„Mu'er, Temple Conference is actually the seeing the worldgoodplace.”
A walking stick that Grandfather Mawill completeplacesbefore the furniture, to the Qin Musinceresay/way: „InGreat Ruins the villageare many, there aremuchin the person of high skill who the outsidecannot mix, was compelled to enterGreat Ruins. Theysettle downhere, received the disciple, only hasTemple Conferencetimecangatherstheseperson and theirdisciples. Here, youalmostcanseecultivation technique and technique of industryworldschool!”马爷将做好的一副拐杖放在家具前头,向秦牧语重心长道:“大墟中村落很多,也有不少是在外界混不下去的高人,被逼得不得不进入大墟。他们在这里定居,也收了弟子,只有庙会的时候才可以将这些人和他们的弟子聚集起来。在这里,你几乎可以见到天下流派的功法和技业!”Qin Muappears to understand but not really understand, the thinkingsaid: „Ihave not passed through the actual combatto whet, cultivation baseis hardto change to the strength, thereforeGrandfather Mamakesmeseizethisopportunity, duringTemple Conference, Martial Practitionerconfrontationwitheachschool?”秦牧似懂非懂,思索道:“我没有经过实战磨砺,修为难以化作实力,所以马爷让我抓住这次机会,趁着庙会期间,与各个流派的武者交锋?”Grandfather Marevealsto hope the color/look: „Isthistruth.”马爷露出期许之色:“是这个道理。”„Sells the walking stickwhat's the matter?”
“可是卖拐杖是怎么回事?”Qin Musaidpuzzled: „Has Grandpa Blindalsosupposed why a gambling house? Moreovervariant beast that Grandpa Butchersellsobviouslyis not the flood dragon, whymustcallwhatoneselfsellsisflood dragonprecious blood? Why did Grandpa Apothecaryalreadypreparemedicine?”秦牧不解道:“为何瞎爷爷还设了个赌局?而且屠爷爷卖的异兽明明不是蛟龙,为何要吆喝自己出售的是蛟龙宝血?为什么药师爷爷早就准备好了伤药?”Grandfather Macoughstwo: „The deal of Sir, the childdo not ask,hasn't come up?”马爷干咳两声:“大人的勾当,小孩子不要多问,还不上去?”Qin Mumustbe on the arena, pastesthatcharacter that Deafwriteson the pillar of arena.秦牧只得登上擂台,将聋子写的那幅字贴在擂台的柱子上。After a while, under the arenagatheredvarious more and more villagevillagers, a babel of voices, Qin Mualsothought the character that Deafwritesis somewhat improper, buta whilefree timeattractsthese manypeople, blewhim.
过了不久,擂台下聚集了越来越多的各村村民,人声鼎沸,秦牧也觉得聋子写的字有些不妥,但是一会儿工夫就吸引来这么多人,还是将他镇住了。„FootkicksSurging Rivernot to have the rival, sweeps away the Great Ruins800villages! Bigtone! The youngster, look atyou11 or 12-year-oldage, even ifthenstartspracticefrom mother 's womb, cultivation baseis also merely mediocre!”
A soundhave a strong sense of righteousnesssaid: „Youare hanging a suchrampantcharacter, villagechallengetoourGreat Ruins? Whogivesyousuchbigcourage?”
一个声音大义凛然道:“你挂着这么嚣张的一幅字,是向我们大墟的村庄挑战吗?谁给你这么大的胆子?”Qin Mucomplexionslightly red, the innermost feelingsare ashamed, immediatelyrespondedglowerstoBlind, thissound is very familiar-sounding, notjuststems from the mouth of Blind?秦牧脸色微红,内心羞愧,随即反应过来向瞎子怒目而视,这个声音很是耳熟,可不正是出自瞎子之口?Blindeven morehas a strong sense of righteousness, the soundhasmisleadingvery much, said: „InmyGreat Ruinsthendid not have the realman, makingthisboy above rampant? A 11 or 12-year-oldkid, can yoube able to bear? The courage and uprightness of myGreat Ruinssonwhere?”瞎子愈发大义凛然,声音很有蛊惑性,道:“我大墟中难道便没有了真正的男人,让这小子在上面嚣张?一个十一二岁的小屁孩,你们能够忍得住?我大墟男儿的血性何在?”Such remarks, the no small matter, thenhasseveralyoung manjumping uparenasimmediately, the Qin Mufacewas blue.
此言一出,非同小可,顿时便有十几个年轻男子跳上擂台,秦牧脸都青了。„MyGreat Ruinsreal mancannothetake lightly.”
The Blindsonorous voice, shakes the peopleeardrumto buzz: „Others, sincearranges the arena, we must obey the custom, othersarechallenge, is notfights in groups, wealsowant. ThisyoungsterisSpirit Embryo Realmcultivation base, comes up the challenge, mustisSpirit Embryo Realm, cannotlose the face of respectivevillage.”瞎子声如洪钟,震得众人耳膜嗡嗡作响:“人家既然摆下擂台,咱们也得守规矩,人家是来挑战的,不是来打群架的,咱们也要一个一个来。这少年是灵胎境的修为,上去挑战的,也须得是灵胎境,不能丢了各自村庄的脸面。”Hisvoicejustfell, thatseveralyoung mangoes down the arenarespectively, only the remainingyoung peoplekeepabove.
他话音刚落,那十几个年轻男子各自走下擂台,只剩下一个年轻人留在上面。Qin Mubreathed a sigh of relief, said: „HowthisSenior Brothercalled......”秦牧舒了口气,道:“这位师兄如何称呼……”„Musthitthenhits! Whocottons uptoyou?”
“要打便打!谁跟你套近乎?”That year the lightmankissed the groundsuddenly, within the bodyorigin qiburst out, formedtigermarksin the body surfaceunexpectedly, was similar tovariegatedFierce Tiger!
那年轻男子突然伏地,体内元气迸发,竟然在体表形成一道道虎纹,如同一只斑斓猛虎!Hispalm and solehavesuch asorigin qi of bladeto change to the sharp clawssharply, leapssuddenly, speedquickcursory, throwstoQin Mu!
他的手掌和脚掌有犀利如刀的元气化作利爪,猛然一跃,速度之快浮光掠影,向秦牧扑去!As this throws, Qin Muactuallythoughtoneselfas ifstared by fierceincomparablyvariant beast, the evil customscome, as if the tiger's roarhump, thisimposing mannerishedoes not have, shouldbetrick that inLife and Deathto gain experienceperceives through meditation!
随着他这一扑,秦牧竟然觉得自己仿佛被一头无比凶猛的异兽盯上,恶风迎面而来,仿佛虎啸山岗,这种气势是他所不具备的,应该是生死历练中才参悟出的诀窍!„Martial Practitioner of othervillages, reallyhave the originality!”
“其他村的武者,果然都有着独到之处!”BehindQin Muappearsdragon mark, whole bodyhasdragon markto entangle the body, the footstepsmoves, is similar to the Yangtze Riverhangs upside down, flows rapidlyentering the sea, the roaringlike the thunder. Hestimulates to movementThunderclap Eight StrikesFirst StylebywaterattributeBlack Tortoiseorigin qi, althoughis unable to achieveThunder Palm, butactually the river waterfrom the mountainhangs upside downbutunderbreaks in the imposing mannercarefreedrippingdisplay in sea!秦牧背后浮现出龙纹,周身有龙纹缠体,脚步移动,如同长江倒挂,奔流入海,涛声如雷。他以水属性的玄武元气催动雷音八式的第一式,虽然无法做到掌心雷,但是却将江水从高山之上倒挂而下冲入大海中的气势畅快淋漓的发挥出来!Theyjustcollide, Qin Muthisfist to opposite party, the Black Tortoiseorigin qiwaterattributeprestigecanerupt, forms a dragon's headappearancearoundhisfistunexpectedly, harnesses the waterto gallop, to/clashesturbulently!
两人甫一碰撞,秦牧这一拳对上对方,玄武元气的水属性威能爆发,竟然在他的拳头周围形成一个龙首模样,驾水奔腾,汹涌冲来!Thatyoung manfeltimmediately the strength of opposite partyis very strong, easily accomplishedroutsownorigin qi, in the heartonestartled, was dividedto flybyQin Muthismove.
那个年轻男子顿时感觉到对方的力量无比强大,摧枯拉朽般击溃自己的元气,心中一惊,便被秦牧这一招劈飞。Was divided the flash of flyinginhim, thispersonboth feetlift-offtreadsunexpectedlyto the Qin Mu'schest, hissoleis similar to the tigerclaw, sharp, that scoffs attears to pieces the Qin Mu'sclothes, nearlyopens up the stomachhim!
就在他被劈飞的一刹那,此人竟然双足离地向秦牧的胸口蹬去,他的脚掌如同虎爪,锋利至极,嗤的一声撕破秦牧的衣裳,险些将他开膛破肚!Qin Muhurriedorderingfootvertical, face upthenbut actually, anotherleglike lightningkicks, kickscontinuallythatpersonturns the beltget lost/rolledin the midair, tumblesbeyond more than tenzhang (3.33 m), departs the arena.秦牧匆忙之下单足立地,仰面便倒,另一条腿闪电般踢出,将那人踢得在半空中连翻带滚,跌倒十多丈外,飞出擂台。Thatpersonturns over/stands upto jump, just about tocomes to a stop, suddenly the legsends out a kā chāresounding, is the leg boneis actually kickedbyQin Muthatfoot.
那人翻身跃起,刚要站稳,突然腿发出咔嚓一声脆响,却是腿骨被秦牧那一脚踢断。Soundlongtransmitting of Apothecary: „Goodmedicine, brokebonenext dayto convalesce, did not delaygoes hunting.”药师的声音悠长的传来:“上好的伤药,断骨隔天痊愈,不耽误打猎。”Grandfather Maloudly said: „A walking stickpair, Dragon Eye Woodbuilds, solidincomparable.”马爷高声道:“拐杖一对,龙眼木打造,结实无比。”Blindbrightsound said: „Fateis not good, cancomehere, givesyougo against the Heaven to change fate.”瞎子朗声道:“运道不好,可以来我这里,给你逆天改命。”„A luckycharacterpair, great fortuneis in front of the goal.”Deafloudsay/way.
“福字一对,洪福临门。”聋子大声道。Qin Mucomplexiononeblack, coming to a stopbody, situationdangerto the extreme, butApothecaryandGrandfather Mawere still caring whether theirgoodscan sell!秦牧脸色一黑,站稳身子,刚才的情况险到了极点,而药师和马爷还在关心他们的货能否卖出去!„Grandfather Matheysaidright, IlackLife and Deathto gain experience, thatperson of cultivation basewas not higha moment ago, lowersa lotcompared withme, was struckto flybymyonemove, can actually be struckflickersFierce Tiger that fliesto stretch the legs, nearlyopens up the stomachme, turns defeat into victory!”
“不过马爷他们说的没错,我缺乏生死历练,刚才那人修为并不高,比我低得多,被我一招击飞,却能在被击飞的一瞬猛虎蹬腿,险些将我开膛破肚,反败为胜!”Qin Mulonginspired, ineyerays of lighttwinkle: „Iwas too fewat the experience in thisaspect, Temple Conferenceis a rareopportunity, canin the Martial Practitionerconfrontationwithsurrounding area200milesvillage, learn fromtheirfightexperiences! Thisarena, Imustdefend, defendsfinally!”秦牧长长吸了口气,眼中光芒闪烁:“我在这方面的经验太少了,庙会是个难得的机会,可以与方圆200里的村庄中的武者交锋,汲取他们的战斗经验!这个擂台,我一定要守到底,守到最后!”Under the arena, the personare getting more and more, a babel of voices. Qin Muwiththatyoung peoplebattle, was watchedby the peoplea moment ago, immediatelyseesQin Mu'scultivation base is very deep, butwas inexperienced.
擂台下,人越来越多,人声鼎沸。刚才秦牧与那个年轻人争斗,被众人看在眼里,立刻看出秦牧的修为很是深厚,但是经验不足。CansurviveinGreat Ruins, eachvillagebasicallyhasMartial Practitioner, evensomevillages have Divine Ability Practitioner, because of the Great Ruinsdanger, the villagersesteemed martial arts, has been full of the wild nature, brave.
能够在大墟生存下来,每个村基本上都有武者,甚至有的村还有神通者,因为大墟危险,村民尚武,充满了野性,骁勇善战。Quick, somepeoplejumpto the arena, is a girl, origin qiisBlack Tortoiseorigin qiheterogeneous, buttake action is actually very ruthlessspicy, justmeetsorigin qiis similar tohuge snaketwines the Qin Mu'sboth legs, closelyrestrainshim.
After thisgirlties downhisboth legs, is similar to a womanpython, walks randomlyonhim, underpainkiller.
这个女孩缠住他双腿之后,如同一条女人蟒,在他身上游走,身前身后,痛下杀手。Herorigin qiis strange, changes to a huge snakewindingwhole body, thisorigin qiis differentfrompureBlack Tortoiseorigin qi, is onlypart in Black Tortoiseorigin qi.
The turtlesnakeisBlack Tortoise, herSpirit Embryoshouldbe the snake, does not have the turtle, belongs to the branch in Black Tortoise Spirit Bodythiscategory, thereforemovement techniquealsostrangelynotmeasured.
龟蛇为玄武,她的灵胎应该是蛇,没有龟,属于玄武灵体这一大类中的分支,因此身法也诡异莫测。Qin MublocksherstrangeoffensivebythousandarmBuddha, thisgirlmovement techniqueis freely strange, butQin Muwas similar toa lot ofarmswas steadily ordinary, everywherewas the hands, the shortmomentsheseveral hundredfists, had then been hit the stupor.秦牧以千臂佛陀挡住她的诡异攻势,这女孩尽管身法诡异,但秦牧如同长了千百条手臂一般,身前身后到处都是手,短短片刻她便中了数百拳,被打得昏迷过去。ButGrandfather Maalsosmoothsells out a stretcher.
而马爷也顺利的卖掉一副担架。Qin Mufirst timemeetssostrangemovement technique, was injured, is good because of being not heavy.秦牧头一次遇到如此诡异的身法,也受了点伤,好在不重。In the arena, the fightis still continuing, butwhomin the Blindtelling fortunesstallalso many peoplecometo betto winwholoses. InGreat Ruinsdoes not have the unifiedcurrency, the transactionbythingchanged/easything, thought that the valuealmostthentrades, bets is also so, anyjadeorejewelrycattle, detaindirectly.
The Blindbackhas piled uponepile of cargos, varioustypes of thingshave, an old mother hen, all colorsfeather, a personhigh, the chickenmouthhas been covered with the sharpcanine, looks likeveryominous, the racketflaps the wings, under the wing the mist and dustrises from all directions, the sandis similar to the arrowrainduo duofourshoots!瞎子的背后已经堆积了一堆货物,各种东西都有,还有一只老母鸡,五彩羽毛,一人多高,鸡嘴里长满了锋利的尖牙,看起来很凶,拍拍翅膀,翅膀下烟尘四起,沙子如同箭雨咄咄四射!Thisis a hendragon, is not the ordinaryold mother hen, butis the descendant of dragonandchicken, althoughwithin the bodydragonbloodare not many, the egg that howevergives birth to is actually a treasure.
这是一头鸡婆龙,不是普通的老母鸡,而是龙与鸡的后代,虽然体内龙血不多,但是生出的鸡蛋却是一宝。„Next, this poor monkbetsmydiscipleto win.”
“下一场,贫僧赌我的弟子赢。”SuddenBuddhatransmits, Old Monkpushesto the fortune-telling stand, crash-bangplacesonmonk staff the table, presses the tablelegto sink to the bottom. Old Monksitsin the Blindopposite, aboutten: „Thisis the gambling stake! Whocomesandthis poor monkto the gambling?”
突然一声佛号传来,一个老和尚挤到算命摊跟前,哗啦一声将禅杖放在桌子上,压得桌腿沉入地底。老和尚坐在瞎子对面,合十道:“这是赌注!谁来与贫僧对赌?”InBlindheartimposing, opens the mouth saying: „Great Thunderclap Monastery?”瞎子心中凛然,开口道:“大雷音寺?”ThatOld Monksaid: „Great Thunderclap Monastery.”
那老和尚道:“大雷音寺。”Blindturns head, lookstoGrandfather Ma, said: „Old Ma, youcome.”瞎子回头,看向马爷,道:“老马,你来。”Grandfather Malays down the walking stick in hand, sitsinthatOld Monkopposite. ThatOld Monklooks uptoGrandfather Ma, unemotionally saying: „Junior Brother.”马爷放下手中的拐杖,坐在那老和尚对面。那老和尚抬头看向马爷,面无表情道:“师弟。”Grandfather Maunemotionally saying: „Senior Brother.”马爷面无表情道:“师兄。”„YoumyGreat Thunderclap Monasterydivine abilityto divulge to an outsider, brokemyGreat Thunderclap Monasterycustom.”
“你将我大雷音寺的神通外传了,破了我大雷音寺的规矩。”ThatOld Monkwhite eyebrowslonghangs, saidin a low voice: „In the pastyoufrombreaking an arm, delivered to the temple, said that gave back toGreat Thunderclap MonasteryGreat Thunderclap Monasterydivine ability, yourarmstillhasinThousand Buddhas Pagodanow. At the present, youmyGreat Thunderclap Monasterydivine abilityto divulge to an outsider, have actually passed tothatyoungster on arena, contradictory.”
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