Mentionedalsostrangely, Akizukijustleft the room, in the snowcolorgardenmore than tenboygirls of low voiceexchangeas ifseeswhatdisasters, in a twinklingwas completely silent, has not waited forhimto open the mouthto seem like the catbastard who onecrowd of receivedfrightenedimmediately, crashed in the dormitorycompetitively.
说来也怪,阿卡姆刚一离开房间,雪色庭院里小声交流的十几个男孩女孩就仿佛见到什么洪水猛兽,霎时间鸦雀无声,没等他开口立刻像是一群受到惊吓的猫崽子,争先恐后地冲进宿舍。Works as!
The hardloosewooden doorstrikes against the doorframe, closes uplayer on layer/heavily, cages.
坚硬的松木门拍击门框,重重合拢,上锁。Severaltimideyesshinein the windowmouthspy on.
几双怯怯的眼睛在窗户口忽闪忽闪地窥探。NearLebiodastatueAkizukibaredgrinning, a heavy linetouches the ownyounghandsomeface, hewalksnot to be dreaded, has shut out.雷比殴达雕像边的阿卡姆龇了龇牙,一头黑线地摸了摸自己的年轻英俊的脸,他一路走来还没这么被人畏惧,嫌弃过。Hedoes not believe in evil doctrinesto move toward the windowmouth, pulls outseveralporkto dofrom the waistcamera bagto the childcalls, theirresponsesare more intense, severaleyesextremelyshrink the darknesspanic-stricken, eventurned very quiet.
“什么情况?”Witchercomplexiondarkdarkturns around, lookonebright.猎魔人脸色晦晦地转身,眼神一亮。Not far awayplacesin the shack of horses, a girlas ifdispersedwith the companion, the area of concealmentsquatsafter the brownhorsebig headmotionless, seemsis playing hide-and-seekwithWitcher.
不远处安置马匹的窝棚里,一个女孩儿似乎和同伴走散了,隐蔽地蹲在棕马大脑袋后一动不动,好似在和猎魔人捉迷藏。Actuallydoes not know that Wirthbetrayedher, the furrytailflingslooks like the propeller, non-stopsending signal——toAkizuki
却不知维尔特出卖了她,毛绒绒的尾巴甩得像螺旋桨,向阿卡姆不停发送信号——Haswhelpto hide here!
有个小崽子藏在这儿!Akizukistands on tiptoes the tip of the toeto sneakquietly, standsnear the wooden barrel of abundantwater, sized up the pastfrom the horseneck.
阿卡姆踮着脚尖悄无声息潜行过去,站在盛水的木桶边,从马脖子侧面打量过去。Herprobably is 15 years old, have the fullpatch the asholdcotton-wadded jacketto block fromslenderstature, Akizukiwas shorthalfhead, probablyonemetersix, among the strawwitheredgolden colorshort hairarrangedseveralsmart-aleckyshort braids, greenheadbandbypasses the forehead, increasedthreepoints of heroic spiritforher.
她大概十五岁,打满补丁的灰旧棉袄遮住纤细的身材,比阿卡姆矮了半个头,大概有一米六,稻草般干枯的金色短发间编了几条俏皮的小辫,一根绿色发带绕过额头,为她增添了三分英气。Herfacial featuresare fine, the pupilis the attractivedark brown, the bridge of the noseverycurls upwards, lightlipnotgreatlyalsobig, inyounger sisterFarr( Ciri) withAkamtommemoryhaseightpoints of similar, is only the faceoutlineis brighter, the makingsare maturer, the skinis not exquisite.
她五官精致,眸子呈漂亮的深棕色,鼻梁挺翘,薄薄的嘴唇不大也不小,和阿卡姆托姆记忆中的法尔嘉妹妹(希里)有八分相似,只是面部轮廓更鲜明,气质更成熟一些,皮肤没那么细腻。Akizukiis thinking, Farr, inSkellige Isles, is accepting the tender guidance of YenneferLadyandMaster Royprobably.
The young girlsdo not seem to notice the sound in courtyard, receives the richrhythmair flushto the horsenosequite the same asabsorbed, andtouches the manegently.
少女似乎没注意到院子里的动静,浑然忘我地冲着马鼻子一接下一下富有节奏地吹气,并轻柔抚摸鬃毛。Wirthis hitting the soundnoseandassuming an air of self approbationagitated, if not forwere taughtby the Roymasterespeciallyhas been ablekeenly the Perceptionthreat, its hooftramplesearlyfliesthismischievouslittle miss.维尔特烦躁地打着响鼻、摇头晃脑,若不是被罗伊主人特训过能敏锐地感知威胁,它早一蹄子踹飞这淘气的小姑娘。Akizukieyebrowraises,
“喂!”Sheraised the head, clearbeautifulsmallface a stiffness.
“啊!”In the screams, did shekeep off the right handin the chest frontlike lightning, the left handreachesin the left legbootsto grip the halfto burn the fire rake? The bodywithdrawsonegroupto make the defensestance.
惊呼声中,她闪电般将右手挡在胸前,左手伸向左脚靴子里握住了半截烧火棍?身体龟缩成一团做防御姿态。Akizukifacewas blacker, the farmer who was fallen downbyDrownerwill showthispanic-strickenexpression.
Am Iso scary?
我有那么吓人?„Small girl, should not be afraid, Iam not an unprincipled person, Iwill not harmyou,”hereorganizedshort hair and collar before andsleeve cuff a foreheadbriefly, smilesto put out a handto hand overtogether the dried meatreluctantly, „Ihave the good intentionsto come, onlywantsto become friends.”
The young girlsstared the bigeyeto size uphisentirea halfminuteup and down, particularlyfocused attentionin the youngface and smoothbellylong time, confirmedsomesituation, coldlyasks,
少女瞪着大眼睛上下打量了他整整半分钟,尤其是在年轻的面庞和平坦的肚子上注目良久,确认了某种情况,冷冷地问,„Who are you?!”
“你是谁?!”„KindheartedWitcherAkamtom, tohelp your group of pitifulchildren, eradicates the demon that is dormantto be strangefor the templefree!”
“一个好心肠的猎魔人阿卡姆托姆,为了帮助你们这群可怜巴巴的孩子,免费替神庙铲除蛰伏的魔怪!”„Witcher, do not callmysmall girl, Ihave the name, secureis blue! Was yourtoneso fierce, solvesMonster that inthatlast nightshrieked and howled wildly?”
The young girlsare speaking, the brownpupilhope of almondlooks on Witcherto give off the lightfragrance the dried meat, butshelicked the lip, repressed the desire, forcingoneselfto transfer the line of sight.
少女说着话,杏仁似的棕色瞳孔渴望地看着猎魔人手上散发淡淡香气的肉干,但她舔了舔嘴唇,按捺住了欲望,强迫自己转开视线。„Starting today, youcansleepcalmly and steadily. ThisisIgives the templeallchildren'sgifts on first meeting, but alsosatisfaction?”
“从今天开始,你们可以安安稳稳睡觉了。这是我送给神庙所有孩子的见面礼,还满意吗?”securedid not answerblue , to continue to squat there blows up the cheeklikesquirrel, honk the mouthflushed the horsenoseair flush.
安古蓝不答,继续蹲在那儿像松鼠一样鼓起腮帮子,嘟嘴冲马鼻子吹气。Kid who does not know the will of the people!
不识好人心的小屁孩!Akizukiheartcomplainedone, forces in the mouth the dried meat, exudes the giantchewingsoundintentionally,
阿卡姆心头吐槽了一句,将肉干塞进自家嘴里,故意发出巨大的嘴嚼声,„Wú... reallyfragrant...”
“唔…真香…”„Are you... doingtoWirth?”
“你在对维尔特…干啥?”Sheswallowed a saliva, stares the bigeye, a facesaidearnestly,
她吞了口唾沫,瞪大眼睛,一脸认真地说,„Youhad not heard a proverb, the nostrilair flushtohorse, itslifewill be loyal toyou, butyoumustcollectverynearly, winsitstrustpatientlycarefully!”
“你难道没听说过一句老话,对马的鼻孔吹气,它一生都会忠于你,但你必须凑得很近,耐心细致地获得它的信任!”„Strangemanege where listens to?”
“从哪儿听来的奇奇怪怪的驯马术?”Akizukicorners of the mouthslightlycurved, thisgirlis very interesting, at leastcomparesthatcrowd of revealing only part of the truthcowardto be interesting.
阿卡姆嘴角微弯,这女孩挺有趣的,至少比那群藏头露尾的胆小鬼有意思。„Master RoyMountis loyal, will not be bought! Wirth, will youwork as the rebel?”
噗噗——Wirthtwists the mouth sidewise the thicklip, revealed a row of becoming knowntooth, in the gaps between teethincitesto make noise, spurted the young girlwhole facesaliva, disdainwas then excessive, obviouslywantsto pretend non-involvement the relations.维尔特咧开厚厚的嘴唇,露出一排大白牙,齿缝间滋滋作响,喷了少女满脸口水,然后不屑地偏过了头,明显想撇清关系。securedries the salivablueunemotionally, stillpersisted influshing air, Akizukievenheardherto blow out a delightfulwhistlingsound.
安古蓝面无表情地擦干口水,仍然坚持吹气,阿卡姆甚至听到她吹出了一段悦耳的口哨声。„Stops! Do not harassitagain! Does thatwastes the time, even ifyouobtaingiving loyalty to of Wirthbewilderedly, youcando?”
“停!别再骚扰它了!这么做不过白费功夫,就算你莫名其妙获得维尔特的效忠,你又能干嘛?”Shedoes not say a word.
她不发一言。Akizukicalmlyvisitsher, after fivesecondssighed, helplesstraded an issue, „why did yourcompanionsfearme?”
The securebluepursedliphesitationsmalllittle while, the evil reportfoul odorsaidsuddenly,
安古蓝抿了抿嘴唇迟疑小会儿,突然恶声恶气地说,„Haven't youilluminatedmirror? The amber brownstripeye, the ear and noseare sharpcanstab to death the person, whereis not scary!”
“你没照过镜子?琥珀色的条状眼睛,耳朵和鼻子尖得能戳死人,哪里不吓人!”Reallyopens mouth the hot temperedgirl who comes!
真是张嘴就来的暴躁女孩!Akizukicorners of the mouthtwitched, „whyyoudo not fearme, doesn't escape?”
阿卡姆嘴角抽了抽,“你为什么不怕我,不逃跑?”„Ifearawfully!” The young girlthin lipstrembledtrembling, the accusation the person, the lookactuallylooksobviouslyprobablyat presentsuddenlyto the vacancy, the soundis lightslightlycannotobserve, „, butyourlegsare so long, bringingweapon, the eyeto look like the cat!”
“我怕的要命!”少女薄唇颤了颤,明明像是指责眼前人,眼神却忽然看向空处,声音轻得微不可察,“但你们腿这么长,带着武器,眼睛长得像猫一样!”Akizukionlythinksherat firstin the nonsense, butlistensto listento feelinherwordsto have the words,
阿卡姆最初只以为她在胡言乱语,但听着听着又觉得她话里有话,„You have... the dogequallykeennose, the caninesharp claws, runningBounmaare quicker, did Iescape? Where can Iescapego?”
“你们还有…狗一样灵敏的鼻子,尖牙利爪,跑得比奔马更快,我逃得了吗?我又能逃哪儿去?”Shetalked incessantlynervously, eye socketfloodred, attracted the nosefiercely, rubs the eyes.
她神经质地絮语,眼眶泛红,又猛地一吸鼻子,揉了揉眼睛。„Youdo not press downtomethree heads and six arms!? To be honest, don't youwantto rideWirthto leave the temple? Does thisinsidehave the thing that whatmakesyoube afraid?”Akizukilowers the soundto ask,
“你咋不给我按上三头六臂呐!?说实话吧,你不就是想骑着维尔特离开神庙?难道这里面有什么让你害怕的东西?”阿卡姆压低声音问,secureignoresbluecontinuesto flush air.
安古蓝置若罔闻地继续吹气。Witcheris not discouraged, hehas grasped a point the skill that thisstrangegirldeals with, took out the bosom the rag dollto shake the shifttopicinherat present, „have youseenit?”猎魔人也不气馁,他已经掌握了一点跟这个怪女孩打交道的技巧,又取出怀里的布偶在她眼前晃了晃转移话题,“你见过它吗?”
The young girlshad the responsein an instant, catchesitin the palm, fastens tightlystubbornly, staredsteadilyhadoneminutefully.
少女刹那间就有了反应,一把将它抓在掌心,死死扣紧,目不转睛地盯了足有一分钟。Hasflash that thisimmaturedelicatesmallfaceupper-classreveals a sorrow and guilt of constraining the extreme, as iffor a finding it unbearable to recallpast eventsconfession.
有那么一瞬间,这张稚嫩清秀的小脸上流露出一种压抑到极点的悲痛和愧疚,仿佛在为一件不堪回首的往事忏悔。Butamong the moment, herexpressionrestorescalmly,
但须臾之间,她表情恢复冷静,„Did not know, the templeis very poor, withoutmoneybuys the toy!”
The Witcherwordsmadeherbodyshake,猎魔人的话令她身体一震,„Forgotto tellyou, the rag dollfoundfrom a corpse!”Akizukilooks at steadilyto observe the look of young girl, lowers the sound, confirmed the bystander unable to hear, „shewas buriedunder the cave, death was also less than12 years old.”
“忘了告诉你,布偶是从一具尸体身上找到的!”阿卡姆目不转睛观察少女的神色,压低声音,确认外人听不到,“她被埋在地窖底下,死的时候还不到十二岁。”„In addition, wealsodiscoveredanothersame agegirl'sbody!”
“除此之外,我们还发现了另一具同龄女孩儿的尸体!”„Theywalkverypainfully, a large-scalefelidaeanimaltore into shredstheirskins and bonescruelly, a terrifyingspiderputs out the spider webto tie downthem, takeslike the mosquitoblood suckingslowlyis cleantheirflesh!”
“她们俩走得很痛苦,一头大型的猫科动物残忍撕碎了她们的皮肤和骨头,一头恐怖的蜘蛛吐出蛛网把她们缠住,就像蚊子吸血一样慢慢吸食干净她们的血肉!”„Theysuffer greatly, nurse hatred, butfinally, the ghostdoes not lingerin the templeloose, looks for the murderer!”
The securebluecomplexionbecomespaler, does not flush air, the knuckleblanchpinched tightly the rag doll.
安古蓝脸色变得更加苍白,也不吹气了,指节发白地捏紧了布偶。„DaisyPriestclaimedoneselfdo not knowthesetwodead, has not seenanythingto rush in the bigcatandbig spider of temple, during all areonPriestmanages , the tragedies.”
“黛西祭司声称自己不认识这两位死者,也从没见过什么闯进神庙的大猫和大蜘蛛,所有一切都是上一任祭司管理期间发生的惨剧。”„Theycome for a halfyear, you time in the templestayingis longer, youshouldbe clear about the truth. Isthis?”
“她们才来半年,你在神庙待的时间更久,你应该清楚真相。是这样吗?”„Yousolidreplied,helpingmefind the murderer, the soul of deadwill rest!”
“你老实回答,帮我找到凶手,死者的灵魂将安息!”secureliftedboth handslinkto live in the horseneckblue not without making a sound, the danglingface, the bodytrembledslightly, seemedis enduringsomebeing in floodmood.
The action of heraccidental/surprised, makesAkizukiseeherwhite armsplacetogetherlattice the blacktattoo, as well asrow of slenderpincers.
她的意外之举,却让阿卡姆看到她皓腕处一块网状的黑色纹身,以及一排纤细螯足。In the net an corner/hornwroteoneline of blackgeneralwriting, this timeheis looking atcompletely——
网中一角写着一行黑色的通用文字,这一次他看完整了——blakat ... grayba
黑色的格雷巴。Akizukiis startledinstantaneously, the PriestessDaisybackalsohasthistattoo, whatspecialmeaning does ithave?
阿卡姆瞬间一怔,女祭司黛西后背也有这个纹身,它有什么特别的含义?„secureis blue, the design on yourhandwhat's the matter?”
The young girlsreceive an electric shockcover the sleeves,
少女触电般掩上衣袖,„Don't youdareto reply? Whothreatensyou? Said, Ionlywantto helpyou.”
“你不敢回答?有谁威胁你?说出来吧,我只想帮你。”„Bah!”Hersuddenboth handsforkwaist, spat a salivatoward the ground, roaredhysteric, in the pupilGlimmer is the angryray, „helpingme? WhenIam a three -year-old child! Weare neither relative nor kin, whyto helpme? Isawtoomanyaffectedly virtuous, have said one thing while doing something else the hypocrite and shamelessdegenerate, the have evil plansanomaly!”
“呸!”她突然双手叉腰,往地上吐了口唾沫,歇斯底里地咆哮,眸子里闪烁着愤怒的光芒,“帮我?当我是三岁小孩!我们非亲非故的,凭什么帮我?我见过太多道貌岸然、说一套做一套的伪君子、无耻败类,心怀不轨的变态!”„No onetrustworthy!”Shelike an injuredhedgehog, fiercelysaid,„gets out of the way! Do not wantto deceiveme!”
“没人值得信任!”她就像一头受伤的刺猬,恶狠狠地说,“走开!别想糊弄我!”Akizukiscrews tight the brow, hedoes not understand why the young girlis sensitive, hot tempered.
阿卡姆拧紧眉头,他不明白少女为何如此敏感、暴躁。Hereceivedfrivolous on face, saidcandidly,
他收起了脸上的玩世不恭,开诚布公地说,„Whyhelpsyou? Youthink that Ido likeminding others' business? Alsois notbecauseyou and friend of minegrowvery muchlook like!”
“为什么帮你?你以为我喜欢多管闲事吗?还不是因为你和我的朋友长得很像!”„Herhairis the silver-gray color, hereyeis greenlike the spring that the myriad thingssprout, she is not so unluckylikeyou, was stranded the temple in the world of ice and snow, cannot eat to the full, puts on not warm——”heto turn around the room that looked atPriestessto be.
“她的头发是银灰色的,她的眼睛绿得就像万物萌发的春天,她不像你这么倒霉,被困在冰天雪地的神庙,吃不饱,穿不暖——”他转身看了眼女祭司所在的房间。„Sheoncelivedin a Novigradsuburbschool, thereeveryoneis togetherharmonious , helping the cooperationmutually, but can also studylearn to read, playsto playheartily. Farrismygood friend, you are so similar to her, ifIsit by and do nothingtoyou, laterwill definitely be complainedbyher.”
“她曾住在一个诺维格瑞的郊外学校,那里大家睦相处,互帮互助,还能读书识字,尽情玩耍嬉戏。法尔嘉是我的好朋友,你偏偏和她如此相似,我若是对你坐视不理,以后肯定会被她埋怨。”Akizukicorners of the mouthtwist the mouth sidewisewipe the franksmile,
阿卡姆嘴角咧开一抹爽朗的笑容,„Let aloneaccording to the view of ourWitcher, the meet between person and person is also a destiny, Goddess of Destinymakesmecomeforyouto help people overcome their difficulties!”
“何况按照我们猎魔人的说法,人和人之间的相遇也是一种命运,命运女神让我来为你排忧解难!”„IfyouhelpedmefindMonster, I pledged to letyouandyourfriendsis out of the difficult position, no onecanthreatenyou, harmedyou!”
The young girlsdeeplyinspire, start to speak but hesitatemove the lip, the facial featuresactuallybecomestiff, delaysuddenly, pupilspreadsslightly.
少女深吸一口气,欲言又止地动了动嘴唇,五官却忽然变得僵硬、呆滞,瞳孔微微扩散。„No, the DaisyLadywordsare absolutely true, the templehas not presentedwhatleopard catandspider, Ihave not seenthem!”
“不,黛西女士的话千真万确,神庙从没出现什么山猫、蜘蛛,我没见过它们!”„secureis blue!” After Akizukilooks straight ahead the horse, eyes that the young girlwinks,
漫长的沉默。„Do not cling to for dear lifehitrottenly, Ihad saiddoes not know!” The manicyoung girlchestagitatesrapidly, the faircheeksrisered, lose the rag dollto the Witcherunder footfiercely, „so manyissues, howyoudid not askit!”
“别死缠烂打了,我说过不知道!”狂躁的少女胸膛急速鼓动,白皙脸颊涨得通红,猛地把布偶丢到猎魔人脚下,“这么多问题,你怎么不问它!”Roared, herextremelynotShirdipatted a dismountneck, ran out of the horse stable, left a row of exquisitefootprintafter the snowy area, made an effortto sound the dormitoryfront door.
咆哮完,她万分不舍地拍了一下马脖子,冲出了马圈,在雪地里留下一排小巧脚印后,使劲敲响了宿舍大门。AkizukiandWirthlooked at each other in blank dismaya while, picks up the dirtyrag dolllooking pensive, big baldyBruchecomes quietly, moves the noseto make a smellingmovement, revealsexpression that shuts outanddreads, squeezes outquicklywipes the stiffsmile.
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