TAS :: Volume #3 王权与蔷薇

#352: Fierce struggle

The 121 st fierce struggle( second) 第一百二十一幕激斗(第二更) The Knights position is far. Writing first round network 骑士们所处的位置还远。【文字首发网】 But has that black hair youngster thrown two bottle child Alchemy bombs to him? Brando knits the brows slightly retreat one step, said that does not offend somebody' nature' life, but make a move actually disregards another's feelings slightly, this thing loses to the average person on does not die is also half remnant. 但那个黑发少年已经向他丢出两个炼金炸弹?布兰多微微一皱眉后退一步,说是不伤人'性'命,但出手却丝毫不留情面,这东西丢到一般人身上不死也是半残。 bottle has exploded in the midair, boiling hot acid' fluid' with glass piece four dispersions' shooting', but has not touched the Brando body to be reappeared red openly or covertly' color' shield shape flame before his body to fend off suddenly. 子已在半空中爆开,滚烫的酸'液'与玻璃碎片四散飞'射',只是还未触及布兰多身体就被忽然浮现在他身前的一片或明或暗的红'色'盾形火焰挡开。 On Crimson Blessing fire shield spell becomes effective automatically. 赤红的祝福火盾法术自动生效。 However' color' smoke cloud disperses in white/vain, Brando discovered what appears before oneself is two strange human form creature, they seem like the meat demon resembles, twisted on the ugly body to cover entirely alchemy magic formation, the rotten meat that probably pile of muscles relaxed but carefully looked that likely be much emaciated than the demon, moreover only compared an adult to be slightly high. 然而白'色'烟云散开之后,布兰多发现出现在自己面前的是两头怪异的人形生物,它们看起来就像是肉魔像,扭曲丑陋的躯体上布满了炼金术法阵,像是一堆肌肉松弛的烂肉但仔细看要比魔像羸弱得多,而且只比一个成年人略高。 This thing is called the mutant, is a Alchemy life that has Level 25, said is the life, but does not have the feeling, sentiment and Intelligence, pours does not disobey the Holy Cathedral doctrine. 这东西叫做突变体,是一种有二十五级炼金生命,说是生命,但没有感觉、感情与智力,倒也不违圣殿的教义。 Meanwhile the black hair youngster appeared behind 12 spherical metal object that is the Magicite Brando flash understood the plan of opposite party ; Wins the time with the alchemy life, and arranges Alchemy magic formation with the Magicite guard, it seems like that the opposite party must prepare the high level alchemy. 与此同时黑发少年身后浮现十二个球状金属物体那是魔导布兰多一瞬间就明白了对方的打算;用炼金术生命来争取时间,用魔导器防范与布置炼金法阵,看来对方是要准备更高级的炼金术 Fight experience is quite rich,” in the Brando heart the slightly feeling is astonished, is it possible that is the person of special department?” “战斗经验相当丰富,”布兰多心中微感讶异,“莫非是特别部门的人?” He knows that the Kirrlutz imperial family alchemy association has a special panel, member of this group is not only ample experience Alchemist, is the combatants who are good at fighting, takes blood' color' eagle as to fight the emblem, has the name of Battle Alchemist. 他知道克鲁兹皇家炼金术协会有一支特别小组,这个小组的成员既是经验丰富炼金术士,又是擅长战斗的战斗人员,以血'色'雄鹰为战徽,有战争炼金术士之称。 Battle Alchemist is also Alchemist fight enters the step, but Brando has not thought that will meet them here. 战争炼金术士本身也是炼金术士的一个战斗型进阶,只是布兰多没想到会在这里遇上他们。 Moreover this youngster was also too small. 而且这个少年也太小了一些。 But Brando shakes the head: Such strength?” 布兰多摇了摇头:“就这么点实力?” From Aouine's Young Lord that two crooked Alchemy mutants, even does not need to draw a sword, stands presses in same place right hand forward, White Raven Swordmanship has the wind pressure on bump into two mutant Gold-level Domain strengths to be how fearful immediately, the leeway that two mutants simply have not revolted against, was raised directly backward flies. 来自埃鲁因的年轻领主着那两头歪歪扭扭的炼金突变体,甚至都不用拔剑,站在原地右手向前一按,白鸦剑术立刻产生风压迎面撞上两头突变体黄金领域的力量何其可怕,两头突变体根本没有反抗的余地,直接就被向后掀飞。 Surrounded noble ojou-sama also frightens screamed that lowers the head, a mutant is almost scratching her gold/metal' color' the long hair flies. The Knights response of distant place is also quick, they make way to the both sides in abundance, making two mutant one hit on the ground, shoots, the stockade that then hits that direction falls outward, drops hundred meters downward. 被困住的贵族大小姐也吓得尖叫一声低下头,一头突变体几乎是擦着她金'色'的长发飞过去。远处的骑士们反应也很快,他们纷纷向两侧让开,让两头突变体一头撞在地上,弹起,然后一头撞开那个方向的栅栏向外摔出,向下跌落百米。 Kirrlutz Empire probably also not much?” Brando extend the hand, asked forward. 克鲁兹帝国好像也不怎么样嘛?”布兰多向前伸出手,问道。 The wind pressure continues to go forward, the youngster is startled, he has not expected this Aouinian not to imagine at present is so good to cope, two upper black iron rank mutants prevent him not to succeed unexpectedly continually in a flash. 风压继续前进,少年大吃一惊,他没料到眼前这个埃鲁因人并没有想象中那么好对付,两头黑铁上位的突变体竟然连阻挡他一瞬间都没成功。 In the past fight, the strong opponent who he met will also delay time in front of these two mutants. 在以往的战斗中,他遇到的再强的对手也会在这两头突变体面前耽搁一点时间的。 Tyr's Bastion!” The youngster clench teeth to shout, metal Magicite constitutes ring-like to surround him immediately, 12 transparent round shields block the tornado that Brando accomplished conveniently. 泰尔的护壁!”少年咬牙喊道,金属魔导器立刻构成一个环形将他包围在内,十二个透明的圆盾堪堪挡住了布兰多随手造就的旋风。 Tyre is famous archmage, he to be good at defense spell being famous, invented many famous defense spell and defense class Magicite. 泰尔是著名的魔导师,他以擅长防御法术而著称,发明了许多著名的防御法术防御类的魔导器。 After defense lives in the Brando's attack, black hair youngster breathed in, must prepare to counter-attack. But at this time a sturdy big hand according to his shoulder. 防御布兰多的攻击之后,黑发少年吸了一口气,就要准备反击。可这个时候一只粗壮的大手按在了他的肩膀上。 Knights. 骑士们到了。 Reneau, you are not his opponent! You withdraw, please support us with alchemy, this fellow gave us to be good!” Blocks Knight full body armour of black hair youngster, to wear one purple azure pair' color' the entire cover helmet of plume feather, speech in a low, muffled voice, Brando looked that this attire knows the opposite party is Centurion. 罗诺,你不是他的对手!你退后,请用炼金术支援我们,这家伙交给我们好了!”拦住黑发少年的骑士全身覆甲、戴着一只有紫青双'色'翎羽的全罩式头盔,说话瓮声瓮气,布兰多一看这装束就知道对方是个百夫长 Captain?” The black hair youngster is startled, he thinks the opposite party is second-class Elementalist, youngster so hard to deal with that but never expected that Fina annoys. 队长?”黑发少年吃了一惊,他本来以为对方不过是个二流的元素使,但没想到法伊娜惹上的年轻人如此不好对付 Giving us was good.” “交给我们好了。” Grandmaster Kaluntz?” 卡伦兹大师呢?” His almost there.” “他马上就到。” Knight-Captain has looked back Brando, under mask pair of deep green' color' the eye full is discrete: Mister, is Kirrlutz Empire mediocre? The tone is big! Then made you experience, Aouinian 骑士队长回过头看着布兰多,面罩之下一双碧绿'色'的眼睛满是谨慎:“先生,克鲁兹帝国不过如此而已吗?口气不小!那么就让你见识一下好了,埃鲁因人 He wields a sword, more than 20 Knight close from his two wings. 他一挥剑,二十多名骑士从他两翼一拥而上。 Meanwhile sphere Magicite is also centered on the black hair youngster decentralized focus,' shooting' ten two ray of light bunches start to draw up secret magic formation on the ground downward, the light beam draw a node every time, the youngster lose magic formation that secondary Moon Crystal he constructs altogether to be divided into three to node central small-scale magic formation, 22 hybrid structure three-dimensional cone-shape combination rules. 与此同时球形魔导器也以黑发少年为中心分散开来,向下'射'出十二道光束开始在地上绘制秘法阵,光束每绘出一个节点,少年就向节点中央的小型法阵之中丢出一枚次级月水晶他构造的法阵一共分成三层,有二十二个节点构成一个立体的锥形合成公式。 A Magicite construction speed is quite astonishing, is as good as the blood to refine, but Magicite expensive, only then the small number of people can manufacture, is not everyone can use, moreover high-level Magicite needs the quality extremely high amber stone actuation, Brando cannot bear want approximately also only then the Kirrlutz such filthy rich empire can make its Alchemist use on this type of luxury goods. 魔导器构阵的速度相当惊人,丝毫不亚于血炼,但魔导器价格昂贵、只有少数人能够制作,不是人人都使用得起的而且高级魔导器需要品质极高的琥珀原石驱动,布兰多忍不住想大约也只有克鲁兹这样财大气粗的帝国才能让它的炼金术士们使用上这种奢侈品罢。 However the pride of so-called human, Falcon Empire Kirrlutz? 不过所谓的人类的骄傲,雄鹰帝国克鲁兹吗? In the Brando heart sneers, in Amber Sword the empire of Her Highness the Princess-Regent pitiful result and this so-called brilliance cannot cut off the relations ; These assassins come from where, Archduke of Anlieke to an answer, but the players seize every opportunity, how possibly to practice trickery. 布兰多心中冷笑,琥珀之剑摄政王公主殿下凄惨的结局和这个所谓的光辉的帝国脱不了关系;那些刺客从何而来,安列克大公给不出一个答案,但玩家们无孔不入,怎么可能瞒天过海。 He thought that oneself has not gone to look for these fellows' troubles, the opposite party first visits but actually early, good, makes these arrogant arrogant fellows understand that Vaunde is not centered on Kirrlutz. 他心想自己还没去找这些家伙的麻烦,对方倒先早上门来,也好,就让这些高傲自大的家伙明白沃恩德并不是以克鲁兹为中心的。 However is the country that Holy Cathedral of Fire most cares. 不过就是炎之圣殿最眷顾的国家而已。 He looked at that youngster one eyes, has recognized the opposite party to draw up fog of gust of wind magic formation, this alchemy' medicine' medicinal preparation is very big regarding the strength oscillation amplitude of close combat, he is naturally impossible to make the opposite party complete. 他看了那个少年一眼,已经认出对方是要绘制疾风之雾的法阵,这种炼金术'药'剂对于近战的实力振幅很大,他自然不可能让对方完成。 Although the Magicite to become array speed makes general Alchemist want sufficiently ashamed and resentfully, but is actually not worth mentioning in the Brando eye. 虽然魔导器成阵的速度足以让一般的炼金术士羞愤欲死,但在布兰多眼中却不值一提。 Young Thane extends the right hand, among the metal finger cots is grasping a flame mark agate. Mana of flame mark agate implication is secondary Moon Crystal ten times are many, is used to make the embryo should better ; Brando thoughts moves, Bahamut plan the strength of high-level alchemy magic formation penetrates Magic Crystal personally immediately, making it disrupt with a crash. 年轻的领主伸出右手,金属指套之间握着一枚焰纹玛瑙。焰纹玛瑙蕴含的魔力是次级月水晶的十倍还要多,用来作成胚胎最好不过;布兰多心念一动,巴哈姆特亲手绘制的高级炼金术法阵的力量立刻穿透魔法水晶,使其砰然碎裂。 Not far away Boss Centaur sees with one's own eyes this by this sudden change scared, but makes him unable to bear says that distressed is a flame mark agate! 不远处被这场突变吓坏了的半人马老板亲眼看到这一幕,不过让他忍不住痛心疾呼那可是一枚焰纹玛瑙啊! Has qualitative Mana if really to gush out from shatter Magic Crystal, in crystal pure Mana had not been contaminated by the chaos, therefore presents attractive sky blue' color', probably mist same in Brando's hand surrounds. However the next moment, three crosswise magic formation go through vertically Brando forearm gauntlet, restrains inward these Mana together. 有若实质的魔力从破碎的魔法水晶之中涌出,水晶中纯粹的魔力是未受混沌所浸染,因此呈现出漂亮的天蓝'色',像是雾气一样在布兰多手上环绕。然而下一刻,三个横向的魔法阵纵贯布兰多前臂手甲,将这些魔力向内约束到一起。 magic formation compresses forward, constitutes several surfaces of spheroid with Mana in Brando's palm, blue' color' Mana is beating in the spheroid slightly, as if breeds anything to break out of their cocoons. 魔法阵向前压缩,和魔力一起在布兰多手心中构成一个球体的数个表面,蓝'色'的魔力在球体之内微微跳动着,仿佛孕育着什么破茧而出。 Brando is shaking in this spheroid hand forward' shooting' a dazzling blue light,' shooting' enters in magic formation of black hair youngster across three Knight, the latter god' color' big change, looks immediately helplessly oneself have constructed larger part magic formation to unravel instantaneously. 布兰多握着这个球体手中向前'射'出一道耀眼的蓝光,穿过三名骑士'射'入黑发少年的法阵之中,后者顿时神'色'大变,眼睁睁地看着自己已经构筑好了一大半的法阵瞬间就灰飞烟灭。 Alchemy counterattacking! 炼金反制! The opposite party are also Alchemist! Moreover fight! 对方也是一个炼金术士!而且还是战斗型的! However what makes the youngster shocking is, will the Alchemy city speed of opposite party why so fast? But Alchemy counterattacking Seventh Circle alchemy, compared with fog of high enough Second Circle gust of wind! 不过让少年震惊的是,为什么对方的炼金阵城阵速度会那么快?炼金反制可是七环炼金术,比疾风之雾高足足两环 Blood Refining Technique? 血炼术 But is not right, does Blood Refining Technique that have the so high-level skill? Moreover Blood Refining Technique magic formation is red' color', a moment ago magic formation of opposite party obviously was bright white' color'. 可也不对,血炼术那有如此高级的技巧?而且血炼术法阵是红'色'的,刚才对方的法阵明明是明亮的白'色'。 In the black hair youngster heart incomparably doubts' being puzzled' to go backward but actually, he chokes a blood, rushes to cover with the hand, but the bright red blood plasma from referring to the seams spews out. 黑发少年心中无比疑'惑'地向后倒去,他呛出一口血,赶忙用手捂住,但鲜红的血浆还是从指缝之间喷涌而出。 Mana counterattacking was almost the flash caused heavy losses to his internal organs. 魔力反制几乎是一瞬间就重创了他的内脏。 Reneau!” That was shocked by noble lady that the thorn tied down, lost one's voice to call out. 罗诺!”那个被荆棘缠住的贵族千金惊呆了,失声叫道。 Knights was also shocked, they have not expected in the empire have been honored as black hair youngster one of the alchemy domain new generation strongest talent to put in an appearance unexpectedly cause heavy losses by the opposite party, moreover opposite party similarly with alchemy , is so also young. 骑士们也惊呆了,他们没料到在帝国中一直被誉为炼金术领域新生代最强的天才的黑发少年竟然一个照面就被对方重创,而且对方同样是用炼金术,也同样如此年轻。 That Knight-Captain first is shocking, but is angry, he is unable to imagine your majesty to know that what kind of thunder such a talent has an accident under the one's own protection will have to be furious, and what destiny has to arrive above him. 那个骑士队长先是震惊,但转而就是愤怒,他无法想象陛下得知这样一位天才在自己的保护之下出了事会有如何的雷霆震怒,而又有什么样的命运降临在他头上。 Killed him!” He shouts angrily, but this Knight-Captain realized immediately this is the Druid domain, changed a statement hastily bitterly: Grasps that Aouinian!” “杀了他!”他愤怒地喊道,不过这位骑士队长马上意识到这是德鲁伊的地盘,连忙恨恨地改口道:“将那个埃鲁因人抓起来!” Catches me?” Brando sneers: What qualifications do you have?” “抓我?”布兰多冷笑:“你们有什么资格?” He looks all around, more than 20 Knight each positions on the scene have the mid silver rank and above rank, on the one hand this explained the Kirrlutz abundant strength, on the one hand also explained that this black hair youngster and this blonde twintails noble lady status did not seem simple. 他环顾四周,在场的二十多名骑士每位都有白银中位以上的级别,这一方面说明克鲁兹雄厚的实力,一方面也说明这个黑发少年和这个金发双马尾贵族千金身份似乎并不简单。 However only more than 20 mid Silver rank, merely mediocre. 不过区区二十多个白银中位,不过尔尔。 Brando heard their talks a moment ago, knows that behind the opposite party may have the strong help, therefore he is not willing to waste the time in these again. 布兰多刚才听到他们的谈话,知道对方后面可能还会有强援,因此他不愿意再在这些喽身上浪费时间。 His one step forward. 向前一步 An incomparable air wave is centered on this young Aouine Thane to explodes in all directions under Grandmaster Level 16 boundary Military Swordsmanship and Gold-level Domain strength dual promotes, Sword Energy of White Raven sword is sharp has, if essence, although Brando has not used the sword, but white/in vain' color' air current already like blade. 一股无匹的气浪以这位年轻的埃鲁因领主为中心向四面八方爆开在十六级大师境军用剑术黄金领域的力量双重推动之下,白鸦剑的剑气锋利得有若实质虽然布兰多并未出剑,但白'色'的气流已如刀刃。 That Centurion has a dream has not thought this youngster not only has stepped into Gold-level Domain, but also has the Grandmaster boundary attainments on Swordsmanship 那位百夫长做梦也没想到这个年轻人不但已经踏入了黄金领域,而且在剑术上还有着大师境界的造诣 Lesser Sword Saint!” Knights screamed, but has assumed the fan-shaped to be swept flies, exceeded the strength disparity of almost entire three class to keep them from resisting. 亚剑圣!”骑士们尖叫起来,但已经呈扇形状被扫飞,超过几乎整整三个阶层的力量差距让他们根本无从抵挡。 A breath, Kirrlutz Empire more than 20 Knight have been utterly routed. 只是一息,克鲁兹帝国的二十多个骑士就已经溃不成军。 Brando and outside area looks at these people unexpectedly, thought that if before he goes to the underground of Schafflund, must solve these fellows also to abandon a hands and feet, but now was completely useless. 布兰多并不意外地看着这些人,心想如果是在他前往沙夫伦德的地下之前,要解决这些家伙恐怕还要废一番手脚,但现在就是土鸡瓦狗了。 His raises head, saw that noble lady weakly relieving. 抬起头,看到那个贵族千金弱弱地后缩了一下。 You and do not come......” “你、你不要过来啊……” Writing first round network 【文字首发网】
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