TMBD :: Volume #5

#445: Captures six samsara

New Ashura king military officer 33 Heavens. 新的阿修罗王将领三十三重天 His height hundred zhang (333 m), the long nine heads, each thousand, 990, eight feet, the side is bringing the endless flame, covers trim Heavenly Palace. 他身高百丈,长有九个头,每头有千眼,990手,八足,身边带着无尽的火焰,笼罩整片天宫 The flame winds around, the surrounding Ashura Clan approaches slightly, immediately is burnt down completely. 火焰缭绕中,周围的阿修罗族稍一靠近,立刻就被烧毁殆尽。 What monster is this?” “这是什么怪物?” Master Qing Yuan is surprised: Is uglier than nine cephalonts!” 清元子大吃一惊:“比九头虫还丑!” He adjoins Moroccan nature Dornum.” “他是毗摩质多罗。” Asura female expression is dignified: In world the flame turns over to him to govern.” 修罗女表情凝重:“世上火焰都归他掌管。” Adjoins Moroccan nature Dornum, a bit faster has burnt these celestial troops and generals!” “毗摩质多罗,快点烧了这些天兵天将!” Another two Ashura kings see to adjoin Moroccan nature Dornum, is overjoyed. 另外两位阿修罗王看见毗摩质多罗,不由大喜过望。 They are the Three Worlds strongest armies, so long as breaks through here, we again did not have the match in entire Three Worlds.” “他们是三界最强的军队,只要攻破这里,我们在整个三界都再也没有对手了。” Did not need you saying that I also understand.” “不用你们说,我也明白。” Adjoins Moroccan nature Dornum nine head deep inspiration, spits again, the flame sweeps across the sky on such as the flood, everywhere celestial troops and generals thorough submerges covers. 毗摩质多罗九个脑袋深深的吸了一口气,再吐出来,火焰就如洪水席卷天空,将漫天的天兵天将彻底的淹没覆盖。 Although this fire cannot compare the fire of Sun Wukong's curse, is actually not the fire of mortal world, dyes, is extremely difficult to suppress. 这火虽然比不上孙悟空的诅咒之火,却也不是凡间之火,一染到身上,就极难扑灭。 celestial troops and generals are panic-stricken puts off flame in all directions. 天兵天将们惊慌失措的四处扑灭火焰。 Useless fellow.” “没用的家伙。” Heavenly King Li is angry. 李天王大怒。 Deploys troops!” “重新排阵!” The defense line was adjoined Moroccan nature Dornum to break, the celestial troops and generals rapid fill vacancy, deploys troops. 防线被毗摩质多罗打破,天兵天将迅速填补空缺,重新排阵。 Nezha, with me on together! „ 哪吒,跟我一起上!“ Heavenly King Li shouts. 李天王喊道。 You do not have the qualifications to order me!” “你没资格命令我!” Nezha is angry, but with Heavenly King Li together, charged into has adjoined Moroccan nature Dornum. 哪吒大怒,但还是与李天王一起,冲向了毗摩质多罗。 However three Ashura kings hand in hand, the offensive such as move mountains general, the defense line creakies. 然而三位阿修罗王携手,攻势就如排山倒海一般,防线摇摇欲坠。 The innumerable Ashura soldier mixes with blood light to drop from the clouds, the military power hit that falls on the defense line, the entire defense line started to have the loophole from the middle. 数不清的阿修罗战士夹杂血光从天而降,下坠的军势撞击在防线上,整个防线从中间开始出现了漏洞。 Quick help!” “快帮忙!” Spirit Mountain numerous Buddha cannot sit still again, overruns the help. 灵山众佛再也坐不住,冲过去帮忙。 They once thought that Heavenly King Li resists Asura Clan sufficiently. 他们一度觉得李天王足以抵挡修罗族。 However compares with these formation neat Asura Races, Heavenly Palace's celestial troops and generals has exposed too many weakness in the war. 然而和那些队列整齐的修罗族一比,天宫的天兵天将在战争中暴露了太多的弱点。 Heavenly Palace, Resplendent Azure Great Emperor arrives at Hall of Miraculous Mist. 天宫,青华大帝来到凌霄宝殿 Your majesty.” “陛下。” He salutes to Sun Wukong, as to say anything. 他向孙悟空行礼,似乎想说什么。 You do not use temporarily.” “你暂时不用过去。” Under Sun Wukong target on new checkerboard: Whets these soldiers is very good.” 孙悟空把子下在新的棋盘上:“磨砺一下那些兵将很好。” Although Asura Clan the imposing manner is powerful, but has not appeared worth the Resplendent Azure Great Emperor take action character. 修罗族虽然气势强盛,但还没有出现值得青华大帝出手的人物。 Candle dragon as if not care about the casualties of Asura Clan.” “烛龙似乎不在意修罗族的伤亡。” Jade Emperor is pinching the board game piece: Is somewhat strange?” 玉帝捏着棋子:“是不是有些奇怪?” Is very strange.” “是很奇怪。” Sun Wukong replied: But I know that he must make anything.” 孙悟空回答:“但我知道他要做什么。” Hell, Asura Clan soldier platoon becomes a long line, was sent under escort by the clever difference moves toward Gate of Death. 地府,修罗族战士排成一条长龙,被鬼差押解走向鬼门关。 „Is here Hell?” “这里就是地府?” They look at the Hell scene curiously. 他们好奇的看着地府的景象。 Died in Three Worlds, the soul of Ashura Clan also arrived at Hell. 死在三界,阿修罗族的灵魂也来到了地府 This to Ashura person is very lucky result-- how to compare by the candle dragon is eaten to be better. 这对阿修罗人来说是非常幸运的结果——怎么都比被烛龙吃掉要好。 They coordinate the ghost bad work. 他们非常配合鬼差们的工作。 But outside Gate of Death, the dense and numerous Asura Clan soldiers became an issue of very difficult solution. 但在鬼门关外,密密麻麻的修罗族战士变成了一个非常难解的问题。 How do we want to process them?” “我们要怎么处理他们?” Yama stand in the city wall, was discussing how to process these soldiers. 阎王们站在城墙上,正在商量怎么处理这些战士。 They do not have Book of Life and Death, does not know that the good and evil of these soldiers, do not know how should determine guilt and punish. 他们没有生死簿,也不知道这些战士的善恶,不知道该如何定罪和惩治。 At this time, a strange laughter resounded from the soldier group. 这个时候,一阵诡异的笑声从战士群中响起。 Yama have gawked, bent down to look at the past, that innumerable Asura Clan soldiers were facial colors are pale. 阎王们愣了一下,俯看过去,那数不清的修罗族战士却是一个个面色惨白。 You how!” “你们怎么了!” The ghosts bad shout a question loudly. 鬼差们大声喝问。 Candle dragon came.” “烛龙来了。” Asura Clan soldiers trembling saying: It ate us!” 修罗族战士们战战栗栗的说道:“它来吃我们了!” The voice just fell, some strange shadows rose from them. 话音刚落,一些诡异的黑影就从他们中间升了起来。 These shadows are viscous blood gather in the midair likely generally, gradually changed has made a giant incomparable blacksnake. 这些黑影像是粘稠的血液一般汇聚在半空,逐渐变作了一只巨大无比的黑蛇。 Here was my granary!” “这里就是我的粮仓了!” The blacksnake sends the laughter to clash to Gate of Death. 黑蛇发着笑声向鬼门关冲来。 This is any thing!” “这是什么东西!” Yama have a big shock. 阎王们大惊失色。 The blacksnake opens the big mouth, the inside blood red piece, has not arrived in Gate of Death, Yama felt that the body by aura surrounding that decayed and withered, could not move. 黑蛇张开大嘴,里面血红一片,还未抵达鬼门关,阎王们就已经感觉到了身体被一股腐臭和枯萎的气息包围,动弹不得。 Blood red rays of light comes. 血红的光芒迎面而至。 Died!” “死定了!” All Yama are thinking. 所有阎王都这么想着。 However the thought just came out, buddhist aura dropped from the clouds together suddenly, shines on the blacksnake. 然而念头刚出来,一道佛光忽然从天而降,照耀在了黑蛇上面。 What!” “什么!” The blacksnake has a big shock, just wants to run away, is together the sword light quick firing, sword astral four shoot, completely crushes it. 黑蛇大惊失色,刚想逃走,又是一道剑光急射而下,剑罡四射,把它彻底粉碎。 Amitabha.” 阿弥陀佛。” The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva flew: Everybody was frightened.” 地藏王菩萨飞了下来:“各位陛下受惊了。” Yama expressed gratitude to him hastily. 阎王们连忙向他道谢。 They to Great Emperor Gou Chen expression of gratitude of dropping from the clouds. 紧接着,他们又向从天而降的勾陈大帝道谢。 Does not need to thank me.” “不用谢我。” Gou Chen grasps blacksnake that the heavy sword looks at to vanish: Heavenly Emperor said that this evil livestock will come Hell, really right, Yama must be careful.” 勾陈手持重剑看着消失的黑蛇:“天帝说这孽畜会来地府,果真没错,各位阎王还得小心。” „Who is this blacksnake? What does it want to make?” “这黑蛇是什么人?它想做什么?” Yama asked. 阎王们问道。 It is the candle dragon, attempts to capture six samsara.” “它是烛龙,妄图夺取六道轮回。” The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva replied. 地藏王菩萨回答。 The candle dragon takes the dead as the food, so long as seizes six samsara, can control the Three Worlds samsara, threatens Heavenly Emperor. 烛龙以亡者为食,只要夺走六道轮回,就能掌控三界轮回,威胁天帝 Moreover, six samsara can also open Asura saying that connects Asura World with another way. 而且,六道轮回还可以开启修罗道,用另一种方式连接修罗界 Yama listen to the Bodhisattva to explain, at heart one cold: This monster is quite terrifying!” 阎王们听完菩萨解释,心里不禁一凛:“这怪物好生恐怖!” Its idea was looked through by Heavenly Emperor luckily. 幸好它的想法被天帝看破了。 Has the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and Great Emperor Gou Chen assumes Hell, natural all things are well. 有地藏王菩萨和勾陈大帝坐镇地府,自然万事无恙。
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