„Viper SchoolWitcherRoy, our!”
“蝮蛇学派猎魔人罗伊,我们的一员!”„InCintraFort, I have seenhim!”IvarheavyRoynods, fluctuatesin the eyepupil of unpredictableto flash through the color of appreciation, „young, skillsuperb, feels emotion the righteousness, but can also spanPlaneto go home! Mayyourthreeonlyknowall daydrinksto rest the good for nothing of womanto be much more useful than!”
“在辛特拉城堡,我见过他!”伊瓦尔重罗伊点头,变幻莫测的眼眸中闪过赞赏之色,“年轻,身手高超,有情有义,还能跨越位面回家!可比你们三个整天只知道喝酒睡女人的废物点心有用得多!”Another sideTrissheard that the wordcomplexionwas complex, gathered together the dragontemplered hair, wasthisgroup of bastardswashed offhermemory, was unable to restore!
另一边的特莉丝闻言脸色复杂,拢了龙鬓角红发,就是这群坏蛋洗去了她的记忆,至今还没能恢复!„Waste , your old fogy who abandonsAcademyis more honorable than!”Auckessnorts contemptuouslyimmediately, the corners of the mouthactuallytwist the mouth sidewisecheerfully.
“废物,也比您这个抛弃学院的老家伙光荣!”奥克斯立马嗤之以鼻,嘴角却欢快地咧开。„Ivar, considered,mustcope withWild Huntto have no needto seek helpSupreme!”Letholooks straight aheadthattoterrifyingEvil Eye, saidloud and clear,„Brotherhood of Witchersmustcomesooner or lateronwiththatgroup of war-mongers!”
“伊瓦尔,考虑考虑,要对付狂猎根本用不着求助至高者!”雷索直视那对骇人的邪眼,掷地有声地说,“猎魔人兄弟会迟早要跟那群战争贩子来上一场!”Ivarlowers the head, is sizing up the shackles between both hands.伊瓦尔垂下了头,打量着双手间的镣铐。
The Auckessoundis loud and clear, both eyeslook in all directions, „everyone, proceedsto look,putslong-term the vision, do not indulgeinforevernot being able to withstandduringpast!”奥克斯声音洪亮,双目四顾,“诸位,往前看,把目光放长远,不要永远沉溺于不堪的过去之中!”„Brotherhood of Witchersis the general trend, will bein the future!”
……Is tightened the facebyArnaghad that the peopleneglectintentionally, the expressionis gloomier.
被众人故意忽视的阿纳哈德绷紧脸,表情更加晦暗。Squatsto sitin the placecontracts the shoulders, the muscleties tight, makes the defensegesture.
蹲坐在地收缩双肩,肌肉紧绷,做出防御姿态。„Idarran?”Alzurasked, the soundis sad, probably the person of dying,
“伊达兰呢?”阿尔祖问,声音沉闷无力,像是将死之人,„Was pounded the muddy fleshby the tentacle of Supreme,”Geraltshakes the head, „wehave not begunwith enough time.”
“被至高者的触手砸成肉泥,”杰洛特摇头,“我们还没来得及动手。”Alzursighed, among the featureslikecold wintersamedesolateSzo, suddenlyshifted toRoy.阿尔祖叹了口气,眉目之间如同寒冬一样萧索,突然转向罗伊。„Died. The boys, killedme.”
“又死了啊。小子,杀了我。”„What did yousay?”
The peoplehearttrembles.
众人心头一颤。„Killedme, swallowsme.”Onthatpalecheekscompletely discouraged, intonesorrowfullike surging tidesturbulent, „withoutSupreme, there would be no opportunityto say goodbyeLilyAnna, without the opportunityrealizesCosimoTeacherlast wish, livesalsohaswhatsignificance.”
“杀了我,吞噬我。”那张苍白的脸颊上万念俱灰,语气中的悲痛如潮水般汹涌,“没了至高者,也就没机会再见莉莉安娜,没机会实现科西莫老师的遗愿,活着还有什么意义。”Over a hundredyears of plan, falls shortat this moment.
上百年的谋划,这一刻功亏一篑。Hisdanglinghead, againnoanticipation.
他垂下头,再没任何期待。„Diesin your hands, but can also make a contribution.”
“死于你手中,还能做点贡献。”In a flash, seems the cold windto howl, the pouringextinguished the peopleheartenthusiasm.
Under RoyinSorceresssupports by the armstands up, inthatSupremeessence the handdemonstrated that givesAlzur.罗伊在女术士搀扶下站起身,将手中那枚至高者精髓展示给阿尔祖。Under the light of dawn, agateaphanitictrace, splendid.
晨曦之光下,玛瑙的隐晶质纹路,熠熠生辉。„Did not haveSupreme, thisgadgetcanhelpyoufly upwardssimilarly‚the perfectworld’.”
“没了至高者,这玩意儿同样能帮助你们飞升‘完美世界’。”„Is this?”
“至高者的礼物。”PerhapsSupremestillremembers that in fourGrandmasterhundredyears of watergets angry, feeding of sparing no efforts.
也许至高者还记得四大宗师百年水里来火里去,不辞辛劳的喂养。„Youwantanything!”Alzuras ifgrabbed the straw to grasp, in the eye the ray of reignitionhope, shinesscary!
The Royvisionhas swept the fivecaptivefranticfaces of slowly.罗伊目光缓缓扫过五名俘虏狂热的脸。„Iwant all your knowledge, collections, treasureandincluding the sealDjinnMagicbottle!”
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