian specially, the mass-will of but in this project condensing, really extremely makes one shock. 其实这并没有什么技术含量,只是专门为蛮子准备的防御工事而已,只是这工程之中凝聚的群体意志,实在太过让人震撼。 Arrives in the military compound time, Ren Xiaosu saw impressively P5092 is waiting for in the military compound entrance unexpectedly, Ren Xiaosu thinks the opposite party is receives the commodity, but he discovered afterward the opposite party looked has not looked at commodity one, directly soars itself unexpectedly...... 抵达军营的时候,任小粟赫然看到p5092竟在军营门口等待着,原本任小粟以为对方是来接收物资的,可后来他发现对方看都没看物资一眼,竟直奔自己而来…… Other 31 Society also somewhat vacant times, Ren Xiaosu has jumped down the vehicle to walk up with the P5092 kind handshake...... 其他三一学会还有些茫然无措的时候,任小粟已经跳下车子走上前去与p5092亲切握手了…… P5092 wears a straight military uniform, is seemingly valiant. p5092穿着一身笔挺的军装,看起来英姿勃发。 P5092 said with a smile: Fatigue of travel, good work, I added before next time will meet does not know, without thinking saw quickly.” p5092笑道:“一路舟车劳顿,辛苦了,我之前还说下次见面不知何时,没想到这么快就又见到了。” Ren Xiaosu said excitedly: Can see you again is really good!” 任小粟激动说道:“能再见到你真是太好了!” The P5092 surprise, he looks that the Ren Xiaosu expression does not seem like pretends, the opposite party really does want to see itself? Why? p5092诧异了一下,他看着任小粟的表情不像是假装的,难道对方真的很想见到自己?为什么啊? Before Ren Xiaosu is still thinking that the bottom must skid P5092 to go to great prosperity in the northwest, the evening of if considering, what to do had the opposite party died in battle in the frontline? 之前任小粟还在想到底要不要撬了p5092大兴西北,万一考虑的晚了,对方已经战死在前线怎么办? Now the opposite party in the side, oneself can consider slowly, untied from the seal also on day of time, perhaps guaranteed one group of people not dead some difficulties, but guaranteed a person not dead that too to be simple. 现在对方就在身边了,自己可以慢慢考虑,距离封印解开也就一天时间了,或许保一堆人不死有些难度,但保一个人不死那就太简单了。 At this time P5092 exchanged greetings: I heard that you matter that treats the illness to save the patient in the rear clinic, thanked, now I think requisition from the south suddenly you is really very wise decision.” 这时p5092寒暄起来:“我听说你在后方卫生所治病救人的事情了,非常感谢,现在我忽然觉得把你从南方征调过来真是非常明智的决定。” Where where, treating the illness to save the patient is the doctor duty does not need to overpraise, I am only ordinary Surgeon,” Ren Xiaosu modest say/way. “哪里哪里,治病救人是医生本分不用过誉,我只是个普普通通的外科医生而已,”任小粟谦虚道。 P5092 said with a smile: That present the frontline, saw that this weaponry you can be afraid?” p5092笑道:“那现在来前线,看到这阵仗你会不会害怕?” Naturally feared,” the Ren Xiaosu nod said: You must fight this war well, otherwise we are unsafe in the rear area.” “当然怕了,”任小粟点头说道:“你们可得好好打这场仗啊,不然我们在后方也不安全。” P5092 stares in the expression heart of Ren Xiaosu to sneer, fear? You are afraid a ghost! p5092盯着任小粟的表情心中冷笑,害怕?你害怕个鬼! Attire! Continues to install! The multi- shapes that no matter you install, I have seen through all truth! 装!继续装!甭管你装的多像,我都已经看穿了一切的真相! However, P5092 asked, itself also wants to watch the performance of Ren Xiaosu. 不过,p5092之所以这么问,本身也就是想看任小粟的表演而已。 P5092 said with a smile: Today greets specially your, but my military affairs in the body, really have no way to entertain you, here has a document, is I gives you to apply temporarily, had this document you in the army to come and go out freely.” p5092笑道:“今天是专程来迎接你们的,不过我军务在身,实在没法招待你们,这里有一个证件,是我临时给你申请的,有了这个证件你在军队里可以自由出入。” Ren Xiaosu gawked, he sees P5092 to give his document. 任小粟愣了一下,他看到p5092递给他一个证件。 This document did not have the palm of the hand to be big, is a black small book, in opens does not have the picture, is covering one red chapter, the chapter is the official seal of third division headquarters. 这证件还没有巴掌大,是一个黑色的小本子,一打开里面也没有照片,就盖着一个红色章,章是第三师指挥部的公章。 Ren Xiaosu was not clear that this document can do anything to use, but listens to P5092 this meaning, seems like the awesome appearance. 任小粟也不清楚这证件到底能干什么用,不过听p5092这意思,似乎是非常厉害的样子。 That thanked,” Ren Xiaosu said with a smile: Happen to also wants to transfer the revolutions in the army.” “那就谢谢了,”任小粟笑道:“正好也想在军队里转转呢。” Ok, me first left, you as one likes,” P5092 said turns around to walk, just as he said that the war is ready to be set off now, he truly was too busy. “行,我这边就先离开了,你们自便,”p5092说完转身就走,正如他自己所说,如今大战一触即发,他确实是太忙了。 To be honest, P5092 can find time to see Ren Xiaosu specially, his adjutants and these operational staff on the surprise, everyone same time are thinking very, this Ren Xiaosu is so important? 说实话,p5092能专门抽出一点时间来见任小粟,他的副官和那些作战参谋就十分诧异,大家同一时间都在想,难道这任小粟如此重要? Unit Pyro they brought in Ren Xiaosu the field hospital of third division, on the gone road Ren Xiaosu put out that black small book suddenly, he asked soldier: This is your senior officials gives my thing, said that comes and goes out the freedom in your army ?” 火种任小粟他们带到了第三师的野战医院里,去的路上任小粟忽然拿出那个黑色的小本子来,他问身旁的士兵:“这是你们长官给我的东西,说在你们部队里出入自由,是真的吗?” Finally he discovered that questioned soldier is suddenly respectful: Is senior official, so long as you grasp this document, the third division interior you are open access.” 结果他发现,那名被问话的士兵突然恭敬起来:“是的长官,您只要手持这个证件,第三师内部您是畅通无阻的。” Ren Xiaosu whispered at heart, the role of this small black book was so big, saw that the opposite parties did start to call the senior official? 任小粟心里嘀咕,这小黑本子的作用这么大,眼瞅着对方都开始称呼自己长官了啊?
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