ELN :: Volume #4

#19: „Brothers affectionate”

Old accent group just settled, the weather is the tarnish, the setting sun afterglow makes the entire city put on the orange tissue. “旧调小组”刚安顿好,天色已是变暗,夕阳的余晖让整座城市披上了橘黄的薄纱。 Jiang Baimian and the others changed a set of clothing respectively, conceals is good ice liver moss and unites 202, had/left Afu gun shop slowly, entered southern street. 蒋白棉等人各自换了套衣物,藏好“冰苔”和“联合202”,慢悠悠出了“阿福枪店”,进了南街。 After this large-scale living area, they do not want to eat the canned food, biscuit and energy stick again. 到了这种大型聚居点后,他们可不想再吃罐头、饼干和能量棒。 Was livelier than before.” Long Yuehong walks on the road, glances right and left to say. “比之前热闹很多啊。”龙悦红走在路上,左顾右盼着说道。 This time southern street, crowded, the attire varies, some as if come from remote mountains and ancient forests, some put on the flavor of Old World. 此时的南街,人来人往,衣着各异,有的仿佛来自深山老林,有的穿出了旧世界的韵味。 In them, the vehicles are going slowly, like breaking open the wave vanguard. 他们之中,车辆缓慢行驶着,就像在破开波浪前行。 But the both sides these noodle restaurants, hotels and restaurant, for better or for worse, were almost filled with the person. 而两侧的那些面馆、饭店、餐厅,无论好坏,几乎都坐满了人。 Heard the Long Yuehong sigh with emotion sound, Bai Chen said one simply: 听到龙悦红的感慨声,白晨简简单单地说了一句: Vestige hunter who in the winter comes originally few.” “冬季过来的遗迹猎人本来就少。” After beginning of the spring, lots of vestige hunters come from the peripheral region each living areas and different influences, or looks for the opportunity, either the transaction harvest, let suffer the turmoil the weeds city to restore the past scene. 开春之后,大量遗迹猎人从周围区域各个聚居点和不同的势力过来,或寻找机会,或交易收获,让遭受动乱的野草城恢复了往日的景象。 Quite fragrant......” Shang Jianyao has not cared about the matter in this aspect, smells various food fragrances that in the air are fluttering, is searching actively restaurant that has the vacancy. “好香啊……”商见曜没在意这方面的事情,嗅着空气中飘荡的各种食物香味,积极地寻觅着有空位的餐馆。 The Jiang Baimian vision sweeps, discovered that close to the place of central square, many people gathers in the corner, in lane, does not know that is making anything, whenever the patrol leader passes through, they would shipping out appearance calmly. 蒋白棉目光一扫间,发现靠近中心广场的地方,不少人聚集在角落里、巷子中,也不知道在做什么,而每当巡逻队经过,他们总会装出若无其事的样子。 Detected that Jiang Baimian is gazing at these people, Bai Chen speaks thoughtlessly saying: 察觉到蒋白棉在注视那些人,白晨随口说道: Some small-scale black markets.” “一些小型黑市。” Seeing Long Yuehong is a little puzzled, she further explained: 龙悦红有点不解,她进一步解释道: „ The underground trading market of western street is mainly primarily the bulk cargoes, various types of forbidden objects and currencies exchanges, but the vestige hunter these goods that excavate from the city ruins, has no way to classify, is hard to be direct and main acquirer transaction of correspondence, enters the regular market to spend a commodity, is not everyone is willing to undertake. “西街的地下交易市场主要以大宗货物、各种违禁物品和货币兑换为主,而遗迹猎人从城市废墟里发掘出来的那些物品,很多没法分门别类,难以直接和对应的主要收购者交易,进正规市场又要花费一笔物资,不是每个人都愿意承担。 Some of them choose to drop from house to house sell, some spontaneously formed this small-scale black market, inside has many strange Old World goods.” “他们有的选择走街串巷地推销,有的自发地形成了这种小型黑市,里面有很多奇奇怪怪的旧世界物品。” Hears here, Long Yuehong roughly understood, he asked curiously: 听到这里,龙悦红大致明白了过来,他好奇问道: In this can hide some valuable thing? “这里面会不会藏着一些很有价值的东西? For example, solidified some mind corridor the goods of level awakening aura?” “比如,固化了某位‘心灵走廊’层次觉醒者气息的物品?” He finishes speaking, Shang Jianyao has smiled the sound: 他话音刚落,商见曜已笑出了声音: Your Old World entertainment material looked too.” “你旧世界娱乐资料看太多了。” Also yes, that type of goods fall on the ordinary manpower, is close to curse or the disaster, once contacted for a long time, definitely will have the problem, letting the person can distinguish their exceptionally...... Long Yuehong to acknowledge with ease embarrassedly oneself really want. 也是啊,那种物品落在普通人手上,更接近诅咒或灾难,一旦接触久了,必然会出现问题,让人能轻松分辨它们的异常……龙悦红没好意思承认自己真的想多了。 Rarely.” Bai Chen answered his beforehand issue, „, if there is time, there is an experience, can screen the goods from the small-scale black market, the price often is lower than its real value.” “很少。”白晨回答了他之前的问题,“如果有时间,又有见识,从小型黑市里也是能筛选出好物品的,价格往往低于它的实际价值。” Also led the way several steps, Long Yuehong is pressing the throat sound said suddenly: 又前行了几步,龙悦红突然压着嗓音道: That side has a person to observe us, I looked at the past, he looked at other place. “那边有个人在观察我们,我一望过去,他就看别的地方。 That side also has one......” “那边也有一个……” Jiang Baimian smiled: 蒋白棉笑了起来: Good, can finish an apprenticeship. “不错,可以出师了。 That several should be monitoring who northern street looks, does not need to manage.” “那几个应该是北街找的监控者,不用理。” She and Shang Jianyao, Bai Chen Long Yuehong earlier discovery- the peeping at condition and close attention trend of peeping good-looking man beautiful woman is obviously different. 她和商见曜白晨龙悦红更早发现-偷看俊男美女的状态和密切注意动向的窥视显然是不一样的。 They spoke, Shang Jianyao discovered named flavor fast-food the shop had two tables to empty. 他们说话间,商见曜发现一家名为“风味快餐”的店铺有两张桌子空着。 That side!” He feels the belly, pointed out the direction. “那边!”他摸着肚子,指出了方向。 Jiang Baimian has no particular preference, leads old accent group one line, walked, wrested away four people of tables. 蒋白棉无可无不可,率领“旧调小组”一行,走了过去,霸占了一张四人桌。 This fast-food restaurant dish is few, 78 pots that only then set up in an array, in each pot are cooking different food. 这家快餐店菜品很少,只有一字排开的七八个锅,每个锅里炖着不同的食物。 Under them is platforms that have many simple stoves, the charcoal, coal were burning the flame, making the food in pot maintain the lowest temperature. 它们下面是一种有多个简易灶的台子,木炭、煤炭等燃着小火,让锅里的菜肴保持着最低温度。 Shang Jianyao as far as eyes can reach, identified the food in most pots is anything: 商见曜一眼望去,辨认出了大部分锅里的食物是什么: The tomato scrambled eggs and potato cook the red-roasted pork and several types of seasonal vegetables of streaky pork and scrap chaotic cooks...... 番茄炒蛋、土豆炖五花肉、小块的红烧肉、几种时令蔬菜的乱炖…… Almost is simultaneously, what Jiang Baimian clarified this shop to sell was anything: 几乎是同时,蒋白棉弄清楚了这家店卖的是什么: Rice served with meat and vegetable topping! 盖浇饭! I want the potato to cook meat cover Jiao.” Jiang Baimian looked to Long Yuehong and the others. “我要土豆炖肉盖浇。”蒋白棉望向了龙悦红等人。 Old accent group also has beforehand remaining, Lasser and Kase, does not need to exchange the currency anxiously. “旧调小组”还有之前剩下的奥雷、德拉塞和卡斯,不用急着去兑换货币。 I am also.” Shang Jianyao lifted the hand to wipe under the corners of the mouth. “我也是。”商见曜抬手抹了下嘴角。 I want the red-roasted pork.” I want the tomato scrambled eggs.” Long Yuehong and Bai Chen said respectively. “我要红烧肉。”“我要番茄炒蛋。”龙悦红白晨分别说道。 Decided the dinner, they start patiently the waiting. 敲定了晚饭,他们耐心做起等待。 But the vestige hunters who the surroundings dine size up their several eyes once for a while. 而周围用餐的遗迹猎人们时不时打量他们几眼。 On the one hand this is pleasant, on the other hand is suspicious. 这一方面是赏心悦目,另一方面是心存疑惑。 After all the appearance stature so outstanding team, in the weeds city is quite rare. 毕竟长相身材都如此出众的团队,在野草城还是比较少见的。 Restaurant owner, did not look at several toward here unconventional. 就连餐馆老板,也不免俗地往这边多看了几眼。 He takes the tray, scoops up one spoon of food, covers a vegetable/dish, less than one minute did well four rice serveds with meat and vegetable topping. 他拿着盘子,舀一勺饭,盖一层菜,不到一分钟就弄好了四份盖浇饭。 A character, quick! 一个字,“快”! Shang Jianyao cooked the streaky pork the juice to mix in the food the potato earnestly, and counted altogether to have several meat. 商见曜认真将土豆炖五花肉的汁水拌进了饭里,并数了数一共有几块肉。 Three scraps.” He sighed. “三小块。”他叹了口气。 You did not have to say fortunately loudly...... Jiang Baimian mixed the food, while said with a smile: 还好你没有大声说……蒋白棉一边把饭拌开,一边笑着说道: How many meat does this shop lane obtain? Also, the meat were many, the price was expensive, many vestige hunters could not eat.” “这种小店弄得到多少肉?再说,肉多了,价格贵了,很多遗迹猎人就吃不起了。” Shang Jianyao un un two, dedicated attracting the grain of cooked rice of cooking liquor sent in the mouth full. 商见曜“嗯嗯”了两声,专注地将吸饱了汤汁的饭粒送入口中。 At this time, out of the door stopped a car(riage). 就在这个时候,门外停下了一辆车。 That is installing the sedan of deep bulletproof glass and heavy armor. 那是加装着深色防弹玻璃和厚厚装甲的轿车。 Zhao Yide pushes the hanger-on, ships out the pleasantly surprised appearance, shouts loudly: 赵义德推门下来,装出惊喜的样子,大声喊道: Treats illness, did you come back?” “去病,你们回来了?” His sound reverberation in flavor fast-food shop, brought in the gazes of vestige hunters. 他的声音回荡在“风味快餐”店,引来了一位位遗迹猎人的注视。 After seeing clearly his appearance, the pupils of these vestige hunters have all enlarged: 看清楚他的模样后,那些遗迹猎人的瞳孔皆有所放大: This mister looked has the status to have the position very much very much! 这位先生一看就很有身份很有地位! His back vehicles are most vestige hunters cannot re-equip ; His all around is scattering the people of several doubtful bodyguards ; His black tight-fitting pants and same color coat of embed golden color button, neat, clean, looks very new ; He is slightly obese, the face is ruddy, in the dust of universal malnutrition, appears unusual...... 他背后的车辆是大部分遗迹猎人改装不起的;他的四周散落着好几名疑似保镖的人;他黑色偏紧身的裤子和镶嵌金色纽扣的同色上衣,整齐,干净,看起来很新;他略微肥胖,脸庞红润,在普遍营养不良的灰土,显得与众不同…… Entrance several vestige hunters are sharp-eyed, saw under that sedan windshield is clamping pass. 门口的几名遗迹猎人更是眼尖,看到了那辆轿车挡风玻璃下夹着的通行证。 That passes in and out the pass of northern street! 那是进出北街的通行证! This feared that was an aristocrat master...... to the weeds city understanding quite deep vestige hunters low the head. 这怕是一位贵族老爷……对野草城了解颇深的遗迹猎人们低下了脑袋。 Hears Zhao Yide's summon, Shang Jianyao stands up, similarly shouts pleasantly surprised: 听到赵义德的呼唤,商见曜刷地站起,同样惊喜地喊道: „ Before originally you, has not recognized us. “原来你之前是没认出我们。 I also think that you did not recognize my brothers!” “我还以为你不认我这个兄弟了!” The vestige hunters who the brothers...... eat meal earnestly chew this grey patois glossary simultaneously. 兄弟……埋头吃饭的遗迹猎人们同时嘴嚼起这个灰土语词汇。 That team is not really simple! They were sighing at heart. 那支队伍果然不简单!他们纷纷在心里感叹。 Zhao Yide's expression stiff several seconds, makes itself display enough surprise diligently: 赵义德的表情僵硬了几秒,努力让自己表现得足够诧异: „Do we have to bump into the afternoon?” “我们下午有碰到吗?” Does not give the opportunity of Shang Jianyao reply, he shifted the topic forcefully: 不给商见曜回答的机会,他强行转移了话题: Walks, goes to my family! “走,去我家! In the weeds city, I do not allow you to eat this type of thing.” “在野草城,我不允许你们吃这种东西。” The Shang Jianyao expression suddenly becomes serious, let Zhao Yide thump. 商见曜的表情突然变得严肃,让赵义德内心咯噔了一下。 „It is not good, has started to eat, cannot waste food.” Shang Jianyao sincere answered. “不行,已经开始吃了,不能浪费食物。”商见曜正色解释道。 „Is is.” Zhao Yide does not dare to refute. “是是是。”赵义德不敢反驳。 Shang Jianyao is pointing at side immediately, to fast-food restaurant old plank road: 商见曜随即指着旁边,对快餐店老板道: My friend came, additional root stool.” “我朋友来了,加根凳子。” Normal, this matter is customer begins generally, after may see the entrance that doubtful aristocrat master's husband, the boss circled from the top, took a square stool, suspends to the side of Shang Jianyao that table. 正常来说,这种事情一般都是顾客自己动手,可看了眼门口那位疑似贵族老爷的先生后,老板还是从灶台后面绕了出来,拿了根方凳,摆到商见曜那张桌子的侧面。 Zhao Yide sizes up the greasy shop, squeezes the smile: 赵义德打量起油乎乎的店铺,挤出笑容道: „Is this not quite safe?” “这不太安全吧?” Has me in!” Shang Jianyao you do not believe me appearance. “有我在!”商见曜一副“你是不是不相信我”的模样。 His nearby Long Yuehong, his opposite Jiang Baimian and Bai Chen, lower the head, repress laughter to bear very laboriously. 他旁边的龙悦红,他对面的蒋白棉白晨,都低下了头,忍笑忍得很是辛苦。 Zhao Yide silent inspires, puts out the white handkerchief, scratched the forehead. 赵义德无声吸了口气,拿出白色手绢,擦了擦额头。 We are the brothers, how can I not believe you?” He first responded to Shang Jianyao one, then said to bodyguard, you are waiting in the entrance.” “我们是兄弟,我怎么会不相信你?”他先回应了商见曜一句,然后对身旁的保镖道,“你们在门口等着。” Shang Jianyao helps add: 商见曜帮忙补充道: Car(riage) open far, do not stop up in others entrance, delays others to do business.” “车开远一点,不要堵在人家门口,耽搁别人做生意。” Right.” Zhao Yide accepting good advice readily. “对对对。”赵义德“从善如流”。 When the driver drives away the car(riage), he paces to Shang Jianyao and other man radicals near slowly. 等到司机把车开走,他慢慢踱步至商见曜等人旁边。 Looks at the slightly greasy square stool surface, he roused several seconds of courage, finally sat. 看着略显油腻的方凳表面,他鼓了好几秒的勇气,终于坐了下去。 Shang Jianyao patted his shoulder joyfully, friendly asked: 商见曜欣喜地拍了拍他的肩膀,友善问道: Has had the dinner?” “吃过晚饭没有?” Also no.” Zhao Yide conditioned reflex answered. “还没。”赵义德条件反射般做出了回答。 The next second, he regretted, because of the Shang Jianyao half revolution the body, had said to the boss: 下一秒,他后悔了,因为商见曜半转过身体,对老板说道: Comes potato to cook meat cover Jiao again, I invited!” “再来一份土豆炖肉盖浇,我请!” Hou, natural...... this is the group property...... Jiang Baimian had not opposed. 嚯,大方啊……这可是小组财产……蒋白棉没有反对。 When is embellishing several streaky porks rice served with meat and vegetable topping ends to Zhao Yide's front, his face almost wrinkles. 当点缀着几块五花肉的盖浇饭端到赵义德的面前,他一张脸差点皱起来。 Only sees the fat, he feels the gastric disorder. 仅是看到肥肉,他就感觉反胃。 He remembers that father Zhao Zhengqi likes this type of thing, probably when is young the habit of forming, but he does not have. He has also tried on the curiosity exuberant child stage, later does not want to contact. 他记得父亲赵正奇非常喜欢这种东西,好像是年少时养成的习惯,但他没有。他也就好奇心旺盛的儿童阶段试过,之后再也不想接触。 Moreover, is this restaurant, dirty and chaotic, how done thing can eat? 而且,这种餐馆,又脏又乱,做的东西怎么能吃? Sees him to stare dull, the Shang Jianyao flashing eyes said: 见他呆愣,商见曜目光炯炯地说道: Cannot waste food.” “不能浪费食物啊。” „......” Zhao Yide took up the tableware, selected is made one spoon of rice to feed in the mouth by the part of fat pollution. “……”赵义德拿起了餐具,挑没被肥肉污染的部分弄了一勺米饭送进嘴里。 Quick, he swallowed the tears to flow. 很快,他咽得眼泪都要流出来了。 Sees his appearance, Jiang Baimian has to suspect Shang Jianyao really brothers affectionate, does that intentionally. 看到他这幅模样,蒋白棉不得不怀疑商见曜到底是真的“兄弟情深”,还是故意这么做。 After eating up that spoon of food, Zhao Yide could not bear retch two. 吃下那勺饭后,赵义德忍不住干呕了两下。 „Were you pregnant?” Shang Jianyao surprise. “你怀孕了?”商见曜诧异。 Zhao Yide does not know for a while should responds with what language and expression. 赵义德一时不知该用什么语言和表情来回应。 Jiang Baimian clears throat: 蒋白棉清了清喉咙: He cracks a joke.” “他开玩笑的。” Un, I eat too quickly.” Zhao Yide hurrying answered. “嗯,我只是吃太快。”赵义德赶紧解释道。 Jiang Baimian showed the friendly smile: 蒋白棉露出了友善的笑容: That slow point eats.” “那慢点吃。” Zhao Yide expression nods complex: 赵义德表情复杂地点头: Good.” “好。” Also after forcing oneself ate a spoon, he finally cannot endure patiently, says: 又强迫自己吃了一小勺后,他终于忍耐不住,开口说道: My father wants to see you.” “我父亲想见你们。”
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