Possiblysoto be how skillful, before is...... . Moreover, had not heardallanatomic models that each other...... Nava who the great rivercityperson with outstanding abilityjunior middle schoolgraduatesbuildstoldhim, at presentthissceneissueis enormous, did not conform to the logic.
怎么可能那么巧,都是大江市英才初中毕业的……而且之前都没听说过彼此……格纳瓦建立的所有分析模型都告诉他,眼前这一幕场景问题极大,根本不符合逻辑。Onestring data whenhisnucleus moduleinterwine, calculatesvariousresultsunceasingly, actsDuShaochongShang Jianyao, to actslowQiao'sJiang Baimianandis„dreamland”Deng with transfer the headslowly, looksto the place that Navastood.
一串串数据在他核心模块内交织在一起,不断计算出各种结果时,扮演着杜少冲的商见曜、扮演着徐乔的蒋白棉和属于“梦境”的邓同缓慢转过脑袋,望向了格纳瓦站立的地方。According to the originalrule, theycannot seeNavathisintelligent robot, is unable to make the directinteractionwithhim, butnow, theirlines of sightas ifcentralizedinthatshould a region of blank.
The red light that inNavaeyesglittershad such a second of solidification.
…………Beside the stagecity'sfirsthigh schoolfront door, Bai ChenandLong Yuehongdefendbefore the jeep, before waiting for the team leadertheyare confirming, thatplanis whether effective, comes outfrominside.
台城第一高级中学大门之外,白晨和龙悦红守在吉普车前,等待着组长他们验证完之前那个方案是否有效,从里面出来。Suddenly, Long Yuehongfelt the raydimly a point.
突然,龙悦红感觉光线黯淡了一点。Helifts the headsubconsciously, looksto the sky, discovered that ten thousandli (0.5 km)bluewere occupiedbydark clouds, will have the windto get up.
他下意识抬起脑袋,望向天空,发现万里淡蓝被一朵朵乌云占据,有风将起。„Mustrain......”Long Yuehongto talk to oneself that said.
“要下雨了啊……”龙悦红自语般说道。Bai Chenfollowedto look at a weather:白晨跟着望了眼天色:„Yes.”
“是啊。”Alsoissuchtwowordstimes, Sunwas blockedby the dark cloud, the timeas ifarrived at the evening.
也就是这么两句话的工夫,太阳被乌云遮住,时间仿佛来到了傍晚。Long YuehongandBai Chenjustwantto exchange the weather change is so toweringhave problems, at presentsuddenlyhasanotherlightto shine.龙悦红和白晨正想交流一下天气变化这么突兀是不是出了什么问题,眼前忽然有一盏又一盏灯光亮起。
The weedgrows thicklyto abandonin for a long timestagecity'sfirsthigh school, no matter the classroom building, is an office building, ignited another daylight lamp.
荒草丛生废弃已久的台城第一高级中学内,不管是教学楼,还是办公楼,都燃起了一盏又一盏日光灯。At once, therebrilliantly illuminated, reflectsjust like the galaxy.
一时之间,那里灯火通明,宛如星河倒映。Butthishas not coveredto plantandserve as contrast the bleakweeds that in the wallslitsgrowsgreen.
而这并没有掩盖墙壁缝隙间长出的绿植和衬托出荒凉的野草。„This......” the Long Yuehongfirstresponseis the stagecity'sfirsthigh schoolfromOld World, from„dreamland”, passed through the reality!
The finishing classsoundreverberationintwo peopleearbanks, famousstudentsandteachersneverwent downwith the building, converges the square.
下课声回荡在了两人耳畔,一名名学生、一位位老师从不同楼宇中走下,汇入广场。Theyorride the bicycle, or the choicewalks, gushes out the electricfolding gate that opens, goesto the stagecitydifferentplaces.
他们或骑自行车,或选择步行,涌出打开的电动伸缩门,向台城不同地方而去。„Lived, reallylived......”Long Yuehongto steponesteptoward the slantingfront, kept offbefore the Bai Chenbody.
“活过来了,真的活过来了……”龙悦红往斜前方跨了一步,挡在白晨身前。At this time, some studentspassed throughfromthem, tore-equipping, fullwas the jeep of travel fatigue, towearing the greyish-greencamouflageuniform/subdue, is conducting the armtwo people of firearms, threwby the curiousvisionin abundance.
这时,有部分学生从他们旁边经过,对改装过的、满是风尘的吉普,对穿着灰绿色迷彩制服、挎着枪械的两人,纷纷投以好奇的目光。TheycanseeBai Chen, Long Yuehongandthatjeep, theirvisionis limpid, the line of sightis nimble and resourceful, whichdramatic teamwhispering the discussionis beingis photographing.
他们能看到白晨、龙悦红和那辆吉普,他们目光清澈,视线灵动,交头接耳着讨论是哪个剧组在拍摄。Bicyclesrush to the distant placealong the nearbystreet.
叮铃铃,一辆辆自行车沿附近街道奔向远方。Bai Chenpurses the lipsclose to, the expressionsaiddignifiedly:白晨抿了抿嘴巴,表情凝重地说道:
„ Falsereallynot......
“假的真不了……„Can webe coveredby the dreamland?”
“我们会不会又被梦境笼罩了?”Sheremembersvaguely before , when falls into„villagelives”dreamland , is almost similarscene, butshe can also clearly the cognitiontooneselfbeBai Chennow, is„the Pangulifeform” one of the Old Worlddestructionreasoninvestigation group.
她依稀记得之前陷入“庄生”梦境时,也差不多是类似的场景,只不过她现在还能清楚地认知到自己是白晨,是“盘古生物”旧世界毁灭原因调查小组的一员。„Not, weoutsideschool.”Long Yuehongfeltowntwo peopleare located in the safety belt.
“不会吧,我们在学校外面啊。”龙悦红觉得自己两人是位于安全地带的。Bai Chenlooked all around, seesthesestudentbacks that leavesfrom the schoolgraduallyto vanishin the pathend, considerswas saying:白晨环顾了一圈,见从学校离开的那些学生背影逐渐消失在了道路尽头,斟酌着说道:
„ Perhaps, dreamlandoutward diffusion.
“也许,梦境往外扩散了。„The team leadertheirexperiments of made the dreamlandhavecertainchange.”
“组长他们的实验让梦境产生了一定的变化。”Long Yuehongjustwants saying that possiblyis only the strengthhas the overflowslightly, the visiononestraightens.龙悦红正想说可能只是力量稍有外溢,目光一下发直。
The construction that heseesin the stagecity'sfirsthigh schoolto grow thickly the weed that abandons, was living it up, the vividandlivelyfinishing classscenelittlesubstitution, graduallydid not have the trace.
他看见台城第一高级中学内丛生的荒草、废弃的建筑,正被热闹、生动、活泼的下课场景一点点替代,逐渐没有了痕迹。Thisis the performance of dreamlandrealityin„swallowing”.
这是梦境在“吞噬”现实的表现。„Does not know that will proliferatetowhatdegree......”Long Yuehongwhispersseriously.
“也不知道会扩散到什么程度……”龙悦红郑重低语。Hisleaninghead, saidtoBai Chenfiercely:
The region that „ wefirstremoveoutward, after being separated fromdreamlandproliferation, cover, Ifeared that herewill waitfor a long timeto playsomeroleagain, suchtroubled.
“我们先往外撤,脱离梦境扩散后笼罩的区域,我怕在这里待久了又会再次扮演起某个角色,那样就麻烦了。„Team leaderandfeedsthemnot to needto worry,has the oldstandard, hewill not be affectedby the dreamland.”
“组长和喂他们不用担心,有老格在,他不会被梦境影响。”Bai Chenshakes the headslowly:白晨缓慢摇了摇头:
„ Hassuchchange, Ifeared that the oldstandardalsoloses, did not deal with.
„ Youstillremember how initiallysouthern Talrobotguard has an accidentin the mountain?
“他们同样会被某些幻觉能力影响。”Bai Chenonealsosaid:白晨顿了一下又道:
„ Has not lostwhileus, whichrolebut alsowithoutplaying, Ithought that shouldmake the best use of the time, feeds the team leaderwith the oldstandardbelt/bringcomes out, awakensthem.
“趁我们还没有迷失,还没有扮演起哪个角色,我觉得应该抓紧时间,把组长、喂和老格带出来,唤醒他们。„The matter cannot be delayed, nowgoes!”
“事不宜迟,现在就去!”Sheabsolutelydoes not havenowon the plan of retreating, does not seem to think that anythingattemptsnot to dohas given up the companion.
她完全没有现在就撤退的打算,似乎不想什么尝试都没做过就放弃同伴。Long Yuehonghesitantevil ways:龙悦红犹豫了一下道:„Butweare not clearnowthrough the front door, after entering the school, canloseimmediately.”
“但我们不清楚现在通过大门,进入学校后,会不会立刻迷失。”Does not wait forBai Chento respond, hehas transferred the body, sinceresay/way:
不等白晨回应,他转过身体,正色道:„Itryto walktowardinside, youobservehere, ifIdisappearto disappear, ordisplays not normally, explained that thisplanis not feasible, youare drivingimmediately, to the beginning a performancecity, requested the rescueto the company.”
“我试着往里面走,你在这里观察,如果我消失不见了,或者表现得不正常,就说明这个方案不可行,你立刻开着车,离开台城,向公司请求救援。”Bai Chenlooks at the eye of Long Yuehong, silentseveralseconds of say/way:白晨看着龙悦红的眼睛,默然了几秒道:„Good.”
“好。”Shehas not triedto persuade, as ifread out the unshakeablefirmnessfromopposite partyvision.
她没有试图劝说,似乎从对方目光里读出了不可动摇的坚定。Long Yuehonghas not delayed the timeagain, is conducting the arm„crazysoldier”assault rifle, preparesto move toward the front door of stagecity'sfirsthigh school.龙悦红未再耽搁时间,挎着“狂战士”突击步枪,准备走向台城第一高级中学的大门。Suddenly, Bai Chenstopped by callinghim:
„ Keepshere the spear/gun.
“把枪留在这里。„Also, goes , try not to be discoveredby the gate guard, before oldstandard, has said that hesuspects and person in dreamlandhad the certain extentsurpasses the normalflowinteraction, will trigger very fearfulchange.”
“还有,进去的时候,尽量不要被门卫发现,老格之前说过,他怀疑和梦境里的人有了一定程度的超出正常流程的交互,会引发非常可怕的变化。”Leaves behind behind the spear/gunbases onthisreasonsimilarly, otherwise a fully-armedpersontriesto go into the high school, even if the gate guardhad not seen, the studentswill not turn a blind eye.
把枪留下同样是基于后面这个理由,要不然一个全副武装的人试图闯入高中,就算门卫没有看到,学生们也不会视若无睹。Long Yuehongnods, put away„crazysoldier”assault rifle, andhoists the clothing, blocked fromall sorts ofgoods of armedtaking.龙悦红点了点头,放好了“狂战士”突击步枪,并扯起衣物,遮住了武装带上的种种物品。Quick, heis going against the tide of people of being on vacation from school, with the aid of the form of coming and going, has hidden the truth from the gate guard, entered the stagecity'sfirsthigh school.
很快,他逆着放学的人潮,借助来来往往的身影,瞒过门卫,进了台城第一高级中学内部。Alsoled the way, discoveredoneself can also ponder, but alsoknows after itisLong Yuehong, hesighed„dreamlandrulereallyto havecertainchange”secretly, whilehas transferred the body, wavestoBai Chen.
又前行了一阵,发现自己还能思考,还知道本身是龙悦红后,他一边暗叹“梦境规则果然发生了一定的变化”,一边转过身体,对白晨挥了挥手。At this time, the entrancestudentare not many, Bai Chenhasto circleside, circumventsto enteradeptly.
此时,门口的学生已经不多,白晨只好绕到侧面,娴熟地翻墙而入。Two peoplemeetin a shadow of classroom buildingflank, discussed where receivesround triplooks forJiang Baimianand the others.
The answeris obvious:
答案非常明显:Directlyrooftop of thatclassroom building!
正面那栋教学楼的天台!ThatisscheduledslowQiaoto the place that DuShaochonginquired!
那是预定的徐乔向杜少冲提问的地方!Bai ChenandLong Yuehongwere clear that must race against time, becausetheydo not knowwhenoneselfwill losein the dreamland, losessaves the ability that the teammateandself-saves.白晨和龙悦红都清楚现在必须争分夺秒,因为他们不知道自己什么时候会迷失于梦境,失去拯救队友和自我拯救的能力。Two peopledisguise the guardian who looks for the child, remains not manycorridors, corridorsandstaircasealong the student, is approachingdirectlyrooftop of thatclassroom buildingstep by step.
两人假装起来找孩子的家长,沿着学生所剩不多的走廊、过道、楼梯,一步步靠近着正面那栋教学楼的天台。On the way, theyran intostudents in manydreamland, rejoiced that sizes upinthemcuriously, has not gone forwardto interrogate.
途中,他们遇到了多名梦境里的学生,庆幸于他们只是好奇打量,没有上前盘问。HoweverLong YuehongandBai Chenare unable to affirm that theseschoolmatesunderand otherscancoming across the matter of person of outlandish clothesinform the teacher, can only quicken pace, has covered updirectly soars the destination.
不过龙悦红和白晨无法肯定这些同学等下会不会把遇到奇装异服之人的事情告知老师,只能加快步伐,有所遮掩地直奔目的地。Finally, theywere waiting for twominutes, after severalstudentsgo downstairs, found the opportunityto enter the staircasetorooftop.
终于,他们在等待了两分钟,等到几名学生下楼之后,找到机会进入了通往天台的楼梯。Rubs, theyran.
蹭蹭蹭,他们跑了起来。Duringseveralbreath, theysaw the ajariron gate.
几个呼吸间,他们看到了半开的铁门。Onrooftop, Bai ChenandLong Yuehongcarefully examinedall aroundfast.
上了天台,白晨和龙悦红飞快审视起四周。Buttheirnaked eyeinstitutesandinrange, nobody left.
可他们肉眼所及的范围内,空无一人。No matterslowQiao, DuShaochong, isNava, nothere!
不管是徐乔、杜少冲,还是格纳瓦,都没在这里!„Weshouldnot have the timeto search the entireschool.”Long Yuehongtakes back the line of sight, calmopens the mouth.
“我们应该没时间把整个学校搜索一遍。”龙悦红收回视线,冷静开口。Hismeaningis, sincecould not findShang Jianyao, Jiang BaimianandNavainrooftop, that can only evacuatetemporarily, laterhas the meansagain.
他意思是,既然在天台上找不到商见曜、蒋白棉和格纳瓦,那只能暂时撤离,之后有办法再来。Bai Chensilentseveralseconds of say/way:白晨沉默了几秒道:
„ Good.
“好。„Before then, firstsearcheshereeachcorner.”
“在此之前,先把这里每个角落都搜查一遍。”Hererefers torooftop.
这里指的是天台。„Un.”Long Yuehonghad not opposed.
“嗯。”龙悦红没有反对。Two peoplemutuallyare the dependences, preparesto bypassinrooftopseveralobstacles, observes the beforehandline of sightto keep off, cannot see the further information the place.
两人互为依靠,准备绕过天台上几处障碍物,观察之前视线被挡,看不见详细情况的地方。Bai ChenandLong Yuehongjustbypassedare installingdownward the cementbulge of iron gate, arrives atanother side ofrooftop, at presentsimultaneouslyonebright.白晨和龙悦红刚绕过安装着往下铁门的水泥凸起,来到天台另外一侧,眼前同时一亮。Theysawsilverblackintelligent machinepersonalityNava!
他们看到了银黑色的智能机器人格纳瓦!Navais spinning there same place, in the eye the red lighttwinkleis unceasing, actuallydoes not have anysoundsends out.
格纳瓦正在那里原地打转,眼中红光闪烁不断,却没有任何声音发出。„Oldstandard!”Long Yuehongprobedwas shoutingone.
“老格!”龙悦红试探着喊了一声。Navastopped, lookstothem.
After the red lightglittered, Navalooks all aroundall around.
红光闪烁了一阵后,格纳瓦环顾起四周。„What's wrong?”Bai Chenaskedvigilantly.
“怎么了?”白晨警惕问道。Navalhohadin the synthesisfeelingvoiceto showconfusedly:
„ Iwalkedwas so long, originallyhad not lefthere......
“我走了那么久,原来一直没离开这里……„Howyoucame, hasn't lost?”
“你们怎么进来了,没有迷失?”Bai Chenrepliedbriefly and to the point:白晨言简意赅地回答道:
„ Dreamlandhad the mutation, wecome to look foryou.
“梦境发生了异变,我们进来找你们。„Does team leaderandfeed?”
“组长和喂呢?”InNavaeyes the red lightglitteredeven morefiercely, as ifmetsomeBUG, fell into the invalidcomputation.
格纳瓦眼中红光闪烁得愈发厉害,似乎遇到了某个BUG,陷入了无效计算。Severalsecondspass by, hesent out the low and deepvoicefinally:
„ Theyleft.
“他们自己离开了。„Wheredid not know......”
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