TFO :: Volume #9

#864: Chases down the black robe

Ren Xiaosu and Experimental had to do are not a time twice, why did not know, he has been disgusted of these strange lifeform, after Stronghold 74 was shattered, he even was happy the period of time. 任小粟实验体打交道也不是一次两次了,不知道为什么,他对这些诡异的生物一直心存厌恶,在74号壁垒破灭之后,他甚至开心了好一阵子。 But these strange things brave now unexpectedly, therefore Ren Xiaosu is thinking, before Yang Xiaojin with spotting scope in the person's shadow that on the mountain saw, can be in Experimental that so-called intelligent body? 可现在这些诡异的东西竟然又冒了出来,所以任小粟就在想,之前杨小槿观靶镜在山上看到的人影,会不会就是实验体里那个所谓的智慧体? This is also the reason that Ren Xiaosu pursues, if that form is really the intelligent body, so long as that massacres the intelligent body, at least the Experimental quantity will not increase, will sneak attack human again does not seem will have the methodicalness. 这也正是任小粟追出来的原因,如果那个身影真是智慧体,那么只要杀掉智慧体,起码实验体的数量就不会增加了,再偷袭人类也不会显得那么有章法。 Experimental lets the human headache , because in them also the individual that has the advanced wisdom exists. 实验体之所以让人类头疼,就是因为它们之中还有一个拥有高级智慧的个体存在。 If Experimental sees the person to throw, that Qing Family gave to kill them early in the southwest. 如果实验体只是见人就扑,那庆氏早把它们给弄死在西南了。 In the woods, several Experimental encircled toward Ren Xiaosu slowly, Ren Xiaosu hand held black saber stands is sizing up all around same place, but next quarter, when he sees Experimental was amazed, because these new Experimental unexpectedly are the barbarian appearances! 树林间,数头实验体缓缓朝任小粟围了过来,任小粟手提黑刀站在原地打量着四周,可下一刻当他看到实验体的时候就惊诧了,因为这些新的实验体竟然都是蛮子模样! That leader is based on the barbarian transforms Experimental that comes to crawl to crawl on the ground, seems like leader brown bear, the physique must too be greatly more than that Experimental that he just massacred. 那一头头以蛮子为基础转化而来的实验体在地上匍匐爬行着,看起来就像是一头头棕熊似的,块头比他刚刚杀掉的那个实验体要大太多了。 Ren Xiaosu has to the surprise, where these barbarian Experimental from come, was that intelligent body escapes the north? 任小粟不得不诧异,这些蛮子实验体是从哪来的,难道是那智慧体逃到了北方? Was, before Experimental destroyed the commodity, is not helping the barbarian. 是了,之前实验体去摧毁物资,不正是在帮蛮子吗。 Were that group of barbarians silly, unexpectedly with this person non- person ghost not ghost east-west cooperation?! 那群蛮子是不是傻了,竟然和这种人不人鬼不鬼的东西合作?! This intelligent body hidden deeply. 或者,这智慧体隐藏的更深一些。 However, Experimental is the barbarian or Central Plains human, the result to Ren Xiaosu is undifferentiated, when these Experimental tigers throw comes, Ren Xiaosu no longer hardly just upfront, but is displays his speed advantage to walk randomly in leader Experimental. 不过,实验体到底是蛮子还是中原人类,对任小粟来说结果都毫无差别,当那些实验体虎扑而来的时候,任小粟不再硬刚正面,而是发挥他的速度优势在一头头实验体之中游走。 Ren Xiaosu no longer pursues strikes to be killed violently, but is shearing of blade blade on Experimental, within the ability creates biggest killing, is not reckless is not risky. 任小粟不再追求一击毙命,而是一刀一刀的割在实验体身上,在力所能及的范围内造成最大的杀伤,不冒进也不冒险。 He is shuttling back and forth in the slit, the look cold judgment next should do. 他在缝隙中穿梭着,眼神冷冽的判断着自己下一步该干什么。 Perhaps the short time murdered the method seems like had not that ruptured, but only crossed merely for five minutes, these ten barbarian Experimental actually did not have one is the limbs is complete, was not few arms is few legs, but on Ren Xiaosu was clean until this time, does not have any injury. 短时间杀伐手段或许看起来没有那么爆裂了,但仅仅只过了五分钟,这十多头蛮子实验体竟然没有一个是肢体完整的,不是少条胳膊就是少条腿,而任小粟身上直到这时候都干干净净的,根本没有任何伤势。 Ten Experimental will soon lose the ability to act shortly, these Experimental no longer pester with Ren Xiaosu unexpectedly, instead the tone escapes. 眼瞅着十多头实验体即将丧失行动能力,这些实验体竟不再与任小粟纠缠,反而调头逃跑。 This also confirmed from one side idea of Ren Xiaosu, behind them some people are controlling all. 这也从侧面证实了任小粟的想法,它们背后有人在操控着一切。 Ren Xiaosu raises the blade then to pursue, may just catch up two Experimental conduct to cut to kill, on the Siberian elm crown of back top of the head, the unexpectedly black robe downward falls gently, the angle and time that the opposite party chooses are quite severely ruthless, is when Ren Xiaosu brandishes a sword to castrate already completely! 任小粟提刀便追,可刚刚追上两头实验体进行斩杀的时候,背后头顶的榆树树冠上,竟有一袭黑袍向下飘落,对方选择的角度与时机都极为狠厉,就是在任小粟挥刀去势已尽的时候! At this time, Ren Xiaosu wants to transform the movement to turn around to guard difficultly! 这时,任小粟想变换动作来转身防备都困难! But Ren Xiaosu hears the top of the head wind sound/rumor then to sneer: Is you!” 任小粟听到头顶风声便冷笑起来:“等的就是你!” Destroys the city! 摧城! In an instant, blood red that the eyes of Ren Xiaosu change, after just like perishes the human purgatory. 刹那间,任小粟的双眼变的一片血红,犹如沉沦之后的人间炼狱。 Huge Strength starts to gallop in within the body with the scarlet color, Ren Xiaosu angrily roared was reversing the body forcefully, copious Strength in that body broke body Central Plains this inertia kinetic energy forcefully, the blade edge the direction that from declining to divide to cut, reversed for on unexpectedly forcefully pulls up! 巨大的力量开始随着猩红的颜色在体内奔腾,任小粟怒吼着强行扭转了身体,那身体里的沛然力量硬生生打破身体中原本的惯性动能,刀锋从斜下劈砍的方向,竟强行扭转为上撩! The blade edge has delimited from the black robe, is embroidering the border of gold thread by the easy separate, under that black robe covers Experimental to exude the hoarse crying out strangely sound, resembles has not thought completely front human is so unexpectedly tyrannical! 刀锋从黑袍之中划过,绣着金丝的镶边被轻而易举的割裂,那黑袍笼罩下的实验体发出沙哑的怪叫声,似是完全没想到面前的人类竟如此强横! It by the slit looked that to the under youngster already the eye that turns around, that blood red color compares it also to look like a malicious ghost unexpectedly. 它透过缝隙看向下方少年已经转过来的眼睛,那血红的颜色竟比它还像一只恶鬼。 Among the electric light flint, Experimental reversed the waist strength and figure avoids the blade edge, the black robe is actually ripped a big truncation, after it fell to the ground, tumbled in a panic backward, before where also had, faced 11 p.m. to 1 a.m the calm appearance. 电光火石间,实验体堪堪扭转腰力与身形避开刀锋,黑袍却已经被割掉了一大截,它落地后仓皇向后翻滚,哪里还有之前面对蛮子时气定神闲的模样。 However what must say, the physical quality of this intelligent body even also be higher than one section compared with t5, this lets the matter that Ren Xiaosu has not thought. 不过要说的是,这智慧体的身体素质甚至要比t5还高出一截来,这是让任小粟没想到的事情。 Ren Xiaosu chases down, but before these, flushed in escaping barbarian Experimental unexpectedly, keeping off that fierce does not fear in front of black robe, won the time for it. 任小粟追杀过去,可那些之前在逃跑的蛮子实验体竟冲了回来,悍不畏死的挡在了黑袍面前,为它争取了时间。 Barbarian Experimental 11 died, the black robe can also pant for breath, but has not a good news to Ren Xiaosu is, as after he massacres all barbarian Experimental, destroyed the time of city also to arrive. 蛮子实验体一一死去,黑袍也得以喘息,而对任小粟来说有个不好的消息就是,随着他将所有蛮子实验体都杀掉后,摧城的时间也到了。 Ren Xiaosu raises the blade to walk toward the black robe slowly, his cold sound asked: How do you are escape from Stronghold 74?” 任小粟提刀慢慢朝黑袍走去,他冷声问道:“你是怎么从74号壁垒里逃脱的?” Experimental gawked to stand up says with a smile hoarsely: I remember that your blade, at that time you should also bring the white mask, at that time you also in Stronghold 74.” 实验体愣了一下站起身来沙哑笑道:“我记得你这把刀,那时候你应该还带着白色的面具,当时你也在74号壁垒里。” Ren Xiaosu looks at the opposite party silently, this goods regarded oneself Old Xu, but said also no difference. 任小粟默默的看着对方,这货是把老许当成自己了,不过这么说也没什么差别。 Ren Xiaosu looks to the black robe, he asked suddenly: Afterward did you go to the north? Let me guess, these barbarians go south suddenly, won't be your writing skill?” 任小粟看向黑袍,他突然问道:“后来你去了北方?让我猜一下,这些蛮子突然南下,不会也是你的手笔吧?” The black robe reorganized an own hood, hid the grey cheeks under the shadow again: „The north was gradually submerged by the ice-cold sea water, the northerner goes south to seek for the new habitat, why not?” 黑袍整理了一下自己的兜帽,重新将自己灰色的脸颊藏在了阴影之下:“北方逐渐被冰冷的海水淹没,北方人南下寻找新的栖息地,有何不可?” This is the first time that Ren Xiaosu knew that northern situation, originally these barbarians are because the sea water starts gradually to embezzle the land to go south, but, this cannot become the reason that the opposite party massacres city, the war itself/Ben is the life and death matter, since the matter of massacring city has happened, should not die continuous. 这还是任小粟第一次得知北方的情况,原来这些蛮子是因为海水开始逐渐吞没陆地才南下的,不过,这并不能成为对方屠城的理由,战争本就是你死我活的事情,既然屠城之事已经发生,本就应该不死不休。 Must die together with the barbarian together, Experimental that these are haunted by the ghost. 连同蛮子一起要死去的,还有这些阴魂不散的实验体 The next quarter, the black robe sees the scarlet color in Ren Xiaosu eye to vanish suddenly, it gawked to laugh: Originally you also can only awesome that a while, I say speaks to me suddenly, originally and other reinforcements? What a pity, now no one can save you.” 下一刻,黑袍忽然看到任小粟眼睛中的猩红颜色消失,它愣了一下大笑起来:“原来你也只能厉害那一会儿是吗,我说怎么突然跟我说起话来了,原来是在等救兵?可惜,现在没人能救你了。” Saying, the black robe advances good-fittingly, its gray palm shuttles back and forth from the black robe, straight grasping to the Ren Xiaosu chest front. 说着,黑袍合身突进过来,它的灰色手掌从黑袍之中穿梭而出,笔直的抓向任小粟胸前。 But Ren Xiaosu has not dodged, but whatever the opposite party grasps the bloodstain to come the chest, but his own both hands firmly hold the wrist/skill of opposite party. 任小粟并没有闪避,而是任由对方将自己胸口抓出血痕来,而他自己则双手紧紧抓住对方的手腕。 Because of the mutual action, traveling speed of both sides stagnated, in Ren Xiaosu this time eye was only left over tranquilly. 因为相互的作用力,双方的移动速度陷入了停滞,任小粟此时的眼中只剩下平静。 The black robe sudden secretly thought is not good, it worked loose both hands of Ren Xiaosu suddenly full power, is sideways to jump to avoid anything, center a coming black ball black robe thigh. 黑袍突然暗道不好,它突然全力挣脱了任小粟的双手,侧身跃起想要躲避什么,一枚突然而至的黑弹正中黑袍大腿。 The black ball has not stayed in the black robe leg, but is the direct penetration, punctured a big tree to vanish in the woods one after another. 黑弹并未在黑袍腿中停留,而是直接穿透而过,接连又打穿了一颗大树才消失在树林里。 Ren Xiaosu ignores injury to chase down the black robe, but the black robe no longer prolongs contact unexpectedly, took the opportunity to drill into the mountains and plains directly lamely! 任小粟不顾身上的伤势想要追杀黑袍,可黑袍竟不再恋战,直接借机一瘸一拐的钻入了山野之中! ...... …… Asked a monthly ticket 求点月票呀
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