ELN :: Volume #4

#82: And electric appliance services

Jiang Baimian, Shang Jianyao and Nava hears word, the turning around body, sees only two building rooms to open simultaneously, walks a 27 or 28-year-old man. 蒋白棉商见曜和格纳瓦闻言,同时转过了身体,只见二楼一个房间打开,走出来一个二十七八岁的男子。 His black bluing eye, the facial features are thin, a short hair chaotic piece, the nose on the shelf leaning circular black frame eyeglasses, the body is wearing the deep shirt and trousers, bodyguard Richardson who Lehman high salary recruited. 他黑发蓝眼,脸型瘦削,短发乱糟糟的一片,鼻子上架着一副偏圆形的黑边框眼镜,身上穿着深色的衬衣和长裤,正是雷曼高薪聘请的保镖理查德森。 He also came from joint industry, before it is said was an engineer, has had the multiple cooperation with Lehman, the prestige was always good. 他同样来自“联合工业”,以前据说是一名工程师,和雷曼有过多次合作,信誉一向良好。 „Are you?” Richardson looks at Shang Jianyao and the others, the sinking sound is asking. “你们是?”理查德森望着商见曜等人,沉声问道。 Rondahl helps start warmly the reply: 龙达尔热情地帮忙做起回答: They are the friends of boss, is the business partner, our time comes to the initial city, the part of goals are they trade.” “他们是老板的朋友,也是生意伙伴,我们这次来最初城,有一部分目的就是和他们交易。” On Richardson's thin face, the blue eye pupil by the slightly thick lens, takes a look at Jiang Baimian and the others: 理查德森瘦削的脸庞上,蓝色的眼眸透过略厚的镜片,打量起蒋白棉等人: Is who told you this apartment?” “是谁告诉你们这栋公寓的?” Lehman.” The Jiang Baimian faint smile replied, took the boss, didn't he have this qualifications?” “雷曼。”蒋白棉似笑非笑地回答道,“作为老板,他难道没有这个资格?” Richardson silent two seconds, then looks to the Rondahl and other Lehman's the subordinates: 理查德森沉默了两秒,转而望向龙达尔等雷曼的手下: Although is the partner, but cannot allow them to go upstairs, the security is most important.” “虽然是合作伙伴,但也不能允许他们上楼,安全才是最重要的。” But......” Rondahl felt embarrassed, they have gone to the building.” “可……”龙达尔为难了,“他们已经上过楼了。” When Richardson pupil enlarges fiercely, Shang Jianyao and Jiang Baimian had fired into him. 理查德森眸子猛地放大之际,商见曜蒋白棉已是冲向了他。 The next second, they feel suddenly lazily, anything does not want to do, wants to lie down, whatever the time passes. 下一秒,他们两人突然感觉懒洋洋的,什么都不想做,就想躺着,任由时光流逝。 Good to trouble, will wait also to fight, draw a pistol, threaten and investigate, one pile of things, will be loaf, will hide in side, will wait for old standard processing is quite good...... Jiang Baimian only to think that many years of saving lazy intent erupted in this moment. 好麻烦啊,等会还得打架、拔枪、威胁、调查,一堆事情,还是偷个懒,躲在旁边,等老格处理比较好……蒋白棉只觉多年积攒的懒意都在这一刻爆发了。 Shang Jianyao lay down at the scene, resolutely implements can sit is not standing, can lie down is not sitting the principle. 商见曜当场躺了下去,坚决贯彻“能坐着就不站着,能躺着就不坐着”的原则。 Such performance a little looks at Richardson to be shocked, then in his eye appeared a sand earthen bowl big iron fist. 这样的表现看得理查德森都有点愣住,然后他眼睛里浮现出了一个沙钵大的铁拳。 pang! 乓! Richardson fainted directly. 理查德森直接晕了过去。 Jiang Baimian breaks out of the lazy condition immediately, becomes vivid. 蒋白棉立刻摆脱了懒惰状态,变得生龙活虎。 Originally his ability is such......” Jiang Baimian tasted the feeling. “原来他的能力是这样的……”蒋白棉回味起刚才的感受。 Her that to/clashes is actually intentional, depends Nava to bring up the rear, the choice experiences different awakening personally the different abilities, will decide to decide the plan accumulation experience for the future. 她那一冲其实算是有意为之,仗着有格纳瓦压阵,选择亲自体验不同觉醒者的不同能力,为将来做决策定方案积累经验。 Although Lehman not too clear Richardson's concrete ability, but can judge the level line of opposite party from several cooperation probably. 雷曼虽然不太清楚理查德森具体的能力,但从几次合作中还是大概能判断出对方的水平线。 To/Clashes for what first as for Shang Jianyao, moreover does not have the use ability, Jiang Baimian has no way to speculate according to the conventional mentality. 至于商见曜又是为了什么第一个冲出去,而且没使用本身能力,蒋白棉没法按常规思路去推测。 At this time, saw old accent group three people to attack Richardson, Rondahl and the others raised the muzzle subconsciously. 这个时候,见“旧调小组”三人袭击了理查德森,龙达尔等人下意识抬高了枪口。 Ground Shang Jianyao rises with a spring, said seriously: 地上的商见曜一跃而起,郑重说道: He is a traitor within, that person who is to plot to murder Lehman! “他是内奸,是要谋害雷曼的那个人! Safety first, must process him immediately.” “安全第一,必须立刻处理他。” Hears „the safety first's this phrase, Rondahl and the others all showed the facial expression of being suddenly enlighted. 听到“安全第一”这个短语,龙达尔等人皆露出了恍然大悟的神情。 No matter actually they also this does have the evidence, so long as if with has the relations safely, chooses to believe outspokenly. 他们也不管这究竟有没有证据,似乎只要和安全扯上关系,都毫无保留地选择相信。 This what ideological mode? Shang Jianyao a moment ago the logical organization of sentence like not using inferred clown...... the line of sight of Jiang Baimian to move in Rondahl and the others back and forth. 这什么思维模式?商见曜刚才语句的逻辑结构也不像使用了“推理小丑”……蒋白棉的视线来回在龙达尔等人身上移动。 She looks at once to leading to three staircases, the enlargement sound, shouted one slightly: 她旋即望向通往三层的楼梯,略微放大声音,喊了一句: You can.” “你可以下来了。” Separated for ten seconds, Lehman of simple and honest old farmer appearance softly along staircase under two. 隔了十来秒,憨厚老农模样的雷曼轻手轻脚地沿楼梯下到了二层。 Boss, you should not come out.” Rondahl and the others open the mouth to advise one after another. “老板,你不应该出来的。”龙达尔等人相继开口劝阻。 A Shang Jianyao face helps reply earnestly: 商见曜一脸认真地帮忙回答道: This is to process the traitor within, the security is most important!” “这是为了处理内奸,安全最重要!” Although half a word words have no necessary relation, but Rondahl and the others understanding and supported Lehman's decision. 虽然前后半句话没什么必要的联系,但龙达尔等人还是“理解”并支持了雷曼的决定。 Shang Jianyao found the successful keyword...... Jiang Baimian to see that probably, was smiling one at heart. 啧,商见曜好像找到了成功的关键词……蒋白棉见状,在心里笑了一声。 This keyword is security. 这个关键词就是“安全”。 This with inferred clowns certainly to have distinguished, inferred clowns to guide the people who a conclusion and let draw the conclusions to believe it, but in the later experience, these people, if met with the conclusion opposite, the contradictory detail, did not repeat a conclusion to maintain the effect or achieves other goal. 这就和“推理小丑”有一定区别了,“推理小丑”只是引导出一个结论并让得出结论的人相信它,而在之后的经历中,那些人如果遇到和结论相反的、矛盾的细节,不是重复一遍结论就能保持效果或者达成别的目的的。 It looks like in Jiang Baimian, this looks like hypnoses, is triggered hypnoses by the keywords, hears the keywords believe the speakers unconditionally hypnoses. 蒋白棉看来,这更像“催眠”,由关键词触发的“催眠”,一听到关键词就无条件相信说话者的“催眠”。 But if is hypnoses, has better ways...... . Moreover, everyone hypnoses around Lehman, why didn't link him together? The Jiang Baimian thought rotates, Nava is following the flows, inquired Lehman: 可如果是“催眠”,有更好的方式啊……而且,都把雷曼周围所有人“催眠”了,为什么不连他一起?蒋白棉念头转动间,格纳瓦遵循着流程,询问起雷曼: He is the bodyguards who you recruited by paying high salaries, why didn't live in the same floors with you?” “他是你高薪聘请的保镖,为什么不和你住同一个楼层?” Lehman looked at Rondahl and the others, relaxed much compared with before: 雷曼看了看龙达尔等人,比之前放松了不少: Originally he has lived in my next room, but after he suddenly becomes strange, moved to two, like deliberately makes into the prisons three buildings.” “本来他是一直住我隔壁房间的,但他突然变得陌生后,搬到了二层,就像刻意把三楼弄成监狱一样。” Shang Jianyao also looked to stupor Richardson, said eagerly: 商见曜随之望向了昏迷的理查德森,跃跃欲试地说道: That lets our making known answer.” “那让我们揭晓答案吧。” „It is not first anxious, is saving.” Jiang Baimian know that Shang Jianyao want to read Richardson's memory with fate bead. “先不急,省着点。”蒋白棉知道商见曜是想用“宿命珠”翻看理查德森的记忆。 Before Rondahl's performance showed, their bitter experiences can dodge to a certain extent infer clowns. 之前龙达尔的表现说明,他们的遭遇能在一定程度上规避“推理小丑”。 This did not say that infers clowns not to produce the results, but is they thinks all are normal, even if becomes the Shang Jianyao friend, where also has no way to say has the issues. 这不是说“推理小丑”不会产生效果,而是他们自认为一切都正常,哪怕成为了商见曜的朋友,也没法说出什么地方有问题。 Prevents Shang Jianyao, Jiang Baimian to point at Richardson's room by-path: 阻止完商见曜,蒋白棉指着理查德森的房间道: Goes to look, looks at what clue.” “进去找一找,看有什么线索。” She turns around at once to Rondahl and other humanity: 她旋即转身对龙达尔等人道: You defend outside, the safety first!” “你们守在外面,安全第一!” Rondahl and the others respond immediately seriously: 龙达尔等人立刻郑重回应: Safety first!” “安全第一!” Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao moved toward Richardson's room together with Lehman together. Nava is dragging Richardson, follows. 蒋白棉商见曜连同雷曼一起走向了理查德森的房间。格纳瓦拖着理查德森,紧随其后。 The hair of that room and its master is equally chaotic, is piling electric wires, switches, magnets and other goods, is placing radios and other things. 那个房间和它主人的头发一样乱糟糟的,堆着电线、开关、磁铁等物品,摆放着收音机等东西。 Shang Jianyao eye shining at the same time, Lehman introduced: 商见曜眼睛发亮的同时,雷曼介绍道: This is Richardson's hobby, likes manipulating the mechatronics product, he also studies this, has strong ability.” “这是理查德森的爱好,喜欢摆弄机械电子产品,他本身也是学这个的,有很强的动手能力。” Jiang Baimian nod the head gently, puts on the gloves, inspects each goods in room. 蒋白棉轻轻颔首,戴上手套,检查起房间内的每一件物品。 Shang Jianyao also made similar attempts, but he directly soars that radio. 商见曜也做出了类似的尝试,但他直奔那台收音机。 Richardson also likes listening to the radio, he said that initial cities except for official frequency bands, some small broadcasting stations, are very interesting.” Lehman looked at radio one, speaking thoughtlessly answered, I did not like this, has not cared.” “理查德森也喜欢听广播,他说最初城除了官方频段,还有一些小电台,很有意思。”雷曼望了收音机一眼,随口解释道,“不过我不太喜欢这个,没怎么在意。” Jiang Baimian and Nava slight nod at the same time, Shang Jianyao turned on the radios. 蒋白棉和格纳瓦微微点头的同时,商见曜打开了收音机。 Inside resounded the sands quickly rustle the noises. 里面很快响起了沙沙沙的噪音。 Look for the records, looked that which several small broadcasting station Richardson likes listening, inside are perhaps hiding the clues.” Jiang Baimian told one. “等会找找记录,看理查德森喜欢听哪几个小电台,里面也许藏着线索。”蒋白棉吩咐了一句。 Saw not to have other sound, Shang Jianyao slightly to feel to pat upside of radio disappointedly, inspected on the tables possibly to have the writing the thing. 见没别的声音,商见曜略感失望地拍了拍收音机的上部,检查起桌上可能存在文字的事物。 After busy, old accent group three people had not found the useful clues. 经过一番忙碌,“旧调小组”三人没找到有用的线索。 It seems like can only on fate bead...... Jiang Baimian sigh secretly. 看来还是只能上“宿命珠”……蒋白棉暗自叹了口气。 At this times, sent out rustle in the radio of sound, there is together a quite magnetic masculine throat sound: 就在这个时候,发出沙沙动静的收音机内,有一道颇为磁性的男性嗓音响了起来: Welcome everyone to listen to 119.2 frequency bands, and electric appliance service broadcasting station, I am your friends, likes speaking Wu veiled of major principle.” “欢迎大家收听119.2频段,道与电器维修电台,我是你们的朋友,喜欢讲大道理的吴蒙。” What this uses is the Red River language, Wu veiled transliterates directly. 这用的是红河语,吴蒙是直接音译出来的。 And electric appliance services? Jiang Baimian could not bear shoot a look at that radio one. 道与电器维修?蒋白棉忍不住瞥了那收音机一眼。 Wu veiled voice continues to resound: 吴蒙的嗓音继续响起: Liking being coordinated, will pay and demands constantly will only harvest not the good results. “爱是对等的,一味地付出和索求只会收获不好的结果。 „ It is fairly important, but on the dust, has to realize the fair abilities more important. “公平很重要,但在灰土上,拥有实现公平的能力更加重要。 Stressed that the securities will never be obsolete, must protect a person, must make him place oneself without the environment of bystander, letting the dangers is unable to contact him......” “强调安全永远不过时,要保护一个人,就要让他置身于没有外人的环境,让危险无法接触到他……” The magnetic voices were gradually low and deep, reverberate in the entire rooms. 磁性的嗓音逐渐低沉,回荡在了整个房间内。 This...... the Jiang Baimian mind is a little suddenly chaotic. 这……蒋白棉脑海突然有点混乱。 Shang Jianyao moved toward the entrances fiercely, walks while said: 商见曜猛地走向了门口,边走边说道: I must small close red, lets him far away from the dangers , you also......” “我得把小红关起来,让他远离危险,还有,你们也……” His words have not said, the sounds change sink suddenly, refute themselves: 他话未说完,声音骤然变沉,反驳起自己: Frightened to return to the companies him directly on the lines.” “直接把他吓回公司就行了。” Shang Jianyao pause immediately, nods saying: 商见曜随即停步,点了点头道: Why do I want to believe this broadcast? “我为什么要信这广播的? He has not pointed out the concrete instances!” “他都没有举出具体事例!”
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