TAS :: Volume #3 王权与蔷薇

#354: By two enemies one

123 rd by two enemies one( second) 第一百二十三幕以二敌一(第二更) Acts recklessly!” Kaluntz sneers, sword edge in his hand has approached the Brando's body. Writing first round network “不知死活!”卡伦兹冷笑,他手中的剑刃已靠近布兰多的身体。【文字首发网】 Brando also visits him with a pitying vision. 布兰多同样用一种怜悯的目光看着他。 Young Thane was suppressed by the Veronica's imposing manner completely, is almost impossible to move. But he looks at Kaluntz step by step close to himself, green on retina' color' light net actually in one flashes layer upon layer, is not' nature' stat display is cutting fast: 年轻的领主完全被维罗妮卡的气势压制,几乎无法动弹。但他看着卡伦兹一步步靠近自己,视网膜上的绿'色'光网却在一层层闪动,不同属'性'的面板在飞快地切换着: Characters. 人物。 Mana Pool. 法力池 Is' nature'. 属'性'。 Planeswalker Skill tree, Card 旅法师技能树,卡牌 Is' nature' stat display to frame at this moment in the Planeswalker system. 属'性'面板这一刻定格在旅法师系统上。 Then Brando is showing a faint smile to Kaluntz, the latter is startled, does not know why the opposite party smiles. But Azure Sky Legion Army Commander Veronica actually first step discovered is not right: Well, this little fellow Kaluntz, retreat!” 然后布兰多对着卡伦兹微微一笑,后者一怔,不知对方所笑何故。但青之苍穹军团军团长维罗妮卡却先一步发现了不对:“咦,这小家伙卡伦兹,后退!” She reminded. 她提醒道。 But still one step, burnt platinum' color' the light blade of flame to appear in front of Brando late together White Sun Blade, this is the first time that Brando demonstrated this card for a long time, this unlucky Kaluntz Count became the first visiting guest. 但仍晚了一步,一道燃烧着白金'色'火焰的光刃已经出现在布兰多面前白阳之刃,这还是布兰多长久以来第一次展示这张卡牌,这位倒霉的卡伦兹伯爵成了第一位光临的客人。 He has not expected Brando also to counter-attack under the Veronica's suppression from the start, when therefore the light blade condenses before him baseless, this Lord Count from Kirrlutz can only stare the big eye panic-stricken. 他压根没料到布兰多维罗妮卡的压制下还能反击,因此当光刃在他面前凭空凝聚时,这位来自克鲁兹伯爵大人只能惊恐地瞪大眼睛。 He was hit by the upfront, calls out pitifully to fly backward, he does after the midair a series of difficulty coefficients were higher much 1800 degrees swivel movement, heavily falls on the floor. 他被正面击中,惨叫一声向后飞了出去,他在半空中做了一系列难度系数高得惊人的一千八百度转体运动之后,重重地摔在了地板上。 Sir Kaluntz!” Blonde twintails young girl ‘ah'. 卡伦兹大人!”金发双马尾的少女‘啊’了一声。 The Veronica attractive green jade' color' eyebrow' wool' lifts, never expected that Brando under the one's own pressure can also make a move, her big feeling be surprised, but is also discontented ; Since has become Army Commander of empire, but also no one dares is so supercilious before her. 维罗妮卡漂亮的翠'色'眉'毛'一抬,没想到布兰多自己的威压之下还能出手,她大感惊讶,但也是不满;自从成为帝国的军团长以来,还没人敢在她面前如此目中无人。 Commandress asks to hold down one's own saber Azure Sky, but she thinks, endured. As Army Commander of empire, become famous Sword Saint extremely, moreover currently over 100 years old, make a move has bullied junior to lose the empire to be dignified probably. 女军团长伸手就要去按住自己的佩剑苍穹之青,不过她想了一下,生生忍了下来。作为帝国的军团长,早已成名的极之剑圣,而且现年已经一百多岁,出手欺负一个后辈好像有失帝国体面。 However in any event, the dignity of empire cannot be deceived. 不过无论如何,帝国的威严不容亵渎。 She raises hand, coldly said: Takes this fellow!” Veronica brutally stares at Brando indifferently, the delicate hands is wielding forward, follows to come from her more than 30 Knight of empire imperial guard cavalry regiment behind closes. 她举起手来,冷冷地说道:“拿下这个家伙!”维罗妮卡冷漠无情地盯着布兰多,纤手向前一挥,跟在她身后来自于帝国禁军骑兵团的三十多位骑士一拥而上。 When Veronica opens the mouth, loosens in Brando pressure, although the fellows of imperial guard cavalry regiment are some embroidering pillows, but wants to cope with Aouine small noble in her also enough. 维罗妮卡开口时,也松开在布兰多身上的威压,禁军骑兵团的家伙虽然都是些绣花枕头,但在她想来对付一个埃鲁因贵族也够了。 She has seen the Aouine's army, can be soldier besides Corcova royal family Knights reluctantly, other are one group of motley crew. 她见过埃鲁因的军队,除了科尔科瓦王家骑士团勉强算得上是军人之外,其他就是一群乌合之众。 But Brando felt an own pressure loosen, his raises head saw that these to empire Knight that oneself clash, recognizes the opposite party from the attire is the Kirrlutz guards, although these fellows were also not Kirrlutz legion but compare to him to cope with Knights of these border cavalry regiments to be much harder to deal with a moment ago. 布兰多感到自己身上的威压一松,他抬起头看到那些向自己冲过来的帝国骑士,一眼就从装束上认出对方是克鲁兹近卫军,这些家伙虽然还不是克鲁兹的一线军团但比起他刚才对付那些边境骑兵团的骑士们要难缠得多了。 After all the border cavalry is almost similar in Kirrlutz to a Aouine garrison kind of organization. 毕竟边境骑兵在克鲁兹就差不多类似于埃鲁因警备队一类的组织。 Brando retreat one step, drew out the saber calm for the first time. 布兰多沉稳地后退一步,第一次拔出了佩剑。 Long sword, at dark blade front booklet' shooting' the light cold light makes that be bundled by the thorn becomes one group of Fina to lose one's voice called out: „...... That...... that sword......” 长剑一出,黑沉沉的刃锋上折'射'的淡淡冷光就让那个被荆棘捆成一团的法伊娜失声叫了出来:“……那……那把剑……” Be careful! Crimson Blessing!” But the voice of black hair youngster has covered her voice immediately. “小心!赤红祝福!”但黑发少年的声音立刻盖过了她的声音。 Reneau crawls from the ground, scratched the blood of corners of the mouth, his hand according to does not feel better on the chest extremely, but the internal organs surges cannot compare this moment his in the heart shocks him to see Brando right arm that silver' color' gauntlet, finally confirmed the previous suspicion. 罗诺从地上爬起来,擦了擦嘴角的鲜血,他一只手按在胸口上极为不好受,不过内脏翻腾都比不上这一刻他心中的震撼他看到布兰多右臂那副银'色'手甲,终于确认了自己先前的怀疑。 That Crimson Blessing, Bahamut's Gauntlet. 那正是赤红的祝福,巴哈姆特之握 In Alchemist mind true divine artifact. 炼金术士心目中真正的神器 in Brando's hand has ignited the deep red roaring flame, the roaring flame following his arm surges on, the flash embezzled Earth Sword. Brando sets level the long sword, kills to Knights, at that moment he looks like the devil that goes out of Hell, is leaving behind together the diameter of flame behind. 布兰多手中已燃起真红烈焰,烈焰顺着他的手臂翻腾而上,一瞬间就吞没了大地之剑布兰多放平长剑,向骑士们杀来,那一刻他就像是从地狱中走出的恶魔,在身后留下一道火焰之径。 Veronica sees a Brando sword, face' color' changed. 维罗妮卡看到布兰多一出剑,脸'色'就变了。 This at all is not Lesser Sword Saint, standing this youngster before her is genuine Sword Saint. Moreover she sees in the opposite party hand that sword and armour, knows oneself made a giant mistake. 这根本不是什么亚剑圣,站在她面前这个少年是一个货真价实剑圣。而且她看到对方手上那剑与甲胄,就知道自己犯了一个巨大的错误。 She had a low opinion of the enemy. 她轻敌了。 Veronica grips the Azure Sky sword hilt immediately, but Brando had seemed like burning the phoenix the same as bring the tail feathers that the billowing roaring flame is changing to enter in numerous Knight at this time. 维罗妮卡立刻握住苍穹之青的剑柄,可这个时候布兰多已经像是一头燃烧着的不死鸟一样带着滚滚烈焰化作的尾羽杀入了众骑士之中。 The Artalyss sound is chilly and calm from left before the attack, she is fighting side-by-side with him. “从左前进攻”奥塔莱丝的声音清冷、冷静,她在与他并肩作战。 Seizes that Knight attack gap!” “捉住那个骑士的攻击间隙!” Do not let off this time retreat.” “不要放过这一次后退。” Pursuit!” “追击!” First keeps off this sword to have the best effect.” “先挡下这一剑有最好的效果。” Well, the little fellow, how do you achieve?” Artalyss is startled suddenly, she discovered that sometimes Brando compared with her must be clear probably the intention of enemy, what she relies on is a lot of years of experience, but on Brando the matter of explained probably was also too reluctant for the talent. “咦,小家伙,你怎么做到的?”奥塔莱丝忽然一怔,她发现有时候布兰多好像比她还要清楚敌人的意图,她凭借的是千百年的经验,可布兰多身上发生的事情好像解释为天赋也太勉强了一些。 Even Artalyss can have the so high talent to express with amazement to Swordsmanship regarding a person. 奥塔莱丝都对于一个人可以对剑术有如此高的天赋表示惊讶。 Gaetel, Gaetel he does not have such good talent. 吉尔特,吉尔特他也没这么好的天赋吧。 She thinks. 她想。 But the fight demonstrated at this moment in the Brando eye is another picture, in his eye *** presently one after another gold/metal' color' the line, these lines outlined a complex image: 但战斗这一刻展示在布兰多眼中的又是另一幅画面,在他眼***现了一条又一条金'色'的线,这些线勾勒出一幅复杂的图像: The attack, the defense, outflanks, Knights reveal of intention violent' in this one after another line' with nothing left. So long as their lowered body, a gold/metal' color' the line the attack route that prepares from him extends, straight thrust Brando chest. 或者进攻,防守,包抄,骑士们的意图在这一条条线条中暴'露'无遗。只要他们一伏低身体,一条金'色'的线就从他预备的进攻路线上延伸而出,直刺布兰多胸口。 This is the Deep Analysis effect. 这是深入分析的效果。 Perhaps is imperfect, but Brando actually discovered that this Skill suits itself extraordinarily. Especially coordinates him to pass in game over a hundred years of Swordsmanship experience, in addition Artalyss from instructs at the same time, is even more powerful. 或许并不完美,但布兰多却发现这门技能出奇地适合自己。尤其是配合上他过去游戏之中上百年的剑术经验,再加上奥塔莱丝从一边指导,更是如虎添翼。 Sometimes Kirrlutz imperial guard Knights did not have make a move with enough time, was blocked by a Brando sword in the preparatory stage. 克鲁兹的禁军骑士们有时候还没来得及出手,就被布兰多一剑封死在了准备阶段。 Knights simply depressed, they and this youngster cross blades discovered is not right, this youngster knows probably they want to be why same, sometimes is an instinct sinking shoulder wants to counter-attack, even does not have to realize including oneself how when oneself must attack, the opposite party a sword has disintegrated you all possibly to attack the route. 骑士们简直郁闷得要死,他们和这个年轻人一交上手就发现了不对,这个年轻人好像知道他们想干什么一样,有时候不过是本能地一沉肩膀想要反击,甚至连自己都没意识到自己要怎么进攻时,对方就已经一剑瓦解了你的所有可能进攻路线。 That feeling wants to make you throw the sword simply to flee to the wilderness immediately, seems like by the mouse that the cat plays tricks on is been same. 那种感觉简直想让你立刻丢了剑落荒而逃,就好像是被猫戏弄的老鼠一样。 However Brando every moment after pursuing receives the hand one time, this makes these Knights big feelings be startled, they know the opposite party, if has a mind, perhaps has killed them is defeated. 不过布兰多每一次都在追后关头收手,这让这些骑士们大感吃惊,他们知道对方如果有心的话,恐怕早就将他们杀得丢盔弃甲了。 But he does not have. 可他没有。 Does could it be that show mercy? 难道是手下留情? But it seems like not like. 但看来也不像。 Why Knights does not know is, may draw a sword Veronica of sheath actually to understand, Brando has focused in her, from the beginning he knows that she wants make a move. 骑士们并不知道是为什么,可拔剑出鞘的维罗妮卡却明白,布兰多早就把注意力放在了她身上,从一开始他就知道她要出手 But how does he know? 可他怎么知道的? She wanted make a move.” The Artalyss reminder said. “她要出手了。”奥塔莱丝提醒道。 I am very curious,” Brando puts the attack of Knights, while stares at the Veronica's direction to ask: Dame Artalyss, in your most flourishing period, you with this woman that?” “我很好奇,”布兰多一边放住骑士们的攻击,一边盯着维罗妮卡的方向问道:“奥塔莱丝大人,在你全盛的时期,你和这位女士那一个更强一些?” little girl,” Artalyss snort/hum, somewhat replied self-confidently: Fights I even not to use the sword with her, she did not have your grandfather to be fierce.” “一个小姑娘而已,”奥塔莱丝哼了一声,有些自信地答道:“和她交手我甚至不用出剑,她还没你祖父厉害。” What?” Brando is startled. “什么?”布兰多一惊。 Be careful, came.” “小心,来了。” Young Thane raised the head, really saw that Veronica seemed the flash to arrive at itself, he is startled, swayed back and forth avoids sword edge of opposite party. 年轻的领主一抬头,果然看到维罗妮卡好像一瞬间就到了自己跟前,他吃了一惊,一个打滚就避开对方的剑锋 Veronica is startled slightly, thought that this fellow very evades is quick, oneself have not presented him to know how with enough time probably oneself must attack. 维罗妮卡微微一怔,心想这家伙避得还挺快,自己还没来得及出现他好像就已经知道自己要怎么进攻了似的。 However this Army Commander in surprised, Brando is actually scolded. 不过这位军团长在惊讶,布兰多却在挨骂。 What do you hide?” Artalyss is somewhat discontented: Moves forward to meet somebody.” “你躲什么?”奥塔莱丝有些不满:“迎上去啊。” Dame Artalyss, on Swordsmanship I do not fear her, but in the strength level I missed this woman to miss to the horizon!” Brando hides while answers. 奥塔莱丝大人,剑术上我是不怕她,可力量层次上我差这个女人差到天边去了!”布兰多一边躲一边解释道。 Fool, how she possibly displays too the strength of top level here,” Artalyss reprimanded in his heart: Only if she thinks that a sword opened this bazaar.” “笨蛋,她怎么可能在这里施展太高层次的力量,”奥塔莱丝在他心中斥道:“除非她想一剑拆了这个集市。” Brando is startled, is suddenly enlighted, right, but here Druid in the air bazaar, although there is a barrier protection, but most also on the support two Gold rank showdowns, strength high anything protects barrier unable to shoulder again. 布兰多一怔,恍然大悟,对啊,这里可是德鲁伊的空中集市,虽然有结界保护,可最多也就支持两个黄金级对决了,力量再高什么保护结界也扛不住。 His is startled, immediately almost a sword, but youngster turns head to avoid in the final moment, making the Veronica's sword paste his cheeks to puncture. 他这一怔,立刻差点中了一剑,不过年轻人在最后关头扭头避开,让维罗妮卡的剑堪堪贴着他的脸颊刺了过去。 Sword Energy scratched an opening on his face. 剑气在他的脸上擦了一条口子。 Brando feels on the face cool, but Veronica sees this is actually aerobic and funny, this boy dares to be distracted to the wartime with her unexpectedly, is Sword Saint that Kirrlutz becomes famous does not have is so bold and most make her be startled, the opposite party also avoided! 布兰多感到脸上凉飕飕的,不过维罗妮卡看到这一幕却是又好气又好笑,这个小子竟然敢在和她对战时走神,就是克鲁兹成名的剑圣也没这么大胆而且最让她大吃一惊的是,对方还躲开了! This boy......” Veronica cannot bear think: If Kirrlutzian is good, I make certainly him follow I, in the future will inherit my legacy.” “这小子……”维罗妮卡忍不住想:“要是克鲁兹人多好,我就一定让他跟着我,将来传承我的衣钵。” But Brando does not certainly know the idea of this Commandress, after he resulted in the reminder of Artalyss, in the heart calm, has thought of a way to launch a counter attack. 布兰多当然不知道这位女军团长的想法,他得了奥塔莱丝的提醒之后,心中大定,已经打主意转守为攻了。 As soon as he stops, then held up in the land to support Azure Sky sword edge, azure' color' with ash' color' the ray interlocked Azure Sky is the Wind type Phantasmal rank weapon, slightly rude' color from level' in Earth Sword Harlangaia, however the land was stable, the inborn restraint fluctuated uncertain Wind type. 他一停,然后举起大地之间架住了苍穹之青剑刃,青'色'与灰'色'的光芒交错苍穹之青风系幻想级武器,从等级上来说丝毫不逊'色'于大地之剑哈兰格亚,然而大地稳固,天生克制变幻不定的风系 Therefore the Azure Sky tornado special effect was almost suppressed. 因此苍穹之青的旋风特效几乎完全被压制。 A sword connection, Brando only felt own arm tingles with numbness. 一剑交接,布兰多只感到自己手臂发麻。 This woman big strength.” He mused. However this time he does not have retreat, but is a withdrawing sword sword punctures again suddenly to the opposite party. “这女人好大力气。”他暗想。不过这一次他并没有后退,而是抽回剑再一剑向对方突刺过去。 Counter-attack. 反击。 All *** is startled, these basic' inserting' does not enter empire Knights that the hand comes hardly to believe the one's own eye, that youngster is counter-attacking unexpectedly. 所有***吃一惊,那些根本'插'不进手来的帝国骑士们几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛,那个年轻人竟然在反击。 Big courage!” Veronica also got angry, this boy not only does not fear her, wants to suppress her from the upfront unexpectedly, this simply is fantasy story. “好大胆子!”维罗妮卡也怒了,这小子不但不怕她,竟然还想从正面压制她,这简直是天方夜谭。 ...... …… ( ***: In the air seems to be breeding a being ready to make trouble aura, is what? I don't know either, is only, that...... moon/month, ***?( Dragged away...... (***:空气中似乎孕育着一种蠢蠢欲动的气息,是什么呢?我也不知道呢,只是,那个……月、***呢?(被拖走…… Writing first round network 【文字首发网】
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