ELN :: Volume #4

#90: Security mechanism

Jiang Baimian cannot attend to watching presence of wrestler, is controlling the speed of turning head, before resembling looked unknowingly, has the conflict the place: 蒋白棉顾不得观看角斗士的出场,控制着扭头的速度,状似不经意地回望了之前发生冲突的地方: The access place, the security personnel are returning to the original position one after another, the surrounding audience has a liking for one toward that side once for a while. 出入口处,安保人员们正陆续返回原本的位置,周围的观众时不时往那边看上一眼。 All these were explaining, some people rushed on ahead to dash about wildly should a moment ago to exist, only if that affected that region several thousand people in secret. 这一切都在说明,刚才有人夺路狂奔应该是真实存在的,除非暗中那位影响了那片区域几千号人。 If not place the aristocrat theater box, Jiang Baimian wants to inspect that ground to have the bullet hole and that yellowish brown string also. 如果不是身处贵族包厢,蒋白棉很想去检查一下那片地面有没有弹孔、那根棕黄色的绳子还在不在。 Her intuition told her, these had mostly. 她的直觉告诉她,这些多半是有的。 Indistinct within, she as if grasped anything, had certain guess. 隐约间,她似乎把握到了点什么,有了一定的猜测。 When has returned to the head again, the companions who she hears that aristocrat are ridiculing him: 再回过脑袋时,她听见那位贵族的同伴们正在嘲笑他: " 哈哈, 你 差点 成为 上流 社会 第 一 个 喝水 呛 死 自己 的 人 。 " …… Compared with, only then that you lost face a moment ago.” “比你刚才丢脸的只有那位了。” What kind of? Said the feeling.” “怎么样?说下刚才的感受。” That aristocrat is gloomy a face saying: 那位贵族阴沉着一张脸道: This is to my assassination! “这是对我的暗杀! I do not know that whom offended!” “我都不知道得罪了谁!” He, aspirated saying: 他顿了一下,吐了口气道: First looks at the corner/horn to fight, went back to say again.” “先看角斗吧,回去再说。” Only then, Jiang Baimian pays attention to the appearance of this aristocrat truly: 直到此时,蒋白棉才真正去注意这位贵族的模样: He is probably 27 or 28-year-old, is Acher frightening, the black hair tied up short braid, the blue eye was limpid, has not wallowed the wine and women feeling. 他大概二十七八岁,也是阿克森人,黑色头发绑成了一条小辫,蓝色的眼睛还算清澈,没有沉迷酒色的感觉。 He as if makes the gene to optimize, the facial features outline looked only, although is not loses face/shows off, but combines quite to have the makings, a feeling of artist. 他似乎做过基因优化,五官轮廓单看虽然不算出彩,但组合起来相当有气质,给人一种艺术家的感觉。 As for height, because the opposite party sits, Jiang Baimian is unable accurately to judge, can only based on the experience think is not shorter than Long Yuehong. 至于身高,因为对方坐着,蒋白棉无法准确判断,只能凭经验认为不比龙悦红矮。 Dino, with the assassination, when gave a pretext.” The companions of aristocrat returned to one laughing. “迪诺,不要用暗杀当借口。”那贵族的同伴们嘻嘻哈哈地回了一句。 They saw Dino to drink water to choke, almost died......, but acted according to the normal reaction, Dino definitely could not grasp the drinking glass at that time, will make it fall to the ground...... Dino firmly believed oneself encountered the assassination, had not denied that was choked...... the drinking glass to place on the table by the water perfectly, the surplus water have not sprinkled...... Jiang Baimian to extract the one by one detail, tried to speculate the possible truth. 他们都看见了迪诺喝水呛到,差点死去……而根据正常反应,迪诺当时肯定拿不住水杯,会让它摔到地上……迪诺坚持认为自己是遭遇了暗杀,却没有否认被水呛到……水杯完好无损地放在桌上,剩余的水也没有洒出来……蒋白棉提取出一个个细节,试图推测可能的真相。 But Dino disgraced that she has heard: 而比迪诺更“丢人”的那位,她有听说过: Some aristocrat in the suburb sudden diarrhea, was busy at looking for a farmer family/home, borrowed their dry restroom, the result did not fall carefully, untimely death. 某位贵族在郊外突然腹泻,忙找了一个农夫家,借用了他们的旱厕,结果不小心摔了进去,英年早逝。 At this time, Jiang Baimian saw grandchild Markus showed the happy expression that type ridiculed once again. 这个时候,蒋白棉看见奥雷的外孙马库斯又一次露出那种略带讥讽的笑意。 Then, he looked at the abattoir. 接着,他将目光投向了角斗场。 The next second, Jiang Baimian hears Shang Jianyao to say with a smile low voice: 下一秒,蒋白棉听到商见曜小声笑道: Virtual machine......” “虚拟机啊……” Direction that the virtual machine...... Jiang Baimian studied in the past not in electron and computer domain, but she has the thing that since childhood contacts this aspect, in the lifeform artificial limb installs the auxiliary chip, made a thorough understanding, naturally understands that what is a virtual machine. 虚拟机……蒋白棉过去研究的方向不在电子、计算机领域,但她从小就有接触这方面的事物,于生物义肢内加装辅助芯片后,更是做了一番较深入的了解,自然明白什么叫虚拟机。 The virtual machine through a computer operation system that the relevant technology simulates, its function is like the original, uses it and uses the feeling of original not to distinguish. 虚拟机就是通过相应技术模拟出来的一个计算机操作系统,它的功能和原版一样,使用它和使用原版的感受没有区别。 But in the virtual machine all will not affect the original, after all is only a mirror, can be used to make some quite risky operation. 而在虚拟机内发生的一切都不会影响到原版,毕竟只是一个镜像,可以用来做一些比较有风险的操作。 Shang Jianyao analogies the matter that had a moment ago with the virtual machine, after the meaning is everyone enters the aristocrat theater box and surrounding certain region, actually synchronizes a virtual world, or the large-scale illusion, everyone's data and response were duplicated the past, will have the exchange in inside, the result of exchange through making powerful awakening screening of this illusion, will feed back to reality on. 商见曜用虚拟机来比喻刚才发生的事情,意思是大家进入贵族包厢和周围一定区域后,其实同步到了一个虚拟的世界,或者说大型幻境,大家的数据、反应都被复制了过去,在里面发生交流,交流的结果又会通过制造这个幻境的强大觉醒者筛选,反馈到现实中的自己身上。 In other words, the words that the person who old accent group the present sees, hears, underwent the tertiary transformation: Somebody opens the mouth in the reality- corresponding words, expression and movement synchronously to virtual world in- the virtual world Jiang Baimian and other person's shadows in looked like heard these words, saw the expression and movement of opposite party- data message that image receives synchronously to them in reality on. 也就是说,“旧调小组”现在看到的人、听到的话,都经过了三重转化:某个人于现实里开口-相应的话语、表情、动作被同步到虚拟世界内-虚拟世界中的蒋白棉等人影像听到了那些话语,看见了对方的表情和动作-影像接收到的数据信息被同步到现实中的他们身上。 Therefore, this seemingly normal and ordinary exchange mechanism exceptionally is in secret complex. 于是,这看起来正常而普通的交流私底下机制异常复杂。 But the complex goal is to safeguard the security. 而复杂的目的是保障安全。 Simply speaking is, this piece of region everyone and exchange between person, person and thing was put in the virtual world to filter in advance. 简单来说就是,这片区域所有人与人、人与物之间的交流都被放到虚拟世界内预先过滤了一遍。 This let Jiang Baimian Lenovo's to Old World online game: Oneself and the others are operating a own account number, constructs a virtual world with other player and item together, oneself see, hears from inside, but oneself mood change is clear. 这让蒋白棉联想到了旧世界的网络游戏:自己等人正操纵一个属于自己的账号,与别的玩家、道具共同构建出一个虚拟世界,自身看到的、听到的都来自里面,但本人的情绪变化真真切切。 What is only different, presents most people not in plays game the determination, thinks all are real, normal. 唯一不同的是,在场绝大部分人都没有在“玩游戏”的自觉,认为一切都是真实的、正常的。 But in game, regardless of receives the big injury, so long as mood fluctuates does not exceed certain limit, oneself will not have the matter. 而在游戏里无论受到多大的伤害,只要自身情绪波动不超过一定限度,本人都不会有事。 The present situation is, this game also installed harmonious mechanism, anything is bloody, danger, violent will be filtered, needs the player physical and moral integrity, is calm. 如今的情况是,这个游戏还加装了“和谐机制”,什么血腥的,危险的,暴力的都会被过滤掉,务求玩家身心健康,情绪稳定。 Before Jiang Baimian has been having doubts a point, that is two descendants who how initial city must protect, making them not be sent people to kill by some organization. 之前蒋白棉一直在疑惑一点,那就是“最初城”要怎么保护好奥雷的两位后裔,让他们不被某个组织派人杀害。 The ability of awakening are many and varied, hides strangely, wants to assassinate a person, almost without indication, level high their similar powerhouses, not necessarily discovered. 要知道,觉醒者的能力多种多样,又隐蔽诡异,想暗杀一个人,几乎没有征兆,就连层次高过他们的同类强者,也未必发现得了。 Like a moment ago, that aristocrat drank water simply, almost chokes. 就像刚才,那位贵族简简单单喝了一口水,就差点呛死。 According to the idea of Jiang Baimian, prevention awakening assassination most effective way, only then assigns the safe area, does not make the stranger approach, if needs to go on a journey, ahead of time clears, filtration communication personnel. 按照蒋白棉的想法,预防觉醒者暗杀最有效的办法只有划出安全区,不让陌生人靠近,如果需要出行,提前清场,过滤来往人员。 But, in Vija's the observation to Markus and, she discovered that these two go out frequently, or attended the meeting, either watches the corner/horn to fight, never deliberately maintains the distance with others. 可是,在对马库斯和阿维娅的观察中,她发现这两位经常外出,或参加聚会,或观看角斗,从不与他人刻意保持距离。 This makes Jiang Baimian be filled with the doubts, actually could not find the appropriate explanation. 这让蒋白棉满心疑惑,却又找不到合适的解释。 Now, she understood the reason probably: 如今,她大概明白原因了: Everyone sees Markus, who Vija and contact actually to be in the virtual machine! 大家看到和接触到的马库斯、阿维娅其实是处在虚拟机中的! As the matter stands, if who wants to make not the good matter, after tertiary transformation, the masters by virtual world will definitely be discovered, prevents promptly. 这样一来,谁要想做出不好的事情,经过三重转化时,肯定会被虚拟世界的主人发现,及时阻止。 This ability is really interesting...... “这个能力真有意思啊…… In virtual world, that aristocrat drinks water to choke finally, explained realistic data synchronization the single layer transformation is the duplication of unconsciousness, pure instinct, therefore cannot direct filter out the dangerous information...... this also to explain why I can induce to the bio-electrical signal, Shang Jianyao can also catch the human consciousness, this is one type copies completely, traces each detail the stereotypical mechanism...... “虚拟世界内,那名贵族最终喝水呛到,说明将现实数据同步过来的第一重转化是无意识的、纯本能的复制,所以没能直接过滤掉危险的信息……这也能说明我为什么能感应到生物电信号,商见曜也可以捕捉到人类意识,这就是一种完全照搬,临摹每一个细节的呆板机制…… Later, drinks water to choke this matter not to feed back the reality, therefore that aristocrat is all right, his drinking glass is also all right...... “之后,喝水呛到这件事情没反馈回现实,所以那名贵族没事,他的水杯也没事…… Here, the masters in virtual world discovered is not right, in other words, data filtering actually on this......” “在这里,虚拟世界的主人发现了不对,也就是说,数据过滤其实是在这一层……” „ Does he this matter sync feedback to us, want to take a look at everyone's response? Un...... the following that aristocrat chokes the performance that dies quickly is purely virtual, some real foundations...... this showing, virtual world the control of master's to this illusion is very no longer strong...... “他把这件事情同步反馈给了我们,是想看看大家的反应?嗯……后续那名贵族呛到快死的表现是纯粹虚拟出来的,不再有现实基础……这说明,虚拟世界的主人对这片幻境的掌控力很强…… However through to tracing of dangerous information, he locked awakening of use ability with ease, discovered his position...... this to explain overwhelming majority things that had a moment ago......” in the Jiang Baimian mind flashed through the one by one thought that established contacts all details. “而通过对危险信息的追踪,他轻松就锁定了使用能力的觉醒者,找出了他的位置……这能解释刚才发生的绝大部分事情……”蒋白棉脑海内闪过了一个个念头,把所有的细节串连了起来。 Long Yuehong also knows that anything is a virtual machine, slightly made the thinking to understand the meaning of Shang Jianyao on the general idea. 龙悦红也知道什么是虚拟机,略作思索就大概明白了商见曜的意思。 This makes his eye cannot help but open little, even more thought that awakening is fearful and strange. 这让他眼睛不由自主睁大少许,愈发觉得觉醒者又可怕又诡异。 Jiang Baimian looked at Shang Jianyao one immediately, has not gone saying that own guess, has not exchanged with him. 蒋白棉随即看了商见曜一眼,没去说自己的猜测,没和他进行交流。 Why her very clear Shang Jianyao must this quite specialized noun come the generation to refer to the current situation with virtual machine a moment ago, this is because their present every word and deed will enter the virtual world, accepts the monitor and filtration. 她很清楚商见曜刚才为什么要用“虚拟机”这个比较专业的名词来代指当前的情况,这是因为他们现在的一言一行都会进入虚拟世界,接受监听和过滤。 But if the masters in virtual world had not been educated by the regular professional training, does not understand virtual machine the meaning is very normal. 而虚拟世界的主人如果没受过科班教育,不明白“虚拟机”的含义很正常。 This should be an illusion ability, before the big probability is broken mirror domain......, side Vija, there is ‚a broken mirror domain awakening...... to be possible clam dragon to teach in information that the region that mainly in the dust person gathers in popular...... the company gives, initial city does not have clam dragon to teach the trace of activity...... “这应该算是一种幻觉能力,大概率属于‘碎镜’领域……之前阿维娅身边,也有‘碎镜’领域的觉醒者……可‘蜃龙教’主要在灰土人聚集的区域流行……公司给的情报里,‘最初城’也没有‘蜃龙教’活动的痕迹…… Independent can be the exceptional case, presenting two not necessarily was the coincidence, they came from worship broken mirror some native of Red River sect, this sect and ‚did initial city have very close cooperation?” Jiang Baimian knows at this time only then the thought in mind is safe, therefore, will look at the abattoir, will watch the competition, while is making all sorts of guesses. “单独一个可以是特例,出现两个就不一定是巧合了,难道他们来自崇拜‘碎镜’的某个红河人教派,这个教派和‘最初城’有非常密切的合作?”蒋白棉知道此时只有脑海内的念头是安全的,所以,一边将目光投向了角斗场,观看起比赛,一边做着种种揣测。 Actually, they also had to say words that a moment ago some should not speak, but the whole fortunately, can explain that two people have certain understanding of awakening, is quite familiar with General Focas, knew that Dukasz and Cahill two city defense force majors, have not met with Markus, has only listened to his hearsay, thinks that he crosses very depressing. 其实,他们刚才也有说一些不该说的话,但整体还好,可以解释成两人对觉醒者有一定的了解,和福卡斯将军比较熟悉,认识杜卡斯和卡西尔两位城防军少校,与马库斯没见过面,只听过他一点传闻,认为他过得很压抑。 Such condition puts initial city in upper circles of society, can screen one pile, is not special. 这样的条件放到“最初城”上流社会里,可以筛选出一堆来,不算特异。 But some discovery, Jiang Baimian thought that today's action harvest is full, has not wasted. 而有了刚才的发现,蒋白棉觉得今天的行动收获满满,没有白费。 In the neat intense striking sound, that big wrestler puts on skin armor, is lifting the shield, is raising the lance, walked, the black double headed tiger leaps, looks with the eye of tyrannical bloodthirsty to the prey. 整齐激烈的拍击声里,那名高大的角斗士穿着皮甲,举着盾牌,提着长矛,走了出来,黑色的双头虎更是一跃而出,用暴虐嗜血的眼睛望向猎物。
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