ELN :: Volume #5

#49: Said goodbye the fish person

Why Montis must write one finally price, moreover question mark that adds?” Long Yuehong looks at the Bai Chen demonstration to oneself and the others that books, too did not understand that said. “为什么蒙蒂斯最后要写一个‘代价’,而且还是加的问号?”龙悦红看着白晨展示给自己等人的那本书,不是太理解地说道。 Bai Chen has not answered his issue, but pointed out a fact: 白晨没有回答他的问题,只是指出了一个事实: „When writing price this word, Montis is very obviously excited, starting to write is heavy, the ink mark exaggerated a point, the other aspect of paper also had the trace.” “写‘代价’这个单词时,蒙蒂斯的情绪明显很激动,落笔非常重,墨渍都渲染开了一点,纸的另外一面也有痕迹。” Price......” Jiang Baimian is whispering this word, constantly comes up with various hypotheses in the mind, denied them. “代价……”蒋白棉低语着这个单词,不断地于脑海中做出各种假设,又否定它们。 Shang Jianyao made the sound of ridicule: 商见曜则发出了嘲笑的声音: Whatprice has is quite excited, needs to make an effort to write down? “‘代价’有什么好激动的,需要这么用力写下来? Has not really experienced!” “真没有见识!” The words that hears this fellow, in the Jiang Baimian heart moved, look all around one saying: 听到这家伙的话语,蒋白棉心中一动,环顾了一圈道: Can Montis not obtain the ability to pay the price at that time clearly? “会不会蒙蒂斯当时根本不清楚获得能力要付出代价? He discovered after the mood is hard to control more and more, unifies the knowledge of occult sciences, suspected one had paid the price unknowingly......” “以至于他发现情绪越来越难以控制之后,结合神秘学的知识,怀疑自身已不知不觉付出了代价……” Bai Chen found price that occult sciences books of this word to lecture the devil to be related. 白晨找到“代价”这个单词的那本神秘学书籍就是主讲魔鬼相关的。 Its several chapters mentioned the mortal betrays the soul, from devil there receiving in exchange strength, money, body or beauty. 它其中好几个章节提到凡人出卖灵魂,从魔鬼那里换取力量、金钱、身体或者美色。 But you did not say, ‚the group star hall has been reverberating ‚a price, three gracious gifts sound? Montis as awakening, not possible not to have heard and not be clear......” Long Yuehong to express oneself opinion. “可你们不是说,‘群星大厅’一直回荡着‘一个代价,三个恩赐’的声音吗?蒙蒂斯作为觉醒者,不可能没听到、不清楚啊……”龙悦红发表起自己的意见。 He wants to lift Shang Jianyao is the example strengthens the persuasive power, after all this fellow brain is not normal knows that the price the matter, may think, the decision does not draw fire to oneself. 他本想举商见曜为例子来增强说服力,毕竟这家伙脑子已经不正常了都知道代价的事情,可想了想,还是决定不引火烧身。 Long Yuehong finishes speaking, Jiang Baimian quite opens the mouth on the complexion seriously: 龙悦红话音刚落,蒋白棉就脸色较为严肃地开口: If so? Montis really does not know that awakens to pay the price? “如果真是这样呢?蒙蒂斯真的不知道觉醒要付出代价呢? „ Hasn't his awakening passed ‚the group star hall? “他的觉醒难道没通过‘群星大厅’? Or at that time hadn't had ‚the group star hall?” “或者说,那个时候还不存在‘群星大厅’?” Bai Chen and Long Yuehong terrified startled at the same time, Shang Jianyao grasps right boxing left palm: 白晨龙悦红悚然一惊的同时,商见曜啪地握右拳击左掌: I understood!” “我明白了!” What did you understand?” The Jiang Baimian doubt asked. “你明白了什么?”蒋白棉狐疑地问道。 Shang Jianyao said seriously: 商见曜郑重其事地说道: Old World destroys is because the promotion chaotic disorder of awakening, like the Brownian movement, this causes the entropy to increase unceasingly, eventually achieves the critical point, erupted chaotic symbol not to have worry. “旧世界毁灭就是因为觉醒者的晋升混乱无序,如同布朗运动,这导致熵不断增加,最终达到临界点,爆发了混乱的象征‘无心病’。 „After Old World destroys, holds the years to learn from a painful experience, builds ‚the group star hall and ‚the sea of origin and mind corridor and ‚the new world, will awaken to be integrated into the management, gives it the order.” “旧世界毁灭后,执岁们痛定思痛,搭建‘群星大厅’、‘起源之海’、‘心灵走廊’和‘新的世界’,将觉醒纳入了管理,赋予它秩序。” This brain hole, but also good...... you read any entertainment material recently! Jiang Baimian looked at next two piece of vacant Long Yuehong and Bai Chen, clears throat saying: 这脑洞,还挺不错的……你最近都看了些什么娱乐资料啊!蒋白棉瞄了下两眼一片茫然的龙悦红白晨,清了清喉咙道: Necessity that „ this phenomenon back reason has not discussed temporarily, now what we need to confirm: “这个现象背后的原因暂时没有讨论的必要,我们现在需要确认的是: Montis does not know that has price matter, is when he awakens did not have ‚the group star hall, because he went to iron mountain, has been to the second food company, received some type blessing, goes round ‚the group star hall, completed awakening, is equal to the smuggling?” “蒙蒂斯不知道有代价这回事,是因为他觉醒时还没有‘群星大厅’,还是由于他去过铁山市,到过第二食品公司,受到了某种‘祝福’,以至于绕开‘群星大厅’,完成了觉醒,等同于偷渡?” Long Yuehong is unable to judge that which possibility is right, has to say with the real diagnosis spirit: 龙悦红无从判断哪个可能是对的,只好以实证的精神说道: We flip here books again, looked that Montis also has to leave behind what few words, if not, the answer of issue perhaps in iron mountain ruins.” “我们再翻翻这里的书籍,看蒙蒂斯还有留下什么只言片语,如果没有,问题的答案也许在铁山市废墟。” Un......” Jiang Baimian nods slowly, we discover to come to see the related books, this includes the religion, occult sciences, the supernatural force research, the world unsolved mystery and corresponding domain......” “嗯……”蒋白棉缓慢颔首,“我们把相关的书籍都找出来看一下,这包括宗教、神秘学、超自然力量研究、世界未解之谜、相应领域的……” This is a big project, saw with own eyes that at noon soon approaches, old accent group 1/10 have not completed continually. 这是一个不小的工程,眼见中午快要来临,“旧调小组”连十分之一都没有完成。 , cannot maltreat itself.” Jiang Baimian stretches oneself, saw the fish person to come back, puts out a commodity, please more than ten 20 ark residents help make preliminary screening. They do not need to know the word, picked up the books of postil and note on the line.” “呼,不能这么虐待自己。”蒋白棉伸了个懒腰,“等见过鱼人回来,拿出点物资,请十几二十个方舟居民来帮忙做初步的筛选。他们不用认识单词,挑出有批注、笔记的书籍就行了。” ...... Long Yuehong bore words that wells up to the mouth. 啊……龙悦红忍住了涌到嘴边的话语。 How didn't you say early?” A Shang Jianyao face grievance, otherwise now the duty completes half at least.” “你怎么不早说?”商见曜一脸“委屈”,“要不然现在任务起码完成一半了。” Jiang Baimian hollow laugh two: 蒋白棉干笑了两声: I underestimated the difficulty.” “我低估了难度。” Cannot say extremely anxiously, the brain discovers next has Montis postil the books, forgot also to ask the person to help this? 总不能说太过急切,满脑子都是找出下一本有蒙蒂斯“批注”的书籍,忘了还能请人帮忙这茬吧? Shang Jianyao simply has not cared about the explanation of Jiang Baimian, after he mood will have thrown into the brain, touched the belly saying: 商见曜根本没在意蒋白棉的解释,他早就将刚才的情绪抛到了脑后,摸了摸肚子道: What at noon eats?” “中午吃什么?” ............ ………… 2 : 00 pm, old accent group following underground ark the smuggling team of organization arrived got angry near the lakeshore. 下午 2 点,“旧调小组”跟着“地下方舟”组织的走私队伍来到了怒湖岸边。 Here has one far away from red stone Ji, abandoned wharf situated in remote region. 这里有一个远离红石集,位于偏僻地带的废弃码头。 It had looked for the person to fix by the ark administration committee, is used for the ships that anchors oneself to get so far as. 它已被方舟管理委员会找人修好,用来停泊自身弄到的船只。 After thinking of the box of canned food and medicine moves a small-scale freighter, Border who directs this action hurries to invite Jiang Baimian and the others to come up. 将装着罐头、药物的箱子搬上一条小型货船后,指挥这次行动的博德赶紧邀请蒋白棉等人上去。 In sound that the steam turbine rotates, spreads the brown small-scale freighter to swing waves, drives toward the angry lake deep place. 汽轮机转动的声音里,涂成棕色的小型货船荡开一圈圈水波,往怒湖深处驶去。 Seven turn eight to circle, the ships arrived in center of the lake bleak islands. 七拐八绕中,船只抵达了湖心一个荒凉的岛屿。 This islands are not big, cannot compare with the center of the lake island of Yan tiger deep sleep, it all around can look at the end, with reflecting the lake water interlocking of sunlight. 这岛屿并不大,远不能与阎虎沉睡的湖心岛比,它前后左右都能一眼望到尽头,与映着阳光的湖水相接。 We go to the island superior.” The face had freckle Border to refer to front this grotesquely-shaped jagged rocks islands. “我们去岛上等。”脸有雀斑的博德指了指面前这座怪石嶙峋的岛屿。 Does not wait for Long Yuehong and the others to ask, he explained several simply: 不等龙悦红等人开口询问,他简单解释了几句: We must guard against the fish person to get angry. “我们得提防鱼人翻脸。 In the lake, in the water, we is completely not their opponents, they are not willing to leave the angry lake, comes to trade with us to the ashore, therefore can only choose the place that such islands make to meet, in your grey patois is, is the compromise law. “在湖上,在水里,我们完全不是他们的对手,他们又不肯离开怒湖,到岸上来和我们交易,所以只能选这么一座岛屿做碰面的地点,用你们灰土语来说就是,就是折中之法。 This islands, although is not too big, but can construct the fortification, resists the attack from ship, once the fish person really has the evil intention, we perseveres, while wire request assistance. “这岛屿虽然不是太大,但可以构建工事,抵挡来自船上的攻击,一旦鱼人真的带着恶意,我们就一边坚守,一边拍电报请求支援。 When the time comes, before over six months unmanned aerial vehicle coordination awakening who gets so far as, should be able to snatch us.” “到时候,用半年多前弄到的无人机配合觉醒者,应该能把我们抢出去。” The good, initial ordinary guard works now in good order...... a Jiang Baimian dark to praise voice, this topic is asking: 不错,当初的普通守卫现在做事都井井有条了……蒋白棉暗赞一声,就着这个话题问道: That several awakening attitudes how?” “那几个觉醒者态度怎么样?” She refers to these awakening who Timarco raises. 她指的是迪马尔科豢养的那些觉醒者。 Two are very positive, now had been absorbed the administration committee. This does not have the matter of means that their abilities are very to us useful.” Border replied truthfully, remaining is not willing to take on the management duty, but we also gave very high treatment.” “有两个很积极,现在已经被吸收进管理委员会。这是没有办法的事情,他们的能力对我们来说很有用。”博德如实回答,“剩下的不愿意承担管理职责,但我们也给了很高的待遇。” If truly, the administration committee does not have the sufficient strength, sooner or later was overthrown...... Jiang Baimian to keep Nava to be the interim association president in underground ark initially, has the idea of deterring these awakening, she thinks that cannot completely rely on the vigilant church. 确实,如果管理委员会没有足够的实力,迟早被人推翻……蒋白棉当初留格纳瓦在“地下方舟”做临时会长,也是有震慑那些觉醒者的想法,她认为不能完全依赖警惕教堂。 At this time, Shang Jianyao wait/etc. bored, the waist abdomen made an effort, plays the standing broad jump. 这个时候,商见曜等得无聊,腰腹用力,玩起了立定跳远。 He jumped in the island from the freighter edge directly, has not walked to build the good deck. 他直接从货船边缘跳到了岛上,没走搭好的船板。 Border and the others looked is the forehead jumps. 博德等人看的都是额头一跳。 Is this monster? 这是怪物吗? Jiang Baimian sees that no longer delays, the half step jumps to the deck, stepped onto the islands. 蒋白棉见状,不再耽搁,小步跳至船板,走上了岛屿。 Long Yuehong and Bai Chen follow. 龙悦红白晨紧随其后。 Also passed the similar quarter of an hour, fish people are controlling a wooden pleasure boat, arrived in the transaction place. 又过了差不多一刻钟,鱼人们驾驭着一条木制的游船,抵达了交易地点。 They actually have to be collector of various ships that in the angry lake scatter, and ancestor handed down from generation to generation the corresponding service technic, but concerned about not having gasoline, steel, battery and other resources, many ships simply do not have the means to fix either, either fixed did not open. 他们其实有收罗到怒湖内散落的各种船只,且祖上传下来了相应的修理技术,但碍于没有汽油、钢铁、电池等资源,很多船要么根本没办法修好,要么修好了开不了。 Comparatively speaking, the ancient wooden boat is more suitable they. 相比较而言,古老的木船更适合他们。 Looks that are the gray-black, is exuding the weak ray face, looks they protrude is in vain black under few eyes and ears to the gill of neck place, Long Yuehong on a dizziness, felt oneself had the face blind sickness. 看着那一张张呈灰黑色,泛着微弱光芒的脸孔,看着他们凸出的白多黑少眼睛和耳朵下方至脖子处的鳃,龙悦红就一阵头晕,感觉自己得了脸盲症。 At once, he can only remember these fish people by the height degree of stoutness. 一时之间,他只能靠高矮胖瘦来记忆那些鱼人。 Was that big fish person vision of head swept, suddenly latter jumped two steps, fell the shore, from lake water even more near. 为首的那位高大鱼人目光扫了一圈,突然后跳两步,落到岸边,距离湖水愈发得近。 When other fish people are in a tumult, he lifts to cover the palm of dark gray scale, is pointing at Jiang Baimian and the others, said in the Red River language: 其余鱼人骚动之际,他抬起覆盖灰黑鳞片的手掌,指着蒋白棉等人,用红河语道: Who are they? “他们是谁? Before were so many a transaction not to have them!” “之前那么多次交易都没有他们!” In order to eliminate fish people the heart of alert, the smuggling team of ark administration committee organization as far as possible is each time consistent, if who truly could not participate at that time, they rather are few person. 为了打消鱼人们的戒备之心,方舟管理委员会组织的走私队伍每次都尽量一致,如果谁当时确实参加不了,他们宁愿少一个人。 Hou, this group of fish people were compelled to believe quiet paternal aunt by the life quickly, was vigilant that the certain extent...... Jiang Baimian side looked to Bodo, hints him to process. 嚯,这帮鱼人被生活逼得都快信仰“幽姑”了,警惕到了一定程度……蒋白棉侧头看向博德,示意他来处理。 Does not wait for Border to open the mouth to explain, Shang Jianyao smiled: 不等博德开口解释,商见曜笑了起来: We are the honorary chairmen of ark administration committee, is secret boss who smuggles the business. “我们是方舟管理委员会的名誉会长,是走私生意的幕后老板。 Relax, if really must cope with you, has been able to begin, why to wait till the present?” “放心,如果真要对付你们,早就可以动手,何必等到现在?” This is not the too convincing words, even/including Bode and the others feel full of loopholes. 这不是太有说服力的话语,连博德等人都觉得漏洞百出。 They think that fish people definitely do not believe that is busy at keeping off Shang Jianyao in behind, tries to reduce and solve the vigilance of fish person with the excuse that President Ulrich prepares. 他们认为鱼人们肯定不会相信,忙将商见曜挡在后面,试图用乌尔里希会长准备的说辞化解鱼人的警惕。 Border and the others clear Jiang Baimian they are fierce, block Shang Jianyao is not afraid the fish person to get angry, to solve the conflicts, does not have the conflict, so as to avoid cannot achieve the scheduled goal. 博德等人清楚蒋白棉他们非常厉害,挡住商见曜不是害怕鱼人翻脸,为的是化解矛盾,不产生冲突,免得达不成预定的目的。 But at this time, was the fish person of head actually walked on own initiative, looks at Shang Jianyao, nods saying: 可这时,为首的鱼人却主动走了回来,看着商见曜,点了点头道: You said right.” “你说得对。” Although other fish people have not spoken, but supported the leader with the action. 其他鱼人虽然没说话,但用行动支持了首领。 When Border and the others surprise, Jiang Baimian opens the mouth to say looking pensive: 博德等人诧异之余,蒋白棉若有所思地开口道: „Our times, want to trade an information with the commodity.” “我们这次来,是想用物资换一个情报。” What information?” Is the first fish person full is the doubts. “什么情报?”为首鱼人满是疑惑。 Jiang Baimian sincere said: 蒋白棉正色说道: In your clan and tribe, first group of these people who reach the center of the lake island how long waited for the god to cause at that time, where waits?” “你们部族里,第一批登上湖心岛的那些人当时等了神使多久,在哪里等的?” Was the first fish person eyes protrudes seemed to be fiercer, took off/escaped the tastes startled: 为首鱼人眼睛凸出得似乎更加厉害了,愕然脱口道: You asked that what this does make?” “你问这个做什么?” In the Jiang Baimian heart moved, changes the issue, the anxious sound inquired: 蒋白棉心中一动,改变了问题,急声询问道: They now how?” “他们现在怎么样了?” Was the first fish person silent several seconds, with being full of frightened tone: 为首鱼人沉默了几秒,用充满恐惧的口吻道: They, they, must not have worry.” “他们,他们,都得了‘无心病’。”
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