ELN :: Volume #4

#94: luminary type exchange

Dukasz in? That can spill the relations actually.” Jiang Baimian looks at Shang Jianyao one that boarded, relaxes slightly. “杜卡斯在啊?那倒是能拉拉关系。”蒋白棉看了重新上车的商见曜一眼,略微松了口气。 Has in the situation of acquaintance, anything is easy to do. 有熟人的情况下,什么事情都好办。 Although Dukasz this muscle male seems like not good to speak, not too near favor, but oneself has Shang Jianyao. 虽然杜卡斯这个肌肉男看起来不是那么好说话,不太近人情,但自己这边可是有商见曜的。 If the situation is inappropriate, with does not infer clown conveniently, that stirs up Dukasz, comes to pull the wrist/skill gambling house again one time. 如果情况不合适,不方便用“推理小丑”,那就激一下杜卡斯,再来一次扳手腕赌局。 Thinks of here, Jiang Baimian has not found the opportunity to make the vehicles turn around , to continue to follow behind the front vehicle, slowly moves to the set point. 想到这里,蒋白棉没有找机会让车辆掉头,继续跟在前车后面,慢慢地挪向检查点。 Saw with own eyes that stopped up the armored vehicle of path to be close, is responsible for the soldiers who inspected encircling, Jiang Baimian signals with the eyes to Shang Jianyao. 眼见堵住道路的装甲车已近在咫尺,负责检查的士兵们围了上来,蒋白棉商见曜使了个眼色。 Shang Jianyao presses down the glass immediately, finds out the head, Dukasz to supervision set point wielded the hand with a face all smiles. 商见曜当即按下车窗,探出脑袋,笑容满面地向监督检查点的杜卡斯挥起了手。 He wears the black wig now, has not made other camouflage, did not fear that Dukasz cannot recognize. 他现在戴着黑色的假发,没做别的伪装,不怕杜卡斯认不出来。 Dukasz saw that say/way the familiar form that made an effort to wave, the eyelid to jump, the subconscious side crossed the head, wants to pretend that had not discovered. 杜卡斯看见了那道用力挥手的熟悉身影,眼皮微跳,下意识侧过了脑袋,想假装没有发现。 Shang Jianyao how possible such as he to hope, waves, while has shouted loudly: 商见曜怎么可能如他所愿,一边挥手,一边已高喊起来: Dukasz! “杜卡斯! Dukasz!” “杜卡斯!” Are we very ripe? Dukasz forehead blood vessel moves, the body becomes a little stiff. 我们很熟吗?杜卡斯额头血管一动,身体变得有点僵硬。 He hesitates is being takes advantage of opportunity to respond, pretends not to hear. 他犹豫着是顺势做出回应,还是装作没有听到。 Another side, tries to inspect old accent group the soldiers of two car(riage)s to hear the opposite party to shout that the name of senior official, does not know for a while should enter or draw back. 另外一边,试图检查“旧调小组”两辆车的士兵们听见对方喊出了长官的名字,一时不知该进还是退。 The scene becomes strange, Shang Jianyao has the action to open the vehicle door, went straight to Dukasz. 场面变得古怪间,商见曜非常有行动力地推开车门,直直走向了杜卡斯。 The soldiers have leaned the body, looks at the senior official, waits for his instruction. 士兵们侧过了身体,将目光投向长官,等待他的吩咐。 Dukasz opens mouth, finally anything had not said, is only the expression is not so attractive. 杜卡斯张了张嘴,最终什么都没有说,只是表情不那么好看。 Shang Jianyao passes through from the soldiers with ease, passes through the set point, arrives by that armored command vehicle that Dukasz rode. 商见曜轻松就从士兵间走过,穿越检查点,来到了杜卡斯坐的那辆装甲指挥车旁。 For a long time does not see.” He completely disregarded Dukasz's complexion, the smile sunlight said the hello. “好久不见。”他完全无视了杜卡斯的脸色,笑容阳光地打起招呼。 Dukasz inspires, puts out slowly: 杜卡斯吸了口气,又缓慢吐出: Also shortly.” “也没多久。” Jiang Baimian of their interactive looking farther ahead place wants to smile. 他们两人的互动看得远处的蒋白棉想笑。 The reserved, silent and callous type person bumps into Shang Jianyao really to have bitter being able to say. 内敛、沉默、冷酷类型的人碰到商见曜真的是有苦说不出。 If powerful, can hit one Shang Jianyao fortunately, what most fears, both sides are in the same level line, or weak in Shang Jianyao. 如果实力强大,能把商见曜打一顿还好,最怕的是,双方处在同一水平线上,或者弱于商见曜 Whom is this is looking for?” Shang Jianyao asked the issue originally ripe. “这是在找谁啊?”商见曜自来熟地提出了问题。 Dukasz looked at his one eyes, restored the original callousness: 杜卡斯看了他一眼,恢复了原本的冷酷: You do not need to know.” “你不需要知道。” Shang Jianyao lifted the hand to touch own chin, simulated the Jiang Baimian tone: 商见曜抬手摸住了自己的下巴,模拟起蒋白棉的口吻: I had inquired a moment ago, what in looking was the partner of former abattoir assassination case murderer, made the citizen to assemble that person of explosion.” “我刚才已经打听过了,在找的是之前角斗场刺杀案凶手的同伙,也是制造了公民集会爆炸案的那个人。” Dukasz shows neither approval nor disapproval. 杜卡斯不置可否。 Shang Jianyao continues saying: 商见曜继续说道: I heard the murderer who abattoir assassination case is ‚the shadow of distortion follower, but Its follower widely distributes in the army.” “我听说角斗场刺杀案的凶手是‘扭曲之影’的信徒,而祂的信徒广泛分布于军队中。” Dukasz eyelid lifted fiercely, seeing on the Shang Jianyao face to hang up some smile. 杜卡斯眼皮猛地抬了一下,看见商见曜脸上挂起了些许笑容。 Initial city in the army also has ‚the shadow of distortion follower, and many? The abattoir assassinated the case to deepen Upper House certain people's suspicions to the military certain factions, can you derive a card pureness?” The Shang Jianyao smile asked two issues. “‘最初城’的军队里也有‘扭曲之影’的信徒吧,而且还不少?角斗场刺杀案加深了元老院某些人对军方某些派系的猜忌,你们必须得自证一下清白?”商见曜微笑提出了两个问题。 Dukasz has not replied, then asked: 杜卡斯没做回答,转而问道: „Do you want to go out of town?” “你们要出城?” Shang Jianyao empty boasting displays I understood the facial expression, hehe said with a smile: 商见曜浮夸地表现出了“我懂”的神情,呵呵笑道: We met went to the north bank hills to stress white wolf that duty. “我们接了去北岸群山抓白狼那个任务。 You should be very clear, entered the spent clay, must look for a safeguard to oneself, we have some lane heavy weapons, not too convenient inspection.” “你应该很清楚,进了废土,总得给自己找点保障,我们有弄一些重武器,不太方便过检查。” He spoke clearly the words, everyone is the appearance of good friend. 他把话说得明明白白,一副大家是好朋友的模样。 This looks at Gade of not far away to be dumbfounded, does not have to think own this brothers make friends unexpectedly broadly. 这看得不远处的贾迪一愣一愣,没想到自己这个兄弟竟然这么交游广阔。 Dukasz slanting Shang Jianyao: 杜卡斯斜了商见曜一眼: You unexpectedly from exploding the issue, did not fear that I do detain directly you?” “你居然自爆了问题,不怕我直接把你们扣下来?” Under this distance......” Shang Jianyao will look at the blank region between both sides intentionally. “这个距离下……”商见曜故意将目光投向了双方之间的空白区域。 Two people to are less than one meter. 两人相距不到一米。 What do you want to say?” Dukasz always opens to persuasion but not to coercion. “你想说什么?”杜卡斯从来吃软不吃硬。 Shang Jianyao smiled: 商见曜笑了: I meant, under this distance, I, if shouted loudly, surroundings many people can hear.” “我是说,这个距离下,我如果大声喊,周围很多人都能听到。” What shouted? Help?” Dukasz sneers to say. “喊什么?救命?”杜卡斯冷笑道。 Shang Jianyao smiles: 商见曜嘿嘿一笑: Shouted that Dukasz pulled the wrist/skill to lose to a woman.” “喊‘杜卡斯扳手腕输给了一个女人’。” „......” Dukasz had nothing to say in reply for a while unexpectedly. “……”杜卡斯一时竟无言以对。 Shang Jianyao further threat: 商见曜进一步“威胁”: I have the loudspeaker, has the small sound box, you think that this matter does spread over the entire initial city?” “我还有扩音器,有小音箱,你想这件事情传遍整个最初城吗?” Dukasz aspirates layer on layer/heavily: 杜卡斯重重地吐了口气: „ Are you also not grown? “你是不是还没有成年啊? I because this threat does let off you?” “我会因为这种威胁就放过你们?” That can compare to pull the wrist/skill again one time, you lost must put us to go out of town.” Shang Jianyao does not meet Dukasz's issue from the start, the thought jumps, put forward the new proposal. “那可以再比一次扳手腕,你输了就得放我们出城。”商见曜压根儿就不接杜卡斯的问题,思维一跳,提出了新的建议。 Dukasz recalled, the complexion suddenly becomes pale. 杜卡斯回想了一下,脸色突然变得铁青。 He discovered assurance that own present has not won! 他发现自己现在也没有赢的把握! Remembers that terrifying the strange strength, he thought that is not the degree that human can be. 一想起那恐怖的怪力,他就觉得那不是人类能够达到的程度。 You can also choose and me compare.” Shang Jianyao with teasing the tone is stimulating the opposite party. “你也可以选择和我比。”商见曜用调侃的口吻刺激着对方。 Dukasz silent several seconds, words saying: 杜卡斯沉默了几秒,自话自说道: Your this teams, go out of town compared with now staying in the city good. “你们这种队伍,现在出城比留在城里好。 But, must inspect, I come personally, relax, will not open your boxes, only looks to carry the fleeing criminal.” “不过,还是得检查一下,我亲自来,放心,不会开你们的箱子,只看有没有携带逃犯。” Shang Jianyao applauds to celebrate. 啪啪啪,商见曜鼓掌以贺。 This makes Dukasz a little regret instantaneously, does not want to acknowledge had spoken these words a moment ago. 这让杜卡斯瞬间有点后悔,不想承认刚才说过那些话。 Shang Jianyao changes the topic at once: 商见曜旋即岔开了话题: „Is that person who you must find the brown hair, the green eye, always blocks from the mouth with the scarf?” “你们要找的那个人是不是棕色头发,绿色眼睛,总是用围巾遮住嘴巴?” Dukasz selected, had not denied. 杜卡斯点了下头,没有否认。 This is not the secret, after the citizen assembles the explosion, the public security officers are finding this person everywhere. 这又不是什么秘密,公民集会爆炸案后,治安官们到处都在找这个人。 Characteristics that perhaps the scarf deliberately makes.” Shang Jianyao lifts the hand again, touches stays close to, „, even if around the mouth has the obvious trace, still has other means to cover up.” “也许围巾只是刻意弄出来的特征。”商见曜再次抬手,摸住下巴,“即使嘴巴周围有明显的痕迹,也有别的办法遮掩。” Dukasz has not responded, but showed expression looking pensive. 杜卡斯没有回应,只是露出了若有所思的表情。 Shang Jianyao said with a smile once again: 商见曜又一次笑道: Last issue. “最后一个问题。 Actually that group of fellows want to make what, what goal wants to achieve?” “那群家伙究竟想做什么,想达成什么目的?” Dukasz silent a say/way: 杜卡斯默然了一阵道: Held that person came from the Eastern regiment, is a retired military officer, the member who he wants to assassinate all conservative factions , to promote the new round expansion.” “被抓住的那个人来自东方军团,是一名退伍军官,他想暗杀所有保守派的成员,推动新一轮的扩张。” The army regimental commander of Eastern regiment transforms sends the leader, new promote senior statesman, general Gaius. 东方军团的军团长正是变革派首领,新晋元老,将军盖乌斯。 This......” Shang Jianyao always observes the commitment, said that did not ask had not asked again. “这样啊……”商见曜向来信守承诺,说不问就没有再问。 He and Dukasz returned to by the car(riage) together, accompanies him to open the vehicle door and trunk, inspects each to be able the place of hiding people. 他和杜卡斯一起回到了车旁,陪着他打开车门和后备箱,检查每一个可以藏人的地方。 Awakening can shield own consciousness, making the peer have no way to induce, only if both sides have the contact. 觉醒者可以屏蔽自己的意识,让同行没法感应到,除非双方已有接触。 The confirmation installs the box of military exoskeleton installment whether has the issue, Dukasz is following the promise, has not turned on the cover, but pulls out a light saber, inserts in it these slits of plank box, punctured several toward, mixed a while. 确认装军用外骨骼装置的箱子是否有问题时,杜卡斯遵循着诺言,没有打开盖子,只是抽出一把薄薄的军刀,将它插入板条箱的那些缝隙里,往内部刺了几下,搅动了一会儿。 Sees not to have the touch of hit human body, does not have the blood to flow out, Dukasz receives the saber, said to the soldiers: 见没有命中人体的触感,也没有鲜血流出,杜卡斯收起军刀,对士兵们道: These two car(riage)s do not have the issue.” “这两辆车没问题。” The soldiers open the checkpoint immediately, making old accent group one line of five people drive out of the bridge. 士兵们立刻打开关卡,让“旧调小组”一行五人驶出了大桥。 In this process, Shang Jianyao has to press down the glass, turns round to wave to Dukasz, thanks. 这个过程中,商见曜有按下车窗,回身对杜卡斯挥手,以示感谢。 Dukasz absolutely does not have the gratified mood. 杜卡斯完全没有欣慰的情绪。 This fellow's performance makes the surrounding person think that he practiced favoritism the harbor! 这家伙的表现让周围的人都以为他徇私包庇了! He is pale a face, has transferred the body, turned back the armored command vehicle. 他铁青着一张脸,转过身体,走回了装甲指挥车。 Old accent group on that jeep, Jiang Baimian hehe said with a smile: “旧调小组”原本那辆吉普上,蒋白棉呵呵笑道: Dukasz has not stuck out suddenly at the scene, punches your, explained that he controls the temperament the ability is good.” “杜卡斯没有当场暴起,揍你一顿,说明他控制脾气的能力还是不错的。” Jiang Baimian actually had to complete Dukasz to get angry a moment ago suddenly, here rushes to the preparation of checkpoint, 蒋白棉刚才其实有做好杜卡斯突然翻脸,这边得强闯关卡的准备, I think that we have created the friendship.” A Shang Jianyao face surprise. “我以为我们已经建立起友谊。”商见曜一脸“诧异”。 Jiang Baimian has not continued this topic, shows the facial expression of thinking saying: 蒋白棉没继续这个话题,露出思索的神情道: Abattoir that assassin once served in the Eastern Regiment unexpectedly, initial city this pond water was really more and more muddy. “角斗场那个刺客竟然曾经服役于东方军团,‘最初城’这潭水真是越来越浑了。 Hehe, possibly frames by planting stolen goods on, possibly is ‚the shadow of distortion the sect is establishing contacts in private, tries to walk alone, I will not believe in any case catch Gaius of conservative faction handle at this time to handle similar matter with great difficulty. “呵呵,可能是栽赃,也可能是‘扭曲之影’的教派在私下串连,试图独走,反正我是不信好不容易抓到保守派把柄的盖乌斯这个时候会让人做类似的事情。 Un , the partner of assassin is the pursuer who the citizen assembles the explosion, but that assembly is Gaius convenes......” “嗯,还有,刺客的同伙是公民集会爆炸案的实行者,而那次集会是盖乌斯召集的……” Perhaps Gaius brain is not quite normal.” Shang Jianyao gave an explanation. “也许盖乌斯脑子不太正常。”商见曜给出了一个解释。 Two people spoke, Long Yuehong, Bai Chen and Nava latter car(riage) are maintaining peaceful. 两人说话间,后车的龙悦红白晨、格纳瓦都保持着安静。 When to Long Yuehong, with the true companion is together, you do not need deliberately to look for the topic, must chat several, so as to avoid the atmosphere is awkward, you can enjoy heartily peacefully, does not need to be worried about anything. 龙悦红来说,和真正的同伴相处时,你不需要刻意去找话题,非得聊上几句,免得氛围尴尬,你可以尽情地享受安宁,不用担心什么。 He looks subconsciously to out of the window, looked at northeast direction one. 他下意识看向窗外,望了东北方向一眼。 There has the spent clay No. 13 vestige. 那里有废土13号遗迹。 Monitors after Nava repeatedly, surveys from the different places, old accent group finally determines and electric appliance service broadcasting station really situated in that ruins . Moreover the position has not changed. 经过格纳瓦多次监听,从不同地点进行测量,“旧调小组”最终确定“道与电器维修”电台真的位于那座废墟,而且位置一直没变过。 This makes Long Yuehong even more have the feeling of ghost story. 这让龙悦红愈发有种鬼故事的感觉。 Our times are to go to the mountain fortunately...... Long Yuehong do not dare to say this feeling, so as to avoid good not spirit bad spirit. 还好我们这次是去山里……龙悦红没敢把这句感慨说出口,免得好的不灵坏的灵。 PS: Recommends a book, «Technique Master Handbook». Synopsis: The city that in 1668, I was was evaluated the national public security best area. PS:推荐一本书,《术师手册》。简介:1668年,我所在的城市被评为全国治安最好的地区。 I made the cannot erase contribution. 我对此做出了不可磨灭的贡献。 Because I was caught. 因为我落网了。
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