TFO :: Volume #9

#863: Also sees Experimental!

Commodity in the advanced base important? Very important! 前进基地里的物资有多重要?非常重要! This Pyro in the north establishes the defense line to be hasty, that constructs the manpower and physical resource of new Great Wall may be called vast, if Pyro has not hit with Kong Clan, then establishes the northern defense line not to have the issue by Pyro Strength. 这次火种在北方建立防线本就仓促,那建造新长城的人力与物力堪称浩大,若火种还没与孔氏打过一场,那以火种力量来建立北方防线是没问题的。 But the north is not the time that comes the enemy to come, Pyro hit Kong Clan to launch all -out war, at this time made them return to the north side from the south side, the itself/Ben was very passive matter. 可北方来敌偏偏来的不是时候,火种孔氏是发动了全面战争的,这时候让他们从南边回到北边来,本就是非常被动的事情。 Now, if the commodity of advanced base cannot and fortune arrives at the northern defense line, perhaps these build the refugee and Stronghold in people new Great Wall must have an empty stomach. 现在,如果前进基地的物资不能及时运到北方防线,恐怕那些修筑新长城的流民与壁垒人都要饿肚子。 Even the Pyro principal force possibly eats does not sate the appetite. 甚至连火种的主力部队都可能吃不饱饭。 Moreover what is most essential was the ammunition issue, the P5092 third division has fought several tough battles in the south, in his hand the most famous artillery army the ammunition in stockpile are not many at this time, couple days ago hit the barbarian time used the artillery plow place, if now the shell broke, perhaps that will make the artillery army be hard to display. 而且最关键的是弹药问题,p5092的第三师在南方就已经打过好几次硬仗了,他手中最著名的火炮部队此时库存弹药已经不多,前几天打蛮子的时候又用火炮犁地,现在如果炮弹断了,那恐怕会让火炮部队难以发挥。 The shell that actually the artillery army uses and is unworthy how much money, is not the precise and advanced equipment, but the production next batch also require the time! 其实火炮部队所用的炮弹并不值多少钱,又不是什么高精尖的设备,只是生产下一批还需要时间! Therefore, Pyro facing this war time, their weak areas not in oneself, but in that war that before and Kong Clan fought. 所以,火种面对这场战争的时候,他们的短板不在自身,而在之前与孔氏打的那一仗里。 If they know that some north people will come, was absolutely impossible to launch all -out war to Kong Clan at this time. 如果他们知道北方会有人来,绝对不可能这时候对孔氏发动全面战争啊。 The head in advanced base sees explodes that time, then already heart like dying embers. 前进基地的负责人看到爆炸那一幕的时候,便已经心如死灰。 At this time, Ren Xiaosu has thrown into the smoke haze, fast goes forward in the military baggage vehicles direction. 此时,任小粟已经一头扎进了烟霾之中,快速的朝着辎重车辆方向前进。 He all deceives with the hand towel the mouth and nose, but also took the goggles specially, in order to avoid own breathing apparatus and eye of this dust haze to causes anything to affect. 他将口鼻全都用方巾蒙住,还专门带上了护目镜,以免这尘霾对自己的呼吸器官与眼睛造成什么影响。 Before he with the distance of military baggage motorcade was less than one kilometer, regarding the Ren Xiaosu speed, was dozens seconds rushes. 之前他与辎重车队的距离不到一公里,对于任小粟的速度来说,也不过是几十秒就赶到了。 But waits for him to arrive, here except for the flame, anything does not have. 可是等他抵达的时候,这里除了火光,已经什么都没了。 That car(riage) catching fire groups are burning fiercely, Ren Xiaosu is walking is hearing not far away to have the sound suddenly, he approaches slowly, but that thing of concealed in smoke haze detected unexpectedly ahead of time he, then turned around to run away in the wilderness direction! 那一辆辆车化作火团剧烈的燃烧着,任小粟正走着呢忽然听到不远处有动静,他慢慢靠近过去,可那藏在烟霾里的东西竟提前察觉到了他,然后转身朝荒野方向逃走了! Ren Xiaosu pursued fast, but speed not slow many of opposite party, he takes out the heavy machine gun to hug from the space in the bosom, is pursuing the goal while strafes with the heavy machine gun. 任小粟快速追了出去,可对方的速度并不比自己慢多少,他从空间中取出重机枪抱在怀里,一边追逐着目标一边用重机枪进行扫射。 The smoke haze was too but heavy, Ren Xiaosu cannot see the concrete whereabouts of goal, can only fire blindly. 可是烟霾太重了,任小粟根本看不见目标的具体行踪,只能盲目的射击。 Saw with own eyes that quite a while has not hit the goal, Ren Xiaosu also has to give up, and distinguishes the opposite party is fleeing the sound of footsteps when the smoke haze with every effort, tracks down the direction of opposite party. 眼见半天都没打中目标,任小粟也只好放弃,并在烟霾中尽力的分辨着对方逃离时的脚步声,来追寻对方的方向。 But at this time in the Ren Xiaosu heart some doubts, what thing this was, why did the sound of footsteps just like the wild animal to be common? Sound that flees, clearly seems like the sole touchdown way of felidae animal to be the same. 可这时任小粟心中有些疑惑,这到底是个什么东西,为何脚步声犹如野兽一般?那奔逃的声响,分明像是猫科动物的脚掌着地方式一般。 But how can the wild animal explode the military baggage? In the Ren Xiaosu heart had a guess faintly, but he has no way to determine! 可野兽怎么会来炸辎重呢?任小粟心中隐隐有了一个猜测,可他又没法确定! both sides arrive at the advanced base edge fast, at this time Ren Xiaosu discovered, the opposite party does not break through the wire netting to come, but hit the tunnel from outside! 双方快速的来到前进基地边缘,这时候任小粟才发现,对方并不是攻破铁丝网进来的,而是从外面打了地洞! That monster threw into the tunnel, in an instant is missing, sees on the opposite party until last minute Ren Xiaosu the gray skin! 那怪物一头扎进了地洞里面,转眼就不见了踪影,直到最后一刻任小粟才看到对方身上灰色的皮肤! Experimental! 实验体 Ren Xiaosu was really then vacant, how can be Experimental!? 这下任小粟真的茫然了,怎么会是实验体!? Didn't these things follow the Qing Family nuclear bomb dead in Stronghold 74 completely? 那些东西不是跟随庆氏的核弹已经全部死在74号壁垒里了吗? Since Stronghold 74 destruction, Ren Xiaosu had not cared Experimental again, because he thought that Experimental was definitely finished completely. 自打74号壁垒毁灭以后,任小粟就再也没把实验体放在心上了,因为他觉得实验体肯定全部完蛋了吧。 Not only he thinks, but is the entire world thinks, particularly the Qing Family person, in the Luo Lan words is, is impossible to have the life to be able, in that destroys day in an explosion that extinguishes the place survives. 不光他这么想,而是全世界都这么想,尤其是庆氏的人,用罗岚的话说就是,不可能有生命能在那场毁天灭地的爆炸中存活。 Now but Ren Xiaosu realizes, at that time before the nuclear bomb approached, perhaps has Experimental to leave Stronghold 74 ahead of time! 可是现在任小粟才意识到,当时核弹来临之前,恐怕就已经有实验体提前离开了74号壁垒 This made Ren Xiaosu too accidental/surprised, he simply has not thought that will see Experimental here, perhaps P5092 has not thought. 这让任小粟太意外了,他根本没想到会在这里看到实验体,恐怕p5092也没想到吧。 Therefore aims at the barbarian in the plan of P5092, he also very successful aimed at the barbarian, but in this wilderness is also hiding other Strength, the commodity of advance post has problems finally. 所以在p5092的计划里只是针对蛮子,他也很成功的针对了蛮子,但这荒野上还隐藏着其他的力量,以至于前线基地的物资最终还是出了问题。 Has saying that this is the charm of war is, again full that even if you prepare, possibly because of accident/surprise but the merit owes in Kui. 不得不说,这就是战争的魅力所在,哪怕你准备的再充分,也可能会因为意外而功亏于溃。 Ren Xiaosu looks to the wilderness outside wire netting, he extracted black saber to break out the wire netting to pursue toward outside suddenly. 任小粟望向铁丝网外的荒野,他突然抽出黑刀劈开铁丝网朝外面追了出去。 Making this decision is very risky, but he recalled Yang Xiaojin to say suddenly, she had once seen a person's shadow on a mountain. 做出这个决定是非常冒险的,但他忽然记起杨小槿说,她曾在一座山上看到过一个人影。 At that time Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaojin also think that possibly is a barbarian who was responsible for standing sentry, but currently Ren Xiaosu also has the new guess! 当时任小粟杨小槿还以为可能就是个负责放哨的蛮子,可现在任小粟又有了新的猜测! Experimental is a very terrifying thing, its terrifying does not lie in its destructive power strong, but lies in it can take human to take the carrier, makes new Experimental to come out. 实验体是个很恐怖的东西,它的恐怖并不在于它的破坏力有多强,而在于它可以一直拿人类作为载体,制造新的实验体出来。 Once the Experimental quantity over ten thousand, they had strength that breaks through Stronghold. 一旦实验体数量过万,它们就有了突破壁垒的实力。 Breaks through the advanced base from the barbarian to the present, is about an hour, is at midnight. 距离蛮子突破前进基地到现在,也不过一个多小时的时间,正是午夜。 Tonight does not have moon, in the sky has the giant dark cloud covering this lands, Ren Xiaosu goes through in the wilderness, approaches toward the place of Yang Xiaojin discovery person's shadow. 今晚没有月亮,天空中有巨大的乌云将这片土地给笼罩起来,任小粟穿行在荒野之中,一路朝着杨小槿发现人影的地方逼近。 While he soon is close to that mountain time, on a crown of roadside Siberian elm, has the black wind to raid suddenly. 可正当他快要接近那座山的时候,路旁一颗榆树的树冠上,骤然有黑风袭来。 That Experimental of Ren Xiaosu beforehand tracing has not run away unexpectedly, but hides on this crown the plan sneak attacks him! 任小粟之前追踪的那头实验体竟然没有远逃,而是藏在这树冠上打算偷袭他! Among the electric light flint, Experimental has stretched out the arms to throw from the sky, but soon holds Ren Xiaosu in it instantly, sees only the Ren Xiaosu sinking waist to put out a hand suddenly, that arm the slit that makes threatening gestures from Experimental passes through accurate, held its nape of the neck to pass through ruthlessly toward the ground. 电光火石之间,实验体已经张开双臂从天空扑来,可就在它快要抓住任小粟的刹那,只见任小粟突然沉腰伸手,那手臂从实验体张牙舞爪的缝隙中精准穿过,狠狠抓住了它的脖颈往地上贯去。 , Experimental pounding on the ground fell into the stupor by the shoulder has fallen loudly, it has not perhaps seen Strength to be able steamroll its so many human! 轰然一声,实验体被过肩摔似的砸在地上陷入了昏迷,它恐怕还从没见过力量能够碾压它这么多的人类! Ren Xiaosu is sizing up ground Experimental, this is the first time that he so observed the opposite party carefully, this Experimental should be the adult male transformation, the whole body pili has all disappeared, and only the other grey the smooth skin, seemingly has a strange sticky and greasy feeling, makes the will of the people become fed up wickedly like the poisonous snake. 任小粟打量着地上的实验体,这还是他第一次如此细致的观察对方,这头实验体应该是成年男性转化的,浑身体毛已经全都不见了,只余下灰色且光滑的皮肤,看起来有种诡异的粘腻感,像毒蛇一样让人心生厌恶。 Opposite party roll on the ground, the chest because of breath one volt, Ren Xiaosu foot treads together on its chest, prepared to finish its life with black saber. 对方躺在地上,胸口因呼吸一起一伏,任小粟一只脚踏在它的胸口上,准备用黑刀了却它的生命。 Before this is not, is pursuing that head, because the beforehand speed is faster than this, therefore, this is a trap. 这不是自己之前追着的那一头,因为之前的速度比这头快很多,所以,这是陷阱。 At this moment, Ren Xiaosu hears in the woods to have the new sound to transmit, four and five and six heads...... 就在这时,任小粟听到树林之中有新的动静传来,四头、五头、六头…… Own this was enters in the Experimental nest, Ren Xiaosu grinned to smile, that was really also in luck. 自己这是钻进实验体的窝里了吗,任小粟咧嘴笑了起来,那还真是走运啊。 The distant place advance post also burnt the flame, the sound of gunfire must tear the vault of heaven, no one noticed the place several hundred meters away in the advanced base, but also conducted a soul-stirring life and death to slaughter. 远处前线基地还燃烧着火光,枪声将天穹都要撕裂了,没人注意到在前进基地几百米外的地方,还进行着一场惊心动魄的生死厮杀。 ...... …… In the evening also has, everyone valentine day is joyful 晚上还有,大家情人节快乐
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