TAS :: Volume #5 凡尘的舞台

#866: Sneaks the dim light of night i

Brando understands what this imperial palace Knight named Trevor said is one day ago matter , after they leave Vargus, goes forward to north along Churning Silver River, the battlefield that meets a fierce battle left behind after Forestleaf Highway, both sides of battle obviously are the empire noble private army and Gorgon Ravine underground creature, that spanned main road in long river bank and battlefield on forest land is proliferating the human, Earth Raptor, Griffin, Troglodyte and Harpy corpse, the covering the fields blood stream has solidified in the winter's bone-chilling low temperature, forms on the pebbles the dark red color, Kirrlutz nobles recognizes many familiar face —— from the corpse pile Sir Moore is one of them, a fulcra arrow penetrated his throat, making him fall on the battlefield face up, became one in numerous ice-cold corpse. 布兰多明白这个名叫特雷弗的内廷骑士说的是一天之前发生的事情,他们离开瓦尔格斯之后,沿着涌银河向北前进,在林叶大道北边遇到了一片激烈交战之后留下的战场,交战的双方显然是帝国贵族的私人军队与乔根底冈的地下生物,那个横亘在漫长的河滩与林地大道上的战场上遍布着人类、地行龙狮鹫穴居人鹰身女妖的尸首,漫野的血流早就在冬日刺骨的低温中凝固,形成卵石上殷红的颜色,克鲁兹贵族们从尸体堆中认出不少熟悉的脸孔——摩尔爵士就在其中,一支骨箭穿透了他的咽喉,令他仰面倒在战场上,成为众多冰冷尸体中的一具。 Such scene is usually representing the disastrous defeat of empire, Kirrlutz noble, for dignified will not easily throw down the remains of companion, even noble corpse no one pays attention, almost conceivable Orkens Count and his subordinate step on the ice-cold river water to think scene that north retreats. 这样的场景通常代表着帝国的惨败,克鲁兹贵族为了体面不会轻易丢下同伴的遗体,连贵族的尸首都无人理睬,几乎可以想象奥尔康斯伯爵和他的手下踩着冰冷的河水想北溃逃的场景。 As for Gorgon Ravine, underground creature will rarely tidy up corpse —— in battlefield, only if they lacked the grain ration, the epidemic disease to their influences was minimal. 至于乔根底冈,地下生物很少会收拾战场上的尸体——除非它们缺口粮了,疫病对它们的影响更是微乎其微。 Brando, they planned probably dived in the town to go.” The Romaine softly reminder said suddenly, eye of miss merchant under twilight sparkling, probably the cat eye under slightly halo boundary is the same. 布兰多,他们好像打算潜进镇子里去了哦。”罗曼忽然小声地提醒道,商人小姐的眼睛在暮色下闪闪发光,像是微光环境下的猫眼一样。 Brando also noticed this point at this time, he said to Rogers immediately: Mr. Knight, what means do you have to contact with them?” 布兰多这时也注意到这一点,他马上对罗杰斯说道:“骑士先生,你有什么办法能联系上他们?” Rogers thought: I know that in the Anzeluta local army has a cipher, could try.” 罗杰斯想了一下:“我知道安泽鲁塔当地的军队中有一种暗号,或许可以试一试。” You try, but do not let in the top of the head these things discover us.” “你试试,不过别让头顶上那些东西发现我们。” I understand.” Rogers nodded, the advance by creeping to the shrubbery, he lay there looked under pitch-dark grove one, then the thumb and in the index finger insertion mouth, made an effort to blow the whistling —— whistling sound reverberation in the mountain forest under twilight, sounded like the scream of night of owlet, but was obviously sharper. This owlet called unsurprisingly caused in the top of the head the attention of these Harpy, these monsters drew one in the midair greatly to this direction flew caret-shaped, the people in thick patch of grass motionlessly, waited for the vision that in the sky inspected to leave peacefully, a moment later, these flat hair domestic animals have not discovered any exceptionally, flew. “我明白。”罗杰斯点了点头,匍匐前进到灌木丛中,他趴在那里看了下面黑漆漆的树丛一眼,然后将拇指和食指插入口中,用力吹了声口哨——口哨声回荡在暮色下的山林中,听起来像是夜枭的尖叫,但明显更加尖利。这声枭鸣不出意外地引起了头顶上那些鹰身女妖的注意,这些怪物在半空中画了一个巨大的八字向这个方向飞了过来,草丛中的众人一动不动,安静地等待天空中巡视的目光离开,片刻之后,那些扁毛的畜生没有发现任何异常,才又重新飞了回去。 Brando hears the sound that others long vent anger, his also sighed slightly in relief, but only his miss merchant, as if mindless general, does not feel the appearance of fear. 布兰多听到身边其他人长长地出气的声音,他自己也微微松了一口气,但唯他身边的商人小姐,仿佛没心没肺一般,一点也不感到害怕的样子。 All around gets down quietly, gradually is only left over the sound of dark careful insect cry. 四周沉寂下去,逐渐只剩下幽暗中细细的虫鸣之音。 These person's shadows in hornbeam grove also static, on the Rogers forehead is in short supply cold sweat, he knows several Anzeluta area emperors ** code word, but will not actually be able to reach an agreement will certainly apply at this time, these regional nobles private army were what morality, in his heart was clearest. He most is worried is not these fellows cannot listen to the cipher, but was they misunderstands the cipher to make anything out of the ordinary to come, if drew the attention in the city garrisoning, that was unbelievable, at this time he realized suddenly perhaps did not open the mouth a moment ago possibly is the correct choice. 鹅耳枥树丛中的那些人影也静止下来,罗杰斯额头上全是紧张的冷汗,他知道好几种安泽鲁塔地区帝**的暗语,不过却说不好这个时候一定会派上用场,这些地方贵族的私军是什么德性,他心里面最清楚不过。他最担心的不是这些家伙没能听出暗号来,而是他们误解了暗号作出什么出格的事情来,万一引来了城内驻军的注意,那才是活见鬼,这时候他忽然意识到或许自己刚才不开口可能才是正确的选择。 Continued the period of time silent, the following grove moved, broadcasts rustle the sound. 寂静持续了好一阵子,下面的树丛才重新动了一下,传来沙沙的声音。 Well.” Ciel looks at that side seems somewhat surprised: In them really has Magician.” “咦。”夏尔看着那边显得有些惊讶:“他们中竟然有魔法师。” In the mountain forest as if gets windy suddenly, the mountain breeze has stroked treetops, blows the branch whistling makes noise, but everyone hears rustle in the static to have whispering of human probably: Who to...... the surface...... is......?” 山林中仿佛忽然起了风,山风拂过林冠,将枝桠刮得呼呼作响,但所有人都听到沙沙的杂音中好像有人类的低语:“对……面……是……谁?” This is Whispering Wind spell, a few types can by pass on message spell that in the region of magic repression uses, what because draws support is Nature's power rather than breaks Space Laws, therefore dimension anchor kind of spell is unable to have the function. Top Elf Envoy and Druid even can transmit the rumor to the area several thousand li (0.5 km) away, but the Whispering Wind spell characteristics are slow, sometimes the trade flows to another area even to take one week from an area even several months, let alone regarding most Elementalist apprentices, Whispering Wind spell is only one does not exceed the visual range the short distance to pass on a message spell generally, Magician in army take the supplement of sign language and lip language with it frequently. 这是风讯术,少数几种可以在被魔法阻抑的区域内使用的传讯法术,因为借助的是自然的力量而非打破空间法则,因此次元锚一类的法术无法对其产生作用。顶级的精灵使德鲁伊甚至能将风讯传递到数千里之外的地区,不过风讯术有一个特点就是缓慢,信风从一个地区流向另一个地区有时候甚至需要一周甚至数月,何况对于大多数元素使学徒来说,风讯术一般只是一个不超过目视距离的近距离传讯法术,军队中的魔法师们常常用它来作为手语和唇语的补充。 Brando then told to Ciel: Told them, we were the Jean Count people.” 布兰多回头对夏尔吩咐道:“告诉他们,我们是姬恩伯爵的人。” Ciel looks at one's own Lord Thane surprisedly, thought that at this moment was Jean Count that under the step child imprisoned listens to this saying to irritate while still alive, naturally the unstated criticism turned over to the unstated criticism, he depended on the word the line. Although he is not Elementalist, but in several common magic has its compatibility, let alone Laws spell in which characteristics are to simulate Laws, Whispering Wind spell this nearly trick general trick imitates not to have the difficulty regarding existence of his rank, relaxedness message transfer past, even the words in wind are obviously more fluent than the opposite party. 夏尔惊讶地看着自己的领主大人,心想此刻身为阶下子囚的姬恩伯爵听了这话会不会活活气死,当然腹诽归腹诽,他还是依言而行。他虽然不是元素使,不过几种常见的魔法之中有其共通性,何况法则法术的其中一个特点就是模拟法则,风讯术这种近乎戏法一般的把戏对于他这个级别的存在来说模仿起来毫无难度,轻轻松松就把讯息传递了过去,甚至风中的话语明显比对方更加流畅。 The Ciel's method makes the opposite party be startled obviously, quiet small a moment later, Brando saw that under the hillside following hornbeam grove one after another stands 67 people, they looked to here inquisitively, Rogers waves to them intentionally, enabling these people to confirm that their positions, after the latter sees Rogers, immediately bents to the summit on runs over, the vegetation on hill is very thick, their short moving for a moment have not caused from the vision in sky obviously, a moment later, they arrive at a shrubbery on summit, ran first saw the Rogers behind Aouine diplomatic envoy in the forefront person. 夏尔的手段显然让对方吃了一惊,又沉寂了小片刻之后,布兰多才看到山坡下面的鹅耳枥树丛下一个接一个地站起来六七个人,他们探头探脑地向这边看了看,罗杰斯故意向他们挥了挥手,让这些人能确认他们的位置,后者看到罗杰斯之后,立刻猫着腰冲山顶上跑了过来,丘陵上的植被十分浓密,他们短促的跑动显然一时间并未引起来自于天空上的目光,片刻之后,他们就来到山顶上的一圈儿灌木丛边,跑在最前面的人最先看到了罗杰斯身后的埃鲁因使节团。 Your ——!” “你——!” That person recognized Brando obviously, his facial color changes, subconscious wants retreat, but how Brando to his opportunity, he will for fear that cause complications, raises the hand directly, distributes Line of Laws in broad Space shines simultaneously, looked like a standing net the same as cover these seven people, then he held the hand, seven people appeared around them simultaneously, then heavily fell on the ground. 那人显然认出了布兰多,他面色一变,下意识就要后退,但布兰多怎么会给他这个机会,他生怕节外生枝,直接举起手,分布于广阔空间中的法则之线同时亮起,就像是一张网一样笼罩了这七个人,然后他将手一拽,七个人同时出现在他们四周,然后重重地摔在地上。 Seven people are well-grounded in turn, Rogers sees one of them, shouted completely with amazement lowly: Sir Cooper, you are also living!” 七个人依次着地,罗杰斯看到其中一人,满是惊讶地低呼道:“库珀爵士,你还活着!” From the semblance seems like by the fellow who he calls it Sir Cooper is about 40-50 years old over, but the short stature, is a little inborn shifty-eyed, the appearance does not match with his nobility status obviously, but is familiar with his person to understand that this is an astute excellent fellow, when he hears one's own Captain of the Guard shouted lowly does not realize well, subconsciously turned around to escape, but pitifully late one step, but also without stepped the leg with enough time, felt that since the body was entrained by an invisible strength, the whole person soared, then fell on heavily on the ground ; He falls confused, is frightened out of one's wits, suddenly hears some people to call the one's own name —— —— these Gorgon Ravine monsters faintly is naturally impossible to recognize his identity to come, but the Kirrlutz language of opposite party is also the standard Anzeluta place tune, his brain transfers fast, hears this to shout lowly, immediately is relieved. 被他称之为库珀爵士的家伙从外表看起来才不过40-50岁出头,但五短身材,天生有点贼眉鼠眼,外貌与他贵族的身份显然十分不配,但熟悉他的人皆明白这是个精明过人的家伙,他听到自己的护卫队长低呼时就意识到不好,下意识地转身想逃跑,但可惜还是晚了一步,还没来得及迈腿,就感到身体被一股无形的力量拽起,整个人腾空而起,然后就重重地摔在地上;他摔得七荤八素,正魂飞魄散,忽然隐隐听到有人在叫自己的名字————那些乔根底冈的怪物自然是不可能认出他的身份来的,而对方的克鲁兹语也是标准的安泽鲁塔的地方腔调,他脑子转得飞快,听到这声低呼,就立马安下心来。 Do not call!” He rushes to exhort the one's own subordinate in a low voice, then raises head uses the doubt vision to size up all around —— his vision first to fall on Brando, then the complexion changes, obviously recognized this to stir Anzeluta earth-shaking Lord Count, but he noticed later one side called his Rogers, in the look somewhat was slightly surprised: I know you, your father is Bojatt, you were not chosen Royal Knights, how to appear here?” “别叫!”他赶忙低声嘱咐自己的手下,然后才抬起头来用狐疑的目光打量四周——他的目光首先落在布兰多身上,然后脸色一变,显然认出了这位搅得安泽鲁塔天翻地覆的伯爵大人,但随后他又留意到一旁叫他的罗杰斯,眼神中微微有些惊讶:“我认识你,你父亲是伯贾特,你不是被选进皇家骑士团了么,怎么会出现在这里?” Is a long story,” Rogers does not dare to reveal that the one's own real status, smiled bitterly evil ways: I am because special quest / mission arrives at Anzeluta to come, has not thought that meets this matter, now I and you are similar, is the Lord Count captives, but Lord Count complies to lead us to the safe place, compares Lord Count to want the ransom money. Captive who Sir Cooper, you should not want to work as these monsters?” “说来话长,”罗杰斯不敢表露自己的真实身份,苦笑了一下道:“我是因为特殊任务才到安泽鲁塔来的,没想到遇上这档子事情,现下我和你差不多,都是伯爵大人的阶下囚,不过伯爵大人答应带我们到安全的地方,相比起来伯爵大人不过只要赎金而已。库珀爵士,你该不会是想当那些怪物的俘虏吧?” Cooper fought a shiver, these monsters must kill people, after he once saw with one's own eyes these Troglodyte noble beheads , the bloody head to insert on the picket. He rushes to shake the head, orders under one's own to loosen the saber directly, then gives Brando, bowed again good to the latter a ritual, the performance must compare coy Jean Count to be much more confident: Lord Count, may all rely upon you below security, regarding your prestige, I am the absolute trust.” 库珀打了个寒战,那些怪物可是要杀人的,他曾亲眼看到那些穴居人把一个贵族斩首之后把血淋淋的脑袋插在尖桩上。他赶忙摇了摇头,直接命令自己的属下解下佩剑,然后交给布兰多,再躬身向后者行了一礼,表现得比扭扭捏捏的姬恩伯爵要坦然得多:“伯爵大人,在下的安全可就全仰仗您了,对于您的信誉,我是绝对信任的。” Brando smiles, he does not know oneself have what prestige in these person of hearts unexpectedly, he caught a big ticket hostage with these Anzeluta regional nobles only friendship from them, before the half period they also manage him to be called the devil, however just like becomes prestige outstanding Lord Count now. Let alone Brando, hides Ivoram in behind grove saw that this cannot bear is flabbergasted, this chubby youngster cannot bear the face not ask that one side squats the Duke thousand gold (daughter) in shrubbery to say with him together: You told me not to have a dream, O'Neill?” 布兰多笑了笑,他可不知道自己在这些人心中竟有什么信誉可言,他和这些安泽鲁塔地方贵族唯一的交情就是从他们中抓了一大票人质,就在半周之前他们还管他叫做恶魔,然而现在俨然就成为了信誉卓绝的伯爵大人了。别说布兰多,就连躲在后面林子里的艾弗拉姆看到这一幕也忍不住直咋舌,这个胖乎乎的年轻人忍不住别过脸去问一旁和他一起蹲在灌木丛中的公爵千金道:“你告诉我没做梦吧,欧妮?” The Duke thousand gold (daughter) facial color is very complex, complied with one gently. 公爵千金面色十分复杂,轻轻应了一声。 Brando knows that Rogers is turns round to remind Cooper to his attitude, but he does not care, this imperial palace Mr. Knight will speak actually very much. 布兰多知道罗杰斯是拐着弯提醒库珀对他的态度,不过他并不在意,这位内廷骑士先生倒是很会说话。 Sir Cooper,” Rogers notices the Brando's attitude , to continue to open the mouth saying: You how here, others?” 库珀爵士,”罗杰斯留意到布兰多的态度,才继续开口道:“你怎么在这里,其他人呢?” Cooper hears this issue, rubbed one group on the wrinkled face: Not to mention, Orkens Count by these monsters seizing.” 库珀听到这个问题,原本就皱巴巴的脸都揉成了一团:“别提了,奥尔康斯伯爵已经被那些怪物给捉住了。” What! Lord Count hasn't he died?” Rogers is startled, attracted the Brando's attention. “什么!伯爵大人他还没死?”罗杰斯大吃了一惊,也将布兰多的注意力吸引了过来。 This...... I know should not dead at present, but during does not remove this, has the accident that what I had not known.” Cooper had a scare by the response of Rogers obviously, does not get careless(ly) to consider replying. “这个……就我目前所知应该是还没死,不过不排除这期间又发生了什么我还不知道的变故。”库珀显然是被罗杰斯的反应吓了一跳,不得不小心地斟酌着答道。 „, I do not think that you were annihilated in Forestleaf Highway.” Rogers then realized oneself misunderstood, rushes changing a statement to answer. “不不,我以为你们在林叶大道就全军覆没了。”罗杰斯这才意识到自己误会了,赶忙改口解释道。 That does not have, but was also similar.” Cooper sighed deeply: Blames these damn monsters, that night we were catching up toward north anxiously, these petty people in dark medium are ambushing us, walks is first attacked in forefront Sir Moore, yeah, pitiful old Moore, he is strong likely a cow, we think that he can live in ancient times, is really the human affairs is variable! At that time in darkness we do not know that actually the enemy is, they from welled up in all directions, the space underground everywhere was, we were defeated quickly thoroughly, I in the south, only noticed that Lord Count they crossed river bank to escape toward north.” “那倒没有,不过也差不多了。”库珀长叹了一声:“都怪那些该死的怪物,那天晚上我们都急着往北赶,这些鼠辈就在黑暗中等着伏击我们,走在最前面的摩尔爵士最先被袭击,哎,可怜的老摩尔,他壮得像头牛,我们都以为他能活到地老天荒呢,真是世事无常啊!当时在黑暗中我们谁也不知道敌人究竟是谁,它们从四面八方涌来,天上地下到处都是,我们很快就被彻底打败了,我在最南边,只看到伯爵大人他们越过河滩往北逃跑了。” Then, how you know that Orkens Count was grasped?” Brando asked suddenly. “然后呢,你又是怎么知道奥尔康斯伯爵被抓了?”布兰多忽然问道。 I personally see, at that night after I and Lord Count were separate, has wanted to inquire the whereabouts of others, afterward I know they went to Bowes.” “我亲眼所见,那天夜里我和伯爵大人失散之后,就一直想要打探到其他人的去向,后来我才知道他们去了布奥斯。” Bowes!” Rogers, Trevor and Narsha hear this answer, cannot bear also blurted out, repeated this geographic name. 布奥斯!”罗杰斯特雷弗娜莎听到这个答案,忍不住同时脱口而出,将这个地名重复了一遍。 What's wrong?” Cooper visits them puzzled. “怎么了?”库珀不解地看着他们。 No, you continued.” Brando replied. “没什么,你继续说。”布兰多答道。 Cooper brings some doubt nodded , to continue saying: Actually is not Bowes, Count they have not rushed to Bowes, was sphered when the North Mountain sentry post, I rush to there, sees with one's own eyes them to be grasped by Troglodyte.” 库珀带着些许狐疑点了点头,继续说道:“其实不是布奥斯,伯爵他们还没赶到布奥斯,就在北山哨岗被围住了,我赶到那里时,亲眼看到他们被穴居人抓起来。” North Mountain sentry post, but how Orkens will Count go in that direction?” Rogers did not understand very asked: „The Bowes that side is a blind alley.” 北山哨岗,可奥尔康斯伯爵怎么会往那个方向去?”罗杰斯十分不理解地问道:“布奥斯那边是一条死路啊。” Looks for Princess Magdelle to inquire about Bowes Brando beforehand, knows there also the Crystal Ore/Mine mountain before Year of the Thunder, but that place prospers because of mine, deteriorates because of mine, since the mineral lode cuts off, this well-known cities also deteriorates day by day because of mine, gradually becomes a forgotten corner. However he thinks that Mr Count wants to find a place to hide probably, the opposite party knows oneself are definitely impossible to result in Troglodyte quickly, to not breaking through the tight encirclement escapes to Yasa or is Leeuwin holds the delusion, can only count on that the Gorgon Ravine underground creature first goal is Yasa, but will not look for his trouble to the mountain corner. 关于布奥斯布兰多事先就找玛格达尔公主询问过,知道那里在雷霆之年以前还有一座水晶矿山,不过那个地方因矿山而繁荣,也因矿山而衰败,自从矿脉断绝之后,这座因矿山而闻名的城镇也日益衰败下去,逐渐成为一个被人遗忘的角落。不过他想那位伯爵先生大概是想找个地方躲起来,对方知道自己肯定不可能快得过穴居人,也不对突破重围逃到亚萨或者是鲁恩抱有妄想,只能指望乔根底冈的地下生物的第一目标是亚萨,而不会到山旮旯里去找他的麻烦。 But pitifully, is contrary to what expects —— 但可惜,事与愿违—— I think that Lord Count underestimated the scale of that monster army, according to my observation, at least four different dungeon Thane in the Anzlova battlefield, they had confidence takes Yasa in immediately, obtains the military to cope with the Bowes garrison troops.” Cooper shakes the head to say. “我想伯爵大人低估了那支怪物大军的规模,根据我的观察,在安兹洛瓦的战场上至少有四位不同的地下城领主,它们有把握在第一时间拿下亚萨,也分得出兵力去对付布奥斯的守军。”库珀摇了摇头道。 No one will think of this point, we simply have not even expected them to come,” Rogers is smiling bitterly shaking the head of: „The mice under these Underground knew too clearly about us, we do not know that is who is leading them, but they actually understood clear us.” “谁也不会想到这一点,我们甚至根本没料到它们会来,”罗杰斯苦笑着摇了摇头:“那些地底下的老鼠对我们了解得太清楚了,我们根本不知道是谁领导着它们,可它们却把我们了解得一清二楚。” In his surface complained, but actually conceals the guess that in the innermost feelings is afraid of truly carefully, he had not forgotten that Troglodyte regarding their besieges existence of —— imperial palace Knight, although in the empire is the one and a half open secret, but they know outside status actually really few person, the way of imperial palace Knight high and low relation grasps merely in several individual hands, actually he is not really able to imagine these Troglodyte how to find their. 他表面上只是抱怨,但却小心地掩饰着内心之中真正不寒而栗的猜测,他没有忘记穴居人对于他们的围攻——内廷骑士的存在虽然在帝国内是一个半公开的秘密,但他们在外面的身份却甚少有人知晓,内廷骑士上下联系的方式仅仅掌握在几个人手中,他实在无法想象那些穴居人究竟是怎么找到他们的。 Is the coincidence is the artificial factor, in his mind cannot help but appears several names, but so long as in the middle of these names had any to betray the empire, will not be a unimaginable disaster. 是巧合还是人为的因素,他脑海中不由得浮现出数个名字,而这些名字当中只要有任何一个背叛了帝国,都将会是一个无法想象的灾难。 He can only pray, hopes this is only a Mother Marsha practical joke. 他只能祈祷,希望这只是玛莎大人的一个恶作剧。 Brando listens to two people to talk, the vision actually falls on by far just like accumulated in one group of quiet shadow mountain valleys, his suddenly heart has a feeling to ask: Orkens Count now in Greystone town?” 布兰多听着两人对话,目光却远远地落在犹如蕴着一团幽影的山谷中,他忽然心有所感地问道:“奥尔康斯伯爵现在在灰石镇?” Cooper stops the conversation, has looked back Brando, good to open the mouth saying: I see them to enter Greystone town, in the afternoon 45 o'clock time, that little while Sun has not descended the mountain, the long team across the mountain valley, they come from the direction of North Mountain sentry post, can observe in the team to have many human captives...... to suppose that clearly Lord Count he has not died, I thought should in inside.” 库珀停下交谈,回过头看着布兰多,好一阵才开口道:“我看到它们进灰石镇,下午四五点钟的时候,那会儿太阳还没下山,长长的队伍穿过山谷,它们从北山哨岗的方向过来,可以清楚地观察到队伍中有不少人类俘虏……假设伯爵大人他还没死的话,我想应该就在里面了。” „Was Greystone town captured before that?” 灰石镇在那之前就被攻陷了吗?” Before that was captured.” “在那之前就被攻陷了。” How that can confirm that Orkens Count they whether also stays in the town/subdues at this moment, had had the town/subdues from the river valley, was shifted other places?” “那如何能确认奥尔康斯伯爵他们是否此刻还留在镇上,还是早已从河谷另一边出了镇,被转移到了其他地方?” Cooper opens mouth: To be honest, I have not thought.” He has doubts looks at Brando, never expected that this young Aouine Count actually thinks such thin. 库珀张了张嘴:“老实说,我没想过。”他疑惑地看着布兰多,没想到这个年轻的埃鲁因伯爵竟然想得这么细。 Brando does not care about the question of Cooper, asked: Space does Harpy of patrol have to change shifts?” 布兰多并不在乎库珀的疑问,紧接着又问:“天上的巡逻的鹰身女妖有换过班么?” Once.” The latter replied actually. “有一次。”后者照实答道。 Then attacks in Orkens Count that Gorgon Ravine army to have Harpy?” “那么袭击奥尔康斯伯爵的那支乔根底冈军队中有鹰身女妖么?” This...... as if no.” “这个……似乎没有。” Then was right,” Brando pulled a collar of Count windproof coat, so as to avoid called the night cold wind to flow in backward the neckband, he stared in the mountain valley to reply: Shadel Troglodyte has two famous Thane, one is Sorcerer Gerrard, one is Tanpu, these two clans have not formed an alliance with Harpy. That is the Gorgon Ravine garrison on town/subdues has not connected with defense —— with Shadel Troglodyte “那么就对了,”布兰多扯了一下伯爵风衣的领子,免得叫夜晚的寒风倒灌进领口,他盯着山谷中答道:“沙德尔穴居人有两位著名的领主,一位是巫术师杰拉德,一位是坦仆,这两个氏族都没有与鹰身女妖结盟。就是说镇上的乔根底冈驻军并没有和沙德尔穴居人交接过防御—— „Have they left?” Cooper asked cautiously. “它们已经离开了?”库珀小心翼翼地问。 That not necessarily, my meaning is in this town may have incessantly a Thane's army.” The Brando brow twisted one group, this was not a good news to them. “那倒未必,我的意思是这个镇子上有可能驻扎着不止一位领主的军队。”布兰多眉头拧成了一团,这对于他们来说算不上是个好消息。 Cooper also subconsciously shuts up, some do not understand that this Lord Count is thinking anything. 库珀下意识地闭上了嘴,有些不明白这位伯爵大人在想什么。 Sir Cooper, you believes firmly that in the afternoon that Gorgon Ravine army does return from the North Mountain sentry post?” 库珀爵士,你确信下午那支乔根底冈军队是从北山哨岗返回的?” Asked that is what meaning, Lord Count, my scout will not deceive me.” Because felt questioned, Cooper appears some vitality/angry. “这么问是什么意思,伯爵大人,我的斥候不会骗我。”因为感到受到了质疑,库珀显得有些生气。 Does not need to be angry, I do not suspect you, Sir Cooper, I wants to confirm a matter, your scout really sees that Gorgon Ravine army after the North Mountain sentry post attacks Orkens Count, returns to Greystone town?” “不必生气,我不是怀疑你,库珀爵士,我只是想要确认一件事情,你的斥候真的看到那支乔根底冈的军队在北山哨岗袭击奥尔康斯伯爵之后,返回灰石镇的?” Cooper just about to opens the mouth to reply naturally, but he only said half byte is startled there, then shows the surprised look. 库珀刚要开口答道当然,但他只说了半个字节就怔在那里,然后露出吃惊的神色。 Roger's response is more intense than him, he almost jumps to shout: They after attacking the North Mountain sentry post returned to Greystone town directly!? Bowes, their does could it be that go to Orkens Count merely?” 罗杰的反应比他还要强烈,他几乎跳起来喊道:“它们在袭击北山哨岗之后就直接返回了灰石镇!?布奥斯呢,它们难道仅仅是冲着奥尔康斯伯爵去的?” This......” Cooper is bewildered: I do not know that actually this is how a matter!” “这……”库珀一脸茫然:“我也不知道这究竟是怎么一回事啊!” ...... ……
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