„Does shecontrolthisswordwiththisfine lace? Such thinline, does herhowachievingmake the swordchange?”
“难道她是用这道细线操控这口剑?只是这么细的线,她是如何做到让剑转向的?”Qin Mufinds outmysterywithout enough time, immediatelydashesto go, onlylistens toduo, thatswordbrusheswithhim, pricksin a big tree, thoroughtree trunk.秦牧来不及想出其中的奥妙,立刻飞奔而去,只听咄的一声,那口剑与他擦身而过,刺入一株大树之中,深入树身。Thatswordas ifliving creature, beatsin the tree trunktwo, cannotdraw outfrom the tree trunk, immediatelythatfemalecomes, the slenderpalmgrips the sword hilt, pulls outfrom the tree trunk the treasured sword, annoyingsay/way: „MyWhite TigerTrue Essenceis weak, is unable to achieveto have at one's command......”
那口剑仿佛活物般,在树身中跳动两下,没能从树身中拔出,随即那女子飘然而至,纤细手掌握住剑柄,将宝剑从树身中抽出,懊恼道:“我的白虎真元还是不够强,无法做到如臂使指……”„Junior sister Qing, youcanchange tothin silkbyTrue Essence, controlling swordkill the enemy, was very great.”
“晴师妹,你能够以真元化作细丝,御剑杀敌,已经很了不起了。”Treads the wavewithhertogether, but the goodthatmanarrives atsideher, the gentle voicesaid with a smile: „Yourdefectiveis notcultivation base, butis the crucial moment, thismasterleadsusto arrive atGreat Ruinsto gain experience, is makesusmake upthisweakness. In the pastourselfishpractice, lackedactual combat, butnowthissmalldemonbastardisouractual combatopportunities, youthencangraspusing qi to control swordquickly.”
与她一起踏波而行的那个男子来到她身边,柔声笑道:“你欠缺的并非是修为,而是火候,这次师父带着我们来到大墟历练,便是让我们补上这个弱点。以往我们自顾自修炼,缺乏实战,而现在这个小魔崽子就是我们的实战机会,你很快便可以掌握以气御剑。”Anotherthreeyoungsterrush, a youngstersaid with a smile: „Thissmalldemonbastardchanges the deer, the deer was very agile, can therefore evadeSenior Sistercontrolling sword.”
另外三个少年赶至,其中一位少年笑道:“这小魔崽子变化成鹿,鹿本来便十分敏捷,所以能够躲过师姐的御剑。”ThatSenior Sister Qingenergeticbig quake , to continue controlling swordto puncturetoQin Mu, said with a smiletenderly: „Senior Brother Qu, youdo not wanttake actionfirst, leaves behindthissmalldemonbastardto practice the swordtoJunior Sister.”
那位晴师姐精神大震,继续御剑向秦牧刺去,娇笑道:“曲师兄,你先不要出手,留下这小魔崽子给师妹练练剑。”Senior Brother Quthentogethertreads the wavewithher, but the goodyoung man, hearing thisnods, said with a smile: „ThreeJunior Brother, togetherhowweappreciateJunior sister QingSword Art.”曲师兄便是与她一起踏波而行的年轻男子,闻言点头,笑道:“三位师弟,咱们一起欣赏晴师妹的剑法如何。”
Behind Qin Muavoidssword light that fliesfully, in the heartpuzzled: „using qi to control sword? The silk thread in thatfemalehandis not the genuinesilk thread, butisherorigin qi? origin qicanachievethisdegree, controls the treasured sword? Can Iachieve?”秦牧全力躲避背后飞来的剑光,心中不解:“以气御剑?难道那女子手中的丝线不是真正的丝线,而是她的元气?元气可以做到这种程度,操控宝剑?我能不能做到?”HefollowsButcherto studySlaughtering Pig Blade, Butcheronlyteacheshisdoublemanually controlledblade, actuallyneverteacheshimto useorigin qito control the blade, heknows nothingaboutthisaspect.
他跟随屠夫学习杀猪刀,屠夫只教他双手控刀,却从未教他用元气控刀,他对这方面一无所知。SawthatSenior Sister Qingusing qi to control sword, Qin Mualsohad the thoughts, sincecanusing qi to control sword, whethercancontrolotherthingswithorigin qi?
看到那位晴师姐以气御剑,秦牧也动了心思,既然可以以气御剑,是否可以用元气驾驭其他东西?HoweverthatSenior Sister Qingcontrolling swordchases downonce more, makinghimponder overwithout enough time. Moreoverhewas turned into a elkbyGrandma Sinow, the hands and feetis inconvenient, origin qi in within the bodyalsofalls into the deathly stillness, was inferior that the ordinarytimeis lively.
嗤sword lightflashes, fromrear, carries on the backto delimitfromQin Mu, the Qin Muonlysleepcarries on the backonecoolly, then the burningachetransmits, knew in the heartbythatSenior Sister Qingsword cutto the back.剑光闪动,从后方袭来,从秦牧背上划过,秦牧只觉背上一凉,接着火辣辣的疼痛传来,心知被那位晴师姐的剑伤到了背部。„Was bad, although the elkis quick, butwas inferiorafter all the genuinebodyis flexible, Iwas turned into the deerbyGranny, was injuredagain, perhapshas been doomed......”
“糟了,麋鹿虽快,但毕竟不如真正的身体灵活,我被婆婆变成了鹿,再受了伤,恐怕在劫难逃了……”Hejustthought ofhere, suddenlyonlythinks that ownmouthsplit.
他刚刚想到这里,突然只觉自己的嘴巴裂开了。Thisis nottruesplitting, butwas the mouthspot of deerskinwithdrawsfromhim!
这并非是真正的裂开,而是鹿皮的嘴巴部位从他身上脱开了!Qin MuthinksimmediatelyGrandma Sibyoneselfrun, quietlyfrom„him”foreheadtakes down a needle, thisneedle, isanchorageHeaven Soulthat!秦牧立刻想到司婆婆让自己快跑的时候,悄悄从“他”眉心取下一根针,这根针,正是定住天魂的那根!Quick, hishead and deerskinseparate.
很快,他的脑袋与鹿皮分开。Rearsword qifrom out of the blue, hassound, cutstohim, Qin Mupress forwardflushes away, the whole personruns outfrom the deerskin, turns the beltget lost/rolledcontinually, tumblesbeyond more than tenzhang (3.33 m), immediatelyjumps, takes to one's heelsto dash about wildly.
后方剑气破空,嗤嗤有声,向他斩下,秦牧奋力向前冲去,整个人从鹿皮中冲出,连翻带滚,跌倒十余丈外,随即纵身而起,撒腿狂奔。Inhimbehind, thatdeerskinwas cutbythatSenior Sister Qingusing qi to control swordcrushes, swordsuch asfloatingflower, round triplikeelectricity, obviouslythisfemalechases downon the way ofQin Mu's, Sword Artentersgreatly!
在他身后,那鹿皮被那位晴师姐以气御剑斩得粉碎,剑如飘花,来去如电,显然这女子追杀秦牧的途中,剑法大进!Qin Mubroke out of the deerskinfetterto delayafter allhas flickered, a youngstertrod the leaffrom the woods the line, dropped from the cloudsto fallonhisfront, blocked the way.秦牧摆脱鹿皮束缚毕竟还是耽搁了一瞬,一个少年从树林上空踏叶而行,从天而降落在他前方,挡住去路。Theyare distanced, only then2-3zhang (3.33 m), 2-3zhang (3.33 m)distance, twinklingbut, nextquartertwo peoplethenmeets the faceto the face!
两人相距只有两三丈,两三丈的距离,瞬息而至,下一刻两人便会脸对脸!Qin Muwithout enough timechanges, in the braindoes not haveany otherthoughtscannot help but, the bodyputs forthCrippleto teachtohisleg art, the headputs one's foot downon, the legsweepslike the tornado!秦牧来不及变向,脑中没有其他任何念头,身体不由自主的使出瘸子传授给他的腿功,头下脚上,腿如旋风般扫出!„Azure Dragonarm!”
“青龙臂!”Thatyoungstercompared withQin Muoldseveral years old, the smiling face of revealing the ridicule, both handsblock, twoarmssend outazuremistyrays of light, covers entirely the dragonclaw of Dragon Scaleto reappearfromboth handsskin, the Qin Mu'slegcollideswithhisarm, the dīng dīngtwosteelimpact noisestransmit, the smiling face on youngsterfacehas not vanished, thenstuffysnorted, does not basesteadily, was swept to draw back.
那个少年要比秦牧年长几岁,露出讥讽的笑容,双手封挡,两条手臂散发出一道道青蒙蒙的光芒,布满龙鳞的龙爪从双手皮肤上浮现出来,紧接着秦牧的腿与他的手臂碰撞,叮叮两声钢铁撞击声传来,那少年脸上的笑容还未消失,便闷哼一声,立足不稳,被扫得不得不退开。Histwoarmclothingbangbangblast out, twosleevephotographic paperbutterflyfluttering, detrituseverywheredances in the air, sees onlyhistwoarmsas ifto carvedragonclawtattoo, dragonclaw and armwinding.
It is not perfectmeets the Qin Mutwolegs, hisboth armsshortlywill becomeredandwill swell.
不过硬接秦牧两腿,他的双臂顷刻间变得又红又肿。„Inyourlegis hidingiron ingot?”
The youngsterpainresults inboth handsto shiver, startled and anger, the visionfallson the Qin Mu'sfoot: „Are shoesalso the iron?”
A Qin Mutwobrace, both feetfalls to the ground, dashes about wildlyto go.秦牧两手一撑,双足落地,狂奔而去。But the words of thisyoungsteralsoremindedhim, onhistwolegsindeedis tying up the iron ingot. Crippleteacheshimleg art, requestinghisboth legs to tie up the iron ingot, the rising and going to bedis walkingcannotloosen, mustbring.
但这少年的话也提醒了他,他的两条腿上的确绑着铁锭。瘸子教他腿功,要求他双腿必须绑着铁锭,起卧行走都不能解下,要一直带着。These days, Cripplesawhisbodyto be even more solid, the strengthwas getting stronger and stronger, thereforeis also getting more and more heavyin the iron ingot that hislegtied the arms. Moreover, CripplealsowantedblacksmithMuteto knit a metal shoetoQin Mu, increased the weight.
A double thicknessbottommetal shoe, istenjin (0.5 kg), the single legiron ingot, 20 cattys in weight, the Qin Mudoubleleggings50jin (0.5 kg)heavy item!
一双厚底铁鞋,重达十斤,单腿铁锭,重达20斤,秦牧双腿绑着50斤的重物!Cripplerequestshimto practice unable to feel that the weight of metal shoeandiron ingot, abilitytakes down the iron ingot, abilitytakes off the metal shoe, Qin Muthese dayshad been used to the metal shoe and iron ingot, took to one's heelsto dash about wildlya moment ago, has not thoughtquite the same asarecarries a heavy loadunexpectedlyrunning.瘸子要求他练到感觉不出铁鞋和铁锭的重量,才能取下铁锭,才能将铁鞋脱掉,秦牧这些日子已经习惯了铁鞋和铁锭,刚才撒腿狂奔,也浑然没有想起来自己居然是负重奔行。Stops the taking off shoessolutionto tie updefinitelyis overtaken, hecannotstop.
只是停下脱鞋解绑肯定会被追上,他万万不能停下。„Trampling Mt. Xumi!”
During Qin Muruns, suddenlyrightcatches upfully, displaysmove of Trampling Mt. Xumi, puts onto be steppedin the footmetal shoethickshoe solelikeis the mudsplashes, the metal shoeis split up, detritusin all directionscollapse and scattered.秦牧奔跑之中,突然右足发力,施展出一招踏破须弥山,穿在脚上的铁鞋厚厚的鞋底被踩得像是泥巴一样飞溅,铁鞋四分五裂,碎屑四处崩散。Meanwhile, hiscalfmuscletightens, thighmusclegroupagglomerates, the inflation, iron ingotsplit open, isadvantagearrowsduo duoinjectsinall aroundtreesoutwardlikely.
与此同时,他小腿肌肉绷紧,一条条腿部肌肉团成团,向外膨胀,将一根根铁锭崩开,像是一根根利箭咄咄射入四周的树木中。Qin Muanotherfootsteps forwardforward, falls, similarlytreads the brokenmetal shoe, the split openiron ingot.秦牧另一只脚向前跨出,落下,同样踏破铁鞋,崩开铁锭。Hū
呼Hisbodysuddenlyonelight, crossarrives at the treetop, had a scarehim.
他的身体突然一轻,一步跨到树梢,将他吓了一跳。Qin Mubarefoot, the tip of the toestepsintreetop, the bodystartstosinking.秦牧光着脚丫,脚尖踩在树梢上,身体开始向下沉去。But under, sword lightsparkles, puncturesbottom-up, whatheaving in sightisdozenssharpswordsis sharp!
而在下方,剑光闪闪,从下向上刺来,映入眼帘的是数十个锋利的剑尖!ThatSenior Sister Qingusing qi to control swordmethodwasmore and morefierce, shedid not controldozensswords, butwas a swordshake-outdozensswordsto be colored!
那位晴师姐以气御剑的手段是越来越厉害了,她并非驾驭数十口剑,而是一口剑抖出数十个剑花!Qin Muremembers the Cripplewordssuddenly: „Do not thinkplacewhethercarrying/sustaining that yourfootsteps onyourweight, so long asyourunenoughquickly, the wateris the flat land, the grassis the flat land, the airis the flat land, everywhereis a piece of level road!”秦牧突然想起瘸子的话:“不要去想你脚踩的地方能否承载你的重量,只要你跑得够快,水就是平地,草就是平地,空气就是平地,到处都是一片坦途!”
His tip of the toepoint, takes a stepto dash about wildly, backsword lightsoars to the heavens, hewill be standinga moment agothatbig treecrowncutscrushes!
他脚尖一点,迈步狂奔,背后剑光冲天,将刚才他所站着的那株大树树冠切得粉碎!Twoyoungsterjump, jumps the top of the tree, with amazementlooks atQin Muto step onbig treetreetop, the strong windsis howlingto go, the rapidness of thatfootsteps, makingonestare dumbfounded!
两个少年纵身而起,跳到树顶,骇然的看着秦牧踩着一株株大树树梢,狂风般呼啸而去,那脚步之快,令人瞠目结舌!„Thisfellow, mustbe smaller than ourage, is the speedsofast? Hiscultivation baseresembles...... Probablycompared withouralsostrongersome......”
“这家伙,比我们年纪还要小,速度怎么这么快?他的修为好像……好像比我们还要强一些……”Twoyoungsterjustthought ofhere, actuallyseesSenior Brother Quto howlspeedily, pursuestoQin Mu, the speedis faster than Qin Mu.
两个少年刚刚想到这里,却见曲师兄一溜烟般呼啸而起,向秦牧追去,速度比秦牧还要快。„Senior Brother QuwasSpirit EmbryopeakMartial Practitioner, the strength are too worthily more than us.”
“曲师兄不愧是灵胎巅峰的武者,实力比我们强太多了。”Theyacclaimed: „Senior Brother Qubeginspersonally, thissmalldemonbastardwas doomed.”
两人赞叹:“曲师兄亲自动手,这小魔崽子在劫难逃了。”Inthis time, in the wooded mountainssuddenlyraises a hugeshadow, a furrypalm of the hand of matsizegoestothatSenior Brother Quwheel, a palm of the handwill be inSenior Brother Qu that in the midairspeeds awayto select!
就在此时,山林之间突然升起一个巨大的阴影,一只席子般大小的毛茸茸的巴掌向那曲师兄轮去,一巴掌将身在半空中疾驰的曲师兄抽中!Senior Brother Qupulled outtoprotation, fliesbackward, bangdropsin the place, turns the beltget lost/rolledcontinuallydoes not knowmanyweeks, thisstops, justsatto set out, thenhas spat a blood, saidfierce: „Do not pass! Thereis the Devil Apeterritory, Devil Apelivesthere!”曲师兄被抽得陀螺般转动,向后飞来,轰隆跌落在地,连翻带滚不知多少周,这才止住,刚刚坐起身来,便哇的吐了口鲜血,厉声道:“不要过去!那里是魔猿的领地,有一只魔猿住在那里!”Otherfourpeoplepausehastily, sees only the shadow in thatmountain forestis a bigfearfulchimpanzee, both eyesare red, the fangbreaks out, totheirdoublefistthumpchest, the soundsuch as the battle drumthunders: „Little Guy! Death!”
其他四人连忙停步,只见那山林中的阴影正是一头大的可怕的黑猩猩,双目赤红,獠牙突起,冲着他们双拳捶胸,声音如战鼓轰鸣:“小不点儿!死!”ButjustQin Mu that dashes about wildlyinfrontalsopulled outto fallby this Devil Apepalm of the hand, dropsby the bigfoot of Devil Ape, motionless, acts recklessly.
而刚刚在前面狂奔的秦牧也被这头魔猿一巴掌抽落下来,跌落在魔猿的大脚旁边,一动不动,不知死活。Senior Sister Qingsaidin a low voice: „Senior Brother Quby this Devil Apepalm of the handsevere wound, thatsmalldemonbastardalsohad pulled out a palm of the handbyDevil Ape, shoulddie?”晴师姐低声道:“曲师兄都被这头魔猿一巴掌重伤,那小魔崽子也被魔猿抽了一巴掌,应该已经死了吧?”Hervoicehas not fallen, actuallyseesto lieinDevil ApenearbyQin Muleansto open the eyequietly, sizes upDevil Apesecretly, Senior Sister Qinghad a scare: „Hasn't thisfellowdied?”
她话音未落,却见趴在魔猿旁边的秦牧悄悄侧头张开眼睛,偷偷打量魔猿,晴师姐吓了一跳:“这家伙没死?”Thatjet blackDevil Apeshoutsseveral, sees the peoplenot to dareto go forward, thisrelinquished, looks downQin Mu, stretched outtwofingersto stand up from failureQin Mu: „Little Guy, death?”
那头漆黑的魔猿嘶吼几声,见众人不敢上前,这才作罢,低头看了看秦牧,伸出两根指头将秦牧翻过身来:“小不点儿,死?”Sees onlyQin Muboth eyesto stare the circle, bleeds profusely from the head, the tonguespits outside, obviouslydiesagaincannotdie!
只见秦牧双目瞪圆,七窍流血,舌头都吐在外面,显然死得不能再死!Devil Apehmph hmphtwo, „corpse”losesQin Mu'sin the one side, sat, pulls up a treeto eat the leafleisurely and carefree.魔猿哼哼两声,将秦牧的“尸体”丢在一旁,一屁股坐了下来,拔起一株树悠闲地吃着树叶。„Devil Apeis so ominous, is actually is a vegetarian.”Qin Mucontinuesto bleed profusely from the head, both eyesstarecircle, moves the shoulderto movequietlyoutward.
“魔猿这么凶,竟然是吃素的。”秦牧继续七窍流血,双目瞪圆,悄悄挪动肩头向外挪去。ThatDevil Apeturns headfiercely, Qin Mu's„corpse”is entirely still, Devil Apestubbornlyis staring athim, Qin Mu's„corpse”is entirely still.
那魔猿猛地回头,秦牧的“尸体”纹丝不动,魔猿死死的盯着他,秦牧的“尸体”还是纹丝不动。ThatDevil Apesearched the take actionfinger/refersto pokestamp„corpse”, discovered that „corpse”icy cold, becamehard, was very satisfied: „Little Guy, death.”Thereforeno longerpays attention, turns the headto eat the leafwith single-hearted devotion.
The distant place, Senior Sister Qingcannot bearsay: „Big fella, the Little Guycorpsesuchquicklybecomeshard, don't youthinkstrange?”
远处,晴师姐忍不住道:“大个子,小不点儿的尸体这么快就变得硬邦邦的,你不觉得奇怪吗?”ThatDevil Apeas ifcanunderstandherwords, has pattedownforehead, immediatelyhas turned around, actuallyseesthatLittle Guy„corpse”straighthas stood, the taking to one's heelshurricanegoes.
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