TAS :: Volume #5 凡尘的舞台

#867: Sneaks the dim light of night ii

Brando actually shows a faint smile, gets the answer that oneself wanted, has looked back to behind, happen to with lying in that direction Nemesis vision relative, latter sharp-eyed like blade, to his gently nodded. 布兰多却微微一笑,已经得到了自己想要的答案,回过头向身后看去,正好与趴在那个方向的尼玫西丝目光相对,后者目光锐利如刀,向他轻轻点了点头 This moment setting sun has started to sink to the inland sea of empire to the west, at the sunset beforehand last minute, the extremely western sea level burns, turns into an entire pure gold sparkle, as the last bunch of rays also submerge under the sea level, the golden waters are dissipating fast, only leaves behind the dark red color, as if gradually Cooldown casting. The field of vision from west to east, around Greystone town is surrounding the hill of fluctuating, in the sunny day of blue sky, the vast great plains of field of vision and east side in the Anzeluta mountain range of upper air extremely open —— particularly distant place west east constitutes a mammoth prospect together, but after the twilight lowers, the hills of distant place looked like cover a mist at sunset, became dim, just liked an oil painting of impressionist school, the day and place boundary covered in orange halo and rosy cloud, became fuzzy. 此刻夕阳已开始向西沉入帝国的内海之中,在日落之前的最后一刻,极西的海面燃烧起来,变成一整块儿纯金般闪耀,但随着最后一束光芒也沉没于海平面之下,金色的水域正在飞快地消散,只留下暗红色的颜色,仿佛逐渐冷却的铸件。视野由西向东,灰石镇四面环绕着起伏的丘陵,在万里无云的晴朗日子里,视野在高空极为开阔——尤其是远处东西走向的安泽鲁塔山脉和东面一望无际的大平原一起构成一幅波澜壮阔的图景,但暮色降下之后,远处的群山就像是笼罩上了一层暮霭,变得朦朦胧胧,恍若一幅印象派的油画,天与地的边际笼罩在一层橘色的光环与云霞之中,变得模糊起来。 But all these belong to under the quiet dim light of night finally. 但这一切最终都归于沉寂的夜色之下。 After the ray gets down gloomily, was used to the dark creature field of vision instead became open, Harpy that the town sky circled as if discovered change on nearby hill, they circled quite long a period of time on nearby hill, at the same time quack is screaming, but before they brought in others paid attention, in Greystone town probably suddenly erupted an unrest, the noisy sound conveyed from several streets, noisily with clamoring attracted the attention of these flat wool domestic animals, they then turned around to fly in Xiangcheng Town. 光线暗淡下去之后,习惯了黑暗的生物视野反而变得开阔起来,城镇上空盘旋的鹰身女妖仿佛发现了附近丘陵上的异动,它们在附近的山丘上盘旋了好长一段时间,一边呱呱尖叫着,但在它们引来其他人注意之前,灰石镇内好像忽然爆发了一场骚乱,吵吵嚷嚷的声音从几条街道中传来,嘈杂与喧哗重新吸引了这些扁毛畜生的注意力,她们又转而掉头飞向城镇之中。 In Greystone town, Troglodyte is arresting the residents, the empire soldiers and adventurers who hide or is other what dangerous elements, they are not familiar with the daytime, therefore the raid starting from the evening, in the quick city made one group randomly. 灰石镇内,穴居人正在抓捕躲藏起来的居民、帝国士兵、冒险者或者是别的什么危险分子,它们并不习惯白昼,因此搜捕行动从傍晚开始,很快城内就乱作了一团。 The Bullfrog's Croak Inn two buildings, the stinking seeker just left, among one pile of junks lifts a cape suddenly, looked like on the wall a door to reveal a small person's shadow to come from behind equally, in the room of black paint jet black revealed a lake water quiet green eye at first, the eye was big, inside clear enough to see bottom, it winked gently, then showed the sighed in relief look. This is little girl of wear dark green cape, but her cape appears some strange ——, because that obviously is a travel cape of adult, only cuts out the skirt-width to make it conform to her small fellow to be insufficient to tow the ground, however huge hood is actually not able to change, therefore little girl has to hold the border of hat once for a while, so as to avoid it hangs to block from the line of sight, appears very funny laughable. 牛蛙之鸣旅店的二楼,臭烘烘的搜索者才刚刚离开,一堆杂物之间忽然掀开一张斗篷,就像是墙上开了一扇门一样从后面露出一个小小的人影来,乌漆墨黑的房间中起先露出一双湖水般幽绿的眼睛,眼睛大大的,内里清澈见底,它轻轻眨了一下,然后才露出松了一口气的神色。这是一个穿着墨绿色斗篷的小姑娘,但她身上的斗篷显得有些古怪——因为那明显是一条成年人的旅行斗篷,只裁剪过下摆使其符合她的小个子不至于拖到地上,然而巨大的兜帽却无法改变,因此小姑娘不得不时不时地去扶着帽子的边沿,免得它垂下来遮住视线,显得十分的滑稽可笑。 Under huge hood reveals the light silver sending tree top, little girl grips two short twintails the hair, should not be at behind the sharp ear, this seems on her only identity characteristics —— generally speaking, only then north the Knights of the Graciousness country, even northern Aerlanta can see that like this has Wild Elf bloodline Half-Elf —— in addition her also to carry one almost to have she most probably high cross bow, wore pair of short tube leather boots, on the boots about stuck a piece of feather respectively. 巨大的兜帽下露出浅银色的发梢,小姑娘将头发扎成两个短短的双马尾,别在尖尖的耳朵后面,这仿佛是她身上唯一的身份特征——一般来说,只有在格雷休斯骑士团国北方,甚至更北的艾尔兰塔才能看到这样拥有野精灵血统半精灵——此外她还背着一张几乎有她大半高的十字弓,穿着一双短筒皮靴,靴子上左右各粘了一片羽毛。 little girl stands on tiptoes the tip of the toe, was just good to put on the window mullion the chin, raises head stares in the midair these Harpy —— to fly far until them, she climbs up the desk strenuously, then kneels on the desk opens the window, looked at following street one quietly. 小姑娘踮起脚尖,刚刚好把下巴放到窗棂上,抬起头盯着半空中那些鹰身女妖——直到她们又重新飞远,她才又吃力地爬上书桌,然后跪在书桌上推开窗户,悄悄看了下面的街道一眼。 Troglodyte has walked away. 穴居人已经走远了。 She closes the window, some tremble replied: Shennie Shennie, did it walk away?” 她关上窗户,有些哆哆嗦嗦地答道:“仙妮仙妮,它走远了吗?” A soft-spoken small tune asked curiously: Probably this, they suddenly have not discovered us!” 一个细声细气的小腔调好奇地问道:“好像是这样,它们竟然没发现我们!” , The head of triangle juts out now under spacious hood, this small thing a little probably was long reduced several thousand times of dragon, even is growing the same corner and sharp tooth, has the drawing in wing membrane, but this after all was not the dragon, this was Pseudodragon, Vaunde are extremely few about this unusual species record, only had their forms in minority legends and biographies. In deep coastal Scholar thinks that they are the elf of books and knowledge, they also truly often with the books are the partners, but this is only to satisfy them regarding this world exuberant curiosity, for the same reason, they can accompany with the mortal, arrive at various places of the world to take risk. 一个小小的,三角形的脑袋出出现在宽大的兜帽下面,这小小的东西长得有点像是缩小了几千倍的巨龙,甚至长着相同的犄角与尖尖的牙齿、还有收拢的翼膜,但这毕竟不是龙,这是一只伪龙,沃恩德关于这一奇特的物种记载极少,只在少数传奇故事与传记之中有它们的身影。在渊海沿岸的学者认为它们是书籍与知识的精灵,它们也确实时常与书卷为伴,但这只是为了满足它们对于这个世界旺盛的好奇心,因为同样的原因,它们会和凡人结伴,到世界的各处去冒险。 Sprite was scared, this place is unamusing, these people may go bad, they are unfriendly to Sprite!” 小精灵被吓坏了,这个地方一点都不好玩,这些人可坏了,它们对小精灵一点也不友善!” Takes the consequences for own actions, from you that moment that since their trebuchets spoil, should not count on that they will be very friendly to you.” Shennie replied ill-humoredly. “自作自受,从你把它们的投石机弄坏的那一刻起,就不应该指望它们会对你很友善了。”仙妮没好气地答道。 Sprite appears the appearance that somewhat has a lingering fear, argued flustered: My my I have not seen that am anything, I just want to touch!” 小精灵显得有些心有余悸的样子,慌慌张张地辩解道:“我我我又没见过那是什么东西,我只不过想摸一下而已!” You do not need to cut off that string.” “那你也不用割断那根绳子。” But I felt, if I cut off the string, certainly will have what serious matter.” “可我觉得如果我割断绳子的话,一定会发生什么不得了的事情。” Shennie replied angrily in a shrill voice: Truly happened, then we became the most wanted terrorist!” 仙妮愤怒地尖声尖气地答道:“确实发生了,然后我们就成了通缉犯!” „East before that we have not wanted to hide **,” Sprite turns upwards the mouth: „Before coming, Shennie has not told Sprite here to have these strange things, you did not say that here is the state of human?” “在那之前我们还不是要东躲**的,”小精灵翘起嘴巴:“来之前仙妮可没告诉过小精灵这里有这些奇怪的东西,你不是说这里是人类的国度吗?” Before previous time I leave truly.” “在上次我离开之前确实还是的。” When is that?” “那是什么时候?” About 300 years ago.” “大约三百年前吧。” No matter first this,” Sprite Shennie from own head mallotus japonicus, did not attend to latter's protest her stopper to the pocket in: „Did you really see that fellow?” “先不管这个了,”小精灵一把仙妮从自己头上楸了下来,不顾后者的抗议将她塞到口袋里:“你真的看到那家伙了?” I looked may real, was that bastard makes from the space us, she was turns into grey me to recognize,” Shennie escaped from former's evil clutches with great difficulty, she poked head to reply from the pocket: You make that big move to come, perhaps I caught up with it early.” “我看得可真了,就是那坏蛋把我们从天上弄下来的,她就是化成灰我都认得,”仙妮好不容易才从前者的魔爪之中逃脱,她从口袋中探出头来答道:“要不是你弄出那么大动静来,说不定我早追上它了。” Sorry.” Sprite replied suffering. “对不起嘛。”小精灵委屈地答道。 Shennie happily replied: This young lady is fortunately quick-witted, got up a magic mark to that fellow early, so long as she has not gone out of town, I had the means to find her.” She used the claw to gesticulate several on Sprite: Makes me have a look, well, she has not walked away unexpectedly, nearby us!” 仙妮得意地答道:“还好本小姐机智,早给那家伙上了一个魔法印记,只要她没出城,我就有办法找到她。”她用爪子在小精灵身上比划了几下:“让我看看,咦,她竟然没走远,就在我们附近呢!” There, fellow where?” “那儿,那家伙在什么地方?” Lifts me.” The Shennie order said. “把我举起来。”仙妮命令道。 Sprite carries from the pocket her, both hands hold near the window, Shennie looked at a outside street view, is pointing at a piece of roof said: „, You saw, the roof of east side that room, she —— there garret 小精灵把她从口袋里拎出来,双手捧到窗户边,仙妮看了一眼外面的街景,指着其中一片屋顶说道:“喏,你看到了吗,东边那座屋子的屋顶,她就在那儿的阁楼里—— Sprite lay on the window looks some little time, was suddenly enlighted saying: „, I knew, originally she hides in that candy store ——!” 小精灵趴在窗户上看了好一会儿,才恍然大悟道:“哦,我知道了,原来她躲在那间糖果铺——!” What candy store?” “什么糖果铺?” We had gone to that candy store on that day, in the signboard that the chubby boss, in the gate hung had four strange arrows, did you forget?” “就是那天我们去过那家糖果铺,胖乎乎的老板,门上挂的招牌上有四个奇奇怪怪的箭头,你忘了吗?” „, I,” Shennie said: That is not candy store, that is a bakery, that four strange arrow is a compass, ‚the Lowes compass, you looked that I still remember the name. Aiya, bad —— must pass through two streets from here to there, I remember on a street has the sentry posts of these stinking fellows. What to do this may, so long as you make an appearance, will definitely be grasped by them, they will certainly prepare a very big pot for you, cooks the soup with Sprite, inside must put the salt, onion and carrot.” “哦,我记起来了,”仙妮说道:“不过那可不是什么糖果铺,那是面包房,那四个奇奇怪怪的箭头是罗盘,‘罗韦斯的罗盘’,你看我还记得名字呢。哎呀,糟糕——从这里到那儿要经过两条街,我记得其中一条街上有那些臭烘烘的家伙的哨岗。这可怎么办,只要你一露面,肯定会被它们抓起来,它们一定会为你准备一口很大的锅,用小精灵来炖汤,里面还要放盐、洋葱和胡萝卜。” it doesn't matter, we walk the words of that road, they could not certainly find us.” 没关系,我们走那条路的话,它们一定找不到我们。” Which road?” “哪条路?” Sprite crawled from the desk, in the pitch-dark inn a light does not have, but flashes flashes of her aquamarine pupil in the darkness, is slightly not affected. She opens the door, across the corridor, arrives at a building along the staircase, enters the kitchen, in this kitchen had a cave, the cave top head the thick plank, plank above was piling up with the cabbage and potato. Where is this?” Shennie asked. 小精灵从书桌上爬了下来,黑漆漆的旅店内一点光也没有,但她碧绿色的眸子在黑暗中一闪一闪,丝毫不受影响。她打开门,穿过走廊,沿着楼梯来到一楼,进入厨房,这间厨房里有一个地窖,地窖上盖着厚厚的木板,木板上面堆满了卷心菜和马铃薯。“这是什么地方?”仙妮问道。 This below has a secret passage, can pass through in opposite that candy store.” “这下面有一条密道,可以通到对面那间糖果铺里面去。” Is the bakery,” Shennie corrected, but she also asked: Why in the inn will have a secret passage to the bakery?” “是面包作坊,”仙妮纠正道,不过她又问道:“为什么旅店里会有一条密道通往面包作坊?” Sprite shakes the head: I listen to the inn boss and a woman chat has mentioned.” 小精灵摇了摇头:“我听旅店老板和一个女人聊天的时候提起过。” Woman?” “女人?” May the pretty woman, she give back to my sugar.” “一个可漂亮的女人,她还给了我一颗糖呢。” Your meaning was said that you listened secretly them to speak, did she give back to your sugar?” Shennie asked inconceivable. “你的意思是是说你偷听他们说话,她还给了你一颗糖?”仙妮不可思议地问道。 No, I stood may be far, they thought me unable to hear, but Sprite heard clear.” “没有,我站得可远了,他们以为我听不到,但小精灵听得一清二楚。” „Don't you have the remorse?” “你就没有一点愧疚之心吗?” Sprite apparently does not have that type of unnecessary thing, her roll-call cabbage and potato push from the plank, thump thump tumbles place, then lifts the plank, reveals a pitch-dark staircase. 小精灵显然没有那种多余的东西,她一点点将卷心菜和马铃薯从木板上推下去,咚咚滚落一地,然后掀开木板,露出一条黑洞洞的楼梯来。 Under the cave has a secret passage , the entrance hidden when a row of pine rack, this is long and black, but also is winding, does not know that transferred many curved, but also on present, some places also accumulated the water, tick-tock, but Sprite is not afraid, but also looks around curiously, seems conducting exploration same —— in fact also truly is a risk. 地窖下面果真有一条密道,入口隐藏在一排酒架后面,这条又长又黑,还曲曲折折,也不知道转了多少弯儿,还时上时下,有些地方还积了水,滴滴答答,但小精灵一点也不害怕,还好奇地东张西望,仿佛在进行一场探险一样——事实上也确实是一场冒险。 But the long channel also has the end finally, a quick person of dragon tried to find out that a leaf of iron gate, the iron gate closes stubbornly, a seam does not have. 但再长的通道也终有尽头,很快一人一龙摸索到一扇铁门,铁门关得死死的,一丝缝也没有。 Shennie is just about to fly the door knob to display spell, but Sprite actually seizes her tail, wait/etc., behind has the person!” 仙妮正要飞到门把手上去施展法术,但小精灵却一把揪住她的尾巴,“等等,后面有人!” Pain, do not grasp my tail!” Shennie screamed. “痛,不要抓我尾巴!”仙妮尖叫道。 Sprite raises up a finger to put near the lip, said: Breathes out —— 小精灵竖起一根指头放到唇边,说道:“嘘—— A moment later, has rumble the sound to transmit after the iron gate, as if some people are driving anything, these static continued some little time, to stand still, was sound of footsteps. One, two, three, four, five and six.” Sprite discussed. Six people entered that side room, is the sound of closing. Shennie has a scare: „Can they probably come in?” 片刻之后,就有轰隆隆的声音从铁门后传来,仿佛是有人在拖动什么东西,这些杂音持续了好一会儿,才停歇下来,然后是一阵脚步声。“一、二、三、四、五、六。”小精灵默念道。六个人先后进了那边的房间,然后是关门的声音。仙妮吓了一跳:“他们会不会要进来?” Sprite shakes the head, has, if see replied: They have not come.” 小精灵摇摇头,有若亲见般答道:“他们没过来呢。” As if to verify her words, after the gate, static moment, then spreads a voice of person, what speech is the deep and gruff voice middle-aged man: Miss Delphine, we come are not the times, no one knows where these ghost things drill, you make a decision, here could not have stayed, we know that in the city has a secret passage to lead to the Churning Silver River downstream, but if, only feared that secret passage also looking late by these monsters.” 仿佛是为了印证她的话,门后静了片刻,然后传出一个人的声音,说话的是个粗声粗气的中年男人:“德尔菲恩小姐,我们来得不是时候,谁也不知道那些鬼东西是什么地方钻出来的,您拿个主意吧,这里已经呆不下去了,我们知道城里有一条密道可以通往涌银河下游,但要是晚了,只怕那条密道也会被那些怪物给找出来。” A gentle female voice replied: I know where these things from come, that person has a Troglodyte guard in his territory, obviously he and Gorgon Ravine relations are unusual, they have been planning these plots, but no one thinks that he really dares to begin to the empire unexpectedly.” 一个柔和的女声答道:“我知道这些东西是从什么地方来的,那个人在他的领地就有一支穴居人卫队,可见他和乔根底冈的关系非同一般,他们早就在谋划这些阴谋,只是没人想到他竟真敢对帝国动手。” Sprite hears this voice in secret passage this, said to Shennie: Is she.” 小精灵密道这一头听到这个嗓音,就对仙妮说:“是她。” Is that woman?” “是那个女人?” Sprite nods, she pondered the moment, suddenly said: I knew, she certainly is the candy store proprietress.” 小精灵点点头,她思考了片刻,忽然说道:“我知道了,她一定是糖果铺的老板娘。” In your hometown, people manage the proprietress to be called as the young lady?” Shennie jokes. “在你的家乡,人们都管老板娘称作小姐的吗?”仙妮讥笑道。 She in candy store, naturally is the candy store proprietress.” “她在糖果铺,当然就是糖果铺的老板娘。” Good logic.” “好逻辑。” At this time the gate latter young sound connection said: Mr. Elman he saw certainly through this person of plot in Faithwind Circle, by this violent treachery!” 这个时候门后一个年轻的声音接口道:“艾尔曼先生他一定是在信风之环就识破了这人的阴谋,才会遭此毒手!” Thanks, Mr. Effie, that person sinister deceitful, this so in reality. I have asked Andersia, initially he intended to throw down Elman they, she could not find the opportunity to begin, that woman is no doubt hateful, but certain hypocritical people must be placed on trial. Elman he pledged that the life protects me, now he not, but I was still his wife, I must revenge for him.” “谢谢,埃菲先生,那人阴险狡诈,想必事实正是如此。我问过安德莎,当初要不是他有意丢下艾尔曼他们,她也找不到机会动手,那个女人固然可恨,但某些伪善之人更应当受到审判。艾尔曼他发誓一生保护我,现在他不在了,但我仍然是他的妻子,我一定要为他报仇。” The first sound sighed: Yeah, Miss Delphine, good, please feel relieved, here how long regardless of you stay, we will remain to protect your.” 第一个声音叹了口气:“哎,德尔菲恩小姐,好吧,请您放心好了,无论您在这里呆多久,我们都会留下来保护你的。” Thank you, Mr. Thorins.” “谢谢你,索林兹先生。” Does not need to be polite.” “不必客气。” Troglodytes attacks the North Mountain sentry post today, does not have any value of that place regarding them, if they go to Bowes, perhaps returns justifiable, but the fact showed that they attacked the North Mountain sentry post merely,” young sound opens the mouth saying: Troglodytes will not do not to have the matter of significance, but I heard that Orkens Count in that place, that person and south empire noble is known as the enmity, therefore I guessed, he most has the possibilities and these Troglodyte in the same place.” 穴居人们今天袭击了北山哨岗,那个地方对于它们来说没有任何价值,如果它们是冲着布奥斯去的,或许还说得过去,但事实证明它们仅仅进攻了北山哨岗,”年轻的声音开口道:“穴居人们不会做没有意义的事情,但我听说奥尔康斯伯爵在那个地方,那人和帝国南面的贵族素有仇怨,所以我猜测,他最有可能和这些穴居人在一起。” Our manpower also truly inquired, side Tanpu has had a mysterious human.” The loud male voice replied. “我们的人手也确实打听到,坦仆身边一直有一个神秘的人类。”粗重的男音答道。 That ten have ** is he, how the average person can with these monsters in the same place, particularly this season.” A new sound said, this is a somewhat hoarse voice. “那十有**是他,一般人怎么会和那些怪物在一起,尤其是这个时节。”一个新加入的声音说道,这是一个有些沙哑的口音。 Can find out Tanpu and his whereabouts?” The voice of woman asked. “能摸清楚坦仆和他的行踪吗?”女人的声音问道。 This is not difficult, these monsters were used to the tunnel probably, did not adapt to our constructions very much, we easily can be close to their stations.” “这不难,这些怪物大概是习惯了地洞,对我们的建筑很不适应,我们很轻易就能接近它们的驻地。” Good, finding the way to arrange the ambush place on his road which must be taken, do not depend too nearly, that person is very fierce.” “那好吧,想办法在他的必经之路上安排好埋伏地点,不要靠得太近,那个人很厉害。” The young sound resounds once again: He is fierce, does not evade the slaughter demon spear/gun.” 年轻的声音又一次响起:“他再厉害,也躲不过屠魔枪。” Does not have the blunder carefully.” The loud male voice reminded. “小心无大错。”粗重的男音提醒道。 Then others also talked mutually several, was mostly related with some recent things, lies Shennie and Sprite in gate loses the interest quickly, the gate following conversation sound gradually lowered, later was a sound that drove the junks, with a numerous closing sound, all belonged to finally tranquilly. 然后其他人又互相交谈了几句,大都是和最近发生的一些事情有关,趴在门上的仙妮小精灵很快失去了兴趣,门后面的交谈声逐渐低了下去,随后又是一阵拖动杂物的声音,最后随着一声重重的关门声,一切才重新归于平静。 „Did they walk?” Crossed some little time, Shennie asked. “他们走了吗?”过了好一会儿,仙妮才问道。 Two people shove open the iron gate cautiously, after the gate, was a narrow and small room, the pile accumulated the cabinet and made of iron rack of all kinds of junks —— wooden crate, wooden barrel and damage, Sprite observes the situation for a week, asked low voice: You understood what is heard, what are they saying?” 两人小心翼翼地推开铁门,门后是一间狭小的房间,堆积满了各式各样的杂物——木箱、木桶、损坏的柜子和铁制的架子,小精灵环视一周,小声问道:“你听明白了吗,他们在说什么?” Nothing but retaliates mutually, I have seen many human, they are this.” The Shennie fan several wings, fell on the shoulder of Sprite replied other day. “无非是互相报复而已,我见过好多人类,他们都是这样的。”仙妮扇了几下翅膀,落在小精灵的肩膀上回答道。 They are really bored, no matter we they, we ask that good-for-nothing to revenge.” “他们真无聊,我们不管他们,我们自己去找那个坏家伙报仇。” I always thought that you also scolded us.” “我总觉得你把我们也骂了进去。” How can, we be just revenging, is different from them.” “怎么会,我们是正义的报仇,和他们是不一样的。” Where is different?” “不一样在什么地方?” Did not permit you to speak, Shennie.” one is judged by the company one keeps, Sprite was self-taught learned the skill of becoming angry out of shame. “不准你说话了,仙妮。”近朱者赤近墨者黑,小精灵无师自通地学会了恼羞成怒的技巧。 Two people the staircase along basement walk upwardly, they open the door of basement quietly, out of the door was a dark corridor, talent of Kirrlutzian in construction as if was only still restricted in the corridor, room and staircase connects to add on the outer wall finally, did not have the creativity, they passed through the building in bread shop cautiously, but a building has not been occupied by anybody, the rooms in various places were empty, probably experienced one to sweep —— also to remain on Troglodyte the unique stink. 两人沿着地下室的楼梯向上走去,她们悄无声息地推开地下室的门,门外仍旧是一条黑灯瞎火的走廊,克鲁兹人在建筑上的天分仿佛就仅限于将过道、房间与楼梯连接起来最后再加上外墙,毫无创意可言,她们小心翼翼地经过面包铺的一楼,但一楼没有住着任何人,各处的房间都是空空荡荡,像是经历了一场扫荡——还余留着穴居人身上特有的臭味。 On how do you know the garret?” Shennie covers the nose to ask with the claw. “你知道怎么上阁楼吗?”仙妮用爪子掩着鼻子问道。 Sprite actually cares about nothing, walks while to smell west to smell with the sharp small nose east, like only terrier. Then she replied: I knew certainly.” 小精灵却丝毫不在乎,一边走一边用尖尖的小鼻子东嗅嗅西嗅嗅,像只小猎犬一样。然后她回答道:“我当然知道了。” How you know, you have come to this place?” “你怎么知道,你来过这地方吗?” Un, once me to come up secretly.” “嗯,有一次我偷偷上去过。” When?” Shennie asked with amazement. “什么时候?”仙妮惊讶地问道。 You not , behind that room has a wild grape rack, but was good to crawl,” Sprite replied low voice: Afterward careless(ly) was hung by the window curtains, fell crushing the grape trellis, did not have the means to come up afterward again.” “你不在的时候,那屋子后面有一个野葡萄架子,可好爬了,”小精灵小声回答道:“不过后来不小心被窗帘挂住了,摔下来把葡萄架给压坏了,再后来就没办法再上去了。” Afterward? You also several times? Do you do?” “后来?你还上去了好几次?你上去干什么?” Sprite replied: Where I want to come up to have a look at that chubby fellow to occlude the surface.” 小精灵答道:“我想上去看看那个胖乎乎的家伙把面包藏在什么地方。” Shennie snorts contemptuously regarding this reply: „Do you want to steal the bread?” 仙妮对于这个回答嗤之以鼻:“你是想去偷面包吧?” Former face slightly one red: Who asked him not to sell to our —— 前者脸微微一红:“谁叫他不卖给我们—— You see have gone shopping do not pay money?” “你见过买东西不付钱的吗?” But Sprite does not have money.” “可小精灵没有钱。” Oh!” Shennie grasped a face with two small claw: Really pitiful, we hit to discuss.” “噢!”仙妮用两只小爪子抓了一下脸:“真可怜,我们打个商量吧。” What?” “什么?” this time, if you by Aquaesia grasping, but let alone is I leads you to come out surely.” 这一次要是你被爱奎莎给抓回去了,可千万别说是我带你出来的。” Why?” “为什么?” Because I have not wanted dead.” “因为我还不想死。” ...... ……
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