ELN :: Volume #4

#79: Will want to take it, must first give it

That black marketeer smiles saying: 那黑市商人微笑说道: No rush, draws a blood with me, makes an inspection, separates for several days to come to look to match again successfully. If this does not have, now sees the person who volunteers to contribute, is very awkward? Moreover is easy to divulge my channel source.” “别急,跟我去抽点血,做个检查,隔几天再过来看有没有配型成功。这要是没有,现在就见了志愿捐献的人,岂不是挺尴尬的?而且还容易泄露我的渠道源头。” Good.” Han looks to attain did not think that this has what issue. “好。”韩望获不觉得这有什么问题。 He too did not worry that meets the violent to sleep outside the person status, because in some sense, the black marketeer, the black clinic doctor and the munitions peddlers Hunting that street achieved all living things equality, treats impartially, in brief, managing you are normal human, is the distortion times person, has money to have the commodity to have the strength to welcome you, without money does not have the commodity not to have the strength to get the hell out, as for having money to have the commodity not to have strength that type, everyone together. 他不是太担心会暴露次人身份,因为某种意义上,安坦那街的黑市商人、黑诊所医生、军火贩子都做到了众生平等,一视同仁,总之,管你是正常人类,还是畸变次人,有钱有物资有实力就欢迎你,没钱没物资没实力一律滚蛋,至于有钱有物资没实力那种,大家一起嘿嘿嘿。 The organ merchant got Han Wang to attain to move toward behind a room, spoke thoughtlessly saying: 器官商人领着韩望获走向了身后一个房间,随口说道: Introduced oneself, strict Miao, the words were since childhood many, should not be offended, how to call?” “自我介绍一下,严淼,从小话多,不要见怪,怎么称呼?” Han looked to attain looked at this black marketeer one eyes discretely, has not replied. 韩望获谨慎地望了这位黑市商人一眼,未做回答。 Strict Miao haha smiled: 严淼哈哈笑了起来: „ Doesn't my want to become friends with you? “我这不是想和你交个朋友吗? Although your such good person was about to become extinct on the dust, I had not planned that developed in this direction, but was the friend, that was really good, listened spoke the grey patois? Un, you should brave grave dangers and make great sacrifices for the friend.” “虽然你这样的好人在灰土上都快绝种了,我也没打算往这个方向发展,但做朋友,那真是太棒了,听的懂灰土语吗?嗯,你应该会为朋友两肋插刀。” His following a few words changed to the grey patois. 他后面一句话改用了灰土语。 Han looks to attain visual the front, is walking not so fast but so slow neither: 韩望获目视着前方,不快不慢地走着: You too looked at me high.” “你太高看我了。” „Becoming friends I not to lose anything in any case, discounts to you at most.” strict Miao said with a smile in a soft voice, „, but the critical moment, the friend can be used to keep off the spear/gun, no, help.” “反正交个朋友我又不会损失什么,顶多就是给你打个折。”严淼轻声笑道,“而关键时刻,朋友是能用来挡枪,不,救命的。” He displayed is only on the mouth said that wants to become friends. 他表现得只是嘴巴上说想交个朋友。 Why Han looks to attain does not know, thought of somebody. 韩望获不知为什么,想到了某个人。 Although that person and strict Miao characteristics are completely different, but the similar words are many. 虽然那个人和严淼特点完全不同,但同样的话多。 ............ ………… Such big fish!” Shang Jianyao looks on the front skewer the fish of grill, an exclamation. “这么大的鱼!”商见曜看着前方串上了烤架的鱼,一阵惊叹。 This fish has almost a Long Yuehong arm to be long. 这鱼差不多有龙悦红一条胳膊长。 At this moment, old accent group five members followed Du Heng to arrive red great wolf area one home to make the grilled fish restaurant specially. 此时此刻,“旧调小组”五位成员跟着杜衡来到了红巨狼区一家专做烤鱼的餐厅。 Du Heng with a smile introduced: 杜衡笑着介绍道: This Arnarvatn from stage Vie River middle reaches, before initial city influence expansion, there had dozens years no one to visit to the past, the fish is long the fat and big, concentrated pollutant is also few. “这来自台韦河中游的阿尔纳湖,在‘最初城’势力扩张过去前,那里有几十年没人踏足,鱼都长得又肥又大,富集的污染物也很少。 Is only the person in azure Chinese olive area liked eating the fish, currently the red great wolf area and gold/metal wheat ear area have this custom.” “原本只是青橄榄区的人爱吃鱼,现在红巨狼区、金麦穗区也有这个习俗了。” At this point, he made up one meaningfully: 说到这里,他意味深长地补了一句: After all relative small advantage, is easy to obtain.” “毕竟相对便宜,又容易获得。” The custom that he likes to lecture to people have not changed...... Jiang Baimian quite to feel happily. 他好为人师的习惯还没变啊……蒋白棉颇感欣慰。 This means that under could ask many important intelligence. 这意味着等下说不定能问出很多重要情报。 Shang Jianyao and Long Yuehong attention on the grill, looks that the chef turns over that big fish once for a while, smudges the seasoning. 商见曜龙悦红的注意力都在烤架上,看着厨师时不时翻转那条大鱼,涂抹调料。 You looked like also experienced many things.” Du Heng vision has swept old accent group five members, says with emotion heartfeltly, grows very quickly.” “你们看来也经历了不少事情啊。”杜衡的目光扫过“旧调小组”五位成员,由衷感慨道,“成长得挺快的。” Jiang Baimian looked chef eyes that is responsible for the grilled fish: 蒋白棉看了负责烤鱼的厨师一眼: Yes.” “是啊。” Her implication was a pity that here has the bystander, otherwise can under the share and the others these days experience. 她言外之意是可惜这里有外人,要不然能分享下自己等人这段时间的经历。 „Did you use the grey patois not on the line?” Du Heng said with a smile, said again, I want to make him hear, he could hear.” “你用灰土语不就行了?”杜衡笑道,“再说,我想让他听到的,他才听得到。” His these words use as before is the Red River language, but that chef actually turns a deaf ear , is only left over itself to be there grilled fish like the whole world. 他这段话用的依旧是红河语,但那名厨师却充耳不闻,就像整个世界只剩下自己在那里烤鱼一样。 Shang Jianyao is applauding for Du Heng this mysterious powerhouse. 啪啪啪,商见曜为杜衡这位神秘的强者鼓起了掌。 Your performance reminded me of some old friend.” Du Heng is not offended says with a smile, actually, but I actually cannot recall him am.” “你的表现让我想起了某位老朋友。”杜衡一点也不见怪地笑道,“但我却记不起他究竟是谁。” What paid is the memory related price? Jiang Baimian was muttering one at heart. 付出的是记忆相关的代价?蒋白棉在心里咕哝了一句。 She and the others roughly speaks herself in the weeds city and experience of red stone Ji, southern Tal at once. 她旋即把自己等人在野草城、红石集、塔尔南的经历大致讲了一遍。 Although she focused on the folk characteristics of share different place, but raised Yan tiger condition, „the new world, river Xiaoyue the issue, Room 503 and Timarco's actions. 虽然她把重点放在了分享不同地方的民俗特色上,但还是提了提阎虎的状态、“新的世界”、江筱月的问题、503房间和迪马尔科的所作所为。 Here bread included old accent group not to „the Pangu lifeform that partial content of report. 这里面包括了“旧调小组”未向“盘古生物”汇报的那一部分内容。 Jiang Baimian understands will want to take it, must first giving the truth, knows not only wants to inquire that from Du Heng there essential knowledge, does not offend the opposite party, best broadly and level, equal exchange. 蒋白棉深谙“将欲取之,必先予之”的道理,知道既想从杜衡那里打听到关键知识,又不得罪对方,最好还是坦坦荡荡,“等价”交换。 The part that she mainly conceals in the change of Shang Jianyao strength, these equipment that the old accent group gains, including two exoskeleton installments and fate bead and blind link. 她主要隐瞒的部分在商见曜实力的变化,旧调小组获取的那些装备,包括两台外骨骼装置和“宿命珠”、“盲目之环”。 In process that Jiang Baimian told, Shang Jianyao coordinated, often interrupted, said incessantly some not that important detail, Bai Chen, Long Yuehong and Nava also echoed two once for a while, needed to provide the opening harmonious exchange environment. 蒋白棉讲述的过程中,商见曜非常配合,经常插嘴,滔滔不绝地说一些不那么重要的细节,白晨龙悦红、格纳瓦也时不时附和两句,务求营造出开放和谐的交流环境。 Du Heng maintains is asking several conditions occasionally, when continuously old accent group shares the experience, nods gently says with a smile: 杜衡保持着偶尔问几句的状态,一直等到“旧调小组”分享完经历,才轻轻颔首笑道: I did not have the dotard, I suspected our previous time meets is several years ago, you pass these days are really splendid. “要不是我还没老糊涂,我都怀疑我们上次见面是几年前了,你们这段时间过得真是精彩啊。 Your these experiences, several details to me are very useful, making me further believe that road that I take now possibly is most correct that. “你们这些经历,有几个细节对我来说还是挺有用的,让我进一步相信我现在走的那条路可能是最正确的那条。 Said that what you do have to ask?” “说吧,你们有什么想问的?” Appearance that his saw through Jiang Baimian that wishful thinking. 他一副看穿了蒋白棉那点小心思的样子。 Jiang Baimian nearly hollow laugh at the same time, Shang Jianyao asked straightforwardly: 蒋白棉险些干笑的同时,商见曜直截了当地问道: Teacher, ‚the sea of origin should final, how defeat?” “老师,‘起源之海’的最后,该怎么战胜自我?” Teacher? Hou, did this climb the relations also to climb quickly? A Jiang Baimian funniness. 老师?嚯,这攀关系也攀得太快了吧?蒋白棉一阵好笑。 Long Yuehong also had similar thought. 龙悦红也产生了类似的念头。 Actually Bai Chen and Nava, have not cared about this completely, more anticipates Du Heng reply. 倒是白晨和格纳瓦,完全没在意这点,更多是期待杜衡的回答。 Du Heng looks at the grilled fish that the eye gradually changed color, beckons with the hand with a smile: 杜衡看了眼逐渐变色的烤鱼,笑着摆了摆手: I do not accept the disciple, shouted that the teacher I cannot withstand. “我不收徒的,喊老师我承受不起。 But, you can add on the name, shouted that Teacher Du Heng, this in Old World is a polite name.” “不过,你可以加上名字,喊杜衡老师,这在旧世界是一种尊称。” The appearance that you enjoy obviously very much...... Jiang Baimian shuts tightly to be quiet close to, was afraid own unstated criticism to say incautiously. 你明明很享受的样子……蒋白棉紧闭住嘴巴,害怕自己的腹诽一不小心就说了出来。 Does not wait for Shang Jianyao to shout again, Du Heng clears throat saying: 不等商见曜再喊,杜衡清了清喉咙道: ‚The sea of origin final, often is some extreme you, this possibly came from certain things, certain experiences, certain pain, possibly stems from you throughout the depressing other aspect. “‘起源之海’最后的自我,往往是某一个极端的你,这可能来自某些事情,某些经历,某些痛苦,也可能源于你始终压抑的另一面。 Defeating is very difficult, what more people choose is the reconciliation, accepts and controls him to a certain extent. “战胜自我是很难的,更多人选择的是和解,接受并在一定程度上控制他。 I am not you, has no way to replace you to make the choice, but both directions can try. “我不是你,没法代替你做出选择,但两个方向都可以试一试。 Shang Jianyao is lost in thought that does not know in the plan what strange plan. 商见曜陷入了沉思,不知在规划什么奇怪的方案。 Jiang Baimian seizes the chance to ask: 蒋白棉趁机问道: Teacher Du Heng, what significance in the mind corridor these room numbers have, what is representing?” “杜衡老师,心灵走廊内那些房间号都有什么意义,代表着什么?” The team leader also shouted that Teacher Du Heng...... won't feel embarrassed? Long Yuehong audit slightly feels speechless. 呃,组长也喊上杜衡老师了啊……不会觉得不好意思吗?龙悦红旁听的略感无语。 Du Heng touched mouth all around beard, hidden a little said contentedly: 杜衡摸了摸嘴巴四周的胡须,隐有点自得地说道: Your this was asks. “你这算是问对人了。 Many mind corridor awakening of level explored for dozens years, possibly has not clarified these door plate the rule.” “许多‘心灵走廊’层次的觉醒者探索了几十年,可能都没弄清楚那些门牌号的规律。” He really knows...... peaceful listening Bai Chen whispered in the innermost feelings, the attention does not dare to put aside completely. 他真知道啊……安静“听讲”的白晨在内心低语了一句,注意力完全不敢移开。 Du Hengwang recovering Shang Jianyao, said with a smile: 杜衡望着“回过神来”的商见曜,笑着说道: According to my research, what each door plate first number represents is different holds the year, manifests for the month that they wield.” “据我研究,每个门牌号的第一个数字代表的是不同的执岁,体现为祂们执掌的月份。” This......” Jiang Baimian actually also some similar guess, the thought that but she disperses in this aspect are too many, the answer of imagination are more, and lacks the effective clue, has no way to further analyze. “这样啊……”蒋白棉其实也有过类似的猜测,但她在这方面发散的思维太多,想象的答案更多,且缺乏有效的线索,没法进一步分析。 What 503 represent is in May/five months holds yearsupervisor the domain third room?” Bai Chen is considering asking. “‘503’代表的是五月执岁‘监察者’领域的第三个房间?”白晨斟酌着问道。 This is river Xiaoyue that room, likely causes clam dragon teaches fond illusion protector infection not to have worry that room. 这是“江筱月”那个房间,很可能导致“蜃龙教迷梦保护者”感染“无心病”的那个房间。 Right, but the room order actually does not have the rule, cannot assume 501 represent supervisor directly ‚’ dreamland.” Du Heng answered. “对,但房间顺序其实是没有规律的,不能想当然地认为‘501’就直接代表‘监察者’的梦境。”杜衡解释道。 manor health/life? 13 or 0?” Shang Jianyao pursues asks. “那庄生的呢?13或者0?”商见曜追问道。 Du Heng shakes the head, said with a laugh: 杜衡摇了摇头,笑呵呵说道: manor health/life possibly is 1, possibly is 2, possibly is 1 in any number to 12, un, simply speaking is, ‚’ what 503 not necessarily represent is in May/five months holds year supervisor the domain third room, but also possibly is village lives the domain room.” “庄生的可能是一,可能是二,也可能是一到12之中的任何一个数字,嗯,简单来说就是,‘503’不一定代表的是五月执岁‘监察者’领域的第三个房间,还可能是‘庄生’领域的房间。” „Is this whole year holds the year particularity?” Jiang Baimian is suddenly enlighted, such looks like, the Yan Hujin last room not necessarily is bodhi domain, but also possibly is village lives domain.” “这就是全年执岁的特殊性?”蒋白棉恍然大悟,“这么看来,阎虎进的最后一个房间不一定是‘菩提’领域的,还可能是‘庄生’领域的。” The last room that Yan tiger explores is 102. 阎虎探索的最后一个房间是“102”。 At this time, Nava who analyzed asked oneself issue: 这时,分析完毕的格纳瓦提出了自己的问题: „ The room of that representative average person, what is the door plate? “那代表普通人的房间,门牌号又是什么样的? „After does not awaken, according to the price, which domain can determine in?” “不是觉醒后,根据代价,才能确定在哪个领域吗?” Average person does not have the door plate, will not be hiding the front door to new world.” Du Heng returned to one simply. “普通人的没有门牌号,也不会藏着通往新世界的大门。”杜衡简单回了一句。 „Does a vegetable in river Xiaoyue old world, become awakening finally?” Jiang Baimian grasped the key point keenly. “那江筱月一个旧世界的植物人,最终成为了觉醒者?”蒋白棉敏锐地抓住了重点。 Although this awakening not necessarily really woke. 虽然这个觉醒者未必真的醒过来了。 Du Heng had not replied, but selected slowly under. 杜衡没有回答,只是缓慢点了下头。 Old accent group five members a little are for a while silent, the information content of because a moment ago talking was too big. “旧调小组”五位成员一时都有点沉默,因为刚才对话的信息量实在太大了。 Separated for several seconds, Shang Jianyao asked curiously: 隔了几秒,商见曜好奇问道: Teacher Du Heng, have you entered ‚the new world?” “杜衡老师,你已经进入‘新的世界’了?” Good direct...... Long Yuehong to be startled by coming straight to the point of Shang Jianyao. 好直接……龙悦红商见曜的开门见山惊到了。 Du Heng laughed in spite of trying not to: 杜衡失笑了一声: How this did say? I have believed that if cannot find the front door of new world in the reality synchronously, that pure by mind corridor in ‚the gate of new world, has no way to obtain the true success, perhaps will fall to Yan tiger that fate.” “这个怎么说呢?我一直都认为,如果不能同步在现实中找到新世界的大门,那纯靠心灵走廊内的‘新世界之门’,是没法获得真正成功的,说不定会落到阎虎那个下场。” In other words, you found that door, but does not dare to shove open, does not dare to enter, but also in reality diligently? Jiang Baimian is making the guess looking pensive. 也就是说,你找到了那扇门,但不敢推开,不敢进入,还在现实中努力?蒋白棉若有所思地做着揣测。 At this time, the fragrance of grilled fish gradually diverged, let Du Hengchou sniffing. 这时,烤鱼的香味逐渐发散开来,让杜衡抽了抽鼻子。 Said that so many were hungry.” He self-ridiculed that said with a smile. “说这么多都饿了。”他自嘲一笑道。 „It seems like must roast one again.” Jiang Baimian looked at that grill one. “看起来还得再烤一阵。”蒋白棉望了那烤架一眼。 The fish is too big, not only needs to scratch openings, the time will also drag to be long very much. 鱼太大,不仅需要划出一条条口子,时间也会拖得很长。 The Shang Jianyao concern asked: 商见曜则关切问道: Teacher Du Heng, do you come to the initial city are look slightly clash?” “杜衡老师,你来最初城是找小冲吗?” :.: :。:
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