TAS :: Volume #5 凡尘的舞台

#864: Empire and queen

Properly speaking, this two people all are the The Silver Queen trusted subordinates, a wee bit errors are also not enough to be called them is so fearful and apprehensive, but —— two days ago exactly said that was in two days of night before last, the empire lost Fort Parsilian relation —— suddenly anyone , so long as also had the reason slightly understands that this means anything. The bad premonition most is often effective, in the next 24 hours, the bad news looked like the snowflake to float —— generally 按理说,此二人皆是白银女王的亲信,一丁点错失还不足以叫他们如此心惊胆战,不过就在两天之前——确切的说是两天前晚上,帝国忽然失去了帕西利安要塞的联系——任何只要还稍有理智的人就明白这意味着什么。坏的预感往往最为灵验,随后24个小时之内,坏消息就像是雪花一般飘来—— First is Yasa empire garrison Pegasus Knight investigates a large-scale legion trend in the Bear Lake area, then another detection cavalry investigates another legion in southern Churning Silver Valley. 先是亚萨的帝国驻军的飞马骑士熊湖地区侦查到一支规模庞大的军团的动向,然后另一支侦查骑兵又在更南的涌银谷地侦查到另一支军团 After 27 hours, Vargus, Hemlock Town and Forestleaf Highway confirmation falls to the enemy. 二十七小时后,瓦尔格斯铁杉镇林叶大道确认失陷。 After 29 hours, north Bear Lake area pair of child town/subdues Nafiel and Tarisse are in danger, the trail of Churning Silver River downstream city Greystone town surrounding discovery strange army. 二十九小时后,熊湖地区北方的双子镇纳菲尔塔里斯告急,涌银河下游城市灰石镇外围发现陌生军队的踪迹。 After 34 hours, double child town/subdues Nan Town falls into enemy hands, later two hours, the northern town falls into enemy hands. 三十四小时后,双子镇南镇失守,之后两个小时,北镇失守。 After 37 hours, the emperor in boots forest land edge ** the sentry post received came from the southern part of remnants, discovered Baron Pierris of Cooper. 三十七小时后,长靴林地边缘的一处帝**岗哨接收了来自于南方的一部分残兵,其中发现了库珀家的皮里斯男爵 After 44 hours, Greystone town was encircled. 四十四小时后,灰石镇被围。 After that half an hour, the Fort Jadeclaw cavalry brought back to the precise information finally, Fort Parsilian had fallen into enemy hands, a large-scale Gorgon Ravine army is attacking in the Ernoburg direction along Broken Sword Mountain Range eastern, fort legion of empire is retreating in defeat again and again. 此后半个钟头,翠爪要塞的骑兵终于带回了确切的消息,帕西利安要塞已经失守,一支规模庞大的乔根底冈军队正沿着断剑山脉的东支向着艾尔诺堡方向进攻,帝国的要塞军团正在节节败退。 Before 15 minutes, Surf confirmed falls to the enemy, Pegasus Knight passed over gently and swiftly sky over this city, observed the city to doubt to encounter surpasses the spell bombardment of Twelfth Circle, the entire city residents no one escaped death by a hair's breadth. 十五分钟前,鲁瑟夫确认失陷,飞马骑士掠过这座城市上空,观察到城市疑遭到超过十二环法术轰击,全城居民无一人幸免于难。 Gorgon Ravine launched the invasion to the empire, Anzlova fell to the enemy most probably, Evergreen Aisle was on the verge of death, Rocerch —— Broken Sword Mountain Range Fortresses also turned in the stars that the horizon creakied. 乔根底冈对帝国展开了入侵,安兹洛瓦大半沦陷,长青走道危在旦夕,罗科齐——断剑山脉要塞群亦变成远在天边摇摇欲坠的星辰。 As if will be shortly, the one after another fearful news disappears without a trace, is centered on the white wild rose garden, the plague spreads the —— news to leave St. Cantipei's Palace in the entire imperial capital with immediately Knight probably equally, enters to each Duke mansion, the Count mansion, imperial guard, Knights and in Holy Cathedral the mansion of big shot, probably star flame splashes into the oil sump, lights manors, under above in the arched window, garret, the nobles private room, the candle is long, then also has to wear the plainclothes, obstructs the character of skull face to go out from the back door, across the streets and alleys, enters to every large or small noble. 仿佛是顷刻之间,一个个可怕的消息就不胫而走,以白蔷薇园为中心,像是瘟疫一样在整个帝都蔓延开来——消息随着马上的骑士离开圣康提培宫,进入到各个公爵府、伯爵府、禁军、骑士团圣殿的头面人物的府邸之中,像是一星火苗溅入油池,将一座座庄园点燃,拱窗之下、阁楼之上、贵族们私密的房间内,蜡烛长明,然后又有身着便衣,遮头盖脸的人物从后门走出,穿过街巷,进入到大大小小的贵族家中。 Then under the servant people enter the political arena, they leave the mansion of master hurriedly, is harnessing the carriage, or only depends on the both legs, goes to this city millions of not well-known corners ; The news of talking in whispers directly from master to disciple, transmits by way of a person to next individual, the next person boards the carriage, goes to the Lucita 22 city gates along the street, before Dawn, some innumerable horse-drawn vehicles leave this city, bone common running quickly they somewhat go to the countryside to each direction —— of empire, somewhat goes to the castle, somewhat goes to the wharf, the news of war rides the wind and breaking with their simultaneously the wave, spreads on the territory of entire empire. 接下来仆役下人们就粉墨登场,他们急匆匆地离开自己主人的府邸,驾着马车,或者仅靠双腿,前往这座城市千千万万个不知名的角落;窃窃私语的消息口耳相传,经由一个人传递向下一个人,下一个人又登上马车,沿着街道前往鲁施塔的二十二座城门,到了黎明之前,就有无数马车离开这座城市,骨碌碌奔驰向帝国的各个方向——它们有些前往乡下,有些前往城堡,有些前往码头,战争的消息就和它们一齐乘着风、破着浪,在整个帝国的版图上扩散开。 This is Mr. Travis Bernie and Mr. Dragon cavalry Commander Kevin de Chevalier enters in the white wild rose beforehand 48 hours about the same time all. 这就是特拉维斯.伯尼先生与龙骑兵团长凯文.德.圣瓦里亚先生前后脚走进白蔷薇之前四十八小时内发生的一切。 At this moment in front of Constance, Dragon cavalry Commander also seems slightly sane, but Mr. Travis almost must tremble, what the former is responsible is the promotion evaluation of imperial palace Knight, but he actually is mainly responsible for the intelligence collection and monitoring effort, funnel that at present has, must be his head. This Knights Captain is trembling, has a mind to explain to supreme one of front empire, however Constance needs is not the explanation, but is the answer. 此刻在康斯坦丝面前,龙骑兵团长还显得稍微理智,而特拉维斯先生几乎要哆嗦起来,前者负责的是内廷骑士的升迁评定,而他却是主要负责情报收集和监察工作,眼下出的漏子,显然是要算到他的头上。这位骑士团长战战兢兢,有心向面前这位帝国的至高者解释,然而康斯坦丝需要的不是解释,而是答案。 In the study room of queen not, only then they, the big shots in empire have gathered together at this moment, stands in forefront can see white legion Army Commander Nigel Marquis, relates close Vandillon Count with the imperial navy, Donners, Nederhoven Jr., the Cecil family's guardian, legion of Army Commander Rodney Count as well as Helix Archduke current azure, some came from in them other families' noble behind, mostly is in the ordinary day your majesty officials close to the throne, in addition the Holy Cathedral of Fire envoy, in the middle of these people are divided into three camps, is intimate with the Palut family's noble obvious complexion to be cloudy, but the nobles of Cecil family and military is with smile on the face to look at this curtain mostly., The last group of people, are headed by Helix Archduke and Prime Minister Nederhoven Jr., the board a face, in the surface cannot be seeing any look. 女王的书房内并不只有他们两人,帝国的头面人物此时此刻早已汇聚一堂,站在最前面的就可以看到白之军团军团长奈杰尔侯爵,与帝国海军关系密切的班狄伦伯爵,唐纳斯,小尼德文,塞西尔家族的家长,现任青之军团军团长罗德尼伯爵以及赫利克斯大公,在他们身后还有一些来自于其他家族的贵族,也大都是平日里陛下身边的近臣,再加上炎之圣殿的使节,这些人当中大致分为三个阵营,亲近帕鲁特家族的贵族明显脸色阴沉,而塞西尔家族与军方的贵族们大多面带微笑看着这一幕,最后一批人,以赫利克斯大公小尼德文宰相为首,板着一张脸,面上看不出任何神色来。 As for Her Majesty the Queen, the Her Majesty the Queen look is usual, in the look cannot see an anger, naturally will not have one wide, as long as to this empire supreme one slightly some understanding, understands that often is she under this condition most fearful. 至于女王陛下本身,女王陛下神色如常,眼神中既看不出一丝愤怒,当然也更不会有一丝宽和,但但凡对这位帝国至高者稍有了解,就会明白往往是这个状态之下的她最为可怕。 Passed the period of time, Constance opened the mouth finally. 过了好一阵子,康斯坦丝终于才开口。 She looked at two people ——, although the Her Majesty the Queen semblance was still the appearance of young girl, but the calm look actually demonstrated that this Her Majesty the Queen city mansion came —— she to say desolately: „This is the second time that, my dear Palut family, your southern nobles, recently display really cannot be joined to your position, Mr. Commander, you are also good, your elder brother is also good, is really disappoints me, your is did not say a word, I opened the mouth?” 她看了两人一眼——虽然女王陛下外表仍旧是少女的模样,但沉稳的眼神却显示出这位女王陛下的城府来——她冷淡地说道:“这已经是第二次了,我亲爱的帕鲁特家族,还有你们南方的贵族们,近段时期以来表现得实在是配不上你们的地位,团长先生,你也好,你的兄长也好,实在是令我很失望,你们一言不发,是等我开口么?” Hears these words, Cecil family's nobles mostly takes pleasure in others' misfortunes, but then soldier bring the look that watches the good play, only has Nederhoven frowned, in he remembers, this Her Majesty the Queen so clearly will rarely indicate one's own attitude —— but this is a period of time third time, in St. Cantipei's Palace to scolding of Cecil family, is in the white wild rose garden regarding reprimanding of Palut Archduke, as well as her attitude at this moment, makes him feel strange inside and outside. 听到这句话,塞西尔家族的贵族们大多是幸灾乐祸,而军人们则带着看好戏的神色,唯有尼德文皱了皱眉头,在他记忆中,这位女王陛下很少会如此明确地表明自己的态度——但这已经是近段时间以来的第三次了,无论是在圣康提培宫塞西尔家族的呵斥,还是在白蔷薇园对于帕鲁特大公的斥责,以及她此刻的态度,里里外外都让他感到古怪。 But looks like in Nederhoven is also only strange, Donners actually even the complexion has changed, came from the thunder anger of above throne is fearful, is out of control to tremble, he clenches the teeth, does not dare to open the mouth. 但在尼德文看来还只是古怪,唐纳斯却早已连脸色都为之一变,来自于王座之上的雷霆之怒是何等可怕,禁不住要让人瑟瑟发抖起来,他咬紧牙关,根本不敢开口。 But Travis almost swayed, although your majesty in the mouth was saying dear three characters, but listened to the face quickly to be blue in him, he wandered over and over, has to reply respectfully: Does not dare, your majesty.” 特拉维斯几乎摇晃了一下,陛下虽然口中说着‘亲爱的’三个字,但在他听来脸都快青了,他内心徘徊再三,才不得不毕恭毕敬地答道:“不敢,陛下。” That told me, west Fort Jadeclaw, Torquine Leonins trend how?” “那告诉我,翠爪要塞西面,托奎宁狮人们动向如何?” No movement, your majesty.” Travis hurried to wipe to reply. “没有任何动作,陛下。”特拉维斯赶紧抹了一把汗答道。 Four Borders Plain elves?” 四境之野精灵们呢?” What this reply is white legion Army Commander Nigel, the latter shakes the head: No movement, but elves should not obtain the news, otherwise they will not let go this opportunity.” 这次回答的是白之军团军团长奈杰尔,后者摇了摇头:“没有任何动作,不过精灵们应该还没得到消息,否则他们不会放弃这个机会的。” In other words at least Gorgon Ravine and do Wind Elf have no relations?” Constance asked. “也就是说至少乔根底冈风精灵没什么关系?”康斯坦丝问道。 She asked when this issue, frowns slightly, as if in pondering what issue, but a feeling, this Her Majesty the Queen thoughts seems not at present faintly all these above. 她问这个问题时,微微皱起眉头,仿佛在思考什么问题,但却隐隐给人一种感觉,这位女王陛下的心思仿佛并不在眼下发生的这一切之上。 Just like prime minister Nederhoven Jr., Nigel as if also detected this point, but this anxiety in his heart flashes, has only shaken the head immediately: Should not have.” 和宰相小尼德文一样,奈杰尔仿佛也察觉到了这一点,不过这个疑虑只在他心头一闪而过,随即摇头:“应该没有。” Torquine Leonins?” 托奎宁狮人们呢?” Leonin must in the waiting news, so long as the Gorgon Ravine army arrives in Ernoburg, they will begin.” Nederhoven Jr. looked at Her Majesty the Queen one, finally opens the mouth to say. 狮人应当是在等待消息,只要乔根底冈的军队抵达艾尔诺堡,它们就会动手。”小尼德文看了女王陛下一眼,终于开口道。 Gorgon Ravine army scale big?” Constance looks at each other one with this young prime minister, then puts aside the vision, brings the pressure on Travis. 乔根底冈的军队规模有多大?”康斯坦丝与这位年轻的宰相对视一眼,然后移开目光,将压力施加在特拉维斯身上。 The latter is sweating profusely, your majesty, this is not clear, but they at least should have two legion in Anzlova.” 后者满头大汗,“陛下,这还不清楚,但它们在安兹洛瓦至少应该有两个军团。” The Silver Queen is silent, seems calculating anything. 白银女王沉默不语,仿佛在计算什么。 Nederhoven Jr. hesitated the moment, opens the mouth saying: Very possibly that several underground king already make a move, otherwise must reach this scale to set out Gorgon Ravine half Thane to be good at least.” 小尼德文沉吟了片刻,又开口道:“很可能那几位地下之王已经出手了,否则要达到这个规模起码要出动乔根底冈一半领主才行。” Their goals are Yasa,” Constance then recovers: We currently have to have no method of counterattacking, currently also has these armies in Anzlova?” “它们的目标是亚萨,”康斯坦丝这才回过神来:“那我们现在有没什么反制的方法,现在在安兹洛瓦还有那些军队?” Original Original Self can also reassign the Anzeluta army, but...... Nederhoven Jr. speaks half the words now, then looks at Donners in crowd, the latter facial color sinks, in the heart scolds half dead this prime minister Sir immediately, he understands certainly these words on purpose, Anzeluta besides the indigenous people, mainly grasps stationed in local place legion in Jean Count and in the Orkens Count hand, but part of armies had reassigned to supplement Fort Parsilian earlier, as for the remaining noble armies, did not say that everyone on the scene also understood there. “原本我们还可以抽调安泽鲁塔的军队,但现在嘛……”小尼德文把话说一半,然后看着人群中的唐纳斯,后者面色一沉,心里面立刻把这位宰相大人骂了个半死,他当然明白这句话意有所指,安泽鲁塔除了原住民之外,驻扎当地的地方军团主要掌握在姬恩伯爵奥尔康斯伯爵手中,但这一部分军队早些时候就已经抽调补充了帕西利安要塞,至于剩下的贵族军队,不说在场的所有人也明白去了那里。 He rushes to reply: Your majesty, the Anzeluta army had supplemented that Rocerch —— Broken Sword Mountain Range Fortresses, remaining militia and place defense army is unserviceable, even if let alone has, still by that wild and intractable Count of Tonigel routing.” 他赶忙走出来答道:“陛下,安泽鲁塔的军队早就补充进了罗科齐——断剑山脉要塞群,剩下的民兵与地方防务部队根本不堪使用,何况就算是有,也被那位桀骜不驯托尼格尔伯爵给击溃了。” Was played by Aouinian runs around in circles, it seems like looks like in Mr. Donners is a very honorable matter.” Cecil Duke spoke the ridicule to say. “被个埃鲁因人耍得团团转,看来在唐纳斯先生看来还是一件很光荣的事情。”塞西尔公爵出言讥讽道。 On the latter face white red, actually does not dare to talk back, because the supreme one obvious facial color of that empire is at this moment bad, obviously is very discontented with him. 后者脸上一阵白一阵红,却不敢还口,因为那位帝国的至高者此刻明显面色不善,显然对他十分不满。 On before the Constance face restored, that desolate look: My recent army where?” 康斯坦丝脸上又恢复了之前那种冷淡的神色:“那我最近的军队在什么地方?” White legion two Pegasus cavalry regiments stationed in Violet Valley, your majesty.” Nigel Marquis replies immediately. “白之军团的两个飞马骑兵团正驻扎在紫罗兰谷地,陛下。”奈杰尔侯爵立刻答道。 With enough time?” “来得及么?” The former shakes the head: Must support Yasa to pass through Evergreen Aisle, only if Greystone town can support for at least 48 hours, otherwise we are unlikely with enough time.” 前者摇了摇头:“要支援亚萨就必须穿过长青走道,除非灰石镇能撑过至少四十八个小时,否则我们不太可能来得及。” Constance with ridiculing the look looked at one's own royal courtiers one eyes: In other words, do we have to give up the Anzlova area? Or if Rocerch —— Broken Sword Mountain Range Fortresses falls into enemy hands, in this empire history the biggest shame, what you meant was that does make me shoulder?” 康斯坦丝用揶揄的眼神看了自己的朝臣们一眼:“也就是说,我们不得不放弃安兹洛瓦地区?或者说如果罗科齐——断剑山脉要塞群失守,这个帝国历史上最大的耻辱,你们的意思是让我来背负?” In room a silence. 房间内一阵沉默。 The Silver Queen looks at these one's own royal courtiers, coldly smiles: Donners, informs Palut Duke, I give your bottom line am preserve Rocerch —— Broken Sword Mountain Range Fortresses not to fall into enemy hands. If you cannot achieve this point, that explained that you do not have the qualifications to manage this lands, by that time, made the white legion control from Anzeluta to a Evergreen Aisle defense good.” 白银女王看着这些自己的朝臣们,冷冷一笑:“唐纳斯,去通知帕鲁特公爵,我给你们的底线是保住罗科齐——断剑山脉要塞群不失守。如果你们连这一点也做不到,那就说明你们没有资格管理这片土地,到那个时候,就让白之军团接管从安泽鲁塔长青走道一线的防务好了。” The Constance sound is not high, but actually seems like a thunderclap to fall in the middle of the crowd, everyone's vision falls on the flash on this Her Majesty the Queen favored minister always, in the vision has, doubts and curiosity surprisedly, contains the sympathy, to shrink, take pleasure in others' misfortunes and other mood to mention just a few, everyone on the scene almost in the old fox that this empire power center in the course of time ups and downs, naturally understands the weight/quantity in these words containing. 康斯坦丝的声音并不高,但却像是一个炸雷落在人群当中,所有人的目光都在一瞬间落在这位女王陛下一直以来的宠臣身上,目光中既有惊讶、疑惑、好奇,亦包含着同情、畏缩、幸灾乐祸等不一而足的情绪,在场的每一个人几乎都是在这个帝国权力中心日久沉浮的老狐狸,自然明白这句话中包含的分量。 Your majesty this time moved really hot. 陛下这一次是动了真火。 The Donners body shook shaking, almost fainted directly, he looks pale looks in front of oneself supreme one of this empire, actually does not dare to have the slight complaint, rushes to bow saying: I understood.” 唐纳斯身体晃了晃,差点直接晕了过去,他面色苍白地看着自己面前这位帝国的至高者,却不敢有丝毫怨言,赶忙躬身道:“我明白了。” Then he separates the crowd scared, walked from the study room. 然后他才失魂落魄地分开人群,从书房内走了出去。 In the study room, is only left over trembling Travis, but Constance looked continually is disinclined to look at his one eyes, flicks the sleeve, left the room accompanied by maidservant. 书房之中,就只剩下哆哆嗦嗦的特拉维斯,但康斯坦丝连看都懒得看他一眼,一拂袖,就在使女的陪同下离开了房间。 When Rodney and other noble leave the white wild rose garden together, falls behind intentionally one step, followed following Helix Archduke. The latter was preparing to board the carriage, notices the movement of this Icerook family new guardian, has turned round to ask: „Does Lord Count, have what advice?” 罗德尼和其他贵族一起离开白蔷薇园时,故意落后一步,跟上了后面的赫利克斯大公。后者本来正准备登上马车,注意到这位艾希瑞科家族新任家长的动作,才回过身来问道:“伯爵大人,有何指教?” A Rodney face forced smile: Sir Duke was laughed, what view do I want to consult the Sir to your majesty those words a moment ago?” 罗德尼一脸苦笑:“公爵大人见笑了,我是想来请教一下大人对刚才陛下那句话有什么看法?” Heard these words, the movement that Duke got on a vehicle stopped, he took back the foot simply, the facial color somewhat looks at the opposite party dignifiedly: You thought that Lord Count?” 听到这句话,公爵登车的动作停了下来,他干脆收回脚,面色有些凝重地看着对方:“你觉得呢,伯爵大人?” „Since your majesty on relaxed recently outwardly regarding the surveillance of military, but is secretly getting more and more serious to our suppressions, originally thinks that she must seize the opportunity to support the Palut family, but has not thought......” “陛下近些日子以来明面上放松了对于军方的监视,但暗地里对我们的打压越来越严重,本来以为她要乘机扶持帕鲁特家族,但没想到……” Helix Archduke shakes the head: Your majesty recent character is getting more and more eccentric, the Palut family can not her favor and trust have a period of time......” 赫利克斯大公摇了摇头:“陛下最近的性格越来越孤僻,帕鲁特家族不得她宠信已经有一段时日了……” Rodney as if thinks of anything: „Since that matter,......” 罗德尼仿佛想到什么:“自从那件事之后……” Helix Archduke looked at his one eyes vigilantly: Shut up, these are not the things that your I should discuss, small Rodney, looks in me and your father is in the family friendship of many generations face, I reminded your one, has the opportunity while the present, returned to your family's territory.” 赫利克斯大公警觉地看了他一眼:“闭嘴,这些不是你我该讨论的东西,小罗德尼,看在我和你父亲是世交的面子上,我提醒你一句,趁现在还有机会,回你家族的领地去。” Rodney is startled slightly: Sir Duke you?” 罗德尼微微一怔:“公爵大人你?” Duke nodded: Does not leave for a week, I must leave royal capital, returns to Floral Leaf Shire.” 公爵点了点头:“不出一周,我就要离开王都,回花叶领。” Rodney visits him surprised, at this time left royal capital, was equal to that said announced left the center of empire power, regarding noble of their level, was almost the unimaginable matter. 罗德尼吃惊地看着他,这个时候离开王都,就等于说宣告离开了帝国权力的中心,对于他们这个层次的贵族来说,几乎是不可想象的事情。 Old Duke actually shakes the head: Small Rodney, 40 years ago that disturbance, you were young at that time, I actually witness with own eyes, that time matter, I do not want to experience again one time ; Ok, all my has been said that these looked, in our two family backgrounds transmit toward in the relations to you said that you listened to the later letter/believes to believe that did not believe do not pass to other person of ears, how as to measure the choices, gave you to estimate.” 公爵却摇了摇头:“小罗德尼,四十年前的那次风波,你那时候还小,我却是亲眼见证,那时候的事情,我已经不想再经历一次了;好了,我言尽于此,这些都是看在我们两家世代交往的关系上才对你说的,你听了之后信则信,不信也不要传到其他人耳中,至于如何权衡取舍,就交给你自己揣摩吧。” Then, he beckons with the hand to the latter, boarded the carriage, only leaves behind Rodney to stand in same place, looks looking pensive this carriage slides into the darkness. 说完,他对后者摆了摆手,登上了马车,只留下罗德尼站在原地,若有所思地看着这辆马车滑入黑暗之中。 But finally, the latter smiles, shakes the head. 但最后,后者轻轻一笑,摇了摇头。 ...... …… Bedicia enters the room silently, then turn around to close, she has turned around again, about looked in the jet black room, probably is looking for anything. 贝蒂莎悄然无声地钻进房间,然后反身关上门,她再转过身,在漆黑的房间中左右看了看,好像在寻找什么东西。 At this time, a sound conveyed: Bedicia, did you come back?” 正是这个时候,一个声音传来:“贝蒂莎,你回来了?” The face round mountain people maidservant had a scare obviously, then she distinguishes that is the Lord Count sound, sighed in relief, although had not found Scarlett in the room where, but hurries nodded. 脸圆圆的山民侍女显然被吓了一跳,然后她才分辨出那是伯爵大人的声音,松了一口气,虽然还没找到在屋子里的什么地方,但赶忙点了点头 After a while, as if there is silence of moment, that sound also asked: What kind of, outside said real?” 过了一会,仿佛是有片刻的沉默,那个声音才又问道:“怎么样,外面说的都是真的吗?” Real, Lord Count, outside passed on may be fierce, said that was the empire loses a battle in the south, now Anzlova and Rocerch were dangerous,” she pondered, seems recalling anything, then made excuses replies: Is somewhat strange, this time attacks our is not Leonin, is not Saers Wind Elf, but is what Gorgon Ravine army, I listening not to have heard that place.” “都是真的,伯爵大人,外面传得可厉害了,说是帝国在南面打了败仗,现下安兹洛瓦罗科齐都危险了,”她思考了一下,仿佛在回忆什么东西,然后支支吾吾地答道:“不过有些奇怪,这一次进攻我们的既不是狮人,也不是圣奥索尔风精灵,而是什么乔根底冈的军队,我连听都没听说过那个地方。” Gorgon Ravine?” Scarlett is startled slightly, suddenly remembers Fir Tree Shire these Troglodyte to come, she sent a while to be dull silently, in the heart missed regarding Aouine's even more intensely. squeak, she opens the window, Bedicia discovered that one's own Lord Thane stands near the window unexpectedly, the opposite party holds that emerald long spear, absentmindedly is looking at out of the window, in the pupil is complementing the star light under distant place nighttime sky, making her unable to bear frowned, thought that Lord Count did not suffer a relapse well. 乔根底冈?”微微一怔,忽然想起冷杉领的那些穴居人来,她默默发了一会儿呆,心中对于埃鲁因的思念愈发强烈。吱呀一声,她打开窗户,贝蒂莎才发现自己的领主大人竟然站在窗边,对方又抱着那支翡翠长枪,怔怔地看着窗外,眸子里映衬着远处夜空之下的星光,让她忍不住皱了皱眉头,心想不好了,伯爵大人又犯病了。 Some little time later, Scarlett turns head, she remembers anything probably, chant said: Bedicia, Bedicia.” 好一会儿之后,才回过头来,她好像想起什么,呼唤道:“贝蒂莎,贝蒂莎。” I here, Lord Count.” Bedicia rushes to reply. “我在这儿呢,伯爵大人。”贝蒂莎赶忙答道。 „Did Anzlova and your previous time say that Surf far?” The mountain people young girl asked low voice. 安兹洛瓦和你们上次说那个鲁瑟夫有多远?”山民少女小声问道。 Bedicia opens mouth, in the heart thump, the following words could not say. 贝蒂莎张了张嘴,心中咯噔一声,后面的话却说不出来了。 The Scarlett bright pupil is fixing the eyes on him: Lord Thane he there?” 明亮的眸子紧盯着他:“领主大人他在那里吗?” Who Bedicia understands certainly in her mouth that Lord Thane is, but this little while cannot bear complains of hardship secretly, thought oneself are all right to help this Lord Count inquire what news, the real motive of opposite party originally here, but as the maidservant, she does not dare to open the mouth to lie, can only honestly nodded. Her has not selected to second, felt that a one's own Lord Count arrow step arrives in front of her, holds her shoulder, somewhat asked rapidly: He where, the Gorgon Ravine army currently also where, does he have the danger?” 贝蒂莎当然明白她口中那个‘领主大人’是谁,可她这会儿忍不住暗地里叫苦,心想自己没事去帮这位伯爵大人去打听什么消息呢,对方的真实目的原来在这里,不过作为使女,她可不敢开口说谎,只能老老实实地点了点头。她头还没点到第二下,就感到自己的伯爵大人一个箭步来到她面前,一把抓住她的肩膀,有些急促地问道:“他在什么地方,乔根底冈的军队现在又在什么地方,他有危险吗?” Bedicia almost frightens screams one, her hurrying shakes the head pale, how these things her maidservant knows that passes on noisily about these outside, but no credible, listened is also most can only understand probably forget it/that's all. 贝蒂莎吓得差点尖叫一声,她赶忙脸色发白地摇摇头,这些东西她一个使女怎么会知道呢,关于这些外面传得沸沸扬扬,但没一个靠谱的,听了也最多只能了解个大概罢了 However she knows words this Lord Count that said that will fear unable to have a good sleep to think for these days, has to console saying: Perhaps Lord Count, that...... Lord Thane of that Trentheim person, has left Anzlova, he words that goes by boat from Leeuwin, how long could not want to arrive in Vanquer, at this time perhaps he already in the lofty sea.” 不过她知道这么说的话自己这位伯爵大人恐怕这几天都会睡不好觉,只好劝慰道:“伯爵大人,那位……那位托尼格尔人的领主大人,说不定早就离开安兹洛瓦了,他从鲁恩乘船的话,要不了多久就能抵达班克尔,这个时候说不定他已经在崇高之海上了呢。” Scarlett as if really perceived these words, she relaxes, looked at one's own maidservant one eyes, nodded: Thank you, Bedicia.” 仿佛真听进去了这几句话,她放松下来,看了自己的使女一眼,点了点头:“谢谢你,贝蒂莎。” Lord Count, this is I should do.” 伯爵大人,这是我应该做的。” Bedicia said that also in heart while prayed, thought Marsha to bless, enabling the Lord Count sickness to be good quickly, always such weird and incomprehensible. 贝蒂莎一边说,也心中一边祈祷,心想玛莎保佑,让伯爵大人的病能赶快好起来,不要总这么神神叨叨的。 ...... …… ( PS: Thank some PPT netizen to relate the table for the character of amber manufacture, I have received, helped very big —— see these things me, really can from above feel that everyone to amber deep affection, I was really very affected, received this relational form time felt that filled the power, can continue to write the amber, to perfect ending, thank you.) (PS:感谢某位PPT网友为琥珀制作的人物关系表,我已收到,对我帮助非常非常大——看到这些东西,真的能从上面感到大家对琥珀深深的喜爱,我真是非常感动,收到这张关系表的时候感觉充满了动力,可以把琥珀继续写下去,一直到完美的结尾,谢谢大家。)
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