TAS :: Volume #5 凡尘的舞台

#863: The tip of iceberg

Four imperial palace Knight were still persuading Jean Count. 四位内廷骑士仍旧在劝说姬恩伯爵 Regarding the view of Gorgon Ravine invasion, Jean Count does not believe obviously, like persuading his Rogers and the others, if not for personally sees, does not believe decisively the Gorgon Ravine underground army will suddenly appear in the surface is the same, the world under big honey-comb after all is extremely to them remote, Minotaur in Troglodyte and labyrinth, is fearful creature in bedhead story. Although he does not have the means to explain that one's own ally missing reason, can only recognize that this is the Brando schemes and tricks in secret, but he is unable to see through scheme forget it/that's all of opposite party. 对于乔根底冈入侵的说法,姬恩伯爵显然并不相信,就像劝说他的罗杰斯等人若不是亲眼所见,也断然不会相信乔根底冈的地下大军会突然出现在地表一样,大蜂巢之下的世界对于他们来说毕竟太过遥远,穴居人、迷宫中的牛头怪,都是床头故事中的可怕生物。虽然他也没办法解释自己的盟友之所以失踪的原因,只能认定这是布兰多私底下的阴谋诡计,只不过他无法看穿对方的图谋罢了 However no matter he does want, Brando so-called persuasion is suggests rather to threaten, finally he also has to the heart unwilling sentiment hope not hand over the command power. 不过不管他愿不愿意,布兰多所谓的‘劝说’与其说是建议不如说是威胁,最终他也不得不心不甘情不愿地交出指挥权。 The setting sun sun set, the setting sun sinks to the west hills little, the entire hilly area as if fell into a strange dreariness, north Churning Silver Valley cannot see the Vargus lights again, a horizon darkness, after the mound is peaceful, lonely silent, appalling. 夕阳日暮,落日一点点沉入西面的群山,整个丘陵地区仿佛陷入了一种诡异的沉寂之中,北面的涌银谷地中再看不到瓦尔格斯的灯火,天边一片漆黑,丘地安静下来之后,寂寥无声,叫人毛骨悚然。 Four imperial palace Knight walk silently in the Red Pine Forest edge, after walking one, Female Knight Narsha cannot bear open the mouth to say finally: Perhaps Jean Count he said right, the situation is not bad, what perhaps appears in the semblance is only a roving bandit who came from Gorgon Ravine, does such matter have isn't that so frequently?” 四位内廷骑士默默地走在红松林地边缘,走了一阵之后,女骑士娜莎终于忍不住开口道:“或许姬恩伯爵他说得没错,情况还没那么糟糕,或许出现在外表的只是一只来自乔根底冈的流寇,这样的事情经常发生不是吗?” Rogers closely is frowning, has not replied. 罗杰斯紧紧地皱着眉头,没有答话。 These strange light beams that we saw yesterday evening and delimit the horizon meteor to give what explanation, Kui's pass on message magic was disturbed, this is the deliberate attack,” Trevor shakes the head: Jean Count that old fogy is not willing to bow to Aouinian, your I understand, master nobles on these places are tenacious and attaches importance to face all along.” “那昨天晚上我们看到的那些古怪的光柱和划过天际的流星又作何解释,还有奎的传讯魔法被干扰,这是有预谋的进攻,”特雷弗摇了摇头:“姬恩伯爵那老家伙不过是不愿意向埃鲁因人低头,你我都明白,这些地方上的贵族老爷们一贯是固执而又好面子的。” Narsha silent moment, as to find reason that can refute, but is unable to convince itself to be the same. Finally she somewhat worried that asked: If Gorgon Ravine really invasion we, to empire bad?” 娜莎沉默了片刻,仿佛是想找到可以反驳的理由,但又无法说服自己一样。最后她有些担忧地问道:“如果乔根底冈真的入侵我们,对于帝国来说会有多糟糕?” This depends on the invasion of Gorgon Ravine massively.” The Rogers sinking sound replied. “这取决于乔根底冈的入侵有多大规模。”罗杰斯沉声答道。 You thought that this invasion can large-scale, could it be that can they really threaten the empire in the southern defense line?” Narsha does not dare to believe asks. “你觉得这次入侵会有多大规模,难道它们真能威胁到帝国在南方的防线?”娜莎不敢置信地问道。 This issue seems like no one to reply, in their hearts more or less also thought Brando is saying things just to frighten people, but Rogers and Trevor not familiar underground that forgotten state, in the average person recognizes the people of entire underground resident ethnic group is very rare in fact continually. Rogers and Trevor think of anything suddenly, they will look at that black hair youngster who will wear robe. 这个问题似乎没人能回答,他们心中或多或少也觉得布兰多是在危言耸听,但罗杰斯特雷弗都并不熟悉地下那个被遗忘的国度,事实上一般人中连认得全地下住民族群的人都很少见。罗杰斯特雷弗忽然想到什么,他们将目光投向那个身披长袍的黑发少年。 Kui replied calmly: Some Gorgon Ravine and our slightly differences, they do not have the unified state, dark underground every large or small Thane exists, the only exception only has Dark Elf.” 奎平静地答道:“乔根底冈和我们稍微有些区别,它们没有统一的国度,黑暗的地下只有大大小小的领主存在,唯一的例外只有黑暗精灵们。” Kui, what strength biggest can Thane have?” Narsha asked. “奎,最大的领主能有什么样的实力?”娜莎问道。 Approximately is equivalent to the surface a strength medium kingdom.” “大约相当于地表上一个实力中等的王国。” Such are Thane many?” “这样的领主多吗?” Kui shakes the head: Besides common people most familiar three by Black Dragon of Dragon Race exile, is king of Gerat famous Minotaur, Medusa Empress Petana, they are called the king of Underground world.” 奎摇了摇头:“除了一般人们最熟知的三条被龙族流放的黑龙之外,就是鼎鼎大名的牛头怪之王杰拉特,美杜莎之后珀塔娜,它们被称为地底世界之王。” If must threaten the southern defense line of empire, such a Thane's strength enough?” Narsha also asked. “如果说要威胁到帝国的南方防线,这样一位领主的实力够么?”娜莎又问。 Leans the full power words, perhaps suffices, but the war of underground world rarely uses the full power, because must guard against the enemy in hidden place. Two Thane jointly are the quite reliable guesses, but such Thane in Gorgon Ravine is also existence second to none, they will rarely arrive regarding them similarly unknown the surface world, if not these underground king make a move, perhaps ordinary Thane takes ten even is 20 can initiate such scale jointly the war.” “倾其全力的话,或许够,但地下世界的战争很少倾尽全力,因为要防范暗处的敌人。两位领主联手是比较可靠的猜测,但这样的领主乔根底冈也是首屈一指的存在,它们很少会到对于它们来说同样未知的地表世界来,如果不是这些地下之王出手的话,普通的领主恐怕要十位甚至是二十位联手才能发起这样规模的战争。” „Does Kui, you feel that possibility big?” Trevor then asked. “奎,你觉得那可能性有多大?”特雷弗回头问道。 Did not say certainly, the underground world is a world that believes in dark Laws, mistrusting each other is the habit in darkness, their few mutual trusts, form the union not to mention.” Replied. “说不准,地下世界是一个信奉黑暗法则的世界,尔虞我诈是黑暗中的常态,它们很少相互信任,更别提结成同盟。”奎答道。 Some Narsha worship places look own this companion: Then they can form the union under special circumstances?” 娜莎有些崇拜地看着自己这位同伴:“那它们有可能在特殊的情况下结成同盟么?” Perhaps has,” replied: But I did not say certainly, perhaps Count of that Trentheim person knows many about these underground people.” “或许有,”奎答道:“但我说不准,那位托尼格尔人的伯爵或许对这些地下之民了解得更多。” Why said, perhaps he is says things just to frighten people?” Female Knight was not glad to hear him to say obviously. “为什么这么说,他说不定是危言耸听而已?”女骑士显然并不乐意听到他这么说。 The black hair youngster replied: He and his side that Female Knight is rapid and self-confident regarding the judgment of Gorgon Ravine army trend, this point I cannot achieve.” 黑发少年却答道:“他和他身边那位女骑士对于乔根底冈军队动向的判断迅速而自信,这一点我做不到。” Trevor felt the view of own this companion is somewhat exaggerating, he swung under one, although Kui has the talent mind, but on getting along with people actually must be slightly worse, he very clear this inside trick, these Aouinian can definitely install. Did he listen to the Narsha beforehand issue, in the heart also some shake, Gorgon Ravine really to pull out one to look for the trouble of empire by the armies of ten several Thane constitutions? Empire in its child popular sentiment indestructible, it will perhaps bump into bad luck for a while, but the impossible just right coincidence to meeting the worst case scenario, Trevor is not even able to imagine Rocerch Broken Sword Mountain Range Fortresses will be threatened, that is not two forts, but is one depth about hundred li (0.5 km), well-equipped defense line. 特雷弗觉得自己这个同伴的说法有些言过其实,他摇了一下头,奎虽然拥有天才般的头脑,但在处世上却要稍微差一些,他很清楚这里面的把戏,那些埃鲁因人完全可以是装出来的。他听了娜莎之前的问题,心中也有些动摇,乔根底冈真能拉出一支由十数位领主构成的大军来找帝国的麻烦么?帝国在它的子民心中坚不可摧,它或许一时会碰上霉运,但绝不可能正好巧合到遇上最坏的情况,特雷弗甚至无法想象罗科齐-断剑山脉要塞群会受到威胁,那可不是一座两座要塞,而是一条纵深近百里,设施完备的防线。 He somewhat approved the view of Female Knight faintly, perhaps the present enemy from the underground world the roving bandit army that comes to the surface world to get money, perhaps they were constitute by one or two Thane's armies, received the Torquine Leonin advantage, coming to the empire to disturb, the attention of scattered empire army, and seized the chance to grab forget it/that's all. 他隐隐有些认同了女骑士的说法,或许眼前的敌人不过是从地下世界来地表世界打秋风的流寇军队,它们或许是由一位或者两位领主的军队构成,收了托奎宁狮人的好处,来帝国境内捣乱,分散帝国军队的注意力,并趁机劫掠一番罢了 He is thinking, but nearby Rogers opens the mouth to ask suddenly: Kui, does the entire Gorgon Ravine strength unite strongly in together ?” 他正这么想着,但一旁的罗杰斯忽然开口问道:“奎,整个乔根底冈的力量联合在一起,会有多强?” Black hair youngster raises head looks the companion who suddenly this is always frowning tightly, on the face shows the inexplicable look for the first time. 黑发少年忽然抬起头看着这个一直以来紧皱着眉头的同伴,脸上第一次露出莫名的神色。 That is impossible.” He replied. “那是不可能的。”他答道。 ...... …… Although Trevor and Narsha hope that Gorgon Ravine regarding the invasion of empire is just 1-2 Thane personal behaviors in private, but south of Surf, the Rocerch Highlands terminal, current is contrary to what expects obviously. The mountain range pass place once was a grand fort, however is only left over the crushed stone now with the rubble, the entire fort seemed hit from the upfront by the fearful strength, complete city wall broke open a giant opening, the gap bathes under the moonlight, the entire cross section seemed like by the flame is fired is the same, even the bricks and stones presented carbonize the later shiny black color, in the crushed stone sparkling, that was the crystallization later gravel. In the fort is distributing such scene everywhere, besides the spiritless death thing, by the skeleton of burn and distortion, has the animal- cow, horse and donkey, even is huge was almost fired Earth Raptor of skeleton, the empty place was also fired the portal frame construction near by the street the room, when the trace that it has not struggled, lets person mental association to the death arrived, the extreme high-temperature flash on this colossus from the physical body to the soul will thoroughly be reduced to ashes. 虽说特雷弗娜莎都希望乔根底冈对于帝国的入侵只不过是1-2领主私下的个人行为,但在鲁瑟夫以南,罗科齐高地的末端,正在发生的一切显然事与愿违。山脉隘口处曾经是一座雄伟的要塞,然而现下只剩下碎石与瓦砾,整座要塞仿佛被可怕的力量从正面击中,原本完好的城墙破开一个巨大的豁口,缺口沐浴在月光之下,整个断面像是被火焰灼烧过一样,连砖石都呈现出碳化之后黑亮的颜色,碎石之中闪闪发光,那是结晶化之后的沙砾。要塞中到处分布着这样的场景,除了死气沉沉的死物之外,还有被烧焦、扭曲的尸骸,有动物的-牛、马、驴子,甚至是庞大的几乎被烧成骨架的地行龙,空荡荡的地靠在街道旁同样被烧成框架结构的屋子边,它没有挣扎的痕迹,让人不禁联想到死亡降临之时,极度的高温一瞬间就将这头庞然大物从肉体到灵魂彻底化为灰烬。 Not only but is the animal, the corpse of human also finds at everywhere, in them some wear armor-, but after the present had turned into the melting, metal solution that solidifies, some are commoner, no matter but the old person or the child, the man or the woman, turn into the hard coke that is unable to identify together, such corpse spreads on the entire street, their positions explained that they are avoiding anything, but the time stayed in this at the last minute. 但不仅仅是动物,人类的尸体同样随处可见,他们中有些穿着盔甲-但现在早已变成了融化之后又重新凝固的金属溶液,有些不过是平民,但不管是老人还是孩子,男人还是女人,都变成一块无法辨认的焦炭,这样的尸体散布在整个街道上,他们所处的位置说明他们生前正在躲避什么,但时间停留在了这最后一刻。 The entire fort seems like from the middle plow, the streets and buildings in these regions become damaged, but other blocks were still well-preserved, but in the streets and both sides hillsides inserted completely sharp wooden stakes, the corpse of innumerable human was inserted on these wooden stakes, the corpse vision looked at the dark sky emptily, in the sky is being cloudy, but in the vision had also lost the vitality/angry. 整座要塞像是被从中间犁过,这些区域的街道、建筑变得破碎不堪,但其他街区仍旧保存完好,只是街道上以及两侧的山坡上插满了一根根尖锐的木桩,数不清的人类的尸体被插在这些木桩上,尸体目光空洞地望着黑沉沉的天空,天空中乌云密布,而目光中也早已失去了生气。 The shatter fort turned into a deathly stillness city, without Kirrlutzian, does not have their enemies, looks like Grim Reaper henceforth the process, silent claimed all lives quietly. 破碎的要塞变成了一座死寂的城市,没有克鲁兹人,也不存在他们的敌人,就像是死神从此地经过,悄无声地带走了所有生命。 Such scene above entire Rocerch Highlands, east of Broken Sword Mountain Range, is not the only case, but also performs in many places. Here is Fort Parsilian, Rocerch Broken Sword Mountain Range Fortresses of empire although is constituted by the every large or small over a thousand forts, checkpoints and fortress, but only Fort Jadeclaw, Ernoburg and Fort Parsilian three forts are this defense line true core, other stronghold fortresses aim at regarding them protecting them builds, Fort Parsilian is the last checkpoint of this defense line in empire direction, in millenniums history it had not been captured and not even come under the attack, the army that but today, Kirrlutzian has never had to do actually rewrote this history. 这样的场景在整个罗科齐高地之上,断剑山脉以东,并不是唯一的个例,而是在许许多多地方同时上演。这里是帕西利安要塞,帝国的罗科齐-断剑山脉要塞群虽然由大大小小上千座要塞、关卡以及堡垒构成,但只有翠爪要塞艾尔诺堡帕西利安要塞三座要塞是这条防线真正的核心,其他的城寨堡垒不过是围绕它们以保护它们为目的修筑起来的,帕西利安要塞就是这条防线在帝国方向上的最后一道关卡,在千年的历史中它从没有被攻陷、甚至没有受到过攻击,但今天,一支克鲁兹人从未打过交道的军队却改写了这个历史。 Frith wakes up from the ruins, is still unable to forget before him, has seen during this life the most unforgettable scene, he remembers that at that time the fort encountered one crowd not to know came the attack of Harpy from there, highest Commander of fort recognized that this was demon attacks, perhaps some place near the fort produced new lair, such matter happened in the border region frequently, on bleak Rocerch Highlands was demon loafed, the empire soldiers did not join the fight surprisedly. Frith is an empire crossbowman, naturally must participate in the fight, but he and others together relative security in shooting room-, although on city wall noisy makes people some unendurable, the militia heavy instrument advances the creaking and grating sound that behind the crenel exudes also to make person tooth ache by way of the chute, at that time he like training in same as the capstan good string of heavy crossbow, puts the crossbow arrow, then arrives at the perforation place to observe outward. 弗里斯从废墟之下醒来的时候,仍旧无法忘记他之前见过这一生当中最难忘的场景,他记得那时候要塞遭到了一群不知道从那里来的鹰身女妖的袭击,要塞的最高指挥官认定这是一次魔物袭击,或许在要塞附近某个地方又产生了一座新的巢穴,这样的事情在边境地区经常发生,荒凉的罗科齐高地上本来就是魔物的游荡地,帝国士兵们毫不惊讶地加入战斗。弗里斯是一名帝国弩手,自然也要参与战斗,不过他与其他人一起在射室中相对安全-虽然城墙上面的吵吵嚷嚷让人有些难以忍受,民兵们重型器械经由滑道推到垛口后面发出的吱吱嘎嘎响声也令人牙酸,当时他如同训练中一样用重弩的绞盘上好弦,放上弩矢,然后走到射孔处往外观察。 Then that flash- 然后那一刹那- He hears on the city wall to hear a sad and shrill pitiful yell sound probably, that sound seems like from the horizon lowers, seems like crying of mid-night ghost to howl, fame and profit howling makes him feel the fine body hair erectness, then he saw by the perforation huge, just like the black ink black cast iron ball equally icily, no color eye, that eye, only need, lets him such as the falling abyss, the biting cold chill in the air seems like from the under foot raises, freezes him there, although the opens the mouth wants to scream, but actually cannot make the least bit sound. 他好像听到城墙上面传来一声凄厉的惨叫声,那声音像是从天边降下,又像是午夜时分鬼怪的哭嗥,一声利啸让他感到寒毛直立,然后他透过射孔看到了一只巨大的、犹如墨黑色铸铁球一样冷冰冰的、毫无感情色彩的眼睛,那只眼睛,只消一眼,就让他如坠深渊,彻骨的寒意像是从脚下升起,将他冻结在那里,虽然张口想要尖叫,但却发不出半点声音。 He hears on the city wall to transmit colleagues panic-stricken yelling indistinctly, the scream chirp humming sound forms one piece, seems describing one to let their terrified monsters. 他隐约听到城墙上面传来同僚们惊恐的喊叫,喊叫声嘤嘤嗡嗡汇成一片,仿佛在描述着一头让他们惊恐万状的怪物。 But Frith has not listened to be clear that with enough time that is anything, is everything may become vulnerable, he noticed that the wall of shooting room collapses to him, after under foot, the world falls into a darkness. 弗里斯还没来得及听清楚那是什么,然后就是地动山摇,他看到射室的墙壁向他坍塌下来,脚下一空之后,世界就陷入一片黑暗之中。 After Frith is sober, realized, the bricks and stones of these collapsing rescued his life. 弗里斯再度清醒之后,才意识到,正是那些坍塌的砖石救了他一命。 He lies down in the darkness has not known how long, restored a strength, then cannot attend to aching all over, clenches teeth to push aside a channel from the crushed stone rubble. As if marvelously, he discovered when oneself not by too heavy wound, except for breath pained broke beside 12 ribs doubtable, the hands and feet was very agile, only then abraded, his hands and feet and with crawled from the rubble, the next moment, in the fort the miserable miserable scene mapped his eye socket, the Frith flash clenches the teeth, at present all these seemed like had appeared in his dreamland, although he early some expectations, but could not bear the whole body shiver. 他躺在黑暗中不知道过了多长时间,才恢复了一丝力气,然后顾不得浑身酸痛,咬牙从碎石瓦砾中扒开一条通道。仿佛是奇迹般的,他发现自己并没有受太重的伤,除了呼吸时隐隐作痛让人怀疑断了一两根肋骨之外,手脚都十分灵便,只有擦伤,他手脚并用从瓦砾之中爬出来,下一刻,要塞中凄凉的惨景映入他的眼眶,弗里斯一瞬间咬紧了牙关,眼前这一切像是曾经在他梦境中出现过,他虽然早有预料,但还是忍不住浑身颤抖起来。 His raises head looks at the mountain range pass the direction, that is the direction that the demon army vanishes, from there is the mountain road to lead to Fort Jadeclaw, behind is Rocerch Broken Sword Mountain Range Fortresses intimate area, his heart ice-cold, had realized that this at all is not demon attacks, but is a deliberate surprise attack. 抬起头看着山脉隘口的方向,那是魔物大军消失的方向,从那里是通向翠爪要塞的山道,后面就是罗科齐-断剑山脉要塞群的腹心地区,他心底一片冰冷,已经意识到这根本不是什么魔物袭击,而是一场有预谋的突袭。 That eye...... 那只眼睛…… Frith trembles was recalling that oneself once saw, he as to convince oneself that is only an illusion, hides real the fear in spirit / mind is reminding him, actually that is anything. 弗里斯哆嗦着回想自己曾经看到的那一幕,他似乎想说服自己那只是一个幻觉,潜藏在心灵中真实的恐惧却提醒着他,那究竟是什么。 That is the dragon- 那是龙啊- A black dragon. 一头黑色的龙。 ...... …… Kirrlutz has a proverb: Every day of empire is uneventful, the daily wave cloud of empire is treacherous. These words are used to describe that the entire Kirrlutz Empire some are not quite perhaps appropriate, but is used to describe that imperial capital Lucita is appropriate. 克鲁兹有一句俗语:帝国的每一天都风平浪静,帝国的每一天都波云诡谲。这句话用来形容整个克鲁兹帝国或许有些不太恰当,但用来形容帝都鲁施塔则再贴切不过。 Three days ago starts, the white wild rose garden was covered by a depressing atmosphere, in St. Cantipei's Palace spiritless, the person who as if each walks will stain bad luck. In the past, this usually represented the Her Majesty the Queen mood also to have the change, as a rule, causing the factor that your majesty was angry to have- for example also had some noble to draw on not quickly to her, or was disappoints her, Holy Cathedral of Fire offended this supreme one dignity for example, Holy Cathedral of Fire and Her Majesty the Queen offended frequently mutually, this was the facts that everyone knows, but besides the above two main reasons, had the things of some branch details, for example mountain people and Anzeluta person or don't what barbarian struck to kill the tax collector in empire, several Archduke that also or and imperial family married sent people to go to this Her Majesty the Queen Some banquet anything The Silver Queen the wife's or mother's families and these empires relate badly, this is by the entire empire recognized. 从三天之前开始,白蔷薇园就被一种令人压抑的气氛所笼罩,圣康提培宫内死气沉沉,仿佛每一个走进去的人都会沾上霉运。在以往,这通常代表着女王陛下的心情又有了改变,通常来讲,导致陛下生气的因素有很多-比方说又有某个贵族给她招来不快,或者是让她失望,又比方说炎之圣殿又冒犯这位至高者的威严,炎之圣殿女王陛下常常互相冒犯,这是人尽皆知的事实,但除了以上两个最主要的原因之外,还有一些旁枝末节的事情,比方说山民安泽鲁塔人或者别的什么野蛮人又击杀了帝国的税务官,亦或者与皇室联姻的几位大公又派人前往这位女王陛下的某个宴会什么的-白银女王和这些帝国的外戚们关系极差,这是由整个帝国所公认的。 In fact recently had some new names, for example some position from Aouine's Lord Count, became this Her Majesty the Queen thorn in the side it is said ; After it is said in addition the hearsay about that female mountain people Count, each your majesty summoned her time, the mood becomes very bad. 事实上最近有多了一些新的名目,比方说某位来自于埃鲁因的伯爵大人,据说成了这位女王陛下的眼中钉肉中刺;此外就是关于那位女性山民伯爵的传闻,据说每一次陛下召见她之后,心情就会变得很差。 But this time, without noble provokes troublesome, Holy Cathedral of Fire is also law-abiding, although seven imperial princes returned to the road in imperial capital the carriage to fall the cliff in the Vala agreement last month carelessly, is seriously injured, but mountain people also display extremely obeyed, they even sent out a diplomatic envoy to explain this matter specially, this diplomatic envoy must arrive in the imperial capital shortly, this attitude must surrender to supreme one of empire thoroughly, some Her Majesty the Queen as if not need this matter to fly into a rage. 这一次,既没有贵族招惹麻烦,炎之圣殿也安安分分,虽然上个月七皇子在瓦拉契返回帝都的路上马车不慎摔进山崖,受了重伤,但山民们对此也表现得极为顺服,他们甚至派出了一个使节团来专门解释此事,这个使节团眼看就要抵达帝都,这种态度明显是要彻底向帝国的至高者投诚了,某位女王陛下似乎也没必要就此事大发雷霆。 On the other hand, Floral Leaf Shire and Ludwig seem to have no the news to transmit, that Trentheim person the hearsay of Lord Count also liked a stone dropped into the sea in these days, according to news that passed from your majesty maidservant, since your majesty recently has not summoned some female Count. 另一方面,花叶领和路德维格似乎都没什么消息传来,那位托尼格尔人的伯爵大人的传闻也在这几天中石沉大海,根据从陛下身边的使女那儿传出来的消息,陛下最近一段时间以来也没召见过某位女性伯爵 Can be the news only, seems several days ago Vanquer, purple Roland valley and other areas had reported rare divine artifact responded, but these divine artifact resonance only produce in few areas independently, but actually no one observes in a broader area, actually Tower of the Stars and Moons Sorcerers has not obtained conclusion this is the fact that the illusion or has. 唯一算得上新闻的,仿佛就是几天前班克尔、紫罗兰谷等地区纷纷报告过一次罕见的神器反应,但这些神器共鸣都只在极少数地区独立产生,而在更广阔的地区上却没有人观察到,星与月之塔术士们至今还没得出结论这究竟是幻境还是真实存在的事实。 But in fact, in the entire empire high-level noble circle, only then a small number of well-informed people understand, since on that day, the empire lost south of Anzlova the news of area. Here news, referred to subordinates in royal family the confidential report of imperial palace Knight, originally every day a report, three days ago starts, from Vargus to the Bear Lake area, to Surf, even south of the entire Rocerch fort group range, vanished from the map probably was the same, lost the message. 但事实上,在整个帝国高层贵族的圈子之中,也只有少数消息灵通的人士明白,自从那一天之后,帝国就失去了安兹洛瓦以南地区的消息。这里的消息,指的正是隶属于王室的内廷骑士的秘密报告,原本每一天一次的报告,从三天前开始,从瓦尔格斯熊湖地区,到鲁瑟夫,甚至整个罗科齐要塞群以南的范围,都好像从地图上消失了一样,失去了音讯。 If in the ordinary day, these 1-2 days of delays at all is not anything, but before then, the vision of almost entire empire also centralized in this area, nobles of empire also has not given full expression waits for Brando and Anzeluta regional nobles the result of last war, but suddenly, this area disappeared without a word. What personal is the royal family sends out the secret agent, seemed into thin air to be the same, was gone forever. 如果是在平日里,这1-2的延误根本不算什么,但偏偏就在这之前,几乎整个帝国的目光都还集中在这个地区,帝国的贵族们还意犹未尽地等待布兰多安泽鲁塔地方贵族们的最后一战的结果,但忽然之间,这个地区就音讯全无了。无论是私人的还是王室派出的密探,就好像人间蒸发了一样,一去不复返了。 Everyone in immediately thinks that this is the ghost who Count of that Trentheim person does. 所有人都在第一时间认为这是那位托尼格尔人的伯爵搞的鬼。 The news that but later spreads, makes the entire empire fall into a deathly stillness. 但随后传来的消息,却让整个帝国陷入一片死寂。 Third day early morning. 第三天凌晨。 Constance summoned white wild rose garden her two Knights Captain hand/subordinate- 康斯坦丝将她手下的两位骑士团长召进了白蔷薇园- At this moment, before this queen, Royal Knights Commander Mr. Travis and imperial capital Dragon cavalry Commander Mr. Kevin is wiping the cold sweat on forehead with the handkerchief, their came from the Palut family, but another also came from the regional nobles family that this Her Majesty the Queen trusts, they outwardly on status is the Constance on hand two big imperial guards chiefs, so long as will live the a period of time person to know in Lucita, these two mister secrets have been running the foreign affairs work of imperial palace Knight in fact. 此时此刻,在这位女王面前,皇家骑士团团长特拉维斯先生与帝都龙骑兵团长凯文先生正一个劲地用手帕抹着额头上的冷汗,他们两人一个来自于帕鲁特家族,而另一个也同样来自于这位女王陛下所信任的地方贵族的家族,他们明面上的身份是康斯坦丝手边两大禁军的头子,但只要在鲁施塔生活过一段时间的人都会知道,这两位先生事实上一直秘密掌管着内廷骑士的外务工作。
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