TMBD :: Volume #4

#400: heavenly way checkerboard

Southern Jambu Continent, Liu Heng stands before the study room looks into the sky of West. 南赡部洲,刘恒站在书房前眺望西方的天空。 He is not an immortal, but the cultivation many years, can feel as before terrifying aura that that side transmits. 他不是仙人,但修行多年,依旧可以感觉到那边传来的恐怖气息。 Started.” “开始了。” Liu Heng is thinking at heart, waited these many years, the Spiritual God war to start finally. 刘恒心里想着,等了这么多年,神灵的战争终于要开始了。 However this war involves is various heavenly immortal Buddha, mortal world human race cannot escape death by a hair's breadth incessantly. 然而这场战争涉及到的不止是诸天仙佛,凡间人族也不能幸免于难。 Outside Chang'an City, the ominous dark cloud is gathering. 长安城外,不祥的乌云正在汇聚。 Your majesty!” “陛下!” The court attendant arrives at study room Li broad, stern-faced kneeling on the ground: „The Huainan kings revolt, Hangu Pass is critical!” 中郎将李广来到书房,一脸凝重的跪在地上:“淮南王造反,函谷关危急!” Huainan king?” “淮南王?” In the Liu Heng brain flashes through an upright face. 刘恒脑中闪过一张刚正的脸。 The Empress Lu time, Gaozu many imperial princes died. 吕后时期,高祖很多皇子都死了。 He with Huainan king Liu Chang was the imperial prince who minority lived, Liu Chang lost mother since childhood, has been grown up by the Empress Lu foster, therefore the Empress Lu being in power time, Liu Chang also fortunately avoided the political disaster. 他和淮南王刘长是少数活下来的皇子,刘长自幼丧母,一直由吕后抚养长大,因此吕后当政时期,刘长也有幸免遭政治祸患。 Liu Heng and Liu's long relations are very good. 刘恒和刘长的关系很好。 Liu Heng has not thought that that always big brother and big brother!” Asks his person to raise the counter- flag. 刘恒没想到,那个总是“大哥、大哥!”叫他的人会掀起反旗。 This was the second time. 这是第二次了。 Your majesty, Huainan king rebellion, with the previous difference.” “陛下,淮南王此次造反,与上次不同。” Li broad cups one hand in the other across the chest to Liu Heng, said: Civil and military hundred officers leave Chang'an, must greet the Huainan kings to ascend the throne, but also asked your majesty early to make the decision.” 李广向刘恒拱手,说道:“文武百官都离开长安,要去迎接淮南王登基,还请陛下早做决定。” I understand.” “我明白。” Liu Heng sighed, then turned around to enter the study room: Called the imperial guards.” 刘恒叹息一声,然后转身走进书房:“把羽林军都叫过来。” Yes.” “是。” Li broad deploys troops immediately. 李广立即去调兵遣将。 When he brings to command troops will come back, on Liu Heng has put on battle armour. 等他带领兵将回来,刘恒身上已经穿好了战甲 Liu Heng looked all around that dense and numerous soldier, will then lead these soldiers to leave Chang'an. 刘恒环顾那密密麻麻的兵将,然后带着这些兵将离开了长安 Chang'an was seeped by Spirit Mountain, waits not to have any significance again here. 长安已经被灵山渗透,再在这里待下去也没有任何意义。 Liu Heng rides the army horse to leave Chang'an, turns head again, somewhat is sad. 刘恒骑着军马离开长安,再回头,不由有些感伤。 These officials to his loyalty, compare the enticement of Spirit Mountain unexpectedly. 那些臣子对他的忠诚,竟然比不过灵山的诱惑。 As emperor, mortal eventually mortal.” “就算作为帝王,凡人终究还是凡人。” Liu Heng has gotten hold of the reins. 刘恒握紧了缰绳。 He felt being incapable of mortal, even more understands that Three Worlds should give anyone. 他感受到了凡人的无力,越发明白三界应该交给谁。 Sun Wukong and Buddha, who can take to human race to be happy, Liu Heng already had the answer at heart. 孙悟空和佛祖,谁才能带给人族幸福,刘恒心里早就有了答案。 He does not worry left Chang'an. 他毫无牵挂的离开了长安 Before Hangu Pass, the rebel army invades to the city wall. 函谷关前,叛军向城墙蜂拥而上。 The garrison troops in city wall are going all out to defend, Heaven transmits suddenly recites, has buddhist aura to drop from the clouds, fettered in same place them. 城墙上的守军正在拼命防守,天上忽然传来吟唱,有佛光从天而降,把他们束缚在了原地。 Amitabha.” 阿弥陀佛。” The voice of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva resounds from the sky. 地藏王菩萨的声音从天空响起。 Bodhisattva manifested a spirit!” “菩萨显灵了!” Huainan king Liu Chang great happiness, issues an order, the rebel army like the fire of setting the prairie afire, spreads from the city wall on, lit the entire Hangu Pass. 淮南王刘长大喜,一声令下,叛军就像燎原之火,从城墙下蔓延而上,点燃了整个函谷关。 Shortly, Hangu Pass fell into enemy hands. 顷刻之间,函谷关就失守了。 The general of defense was held by the rebel army, angrily rebukes Liu Chang: „The Huainan king, your overbearing does not present the law, stages a rebellion non- positively, your majesty is generous, does not pursue the responsibility your crime, you do not know to feel grateful, unexpectedly also......” 守城的将军被叛军抓住,怒斥刘长:“淮南王,你骄恣不奉法,举事非正,陛下宽仁,不追责你的罪过,你不知感恩,竟还……” The general has not scolded, was chopped by a Liu Chang blade, did not have the sound again. 将军还没骂完,就被刘长一刀砍下,再也没有了声息。 All these, are the big brother have only self to blame.” “这一切,都是大哥咎由自取。” Liu Changshou blade, said to people: I do not want to revolt, but he is indecisive, was lost by the monster monkey mental, not suitable is the king.” 刘长收刀,对众人说道:“我本不想叛变,但他优柔寡断,被妖猴迷失了心智,不宜为王。” The people dread in him, does not dare to speak. 众人畏惧于他,丝毫不敢吭声。 The sky, the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva sees this, cannot bear secretly sighed one. 天空,地藏王菩萨看见这一幕,忍不住暗叹一声。 The aura of Spirit Mountain once were proliferated, he started the fight of Southern Jambu Continent. 灵山的气息一经扩散,他就发动了南赡部洲的战斗。 Huainan king Liu Chang is extremely strong, does not have the air/Qi of King, Ksitigarbha not to elect him, actually only then his status can place greatly duty. 淮南王刘长力能扛鼎,却丝毫没有王者之气,地藏王本不想选他,却只有他的身份才能寄予大任。 Has been a pity that Human King and crown prince.” “可惜了那人王和太子。” The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva said: If they are willing to pledge allegiance to Spirit Mountain, has been short of many actually troublesome.” 地藏王菩萨说道:“如若他们愿意归顺灵山,倒是少了好多麻烦。” Bodhisattva is unshakeable.” “菩萨不可动摇。” He sits down listens attentively to hear these words, cannot bear the reminder: Under heavenly way, I and others all is a board game piece, for a while vacillates, fears is used by Sun Wukong.” 他坐下的谛听听到这句话,忍不住提醒:“天道之下,我等皆为棋子,一时动摇,恐被孙悟空利用。” Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva one cold, receives the thought: Who did Mountain of Flowers and Fruit send to come Southern Jambu Continent?” 地藏王菩萨心里一凛,收起念头:“花果山派何人来了南赡部洲?” Imperial Monarch Dong Hua.” 东华帝君。” Listened attentively to that replied: He has caught up with Southern Jambu Continent.” 谛听回答道:“他已经赶来南赡部洲了。” Ksitigarbha frowned immediately. 地藏王立刻皱起了眉头。 That is the hard to deal with fellow. 那可是难缠的家伙。 The seashore, youngster rate/lead numerous wait for Imperial Monarch Dong Hua. 海边,一名少年率众等待东华帝君 Innumerable rays of light fly from Eastern Sea, fell the ground one by one. 无数光芒东海飞来,逐一落到了地上。 haha, is really your boy.” 哈哈,果然是你小子。” Bear Demon King sees the youngster, walked to give him ruthlessly a hug: I know person who you cannot run?” 熊魔王见到少年,走过去狠狠的给了他一个拥抱:“我就知道你不是会跑的人?” I ran for 200 years, Bear Demon King.” “我已经跑了200年,熊魔王。” The youngster smile, then looks to a Bear Demon King youth. 少年笑着,然后看向熊魔王身边的一个青年。 You are......” “你是……” He thought that this youth somewhat looks familiar. 他觉得这个青年有些面熟。 Sir, for a long time does not see.” “先生,许久不见。” The youth salute to the youngster. 青年向少年行礼。 The youngster remember immediately, the youth is Jia Yi, was the Southern Jambu Continent famous adviser, once made an exception to promote by Liu Heng for too the doctor, behind made beam Huaiwang grand mentor. 少年随即想起,青年叫贾谊,是南赡部洲出名的谋士,曾被刘恒破格提拔为太中大夫,后面又作梁怀王太傅。 Many years ago, Jia Yi once had melancholily sickness, the youngster has cured him, later does not have on the whereabouts. 多年之前,贾谊曾有忧郁之症,少年治好了他,之后就行踪全无。 The youngster recognize Jia Yi, is pleasantly surprised: Why does grand mentor come from Eastern Sea?” 少年认出贾谊,又惊又喜:“太傅为何从东海过来?” I was received by Imperial Monarch Dong Hua for disciple, in recent years in his disciple cultivation.” “我被东华帝君收为弟子,近年在他门下修行。” Jia Yi replied: „The struggle of this Three Worlds, Imperial Monarch assigns me to come this help.” 贾谊回答:“此次三界之争,帝君命我来此帮忙。” Imperial Monarch person?” 帝君人呢?” The youngster asked. 少年问道。 Does not know.” “不知。” Jia Yi shakes the head, then looks dense and numerous the crowds to youngster. 贾谊摇头,然后看向少年背后密密麻麻的人群。 These are......” “这些就是……” Jia Yi is a little surprised in these human bodies the strengths. 贾谊有点惊讶这些人体内的力量。 Teaching numerous who heavenly way teaches.” 天道教的教众。” The youngster replied, he brought a small part to teach the numerous to come, other taught the numerous also to hide across Southern Jambu Continent. 少年回答,他带了一小部分教众过来,其他教众还隐藏在南赡部洲各地。 Bear Demon King and grand mentor, since here, I teach to hand over heavenly way by you.” 熊魔王和太傅既然在此,我把天道教交由你们。” The youngster release authority on own initiative. 少年主动放权。 I do not like this work.” “我不喜欢这份工作。” Bear Demon King shook the head, has patted Jia Yi's shoulder: „The matter of this supplying ideas, gave you.” 熊魔王摇头,拍了拍贾谊的肩膀:“这种出谋划策的事情,就交给你了。” Friendly.” “善。” Jia Yi nods, then said to the people: Comes this goal, can be clear?” 贾谊点头,然后对众人说道:“诸位来此目的,可都清楚?” All people nodded. 所有人都点头了。 „The Heavenly Emperor will in Three Worlds, this combat general decides the Southern Jambu Continent ownership.” 天帝志在三界,此战将决定南赡部洲归属。” Jia Yi said: I and others was involved, reality is the good fortune.” 贾谊说道:“我等参与其中,实乃幸事。” The people smile. 众人满脸笑容。 „, We walk.” “那么,我们走吧。” A Jia Yi sound command, leading people to join the battlefield to the west. 贾谊一声号令,带众人向西加入了战场。 After they walked for a long time, Imperial Monarch Dong Hua appears in the shore. 他们走了许久之后,东华帝君才出现在岸边。 He knit the brows to look at a while slightly, afterward turned around to walk toward the direction of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. 他微微皱眉看了一会儿,随后转身向地藏王菩萨的方向走去。 Southern Jambu Continent, burns in the confusion. 南赡部洲,在混乱中燃烧起来。 But in Spirit Mountain, Sanskrit and immortal article as in the sky collision and disappearing, making all immortals and buddhas not dare to approach. 而在灵山,梵文和仙文依旧在天空碰撞、泯灭,让所有仙佛都不敢靠近。 Sun Wukong and Buddha are sitting facing each other, the radiant checkerboard floats among two people, it tranquil like sea, Four Great Continents all reflecting in. 孙悟空和佛祖对坐着,璀璨棋盘浮在两人中间,它平静如海,四大部洲皆倒映其中。 Daji looked for a long time, could not bear ask finally: What is king making?” 妲己看了好久,终于忍不住问道:“大王在做什么?” Plays chess.” “下棋。” Great Immortal Zhenyuan replied. 镇元大仙回答。 He can look, the Buddha middle checkerboard of Sun Wukong, is two people heavenly way changes with joint forces. 他看得出来,孙悟空和佛祖中间的棋盘,是两人的天道合力变化而成。 They change make heavenly way the checkerboard, takes all living things as the board game piece, is competing with. 他们把天道变作棋盘,以众生为棋子,在进行比试。 In the first game of chess surface, seems the Buddha was in the upper hand. 第一局的棋面上,似乎是佛祖占了上风。 But Sun Wukong in Southern Jambu Continent, and has the superiority. 孙悟空南赡部洲,也并不是没有优势。
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