TMBD :: Volume #5

#447: Useless idiot

The 33 Heavens flames of war promote again. 三十三重天的战火再一次升级。 Although knows that this war can be a bottomless pit, but the continuous Asura Clan soldiers looked like the gambler to put into the fight the life generally. 尽管知道这场战争会是一个无底洞,但源源不断的修罗族战士还是像赌徒一般把生命投入到了战斗中。 They once were blocked, after Heavenly Palace rays of light dissipates, as well as more compatriot's arrivals, the imposing manner of Asura Clan continues to increase, celestial troops and generals fell into enemy hands quickly the first defense line, the flames of war entered 30 double days. 他们一度被拦住,然而在天宫光芒消逝、以及更多同胞的到来之后,修罗族的气势持续攀升,天兵天将很快就失守了第一道防线,战火进入了30二重天。 The fight regarding launches in Heavenly River. 战斗围绕在天河边展开。 immortals and buddhas composes the huge barrier to resist Asura Clan further downward to spread. 仙佛组成巨大的屏障抵御修罗族进一步往下蔓延。 But the celestial troops and generals imposing manner vanishes gradually present, this is not easy. 但在天兵天将气势渐消的现在,这并不容易。 Master Qing Yuan is also one of the barrier resisters, he and Asura female kills the enemy hand in hand, fights, while withstood/top the flames of war to call out: Our enemy how many?” 清元子也是屏障的抵抗者之一,他和修罗女携手杀敌,一边战斗,一边顶着战火叫道:“我们的敌人到底有多少?” Asura Clan can fight, no less than 30 million!” “修罗族能战斗的,不少于30000000!” Asura female loud reply. 修罗女大声回答。 „Are you cockroach?” “你们是蟑螂吗?” Master Qing Yuan could not bear scold one. 清元子忍不住骂了一句。 Asura Clan to attack Three Worlds, these time turns out in full strength, light depends on the quantity to crash the Heavenly Palace's defense. 修罗族为了进攻三界,这一次可谓是倾巢而出,光靠数量就能压垮天宫的防御。 The time drags for a long time, is less wonderful to the Heavenly Palace's situation. 时间拖得越久,对天宫的局势越不妙。 Above Heavenly River will often pass over gently and swiftly several terrifying air waves, any by the person who that air wave sweeps, all meets a cruel death. 天河之上不时会掠过几道恐怖的气浪,凡是被那气浪扫到的人,无一不粉身碎骨。 That is Resplendent Azure Great Emperor with Luo hou fight domain, full is shakes the place heavenshaking the invincible might, two people fights make entire 33 Heavens rumble make noise, as if wants the avalanche to be the same. 那是青华大帝和罗睺的战斗领域,满是震天撼地的神威,两人的战斗使得整个三十三重天隆隆作响,仿佛就要崩塌一样。 This Asura king adds probably fiercely compared with other three also!” “这个修罗王好像比其他三个加起来还厉害!” Master Qing Yuan said. 清元子说道。 Receives your crow mouth.” “收起你的乌鸦嘴。” Asura female is angry: You did not know this completely on behalf of anything!” 修罗女大怒:“你完全不知道这代表了什么!” The distant place hears a huge explosive sound suddenly. 远处忽然传来一道巨大的爆炸声。 „It is not good.” “不好。” The Asura female complexion changes, protects small and weak Master Qing Yuan in the bosom, has resisted the impact of explosion with the back. 修罗女脸色一变,把弱小的清元子护在怀里,用背抵挡了爆炸的冲击。 „......” “咳咳……” Master Qing Yuan withdraws by luck, looks toward explosion place: Tushita Palace, they really not awfully.” 清元子侥幸脱身,往爆炸处看去:“兜率宫,他们真是不要命了。” Tushita Palace is the Supreme Elderly Monarch residence, when knows that Asura Clan possibly invades, Supreme Elderly Monarch has moved to human world all immortal pill. 兜率宫太上老君的住所,早在知道修罗族可能入侵的时候,太上老君就把所有仙丹搬到了人间 In Tushita Palace, only then some of his pill refining remaining niter gunpowder. 兜率宫里面,只有他炼丹剩下的一些硝石火药而已。 Near Heavenly River, the flames of war were dreadful, have continued for quite a while, has not cut off. 天河边,战火滔天,持续了半天,未曾断绝。 Although flame rays of light eliminates in dark, the sound is lingering on faintly. 火焰的光芒虽然消泯于黑暗,响声却不绝于耳。 The silent shadow has opened the eye in the darkness. 无声无息的黑影在黑暗中睁开了眼睛。 Fight, fight!” “战斗,战斗吧!” Candle dragon greedy watches the front flames of war. 烛龙贪婪的看着前方的战火。 The darkness can cover up the vision of all people, actually could not cover up the primordial chaos Spiritual God sensation. 黑暗能遮掩所有人的目光,却遮掩不了混沌神灵的感知。 Flames of war of wreaking havoc, not only can weaken the Three Worlds strength, can make the strength of candle dragon strengthen continually. 肆虐的战火,不仅可以削弱三界的力量,也可以让烛龙的力量持续增强。 Immortal strength that these fall guys leave behind, is his grain. 那些牺牲者留下的仙力,都是他的粮食。 Candle dragon turning the head direction detection and Resplendent Azure Great Emperor of Romanian hou fight, his immortal strength of volatility is unequalled. 烛龙转头定向与罗睺战斗的青华大帝,他身边挥发的仙力无与伦比。 If can eat these immortal strength, it had a bigger odds of success. 如果能把那些仙力吃了,它就有更大的胜算了。 Candle dragon silent approached Resplendent Azure Great Emperor. 烛龙无声无息的接近了青华大帝 Hall of Miraculous Mist, arrives in battlefield after Romanian hou, rays of light on the candlelight that only remaining maidservants light. 凌霄宝殿,自罗睺抵达战场之后,光芒就只剩下侍女点燃的烛火了。 By having candlelight of incense, Jade Emperor places on the board game piece the checkerboard: This chess may real complex variable.” 在带有熏香的烛火旁边,玉帝把棋子放在棋盘上:“这盘棋可真多变数。” But after all under ends.” “但终归还是得下完。” The Sun Wukong factor said. 孙悟空回子道。 He just, suddenly loudly a loud sound, candlelight, in the air wave vibrates scatters in all directions to blast out. 他刚刚下子,忽然轰然一声巨响,烛火在气浪震动中四散炸开。 The fight fluctuation from 33 Heavens, transmitted Hall of Miraculous Mist. 来自三十三重天的战斗波动,传递到了凌霄宝殿 Two your majesty.” “两位陛下。” The steward god officer walked hurriedly. 纠察神官急匆匆的走了进来。 Might as well.” “无妨。” Jade Emperor waves, said: They cannot flush.” 玉帝挥手,说道:“他们冲不过来。” The flames of war of this scale, are well below ten several years ago Sun Wukong. 这种规模的战火,远远不如十数年前的孙悟空 In the past a Sun Wukong person can sweep away all obstacles in Heavenly Palace, inundates the heavenly immortal god to hide it to be inferior. 当年孙悟空一人就能在天宫所向披靡,漫天仙神躲之不及。 Now the entire Asura Clan adds, has not arrived at that degree. 现在整个修罗族加起来,也未到达那种程度。 Ignition.” “点火。” Jade Emperor told the maidservant. 玉帝吩咐侍女。 The maidservants light the candlelight again. 侍女再一次点燃烛火。 However Jade Emperor and Sun Wukong next two, outside has not transmitted a loud sound. 然而玉帝孙悟空没下两下,外面又传来一声巨响。 The invisible fight fluctuation penetration wall, the candlelight rocks two, has extinguished. 无形的战斗波动穿透宫墙,烛火晃动两下,又熄灭了下去。 Jade Emperor is somewhat moved. 玉帝有些伤感。 Govern younger brother, can you help me ignite?” “御弟,你能帮我点个火吗?” Jade Emperor asked. 玉帝问道。 Good.” “好。” Sun Wukong nods, extends to aim at a ball. 孙悟空点头,伸指向上一弹。 In an instant, the dazzling white light erupts from Hall of Miraculous Mist. 刹那间,刺眼的白光从凌霄宝殿爆发开来。 The white light just like rips open the dark cutting edge, charges into 33 Heavens like lightning, it is really bright, one attracted the attention of all people. 白光犹如撕开黑暗的锋刃,闪电般冲向三十三重天,它实在过于光明,一下就吸引了所有人的注意。 Any thing!” “什么东西!” 33 Heavens, nine adjoining rubs nature Dornum with numerous immortals fight headed by Heavenly King Li. 三十三重天,九头的毗摩质多罗正在和以李天王为首的众仙战斗。 Sees that from below, but on rays of light, Nezha and numerous immortals not slightly hesitant, immediately avoids. 看到那从下而上的光芒,哪吒众仙没有丝毫犹豫,立刻就躲开了。 Adjoins Moroccan nature Dornum and Heavenly King Li above rays of light, has not dodged with enough time, the huge white light hits instantaneously in two people. 毗摩质多罗和李天王就在光芒上方,没有来得及闪避,巨大的白光瞬间撞在两人身上。 Heavenly King Li bangs into the cloud layer like the shell immediately, pounds Tushita Palace, hits the quarry stone to fly to shoot. 李天王随即就像炮弹一样撞入云层,砸进兜率宫,撞得乱石飞射。 Adjoins Moroccan nature Dornum, although had not been hit to fly, is actually injured is heavier he two heads, when rays of light passed over gently and swiftly fell. 毗摩质多罗虽然没有被撞飞,却受伤更重他的两只脑袋在光芒掠过的时候掉了下来。 My head!” “我的脑袋!” Adjoins Moroccan nature Dornum to send out the sad and shrill pitiful yell. 毗摩质多罗发出凄厉的惨叫。 In battlefield suddenly peaceful. 战场上忽然安静了下来。 All people avoid the white light, looked at the vision. 所有人都躲开白光,把目光望了过去。 After that white light rushes to 33 Heavens, stopped. 那白光冲到三十三重天之后就停止了。 This is what kind of scene. 这是怎样的一副场面。 In darkness only then only one bunch of radiant light beam penetration battlefields, straight peak cloud gap/between. 黑暗中只有唯一一束璀璨的光柱穿透战场,直耸云间。 All people were shocked. 所有人都惊呆了。 Covering up of Romanian hou to rays of light does not have the effect in front of that light beam, looks the panic-stricken color. 罗睺对光芒的遮掩在那光柱面前毫无效果,不由面露惊骇之色。 magic technique of what person?” “什么人的法术?” Heavenly Emperor.” 天帝。” Resplendent Azure Great Emperor replied. 青华大帝回答。 In a twinkling, Luo Hou innermost feelings become a deathly stillness. 霎时间,罗睺内心变得一片死寂。 The strength of any degree, can entrust with together the light so terrifying might. 什么程度的力量,才能赋予一道光如此恐怖的威力。 Romanian hou innermost feelings raise a fear. 罗睺内心升起一股恐惧。 The Lord of that Three Worlds, actually strong? 那位三界之主,究竟有多强? Near Heavenly River, celestial troops and generals looks at sparkle horizon the light beam, starts to respond. 天河边,天兵天将看着闪耀天际的光柱,开始反应过来。 Heavenly Emperor, is Heavenly Emperor!” 天帝,是天帝!” Heavenly Emperor began!” 天帝动手了!” They rally the lineup in the cheers, again thought that has been full of the hope. 他们在欢呼声中重整阵型,再一次觉得充满了希望。 But in Hall of Miraculous Mist, Sun Wukong actually received the hand. 而在凌霄宝殿,孙悟空却收起了手。 Continues to play chess.” “继续下棋。” He said. 他说道。 Jade Emperor has gawked, then shakes the head. 玉帝楞了一下,然后摇头。 I have not made you select such big fire.” “我可没让你点这么大的火。” He is thinking. 他心里这么想着。 Long is so big, Jade Emperor first time saw that some people ignite like this. 长这么大,玉帝还是第一次看到有人这样点火的。 „Doesn't above that snake need to manage?” “上面那只蛇不用管吗?” Jade Emperor asked. 玉帝问道。 Does not use.” “不用。” Sun Wukong holds the chess saying: That is only clone.” 孙悟空执棋说道:“那只是一个分身。” 33 Heavens, Resplendent Azure Great Emperor discovered that behind not far away has a blacksnake. 三十三重天,青华大帝发现身后不远处有一只黑蛇。 The blacksnake and fuses together dark, without any aura, will not reflect any rays of light, if not rays of light that Sun Wukong wields, Resplendent Azure Great Emperor is very difficult to discover it. 黑蛇与黑暗融为一体,没有任何气息,也不会反射任何光芒,如果不是孙悟空挥出的光芒,青华大帝很难发现它。 At this moment, blacksnake whole face is stunned, as if no to think oneself such quickly were discovered. 此时此刻,黑蛇满脸都是愕然,似乎没想到自己这么快就被发现。 so that's how it is.” 原来如此。” Resplendent Azure Great Emperor sneers: So sinister junior, dares to vie with your majesty!” 青华大帝冷笑起来:“如此阴险小辈,也敢与陛下争辉!” He urges Nine Colored Lotus, suddenly crushed the blacksnake. 他驱使九色彩莲,瞬息间就把黑蛇粉碎了。 Luo Hou, your this useless idiot!” “罗睺,你这没用的蠢货!” Before candle dragon that the plan is defeated again just before leaving, sends out to angrily roar. 计划再一次失败的烛龙临走前发出怒吼。 Romanian hou looks at this, gawked for a long time, then the complexion sank. 罗睺看着这一幕,愣了许久,然后脸色一沉。
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