TAS :: Volume #5 凡尘的舞台

#986: The flame of before dawn II

Facts showed that meeting. 事实证明,会的。 The aura of fall is rich day after day, the branch heavy fruit hidden shows oncoming of harvest rite, after entering loves beautiful the month ( 1 ), Maze regional crops start to enter the abundant attaining period. Military nobles continues to station troops in the west line, starts to arrange the tenant farmers in territory to carry out the work of fall harvest, hence The Silver Queen tries to capture Maze's desire radical bankruptcy —— before the fall harvest regardless in the east line or the west line. 秋日的气息正日渐浓郁,枝头沉甸甸的果实正隐示丰收祭典的来临,进入‘爱丽儿的月份’之后,梅兹各地的作物开始进入丰获期。军事贵族们一面继续在西线屯兵,一面开始安排领地内的佃农们进行秋收的工作,至此白银女王试图在秋收之前攻入梅兹的愿望彻底破产——无论在东线还是西线。 But non- does not have to affect —— 但也非全无作用—— The Saint rested day ‚after big solar eclipse, gradually started to melt the eastern Maze gold/metal needle forest to the non- natural glacier and snow of silver valley Gulf, the same day war created the destructive attack to this agriculture, port and Ovey meets the food crisis that followed closely to come joyful, nobles has to order urgent from Ludwig and Hotto area assembles the grain to relief disaster. For the last few days several solar eclipses created the panic in this area inevitably, Astrologers to the people declared that this is by the Laws disorder that chance of a lifetime the influence of Magic Tide creates, under such background, Judgment Day discussed the hubbub on straight, ambushed the influence in shadow to seize the opportunity to dominate. 圣休日的‘大日食’之后,东梅兹金针森林到银谷海湾一带的非自然冰川与积雪逐渐开始融化,当日的战争对这一带的农业造成了毁灭性的打击,法坦港与奥韦欣都遇上了紧接而来的粮食危机,贵族们不得不命令紧急从路德维格和梅霍托芬地区调集粮食来赈灾。连日来的多次日食不可避免地在这一地区造成了恐慌心理,占星术士们对民众宣称这是受千年一遇的魔法潮汐的影响所造成的法则紊乱,在这样的背景下,末日论尘嚣直上,潜伏于阴影之中的势力乘机大行其道。 Regarding this sovereign eldest son has to implements the martial law in port and Ovey joyful, this action slowed them the advancement that counter-attacks in fact in the east line. 对此皇长子不得不在法坦港与奥韦欣实行戒严,这一举动事实上拖慢了他们在东线上反攻的进程。 But what is worth mentioning is, after Medissa and Nemesis regained the channel of Vala agreement to gold/metal needle forest, stations in seizes the opportunity to encroach upon in northern military noble east-bound, regained Floral Leaf Shire, eliminated building up to be remaining in this's white legion. Wei Na Duke complies with Brando's to urge at the same time, stations a large force in Argent mountain pass, on the one hand will assign the person to be put under house arrest the Archduke of Floral Leaf second daughter in Rosa fort and Fina younger sister Lya rescues, and will escort her to go to port with going to the elder sister meets. 但值得一提的是,在梅蒂莎尼玫西丝收复了瓦拉契通往金针森林的通道之后,驻留于北方的军事贵族乘机借道东进,收复了花叶领,消灭了集结于此的白之军团残余。魏娜公爵一方面遵从布兰多的叮嘱,在阿尔让山口驻扎重兵,一方面命人将被软禁在韦罗莎堡的花叶大公次女、法伊娜的妹妹伊莉娅解救出来,并护送她前往法坦港与去姐姐相见。 Among this also had an interlude. 这之间还发生了一段插曲。 After seeing was stranded the long time younger sister, Fina on the temper tantrum, grasped younger sister one's own to weep bitterly at that time loudly. Displays extremely rude. In fact since Hotto was closed the prison van, her spirit ties tight all frequently, even if were rescued by the people after afterward . In the heart was still worried about the father and younger sister's safety. Until the eastern Maze situation reverses, Medissa and Nemesis attack and capture the channel of Vala agreement to gold/metal needle forest. After Wei Na Duke recaptures Floral Leaf Shire, in her heart the heavy burden is falls to the ground. 在见到被困多日的妹妹之后,法伊娜当时就情绪失控,抱住自己的妹妹放声痛哭。表现得极为失态。事实上自从梅霍托芬被关上囚车以来,她的精神无不时刻紧绷,即使后来被众人解救之后。心中仍旧担心父亲与妹妹的安危。直到东梅兹形势逆转,梅蒂莎尼玫西丝攻克瓦拉契通往金针森林的通道。魏娜公爵克复花叶领之后,她心中沉甸甸的包袱才算落地。 However is seeing younger sister's that moment, the negativity of long time accumulating erupts unavoidably. 然而在见到妹妹的那一刻,多日来积累的负面情绪难免爆发出来。 The footsteps that the sovereign eldest son counter-attacks are slow, but after entering the second half ten-day period of moon/month of abundant attaining, the east Maze area and in Hotto the sporadic size fight still came to an end one after another, along with Brando went north gives loyalty to captured the Yasa fort now in sovereign eldest son's southern nobles even further, integrated under the ever green corridor the one's own control. 皇长子反攻的脚步缓慢,但进入丰获之月的后半旬之后,东部梅兹地区与梅霍托芬境内零星的大小战斗仍旧相继宣告结束,随布兰多北上现下效忠于皇长子的南方贵族们甚至进一步攻陷了亚萨要塞,将长青走廊纳入自己的控制之下。 From now on the campaign of entire east line will end completely, but Brando obeys the agreement. Delivers in Bussing forest ritual in base camp resting and building up strength long time white legion leaves the Maze area. 自此整个东线的战役完全结束,而布兰多则遵照约定。在布辛扬森林礼送在战俘营‘休养生息’多日的白之军团离开梅兹地区。 In fact the staying or going issue about white legion once started big mighty waves in northern nobles, many —— even include Wei Na Duke to think that should detain these people to the war ended, but sovereign eldest son Lenarret resists opposition finally, supported the Brando's decision, but Orkens Count numerous southern nobles also agrees this decision. 事实上关于白之军团的去留问题曾在北方贵族内部掀起不小的波澜,许多人——甚至包括魏娜公爵都认为应该将这些人扣押到战争结束,但最后皇长子莱纳瑞特力排众议,支持了布兰多的决定,而奥尔康斯伯爵等一众南方贵族也纷纷表示同意这个决定。 After all participates in various Renxin who the same day attack combat planned understanding truly, in a port war white legion, although surrenders, but has not lost the strength truly, keeps eastern Maze practically a time bomb of momentarily possibly detonation them. 毕竟真正参与了当日进攻作战计划的诸人心中都明白,在法坦港一战中白之军团虽然投降,但并没有真正丧失战力,将他们留在东梅兹等于说是一枚随时可能引爆的定时炸弹。 Let alone Orkens Count also believes, in the civil war of empire, they must morally keeps the advantage. Cannot be penny-wise and pound foolish. Finally his opinion achieves consensus —— Orkens Count to become left and right arms of Lenarret in northern nobles now, he obviously was quite immediately satisfied with this position, forgot to stand on the side of The Silver Queen and Brando completely initially to immediately scene. Claimed in public repeatedly he and Brando are an exchange of blows may lead to friendship. 何况奥尔康斯伯爵还认为,在帝国的内战中,他们一方必须在道义上保持优势。绝不能因小失大。最后他的意见在北方贵族中达成了共识——如今奥尔康斯伯爵已经成为莱纳瑞特的左膀右臂,他对当下这个地位显然极为满意,完全忘了当初站在白银女王一边与布兰多对立时的场景。多次在公开场合声称他和布兰多是‘不打不相识’。 Regarding the insensitivity of this fellow, Brando is also very speechless. 对于这家伙的厚脸皮,布兰多也是无语得很。 But white legion leaves the Bussing two weeks later, a sad news comes, in entering Vanquer first day, white legion Army Commander Abner Duke chose finished the one's own life in a Gerry Chelsea inn. It is said that he has not left behind any will, only writes to the family member and Her Majesty the Queen respectively, in leaving the The Silver Queen letter/believes, this Sir Duke expressed himself unable to repay the apology that the imperial family trusted, related in detail the lifetime loyalty and faith. Finally proposed to His Majesty the Emperor of this empire tactfully warned: Madara's undead is not worth trusting —— 但在白之军团离开布辛扬的两周之后,一个噩耗传来,在进入班克尔的第一天,白之军团军团长安布纳公爵选择了在格里切尔一家旅店之中结束了自己的一生。据说他没有留下任何遗嘱,只给家人和女王陛下各写了一封信,在留给白银女王的信中,这位公爵大人表达了自己未能报答皇室信任的歉意,详述了自己一生的忠诚与信念。最后委婉地向这位帝国的皇帝陛下提出了警告:玛达拉的亡灵并不值得信任—— Constance after receiving this letter/believes, sighed slightly. Then being reduced to ashes. 康斯坦丝在收到这封信之后,微微叹了口气。然后将之化为灰烬。 Afterward she has not fallen the crime because of the Abner performance in war in his family member, only after assigning/life people grandly the burial . Then makes the Abner Duke eldest son raid its title. 后来她也并未因为安布纳尔在战争中的表现而降罪于其家人,只命人隆重地将之安葬之后。然后让安布纳公爵的长子袭其爵位。 Regarding the Abner Duke death, Brando has no feelings, only somewhat regretted slightly, at least this Sir Duke can be a frank person ; But honesty is unavoidably solemn and stirring, this Sir Duke to preserve white legion even can compromise to his enemy, but in all finished, he chose recalled with the one's own life as the soldier honor. 对于安布纳公爵的死,布兰多倒没什么感触,只稍微有些惋惜,至少这位公爵大人算得上是一位光明磊落之人;但正直者难免悲壮,这位公爵大人为了保全白之军团甚至可以向他的敌人妥协,但在一切都结束时,他选择了用自己的生命来挽回身为军人的荣誉。 The Abner Duke death news feeds in port attains to offer a sacrifice to abundantly later third day, at that time Brando was bored to death audits Imperial Prince Lenarret with the resolution of his officials, in fact there is no relations with him, because since mid this month, Aouinian has withdrawn this has the contention in empire, came from the Trentheim fleet, although still anchored in port, but will start to return to Valhalla in fact momentarily. 安布纳公爵死讯传回法坦港正是丰获祭之后的第三天,当时布兰多正百无聊赖地旁听莱纳瑞特皇子与他手下的臣子们的决议,事实上这与他并没有什么关系,因为自从这个月中旬以来,埃鲁因人就已经退出这场发生于帝国内部的角逐,来自于托尼格尔的舰队虽然仍旧停泊在法坦港,但事实上随时会启程返回瓦尔哈拉 quest / mission of diplomatic envoy to this moment, had failed in fact. 使节团的任务到了这一刻,事实上已经宣告失败了。 However Aouinian obtained in more things compared with the original tentative plan, how to launch as for future Holy War, this ancient kingdom has many choices. 不过埃鲁因人却得到了比原来设想中更多的东西,至于将来圣战会怎么展开,这个古老的王国已经有了更多的选择。 While Wei Na Duke mentioned fervently must when the west line launches counter-attacks, the gate of hall by panting Orkens Count is hit, he brought the Abner Duke death news, as well as another news —— 而正当魏娜公爵慷慨激昂地提到应当在西线展开反攻时,大厅的门被气喘吁吁的奥尔康斯伯爵撞开来,他带来了安布纳公爵的死讯,以及另一个消息—— After Abner Duke dies third day, The Silver Queen Constance announced a news: 就在安布纳公爵死后的第三天,白银女王康斯坦丝宣布了一条消息: In empire political center that she rules, will soon hold a grand engagement ceremony quickly, participates in the side of engagement ceremony coming from Prince mountain people of Vala agreement, but the other side is more than people expected beside the —— bride's side is not this Her Majesty the Queen some daughter. But recently sealed Vala goddaughter Count. 在她所统治的帝国政治中心,很快即将举行一场盛大的订婚仪式,参与订婚仪式的一方是来自于瓦拉契的山民王子,但另一方却大出人们的预料之外——女方并非是这位女王陛下的某个女儿。而是新近受封的瓦拉契女伯爵 About this Mysterious female Count, in fact the folk from her sealed that day was full of all kinds of hearsay, some hearsay said that she is also mountain people. But other hearsay mentioned that she before being sealed is actually not the empire person, some nation that but from governs in the empire. These were full of mysterious color hearsay each to make people be interested in this female Count. In all areas that the queen governs, people were discussing this engagement ceremony, for a moment as if faded from the memory their military failure in the Maze area. 关于这位神秘莫测的女伯爵,事实上从她受封的那一天起民间就充满了各式各样的传闻,一些传闻说她也是山民。而另一些传闻提到她在受封之前其实并非帝国人,而是来自于帝国治下的某个邦国。这些充满了神秘色彩的传闻每一条都让人们对这位女伯爵更感兴趣。在女王治下的所有地区,人们都在讨论着这场订婚仪式,一时间连他们在梅兹地区的军事失败似乎都被人淡忘了。 Discussion that is caused by the engagement ceremony even affects Maze, who Hotto and Ludwig area the sovereign eldest son controlled, although the folk is slightly lonelier, but the noble high level is also discussing The Silver Queen this unusual action. The field marries has the strong political color from the beginning, obviously to comfort announced that to the mountain people influence that The Silver Queen gives loyalty , what they are not clear is why does the opposite party want to do such on a grand scale it? 由订婚仪式所引起的热议甚至波及了皇长子所控制的梅兹、梅霍托芬与路德维格地区,虽然民间稍微冷清一些,但贵族高层也在讨论白银女王这个异乎寻常的举动。场联姻从一开始就带着浓厚的政治色彩,显而易见是为了安抚才宣布对白银女王效忠的山民势力,但他们不明白的是为什么对方要将之搞得这么大张旗鼓? could it be that merely for the concealing beforehand military failure? 难道仅仅是为了掩饰之前的军事失败? Kirrlutzian is not clear, but in some people of hearts is very clear. 克鲁兹人不明白,但有人心中却很清楚。 Brando understands. this time made that prime minister's daughter say. 布兰多明白。这一次又让那位宰相千金说中了。 After the short hesitation, he starts to make the arrangement immediately, the aspect that the empire thing confronts has formed, although the Lenarret influence has not been stably, but finally is extremely poor. He did not plan that makes Aouinian be the Kirrlutzian throne breaks through enemy lines, therefore to stops doing to leave now. 在短暂的犹豫之后,他立刻开始作出安排,帝国东西对峙的局面已经形成,莱纳瑞特的势力虽然还算不上稳固,但总算是有了立锥之地。他并不打算让埃鲁因人克鲁兹人的皇位冲锋陷阵,所以现在是到了抽手离开的时候了。 First is to make O'Neill and Ynead and the others bring Little Prince to leave the empire, the quest / mission conclusion of diplomatic envoy, the Little Prince mission also announced the termination similarly. Although Halutz after knowing the teacher must remain, expressed tactfully meaning that wants to keep with his common onset and retreat, but must be responsible for refuting with king his people for the reason by Brando. 首先是让欧妮易妮德等人带着小王子离开帝国,使节团的任务结束,小王子的使命也同样宣告完结。虽然哈鲁泽在得知老师要留下来之后,也委婉地表达了想要留下来和他共同进退的意思,但被布兰多用‘国王必须对他的子民负责’为理由给驳斥了回去。 However looks at the Little Prince longing look. The Brando heart is also slightly one warm, since this time has gone abroad on a diplomatic mission the former to grow a great deal, finally has as the makings of King. This makes him be pleased that —— at least does right by the danger that in this process experiences. Although also stays behind some troublesome, in battlefield that at least the soldiers hand down Her Highness the Princess is one, he has not thought how is good and Princess Gryphine explained this vanishing actually Princess Fosha to there. 不过看着小王子依依不舍的眼神。布兰多心头也是微微一暖,这次出使以来前者成长良多,总算是有了身为王者的气质。这让他感到十分欣慰——至少对得起这个过程中所经历的危险。虽然也留下一些麻烦,至少士兵们交口相传的战场上的‘公主殿下’就是一个,他至今还没想好怎么和格里菲因公主解释这位消失的‘福莎公主’究竟到那里去了。 Is good because of does not need to face that Her Highness the Princess temporarily. 好在暂时也不用面对那位公主殿下 Before the fleet leaves, Brando and Nemesis meet. 在舰队离开之前,布兰多尼玫西丝见了一面。 On the same day after absorbing War Slate, the White Reed upperclasswoman personality fell into the deep sleep, has not waked, does not know that what ability obtained. But later the Nemesis personality ran the initiative of body, she is seeing Brando's immediately, gave a latter resounding slap in the face without delay directly. Then visits him with clenched jaws, the lip moves as to say anything. But after all has not said. 当日在吸收了战争石板之后,白葭学姐的人格就陷入了沉睡之中,至今还没有醒过来,也不知道获得了什么样的能力。而随后尼玫西丝的人格就掌管了身体的主动权,她在见到布兰多的第一时间,二话不说就直接给了后者一个响亮的耳光。然后咬牙切齿地看着他,嘴唇动了动似乎想说什么。但终归没说出口来。 However Brando looked that her lips-shape read out the meaning of these words: People! 不过布兰多看她唇形读出了这句话的意思:狗男女! Brando does not know whether to laugh or cry, he knows certainly that this palm of the hand to White Reed upperclasswoman sexually harass his matter initially. But that is not he incites, must say that he is also a victim. 布兰多哭笑不得,他当然知道她这一巴掌是为了当初白葭学姐调戏他的事情。可那又不是他授意的,要说起来他自己也是受害者啊。 Is good in his heart regarding this young girl who inherited the upperclasswoman soul also somewhat has guilty, has not haggled over anything, instead is looked before the opposite party broke, ice-cold that aloofed, the face has blushed the neck root appearance, felt very interesting. 好在他心中对于这位继承了学姐灵魂的少女也有些心存愧疚,并没有计较什么,反而是看对方破去了之前拒人于千里之外的冰冷,脸一直羞红到了脖子根的样子,感到十分有趣。 Miss Nemesis, no matter you have what view to me, but the this time Aouine domestic matter asked to you. Although Aouine at present is seemingly uneventful, but under wave even as if a mirror the undercurrent is turbulent, royalist, empire or Madara's undead three parties random side processing is not good, in the kingdom heavy falling crisis, not to mention Origin Association definitely may seize the opportunity to stir up trouble momentarily in this case.” 尼玫西丝小姐,不管你对我有什么看法,但这一次埃鲁因国内的事情就拜托给你了。埃鲁因眼下虽然看起来风平浪静,但波平如镜之下暗潮汹涌,无论是王党、帝国还是玛达拉的亡灵三方任意一方处理不好,王国随时可能重陷危机之中,更不用说万物归一会肯定会在这种情况下乘机兴风作浪。” Nemesis is frowning as if looked that is not willing to look at his one eyes, coldly replies: I naturally understand, does not need you to move unnecessarily reminds.” 尼玫西丝皱着眉头似乎连看都不愿意多看他一眼,冷冷地答道:“我自然明白,并不需要你多此一举地提醒。” But she also understands in Princess Gryphine feudal officials, only then this is most defined regarding Aouine's future at present, therefore opens the mouth to ask: You have what idea, said directly.” 但她也明白在格里菲因公主手下的众臣中,只有眼前这一位对于埃鲁因的未来最为明晰,所以还是开口问道:“你有什么想法,就直接说吧。” Brando nodded, can still maintain the calm overall perception to express satisfaction regarding Nemesis. 布兰多点了点头,对于尼玫西丝尚能保持冷静的大局观表示满意。 Tells Her Highness the Princess, undead will certainly start second War of Black Rose within this year, regardless of anybody said anything to her. Makes her do not believe, the opposite Brumand's black rose must give up all luck!” “去告诉公主殿下,亡灵一定会在今年之内发动第二次黑玫瑰战争,无论任何人对她说了什么。都让她不要相信,对面布罗曼陀的黑玫瑰必须放弃一切的侥幸!” You know that royalist has thought you want to expand the one's own influence with the aid of the threat of undead.” Nemesis coldly looks to him: „Is your meaning to let Her Highness the Princess opposes with it thoroughly?” “你知道吗,王党一直认为你想借助亡灵的威胁来扩大自己的影响力。”尼玫西丝冷冷地看向他:“你的意思是让公主殿下彻底地与之对立?” Thinks is one crowd of shortsighted generations, I believe that in royalist some similarly people can see clearly all these. The politics is an art of compromise. Miss Nemesis, but do not compromise to anyone.” “这么认为的不过是一群目光短浅之辈,我相信王党中同样有人能看清这一切。政治是一种妥协的艺术。尼玫西丝小姐,但不是向谁都要妥协的。” I will has the words.” 我会把话带到的。” Thanks.” “谢谢。” Does not need to thank, this not for you.” “不必谢,这不是为了你。” Gazes after Nemesis to embark silently, Brando cannot bear trace the one's own cheeks, hiss —— he could not bear give a tongue-lashing bared teeth, this woman started to really be a point disregards another's feelings, but also somewhat was really painful. Although said that now his defense has been above the average man, but cannot shield the ache. Let alone the Nemesis present strength is not bad, after absorbing the second flagstone, the opposite party faintly has touched the element domain. 默默目送尼玫西丝上船,布兰多忍不住摸了摸自己的脸颊,“嘶——”他忍不住呲了呲牙,这女人下手可真是一点不留情面,还真有些痛。虽然说现在他的防御早已超乎常人,但也不是可以屏蔽疼痛的。何况尼玫西丝眼下的实力也一点不差,吸收了第二块石板之后,对方已经隐隐触摸到了要素的领域。 What kind of, pain?” At this time some sounds of ridiculing conveyed from him behind: Mr Count.” “怎么样,痛吗?”这个时候一个有些揶揄的声音从他身后传来:“伯爵先生。” Brando has turned head, actually Little Princess of discovery Sifah. Kiara wears a fine Princess skirt today, is holding a purple parasol, seeming like the doll is ordinary, two ponytail under golden sunlight sparkling, she is supine the small face, a face have a relish looks at Brando. Deep blue such as in the pupil of sea flashes through once for a while wipes the cunning ray. 布兰多回过头,却发现正是西法赫家的小公主琪雅拉今天穿着一件精致的公主裙,撑着一把紫色的遮阳伞,看起来好像洋娃娃一般,两条马尾在金色的阳光下闪闪发光,她仰着小脸,一脸饶有兴致地看着布兰多。碧蓝如海的眸子里时不时闪过一抹狡黠的光芒。 Seifer Family Her Highness the Princess, gave regards to your Elder Brother for me.” 西法赫家族公主殿下,代我向你哥哥问好。” I will,” this person little rascal big Little Princess of smilingly replied: I have an issue to ask you. Mr Count.” 我会的,”这位人小鬼大的小公主笑眯眯地答道:“不过我有个问题想问你。伯爵先生。” Brando gave a hand signal of invitation. 布兰多做了一个请的手势。 Now you must know how my brother plans, I want to ask you, Mr Count, do you plan to marry me?” “现在你应当知道我哥哥是怎么打算的了,我就想问你,伯爵先生,你打不打算娶我?” !” “噗!” Brando has almost not choked to oneself, he cannot bear cough fiercely, the issue of coming straight to the point he saw, what was so straightforward was first time. Especially proposed this issue is also a tiny tot, although he does not know this Little Princess this year several years old, but looks at her growth deficient small chest. And stands on tiptoes the tip of the toe only to arrive below his chest head, how to see that did not seem like surpassed the 14-year-old appearance. 布兰多差点没给自己呛死,他忍不住剧烈地咳嗽起来,开门见山的问题他见多了,但这么直白的还是头一次。尤其是提出这个问题的还不过是个小不点,他虽然不知道这位小公主今年几岁,不过看她那发育贫乏的小胸脯。以及踮起脚尖都只到他胸口以下的个头,怎么看都不像是超过了14岁的样子。 Her Highness the Princess......” Brando cough while does not know whether to laugh or cry replies: This issue when you grew up said again.” 公主殿下……”布兰多一边咳嗽一边哭笑不得地答道:“这个问题还是等到你成年了再说吧。” „.” The Kiara color of face despising: False, do not think that I do not know nobles dirty/small error. I am the female of imperial family, don't you want to obtain me?” “切。”琪雅拉一脸鄙夷之色:“虚伪,别以为我不知道贵族们的龌蹉。我可是皇室之女,你就不想得到我么?” Brando felt oneself said again, some nearby people must be called the military police, rushes to interrupt the words of this little devil: Sufficed, Her Highness the Princess.” 布兰多觉得自己再这么说下去,边上就有人要叫宪兵了,赶忙打断这小鬼头的话道:“够了,公主殿下。” Snort!” Kiara snort/hum, do not go gently excessively, on not the too small cheek also caught wiped to blush. Her some are not convinced saying: My elder brother obstructs besides the eyes, there does not rub clothes board Princess more outstanding than your, that what Princess Fosha your highness, making him be the king, might as well gives to marry him, what king always many person good this —— Aouine to need in any case, Mr Count isn't could it be that clear?” “哼!”琪雅拉轻轻哼了一声,别过头去,不过小小的脸蛋上也染上了一抹红晕。她有些不服气道:“我兄长除了双眼有碍之外,那里不比你那个搓衣板公主更优秀,还有那个什么‘福莎公主’殿下,让他去当国王,还不如把他给嫁出去,反正总有不少人好这一口——埃鲁因需要什么样的国王,伯爵先生难道还不明白么?” Brando shakes the head gently: Miss Kiara, if your elder brother's surname is Corcova, then he will become an outstanding king.” 布兰多轻轻摇了摇头:“琪雅拉小姐,如果你哥哥的姓氏是科尔科瓦,那么他会成为一个优秀的国王。” Seifer Family had also ruled Aouine!” 西法赫家族也曾经统治过埃鲁因!” But that also once, Miss Kiara, you were an intelligent girl, you should understand that I am saying anything.” “但那也只是曾经,琪雅拉小姐,你是个聪明的女孩,你应该明白我在说什么。” The Kiara look somewhat is slightly low-spirited, she bites the lip, appearance that as if is not very convinced, but by her wisdom, she understands certainly what Brando said was right —— this ancient kingdom could not have withstood turmoil again. She stands there, is frowning, twists, Brando since has known this Little Princess, but also has not seen opposite party such childish side. 琪雅拉的眼神稍稍有些黯然,她咬了咬嘴唇,似乎十分不服气的样子,但以她的智慧,她当然明白布兰多说的是对的——这个古老的王国已经经不起再一次的动乱了。她站在那里,皱着眉头,绞着手,布兰多自从认识这位小公主以来,还从没见过对方这么孩子气的一面。 Under his heart slightly one soft, is preparing to export to comfort her two, never expected that Kiara first step responded, breaks him saying: You do not need to comfort me, I do not want your fellow to comfort hypocritically, I have a matter.” 他心下微微一软,正准备出口安慰她两句,没想到琪雅拉却先一步反应了过来,打断他道:“你不必安慰我,我才不要你这种家伙假惺惺的安慰,我还有一件事。” Un?” “嗯?” Brando is startled slightly. 布兰多微微一怔。 Kiara lowers the head, both hands circle to the neck behind, loosens a necklace. She puts in that necklace the palm, then hands in front of Brando: „, This is the father delivers my protective talisman, I first borrow you to use, you may probably live are coming back to give back to me.” 琪雅拉低下头去,双手绕到脖子后面,解下一根项链来。她将那根项链放到手心中,然后递到布兰多面前:“诺,这是父亲送我的护身符,我先借你用一下,你可要活着回来还给我。” Brando always thought that the opposite party these words some to the taste, he do not look at the necklace in hand, on the necklace have the residual heat of this Little Princess body temperature, that is an attractive crystal falling decoration, inside as if there is surges blood. He thought that oneself seems to have seen this necklace there, but he saw the carving immediately, in falling to play the part of the Seifer Family emblem on foundation, remembers the significance that this necklace represents, this was once the mark of royal family bloodlines. 布兰多总觉得对方这句话有些不对味,他看着手中的项链,项链上还带着这位小公主体温的余温,那是一枚漂亮的水晶坠饰,内里仿佛有翻腾的血液。他觉得自己似乎在那里见过这条项链,不过他马上就看到雕刻在坠饰底座上的西法赫家族徽,才想起这根项链所代表的意义,这可是曾经王室血脉的印记。 Although somewhat thinks otherwise regarding protective talisman this type of thing, but Brando has not thought that the opposite party will lend oneself such precious thing, the intention of above carrying/sustaining can be imagined, in his heart somewhat is slightly affected: Her Highness the Princess......” 虽然对于护身符这种东西有些不以为然,但布兰多也没想到对方会把这么贵重的东西借给自己,上面所承载的心意可想而知,他心中微微有些感动:“公主殿下……” A never expected that Kiara actually face dislike: Cries also the ugly expression to receive quickly your ratio, was disgusting, I just do not want not to marry remain a widow forget it/that's all!” 没想到琪雅拉却一脸厌恶:“快把你那比哭还难看的表情收起来,恶心死了,我只不过是不想还没嫁出去就守了寡罢了!” Brando the language knot, he always thought how many immediately continued with this Her Highness the Princess again, perhaps oneself really met the myocardial infarction dead , does not know that opposite party these strange thought came, actually she noble education that had there? 布兰多顿时语结,他总觉得再继续和这位公主殿下多说几句,自己恐怕真会心肌梗塞而死,也不知道对方这些稀奇古怪的思想是怎么来的,她究竟是在那里接受的贵族教育? ...... …… Note 1: Maze native regarding goddess of autumn nickname. ( to be continued ) 注1:梅兹当地人对于秋之女神的昵称。(未完待续)
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