Qin Muthinks,Li River SchoolCult MasterMu Beifengfromtwo, thisnamedGu Linuanelderlyfromone, certainlyis fiercer! „Whatthisold seniorssaidisreal.”HesaidtoHu Ling'er.秦牧想了想,漓江派的掌教沐悲风是从二品,这个名叫顾离暖的老者是从一品,一定更厉害!“这位老前辈说的是真的。”他向狐灵儿道。Hu Ling'erwonders saying: „Howyouthenknowwhathesaidisreal?”狐灵儿纳闷道:“你怎么便知道他说的是真的?”„Dense fogisdragon soulspits.”
“迷雾是龙魂吐出来的。”Qin Mupoints at the soul that the palacemesosaurusmotheris walking randomly, sees onlythatdragon soulplace visited, the dense foggraduallybecomesrich, but the dense fogplace visited, dry corpsesfromstanding, as ifcansmell the position that Qin Muis, initiativefluttered.秦牧指着殿中龙母游走的魂魄,只见那龙魂所过之处,迷雾渐渐变得浓郁,而迷雾所过之处,一具具干尸又自站立起来,似乎能够嗅到秦牧所在的方位,主动的飘了过来。„Thistype of dense fogcanlet the condition that thesecorpsesfall intodo not livedo not die, is usedto protecther son'smethod, protects the method of thismain hall.” The Qin Muanalysissaid.
“这种迷雾能够让这些尸体陷入非生非死的状态,是用来保护她的儿子的手段,也是保护这座大殿的手段。”秦牧分析道。Hu Ling'eralsosawthis point, after dragonmotherdragon soulhas put out the dense fog that diverges, thesedry corpseswill then fall down, motionless, when the dense fogcoveredonce again, the dry corpsewill then live, attemptsperson who attackedentersthisplace.狐灵儿也看出了这一点,龙母的龙魂吐出的迷雾散去后,那些干尸便会坠地,一动不动,然而迷雾再度笼罩时,干尸便会又活过来,试图进攻进入此地的人。Thesedry corpseslikelyare the protector in thismain hall, protectshere, so as to avoid being seizeddragon pearl, disturbs the youngdragon„therapy”.
这些干尸像是这座大殿的守护者,守护这里,免得被人夺走龙珠,干扰到幼龙的“疗伤”。But the sources of thesedry corpses, onlyfeared that thensuch asthatelderly said that isdragon pearlcauses trouble, will intrude a Martial Practitionervitality in thisDragon Palaceto attractcleanly, comeswithother peoplevitalityfor the iceinyoungdragonXuming.
而这些干尸的来源,只怕便如那老者所说,是龙珠作祟,将闯入这座龙宫中的武者一身气血吸得一干二净,用他人气血来为冰中幼龙续命。Qin Muis: „Senior Gu, I, althoughhas the heart that rescues, but the younger generationstrengthis meager, onlyfeared that has a mindto be incapable.”秦牧为难道:“顾前辈,我虽然有相救的心,但是晚辈力量微薄,只怕是有心无力。”Gu Linuanhehesaid with a smile: „Younaturallydo not haveenoughstrengthto melt the dragon pearlthick ice, butIhave. So long asyouobeymydirection, thencansavemeto get out of trouble! So long asIget out of trouble, youwantanythingthento obtainanything!”顾离暖呵呵笑道:“你当然是没有足够的力量化解龙珠玄冰,但是我有。你只要听我的指挥,便可以救我脱困!只要我脱困,你想要什么便可以得到什么!”
During hesaid a wordis having the arrogance, obviously the Crown PrinceJunior Protectorstatuswas extremely high.
他言语之中带着傲气,显然太子少保的地位极高。„Old man, althoughwas surroundedby the thick ice, butcultivation base, thisthick icehas not frozen to deathme.”
“老夫虽然被玄冰困住,但一身修为还在,这玄冰还冻不死我。”Gu Linuansaid: „Iput togethercompletelyfinalcultivation base, moves the saber of mywaistto the iceoutside, yougrasp the saber, wentto cut the dragonfemalesoul! So long asdragonfemalesoulwere cut, dragon pearlthenagaincannot surroundme! WhenIget out of trouble, but can also donateyouthisdragon pearl!”顾离暖道:“我拼尽最后的修为,将我腰间的这口佩剑挪到冰外,你手持佩剑,去将龙母魂魄斩了!只要龙母魂魄被斩,龙珠便再也困不住我!待我脱困,还可以将这枚龙珠赠予你!”Qin Muhad a scare, loses the sound said: „Has cut the dragonfemalesoul? The seniors, the younger generationjustpracticearrived atSpirit Embryo Realm, is onlynot worthy of mentioningMartial Practitioner, howpossiblyto cutto kill the dragonfemalesoul?”秦牧吓了一跳,失声道:“斩了龙母魂魄?前辈,晚辈才刚刚修炼到灵胎境界,只是个微不足道的武者,怎么可能斩杀龙母魂魄?”Gu Linuansneers saying: „Younaturallycannot, but after youhave usedmysword, naturallythenenergy! Mythisswordis noteverything, is notthatlow-gradegoods that behindyoucarries, thisswordis the saber of royal government! Is the Eternal Peaceroyal governmentsetworldskilled craftsman, withmost excellenttreasurerefinement! Eternal Peace Empire, a government position, only then16, suchswordalsoonly then16, have the namerespectively! Mythissword, namedJunior Protector Sword!”顾离暖冷笑道:“你自然不能,但是你用了我的剑后自然便能!我这口剑不是凡物,也不是你背后背着的那口低档货,这口剑乃是朝廷的一品佩剑!是延康朝廷集合天下能工巧匠,用最上乘的宝物炼制而成!延康国,一品官职只有16个,这样的剑也只有16口,各有名字!我这口剑,名叫少保剑!”Qin Muhesitates, said: „monk staff of thisswordincompared withmyhandhow?”秦牧迟疑,道:“这口剑比我手中的禅杖如何?”Gu Linuanscoffsto say with a smile: „Old MonkKhakkhara is very no doubt good, Great Thunderclap Monastery is also in the worldunusualprestigious familybigfaction, but can a treasure of school of strengthforging, with the treasure of strength of forgingcausing the downfall of the nation, howplace on a par? InEternal Peace Empire, similarGreat Thunderclap Monasterysuchprestigious familybigfaction, has2-3.”顾离暖嗤笑道:“老和尚的隙弃罗固然很不错,大雷音寺也是天底下少有的名门大派,但是一派之力锻造的宝物,与倾国之力锻造的宝物,岂可相提并论?延康国中,类似大雷音寺这样的名门大派,却还是有两三个的。”InQin Muheartslightly shakes, is somewhat puzzled, asked: „Senior, sincehasthisgrade of treasure, whydidn't cutto kill the dragonfemalesoul?”秦牧心中微震,又有些不解,问道:“前辈既然拥有这等宝物,为何不自己斩杀了龙母魂魄?”Gu Linuanspeechless, passed the moment, said: „Ihad not thought of the key, saw after dragon pearl, thenplanned that cancelsthishidden dangerfor the younger generation, onedoes not pay attention the move, whendiscovered that is unable to get ridfrozenalreadylate! After Ibyfrozen, can only defend stubbornlyorigin qi, maintainsoneselfdoes not freeze to deathby the thick ice, wantsto controlthisswordsomewhatto lack the ability to do what one would like. Youknow how manyyearsIwas sealedhere?”顾离暖无语,过了片刻,道:“我原本没有想到关键,见到龙珠之后便打算为后人抹去这个隐患,一不留神中招,待发现无法摆脱冰封就已经晚了!我被冰封之后,只能固守元气,保持自己不被玄冰冻死,想要操控此剑已经有些力不从心。你知道我被封在这里多少年了吗?”Hesobbed: „Entire200years! For 200years, Iwas sealedhere, cancontinue the lifeto the present, forwas not extremely easy!”
The Qin Musympathy, said: „200years of frozen, tradesto doisI, perhapswas already insane, the seniorcaninsist that the present is really great.”秦牧同情不已,道:“200年冰封,换做是我,恐怕早就疯了,前辈能够坚持到现在真是了不起。”Gu Linuansighed: „Youcamefortunately. Iorigin qi that usesmeonlyto save, sends out the thick icethisJunior Protector Sword, youcutto kill the dragonfemalesoulforme, savesmeto get out of trouble!”顾离暖叹息道:“还好你来了。我用我仅存的元气,将这口少保剑送出玄冰,你替我斩杀龙母魂魄,救我脱困!”Qin Munods, saidwith deep veneration: „Younger generationdoes certainly everything possible!”秦牧点头,肃然道:“晚辈一定尽力而为!”Gu Linuanstirsorigin qi that onlysaves, sees only the saber of hiswaistto movein the iceunexpectedlyslowly, is only the traveling speedis very slow. After more than double-hour, thisJunior Protector Swordwillreveals the sword hilt.顾离暖鼓荡仅存的元气,只见他腰间的佩剑竟然在冰中缓缓移动,只是移动速度很慢。一个多时辰过后,这口少保剑才堪堪露出剑柄。Alsoafter a period of time, the entiresword hiltdewcomes out, but the scabbardwas sealed upby the thick iceas before.
又过了一段时间,整个剑柄露出来,只是剑鞘依旧被玄冰封住。Gu Linuanappearssomewhatexhausted, soundhoarsesay/way: „Myorigin qiconsumedquicklyup, the youngster, youcutto killdragonmotheras soon as possible!”顾离暖显得有些疲惫,声音沙哑道:“我的元气快耗光了,少年,你尽快斩杀龙母!”Qin Mucomplied withone, armthickorigin qi threaddeparted, curls up the sword hilt, dark greenlang, Junior Protector Swordcame out of the sheath, immediatelywas shining!秦牧应了一声,手臂粗的元气丝飞出,卷起剑柄,苍啷一声,少保剑出鞘,顿时寒光四射!Qin Muand a Hu Ling'erboth eyespain, seemed injured the eyebysword light, after a whileboth eyesthenrestoresuch asbeginning, cansee clearlyall aroundthing.秦牧和狐灵儿双眼一痛,仿佛被剑光伤到了眼睛,过了不久双眼这才恢复如初,能够看清四周的事物。„What do youmake?”
“你做什么?”Gu Linuansaw that Qin Muthickincomparableorigin qi threadcurls upJunior Protector Swordto pursue the dragonfemalesoulto strike off, actuallyhundreddo not chop, does not know whether to laugh or cry, said: „What are youmaking? Hasyoursuchusing qi to control sword? YourSword Control Technique that whoteaches? YourSword Art that whoteaches?”顾离暖看到秦牧粗大无比的元气丝卷起少保剑追着龙母魂魄砍去,却百砍不中,不由哭笑不得,道:“你在做什么?有你这样以气御剑的吗?谁教的你控剑术?谁教的你剑法?”Qin Mustops, blusheshoweversaid: „MynotSword Control Technique, has not studiedSword Art.”秦牧停下,赧然道:“我不会控剑术,也没学过剑法。”Gu Linuanair/Qihalf dead, big, gets angry: „YourSword Control Technique, Sword Art, whydo not carrysword pouch?”顾离暖气个半死,头不禁大了起来,怒道:“你不会控剑术,不会剑法,为何还要背着个剑囊?”Qin Musaidashamed: „Thissword pouchis very heavy, Icarrybehindam regardingcultivation......”秦牧羞愧道:“这剑囊很重,我背在身后当成一种修行……”Gu Linuannearlyspits blood, thisshoddySword Artmakeshimwish one couldfrom the thick iceto jump.顾离暖险些吐血,这种拙劣的剑法让他恨不得从玄冰中跳出来。„Good, Iteachyourusing qi to control swordSword Control TechniqueandSword Art.”
“好吧,我传授你以气御剑的控剑术和剑法。”Hedepresses the heart the anger, said: „After youlearned, thencancutto killdragonmother.”
他压下心头的怒气,道:“你学会了之后,便可以斩杀龙母。”Qin Mushakes the head saying: „Inotstudy.”秦牧摇头道:“我不学。”
The Gu Linuanair/Qiresults in the three evil spiritsto fly into a rage, ifwere not sealed upby the thick ice, healreadyjumpedto beat mercilesslyonethisbrat.顾离暖气得三尸神暴跳如雷,如果不是被玄冰封住,他早就跳出来将这个臭小子毒打一顿了。„Granny said that somepeoplewill teachmebettersword technique, ifIhave studiedsword technique of otherpeople, thatpersonwill then not teachme.”
The Gu Linuanillness brought on by the obstruction of flow of vital energy, hahasaid with a smile: „Bettersword technique? Youmayknow,in the worldbestsword techniqueisEternal Peace Empiresword technique! Imperial PreceptorcollectsworldSword Art, gathers together, callsworldGrandmasterSword Art, createsSword Art! sword technique that wisdom of setworldGrandmasterSword Art, founds, isbestSword Art? Mustexceedtheseso-calledSectPatriarchaloneto try to find outSword Art that founds? Theseso-calledswordssendinheritancestor'sinherited from predicessors, is conservative and complacent, thinksfatherinvincible, as everyone knowsalreadycast off the long distance!”顾离暖气结,哈哈笑道:“更好的剑术?你可知道,天底下最好的剑术就是延康国的剑术!国师搜罗天下剑法,汇聚一堂,召集天下剑法大师,共创剑法!集合天下剑法大师的智慧,所开创的剑术,是不是最好的剑法?是不是要胜过那些所谓的门派祖师独自摸索开创的剑法?那些所谓的剑派不过是继承祖宗的余荫,固步自封,自认为老子天下无敌,殊不知早就被甩开十万八千里了!”Qin Mustayed, onlythinks that hiswordsaregreatlyare really reasonable, is unable to refute.秦牧呆了呆,只觉他的话实在是大有道理,无法反驳。Because of the Li River Sword Factionevent, inhisinnermost feelingsdoes not havemanyfavorable impressionstoEternal Peace Imperial Preceptoractually, the Eternal Peace Imperial Preceptorbearingalsomadehimadmire.
因为漓江剑派的事件,其实他内心中对延康国师是没有多少好感的,不过延康国师的气度又令他佩服。Canhave such bigbreadth of spirit, removessectarianism, disregards the difference of Sect, profits by opinions from various sources, GrandmasterSword Art who lets the worldgathersatEternal Peace Empire, createsSword Art, suchperson, has no alternative butto be praiseworthy.
能有这么大的气魄,排除门户之见,无视门派之别,集思广益,让天下的剑法大师都聚集在延康国,共创剑法,这样的人,不能不让人钦佩。„Notstudy.”Qin Mushakes the headto say.
“不学。”秦牧摇头道。Gu Linuancracks-up the thick iceto clashto hangto pull outhisbuttockshimmaliciously, oneselftried every means to persuade, hestudy, reallydid not oweto hitunexpectedly.顾离暖撞碎玄冰冲出去将他吊起来狠狠抽他屁股,自己好说歹说,他竟然还是不学,着实欠打。Passed the moment, Gu Linuansaid with a smilesuddenly: „Good, Ido not pass onyourSword Art, Ipass onyourSword Control Technique. Sword Control Techniqueis notSword Art, after youlearned, did not delayyouto studySword Art of otherpeople.”
过了片刻,顾离暖突然笑道:“好,我不传你剑法,我传你控剑术。控剑术不是剑法,你学会了之后,不耽误你学习其他人的剑法。”In the Qin Muheartmoves slightly, nod of pushing someone take on a difficult job.秦牧心中微动,勉为其难的点了点头。„It seems likeyou are also not the rotten wood that cannotbe carved, knows the quality. ThisSword Control Techniqueis calledLoyal Heart Secret Art, ishowteachesyouto control the sword, does not teachsword technique.”
The Gu Linuanspiritshakes, said: „Whatloyalty? pillisscarlet, is the having no timebeautifuljade, isninerevolutions of Spirit Pill, the loyalty is the heart of absolute sincerity, has no time, butexquisitely carvedheart, ninerevolutionsdo not have the heart of slightest bitdistracting thoughtspurely. ThisSword Control Technique, whatartis the mindis pure, has the pure feelings, controls the swordwith the pure feelings, the heartto the sword, does not havetowardis disadvantageous! The law of daylower controlsword, stems fromincompetentlyitsright! The firststep of Pill Refiningheart: The heartfire, the furnaceinfield, the pent-up angerrefining upTrue Essence, the furnaceTakocrisscrossing footpaths between fields, the fire seedplantsin the boundary ridges between fields! Daresto teachYangGodtensunrises, the scorching sunSacred Fireshiningheartburns......”顾离暖精神一震,道:“何谓丹心?丹是赤,是无暇美玉,是九转灵丹,丹心便是赤诚之心,无暇而玲珑剔透之心,九转纯净没有半分杂念之心。这门控剑术,讲究的是心灵纯净,有赤子之心,以赤子之心控剑,心到剑到,无往而不利!天下控剑之法,无能出乎其右!炼丹心的第一步:心似火,炉在田,心火炼真元,炉田耕阡陌,火种栽埂间!敢教阳神十日出,骄阳圣火耀心燔……”Qin Muhastilyattentivememory, Loyal Heart Secret ArtSword Control Techniquesublime words with deep meaning, althoughthere ismnemonics, but if no person of high skillto explainmystery, howalsowill not understandpractice.秦牧连忙用心记忆,丹心诀控剑术微言大义,尽管有口诀,但是如果没有高人讲解其中的奥妙,也不会懂得如何修炼。Gu Linuanread aloudLoyal Heart Secret Artentire, thenexplanationgoodmeritword for wordwas mysterious, hearing a Qin Muheartspiritapeto touch own ears and cheeks, jumps up and down.顾离暖将丹心诀全篇念诵一遍,然后逐字逐句的讲解其中的行功奥妙,听得秦牧一颗心似灵猿抓耳挠腮,跳上跳下。Crossedlong time, Gu LinuanexplainedLoyal Heart Secret Art, said: „Youpractice, thencontrols the swordfirst, many on the 10 th, little, youthencanusing qi to control sword, controlJunior Protector Swordto cut on the 2nd to kill the dragonfemalesoul! YoucherishedthatLittle Foxalsoobtainedyourkindness, has learnedin the worldbestSword Control Technique, was a chance.”
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