TDLOIK :: Volume #18 守冲篇

#1964: The cepheus animation today decides files ( 1 / 92 ) in the second quarter

It is well known, the arrow fights the technique is only in the cultivation university stage includes «High Rank Swordsmanship Familiarity» that may grasp the research curriculum, is the required course of each specialized bowman, the top layer is ten favors. 众所周知,箭斗术是只在修真大学阶段才有可能掌握到的列入《高阶剑法精通》中的研修课程,是每一个专业弓手的必修课,顶层为十宠。 If can cultivation to ten heavily, can operate sends arrow Yazane now the corner in perfectly straight route operation process. 如果能修炼到十重,就可以操纵多发箭矢实现在箭道运行过程中的拐弯。 But is very obvious, section Linyan the arrow law is exquisiter, before then bent/tune Shuling also never sees even the separated-body arrow to integrate utilization arrow fights technique the operation. 但很显然,章霖燕的箭法更为精妙,在此之前曲书灵还从未见过连分体式箭头都可以融入运用“箭斗术”的操作。 This compared with sends the arrow of arrow arrow to fight a technique need more powerful accuracy and control ability...... 这比多发箭矢的箭斗术需要更强大的精密性与操纵能力…… bent/tune Shuling knits the brows immediately, because section Linyan imagine him is stronger. 曲书灵当即皱眉,因为章霖燕要比他想象中还要强。 Bang! 轰! With Wang Ling behind the densely covered magic arts trap by the separated-body arrow fights the technique arrow to exploding that flash, even/including Zhanglin swallow have a scare. 伴随着王令身后密布的法术陷阱被分体式箭斗术箭头冲炸的那一瞬间,连章霖燕自己也是吓了一跳。 She has been ready that fires at for the second time, in the spirit arrow path that because launched from just her judged, appearance that not seeming like can hit. 她都已经做好第二次射击的准备了,因为从刚刚她发射的灵箭轨迹上判断,不像是会命中的样子。 The result has not thought that unexpectedly really a round detonated Wang Ling behind these magic arts traps ahead of time. 结果没想到居然真的一发就提前引爆了王令身后的那些法术陷阱。 This makes section Linyan be highly encouraged. 这让章霖燕备受鼓舞。 Her today's luck, probably truly is also good. 她今天的运气,好像确实也是不错。 An arrow that desperate under projects bumps into to achieve unexpectedly so accurate. 情急之下射出的一箭居然误打误撞做到如此精准。 Ha, bent/tune brother. You paste miniature rune/symbol Zhuan on nail to be sufficient, unexpectedly disposable was detonated completely, is really enough miserable. Never expected that you also with the thing that such woman mother air/Qi.” “哈哈哈,曲兄。你贴在指甲上的微型符篆还够用吗,居然被一次性全部引爆,真的是够惨的。没想到你也用这么娘们儿娘气的东西。” Pastes the thing not to find it on the nail strange? I think, only then the imperial concubines in Qing harem will do.” “在指甲上贴东西也不会觉得奇怪吗?我以为只有大清后宫的妃子们才会那么做。” Li Changzhe laughs, his words under the situation discussed the ability to start, a wave of invisible taunt is letting bent/tune Shuling the whole person look drastic change while convenient all of a sudden. 李畅喆大笑,在如此情形之下他的话唠能力发动,顺带着一波无形嘲讽一下子让曲书灵整个人神色剧变。 Wang Ling knows, this is Li Changzhe but intentionally for it, just section Linyan that arrow or the present Li Changzhe venomous tongue, is one type rescued the behavior essentially. 王令知道,这是李畅喆故意而为之,不论是刚刚章霖燕的那一箭还是现在李畅喆的毒舌,本质上都是一种援救行为。 After all here, his boundary is lowest, as the matter stands can make bent/tune Shuling maximum lead away from oneself the energy. 毕竟在这里,他的境界是最低的,这样一来就可以让曲书灵把精力最大限度的从自己身上引开。 In Wang Ling heart suddenly light moves. 王令心中突然有一种淡淡的感动。 He knew Li Changzhe and section Linyan shortly, has not thought that these two people unexpectedly are very at crucial moments reliable. 他认识李畅喆和章霖燕才不久,没想到这两个人在关键时刻竟然还挺靠得住的。 Has saying that Li Changzhe the words discussed the mouth artillery to be very effective, bent/tune Shuling wants first to tidy up Wang Ling, finally changes after by Li Changzhe this mouth escaped the output , the whole person aura. 不得不说,李畅喆的这顿话唠嘴炮十分奏效,曲书灵原本想先收拾掉王令,结果被李畅喆这一顿嘴遁输出后整个人身上的气息都变了。 Buzz! 嗡! Next flickers, in his hand the spirit strength explodes puts, howls, but the spirit can unexpectedly at the scene that shaking directly splits the spirit sword his hand. 下一瞬,他手中灵力炸放,呼啸而出的灵能竟当场将他手中那把灵剑给震得直接裂开。 However this is did not have the ordinary sect Menling sword that side the peak distributes, bent/tune Shuling most starts not to think deals with the present three people earnestly. 不过这本来就是无相峰那边配发的普通宗门灵剑,曲书灵最开始就没想过认真去对付眼前的三人。 But such a is stirred up by Li Changzhe now, can the obvious feeling he be really angry. 可现在被李畅喆那么一激,可以明显的感觉到他真的生气了。 Wields in the arms, one paints the black spirit sword to be summoned all over the body by him, the night gloss looks like the abyss, making one have an indescribable dangerous feeling. 挥臂之间,一把通体漆黑色的灵剑被他召唤出来,黑夜般的光泽就像是深渊,让人有一种难以言喻的危险感。 This is bent/tune Shuling the life spirit sword cuts the night! 此为曲书灵的本命灵剑斩夜! Previously in bent/tune Shuling past all competitions, was very rare he to offer a sacrifice to cut the night directly, only will then summon to utilize at crucial moments. 此前在曲书灵过去的所有大赛之中,都很少见他直接祭出斩夜,只有在关键时刻会召唤出来加以运用。 Before Li Changzhe, has had the detailed investigation to bent/tune Shuling, in all official records that at present records, after bent/tune Shuling offers a sacrifice to the spirit sword cuts the night, directly the probability of win is...... 100! 李畅喆之前对曲书灵有过详细的调查,在目前所记录的所有官方记录里,曲书灵祭出灵剑斩夜后直接取胜的概率是……100! Yes, at essential competition, as long as bent/tune Shuling offers a sacrifice to this strange paint black spirit sword, has not been defeated. 是的,在关键的大赛上,但凡曲书灵祭出这把诡异的漆黑色灵剑,还从来没有落败过。 Unexpectedly was really angry...... 居然真的生气了…… In Li Changzhe heart the secretly thought is not wonderful, he is also desperate under speaks the taunt, wants to attract the firepower, wants to make an effort to compel bent/tune Shuling inadequately to pull out this directly fiercely cutting the night unexpectedly. 李畅喆心中暗道不妙,他也是情急之下才出言嘲讽,想要吸引火力,不成想直接用力过猛竟然逼得曲书灵掏出了这把斩夜。 Must know that at previously all competitions, bent/tune Shuling pulls out to cut the night not to lose, moreover he will not never have to cut the night the might to arrive at the maximization truly. 须知道在此前所有的大赛上,曲书灵掏出斩夜都没输过,而且他也从未没有真正将斩夜的威力开到最大化。 At this time, bent/tune Shuling raises this to walk slowly from the smog of distant place the secretive paint black spirit sword, the under foot is steps on the broken withered leaf the rustling sound, the reserved lightness murderous aura to make the perspiration that one cannot bear. 此时,曲书灵提着这把诡秘的漆黑色灵剑从远处的烟雾中慢慢走来,脚下是踩碎枯叶的沙沙声,内敛的淡淡杀气令人忍不住的流汗。 He looked like one by the sword demon that the moonlight covered. 他像极了一个被月色笼罩的剑魔。 Quickly, without seeing clearly bent/tune Shuling figure, next one flickers him to touch cheeks, but, approaches in the aura that flickers, Li Changzhe fine hair stood erect from top to bottom. 倏地,在没有看清曲书灵身形的情况下,下一瞬他已经贴脸而至,在气息靠近的那一瞬,李畅喆浑身上下汗毛都竖立起来了。 This is what kind of speed, after panic-stricken is not overrated...... this person to be angry simply, unexpectedly is such? Like the ghost! 这是何等的速度,简直用惊恐都不为过……这个人生气起来以后,居然是这样的吗?和鬼一样! bent/tune Shuling brings obviously murderous aura, sword Li Changzhe who cuts the night does not know that has many might, but he is very clear, is the sword sword is definitely fatal by bent/tune Shuling the skill, attacks the strategic point accurate. 曲书灵是带着明显的杀气来的,斩夜的一剑李畅喆不知道有多少威力,但他心里很清楚,以曲书灵的本事肯定是剑剑致命,精准打击要害而来。 So long as moistens to him may eliminate. 只要沾到一下他就有可能淘汰。 Therefore bent/tune Shuling cutting night that flash of nearness, Li Changzhe whole person then incarnation became one group of smog avoidance attacks. 所以曲书灵的斩夜在靠近的那一瞬间,李畅喆整个人便化身成了一团烟雾躲避攻击。 This is gas source and course, is substitute person type magic arts, can own body temporary gasification, become one group of smog, but the shortcoming is also very obvious, if bent/tune Shuling counter-attacks by the sword air/Qi, Li Changzhe can at the scene the striking back original form. 此为“气体源流”,是一种替身类型的法术,可以将自己的身躯暂时性的气化,成为一团烟雾,但缺点也很明显,若是曲书灵以剑气反攻,李畅喆会被当场打回原形。 However this move is the Li Changzhe most skilled move, in few maintaining life magic arts as his hand, has practiced heavily ten top level. 不过这一招是李畅喆最熟练的招法,作为他手中为数不多的保命法术,早已修炼到了十重顶层。 To any cultivation, the security skill forever the unique skill that wants to drill day and night, after all only then goes on living has the hope of cultivation. 对任何修真者来说,保密技能永远是要日夜操练的绝活,毕竟只有活下去才有修炼的希望。 bent/tune brother, your murderous aura is also too powerful. Calmed down not to say well good.” “曲兄,你这杀气也太强盛了。冷静下来好好说不行吗。” As can be seen, bent/tune Shuling is really angry very much, killing intent is dense. 可以看得出,曲书灵是真的很生气,杀意森然。 Li Changzhe finishes speaking, the body that he atomizes has not gathered the figure, cutting night in bent/tune Shuling the hand also separated unexpectedly, the incarnation becomes several paint black sword light to turn toward him to abhor to puncture. 李畅喆话音刚落,他雾化的身体尚未聚拢成身形,曲书灵手中的斩夜居然也分离了,化身成为数道漆黑色的剑光向着他疾刺而来。 This changing makes Li Changzhe unexpected, distant place section Linyan sees that draws a bow again, tries to track down to cut the night the path, however cut the night the speed too to be really quick, she is unable to complete sentences in advance. 这一手变招让李畅喆猝不及防,远处章霖燕见状再度张弓,试图去追寻斩夜的轨迹,然而斩夜的速度实在太快了,她根本无法完成预判。 Is looking to bent/tune Shuling the direction for a long time, just now projected an arrow flustered. 对着曲书灵的方向瞄了许久,方才慌慌张张的射出了一箭。 Good opportunity...... 好机会…… At this time, tree shade Wang Ling also stressed the time. 此时,树荫处的王令也抓准了时机。 Even if section Linyan the arrow hurries very much, so long as there are him to guarantee that realizes 100 hits. 纵然章霖燕的这一箭很慌忙,但只要有他在就可以确保实现100命中。 This time, section Linyan uses and presumptuous writing style arrow, is only an ordinary arrow. 这一次,章霖燕使用的并非分体式箭头,只是普普通通的一箭而已。 However bent/tune Shuling clearly has the protection early, he sees section Linyan an arrow to shoot, the direct control cuts the sword light that the night will split up together to cross, realizes the midair interception, at the scene then the round of ordinary arrow arrow accurate cleaving in two of section Linyan. 然而曲书灵显然是早有防备,他见章霖燕一箭射来,直接操纵斩夜将一道分化出去的剑光横穿过去,实现空中拦截,当场便将章霖燕的这一发普通箭矢精准的劈成了两半。 Carves the insect small technique......” “雕虫小技……” In bent/tune Shuling the heart snort/hum said 曲书灵心中哼道 He sees section Linyan the arrow to wipe out by himself, then no longer pays attention to there. 他见章霖燕的箭已经被自己打掉,便不再关注那里。 What the result makes him not think, this already by the arrow arrow that cleaves in two accurate, unexpectedly is still deferring to the original flight trajectory to advance forward. 结果让他万万没想到的是,这已经被精准劈成了两半的箭矢,居然还在按照原来飞行轨迹向前突进。 Incessantly so, in the process of flight, was covered light golden color by the arrow arrow of cleaving in two unexpectedly...... 不止如此,在飞行的过程中,被劈成两半的箭矢居然被镀上了一层淡淡的金色…… Strengthening? 强化? This time bent/tune book spirit full question mark. 此时的曲书灵满头问号。
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