TMBD :: Volume #4

#314: Monster Country assassination

Sun Wukong from sitting in meditation opens eyes. 孙悟空从打坐中睁开眼。 Changes Immortal Way, so long as changed the Myriad Spirits chart to be good. 改变仙道,只要改变万灵图就好了。 Compared with molds the new chart risk, he has chosen a simpler way, increased a new rule in the Myriad Spirits chart, the top Myriad Spirits creation can transform is immortal qi. 比起重新塑造新图的风险,他选择了一种更简单的方式,在万灵图上增加了一种新的规则,顶尖的万灵创造会转变为仙气 Myriad Spirits book.” 万灵书。” Sun Wukong extends one's hand, in the hand appears a book of illumination. 孙悟空伸出手,手上浮现出一本发光的书。 This book is he to absorb the Myriad Spirits chart knowledge, but same treasure of creation, top Myriad Spirits creation. 这本书是他为了吸收万灵图知识,而创造的一样宝物,一个顶尖的万灵造物 The Myriad Spirits book is flowing golden light. 万灵书流淌着金光 Compared with before, its rays of light became more sacred, was lending an inviolable aura. 比起之前,它的光芒变得更为神圣了,散发着一股不可亵渎的气息。 Really transformed.” “果然转变了。” Sun Wukong strokes the books, after composing the spiritual energy transformation of this book, becomes to the host extremely nitpicking. 孙悟空抚摸书本,组成这本书的灵气转变之后,对宿主变得极为挑剔。 Mortal impossible control immortal qi, but they can penetrate Myriad Spirits Immortal Way cultivation, gradually adapts to and controls these immortal qi, finally becomes the genuine immortal. 凡人不可能控制的了仙气,但他们可以透过万灵仙道修行,逐渐适应和掌控这些仙气,最终变为真正的仙人。 Received the books, Sun Wukong has stood. 收起书本,孙悟空站了起来。 King.” “大王。” Long Armed Ape Monkey hears the sound, walked, arranges washing for him. 通臂猿猴听到声响,走了进来,为他安排洗漱。 Does not use, I must go back.” “不用,我得回去了。” Sun Wukong put out a hand to reject him, went out of Water Curtain Cave, suddenly has had a being out of sorts feeling. 孙悟空伸手拒绝了他,走出水帘洞,忽然产生了一丝违和感。 On this day......” “这天……” He looks to the sky: Somewhat to be how dark?” 他看向天空:“怎么有些暗?” Dark? No.” “暗?没有啊。” Long Armed Ape Monkey is puzzled: Same as usual.” 通臂猿猴一脸疑惑:“还是老样子。” Sun Wukong looked at a while, then knits the brows slightly: Perhaps was I misreads.” 孙悟空看了一会儿,然后微微皱眉:“也许是我看错了。” Perhaps the sky as usual, is sits in meditation too for a long time, making him have a miscarriage of justice. 天空和往常一样,也许是打坐太久,让他产生了一丝误判。 I walked first.” “我先走了。” Sun Wukong is just about to leave, suddenly has a monster to run out from the old monkey, punctures a sword to Sun Wukong. 孙悟空正要离开,忽然有个妖怪从老猴背后冲出,向孙悟空刺出一剑。 This sword like piercing the space lightning, does not wait for other monsters to respond, clang, the long sword hits the Sun Wukong's fingertip, crushed to the sword hilt from the sword point. 这一剑就像刺穿空间的闪电,不等其他妖怪反应过来,‘铛’的一声,长剑撞中孙悟空的指尖,从剑尖到剑柄都粉碎了。 How to be how and possible!” “怎、怎么可能!” Assassination incredible to have drawn back one step, was suppressed by the angry monsters. 刺杀者不可置信的退了一步,被愤怒的妖怪们压住了。 You......” “你……” Long Armed Ape Monkey dumbfounded looks at assassination: What do you make?” 通臂猿猴目瞪口呆的看着刺杀者:“你做什么?” This year do also two goods assassinate the king? 这年头还有二货刺杀大王? King, you are all right.” “大王,您没事吧。” The old monkey turns the head to ask. 老猴转头问道。 Sun Wukong takes back the finger, shook the head, his whole body is the treasure, could not injure him Great Immortal Zhenyuan, how the trivial Qilin was also possible! 孙悟空收回手指,摇了摇头,他浑身都是宝贝,连镇元大仙都伤害不了他,区区一只麒麟又怎么可能呢! His eyes have swept, knew the status of monster. 他一眼扫过,就知道了妖怪的身份。 He looks at the Qilin: Who is sends you......” 他看着麒麟:“是谁派你……” Said half, Sun Wukong stopped, said with a smile: Ok, is yourself comes inevitably.” 说了一半,孙悟空又停了下来,笑道:“算了,必然是你自己来的。” He did not think that some people stupid to sending for assassinating him. 他可不觉得有人蠢到派人刺杀他。 The Qilin clenches teeth, any words did not say. 麒麟咬牙,什么话也不说。 Sun Wukong asked to Long Armed Ape Monkey: „Who is he?” 孙悟空通臂猿猴问道:“他是什么人?” His name was white Lin, was the monster of Mountain of Flowers and Fruit trained.” “他叫白麟,是花果山培养的妖怪。” Long Armed Ape Monkey a little rebukes oneself. 通臂猿猴有点自责。 This Qilin monster in the monster who Mountain of Flowers and Fruit was born, in the past and parents went to Southern Jambu Continent to play together, the parents died outside, only then he ran away. 这只麒麟妖是在花果山出生的妖怪,当年和父母一起去南赡部洲玩耍,父母都死在外面,只有他逃了回来。 His birth any issue, Long Armed Ape Monkey has not understood why completely it must assassinate Sun Wukong. 他的出生没有任何问题,通臂猿猴完全不明白它为什么要刺杀孙悟空 Sun Wukong looks at white Lin: What you have to say?” 孙悟空看着白麟:“你有什么好说的吗?” white Lin raised the head to stare Sun Wukong: King as monster race, actually collaborates with human race, but must my legitimate monster race elimination, I probably prevent the king.” 白麟抬头瞪着孙悟空:“大王身为妖族,却与人族同流合污,还要把我正统的妖族消灭,我得阻止大王。” Bold!” “大胆!” Long Armed Ape Monkey is angry: Nonsense.” 通臂猿猴大怒:“胡说八道。” Listened to him to say.” “听他说。” Sun Wukong blocks Long Armed Ape Monkey, asked: „Are you person of Monster Country?” 孙悟空拦住通臂猿猴,问道:“你是妖国之人?” Only the Monster Country subjects, will say as legitimate monster race. 只有妖国的子民,才会自称为正统妖族 white Linleng snort/hum one, was acknowledges. 白麟冷哼一声,算是承认了。 Sun Wukong thinks, asked: You think that I will destroy Monster Country?” 孙悟空想了想,又问道:“你以为我会毁灭妖国?” This is not obvious?” “这不是显而易见的吗?” white Lin said: King does not do now, later will destroy Monster Country eventually.” 白麟说道:“大王现在不做,以后终究还是会把妖国毁灭。” He is somewhat angry: Only has Monster Country, is the genuine monster state, the place that the king constructs is only the thing of compromise.” 他有些愤怒:“唯有妖国,才是真正的妖怪国度,大王所建造的地方只是妥协之物。” Sun Wukong looks at the anger in his eyes, has calculated simply. 孙悟空看着他眼中的怒火,简单的推算了一番。 „Were your parents killed by Southern Jambu Continent human race?” “你的父母被南赡部洲人族杀死了?” Yes.” “是。” white Lin clenches teeth, replied: Is now the order under Human King!” 白麟咬牙,回答:“就是当今人王下的命令!” Sun Wukong sighed. 孙悟空叹息一声。 This is tragedy that during his deep sleep has. 这是在他沉睡期间发生的悲剧。 Liu Che drove the monster command in the Southern Jambu Continent promulgation in the past, Sun Wukong now and Liu Che becomes reconciled, truly has caused the disaffection of many monster. 刘彻当年在南赡部洲颁布驱妖令,孙悟空现在和刘彻和好,确实引发了很多妖怪的不满。 Especially in Monster Country, there has much has the intense and deep-seated hatred monster with human race and immortal. 尤其是在妖国,那里有不少和人族、仙人有着血海深仇的妖怪。 These monsters cannot say that is the bad monster, is only the hatred is too big, is unable to put down, therefore gathered at six ear macaque subordinates. 那些妖怪不能都说是坏妖,只是仇恨太大,无法放下,所以聚集在了六耳猕猴麾下。 This is also Sun Wukong to Monster Country slowly the reason that is hard to start. 这也是孙悟空妖国迟迟难以下手的原因。 The Sun Wukong hesitation moment, then said: release he.” 孙悟空沉吟片刻,然后说道:“放了他。” King.” “大王。” Old monkey inconceivable visits him. 老猴不可思议的看着他。 I said that puts puts.” “我说放就放。” Sun Wukong waved, this Qilin monster is ordinary with the ants before him, does not threaten. 孙悟空挥了挥手,这个麒麟妖在他面前就和蝼蚁一般,毫无威胁。 The monsters have let loose white Lin. 妖怪们放开了白麟。 The white Qilin stands, a face astonished looks at Sun Wukong. 白麟站起来,一脸惊愕的看着孙悟空 Reason that I put you, wants you to do a matter.” “我之所以放你,是要你做一件事。” Sun Wukong said: You return to Monster Country, told for me found six ear macaques.” 孙悟空说道:“你回妖国,替我告诉找到六耳猕猴。” You told him.” Sun Wukong said: If he is willing to deliver Monster Country human race, and guaranteed, does not make an arrest outside, I then pledged that will never destroy Monster Country, concedes to you that lands.” “你告诉他。”孙悟空说道:“如果他愿意把妖国人族送出去,并且保证以后不在外面抓人,我便承诺永不毁灭妖国,把那片土地让于你们。” This is he has thought many years later, best choice. 这是他想了很多年之后的,最好的选择。 He and six ear macaques draw back respectively one step, six ear macaques let loose human race, but Sun Wukong is not hostile to Monster Country, to these monster staying places. 他和六耳猕猴各退一步,六耳猕猴把人类放开,而孙悟空不敌视妖国,给那些妖怪一个避居的地方。 This also besides war, only solution. 这也是除了战争之外,唯一的解决方法。 We must eat the person.” “我们不可能不吃人。” white Lin said. 白麟说道。 Is why impossible.” “为什么不可能。” Sun Wukong shakes the head: That Monster Country such as Mountain of Flowers and Fruit has to eat to drink generally, if why human meat? If you hate human race, that will never meet is.” 孙悟空摇头:“那妖国花果山一般有吃有喝,又何必要是人肉?如果你们憎恨人族,那永不相见便是。” He said: I guarantee to restrain human race, does not visit the Monster Country territory.” 他说道:“我保证约束人族,不踏足妖国的领土。” white Lin gets down silent. 白麟沉默下去。 Goes, this is not the decision that you must make.” “去吧,这不是你要做的决定。” Sun Wukong said: You told six ear macaques, making him take responsibility.” 孙悟空说道:“你告诉六耳猕猴,让他做主。” white Lin looked at Sun Wukong, then cuped one hand in the other across the chest to do obeisance has done obeisance, turns around to leave Mountain of Flowers and Fruit. 白麟看了一眼孙悟空,然后拱手拜了一拜,转身离开花果山 No matter what, Sun Wukong's made him feel the impact magnanimous. 不管怎么说,孙悟空的大度还是让他感到了冲击。 King.” “大王。” After white Lin walks, Long Armed Ape Monkey looks at Sun Wukong: „Doesn't this matter need to tell Jade Emperor?” 白麟走后,通臂猿猴看着孙悟空:“这件事不用告诉玉帝吗?” Does not use.” “不用。” Sun Wukong said. 孙悟空说道。 He releases the good intentions, six ear macaque so intelligent fellows, must hold. 他释出善意,六耳猕猴如此聪明的家伙,不可能不会抓住。 As for Jade Emperor, he will not oppose. 至于玉帝,他根本不会反对。 white Lin leaves Mountain of Flowers and Fruit, hurries to toward Monster Country. 白麟离开花果山,往妖国赶去。 Flies half, buddhist aura dropped from the clouds together suddenly, keeps off in front. 飞到一半,一道佛光忽然从天而降,挡在了前面。 white Lin was startled, stopped hastily. 白麟吃了一惊,连忙停了下来。 Monk, what do you want to make?” “和尚,你要做什么?” Amitabha.” 阿弥陀佛。” A monk keeps off in front of white Qilin, holds their palms together saying: This poor monk presents the Buddha law aim, wants to visit six ear macaques, but also asked your excellency to guide for me.” 一个和尚挡在白麟面前,双手合十道:“贫僧奉佛祖法旨,想要拜访六耳猕猴,还请阁下为我带路。” white Lin feels stunned. 白麟感到一阵愕然。
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