Qin Mustares the bigeye, thiscommon can monk staff, buyunderBorder Dragon City?秦牧瞪大眼睛,这个不起眼的禅杖,能够买得下镶龙城?„Thismonk staffnamedKhakkhara, four12points, areGreat Thunderclap MonasteryRulairefine, are usedto hit the personalsoyes, the valueshouldbe ableto compare favorably withBorder Dragon City.”
“这禅杖名叫隙弃罗,四股12环,是大雷音寺的如来所炼,用来打人也是可以,价值应该能够比得上镶龙城。”Grandfather Maintroduced: „Thismonk staffmanyfunctionsarepractice, yougripmonk staff, the heart movementcirculationg motion, the linkmove, the distracting thoughts in yourheartwill then vanish, eliminates the heart demontreasure. 12links, canbreakyour12distracting thoughts, except12heart demon. When heart demongives birth, the linkwill then make a sound, heart demonwill then be belayedby the ring, refiningto becomedust. The stickdividesfour, breaksfourto liveandreadfour, to cultivatefour, to enterfourZenattentively, the handgraspsthisstickcultivation, twice the result with half the effort.”马爷介绍道:“不过这禅杖更多的作用是修炼之用,你握住禅杖,心动则环动,环一动,你心中的杂念便会消失,是除心魔的宝物。12个环,可以断你12种杂念,除12种心魔。心魔生出时,环便会响,心魔便会被圆环套住,炼化成灰。杖分四股,断四生、念四谛、修四等、入四禅,手握此杖修行,事半功倍。”
The Grandma Sieyehas shoneimmediately, both eyesshine, are staring atmonk staff in Qin Muhand, said with a smile: „Mu'er, monk staffborrowsGrannyto makefirst, Grannylives inbigheart demonat heart, has entangledGrannylong time!”司婆婆眼睛顿时亮了,双眼放光,盯着秦牧手中的禅杖,笑道:“牧儿,禅杖先借婆婆使一使,婆婆心里住着一个大心魔,缠了婆婆良久!”Qin MugivesGrandma SiKhakkharamonk staff, saidcuriously: „Granny, whatheart demon do youlive in?”秦牧将隙弃罗禅杖交给司婆婆,好奇道:“婆婆,你心里住着什么心魔?”„An old fogy.”
“一个老家伙。”Grandma Sisighed, with a worried look: „Refining up the old fogy who refining updoes not die. Ihave killedhisa lot, heis also living, has livedinmyadds to the chaostomeat heart! Ifthistimecanrefinehimbymonk staff, Icanbe enjoyable.”司婆婆叹了口气,愁眉不展:“怎么炼都炼不死的老家伙。我杀了他千百遍,他还活着,一直住在我的心里给我添乱!这次若是能靠禅杖炼死他,我就可以舒心了。”Qin Mudoes not know that herOld Devilisanything, Grandma Sihad not said that monk stafffallsin her hands, crash-bangmakes noiseimmediately, 12linksrocktogether, deafening.秦牧还是不知道她心里的老魔头到底是什么,司婆婆也没有多说,那禅杖落在她手中,顿时哗啦啦作响,12个环一起晃动,震耳欲聋。
The Grandma Sidemonic naturewritings, the bodyis filling a terrifyingpalpitationimposing manner, thisimposing mannerat alllikeher, does not seem likeanotherperson!司婆婆魔性大作,身上弥漫着一股恐怖心悸的气势,这种气势根本不像她,反倒像是另一个人!Qin Muis absolutely terrified, Grandma Siwithin the body is actually occupied byanotherperson!秦牧不由毛骨悚然,司婆婆体内竟然住着另一个人!Blind, Grandfather Ma, Cripple, ApothecaryandMuteand the othersare the fine hairbut is actually also vertical, withdrawshurriedlyrespectivelyonestep, thisterrifyingauramakesthemalsofeel the incomparabledanger!瞎子、马爷、瘸子、药师和哑巴等人也都是汗毛倒竖,急忙各自退后一步,这股恐怖气息让他们也感觉无比危险!Passed the moment, Grandma Siis dejected, gives back toQin Mumonk staff, said: „Thisthingis useless, howOld Devil. The daykills, howcannot killhim!”
过了片刻,司婆婆颓然,将禅杖还给秦牧,道:“这东西没用,奈何不得老魔头。天杀的,怎么就弄不死他!”Qin Mureceivedmonk staff, wantsto insertin the back, withbamboo staffputs together, butmonk staffis too long, behind placesis not then ableto take a walk, musttakein the hand.秦牧接过禅杖,想要插在背后,和竹杖放在一起,不过禅杖太长,放在背后便无法走动,只得拿在手里。„ThrowsonthisthingOx cart, youare not a monk.”
“把这东西扔到牛车上,你又不是和尚。”Grandfather Masaid: „Todaygoes to the market, you have passed, adopted the test. Behindthendid not needto hitagain, candefeat the Great Thunderclap Monasterydisciple, was in itself a greatestachievement. However, thatMing Xinis not the Rulaidisciple, is badto the Rulaidisciple , do youunderstand?”马爷道:“今天赶集,你算是过关了,通过了考验。后面便不用再打了,能够战胜大雷音寺的弟子,本身就是一个莫大的成就。不过,那个明心并非是如来的弟子,离如来的弟子还差得很远,你明白吗?”Qin Mulosesthispreciousincomparablemonk stafftoOx cartonconveniently, saidcuriously: „Rulaidisciplestrong?”秦牧随手将这杆贵重无比的禅杖丢到牛车上,好奇道:“如来的弟子有多强?”Grandfather Masaidlightly: „Iin the past was the Rulaidisciple. Whenyoucandefeatme, istrueOverlord Body.”马爷淡淡道:“我当年便是如来的弟子。什么时候你能击败我,才算是真正的霸体。”
The Qin Muheartslightly shakes, heandGrandfather Mapractices boxingevery day, Grandfather MausemerelyisSpirit Embryo Realmcultivation base, even if so, hewere hitbyGrandfather Mablack and blue.秦牧心头微震,他和马爷每天练拳的时候,马爷动用的仅仅是灵胎境界的修为,但即便如此,他还是被马爷打得鼻青脸肿。Mustknow,Grandfather Maonly has an arm, ifhisboth armsare complete, the strengththiscanbefearful?
要知道,马爷只有一条手臂,倘若他的双臂齐全,实力该会是何等可怕?Qin Muknows,Spirit Embryo Realm have very longsection of road to walk.秦牧知道,灵胎境界自己还有很长一段路要走。
The Grandmother Templerural fairtwodayswill end, to the evening, manypeoplestartedto tidy up the respectivecargo, move intoGrandmother Temple, thistemple is very broad, there is a stone statueprotection, is very uncommon. Hideshere, darknessis not then ableto attack, isplace of the security.奶奶庙的集市两天才会结束,到了傍晚,许多人都开始收拾各自的货物,搬入奶奶庙,这座庙宇很是广阔,也有石像守护,很是不凡。躲在这里,黑暗便无法侵袭过来,是个安全之地。Qin Muis harnessingOx cart, catches up withintoGrandmother TempleOx cart, looks up, sees only the setting sunto hangon the mountain top, is shiningthispiece of Heavenly Wolf Palace.秦牧驾着牛车,将牛车赶入奶奶庙,抬头一看,只见夕阳挂在山头上,照耀着这片天狼宫。
After heenters the temple, whyknowsHeavenly Wolf Palace on mapto be called asGrandmother Temple, becauseheretemplemain hallis consecrating an appearancegentlelovableold woman.
The old womanbenign countenance, likelyis the youngold lady in neighboring village, in the eye some crafty, carves is expressive, vivid and lifelike.
那老妪慈眉善目,像是个邻村的小老太婆,眼睛中又有一些狡狯,雕琢得很是传神,栩栩如生。Qin Muactuallythought that shelooks likeGrandma Sivery much, looked attwo, butheusesHeaven's Eyeto lookhad a scarebut actually.秦牧竟然觉得她很像司婆婆,多看了两眼,不过他用上神霄天眼去看倒吓了一大跳。
The old lady of thisbenign countenanceis filling the dreadfularroganceunexpectedly, herdivine lightforms an incomparablybigincomparablyhugegreatwolf, face upwards the roaringshape, as to swallow the heaven!
这个慈眉善目的老太婆竟然弥漫着滔天的气焰,她的神光形成一头无比高大无比庞大的巨狼,仰天咆哮状,似乎欲吞噬苍天!Herebesides the main hall, your presencepalace, twoside halls, has the occupying land areaverybroadgardenin addition, basin, but the gardendid not have the flowers and plants, the basinwas also dry, underbasinalsoseveralbones.
这里除了正殿,还有一座前殿,两座偏殿,除此之外还有占地很广的花园,水池,不过花园已经没有了花草,水池也干涸了,水池下还有几具骨头。Qin Mucollectedto look atone, shouldbe the fishbone, butwas very big, about 67 ten feets in length, whatwas strange, thisfishbonewas growing the dragonsameskullunexpectedly!秦牧凑过去看了一眼,应该是鱼骨头,不过很大,长约67丈,古怪的是,这鱼骨头竟然长着龙一样的头骨!Apothecarycallshim, brings the medicineto apply ointmenttohiswound, another sideBlindandMutein the omelette, thathendragonhave gotten down an egg of coconut treesize, in„dágiggledá”is crying out.药师将他唤回来,取来伤药给他的伤口敷药,另一边瞎子和哑巴则在煎蛋,那只鸡婆龙下了一只椰子大小的鸡蛋,正在“咯哒咯咯哒”的叫唤着。InGrandmother Temple, othervillagersalsostartto light a fireto prepare food, are on the decline, after the dinner, thenmustrest.奶奶庙中,其他村民也开始生火做饭,日薄西山,晚饭之后便要睡了。Inthis time, outside the templeis runningsuddenly a young man, the anxiety of whole face, called outloud: „Midwife! Does herehave the midwife? Mywifesoonlived!”
正在此时,突然庙外跑来一个年轻男子,满脸的焦急,高声叫道:“老娘婆!这里有老娘婆吗?我娘子快要生了!”In the temple the peoplestand upto lookrespectivelytohim,actuallynobodysays a word.
庙里众人各自站起身向他看去,却没有人做声。Grandma Sisets out, saidtremblingly: „Oldbodyusuallyinreceivedto live, is experienced. Can yourmadamealsowait? The weatherquickwas black, ifcanwait tilltomorrow, the oldbodycanpassone......”司婆婆起身,颤巍巍道:“老身平日里接过生,手熟。你夫人还能等等吗?天色快黑了,倘若能够等到明天,老身可以过去一趟……”That yearlightmalepūtōngknelt, kotowedagain and again, called out: „Could not wait! Alsoinvitedmidwifebrightness, rescued! The childdifficult labor, the village'smidwifecannot receive!”
那年轻男子噗通跪地,连连叩首,叫道:“等不及了!还请老娘婆慧手,搭救则个!孩子难产,村里的老娘婆接生不来!”Grandma Silooked at the setting sun, reveals the color/look of feeling embarrassed.司婆婆看了看夕阳,露出为难之色。„Help! Help!”
“救命!救命!”That year the lightmanknocked the foreheadto bleed, cries saying: „Mywifehad been withseveralchildrenfor these years, did not have in labor, lived dead! Ifthistimedid not have, my familywas then never recurring!”
那年轻男子磕得额头流血,大哭道:“我娘子这几年怀了好几个孩子,都在临盆的时候没了,生出来就死了!这次如果也没了,我家便要绝后了!”Grandma Siis surprised: „Doesn't haveinhaving a child?”司婆婆惊讶:“都是在生孩子的时候没的?”That year the lightmannoddedagain and again, the Grandma Sidoubtsaid: „Sincecanbe pregnantto be in labor, was impossible born dies, inthishad the strangeness. Does yourvillageleavethisis far?”
那年轻男子连连点头,司婆婆狐疑道:“既然能怀孕临盆,不可能出生就死,这里面定有古怪。你们村离这远不远?”„It is not far! ToGrandmother Temple, only thenless than20miles!”
“不远!离奶奶庙只有不到20里地!”Grandma Sishot a look at the setting sun, breathed a sigh of relief, said: „Less than20miles? Youare the Zhangzhuangstronghold, the Zhangzhuangstrongholdis not far, the darknesshad timebefore. Blind, Mu'er, yougoalong withmetogether, thisinsidesomefishy.”司婆婆瞥了瞥夕阳,舒了口气,道:“不到20里地?你是张庄寨的,张庄寨不远,天黑之前赶得及。瞎子,牧儿,你们随我一起去,这里面有些蹊跷。”Qin Muis surprised, Grandma Siintemperamentis usually strange, has not thought that unexpectedlyis a warm-heartedperson.秦牧惊讶,司婆婆平日里脾气古怪,没想到竟还是如此热心的一个人。
The mancrawlsto set outhastily, takes to one's heelsto dash about wildly, runsto the direction of Zhangzhuangstronghold, heshouldbeMartial Practitioner, the speedis quick, lestwithout enough time, will then urgeGrandma Siand the others, actuallyseesGrandma SiandBlindas beforesteadyfollowinginhis, eventhat11 or 12-year-oldyoungsteralsofollowedcontinually.
那男子连忙爬起身来,撒腿狂奔,向张庄寨的方向跑去,他应该是个武者,速度很快,唯恐来不及,正要回头催促司婆婆等人,却见司婆婆和瞎子依旧稳稳的跟在他的身后,甚至连那个十一二岁的少年也跟了上来。„Yourfootstepsare too slow.”
“你脚步太慢。”Blindcalmsaid: „Mu'er, youcarryhim, the speedis faster, so as to avoidSunset.”瞎子老神在在道:“牧儿,你背着他,速度快一些,免得太阳落山了。”Qin Murushesimmediatelygoes, carriesrashlythatman, said: „Youwere careful that behindmehasblade, do not cutyou.”秦牧立刻冲上前去,不由分说将那男子背起,道:“你小心我背后有刀,不要割伤你。”Malequickly said: „Puts downme, yourun not quicklyat the back ofme......”
那男子连忙道:“放下我,你背着我跑不快……”Hisvoicehas not fallen, suddenlyeartransmits the strong windsto howl, Qin Mujumps, jumps out the mountain forest, foot treads the leafhurricaneto goat the back ofhim!
The manis panic-stricken, the sound of the wind that twoearshearis getting bigger and bigger, onlythinks that carrieshisyoungsterfootstepsto be also getting quicker and quicker, in the heartshocksinexplicably: „Thislittleelder brother is practice? Toowere more than me!”
那男子惊骇,两耳边传来的风声越来越大,只觉那背着他的少年脚步也越来越快,心中震惊莫名:“这小哥儿是怎么修炼的?比我强太多了!”Qin Muis dashing about wildly, onetypestread the wind, but the goodfeeling, in the heartmoves slightly: „Grandpa Cripplesaid when hequenches the body, inSpirit Embryo Realm, steps onwindpointto tread the wind the line. IfIcanfindwindpoint, cantread the wind the line? However, whatiswindpoint?”秦牧在狂奔之中,有一种踏风而行的感觉,心中微动:“瘸爷爷说他淬体时,是在灵胎境界,踩着风尖儿踏风而行。倘若我能找到风尖儿,岂不是也可以踏风而行?不过,什么是风尖儿?”Heis running, has no timeto ponder. Backthatmanstillinbeing worried aboutGrandma SiandthatBlindwhetherwith, to see onlysuddenlysawthesetwoold mansit cross-leggedto situnexpectedly, followsbehindQin Mu, these two tornadoare curledwalkingbyQin Mudashing about wildlyis leadingunexpectedly, the speedis not slower than Qin Mu!
他在奔跑之中,无暇细想。背后那男子还在担心司婆婆和那个瞎子能否跟上来,突然间只见看到这两个老人竟然盘膝而坐,跟在秦牧背后,这两人竟然被秦牧狂奔带着的旋风卷着走,速度丝毫不比秦牧慢!„Whatmovement technique is this?”
“这是什么身法?”Hisbrainwas ignorant, SundropsXishanfinally, darknesscomes in wavesfrom the West, blots out the sky, place visitedallwere swallowedbydarkness.
The Qin Muspeedis extremely fast, sees the Zhangzhuangstrongholdfrom afar, immediatelydashes about wildlyto go, beforedarknesswill soon overtakehim, finallybreaks in thatvillage!秦牧速度极快,远远看到张庄寨,立刻狂奔而去,在黑暗即将追上他之前,终于冲入那个村庄之中!Hū
呼Althoughhestopsfigure, however the backgalehowlsto blowas beforeforward, Grandma Siandsitting of Blindcalmin the wind, fluttersforward several feetfar, this both legsstretch, steadilystanding of dāng dānginground.
他虽然止住身形,但是背后的大风依旧呼啸向前吹去,司婆婆和瞎子老神在在的坐在风中,向前飘出十几丈远,这才双腿舒展开来,稳稳当当的站在地面上。Qin Mustartled, inheartwild with joy: „Windpoint, thisiswindpoint!”秦牧怔了怔,心中狂喜:“风尖儿,原来这就是风尖儿!”
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