TDLOIK :: Volume #18 守冲篇

#1963: The war between talents ( 1 / 92 )

The attack and defense between experts often can sentence the next movement of opponent in advance. 高手之间的攻防往往都会预判对手的下一步动作。 But bent/tune Shuling can top at the domestic and foreign high-school student sports event one after another , because its rich fight experience has enabled him to grasp in the so small age regarded spirit. 而曲书灵之所以能接连在国内外的高中生赛事上拔得头筹,就是因为其丰富的战斗经验已经让他在如此小的年纪掌握了“灵视”。 This is not the skill that common cultivation can master. 这不是一般的修真者可以掌握的技巧。 The so-called spirit regards, as the name suggests in the deduction and visual brain through mind makes up in the process of fight. 所谓的灵视,顾名思义就是在战斗的过程中通过脑海中的推演以及视觉脑补。 Through suspecting opposite party next step movement, thus stresses certainly the time or the proactive attack, or the dismantling style. 通过猜想对方下一步的动作,从而抓准时机或主动进攻、或拆解招式。 He makes first move and gets control, in just to fighting section Linyan and Li Changzhe then used this ability. 他先发制人,在刚刚对战章霖燕与李畅喆时便使用了这个能力。 Naturally, the head high-school students as major elite universities, Li Changzhe and section Linyan also has regards spirit the ability. 当然,作为各大精英高校的头部高中生,李畅喆与章霖燕同样具备“灵视”的能力。 But just that fought, they detected themselves immediately and between the disparity bent/tune Shuling. 可刚刚那一番交手,他们顿时察觉到了自己与曲书灵之间的差距。 He is very strong......” after two people were shaken by bent/tune Shuling in abundance flies, between both eyes looking at each other has felt bent/tune Shuling the great strength and hard to deal with. “他果然很强……”在两人纷纷被曲书灵震飞后,双目对视之间已经感觉到曲书灵的强大与难缠。 Such spirit regards the rank to have ten heavy top levels at least! 这样的灵视等级起码已经有十重顶级的水平! But he and section Linyan just broke through to heavily eighth, the ability and speed in advance reading were inferior that in bent/tune Shuling situation, considered unable to hit. 而他和章霖燕不过才刚刚突破到第八重而已,预读的能力和速度都不如曲书灵的情况下,自当是无法打过的。 Now, the war pressure arrived on Wang Ling all of a sudden, if Wang Ling were even knocked down, then their dozen of three openings might be linked next three Yuan embarrassed by bent/tune Shuling very much. 现在,战局的压力一下子就来到了王令身上,如果连王令都被撂倒,那么他们这一打三的开局很有可能就是被曲书灵连下三元的难堪局面了。 In addition, Wang Ling is them the strength is weakest...... 再加上,王令还是他们这边实力最弱的…… Perhaps bent/tune Shuling this, can directly Wang Ling packing off. 曲书灵这一手,没准都能直接把王令给送走。 Vine is old, determined that cuts the back side of the mountain all lens. Doesn't the positive/direct war manage?” At the same time, nine days of essence seeks in the institute command headquarters, staff asked. “藤老,确定把所有镜头都切到后山吗。正面的大战不管了?”同一时刻,九天精觅院指挥所内,一名工作人员问道。 Does not manage! Aims at the back side of the mountain the lens that all can transport!” The vine road dust ordered to say. “不管了!把所有能调运的镜头都对准后山!”藤路尘下令说道。 He is clutching the beard, while watches the present match very much earnestly, although the plot is also turning toward his unexpected situation. 他一边揪着胡子,一边很认真地观看眼前的对局,虽然剧情也在向着他意想不到的情况发展。 Wang Ling that but he most wants to look in the final analysis how deals...... 可归根结底他最想看的还是王令是怎么应对的…… The hidden talent that the talent high-school student in this legend and he suspects, the showdown between two, each detail is the vine road dust concerned key point. 这传说中的天才高中生与他所怀疑的隐藏天才,二者之间的对决,每一个细节都是藤路尘关切的重点。 Another side, war center. 另一边,战局中心。 By that instance that bent/tune Shuling stares, Wang Ling is then realized the situation started becomes troubles. 在被曲书灵盯上的那一个瞬间,王令便已意识到情况开始变得麻烦起来了。 He is very clear, oneself were being paid attention to by the innumerable eyes, the following each movement, he wants to be prudent and prudent. 他很清楚,自己正在被外界无数双眼睛所关注,接下来的每一个动作,他都要慎重又慎重。 Now under rune/symbol Zhuan the non- steady state, facing bent/tune Shuling the attack, the Wang Ling subconscious response first spreads out. 现在符篆不稳定的状态下,面对曲书灵的进攻,王令下意识的反应就是先拉开距离。 He can come under attack, but does not need. 他可以挨打,但是没有必要。 Because bent/tune Shuling projects on him, injured definitely is not Wang Ling, but is bent/tune Shuling. 因为曲书灵打到他,受伤的肯定不是王令自己,而是曲书灵。 And by the spirit world protection mechanism, the strength of that defense cover cannot block Wang Ling the prestige of backlash. 并且以灵界的保护机制,那点保护罩的力量根本挡不住王令的反噬之威。 Present Wang Ling is one group does not stabilize the material, so long as bent/tune Shuling projects on him, 50 probabilities will draw a prize-winning ticket directly, backlashed directly one group of flying ashes. 现在的王令就是一团不稳定物质,只要曲书灵打到他,有50的概率会直接中奖,直接被反噬成一团飞灰。 Therefore Wang Ling fled without hesitation, and this action is very reasonable in all person eyes. 因此王令毫不犹豫的遁走了,并且这个举动在所有人眼中都很合理。 Is higher than several heavy enemies facing boundary, subconscious running away as if in the natural logic, lets Li Changzhe and chapter of continuous rain Yandu that Wang Ling displays calmly is astonished slightly. 面对境界比自己高出几重的敌人,下意识的逃遁似乎在理所当然的逻辑里,王令表现出的冷静让李畅喆和章霖燕都微微讶异。 This and between bent/tune Shuling missed several heavy boundaries, unexpectedly can also show this calm attitude to come, really can be selected in the spirit world trial, Wang Ling has the truth. 这和曲书灵之间差了好几重境界呢,居然还能表现出这种处变不惊的态度来,果然能入选灵界试炼,王令不是没有道理的。 However bent/tune Shuling has regards ability spirit, Wang Ling this draws back actually also during his sentences in advance. 不过曲书灵到底有“灵视”能力在,王令这一退实则也在他的预判之中。 His hand lifts the spirit sword to feign the advance attack, actually while leaving exerts the magic arts trap with the hidden weapon, that is bent/tune Shuling originally on design good miniature rune/symbol Zhuan, rune/symbol Zhuan only then fingernail size. 他手举灵剑佯装突进进攻,实则是在动身的同时以暗器施加法术陷阱,那是曲书灵原本就设计好的微型符篆,一个符篆只有指甲盖大小。 Beforehand pastes on the nail, with only needs gently a ball nail at the appointed time, the miniature rune/symbol Zhuan automatic combustion control, according to uses/gives technique the spirit strength direction arrangement will then be assigning the position thus to form the magic arts trap. 事先贴在指甲上,用到时只需要轻轻一弹指甲,微型符篆便会自动燃烧起来,根据施术者灵力指引布置在指定方位从而形成法术陷阱。 With Li Changzhe suspects, he from starting to rush to is coming the thought that Wang Ling sends off directly, approaches Wang Ling walks the position at the same time with near body Wang Ling guides to behind already the prepare magic arts trap. 和李畅喆猜想的一样,他是从开始就奔着直接把王令送走的念头来的,用近身逼近王令走位的同时将王令引导到身后早已布置好的法术陷阱里。 Such fight skill, bent/tune Shuling often uses at several competitions, said no that on is the Yin move, after all at the comprehensive competition, rune/symbol Zhuan, magic weapon and spirit sword permits the thing of use, is proficiently used, is a required course of elite cultivation. 这样的战斗技巧,曲书灵在几个大赛上经常使用,说不上是阴招,毕竟在综合的大赛上,符篆、法宝、灵剑都是允许使用的东西,熟练结合使用,也是一名精英修真者的必修课。 But this move is effective to others, rather a little too pediatrics to Wang Ling. 可这一招对别人有效,对王令来说就未免有点太小儿科了。 In the face of the absolute strength, any fight skill is the nihility. 在绝对的实力面前,任何的战斗技巧都是虚无。 The Wang Ling slightly closing one's eyes pupil, cannot use the vision completely, under depending on oneself strong spirit knowledge perception capability, then has only investigated thoroughly bent/tune Shuling to arrange behind the dense and numerous magic arts trap. 王令微闭着眼眸,完全用不到视觉,仅凭自己强大的灵识感知能力,便已查清身后曲书灵所布置下的密密麻麻的法术陷阱。 That is a series of blasting procedure, the simple and crude, looks like the land mine, so long as touches a point to detonate immediately, and chain-react. 那是一连串的爆破法阵,简单粗暴,就像是地雷,只要触碰到一点就会立刻引爆,并产生连锁反应。 However at this moment, section Linyan of distant place is actually drawing a bow to direct the arrow at this moment, arrow direct alignment Wang Ling behind the position of magic arts trap. 然而就在这时,远处的章霖燕却在此刻张弓引箭,将箭头直接对准了王令身后法术陷阱的位置。 Although three pairs of a little victories the flavor of non- military, but this is also bent/tune Shuling own choice, extremely rampant wish by one dozen three, so in situation, if makes bent/tune Shuling work one after another, making him defeat to be forced to evolve one by one independent combat fell into bent/tune Shuling the trap. 虽说三对一有点胜之不武的味道,但这也是曲书灵自己的选择,极度嚣张的想要以一打三,如此情况下若是让曲书灵接连得逞,使得他逐个击破被迫演变成了单打独斗才是掉进了曲书灵的陷阱里。 section Linyan the arrow is extremely quick, moreover is the separated-body arrow, after an arrow projects, this arrow split up many arrows to shoot to disperse in the process of flight directly. 章霖燕的这一箭极快,而且是分体式箭头,一箭射出后这只箭头在飞行的过程中直接分化成了多个箭头射散出去。 How Wang Ling was intertwining should as far as possible gentle dismantles bent/tune Shuling the style, section Linyan the arrow was coming to deliver the pillow sleepily, immediately to the Wang Ling excellent secondary attack. 王令本来正在纠结该怎么尽量温柔的拆解曲书灵的招式,章霖燕的这一箭可谓是瞌睡来了送枕头,当即给到了王令极好的助攻。 Feels to have the arrow arrow attack behind, bent/tune Shuling the response is also quite swift and violent, immediately launches in the hand the spirit sword to incorporate into eight chi (0.33 m) sword to encircle, tries to block the arrow arrow completely outside. 感受到身后有箭矢来袭,曲书灵的反应也极为迅猛,立刻展开手中灵剑划归出八尺剑围,试图将箭矢全部阻绝在外。 bent/tune brother, do not look down on us. Three shoemakers, but can win Zhuge Liang!” Li Changzhe sees that is also the hand pinches the law to decide, the mouth spurts the thick fog, acted as a cover fully for section Linyan the arrow. “曲兄,不要太小瞧我们了。三个臭皮匠,可是能赢诸葛亮!”李畅喆见状,也是手捏法决,口喷浓雾,为章霖燕的这一箭做足了掩护。 Useless merit.” “无用之功罢了。” bent/tune Shuling gently snort/hum, such mist to him radically useless, because while section Linyan this arrow projects, his spirit regarded had then locked the position of each arrow accurate, to guarantee that he can keep off all arrows in the process of wielding a sword accurate. 曲书灵轻轻哼了一声,这样的雾气对他来说根本无用,因为在章霖燕这一箭射出的同时,他的灵视便已经精准锁定了每一个箭头的位置,以确保他在挥剑的过程中能精准挡掉所有箭头。 However what stems from bent/tune Shuling to be unexpected, seems like in the arrow that under the shield of thick fog these fly is given the spirit wisdom to be the same. 然而出乎曲书灵意料之外的是,在浓雾的掩护之下这些飞来的箭头像是被赋予了灵智一般。 The strange angle that while rapid is almost impossible to accomplish by one type close to his starts to turn round...... 就在飞速靠近他的同时以一种几乎不可能办到的诡异角度开始拐弯…… In bent/tune Shuling heart some surprise. 曲书灵心中有些诧异。 The spear/gun fights the technique he has listened. 枪斗术他是听过。 Has never thought that unexpectedly the arrow fights the technique...... 只是从未想过,居然还有箭斗术…… section Linyan had cultivating for been in this situation? 章霖燕的修为已经到了这种地步? But he remembers obviously before , never sees section Linyan to use this move at any sports event. 可他明明记得之前从未见过章霖燕在任何赛事上用过这招。
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