TMBD :: Volume #4

#397: I do not enter there

We arrived in Spirit Mountain quickly.” “我们快到灵山了。” At dusk, Daji happy saying. 傍晚时分,妲己开心的说道。 Across Eastern Sea and Southern Jambu Continent, after stretching across Western Continent of Cattle−gift, they finally arrived at the boundary of Spirit Mountain. 穿过东海南赡部洲,横跨西牛贺洲之后,他们终于来到了灵山的边界。 Close to Spirit Mountain, all scenes of ground changed, can see the rare and beautiful flowers and plants and copal green pines everywhere, and walks monk on grand way. 临近灵山,地面的一切景象都变了,随处都可以看见琪花瑶草、古柏苍松,以及走在大道上的僧人 King, what these monks make?” “大王,那些和尚是做什么的?” Daji asked. 妲己问道。 Pilgrimage.” “朝圣。” Sun Wukong replied. 孙悟空回答。 Group scud racing mist, quick noticed that a auspicious light ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) peak appears in the horizon, the endless good luck changes to the thick fog to surround it, seeming like the same as immortal realm. 一行人飞云奔雾,很快就看到一座祥光万丈的高峰出现在天边,无尽的瑞气化作浓雾环绕着它,看起来就跟仙境一样。 However this is true immortal realm. 然而这是真正的仙境 Daji sees Spirit Mountain for the first time, impatient first flew. 妲己第一次见到灵山,迫不及待的抢先飞了过去。 But before her, several immortal light across the fog, arrived in Spirit Mountain. 而在她之前,数道仙光穿过云雾,抵达了灵山。 That is the immortal from Ten Continents and Three Islands, but they before crashing in Spirit Mountain, was blocked by some buddhist aura. 那是来自十洲三岛的仙人,但他们在冲进灵山之前,就被一些佛光挡住了。 Daji is no exception. 妲己也不例外。 Fairy maiden waits a bit.” “仙子稍等。” A youngster kept off in front. 一名少年挡在了前面。 That is wooden zha. 那是木吒。 Who are you? Why blocks me?” “你是谁?为何拦我?” Daji asked. 妲己问道。 I am the Guanyin sitting down young lad, I called wooden zha.” “我是观音坐下童子,我叫木吒。” Wooden zha replied: Buddha has the command, before Spirit Mountain grand gathering, but also asked everyone to give a welcoming dinner to wash the filth in advance.” 木吒回答:“佛祖有令,灵山胜会之前,还请各位先行洗尘涤垢。” What do you mean?” “什么意思?” Daji is somewhat puzzled. 妲己有些不解。 Great Immortal Zhenyuan catches up, said to her: Buddha makes us first bathe, cleans the dust.” 镇元大仙赶上来,对她说道:“佛祖让我们先沐浴,洗净尘土。” Bathes?” “沐浴?” Daji is surprised: Attends the Buddhist meeting also to bathe?” 妲己惊讶起来:“参加法会还要沐浴?” She has not listened to such strange Buddhist meeting. 她可从来没有听过这么奇怪的法会。 King.” “大王。” Daji then to catching up Sun Wukong asked: „Can we rush directly?” 妲己回头对赶来的孙悟空问道:“我们可以直接闯进去吗?” Not.” “不可以。” Sun Wukong stops saying: Guest does as the host pleases.” 孙悟空停下说道:“客随主便。” Daji some are unhappy: I do not like bathing outside.” 妲己有些不开心:“我不喜欢在外面沐浴。” Fairy maiden, Spirit Mountain does not moisten all contamination.” “仙子,灵山不沾一切污秽。” Wooden zha said: Here water is purer than Heavenly River, gathers essence of the heaven and earth, can make the fairy maiden glow the new student.” 木吒说道:“这里的水比天河更纯净,汇聚天地精华,能使仙子焕发新生。” Daji eye one bright, any words did not say, pulls up Sun Wukong to with wooden zha bathe. 妲己眼睛一亮,什么话都不说,拉起孙悟空就要跟木吒去沐浴。 Wooden zha leads them to fall to the Spirit Mountain foot, Guanyin is waiting in temple. 木吒带他们落到灵山山脚,观音菩萨正在道场等候。 She drives to draw back wooden zha, ordering child woman to look at the tea to suspend the room, received the people. 她驱退木吒,命令童女看茶摆斋,接待了众人。 Sun Wukong they sat a while, in this period Supreme Elderly Monarch as if induced anything, said goodbye to leave, and has not come back again. 孙悟空他们坐了一会儿,期间太上老君似乎感应到了什么,告辞离开,并且没再回来。 The people do not care. 众人都不在意。 About after one column fragrance, wooden zha walked. 大约一柱香后,木吒又走了进来。 Bodhisattva, the bathing pool has prepared.” “菩萨,浴池已经准备好了。” The wooden zha report said. 木吒报告道。 Guanyin nods: Also asked everyone to pass with wooden zha together.” 观音菩萨点头:“还请各位跟木吒一起过去。” The people stood. 众人站了起来。 I?” “我呢?” Daji asked: Where is my bathing pool at?” 妲己问道:“我的浴池在哪?” I lead you to go.” “我带你去。” Guanyin sets out saying: In nearby.” 观音起身说道:“就在附近。” The group bathe separatedly. 一行人分开沐浴。 Really moves unnecessarily.” “真是多此一举。” On going to the road in bathing pool, Great Immortal Zhenyuan said: We are the immortals, what having is good to wash?” 在去浴池的路上,镇元大仙说道:“我们都是仙人,有什么好洗的?” Sun Wukong shakes the head: Might as well.” 孙悟空摇头:“无妨。” His very curious Buddha actually wants to make anything actually. 他倒是很好奇佛祖到底想做什么。 Arrives at the bathing pool, the people are startled. 走到浴池,众人又吃了一惊。 „Is this bathing pool?” “这是浴池?” Great Immortal Zhenyuan looks at the front torrential river: Where has such bathing pool.” 镇元大仙看着前面的滔滔大河:“哪有这样的浴池。” The water in river rapid can push away the elephant. 河里的水湍急的都能把大象推走了。 He looks to wooden zha: „Is this also the arrangement of Buddha?” 他看向木吒:“这也是佛祖的安排?” Wooden zha nods: Everyone is immortal Monarch, does not need to be worried about this river water.” 木吒点头:“各位都是仙君,不用担心这河水。” Great Immortal Zhenyuan puts on a grave expression. 镇元大仙沉下脸。 virtuous brother, we returns 贤弟,我们还是回” He just wants to call Sun Wukong to go back, Sun Wukong actually gets is the person, took the lead the river. 他正想叫孙悟空回去,孙悟空却变作人身,率先下了河。 The rapids river water could not become any influence on other party. 湍流的河水对他造成不了任何影响。 Sun Wukong discovered that the river water is not cold, instead like hot spring warm. 孙悟空发现河水一点也不冷,反而像温泉一样温暖。 In the river water has the scrip­tures twinkle, probably is ordinary in the wash body. 河水中有经文闪烁,好像在洗涤身体一般。 Also good.” “还不错。” Sun Wukong closes one's eyes to rest. 孙悟空闭起眼睛歇息。 Others noticed that this stares, then followed. 其他人看到这一幕都是一愣,然后跟着走了下去。 „Did virtuous brother, how turn into the human form?” 贤弟,怎么变成人形了?” Great Immortal Zhenyuan felt a warmth of river water, later asked to Sun Wukong. 镇元大仙感受了一下河水的温暖,随后向孙悟空问道。 This body suits bathes.” “这个身体适合沐浴。” Sun Wukong replied. 孙悟空回答。 In his heart moves suddenly, opens eyes to look to the shore, in the middle of the mist, several forms walked. 他忽然心中一动,睁眼向岸边看去,薄雾当中,几道身影走了过来。 What lead is Supreme Elderly Monarch. 带头的是太上老君 He came with Two Pure Ones and Great Emperor of Purple Subtlety. 他带着二清紫薇大帝过来了。 How did he lead them to come?” “他怎么带他们来了?” Great Immortal Zhenyuan is somewhat surprised. 镇元大仙有些惊讶。 Sun Wukong looks that river of Supreme Elderly Monarch under with several people bathes, the atmosphere is somewhat subtle. 孙悟空看着太上老君带着几人下河沐浴,气氛有些微妙。 Great Emperor of Purple Subtlety found cancelled Chen Shangdi. 紫薇大帝找到了勾陈上帝。 God.” “上帝。” He looks to cancel Chen Shangdi: You must with Mountain of Flowers and Fruit stand really?” 他看着勾陈上帝:“你果真要与花果山站在一起?” I and your majesty together.” “我和陛下一起。” Cancels Chen saying: Which your majesty is, where I am.” 勾陈说道:“陛下在哪,我就在哪。” Great Emperor of Purple Subtlety obtains the reply that wants, was at heart relieved. 紫薇大帝获得想要的回答,心里安心了。 Later, no one starts talking. 之后,再也没有人开口说话。 In the middle of marvelous tranquility, only then Master Qing Yuan has tossed about in the river, the eye stared at another side of river, the eye must stare straight. 奇妙的平静当中,只有清元子一直在河里折腾,眼睛盯着大河的另一边,眼睛都要瞪直了。 Master Qing Yuan?” 清元子?” Great Immortal Zhenyuan could not bear: What are you making?” 镇元大仙忍不住了:“你在做什么?” Miss Daji in that side. „ 妲己小姐就在那边。“ Master Qing Yuan holds up a sign: I heard her laughter probably.” 清元子举起一块牌子:“我好像听到了她的笑声。” If can see Daji to bathe, he died was also resigned. 如果能看到妲己沐浴,他死了也甘心了。 She indeed in that side.” “她的确在那边。” Great Immortal Zhenyuan nods, his also sensation to the Daji aura. 镇元大仙点头,他也感知到了妲己的气息。 I cannot see, what can you see?” “不过我都看不见,你能看见什么?” Great Immortal Zhenyuan thought that Master Qing Yuan is doing not studiously. 镇元大仙觉得清元子在做无用功。 Master Qing Yuan is not willing to give up, that side toward river swam two steps, was washed away by the water current. 清元子不肯放弃,往河的那一边游了两步,接着被水流冲走了。 Sun Wukong puts out a hand to wield, immediately has a string to tie up Master Qing Yuan, threw the ashore him. 孙悟空伸手一挥,顿时就有根绳子把清元子捆住,把他扔到了岸上。 Immediately, he put in the clothes the river. 随即,他披上衣服上了河。 The water of Spirit Mountain is good, but these buddhist scripture in river were too noisy to Sun Wukong. 灵山的水不错,但河里的那些佛经孙悟空来说太吵了。 He after shore, when others wash, goes back with Guanyin and Daji convergence, successfully mounted Spirit Mountain. 他在岸边等到其他人都洗完之后,就回去和观音以及妲己汇合,成功登上了灵山。 Spirit Mountain, all Bodhisattva, diamond and Arhat various big divine ability, gathered under the lotus throne of Buddha. 灵山,所有的菩萨、金刚、阿罗诸大神通者,都聚集在了佛祖的莲台之下。 Sun Wukong arrives at time, has tens of thousands of immortals and buddhas to arrive. 孙悟空到来的时候,已经有成千上万的仙佛抵达了。 The entire Spirit Mountain was surrounded by thousands of magic cloud, these magic cloud overlapping the row like the seat in the midair, immortals and buddhas sit above. 整个灵山被千万朵祥云环绕,那些祥云就像座位一样层层叠叠的列在半空,仙佛坐在上面。 After Sun Wukong arrives, everyone's vision looked to him. 孙悟空抵达之后,所有人的目光都看向了他。 Where do we sit?” “我们坐哪里?” Great Immortal Zhenyuan asked to Guanyin. 镇元大仙观音菩萨问道。 Here walks.” “这边走。” The Bodhisattvas lead them to move toward Hall of Great Strength. 菩萨带他们走向大雄宝殿 Everyone is gazing at their movement, hands over to whisper. 所有人都注视着他们的动作,交头低语。 Hall of Great Strength is the place that Tathagata is, spacious translucent, seems another world. 大雄宝殿如来所在的地方,宽敞透亮,仿佛就是另一个世界。 The Buddhist meeting has not started, the Buddha is giving various Buddha to preach in. 法会还没开始,佛祖正在里面给诸佛讲经。 When the circulation read aloud, the treasure palace day fell the flower petal, disperses riotous, everywhere was fragrant. 流通诵读之际,宝殿天降花瓣,普散缤纷,漫天芬芳。 various Buddha hears as if deluded. 诸佛听得如痴如醉。 Everyone please here.” “各位请这边。” The Bodhisattvas want to lead the people to enter the main hall. 菩萨想带众人走进大殿。 But Sun Wukong not with the past. 孙悟空没有跟过去。 King, you how?” “大王,你怎么了?” Daji then asked. 妲己回头问道。 I do not enter there.” “我不进那里。” Sun Wukong looks at the Buddha who in the main hall is keeping aloof. 孙悟空望着大殿里高高在上的佛祖。 He does not seem to detect their arrival, wholly-absorbed preaching. 他似乎没有察觉到他们的到来,正在专心的讲经。 But is this possible? 但这怎么可能呢? Sun Wukong turns around to flick the sleeve, the front has the fine jade to wind around fragrant, the auspicious brume is riotous. 孙悟空转身拂袖,前方有琼香缭绕,瑞霭缤纷。 Virtuous Palace rises straight from the ground. 贤德宫拔地而起。
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