ELN :: Volume #4

#91: Assus

That big wrestler has not launched the attack to the double headed tiger directly, but is uses both sides to be away from also very remote opportunity, slightly runs around the ringside. 那名高大的角斗士并没有直接向双头虎发动进攻,而是利用双方距离还很遥远的机会,绕着场边小跑进来。 He consistently is maintaining the surface toward the condition of double headed tiger, has kept off with the shield in the front. 他始终保持着面朝双头虎的状态,一直用盾牌挡在前方。 Has not revised human and large-scale felidae lifeform of gene in the speed, agile and response, has a big disparity eventually, is less than one minute, the double headed tiger drew enough near the distance, threw fiercely, brought fishy smell wind. 未修改过基因的人类和大型猫科生物在速度、敏捷和反应上,终究有着不小的差距,不到一分钟,双头虎就将距离拉得足够近,猛地扑了过去,带起一阵腥风。 Because front socializes some anti- audience is not excited immediately, whips the specially-made arm rest again, making bang bang bang the sound reverberation unceasing. 因前面周旋有些不耐的观众们顿时兴奋起来,再次拍打起特制的扶手,让砰砰砰的声音回荡不绝。 Jiang Baimian seems like that is appreciating this corner/horn to fight, actually actually beyond patrolling day, is pondering some issue: 蒋白棉看似在欣赏这一场角斗,实际却神游天外,思考着某个问题: Makes of virtual world mind corridor level powerhouse, if truly is broken mirror domain, is the price that he pays what? 制造虚拟世界的那位“心灵走廊”层次强者,如果确实属于“碎镜”领域,那他付出的代价是什么呢? Fears up? Is afraid of water? Is the face blind? path idiot? Dreads looks in a mirror? The one by one thought flashes through in the Jiang Baimian mind. 怕光?怕水?脸盲?路痴?畏惧照镜子?一个个念头在蒋白棉脑海内闪过。 Among the subconsciousness, she looked all around abattoir again, saw giant mirror that the auditorium zones of different stand erect. 下意识间,她再次环顾了角斗场一圈,看到了观众席不同区域竖立的巨大镜子。 She excludes at once some price. 她旋即将某个代价排除在外了。 Except for this, she does not think that powerhouse face blind or path idiot, these two types attribute is not suitable to be the bodyguard. 除了这个,她也不认为那位强者脸盲或者路痴,这两种“属性”根本就不适合做保镖。 The former will admit mistakes the object who needs to protect, latter easy with losing goal. 前者会认错需要保护的对象,后者容易跟丢目标。 When the Jiang Baimian attention returns the location center, the first collision between big wrestlers and double headed tigers had ended. 蒋白棉的注意力重新放回场地中央时,高大角斗士和双头虎之间的第一次碰撞已经结束。 The standard that he depends upon the shield keeps off, the thorn of lance to strike the threat and adept taking advantage of opportunity tumbling, spread out again. 他依靠盾牌的格挡、长矛的刺击威胁、娴熟的顺势翻滚,再次拉开了距离。 But among 2-3, the double headed tiger pursued. 但2-3步之间,双头虎又追赶了上来。 That two large-mouthed vessel huge mouths also open, the huge body plunged the big wrestler again. 那两张血盆巨口同时张开,巨大的身躯再次扑向了高大的角斗士。 Wrestler old trick heavy, before shield withstand/top, blocks the beast of prey, while punctured the lance in hand. 角斗士故技重施,一边将盾牌前顶,挡住猛兽,一边将手里的长矛刺了出去。 He has been able to expect that double headed tiger from the sky will dodge and receive the strength, but oneself taking advantage of the bearing of shield, tumble to the side. 他已经能预料到双头虎会在空中有一个闪躲和收力,而自己借着盾牌的受压,翻滚向侧面。 But this time, the double headed tiger has not changed the posture unexpectedly, the bloodthirsty tyrannical eye is locking on the goal stubbornly. 可这一次,双头虎竟没有改变姿势,嗜血暴虐的眼睛死死锁定着目标。 in the sound, the lance pricked its side body, but it also threw on the shield completely. 噗的声音里,长矛刺入了它的侧面身体,而它也完全扑到了盾牌上。 The boundless great strength makes the wrestler one unable to withstand. 磅礴的巨力让角斗士一下就承受不住。 Was seeing with own eyes after the arm wants curved, shield and beast of prey hits together to the chest, he promptly gave up the lance, gave up the shield, other side plunges directly. 眼见着手臂就要后弯,连盾牌带猛兽一起撞向胸口,他当机立断放弃了长矛,放弃了盾牌,直接扑向另外一面。 This change came as a surprise to his, the wild degree by far ordinary beast of prey of this aberrant. 这变化出乎了他的意料,这头畸变生物的狂暴程度远胜普通猛兽。 Did not have against have with the weapon, a human when facing tiger, will not have any odds of success, even if were skilled in the slippery shovel, still delivered goods to the doorstep to the opposite party. 没有了防具和武器,一个人类在面对老虎时,根本不会有任何胜算,即使精通滑铲,也只是给对方送货上门。 Moreover, now is not the ordinary tiger, is a distortion, fiercer double headed black tiger. 而且,现在不是普通老虎,是一头畸变的、更加凶猛的双头黑虎。 This looked at the audience to be anxious, some people did not endure to witness that the wrestler was teared and bited the flesh lump by the wild animal, some people excited are anticipating like this bloody picture. 这看得现场观众都紧张了起来,有人不忍目睹角斗士被野兽撕咬成肉块,有人则一脸兴奋地期待着这样的血腥画面。 Grandchild Markus is the latter. 奥雷的外孙马库斯是后者。 Threw just fell to the ground toward that big wrestler of flank, a both hands brace, shot. 扑往侧方的那名高大角斗士刚一落地,双手一撑,就弹了起来。 He does not run away instead enters, captured a small arc unexpectedly, to by the double headed tiger was nearly knocked down a moment ago region. 他不逃反进,竟兜了个小弧线,冲回了刚才险些被双头虎扑倒在地的区域。 This made him successfully avoid the one close behind the other pursuit of double headed tiger unexpectedly. 这竟让他成功躲避开了双头虎的衔尾追击。 Then, his tumbling, picked shield and lance that fell in the place. 接着,他一个翻滚,捡回了掉落于地的盾牌和长矛。 This a series of movements showed the experience, skill and resolution this famous actor warrior completely with the body and spirit, looks at the audience to say satisfies a craving. 这一连串动作完全展现了这名角斗士的经验、技巧、决断和体魄,看得观众们直呼过瘾。 At this time, that steeliness shield has hollowly, but side the double headed tiger tick-tock is falling the blood. 此时,那面钢制盾牌已有了一点凹陷,而双头虎侧面正滴滴答答地掉落着血液。 Then, both sides are repeating the beforehand flow, times threw to nip, times to strike to trade the pang pang pang sounds and puncture, tumblings and times fall to pick with times. 接下来,双方重复着之前的流程,一次次扑咬、一次次拍击换来了乓乓乓的声音和一次次穿刺、一次次翻滚、一次次掉落和一次次捡回。 The forehead of that big wrestler gradually seeped the sweat, the physical strength is consuming fast, on the double headed tiger were many one by one wound, had the blood to flow unceasingly. 那名高大角斗士的额头逐渐沁出了汗水,体力飞快消耗着,双头虎身上则多了一个个伤口,不断有血液流淌。 In a while, both arrived at the competition endurance time. 没过多久,两者到了比拼耐力的时候。 Creakies when the big wrestler, about to failure, the double headed tiger because of the excessive loss of blood, after throws finally one time strikes, begins cannot. 就在高大角斗士摇摇欲坠,行将失败时,双头虎终于因失血过多,于一次扑击后,再起不能。 The big wrestler seizes the opportunity, goes forward several steps, a lance pricked the strategic point of prey. 高大角斗士抓住机会,上前几步,一矛刺入了猎物的要害。 The double headed tiger struggled, lost the sound thoroughly. 双头虎挣扎了一阵,彻底失去了动静。 Sees this, the audience whip the arm rest again, shouted loudly the name of wrestler: 看到这一幕,观众们再次拍打扶手,高喊起角斗士的名字: Joy! Joy!” “乔伊!乔伊!” The wrestlers raise high both hands at once, walks around slowly. 角斗士旋即举高双手,缓慢地绕场一周。 His is not only is accepting to cheer, in the demonstration commodity, hopes can settle on by some aristocrat, becomes his guard. 他这既是在接受欢呼,也是在展示商品,希望能被某位贵族看中,成为他的卫兵。 If not, Joy at least must come this degree of corner/horn to fight again 45 times, can the retrieval freedom. 如果不这样,乔伊至少还得再来这种程度的角斗四五次,才能重获自由。 But each corner/horn fights, he felt oneself wandered on the death edge. 而每一次角斗,他都感觉自己在死亡的边缘徘徊。 Joy Joy in the sound, Shang Jianyao is looking at that big wrestler, sighed: “乔伊乔伊”的声音里,商见曜望着那名高大角斗士,叹了口气道: Really pitiful.” “真可怜啊。” Jiang Baimian and Long Yuehong heart has the relative to be sorrowfully. 蒋白棉龙悦红心有戚戚然。 This corner/horn fought the conclusion the crevice, some late aristocrat entered the theater box. 这一次角斗结束的空隙,某位迟到的贵族进入了包厢。 As soon as he arrives, immediately many people set out to greet. 他一到来,立刻就有许多人起身迎接。 Jiang Baimian and the others also know him, because he is a person who in many information can definitely mention: 蒋白棉等人也认识他,因为他是许多情报上必然会提到的一个人: Assus. Zhuliyasi. 阿苏斯.朱利亚斯。 Initial city pretor and commander Urisarri's son. “最初城”执政官兼统帅贝乌里斯的儿子。 Assus stature is tall and straight, the black bluing eye, the appearance is handsome, the face line the blade truncates the feeling of axe cutting. 阿苏斯身材挺拔,黑发蓝眼,长相英俊,脸庞线条给人刀削斧砍之感。 In the Long Yuehong eye, this fellow has made Gene Modification mostly, is one day electing, how otherwise can high so many, be the same with Shang Jianyao, moreover is much longer. 龙悦红眼里,这家伙多半是做过基因改良的,是一名“天选者”,要不然怎么会比自己高那么多,都和商见曜一样了,而且还长得不错。 What on Assus face is most attractive is that eye, profound, charming, looks about as if can discharge. 阿苏斯脸上最好看的是那双眼睛,深邃,迷人,顾盼间仿佛能够放电。 At this time, he wears the black shirt, the same color breeches, to insert the stance of pocket single-handed, is getting the private bodyguard and family guard, moved toward oneself that standard width. 此时,他穿着黑色的衬衣,同色的马裤,以单手插兜的姿态,领着私人保镖和家族卫兵,走向了自己那个开间。 Meets each aristocrat who greeted, he held the smile, the politeness is responding, the surface did not see the least bit to be arrogant. 遇到过来打招呼的每一个贵族,他都噙着笑容,礼貌回应,表面不见半点倨傲。 Jiang Baimian has to notice, the vision of this fellow always stays in the female companion and maid of body these aristocrats, but quick will put aside. 蒋白棉有注意到,这家伙的目光总是在那些贵族的女伴、女仆身上停留,但很快就会移开。 The next second, she saw Assus to look to here. 下一秒,她看到阿苏斯望向了这边。 She drew Shang Jianyao, shows the smile, the nod expresses best wishes. 她拉了商见曜一下,露出笑容,点头致意。 In this process, Jiang Baimian had Assus to look at a feeling from head to foot, this was far from dreadfully, but was uncomforting. 这个过程中,蒋白棉有种阿苏斯将自己从头到脚看了一遍的感觉,这谈不上猥琐,但还是令人不舒服。 Assus was like before, turned away rapidly, said the hello with other aristocrat. 阿苏斯和之前一样,迅速移开了视线,与别的贵族打起招呼。 Noise in theater box belonged to the tranquil, new corner/horn after several minutes fought will soon start. 包厢内的喧闹在几分钟后就归于了平静,新的一场角斗即将开始。 ............ ………… Had/Left the abattoir, on Shang Jianyao, Jiang Baimian and Long Yuehong own car(riage), shakes off the track of imagination. 出了角斗场,商见曜蒋白棉龙悦红上了自己的车,摆脱起假想的跟踪。 On the vehicle, three people have not spoken, in order to avoid also places oneself in virtual machine. 车上,三人都没有说话,以免还置身于“虚拟机”。 Waited to complete the scheduled all flows, returned to the rented room, successfully met with Bai Chen and Nava, Jiang Baimian roughly described the harvest of this action. 等完成了预定的所有流程,回到出租屋内,与白晨、格纳瓦成功会合,蒋白棉才将本次行动的收获大致描述了一遍。 End, she looked with a smile to Shang Jianyao said: 末了,她含笑望向商见曜道: That wrestler was killed, I also very worried that you will flush the life-saving.” “那个角斗士被杀死的时候,我还挺担心你会冲下去救人。” In the later several corners/horns fight, two famous actor warriors died. 之后的几场角斗里,有两名角斗士死去。 Shang Jianyao serious replied: 商见曜一脸严肃地回答道: I have considered. “我有考虑过。 But such custom such order does not change, similar matter will also happen again and again. “但这样的风俗这样的秩序不改变,类似的事情还会一而再再而三地发生。 I sacrificed myself at that time even, in 18 fist resistance abattoirs all awakening and security personnel, still can only save one.” “我当时就算牺牲自己,十八拳对抗角斗场内所有觉醒者、安保人员,也只能挽救一个。” In front of Long Yuehong also felt that Shang Jianyao said is reasonable, when may hear 18 fists, took back this view silently. 龙悦红前面还感觉商见曜说得很有道理,可听到“十八拳”时,又默默收回了这个看法。 This idea is good.” Jiang Baimian avoids the detail, approved one. “这个想法不错。”蒋白棉避开细节,赞了一句。 Shang Jianyao nods at once: 商见曜旋即点头: Therefore must to save the entire human race struggles.” “所以才要为拯救全人类而奋斗。” pang pang pang, Nava is applauding for him. 乓乓乓,格纳瓦为他鼓起了掌。 Bai Chen pondered, then said: 白晨思考了一阵,转而说道: I understand probably you said virtual machine what meaning was, the present key point is, how we should decode this protection, made the contact with Markus, Vija truly?” “我大概明白你们说的‘虚拟机’是什么意思了,现在的重点是,我们该怎么破解这种保护,和马库斯、阿维娅真正建立起联系?” Jiang Baimian has not replied, looks said to Nava: 蒋白棉没做回答,望向格纳瓦道: Old standard, what do you have to propose?” “老格,你有什么提议?” „The insufficient awakening material, is unable to analyze the feasible means.” Nava replied honestly. “缺乏足够的觉醒者资料,无法分析出可行的办法。”格纳瓦老老实实回答道。 Jiang Baimian smiled: 蒋白棉笑了: This is also the difficulty that I encounter.” “这也是我遇到的困难。” She hesitated, side looked to Shang Jianyao: 她沉吟了一下,侧头看向商见曜: Hey, with black garment party Terence relates, looked whether they know in the initial city to have the worship holds year broken mirror the religious organization, if present, asking them to provide a material.” “喂,和‘黑衫党’的特伦斯联系一下,看他们是否知道最初城内有崇拜执岁‘碎镜’的宗教组织,如果有,请他们提供一点资料。” Good!” Shang Jianyao is excited. “好!”商见曜一脸兴奋。 He as if never forgets to Terence family/home that type of drink. 他似乎对特伦斯家那种饮料念念不忘。 Chatted the proper business, Jiang Baimian said with a smile: 聊完正事,蒋白棉笑着说道: That Assus feels the color......” “那个阿苏斯感觉很色啊……” This is not the unspecific conclusion that the female intuition has, but is the answer that she personally experiences to experience personally. 这不是女性直觉带出来的空泛结论,而是她亲身感受亲自体验到的答案。 Right?” Shang Jianyao touches own chin, at least not the good male homosexuality, he not to have seen me.” “是吗?”商见曜摸了摸自己的下巴,“至少不好男色吧,他都没怎么看我。” Long Yuehong jumped over the opinion of this fellow, words that echoes the team leader: 龙悦红跳过了这家伙的意见,附和起组长的话语: Right, he looked that each females are very dedicated, except for not too attractive these.” “对对对,他看每一名女性都特别专注,除了不太好看的那些。” Yes, he is not polite, the respect without treated impartially.” Shang Jianyao does not know that is criticizing Assus not to look at the appearance unsatisfactory these females with single-hearted devotion, thinks that he does the inequality between men and women. “是啊,他一点都不礼貌,没有一视同仁的尊重。”商见曜也不知道是在批评阿苏斯不专心看长相欠佳的那些女性,还是认为他搞男女不平等。 Jiang Baimian neglects the Shang Jianyao words, proposed own doubts: 蒋白棉忽略商见曜的话语,提出了自己的疑惑: But the issue is, as initial city the son of No. 1 character, what beautiful woman his doesn't get so far as? Why also meets this appearance?” “可问题在于,作为‘最初城’一号人物的儿子,他什么美女弄不到?为什么还会这个样子?” When this is also she reads Old World certain history books questions. 这也是她读旧世界某些历史书籍时的疑问。 Shang Jianyao replied sincerely: 商见曜诚恳回答道: Possibly their family's creeds are the mortifications of the flesh.” “可能他们家族的信条是禁欲。” Also possibly is the custom, but also is......” Nava is possibly analyzing the reason fast, price.” “也可能是习惯,还可能是……”格纳瓦飞快分析着原因,“代价。” The price...... Jiang Baimian is repeating this words and expressions looking pensive at heart. 代价……蒋白棉若有所思地在心里重复起这个词语。 She looked at Bai Chen one subconsciously, wants to listen to this female companion to have what view, finally discovered that this team member from starting not to have joined this topic, remains silent. 她下意识望了白晨一眼,想听听这位女性同伴有什么看法,结果发现这位组员从开始就没有加入这个话题,一直保持着沉默。 ...... Jiang Baimian took back the line of sight. 呃……蒋白棉收回了视线。
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