Thatyoung monkMing Xinhearing thisflies into a rage, scolds saying: „Treason and heresy, yourdaringshameBuddha!”
那小和尚明心闻言不由勃然大怒,呵斥道:“大逆不道,你胆敢辱佛!”Qin Mushows the smiling face, a heartis thoroughly peaceful, in the lookreveals the self-confidencebeyond comparison, no matterthisyoung monkstrengthhow, no matterhiscultivation techniquehow, helostin the mood!秦牧露出笑容,一颗心彻底安宁下来,眼神中流露出无以伦比的自信,不管这个小和尚的实力如何,不管他的功法如何,他在心境上已经输了!Grandfather MaoppositeOld Monkis indecisive, Qin Mu'sthata few wordsseem likelawless, let aloneshameBuddha, even ifwereGods and Devilsalsosimilarlyinsulted, butfell into hisear is actually not the treason and heresy, butwas the axiom!马爷对面的老和尚犹豫不决,秦牧的那一句话看似无法无天,别说辱佛,就算是神和魔也同样侮辱了,但是落入他的耳中却不是大逆不道,而是至理名言!In the heartdoes not haveBuddha, only thenachieves Buddhahood.
心中无佛,方可成佛。In the hearthadBuddha, thenagainis unable to achieve Buddhahood.
心中有了佛,便再也无法成佛。In the heartdoes not have the demon, only thenbecomes the demon.
心中无魔,方可成魔。In the hearthad the demon, thenagainis unable to becomedemon.
心中有了魔,便再也无法成魔。Ming XinRealmhas not arrived, could not realize that these words, buthehas had profound understanding. Old Monkafterstepping intoCelestial BeingRealm, comprehendsthese words the true meaning, buthepracticeto the Life and Deathboundary, Buddha in heart was unable to breaknow, cultivation baseis deeper, moreknows the goddemonto be fearful, moreknowsRulaito be general.明心的境界未到,体会不了这句话,而他已经深有体会。老和尚是在踏入天人境界后,才领悟出这句话的真谛,但是他现在已经修炼到了生死境,心中的佛还是无法打破,修为越深,越知神魔可怕,越知如来广大。easy to grasp but difficult to put into practice.知易行难。
The sametruthspitsfrom the mouth of Qin Muthisbaby, appearsextremelystrange. Whatis stranger, thisbabyactuallysaidoneselfbrokegodBuddha in heart!
相同的道理从秦牧这个小娃娃的口中吐出来,显得极为古怪。更为古怪的是,这个小娃娃竟然说自己打破了心中的神佛!Qin Muwas too young, is impossibleto touchthese words the true meaning, sinceis unable to touch the true meaning, thenpossiblyingodBuddha the heartbreaks?秦牧年纪太小了,根本不可能触摸到这句话的真谛,既然无法触摸到真谛,那么怎么可能将心中神佛打破?BreaksgodBuddha in heart, mustpass throughpainstaking cultivation, musthave the sudden enlightenment, otherwiseorBuddha in heart, demonordemon.
打破心中的神佛,是要经过苦修的,是要有顿悟的,否则心中的佛还是佛,魔还是魔。„No matter what, hehas not obtainedmyGreat Thunderclap Monasterytruesecret skill, even if the moodis high, will not be the Ming Xinmatch.”
“不管怎样,他没有得到我大雷音寺真正的绝学,就算心境再高,也不会是明心的对手。”Old Monkcasts down one's eyes, the noseviewheart, as ifsits in meditation, on the victory and defeattostagedoes not care.老和尚眼观鼻,鼻观心,似乎入定下来,对台上的胜负毫不放在心上。In the arena, the Ming Xinthin and tallbodyappearsfaintlygolden light, thisyoung monkgivespeopleunexpectedlyhimis a feeling of Buddha, sacred, dignified, general, takes topeople the mindoppressionbeyond comparison!
擂台上,明心高高瘦瘦的身体隐隐浮现出金光,这小和尚竟然给人一种他是一尊佛陀的感觉,神圣,庄严,广大,带给人无以伦比的心灵压迫!Under the arena, gathered all -ages in eachvillage, was attracted, a babel of voices, butthis momentMing Xinbody surfacesends outgolden light, immediatelymakesallsoundsimultaneouslyvanishsuddenly, complete silence.
擂台下,聚集了各个村子的男女老幼,都被吸引过来,原本人声鼎沸,而此刻明心体表散发金光,立刻让所有声音突然齐齐消失,鸦雀无声。Theyclose the mouthalmost at the same time, likeencounteringsevere warningis ordinary!
他们几乎在同一时间闭上嘴巴,有如遭到当头棒喝一般!This is the heartlaw of Buddhism, RulaiMahayana Sutra.
这便是佛门的心法,如来大乘经。Thisheartlaw the road of cultivationis different, the path that fromotherSectheartmethodstakesfrom outside to inside, the tableis the body surface, bodyRulai, is the heart, heartRulai. The Buddhismcalls the bodysuch as, heartsuch as.
这门心法的修行之路与其他门派的心法不同,走的路子由表及里,表是体表,体如来,里是心,心如来。佛门称之为体如,心如。Ming Xinfreelyonlypracticetobodysuch assurface layer, butBuddha, thencangivepeoplesevere warning!明心尽管只修炼到体如的表层,但是佛相一出,便可以给人当头棒喝!Grandma Siand the others are also tense, Ming Xinalsonottake action, butthisimposing mannerthencangiveQin Mudemonstration of authorityfirst, cancelshisfighting spirit.司婆婆等人不由又紧张起来,明心还未出手,但这种气势便可以先给秦牧一个下马威,打消他的斗志。Whodaresto approachBuddhatake action?
试问,谁敢向佛出手?ButQin Mudares!
The Qin Mubody and heartgather, heartwithagreeing in opinion, intent and fistgathers, the fist and air/Qigather, the air/Qi and bodygather, at the same time, hisSpirit Embryoactstogetherwithhisbody, the bodyandgathersspirit, displaysTempest Of The Nine Dragons!秦牧身与心合,心与意合,意与拳合,拳与气合,气与身合,与此同时,他的灵胎与他的身体一起动作起来,身与灵合,施展出九龙驭风雷!HisstepisCrippleHeavenly God Pilfering Leg, the speedis extremely quick, before Ming Xinhas not blinkedQin Muthenalreadyarrives athisbody, Ming Xinhas not lifted the hand, a Qin Muthisatmosphereboundlessfistthenshellsabovehischest.
他的步法是瘸子的偷天神腿,速度极快,明心还未眨眼秦牧便已经来到他的身前,明心还未抬手,秦牧这大气磅礴的一拳便轰击在他的胸口之上。Tempest Of The Nine Dragonsthismove, altogether hasnine layered strengthto concealin a fist, first layer strengthis similar to a fire dragonfrom the Qin Mufisteyeimpactin the Ming Xinchestplace, transmits a bang that works as.九龙驭风雷这一招,共有九重力量暗藏在一拳之中,第一重力量如同一条火龙从秦牧拳眼冲击在明心心口处,传来当的一声巨响。Ming Xinbody surfacegolden lightis suddenly bright, appearsindistinctly a goldenbell.明心体表金光突然明亮起来,隐约浮现出一口金色大钟。Qin Musecond layer strengthfollows on somebody's heels, second layer strengthisTwin Dragon Twist, twoDragon strengthpesterto drillmutuallyto the Ming Xinpit of the stomach!秦牧第二重力量接踵而至,第二重力量是双龙绞,两条龙劲相互纠缠向明心的心窝钻去!When
当Alsoisbell ring, twostrengthscomeis too quick, twobell ringsend outalmost at the same time, deafening!
又是一声钟响,两股力量来的太快,两声钟响几乎在同时发出,震耳欲聋!Then, is Tempest Of The Nine Dragonsthird layer strength, the Three Dragons Crushing the Stonevigor, then isfourth layer strengthFour Dragons Pounce, the fifth layer strengthFive Dragons Devil Purgevigor, the sixth layer strengthSix Dragons Reincarnationvigor, seventh layer strengthSeven Dragons Thrashing The Sea!
The sevenfoldstrengtheruptscontinuously, sevenbell ringlink up into a single stretch, the golden lightbell of Ming Xinbody surfaceis finally gloomy, makingthisthin and tallyoung monkwithdrawonestep.
The eighth layer strengthEight Divisions Heavenly Dragonsstrengtherupts, Ming Xinretrocedesonce more, the golden lightbell of body surfacerestores the brilliance, Qin Muninth layer strengthNine Dragons Tempesterupts, the golden lightbell of Ming Xinbody surfacecrash-bangshatter.第八重力量八部天龙力爆发,明心再次后退,体表的金光大钟又恢复光彩,秦牧第九重力量九龙风雷爆发,明心体表的金光大钟哗啦破碎。Qin Muis surprised, even if Devil Apecannot shoulderTempest Of The Nine Dragonscompletenine layered strength, when Qin Muwithitfights with sixsevenfoldstrengthsthenreceives the handeach time, so as to avoidkillsto injureDevil Ape, butthisMing Xindoes not hideunexpectedlydoes not evade, has blockedcompletenine layered strength!秦牧惊讶,即便是魔猿也扛不住九龙驭风雷的完整的九重力量,每次秦牧与它打架时都是用到六七重的力量便收手,免得将魔猿打死打伤,而这个明心竟然不躲不避,生生挡住了完整的九重力量!Hehears the Grandma Siwords, thistimeanyhas not kept the hand, has usedfully, evenmobilizes the Spirit Embryodivine treasurestrength, butcompelsto draw backseveralMing Xinmerely.
他听到司婆婆的话,这次没有任何留手,已经用上了全力,甚至调动灵胎神藏的力量,但仅仅是将明心逼退几步而已。„Youhave not obtained the Thunderclap Eight Strikestrue line.”
The Ming Xinfootstepsmove, fullbottomorigin qiblasts out, the speedis extremely fast, the palmlifts, thunder soundbursts out, a fistbangcomes, eruptsdragon roarunexpectedly.明心脚步移动,足底元气炸开,速度极快,手掌一抬,雷音迸发,一拳轰来,竟然爆发出龙吟。Bang
轰隆Thisfisthas not shelledonQin Mu, thenseeshisorigin qito change toAzure Dragon, althoughis very pale, butactuallyfiercerogue, overbearingincomparable!
这一拳还未轰击在秦牧身上,便见他的元气化作一条青龙,尽管很淡,但却狰狞凶恶,霸道无比!Tempest Of The Nine Dragonsfirst layer strength, byhisorigin qivisualization, obviouslywas melted unexpectedly, obviouslyhisorigin qiis also abundant, most critically, hehaswith the heartlaw of Thunderclap Eight Strikesperfectconjunction, butthisexactlyis the Qin Mudefectivepart!九龙驭风雷的第一重力量,竟然被他元气显形,显化出来,可见他的元气也非常雄厚,更为关键的是,他有与雷音八式完美契合的心法,而这恰恰是秦牧欠缺的部分!Qin Mumeetsthisto strikehardly, onlythinks this single layer the strengthunexpectedlyextraordinarygreat strength, howeverthisstrikeshad not receivedcompletely, Tempest Of The Nine Dragonssecond layer strengthTwin Dragon Twistthenfollows on somebody's heels, twodragon shapeorigin qimixmutually, turnscurvingly, thenthird layer strengthThree Dragons Crushing the Stone the Qin Muboth armsfirm and straightmeets the bombardmentabovehisboth arms!秦牧硬接这一击,只觉这第一重的力量竟然出奇的强大,然而这一击还未完全接下,九龙驭风雷的第二重力量双龙绞便接踵而至,两条龙形元气相互搅动,将秦牧双臂扭得弯曲,然后第三重力量三龙碎石劲直接轰击在他的双臂之上!
The Qin Muboth armssee the blood, footstepsmove out of place, retrocedesagain and again, the arenawas stepped onquarry stonecollapse and fly awaybyhimunexpectedly.秦牧双臂见血,脚步错动,连连后退,擂台竟被他踩得乱石崩飞。Butfourdragon qikilling, Qin Muare stuffy, origin qibreaks in the doublepupil, Heaven's Eyeopensimmediately, in the handorigin qichanges to a long spear/gun, holds the bayonet, comesfourdragons that to pass through, one that dingfromkillingpuncturesin the palm of Ming Xin, the Ming XinFive Dragons Devil Purgevigorhas not erupted, thenresulted inorigin qito be laxbythisbayonet.
四道龙气扑杀而至,秦牧闷哼,元气冲入双眸之中,神霄天眼立刻开启,手中元气化作一杆长枪,持枪刺去,从扑杀而来的四龙之间穿过,叮的一声刺在明心的掌心,明心的五龙炼魔劲还未爆发,便被这一枪刺得元气涣散。Twostrengthcollisions, inQin Muhandorigin qi the long spear/gunalsocollapsesto diverge.
The Qin Mueyebrowfirst choiceselecting, lookedto the palm of Ming Xin, therehad a drop of bloodto flow offfollowing the fingertip. Hispalmwas puncturedbythatspear/guna moment ago.秦牧眉头挑了挑,看向明心的手掌,那里有一滴血顺着指尖流下。他的掌心被刚才那一枪刺破了。Naturally, Qin Muboth armscovered with blood, the injuryis more serious than him.
The Qin Mulonginspiration, origin qisuddenlybecomesblazing, figuretrendMing Xinthrows.秦牧长长吸气,元气陡然变得炽烈,身形一动向明心扑去。Spring Thunder On The Lonely East Sea!只身东海挟春雷!Thistimeheusesis not the appearance of the water, butis the fire intensity, drops from the cloudslike a billowinghotriver, flows rapidlyentering the sea, mustbe ordinary the seaignition!
这次他用的不是水势,而是火势,有如一条滚滚火河从天而降,奔流入海,要将大海点燃一般!Ming Xinyoung monkremains unmoved, lifts the handto welcome, the eyeis very bright: „Does not have the heartlaw, isfabricated, has externals without substance.”明心小和尚不为所动,抬手迎上,眼睛无比明亮:“没有心法,都是虚妄,徒有其表。”Hedisplays is also Spring Thunder On The Lonely East Sea, the palmmoves, is Thunder Palmbursts out, a thunder, the repellingsoul, the thunderclapresounds, Qin Muthatfrigidsuch as the imposing manner of firedisintegratesdirectly!
他施展的也是只身东海挟春雷,掌一动,便是掌心雷迸发,一声雷,摧破魂,雷声响起,秦牧那惨烈如火的气势直接瓦解!Howeverinthis time, Qin Muboth handssuddenlyignites the flame, uses the handas the blade, is similar to the insanitystrikes offtoMing Xingenerally!
然而就在此时,秦牧双手陡然燃起火光,以手为刀,如同疯魔一般向明心砍去!Slaughtering Pig Blademethod, Sun On East Sea Thousand Layer Waves!杀猪刀法,日曜东海千叠浪!Thisisincomparablycrazyonemove, ButcherBlade Skill, the crazyis not hardto displayto the highmight, the potentialmusthave a Great Suninitial rise, the east seathousandwaveoverlay, cutsto breakalltendenciesby the bladepotential of Wu Shuang/Unparalleled, chopsalltendencies!
砍砍砍砍砍!Thousandwaveoverlay, thousandbladeoverlay, could not have hacked to death, has not choppedbroken!
The Ming Xincomplexionchanges, howeverQin Muactuallyfrowned, hesawmove that Ming Xinwill soon use, the Thunderclap Eight Strikeseighthtype, Thousand Hand Buddha!明心脸色微变,然而秦牧却皱了眉头,他看出明心即将施展出的招法,雷音八式的第八式,千手佛陀!Thisyoung monkwelcomedhispalmby the palm, likeThousand Hand Buddha, kept offhiscrazyblade!
这个小和尚以手掌迎上他的手掌,有如一尊千手佛陀,挡下他的狂刀!In the Qin Muheartsinks, hishandis not the genuineblade, butuses the handas the blade, the defense of Ming Xinis greatly strengthened, verydifficultto cut offhispalm.秦牧心中微沉,他的手并非是真正的刀,而是以手为刀,明心的防御极强,很难将其手掌斩断。„Thatis quick! Againquick, is quicker! Cannot catchmybladetoyouquickly! Midnight Battle Across Stormy Cities!”
The Qin Mupersonlike the insanity, cutscrazily, inhisheartonly then a thought that quick, quick, quick, the sharp knifecuts the Buddhahead!秦牧人如疯魔,疯狂斩下,他心中只有一个念头,快,快,快,快刀斩佛头!„Inthisworld, does not have the pig that the Slaughtering Pig Blademethodcannot hack to death!”Qin Muorigin qiis wild, wickedsay/way.
“这世界上,没有杀猪刀法砍不死的猪!”秦牧元气狂暴,恶狠狠道。dāng dāng dāngdāng dāng当当当当当Ming XinresistsbyThousand Hand Buddhacrazily, has not blockedto be cutby the Qin Mubladesuddenlyin the throat, the body surfacebelleruptsZhongMing. Then is the secondbladebreaks throughhisthousandarmBuddhato defend, similarlycutsinhisthroatplace, isZhongMing.明心以千手佛陀疯狂抵挡,突然间没有挡住被秦牧手刀斩在咽喉,体表大钟爆发出一声钟鸣。接着便是第二刀突破他的千臂佛陀防御,同样斩在他的咽喉处,又是一声钟鸣。
The thirdblade, the fourthblade, the fifthblade and sixthblade!
A Qin Mubladeis quicker than a blade, one after anothercutsin the Ming Xinsameposition, thatis the throatplace!秦牧一刀比一刀快,接二连三斩在明心同一个位置,那就是咽喉处!„Senior Brother, wesame sidescholarship, each other was very familiarin the past, yourThousand Hand Buddhahas a flaw.”
The Old Monkopposite, Grandfather Masaidlightly: „It seems likeyouhave also passed toyourapprenticethisflaw.”老和尚对面,马爷淡淡道:“看来你将这个破绽也传给了你的徒弟。”
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